We're Dating And You Charged Me?! + Way Up With Tika Sumpter

Published Dec 3, 2024, 8:26 PM

A man charged a woman he wanted to date $150 to do a job for her. She cut him off. What would you do? Tika Sumpter stops by to talk about Sonic 3. 

You are now Angela what I call her yee wow.

It is a Tuesday GUIDs. It's the way YA put the Angela yee we are here and big news today. This was just announced. Let me turn off my ringer because it's going off a few minutes ago Kenjack, Lamar and Siza the Grand National Tour. It's going down. This kicks off April nineteenth in Minneapolis. So they have all of the dates listed. It starts April nineteenth and right now ends June eighteenth, but I feel like they'll be adding on some dates. If you know how it is you started off, I'm trying to see which ones I'm gonna go to because you know that is a tour you got to hit up. But anyway, so make sure y'all get your tickets. That's a Live Nation Pglane TD cash app thing that's happening. Maybe we'll be able to help you. Who knows. Who knows. I'm just saying, uh. But today Tika Sumter is going to be joining us. She is in the Sonic the Hedgehog Part three, so they reprised her role Maddie in that movie and that's going to be coming out on the sixth but let's start the show off with some love. Oh the twentieth, Sorry on the twentieth, December twentieth, Sonic the Hedgehog three something. Oh Yandy's movie comes out on the sixth. All right, a lot of movies. It's holiday season. But let's start the show off with some love and with some positivity. I feel like that was good news already this morning. Grand National Tour says and Kendrick. But let's shine a light eight hundred and two nine two fifty fifty. Call us up. Let us know who you want to spread some love to? Who do you want to shine a light on? His way up?


Turn your lights on, y'all lights spreading love to those who are doing greatness.

Sin light on, shine a light on.

It's time to shine a light on.

All right, it's way up with Angela. Ye, I'm here, and look at who's in the building.

Hey, the holiday my.

Best I prefer MANO. Okay, Well, let's shine a light today on halle Berry. Now, I know you've seen this online, but she has developed her own line of intimacy gel and that is Yeah, it's loubal And. She's been talking a lot about finding out that she was going through perimenopause, how it's changed her body. Yes, that is one of the things that that can happen. So this intimacy jail is going to help women who are phasing into menopause. And she said, if you're a woman of midlife and you're going through perimenopause or menopause, and you feel like you have razor blades in your vagina, here is something that will help you out tremendously. Is called let's spin. It's an intimacy gel.

You get that water flowing.

So I want to thank her, Okay, I want to thank her for shining a light on talking about that. All right, mano, this is the wrong show you're thinking about right here. But anyway, she definitely has been very vocal about this. A lot of women have been having these conversations, and they're important. One what age is that it's different for everybody, and some people have terrible symptoms, some people don't, So it just really depends. But I was out with a woman and we were we were having a meeting, and she had a really bad She went to the bathroom and she was dripping sweat. She texted me like, can you bring me some ice? She was going through perimenopause and she like just starts sweating and it was bad, and it took her like it was like twenty minutes of that. So it's something that people need to learn how to deal with and be aware of because sometimes it happens you have no idea what's going on. So shout out to halle Berry. Now, who do you guys want to shine a light on? Eight hundred and two nine fifty one fifty Donavan, who you want to shine a light on?

You want?

Like yesterday that was her birthday?

You know?

Oh say your co worker's birthday was yesterday.

Yeah, you know.

I like that because sometimes people cannot stand there co workers and it makes it so hard to go to work. But when you have somebody at work that has your back, that's pleasant. It can really help uplift your whole day.

Man, she has my back, wife, my girl.


I'm telling you, man, if I need anything shouted but dear for me.


All right, Well, shout out to Elaine. We shine a light on you. Thank you, Donovan.

Yeah, I don't want to shine a light to my steps. Come my birthday coming.

Up on the court.

Happy early birthday, Donovan, this in a couple of days.

All right, big up your steps, I big up your guys, big up your buy.

All right, thank you. That was shining light eight hundred and two, nine fifty fifty. If you couldn't get through, you could still leave a message and shine a light that way. And when we come back, we have your ye t and Roddy rich Man he was getting extorted. There was a lot of things going on. There was a Grammy award that was floating around online. We'll tell you how this all ended. It's way up.

Bout blow the lead ab off this, but let's get it, oh angelus feeling that.

Yeeze, Come and get to see. It's way up with angela yea come here maynos here, no mana up. We got some breaking news, all right. So in Touch got some court documents and it says that Ditty's youngest son, Christian Colmbs, was served with legal paperwork by his assault accuser. This is all at Ditty's Miami mansion. They said that paper was delivered on the water. And in this lawsuit, Grace is saying that she worked as a stewardess in the yachting industry since twenty eighteen. She said she planned to work in the industry for the rest of her life, but the alleged incident where Christian has derailed those plans. She was working on a yacht named Victorious in July of twenty twenty two, and Diddy charted this yacht for himself and his son came along, and she said what she thought was wholesome turned into a hedonistic environment, and she said it was filled with guests who she believed were sex workers. During one shift, she claims that Christian was around and took an immediate interest in her. She thought it was inappropriate, and he pressured her to drink with him, and then she alleges that he violently grabbed an arm and began hurting her, pulled it to the seat beside him, prevented her from getting up, and she realized she was in a dangerous situation and she felt like the tequila shot that she had was spiked, and that she then was cornered in a room and he became physical and extremely aggressive and groped her as she pushed back at him constantly, and it goes on from there. She said she did fight him, but he stopped when another employee walked into the room and so these are the allegations he was officially served with those papers. That's a lot, yes, so we'll see how that plays out now. Roddy Rich, he has accused this YouTuber of trying to extort him for fifty thousand dollars. If you recall, you saw his Grammy award was inside of age a storage unit and according to this YouTuber, he said he found this grammy award, and roddy Rich is saying that he tried to extort him for fifty thousand dollars in exchange for his return. So here is what he had to say about finding this grammy.

Yes, guys, it's real.

I did find roddy Rich's grammy in a storage unit that I paid two hundred.

And eighty dollars for. Roddy Rich, if you want your grammy back, let me know.

Let's work something out now.

According to Roddy Rich, he said that the reason why his items were in the storage unit and it wasn't paid for it, because that's what happens, right when you don't pay for your storage unit, it's abandoned and they just auction off everything inside of the unit. He said that he had somebody who was working for him, who was in a really bad car accident and then wasn't working. So some things.

Why was the grammy in the storage unit and not in the house, Well, it wasn't.

The only thing in there. It was full of clothes and things like that.

Nothing. Yes, grammy should have been somewhere in the crib.

Well. According to this YouTuber, he says he then ended up getting threats over this grammy. Here's what he said.

Yes, I got in contact with Roddy Rich and his assistant, and no, I'm not asking for a million dollars for this, none of that. All I wanted was a video of me giving it back to him, or at least a video of him telling me thank you.

That's all I want.

Clearly that wasn't possible. This has turned into a nightmare for me having this thing threats to me and my.

Family all right now. Roddy Rich in the meantime, said that this guy tried to extort him, and he said he offered him ten thousand dollars, but then he tried to I guess barter and get more. Here's what he said.

Once we received the news that the kid had the grammy and everything, called him immediately, you know what I mean, And like, bro, I got like ten bands for you or whatever. He like, Man, I ain't won fifty thousand. First he asking for a ap. So it never was about we're gonna do it on just the strength of trying to get it back to you and all that type of It was more so about trying to get Cloud off of it or trying to basically restort me for fifty thousand dollars.

All right, So definitely blue, completely different size to this story. But Roddy did say that the grammy does mean a lot to him and that he regrets not securing it properly. So he said he didn't make any threats. All right, Well that is your Yet when we come back, we have about last night.


No, I know you were outside every day, every day, every day, not different out there every day. You asked you got a supreme cote on today, out of control. All right, Well, let's get into it about last night. It's next this way up.

So about last night.

I went down.

It's way up. I'm here, Mano's here, yes, Man, where you be?

I've been around holidays outside inside, I was with family, I was with friends.

Had a lot of food for the holidays.

Yeah, shout out to the pearls Monroe. You tasted up cooking before when I came into the talk, absolutely and.

DJ will cater Mine and Evelyn's kitchen Thanksgiving, so we had good food. I think now, if you still have food at home, it's over.

Listen, I got cleaned out. You se you were taking two and three bolls.

Now I tell people, please takes. I had so much fun play with it though. Now what about yesterday?

Yesterday I was moving around. I had to do some uh do some things. But you know what I was doing. I was I was doing some uh dub plates. Oh really yeah, like real big dog old I hated. Yeah, I was doing give us an example. So you know, you take the song and you kind of like do it over you. You kind of tell and make it for whatever DJ you're doing.

And anybody on there, no, not at all.

You're this waking is coming soon. It's gonna come in June.

You don't want to hear mine. You don't want to hear mine, all right, because I already got.

You got some bos and you already you know I do.

It's over for you?

You like that.

I put that lawsuit. Everybody else is doing.

You assume me for sure?

Yeah, you Spotify audio I could pull up.

Is that what you want?

I don't think I want that.

Yeah, I'm about gracefully, you're not gonna drake me.

But anyway, yesterday I went out to eat at Omar's Kitchen. I went there and they were like, do Mayo send you? They said, he comes here all the time. They said, you have the curry salmon.

Wow, you want to do a dis track.


I knew, Wow, this is crazy. Shout out the Omar's Kitchen. Those my guy.

And they opened a new restaurant. Yeah, Shaye. Omar's on the West Side. So you know, I love going to these businesses. But I saw a mad lion and there Emila J. So, I guess he's been like doing some road management for Jenaeko. And you know Mila Jay's her sister. People thought she was pregnant. She's not because I guess she posted her food baby I thought, so I was no, no, no, he's working. So they're on tour Keana to day Jenneiko Mila j sounds like an amazing tour. Oh, Jesse reyes like all artist that I love so I would definitely be up in there so shout out to them. But when we come back, I want to talk about something, all right. So I saw on social media there was this post this young lady did. Her name is Rosie red five. She said, I cut this guy off because he wanted to date me and get to know me. So I asked him how much he would charge me to put my cameras up and change my shower head out. He said one point fifty. I never had a guy who likes me charge me, and I was generous to give a tip. That way, he would have seen what type of woman I am, So that was an interesting thing to me. She cut him off right because you know, he wanted to take her out. But I guess he was able to do some handy things like put in the shower head, put these cameras up, but he charged her. Should he have charged her if he was trying to date her?

She asked, how much would you charge?

She did not say how much? He oh, well, yeah, right, She did ask how much, But he should have been like, I got you if I'm trying to date you, because that's also not nothing extensive. But we're going to talk about it more like if you were a massage therapist.

Right I am.

And a girl was like, I'm doing it for free. I got it.

I need to get a massage made. You would charge her? No, that's what I'm saying. I thought that was crazy. I want to see what you guys think. They'll pick aside. So some people feel like, well, if that's what he does for a living, she should still pay him.

But some people are like, no, if I'm gonna tell you want a date a.

Woman times when we come back eight hundred two nine two fifty one fifty, pick aside? Should he have charged her? Or should he have done this service for free? Pick aside? He wanted to date her and she made him, and he made her pay eight hundred two nine two fifty one fifty. What would you do? What is the right thing to do? Here is way up?

Angela Ye, it's not just right or wrong. It's about what you believe. It's time to pick aside.

And stay there all right, It's time to pick aside. It's way up. I'm here, mano's here, no man now. This comes off of X Rosie Red five said I cut this guy off because he wanted to date me. And get to know me. So I asked him how much he would charge me to put my cameras up and change my shower head out. He said one hundred and fifty. I never had a guy who likes me charged me, and I was generous to give a tip. That way, he would have seen what type of woman I am. What do you think about that? If you like someone you want to date them, what did you charge them for a service?

No, I would have put that shower head up because I'm trying to get to my goal. But you got to understand, like ladies, some of these dudes is not designed like that. So if you ask them, listen, you're gonna charge me, they gonna say yes. If you ask them you're gonna split this bill with me, they're gonna say yes. Some of these dudes, Nah, you should have said can you can you do this for me?

You understand?

And you know he should have just did it on the strength. But I understand some of these guys's lanes.

Now, I think that if you're trying to make a good impression on a woman, you should not charge her for something like that. Now, it's a different thing if it's like a full on I need to get a team in here. That's something totally different, renovation. That's different, but it's right. If it's just let me change the shower head, let me hang up these cameras, get a drill, change them. She's okay, I want to see what you guys. Then, Kimberly, would you cut a guy off if he charged you for a service?


I would cut him off because I feel like if a guy is interested in you and walk to day you, he has to have that first impression, and that first impression is to impress the girl and to prove to her you're that man.


Charging her is not something that you should do. That's like a not bound right.

I also think it depends on what it is. Like one hundred and fifty dollars that ain't enough to jeopardize, you know, not leaving a good impression. Now, if it was a bigger job, like if she needed to get an addition on her house or something, yes, you charge for that because you need other workers, you need you know, you need to get equipment, you need to get things. I felt like this wasn't something that was a big deal.

It wasn't.

And also a shower head come on.

Yeah, you can look.

At YouTube videos and do it yourself.

All right, thank you for calling.

You're welcome.

Hey mam, what's up?

What's up?

What's up? So I'm here Romano. We want to know what do you think if you want a data woman you like her, would you charge her to do something like put up a shower head and some cameras?

Yes, I'm charging if that's my business. It depends on how far are we get into this. It's like if I gotta get paid, I want to take you out of stuff. We gotta set the standard we got.

What's the standards?


You already took her on a day you like her, you feeling them, she took her out, she feeling you like her.

And then she says, she says, Babe, you know I got this shower head that you know. I know you do some work. You think you can put this up for me? You're gonna turn around and give her a bill.

I'm gonna keep it talking with you. I'm gonna get the money and I'm gonna give it back to her. Then I gotta keep with you.

Yet I got yes.

This is why, this is why your situation ain't working the way you wanted to work right now, but she.

Said, I don't have no situation.

It depends on what she wants me to do.

He's right, it does depend though, Like what though, Well, give me an idea of something that she asked you to do.

That you'll turn around and give her an invoice for.

Change some cabinet, do some flooring work.

Okay, work, Okay, I can see that flooring work is a lot I pay for that stuff.

So you gotta be more specifical what she wants because I'm a teacher how to do most of that stuff, and she gonna know how to do it herself, Like I mean.

I want to learn how to y'all be doing cabinets together and doing floors together.

Right, Well, thank you for calling, I might say, I might say, if you buy the cabinets and I'll put them up.


Right, not right, realizing that because you like this girl, this is this is the girl that you're trying to do this.

You know what, It's cute. What if you were like, Okay, I'll do it for you, but I need you to make dinner.

That's a that's right there, that's the move, right, And you're trying to get in her bed a lot of food.

And you're gonna turn around and hit her with an invoice.

Okay, pick up the cabinets, baby, I got you all right, listen, I hope you learned something today. No, I'm kidding, I did.

I did.

Thank you?

How ain't doing being a?

How are you? It's me and Maya. We want to know what do you think about charging somebody you're trying to date for services?

Now I'm trying to date you.

I ain't trying to like lose, no brag.

You gotta pay because at the end of the day, you know, as black female.

We gotta talk to pot and I brothers and say thanks to us. But can be we gotta stop chase the neovative.

All right, well, listen, it feels like in general people may not have charge for something like that. In general, some people are all about their money.


I think that sets up a relationship to be transactional, like in case things do work out.

Oh, sets up for there be no relationship right that too.

But when we come back, we have your e t And speaking of relationships, it looks like Keisha Colin Hunshaw are back on again after it felt like she was going through some heartbreaks. She posted that she was single as f Well maybe not. We'll tell you about it. It's way up, it says proof in.

The rooms from industry shade to all of gossip out sending angelus s feeling that eet all.

Right, it's the way you put into the years. Ye team time with my guy Maino Man and we do have some breaking news. Our condolences go out to Eminem's family. His mother, Debbie Nelson, has died following a battle with advanced lung cancer. They had revealed that she had cancer back in September, and they said at the time that she did not have long to live. Well, she did die last night in Saint Joseph, Missouri. And we all know the two of them had a very rollercoaster of a relationship. Clean it out. There were times that they did reconcile. They've made attempts to do that. He had a song called Headlights that was a turning point for them where he expressed regret over the words that he made. He apologized for their strained relationships. She wrote a book as well, called My Son Marshall My Son Eminem that came out in two thousand and seven. She also congratulated him when he got into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame a couple of years ago. She was only sixty nine years old when she passed. I'm sure that he is relieved that he did make some amends. Yeah, because that's tough because then after someone passes, there's no yes, no more, no more. So our condolences all right now. Speedy Mormon is happy that he managed to change The Rock's life. He posted on his social media finally happy for you, bro, stay awhile when The Rock posted, you were the one who motivated me to do this, brother, Now what was that motivation? Well, when The Rock did an interview with Speedy Mormon, he was asked if he ever does anything for fun?

Here it is you don't seem like you have a lot of fun.

Do you have fun?

Do you enjoy this like enjoying the Yeah, that's the thing.

I got to think about that.

All right, Well here is now. Speedy Mormon says that The Rock did send him a voice message. He didn't share the actual voice message, but fortunately The Rock said that this question about fun is what kind of changed things for him.

It was one of my favorite interviews ever. For example, when he was like, you do this, you do that, you do this? Do you have fun?

Oh my god, which made me.

I went home and I was talking to my family about that. I was like, yeah, ask me if I had fun.

It made me think you should have more fun.

And then after it, yeah, you should have more fun.

It's very true. Sometimes I'd be like, do I want to enjoy? We're so busy working, trying to make money, trying to do the thing now. We also posted a picture of himself outside just some bathing, having a good time, doing something right.

Now that I have not done in easily over a year. It's putting my feet up, relaxing. You know, we all work hard and we should enjoy and put our feet up. And I know a lot of you guys do that.


I need to do a better job of it, all.

Right, Well, good and do and that's something that we all have to think.

Balance it out with a little bit of fun.

I gotta do that too, all right. The weekends Rose Bowl concert sold out in under an hour. It's his one night only live stadium show at Pasadena's Rose Bowl Stadium. It's going to be January twenty fifth. Over three hundred thousand people were in the ticket Q to get these tickets, and so it's going to be an immersive in the round stage setup that will transform the entire stadium floor. He's also Spotify's most stream maail artists of the year with over twelve billion streams, and he has twenty three songs with over one billion streams each.

So there you have it.

Our friend Dan in here is a huge fan of the weekend.

Are you going?

Did you get in? Did you try to get tickets?

No, that's out in California.

Okay, Oh you want to fly you're not getting fluid out? Okay? Kendrick though, okay, well you don't have to fly for that. Would you fly out for that?

Probably not?

He's not a two. But for Travis Scott, would you fly out?

Probably not?

For nobody. I'll come to New York all right?

Well anyway, that is your yeet. And when we come back. Under the radar, these are the stories that are not necessarily in the headlines. They're flying under the radar, but definitely things you need to know about. It's way up pick the news.


This in the news that relates to you. These stories are flying under the radar.

It's way you put Angela, yee, I'm here, Mano's here.

You are right, yeah, I'm good.

All right. Well let's get into some of these under the radar stories. Now, this was all over the headlines, that banana artwork. It was a viral artwork of a banana duct tape to a wall that sold for six point two million dollars at auction, and the person who purchased it, a crypto billionaire, actually ate the banana. Thirty four year old Justin's son was the winning bidder of this piece of artwork, Mauricio Catalan's comedian and made headlines in twenty nineteen for its concept. There were different iterations of that piece, and he bought it and ate it for six point two million dollars. You know, I saw this whole story about the fruit vendor also that sold that banana. He sold that banana for thirty five cents, and he's upset that the banana later sold for six point two million dollars at auction. Shah Alam, he's seventy four years old, and he said, I got thirty five cents. The other guy got six million dollars. It is beyond my imagination. He said. He was devastated to find out that the banana sold for millions at auction and he makes twelve dollars an hour. He said, I've never had that kind of money. I've never seen this kind of money. They did, however, offer the person who purchased it to buy one hundred thousand bananas from him in a post that on X on Thursday. Do you think that this guy deserves some money? He the person that sold the banana. Yeah, I don't know about that, because he's purchased a banana. The banana didn't become anything until he made it into this artwork. And how do we know it was that specific banana, Like, I don't even know how you know. But anyway, that's the whole thing. And they did agree to do that by one hundred thousand bananas all right.


In Japan, a showerhead firm called Science Oh has invented an AI powered washing machine of the future. It's to give you a bath, all right. They said they're about seventy percent there, and it's a cutting edge shower capsule that's completely enclosed like a chamber, and it takes just fifteen minutes to wash and dry you. So after you get into this washer in the center seat. There's a cockpit like a contraption that fills part way with water, and then you get in the seat and it measures your pulse and other biological metrics to make sure that the bath is at the ideal temperature for you. And then there's all these high speed water touch it's kind of like a car wash for you inside of a washing machine. And then there's like a powerful pressure wave that gets the grime off your skin. It's the same process they use to clean electrical components that can't be washed with chemicals, so it's called the ultrasonic bath. I don't know if I want to do that. I enjoy just taking a shower. And can you shower with someone still in this? All right? Well, that is your under the radar now you know. We have the way it mixed at the top of the hour plus t because Sumter is going to be joining us. She is reprising her role in Sonic the Hedgehog Part three that's coming out on December twentieth in theaters. We'll be talking to her today. It's way up. Yeah, what's hey?

You want to know my name?

Way up with Angela Ye, turn.

Me on huh, what's up? Its Way Up with Angela y. Now we told you that Bill Bellamy is on the way. But before that, I have something for you. It's holiday season's time and you know having to buy things for family members, for friends, for loved ones. It's expensive and you can enter for a chance to win a twenty five hundred dollars holiday shopping spree at Coals when the holidays get real start at coalsancoals dot com. That's where families come first and you can enter and get the rules at Way upwith Ye dot com, sponsored by Coals. So hurry up and shop Amazing Dales to find your top favorites for less, because we know a little savings goes a long way. That's twenty five hundred dollars that you save and you still get to get those great gifts. So don't wait, Harry to Coolesarcoals dot com. Time where families come first, and speaking about having some fun. Right now, Bill Bellamy is on the line. Why welcome back to New York.

Come on, man, this got realize.

I'm like, how am I not?

But listen, I know you're gonna be a SASA confuego tonight and tomorrow night, So just give us a rundown on what's going on, because it's always legendary when Bill Bellamy's in the building.

Well, what I wanted to do is just do something that's fun right before the holidays, to get the energy.

Right for everybody to have a good time. And I'm like on my East Coast swing. I'm going from here from New York City to Atlanta. So I'm like, Sasa confuego. It's a beautiful vimeo, great food, it's super dope, and I'm bringing some special comedians. So we just gonna make it a night a laughter.

Well, listen, we appreciate you. I also saw how upset you were about Mike Tyson.

Oh my god, I feel like Mike O me one hundred and fifty push us for that. Like for I was watching that and I'm like, Mike, just hit him in the leg, like just do stuthing.

He was just right there. Hit him in the leg.

You killed.

But you know, even ahead of time, of course, we all wanted to see Mike Tyson win. But you know, I mean certain things.

Like was it the bag, as would be honest, was it just the bag?

Definitely was the bag? And I think Mike would probably even admit that, like leg I got amazing check for that, I would probably step in the ring with Mike Tyson and get knocked out real fast for that.


Right after the fight, I called Mike Rocketer and Mike what happened? He was like, my leg was hurting.

It was my knee, but I didn't want to complain about it.

And then I was ungry.

I was just.


I didn't know about this oral fixation too. He said he has like this biting thing because he kept when he was biting his gloves.


Mike looked like he liked to fight too. Did you know you rather him bite the glove than your ears?


Definitely. Well, Bill, listen, how can people find out where to get tickets and everything if they're listening right now? Because you're not just going to be in New York tonight and tomorrow, but you're also, like you said, headed to Atlanta.

Oh yeah, I'm going to Atlanta on Friday, but tonight you can check me out at Sanso consuego dot com.

Definitely hit up for the tickets. It's right there in the front Angela. If you pull up, I got you table all drink on me. Oh, you can't make it. I got love for you and Mary Christmas boob.

All right, Happy holidays, Bill. I think I'm gonna try to pull up. Let's see what we could do.

All right, Ben, let me know?

All right?

Thank you? All right? Well, you guys make sure you follow Bill Bellamy if you have a chance to go and see him in person doing his stand up. I say you better run and take that opportunity. And when we come back, we have asked yee eight hundred two ninety two fifty one fifty. It's me and the award winning advice giving Mano is in the building eight hundred two nine two fifty one fifty. Ask ye is next?

Well, it's relationship for career advice. Angela's dropping facts, so you should you should know.

This is asking what's up with Angela?


I'm here with the award winning Yeah all right, And we have Emmanuel on the line for asking you what's up? Emmanuel?


How you doing?

I'm good?

How are you going great today?

What's your question? For asking you?

Is your dating some one? And it comes down to open did they get you robbed? Not once but twice? Are you supposed to go back to them.

Yoh boy, you're so slow, so slow.

She got you robbed?

Why is you a victim? Easy?

How do you know? Tell us what happened?

You sounds crazy calling up here asking that dumb ass question.

What happened. Let's keep it real, Emmanuel, what happened.

I'm just trying to date and fall in love and be with a black queen.

That's it, exactly what happened.

Though. People were telling me things, but I never listened to them or nothing, you know what I'm saying. Until one day I came home and there was nothing in the house. Oh man, So you don't question it and all that, but I'm stuck with it.

Stuck with it, star, one second before you move on. So you know that she got the house robbed.

You came out on the open and came out and open, and you forgave her. Yeah, I forgave her.

That was your first mistake to her, because I had left her.

I left her, I left her, you.

Know what, And then she got your house robbed.

Came back.


It was the worst with sugar turn you.

Know well, they tied you up this time.

Yeah, yeah, the cigaret Turner took it all. Man, I mean had like a bear of boxers and guns, nor money or nothing.

What makes you want to consider even going back to her?

I was just trying to be like black love.

You know, so crazy.

The fact that you actually calling up you gotta be lying calling up here with this nonsense talking about you got robbed.

No, bro, I can tell you. I can tell you better stories.

Than that, really about you, A lot better stories than that, Broo.

They won't lame about me.

People don't explain it. I just came to call so people could see that this type of stuff is happening out here. You see, you meet these people and you just want to get to know them, and you're hanging out and then next thing you know, you're falling in love with him.

The motive, the difference, all that could happen.

But the difference is the difference is you know what happened not only once, but twice, and you considering going back?

So what that make you?

Damn man? Enough with the tough love, I know you haven't a rough dat. You don't got to take it out on a Manuel.

Manuel's out of pocket, and Manuel, and you know what you just did?

You just send him right back to her that's what you just did. You send him right back to her, Emanuel, leave her alone. Okay, the girl robbed you twice? I think, no, stay with him. Rob me one? Shame on you, rob me twice, shame on me. All right, Well that is your ask ye eight hundred and two ninety two fifty one fifty. You can call us up with any questions. I would say that no question is a bad one. But Mayo made that.


No, he feels good getting robbed twice? How that make him feel?

And then you did that? Then you piled on to that. Okay, he wanted to He might have wanted to take this woman back.

Ye should know he should.

Guys, if anybody robs you even once, I think that's not the person for you. All right, When we come back, Tika Sumter is joining us. Sign at the Hedgehog three is in third December twentieth, but we have her up here now. She's got a lot going on too, because she's written movie. She has one that's being directed by Tyler Perry that's coming out next year. That's a big deal. We'll talk about it all. She's got her own podcast, and she's very open about her life. So we'll discuss it's way up one of.

Lemos, the famous women in radiodio. We're talking about Angela.


You're way up with angela ye.

Please believe that.

What's it's way up with angela Ye? I feel like this is my friend, Tika. Sometimes I won it.

Can I be your friend?


We already are. We just found out that your parents grew up in best Die, Yes, and I lived there. And I'm from Queens and you're from Queens, which we already love. But you're also like the icon from before I even started in this business.

What that?

Come on, Tica, Sumter, let me tell you something. It was like everybody's dream person.

What is where are the people?


You know this?

I don't act like you don't know this, Angela.

You're making me feel very good right now. Thank you, Thank you to all the people you're talking.

About, because first of all, you still look exactly the same, thank you as from when you were younger. Even like getting better with age, I would saying that too.

Like fine wine right, Like as we yes, honey, as we get older, that happens we're more knowledgeable, we have more wisdom, and we know how to take care of our skin. And we know that going out at a club dancing on a table is not We can't do that anymore.

Now we stand on the couch. Now I'm on the table because it's safer.

And can you please cancel our plans?

And I know you have some skincare products that you're working on. Yes, yeah, we're talking about your amazing skin.

Yeah, my company, Fort Sumter, we're actually processing them now, so they'll be out next year. So I have to come back here and like show them to you when I have them.

Take us Sumpter is here. You are starring in Sonic the Hedgehog three, Back again, back again. I got to ask so many different questions. Do I Sonic the Hedgehog three? Are you guys all in the room together? Or how do you do it? Do you submit? Like your voice? Like, how does that work?


No, no, no?

Where on set?

I was in London filming this. The first one we filmed was in Canada, the second one was Hawaii, and the third one was London.

These are beautiful places to be filming.

The writers are like, where else can we go? Yeah?

And first it was a tennis ball in the first one. The second one was like a three D cutout that we were talking to. And then the fourth one is these real puppeteers who sound like them and are moving their mouths, so we're like talking to about life.

That is so interesting that that's how they do it.

Yeah, it's amazing. So I'm just grateful Paramount invested more money in that.


I mean, obviously it does really well, So.

Obviously, can I have another dollar? This Fall?

Star cast? How was it working with? Like it just Elba, with Jim Carrey, who's.

I worked with Jim Carrey the most out of all of them, And at first I was starstruck. And he's so sweet and he's kind and the first time I met him, he's like, Okay, let's work on the scene.

What are your ideas? You know kind of thing, and I was like, I have ideas. He thinks I have ideas. So it was incredible, I mean, and then Keanu Reeves just came on a shadow. He's just Elba.

I've known you just for a very long time, and so to have him part of this world is amazing. So I feel like I feel like I'm in really good company and grateful to be part of this franchise.

How does your daughter. How does Ella phil about this?


When did she understand who her mom is?

I feel like she really grasped it the second one. The first one she was younger. She that was the first movie she actually sat through and was like whoa. Then the next one she went to school and all her friends are like, your mom's.

Sonics mom, you know, and it's like, so how sons sister?

So yeah, she thinks I'm the coolest, but she was. She'll still tell me a thing or two about myself, like you need to go do something with your hair.

She doesn't are you?

Are you kidding?

She's like, you need to shave? Oh my gosh. Tika Sumpter is here. We have more with her when we come back. It's way up with Angela Yee.

Wait I folk, Oh you're tapped in the way up with Angela yee?

What's up? His way up with Angela yee. I'm here And of course Tika Sumpters in the building. We're talking about Sonic the Hedgehog three in theaters December twentieth. But she has a lot going on personally now. I also saw the story about your husband and how you actually kind of wanted to holler at him first I did.


See I've always been that kind of girl, Like I've always been the girl who's like, Ooh, I like it, I see it, I want it, let's go, you know.

And so I shot, you know, I shot?

What does it?


My shot?

Yeah? You shot your shot?

I shot my shot? How did the kids say it? And yeah? He thought I was married. He was like, there's no way you're you know, single, And.

And you guys worked on set together.


Yeah, my makeup ended up on his nose and Tyler Perry was like, why do you have brown on your nose?

And he was like, what are you doing?

He was like what, No, yeah, what are you doing?


He ran upstairs and was like he knows. I was like no, so yeah, and then the rest is history. Then we had a baby.

And speaking of Tyler Perry, you guys are working on something together that you wrote. Yeah, okay, talk to me about this rom com.


So it's like this love story between two sisters who have to find their way back to each other after their mom passes and leaves them in Italy. They totally don't get along. One is super responsible and one is not. But it's about reconciliation. It's about finding love with each other and for yourself and then having the energy to be able to hold a stick out to somebody else and say I'm ready to reconcile.

And so I'm super excited.

It's in Italy and in the US, and he read it and he loved it, and he was like, let me see if Amazon.

Wants to do it with us, And because he has a deal to Amazon, yeah, take us, SUMPTERI is here. It's interesting because Tyler Perry normally writes his stuff, so it's not usual for him to pick something else up that he didn't write.

Not usual at all. That's why it was like, He's like, I'll direct it. He's like, this is all you. I made almost like all the decisions. And he was like, no, you're producing this for real. And I was happy to you because I love to produce. But it was a lot of work.

Wait, so this is coming out I think in like a year.

Amazon hasn't given us a date yet, but they're super excited about it. And I'm grateful that I have somebody who believed in me. And I also realized things don't have to take that long.

Everyone says that when it comes to filming with Tyler Perry because he does his shots so cool.

But not even that development. He said yes in the summer and then we were starting in September.

You know what I mean.

It was quick, but it's nice because he has the studio the studio, and that actually benefits a lot because he can get it done.


Where if you're not waiting for this project to happen or this to happen, that must have been a great feeling for you to write this and then have him Oh.

My god, I've been trying to get it done for five years. What Yeah, and other production companies had it, but by the end they're like, I don't think we can get this done, and I'm like, god, you can see the difference between what real power looks like.

Well, listen, I'm so excited that we had a chance to sit down and talk. Sonic the Hedgehog three isn't theaters on December twentieth. Congratulations on everything. So you have the book coming out next year, I got it from my mama. Yeah, on pre order now, and my Zoch Curiosity Cove is out right now right now. Listen to that podcast. You also have sisters in Italy.

That that'll be like a year from now that Tyler directed.

I saw Whoopie Goldberg is signed. She isn't it.

Ernie Hudson's in it, Risha webs in it. I love Brisha, Oh, I love her. She plays my sister.

She's so good.

And then you've got the skincare products.

The skincare, yeah that, I'll let y'all know. But I'm doing a little book tour thing and so maybe we can I don't know, have a dinner or something.

Oh yes, I would love it.

You know.

You don't have a book club. Don't play with me. So yes, so let's do it. Let's do it. It's a done deal. Okay, cool, all right, Well take a some day, ladies and gentlemen. She is just as amazing in person as you can imagine. Like I said, I know this was every guy's dream and I'm sure it still is. But you know, shout out to your husband.

Hey, Sha, A girl needs people to dream about her.

So I'll take it, all right, Thank you so much. Just way up, thank you. You can my step for an interview on my YouTube channel, Way Up with Ye with Tika Sumter and when we come back. You have the last word.

Got the phone tap to get your voice heard?

What the word is?

She is the last word on Way Up with Angela? Yee? What's up this way up at Angela? Ye, I'm here, my gots here.

I'm here.

Yeah, yeah you okay? Now you winning on? Somebody doing to ask you.

I'm just listen. I'm sharing my advice and my life experiences. I'm giving you my game, you know, my.

Understanding life stupid. I'm not coming to you because I don't want to get Come on.

Man, you tight good. Plus, you wouldn't be out here robbing nobody or getting robbed.

You're right, I wouldn't. I wouldn't go back. But any wait. Thank you to Tika Sumpter for joining us today again signing the Hedgehog three is in THATURS December twentieth. That was exciting. I love Ticka Sumter.


I had to thank you ticket something.

You know it's from Queens really yeah, and her parents grew up and best died.

I used to be like liking all her pictures and yeah she's married.

Yeah definitely, okay, we just make it sure you are aware. I'll be heading out tonight. I gotta go to this year in wife event for Tender. So yes, I'm sure I'm gonna have some fun stories for you guys tomorrow. But of course this is your show, so you have the last word.

Well, Angela, I just wanted to tease.

Oh boylost robbing more.

She robbed me twice.

Now I'm going for the fifth term.

He remind me of Eddie Murphy, looking for love all the love places.

Y'all should let me tease. Hey, Anzela, I want to talk the light on my mom.

Her name is Sherry Upwards. She owns UH in Chicago, and she owns a Boe Teak in Chicago and the Venue States and a danceing Le's Love with Dance True.

I just want to shine on a light on her for being such.

An amazing, insquiring, strong, brilliant woman. That's probably everything I know.

It tay out to you, man, I love you way up where Angela.
