Cory Hardrict On Jonathan Majors' Jealousy Over Chemistry W/ Meagan Good & Tyler Perry Paycheck + More
What's up.
It's way up with Angela ye, Angela yee. My guy Mano is here with me. And I don't know how to feel about Corey Harjack, but he's here today too.
What's up? What's up? New York City?
What's up?
Well, it's everywhere, oh, everywhere, worldwide, global.
We were wide.
We're on in Chicago International Town.
You know we're on GCI.
Yeah, ninety two point three, Harold's Chicken. That's my city.
Yeah, but yes, we The reason why I had a little shade towards you was because I did see Divorce in the Black.
Now with the shade that towards me and Dallas.
You're right toward status different your character. I gotta get that.
But you know, people were saying, and the movie has come out now because people woke up early or stayed up late to watch the movie. And I see everybody kind of talking about it on social media and they said, you did that too good?
They're going crazy. Yeah.
I put my thirty years of acting experience into this movie, like all the raw emotions, the authenticness, everything.
I just went for it. And Tyler first day of working, I can say this story. Can I cuss him? No, okay.
So first day of filming, me and Meghan was about to do a scene. Meghan came in, you know, all looking nice and made up, and she said something to me, and then I threw something out there. I was like, yeah, you need to sign these papers something, but I said bitch right. But it wasn't in the dialogue, but I did it to wake her up, to get her in that mold, to let her know I'm here to work and were not friends. Right now, Meghan, we got to go at each other to give the best energy for the camera.
Tyler, come out the back court. Hold hold on second, come over here. Now I thought I got fired. Wow, it was first day working.
Let me say something to you. I don't know if you remembered this.
Me and you was on a bus years ago to go to set the film. The Tupac Yah picked me up from the hotel. Me and you were staying in the same hotel. Were staying in Intercontinental, and they came and picked us up. Now we was talking on a bus. You told me something. You told me about that about improvising. You do that a lot improv That was the first time, because you know I'm for music. That was my first real movie. So when you told me that, I didn't know the actors did that like improvising on the scene.
You do that a lot.
I do it a lot.
And I gauged the room. I gauge the filmmaker. I see if they'll let me rock with it. But it's like, you got to improv at the beginning or the end, not the middle. The middle is where all you know, it gets tricky if you start trying to mess with the middle of the stuff.
Right at the end, you can come in.
They want you to kind of keep the lines. Yeah, maybe you can improv something.
In the yeah, beginning and end, and the.
End is like to read like when you go at the end, say like the scene is over, you can have some yeah something mother.
You know.
So I know that, but I feel it some people like we did. I joined, they didn't capture that line, you know. They fell out laughing, and they was like.
You, like you didn't get it. Bit here y'all didn't get it. Damn, I gotta do this all over again, he said, I'm talking special Special.
I said, don't you ever walk in my face like that again, Nigga, I bite your motherfucking nose.
Just like that.
And I did it again and that was amprov.
But I was feeling at that moment because I felt like I could play in that space.
Like what would this person say? Because you more that person?
I was playing, Yeah, when you when you did that?
He pulled around the corner. No, so what Tyler did He came and said, Corey, hold on and they talk to you for a minute.
He grabbed me quick, right.
I said, damn, he's gonna put me on the flight back there like I didn't blew my opportunity. Damn, I said, because I'm trying to like be you know, in it. He said, look, Corey, I know who you're going with this, right, I love it. Just stay there, but we're gonna get to that. You can call a bitch. You can do all that.
Later he said, not on this scene.
He said, this is day one, but he said you love it some something sign of papers bitch.
And when I woke Meggan up, Megan looked at me like this mother on camera. Wow. He came there, looked like, oh, niggas that's looked at me.
Oh my god.
I love Megan. That's my sister. I told her what I was doing.
The first thing you should have thought too, was because she's the one that referred you for that job. Was like, man, now, Meghan referred me for a job. I came in here and.
Meghan knew what I was doing, like she know what kind of actors. That's why she told you.
Didn't knew because I.
Didn't even know.
It never worked for him, never, I didn't even know. I got a phone call he said, Meghan, what actor out there? You think that's really good and pretty good dope whatever that you would love to work with the first thing she.
Said, Corey Hardrick. She said Corey would.
Kill his role, called me y'all had good chemistry.
Yeah, just like just.
Real life, like you know, in passing and just having good friendship.
She knew what I was about, and we was, you know, just on screen. I was like man on screen. It really hit it a lecture and that day set the tone.
And I don't know if I wouldn't have called her that name, it could have been more friendly because she's protagonist. I'm an antagonist. Could have it could have got a little too watered down. I'm being honest.
So I knew.
I said I'm gonna try it and I got her and that she was locked in the hole and killed that role.
Yes, afterwards, we're all good.
She's the only person on the entire planet Earth that still reads what is it?
What's that site? Media take Media Takeout?
They still got me, That's what I said.
Right, Media Takeout. I thought that she reads that every day. Now she's just reading a story.
That makes this. I'd be like, let me see what they talk about on me take only person of.
Going media takeout. Nobody does that, No human does that.
But you want to hear the story about you.
They got a story about you.
Want it quite funny?
You gonna hear it right now?
Hey, hold on, hold on, I gotta find it.
Yeah, they be capping it.
Said that Jonathan Major's was jealous at the chemistry that you and Megan had on set.
I just posted them in my story right right.
That was one of the big stories out here, and he was like Angela. I was like, oh look at this, and are you serious? Yes, I'm dead serious.
And nobody does nobody does.
Butth walked up.
To shal the reason too.
Take out?
Why are your shaming media takes?
It's crazy?
I ain't working with nuts, So listen Jonathan came to me after rap party. He said, man, you you really grounded this film. He said, you are so real and raw. He should say, man, you are amazing. I gave him this flower.
You amazing too. Don't let nothing stop you, man, I said, you're cold boy. Just get back here, Just get back in it. You and your correct don't get back in it whatever you do. But he showed a lot.
Of love and it was you know, it was real. And I just feel like, you know, it's about another chance trying to destroy no black man.
Ain't nobody that you know.
But key be hating, I be hating.
The thing I don't like is how people try to play God right with people's lives.
Ain't nobody God nobody.
You can't determine that outcome and what he needs to be doing and what's going to happen.
Because make a good with single for a second. So a lot of guys were kind of mad. I don't know a bit to say when she got When she got divorced and she was single for a second before she got with, a lot of guys were like, man, who's this?
You know, well, not who's he? But they were MANA was one of never mind, just forget what he was just hating you.
Listen, you got it.
You gotta understand where you're at right now. This is the way up show. It gets crazy, it gets crazy. It gets crazy with me.
And good good for a second, because you know, the one thing.
As soon as it came.
Out, people were talking about that opening scene, which one in the movie.
Yes, yeah, the move's out, you can talk about it.
Yes, Oh we picked up the picked that body up.
And by the way, this isn't like the first time. And this guy, so you don't feel like we're giving it away.
He's a real like a box or something, a fighter.
And that dude was thick, like he just oxtails all day.
Hey look he played dad for real.
So you know how you drop an extra twenty pounds on you, Yeah, because you just laying flat.
I had certain on my right head, and he really committed to it.
I'm like, I'm like, like, I'm whispering to him.
He playing dead right, But I'm like, man.
Would you stand your ass something? Man sing like seven times here about the church. Wow, he got them wingtips on the ship flying. I'll say, this dude is really in it.
And he had no dialogue.
We played dad, but talk about an opening scene for a movie. That definitely was like, I've never seen anything like that before. But it did open up a conversation about fighting at a funeral, because at funerals emotions are high.
There's a lot of talk about money, who was wrong?
Who was this?
Sometimes his side pieces come out and nobody never seen this person before.
Sometimes the kids you didn't know that the person.
Has It was a funeral, everybody show up and it's kind of like, who, right, did you know?
Have you ever had any crazy funeral experiences?
Nah? I haven't, not like that.
Have you have? What have?
I had to fight at the funeral before.
Really. Yeah.
I got invited to a few funerals where I know it can go left, and I just felt like, nah, I'm gonna send the flowers right and I'm gonna step. I ain't finna go there because anything can go down right.
I got Yeah, I got caught up in something in the funeral, man, and I felt really bad for it, man, you know, and they was.
Like, man, really it was bad.
I'm sorry.
I just want he just want us to get that off.
But that's so memorable. Yeah, that scene, right, there.
That scene would make you be like, I got to see what else is about that?
It was actually a new scene okay, the film and started on the whole something else.
How did it start before?
It wasn't that one?
It was something Oh I was working on like a barn country boy, you know, a mechanic working in the field doing something. But it was it was a good scene. And then a day before he changed the whole script. Like that's how tired to get down. He changes dialogue and change scenes and you gotta be ready to go. So when I saw that scene, I said, oh, this one about to hit. I said that one.
That's crazy.
They don't talk about this, but you know, I think when you're first watching it too, you don't understand what's happening, you know what I mean, Like you don't understand. Yeah, but that's okay because that makes you be like, now, I got to figure out what's going on here?
What's the You're gonna sit there because you're looking for what's gonna happen.
So you're gonna sit through.
It, right, You're gonna sit through it for sure.
Now, I know a lot of people watching this will be like, why would Meghan good stay with him. But that's real life too, because a lot of times women stay in relationships.
That everybody else knows you don't need to be there.
Everybody else is like, he don't treat it right, but they stay anyway. And I just thought that's a really real thing, real life.
Yeah, like sometimes they gravitate towards the toxic situation.
You know, I don't know how to get it.
And my whole thing is, you know, I feel like sometimes I'm not speaking like of mind uh any personal situations, but women, I think when you, especially when you're younger, it's like you like that risk factor, you know, like.
Some daring about all that.
When we get older, I don't know, like you reach a certain age, you just want a dude to come home at night, he can work at the post office, be a male whatever, like you just want safety.
But early it's like everything like.
That challenge and that edge. Yeah, they like it, like that's just what it is. And until you don't like it no more.
When you when you liked all that daring, you know, toxicity.
Yeah, we all went through. Everybody had a mano at some point, go ahead, come for me, may.
Get my name back, you know.
But now you're absolutely right. As we're younger, like, we don't want this safe nice guy.
People think that's.
Bad things they want.
But let's talk about what y'all guys want when you're younger too, because I think it's quite similar. Like you guys don't want the girl that's gonna you want to get used, don't.
You guys don't, Yes, you do, don't.
I don't know. You want a woman from the jump, that's right.
You like simplicity. We want simplicity. We want we want to.
I love arguing and being like, oh my god.
I want you heard. Okay, we want respect.
Okay, y'all gonna really sit up here.
And I don't I know some of your situations personally.
Okay, this is what happens.
You have a friend like this, be like you like Dallas's character.
I don't know nothing.
I want to say this one scene that is so funny to me, and I predicted it right before it happened, you do know, right when his best friend he goes over there and now imagine this happens, right and he sees that because so just so you know, just to set the scene right. His Megan Good is Dallas's estranged wife, right, and so her best friend is his best friend's wife or whatever. So it's like two couples, they're best friends. And so he goes over there because and he doesn't know that his wife is there and she's there with the new guy.
H So he sees his best friend. They get at it.
His best friend's like, look, you got to just get out of here, like you know, and he's like, oh, so you're taking her side?
And what do you think he did after that? If you have to? He said, you're not gonna tell about Kelly the woman to choose tea with.
When I tell you, I was like, but I will say, that has to be a hard feeling to see your best friend on a double date with the new guy.
You know what I'm saying, supposed to be there. That's my best.
Friend, right, but that's your wife's best friend when he.
Can sit in the wife.
But he got to stay out of that, right, I believe he just stay out of that?
Is that Dallas? Of course?
Dallas, Okay, I'm saying Dallas.
So I go there thinking you're supposed to be my guy, Like, you know what I'm saying, but you trying to fix me and stuff. But you over here with this dude and all hugged up on the couch. That's why I told that dude, you know, let me get out of here before I shoot the ship out your heads.
But in real life, how could something like that play out?
Imagine like, you know, couples are best friends and then you know your woman moves on. He can't hang out with the new guy because that's your best friend.
What are you supposed to do?
My best friend should not be hanging out with my exits new guy.
But that's a weird situation.
It's not wed.
I think that's the wife hang out with a Here's the thing. I think it's like an unhidden rule. You either got it or you don't. Like some people live by a cold, and I live by that. So you've got to know what you're supposed to do.
At all times.
That's how i'muse. If you don't move in that cold, the rest to me is just corny. Then I look at you different for the rest of your life. If I see you, I feel that that's what we're doing, then I just removed myself. I don't even get that man, I say that's what he owned, so, but does.
That justify breaking the code and snitching out your best friend.
It's other things we could do, But no, that was Dallas. He was just a wild boy.
He was.
He drunk alcohol. You saw he was wild with it. Yeah, Dallas had no filter, you know what I'm saying. He was just he was he was. He was just reckless out here.
And this movie is exactly why I don't believe. And I'm gonna stick beside him no matter what, because you know, some people, but try to make you believe that, like, no matter what, you gotta stay with somebody. Marriage is forever, y'all, you know whatever. In this movie, I'm like, she should have been left.
And you know what, even though me being in the movie, she should have left Dallas because he didn't know how to. He didn't treat her right after a while. And it's all about the woman, everybody and the man. Everyone find their happiness because you know, life is short, you know what I'm saying, and you gotta walk towards that. And it should be okay to walk away peacefully in all relationships. You know, it should be. It should be that way. You know, don't nobody own nobody be free, do your you know, and if I see, we still get a hug and we keep it moving. It's all up.
Don't y'all make this a headline. Now, Okay, I'm not.
Speaking about me. I'm talking about Dallas.
They ain't got nothing to do with me, because sometimes I see you talking.
This is what he said. What happened that ain't.
To make sure, to make sure, please don't.
Put me well, this is what happened with it?
You know it did not no, but you know, tell me for you working with Tyler Perry, what was different working with him than other directors you worked with.
Well, mister Tyler Perry, like I said, how powerful he is, you know, a man of that caliber magnitude. You know, he's very humble and he's very on your level. Like he treats you the same, like y'all on the same plan field, like VARs collaboration. He listened to your ideas, like we went back and forth texting for days on court. What do you think the character? Okay, send me what you think and I'll review it. And you know, let's let's build the best character.
And you don't.
He's a billionaire. He ain't got to ask you, and he respected me like this this is what we're doing or nothing. He wanted to hear what I had to and I said, wow, this is different.
This is different. And when I got down there, it was the same thing. Like he was.
You think he should have his gold teeth in his mouth. Put the gold teeth in his mouth. I said, Okay, back, you know what I'm saying.
It was just like that. And he treats his actors like when you're down there, like he treats you really well. I had the biggest trailer.
I had, like a whole mobile home, like three stories. That's the brad Eddie Murphy trailer.
I had two beds, and I've never seen that trailer.
Silver Man. You can put a whole family in there, like an eight really household.
F How you going to go back to these?
I go back to the honeywagon. I went back showing the damn honeywagon. I said, this ain't that. I gotta get back to Atlanta, I said, I got to get back to TVs studios quick. But Tyler treats you like I said, he gets out of the way. And if he see that you got it going, he let you cook like he just let me cook.
So I was like I was.
Having too much fun. I was making up stuff and he he behind the video village laughing. I said, okay, I got we locked in. I had so much freedom, and that's what the artist wants. He wants creative freedom at the.
End of the day. In any field you're doing, you want to be free, to be real and authentic. And he let me do that.
Yeah, I tell you said, this was like one of your favorite sets ever to work on.
Yeah, by far?
Really okay, because you work forever.
So working almost thirty years, people be like, you know we come from or you know, he got a job. I'm like, feel like people are still discovering you, well a little bit now. It's different. Like I went to Essence, I haven't been. I don't go out a lot, Like I'm a homebody, introvert. I do the job and I say, what's the next job, and I disappear. You know, that's my big approach.
Of my career.
I kept trying to get you to come out, Oh, don't go, don't do it here it was on set.
I was trying to get you to come party.
Yeah, don't do it.
And it wasn't like me being standed office or anything. Because I'm not that guy. It's just I'm working on that now. I'm working on that now. Just kind of like I just got pr and I did Good Morning, and I did Essence, And it's like people chasing me in the street. They seemed like they saying my first courioardric. They naming all the projects I forget sometimes. I did forty five movies.
Get and all American Homecomings a big deal too.
I'll be forgetting because I don't really I remove a job. When I do a job, I'm to the next one that quick. I don't sit back into a job. And you know how some people sit on something for ten years.
Like, man, that was me. I was gone. It's like, when I'm done, what's the next one? What we're doing?
Like I told you know what we're doing, what's the next one. I'm already thinking about what's the I want to do a Marvel movie next. Oh wow, that's right, So you like, I love it because you need the villain.
Oh man, what redeeming qualities? I saw a little mention of Okay, I felt I could have felt bad for him, but I just couldn't all the way feel bad.
I mean, he.
Came from a broken home, childhood issues, trauma, and it's like when you're a child and you not healing that that bleeds over into your adult life and your relationships, all of it's gonna go bad. And that's what you see with Dallas. He didn't get that healing and he ain't getting no mental help or therapy or counsel, you know, So.
He turned the vices. That's what happened. You turn the vices and you start treating people pretty bad, you know.
That's that's what he did. But just not because he wanted to. He just that was his survival on how he coped with life.
You know.
So, man, brothers, y'all need to get help. If you need help, ask for it. Don't be afraid to tell your brother you love him, give him a hug. I don't see nothing wrong with that because that can save a life, you know what I'm saying.
And what about women trying to save men who have been in that type of time, because that's what her character was doing. Ava was trying to save Dallas, and it just wasn't I don't really know.
You know what everything she was doing, she had a right and point and her point is, you know, valid to do that. But I can't really speak from a woman's standpoint. I can speak from a man, you know what I'm saying, because I don't really know how you know how to approach star coming from a.
Woman's because that is just an interesting thing. Because a lot of us do have broken homes, you know, a lot of us have trauma that's not healed and that's not addressed. So if you're in a relationship with somebody that's like that, you know, at what point are you?
I can't because sometimes you feel like I don't want to give up on a person, you know, and sometimes you also feel like, from the other side of things, this person gonna end up killing you if they don't get out, and that, you know, But that's a real thing, Like and you cover for somebody who make excuses for them.
But some people do get into relationships when they're not stable just because they feel like they need validation, they need somebody to be with them.
You shouldn't do that, but they feel like getting in a relationship is going to make them whole. They feel like somebody else is going to make them happy. You should already be happy. You should be happy with yourself. You should first, fall in love with yourself first and.
Foremost all day.
I mean, she moved on kind of quick though, I will say that. But you know, I'm not going to give away too much of the move okay, because.
People still got to watch this out. Yeah, just a live stuff. I mean it's out now.
It's out now, but I know people are going to be watching it, like you know, during the course of time. I already know this is going to be getting a lot.
Of conversation pieces. I'm looking at my my d MS and my message. They going crazy for this movie. Some people saw it three times already in the morning.
But that's what I want.
People don't have jobs. That's what I want talk.
I want to talk, you know. And I'm, like I said, I'm ready for all the talk. And they should know that I'm an actor and if you really hate this motherfucker, that means I did my job, azing job. So I mean, I don't mind. I'm I take it all in, like you know, let's let's do it.
Do you see yourself working with Tyler Perry again? Have you already had that conversation? Because you know he's got NonStop projects.
I do.
I do see myself working with him again, and you know, we you know, it's some things, you know, I really can't discuss now, but you know, hopefully those things work out and pan out. But yeah, we're gonna do more movies together. He hugged me the other night, said I fucking love you, Coreen.
I'm proud of you. And he grabbed me, you know, his hand.
He grabbed me so hard, did my neck like this, you know, but it felt genuine. It felt real, and you know when you get somebody around you and it doesn't feel real.
He really rocked with me.
Though, And people always have positive things to say about working with him. I saw Meghan Good said she got paid what she deserves to get paid after working with him. How are those negotiations for you?
Listen, I can say the same as Megan. I worked on this movie three weeks. I'm talking about from when I left my house and when I came back. And I've done movies for five months, studio seventy million dollar budget, sixty million dollar budget, and he paid me the most.
Haven't made three.
Weeks, damn.
So that is real. Yeah, that's real. He take care of his people like he make you feel appreciated.
So if y'all. Y'all got to work with Tyler Perry. I say, I speak, it's.
A black actor. We already feel like we not appreciate it in this.
Whole this whole business, like I've been doing this and I and like I said, you know, I don't mind the stairs approached, but damn it, I'm ready for the elevator.
You know what I'm saying. And I'm working. I know, I'm I know I'm one of the best in the world.
Like I say that humbly to you may know, like I know, the hood love me, like the ghetto love me.
They with me everywhere I go, and they like Corey Corey, I'm waiting for you, like I hear.
It, and I'm like, you know what, in due time, but I feel like the time could be like right.
Now, you think you would go hang out with Mano now, of course of.
Course I would.
Okay, I'm real.
I mean, it's just the people. Don't look. I walked with the Lord.
I ain't got no fear, I don't want no problem, but I ain't scared of nobody.
I'm a grown ass man.
I'm just trying to make sure you avoid the tabloids.
That's a tabloid. Still I stay away from them.
You know, the outside wrong with that man?
Grown ill have a good relationship. I can see it's a grown man.
This is my dog get fired every day. It's all day long, none but shots.
But what I love is that he handles it so well and we get it. That's why we get along.
The shots or the tables.
Yeah, well, Corey harjak No, honestly, I appreciate you so much. I saw you at BT Awards and I knew we were gonna have this sit down. I was excited to have a chance to because I really wanted to make sure I saw the movie, you know, yeah, before we even had a chance. But you know what, I'm a fan of Tyler Perry movies, and I see people always will criticize, you know, his movies and him for writing and things like that, because you get both.
But I do feel like it's polarizing.
There's people that love love him, and that's what comes with it because then where there's people that love you, there's people that are super critical. Yeah, And what it is, the more I love you get, the more.
It's okay speak for how someone treats me. I don't go and see anything else. He paid me the most in three weeks, and he took the handcuffs off. And this film is gonna get me more movies. Yeah, and I thank Tyler Perry for that brother, for letting me, you know, allowing me the opportunity to keep taking care of my children.
Yep, you was channeling that Turner from the Yeah.
You know, hey, you remember the diner scene the way about the bank when I said you the sign of God damn papers?
Yeah, oh man, I was concerned that the papers was different than what they were supposed to be. You was about to own her house, That's what I was. That was the first thing I thought. I was like, he about to own all her stuff because she didn't you know.
But yeah, but here's the here's the most important thing.
That paper.
I had fun. You gotta have fun in what you're doing. And I had the most fun I've had in years on the set. And sometimes the fun if the fun is gone and she ain't, she ain't coming out right no more, the creative is gone.
I'll never forget the first Tallipara movie. I said it was Diary of a Mad Black Woman.
I was so young and hating that of all, was it the.
The one that was that's the first one.
We all seen it, but no, But I just remember seeing it because I was with my best and her mom and her mom's best friend, and they her mom and her mom's best fend knew every word to the movie. So they like, come out, you guys, gotta watch this movie. They put it on and they were talking along with the movie. I was like, hey, y'all stop so we could actually watch and see what's happening. But what I'm saying is those fans are absolutely, like so strong they die her fans. I was like, you didn't see this movie so much?
You know.
I think the first movie I knew all the words too, probably was Menace. You know how you watch a movie Menace Society?
We all do. Yeah, we all all know. Minutes you said you bought a bottle of remember that?
All right, Well, thank you so much for coming through.
Y'all two out here, you know, killing it. Yeah, that's what's up. Thank you all. I appreciate it.
Curry ladies and gentlemen.