➡︎ The Jubal Show’s War of The Roses / To Catch A Cheater
If you can't call a radio show to see if your significant other is cheating on you, who can you call!? In this segment, Jubal and the team do a sneaky prank on a significant other in an effort to trip them up. The person who set them up is ALWAYS listening on the other line. Drama, babe. Drama.
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It's time to say catch a cheater. Only on the Jubile Show, Ryan is on the phone today for to catch a Cheater, and he thinks that his wife of six years, Vanessa, might be messing around. So we'll call her in a few minutes and see if we can figure that out. But first, Ryan, I'm sorry in that situation. Man, why do you think your wife might be cheating?
Well, we've had great marriage, like everything's you know, for the most part, it's been going well.
But then lately, you know, with work and stuff, we've just been swamped and really haven't been able to spend that.
Much time together.
So we thought it'd be fun to maybe spice things up by.
Adding another girl. Okay, Okay, so yeah, it's since.
You know it's another girl, I wanted to let her pick and we have this mutual friend.
Her name is Jenny. Like she's hung out with us.
Come with us, the bars, drank with us, and you know, so like she knows there's so that's who she who she chose, and Jenny was down for so she was like, neither of us had done this before, and she was super nervous about it. She's never been with another girl, so she was like drinking a little bit, you know, and then we drank a lot of smoked a lot and she ended up getting too trash and and it didn't end up happening. But since then, I feel like, since didn't go down.
Like she's just been distant, you know, like.
Like I know my wife, and you know, I can tell what she's bored.
She's just like she doesn't text me back.
Like she usually used to, and it's just been very vague, and she's just.
Going out a lot.
And I don't know, man, I.
Just got this It's like this pit of my stomach, like I could feel it.
So was that Jenny girl there that time when you when you guys all were getting kind of messed up before it was actually about to go down. Was she also there, prepared to let it go down and then just it just never happened.
Yeah, okay, okay, yeah, we were all hanging out. But then yeah, Vanessa just think I think she just.
Was a little too nervous and then you know, try to overcompensate by we just drank a smoke a little too much, and you know, so, yeah, it just didn't happen.
Do you think that she's spending time with Jenny without you.
I don't know.
I mean maybe, but I don't know.
Some sum's going on, Like I don't know if it's with Jenny or with another.
Guy or somebody's just like I could.
Tell when she's bored, Like when she's around, it feels like she doesn't want to be.
There, you know, so to you, boredom automatically goes to bedroom, like could boredom be conversation?
Could it be?
You guys are Yeah, it's not just better, it's more it's more like just like the way we used to enjoy our company, and you.
Know, it's just stuff like that, and like her responses.
Are vague and quick, and you know, it's just been forever since we've had sex. And yeah, I don't know if I you know, if I screwed something up or like I just I just missed, you know, that mischievous little.
Cycle that I married.
And you know, of course some thumb's not there, you know.
Yeah, is she giving you any hints that she's that anything else might be going on other than that she's not kind of detached?
No, I mean it just like I said, just her texts are vague and short and it's just like it's kind of this ceiling, you know.
And have you tried to find out in any other way or is this your first attempt to like see if you can figure it out.
This isn't my first attempt to kind of figure things out, like I, you know, I just uh I said, it's just been.
Further since we had sex, and it's just like.
I don't want to be overbearing or whatever, you know, because then that like push her further away, you know.
Okay, well, we'll try to figure it out for you. You already told us what grocery store you guys are a Rewards card member at. So we'll play a song come Back, and then call her and pretend to be from the grocery store and say that every month we choose one lucky Rewards card member who gets free flowers delivered from a Florida apartment. We'll see if she sends those to you or to somebody else. Okay, okay, cool, all right, We'll play a song come back, get your to catch teeter. Next, it's time to catch a cheater only on the Jubile Show. Right in the middle of today's car if you're just joining us, Ryan is on the phone, and Ryan thinks that his wife of six years, Vanessa, might be cheating. So in a second, we're gonna call her and presented me's from the grocery store, that she's a rewards card member, and say that she's this month's lucky winner of free flowers delivered from our floral department. Well, see she sends those to Ryan or to somebody else. But before we do that, Ryan, why don't you refresh our memory on why you think she's cheating.
We wanted to spice things up in the bedroom, and uh, we try to get our friend Jenny involved, but you know, she was really nervous, my wife, and then you know, she drank a lot, we smoked a lot, and she just just ended again a little too trashed and it didn't go down. But since then, like she's just been distant and like, you know, I don't I don't know what the deal is. It's like we haven't had sex a forever. Her texts are just vague and like non responsive. She doesn't touch it bag right away like she used to, and it's just uh yeah, it's just awkward.
All right, man, are you ready for us to call her?
Okay, here we go.
Hi, this is Corbel calling from SO. I was looking for our rewards card member named Vanessa.
Yeah, that's me.
Hey Vanessa, Please don't hang up. This is not a marketing phone call. I'm actually calling to say congratulations. You're this month's big winner. Thank you for shopping with us.
Okay, winter of what what are you talking about?
The flowers?
The flowers? Okay, I won flowers.
Every single month, we choose one rewards card member to say thank you very much for being such a valued customer. You've won thirty six long stammerd Roses, box of candy or chocolates and card to be delivered to anybody that you want within the fifty United States of America. It's a three hundred and sixteen dollars value. Actually, congratulations.
Oh that's awesome. Okay, yeah, thank.
You very much for shopping with us.
Yeah no, I love your stores for sure.
Thank you. And here's how it works. I can take the information down over the phone in just a matter of minutes. If you know who you want to send them to right now, I can do that.
Yeah, No, I'm good, I know who.
Yeah great, Okay, let me just pull up my form here. The first thing I would need would be the name, the first and last name of the person that you would like to send them to.
Yeah, her name is Jenny.
Okay, Jinny. And is there anything you would like to put on a card?
Yeah? I keep it. Thanks for opening my eyes is another thing?
See you tonight, Yes, I can do that. And also, just one more small thing. I want to let you know that your husband is on the phone listening to this what this is actually the Jewbill Show. It's a radio show. My name's Jewbile.
Yeah, I'm Nina.
Hi, I'm Victoria. And we do a segment called to Catch a Cheater where if you think your significant other might be cheating you see you. They send flowers too, And your husband Ryan is on the phone.
Crap, what Bryan? Wait? What did you called the radio? Ryan?
I knew I knew something was up because you're just you've been You've been so distant.
And like I could tell that something's off with you.
And I didn't know if that was good, So I thought maybe there was another guy or a no, No.
You are a piece of crap. Seriously, you called the radio?
What what did you think you you thought I was cheating or something that's really really you know, rich coming from you.
One definitely knew something was up. Well, okay, I don't know what.
You told these people, but did you tell them about what.
You did with Jinny? What did you do with Oh, that's that's what I figured, that's what I thought.
So Ryan had this great idea that we should have a threesome, and I passed out before anything happened, and then I heard, you know, I called Jenny, the girl who was there. I called her the next day and he was like, yeah, also, I should probably tell.
You that me and Ryan hooked up a little bit. What you cheated? Ryan, you were the one you cheat.
Yeah, we were drinking and we didn't have sex nothing like, yeah, we.
Messed around with it. Hey, I know exactly what you did, and me and Jiddy did the same stuff. So there you go. I guess we're ethan and I really liked it.
So, so did you do that to get back at him or because you like Jenny?
I think at first it was seeing it back in him, and also just like, okay, well, his whole thing was like expand your horizons, like you should become more like liberated or whatever, and so you know, if he thinks it's okay for him to do it.
Then I should be able to do it too. And really, well.
See, I technically both cheated on each other with the same person.
He's going who started it? So he was when he came up with the priest mich I. He's the one who looked up with her when I was. So you know who's the real one at fault here? I mean both of us obviously, but you started it.
I know.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but I didn't tell you. I feel terrible, but I just.
Like I don't want to I don't want to continue the way things are going.
With you, you know, being distant.
With me and my disengaged like it's been awful for me.
Well, I think it's.
Crap that you cheated, And yeah, I don't like it.
I don't like the way this is going either.
I'm visitable right now with you, and I don't like to be there.
The communication is starting to really open up. I just have a question about that. Did you guys set rules in place before you walked into this thresomething like, did you discuss that if one of you passes out you can continue without the other one or whatever it is, because because what but I do know Victoria who looks at anything. You can't go into those types of Actually Jubile knows too, you can't walk into those types of situations without having rules.
Yeah, Ryan thought there was no reason I have rule of girl friends, it'll be fine whatever, And clearly that was not the case.
It would be there and yeah, we can't go back from them.
All right, Well, it looks like you guys have a lot to talk about. Ryan, you got your answer, and uh, sorry, there's no flowers, Vanessa.
Maybe they both got to stop talking to Jenny.
I'm not so.
I think I don't way six years of marriage.
Yeah, okay, so listen, we have two options here.
We can call it quits because we cannot come back from this.
Things have changed now.
But your other option is Jenny's coming over here in about half an hour.
Get over here and maybe have a conversation, have a conversation that.
Is not going to be allowed to talk and let us know how that threpled out though.
Okay, obviously, yeah, I'll take option too.
The Jubal shows to catch a cheater