Is Jessie cheating on Candace? Does he have a secret apartment?

Published Mar 17, 2025, 3:48 PM

Candace called us to find out if Jessie is cheating on her. It's been really difficult for her not to mention to him she knows he has an extra apartment. SKETCHY! 

Think your partner might be up to something shady? The Jubal Show has you covered. In this explosive segment, The Jubal Show helps suspicious lovers uncover the truth by setting up the ultimate loyalty test. We call their significant other, posing as a grocery store’s floral department offering a free bouquet. You know.. a War of the Roses. The catch? Who they choose to send the flowers to—and what they write on the card—could reveal everything. Will it be a romantic gesture for their partner or a shocking betrayal? Get ready for twists, surprises, and jaw-dropping confrontations as we help our listeners get the answers they deserve. Subscribe to The Jubal Show's To Catch A Cheater / War of the Roses.

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It's time to catch a Cheater.

Only on the Jubile Show, Candace is on the phone today for to Catch a Cheater and she's been with her boyfriend Jesse for two years, but now she thinks that he might be cheating. So in a few minutes, we're gonna call him and see if we can catch him if he is. Hopefully he's not. But Candace, let us know what's going on. What's why do you think that Jesse's cheating on you?

Well, so I've been sitting on this information for a little bit and I'm kind of doing So. We've been together for two years and just six months ago, you know, our leases were both up and we decided, you know, let's move in together. So we did, and you know, things have changed a little bit. Like I let him do his thing. He goes out at night, he does the boys thing. But it's kind of getting you know, four nights a week he's going out.

Okay, it's a lot, Yeah, that is a lot.


I mean it's like football games, it's poker, it's it's all these things, right, And so I let his side. I'm busy, right, he can do his thing, can do my thing, and just On Friday, I had a call from my boyfriend's old apartment complex the smoke alarm, what's going off? And I was listed at the emergency contact. And he never told me that he still had that apartment.

Oh yea, this going okay? Wow, so he was paying rent there too, apparently.

Yeah, oh so you don't even know. Yeah, you don't know any of that.

No, I'm not sure what's going on. And I wanted to see if you guys could help me before I like totally lose it on him. It's been you know, we've been together for two years and we've been living under the same room for six months, and he never decided to share this information with me.

Yeah, and then he's missing four nights a week. I would be concerned. I think that's very valid.

Yeah, I mean, you know, this never came up, Like I just think that, like, this is a total red flag for me, because you know, everything's been good. I mean, he's like affectionate with me. You know, he comes home like ninety percent of the time. I know, there was a couple of instances where his friends like verify that he was with them and they stay down and he didn't want to come home. Drunk so fine, but this information, I'm a little bit on edge.

Yeah, I mean, even if he's not cheating, I'd still be mad he was lying about the moment outside of this. I mean, these are very big red flags. Has he been acting different towards you at all?

No, That's where I'm like, is he like a complete sociopath? Like?

I mean, now, so you think maybe when he's out for these boys nice and you said he doesn't come home sometimes, Yeah, maybe he's staying at his apartment or something.

That the conclusion that I would jump to. Yes, absolutely, I'm sorry he never told me. Yeah, I mean I kind of am. I don't want to complete I mean, like, I don't know, I'm like not the girl to mess with, Like I am indef fitness competitions and I can lest the weight.

So okay, I don't.

Know why he's gonna try me like this, but we're gonna make sure if this is something that he's actually cheating, like, it's not gonna be good.

How hard has it been not to say something?

Pretty hard.

I'm really trying not to lose it, and I'm hoping that we can straighten this out today and I'm hoping the ten percent chance he's not cheating on me, is what I'm really hoping. But I'm also logical and I'm not a complete moron, so I don't know there is that ninety percent chance.


Okay, well, you already told us what grocery store he's a rewards card member at, so we'll do the usual. We'll call and pretend to be from the grocery store and say that every single month, we choose one random rewards card member who gets three flowers delivered from our floral department, and we'll see if he sends those flowers see you or to somebody else.

Okay, all right, it's time to catch a cheater.

Only on the Tuble show rand the middle of to Catch a Cheater, if you're just joining us. Candace is on the phone and she thinks that our boyfriend of two years named Jesse might be cheating. So we're about to call him and pretend to be from the grocery store that he's a rewards card member at, and say that every single month, we choose one rewards member who gets free flowers delivered from our floral department, and we'll see if he sends those flowers to Candace's girlfriend or to somebody else. But before we make that phone call, Candace, why don't you catch us up on your situation.

So, yeah, we've been dating for two years and six months ago our leases were both up and we decided to move in together, and the assumption was that we did not keep those old apartments, and his old apartment called me because the smoke detector was going off, so leading me to understand that he is still paying rent for his apartment that we were before we got together, in the apartment.

We're in now. And you know nothing about this.

I know nothing about what's going on.

I'm hoping to figure it out.

Yeah, all right, well are you ready for us to try? Please?

All right?

Here we go.

Hello, Hi, this is horrible calling from I was looking for our Wars card member named Jesse.

That's me, Jesse.

Please don't hang up. This is not a marketing phone call.

I'm actually calling to say a big congratulations and thank you for shopping with us.

Here this month's big lucky winner.

Oh ready? Oh, what's good, Turkey? What's good?

Every single month, we choose one Rewards card member who gets free flowers delivered from our floor department. So You've just won thirty six long stim red roses, a box of candy or chocolates, and a car to be delivered to anybody that you want with in the fifty United States.

Absolutely free.

That's a lot.


Well yeah, winter winter flowers for dinner? Cool? What do I gotta do to like pick them up or deliver? What do we gotta wins? The next step? Man?

Very simple. I can take the information over the phone. It just takes a matter of minutes.

We can do it, all right, sweet.

The first thing I will need will be the first and last name of the person you'd like to send them too.

Uh yeah, Casey uh c A S E y Casey Smith.

All right for the card before I get to the address and stuff. Is there anything you want to put on a card?

Yeah? How about how about I love you and I want you back?

Please call me I love you and I want you back?

Like he changed you changed the name like instead of uh my name? Could you do it like from uh it's two Casey? Could you do it from Bailey? B A I L E y?

Okay, So you wanted to be from a bait? From Bailey? Are you Bailey?

It's it's an inside joke. But I figure if my name is attached to the account that it'll like Robby already says, like who you're from? So if you just switch the two k C from.

Bailey to Casey from Bailey. Okay, Jeff, what the hell? What are you doing? Jesse?

That's your friend Canice. This is actually the Jubile Show. It's a radio show. We do a segment called to katch Cheeta where if you think your signif another might be messing around you see you, they send flowers to end.

Are you freaking kidding me? Two years? Six months?

We've been together?

Okay, sours? Oh, listen Candice.

All the time.


I let you go out at night and do your thing. Most women don't do that, and I'm letting you do your thing. And now you're going to send flowers to somebody else? Are you inane? Is this your ex girlfriend?

Listen? Candas, Candace Cannas, Okay, listen, this is crazy. Okay. I would never cheat on you, all right, hold on, hold on, I would never cheat on you, okay, all right?

Then why are you sending flowers to somebody else? So you know the apartment called me the other day? Because your smoke alarm is going up. You never told me six months we've been living in the same household, and you never told me that you didn't get rid of Are you bringing girls over there?

That what's happening. It's a boy it's a boys night, and everybody just has women over there. Hey, okay, radio show, that blew up my spot. You want a mute for a second. Later, I have it. I have not cheat on you. I don't plan on cheating you. I would not cheat on you. Okay, you put on.

The card I love you and I want you back.

Yeah right, You're not cheating on me. Okay, I'm supposed to believe that. Yeah. Well yeah, if you heard the whole thing, so then you've heard two different names. Okay, all right, just let me explain. All right. So, yeah, this looks bad. Okay, but here's here. I want to get married. That's more. Here you go. Here, let's go. So my friend Casey, my friend Casey who you know, he asked, because we were moving it together, if he could get into my old apartment because his girlfriend Bailey kicked him out. So I thought it was only going to be a few weeks. Okay, So but you know, she refuses to take him back. So when I got the flowers, I thought, hey, why don't I be a good buddy play Cupid and you know maybe if I use Bailey, they could connect in making get Casey out of the old apartment. So yeah, this is dumb, sure, but I mean I'm cheating on you.

It sounds ridiculous, Like I really I do. I want to believe you. Why didn't you tell me six months? And this is like you're playing Cupid? Why not tell me six months? Like we were together every day in the same.

House now and then I'm gonna clear all this up. I don't know how to put you know, I'll just send it to you or I don't know how to like prove this to you other than show you in my phone, which I will do. But you just kind of like, I mean.

Give me a sec You were sending flowers to your buddy but from his girlfriend in hopes that what he'd call her and then they would get back together.

Well, I mean, I mean just a smooth wheels along here. I mean that sounds better than me like being a fake or another person in cheating on you, and like and then there's other person I'm cheating on you with giving them a fake name. Like that sounds looney tunes.

I mean, part really is that you've just been lying about having your apartment there. Whether maybe you're telling the truth, and that's great, thank you for being a good friend. But why are we lying to the person that you live with about still having an old apartment?

It's something, It's just it's not that I am the older. There's nothing and there's none of my stuff is there for I ain't paying for it?

Okay, yeah, like, well I'm not gonna.

I'm like he's getting free flowers, he's not getting free rent off me.

I really need like hardcore proofs though, if I mean, I want to believe you really it sounds it sounds plausible, but I need hard proof because the fact that you didn't tell me six months, even though you're not paying for it, it's still something that I thought you should have shared.

Okay, well, okay, yes, obviously I mean better to ask what is it to forgiveness and permission? Yeah? Should I've been up for the whole thing? Sure? Okay, but uh well hold on, okay, so, uh Casey just texted me back and he uh is out of the old apartment as of two weeks ago. So that's why the smoke a arms going off, because it's some flowers aren't needed him and Bailure back together, and he just forgot to let me know. So I'm not breaking I'm no financial restitution. You know. The biggest screw up right now is me and you having this conversation online.

Seriously, this is very this is convenient timing.

If this is If this is true, you better be sending me. You better be getting me more than fil will.

I will scream, I will screenshot my text right now. I will send you contact info. You can hit them up or whatever you want to do. First, I will say whatever if you want to like story straight, whatever you want, that's what I want.

Yes, I want to hear it from everyone's mouth.

I will be reaching out to them too, that's fair.

Yeah, I'm not going to be played for a fool.

I'm going to get to the bottom of this and I'm going to hear it from everyone's mouth.

Yeah, clean the fool. I think I got that covered. I think I proved that to everybody just now. Yeah, says get me out of the doghouse. What do we got concert tickets, anything, because I'm.

Not convinced either Jesse, I don't know if you're out of the doghouse and he can't.

Just to give us that.

Update, well line was lining. The apartment was the only thing. So that's out in the open.

The Jubile shows to catch a cheater.

War of the Roses - To Catch a Cheater - The Jubal Show

Think your partner might be up to something shady? The Jubal Show has you covered. In this explosive 
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