➡︎ The Jubal Show’s War of The Roses / To Catch A Cheater
If you can't call a radio show to see if your significant other is cheating on you, who can you call!? In this segment, Jubal and the team do a sneaky prank on a significant other in an effort to trip them up. The person who set them up is ALWAYS listening on the other line. Drama, babe. Drama.
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It's time to catch a Cheater. Only on the Jubile Show.
Bella is on the phone today for to Catch a Cheater and she's been dating her boyfriend Greg for a year and now she thinks something's going on, so we'll see if we can help her out. Bella, sorry you have to come on the show this way, but what's going on? Why do you think Greg's seating on you?
Yeah, we've been dating for about a year. She's pretty much he's charmed his way like into making me fall in love with I'm to last on him. But okay, we both said upfront that, like we're very career driven, both of us, so we're very very busy, and it would just be nice to have something, you know what I mean. And so that's what we've been doing girl last year. So like, yeah, we're boyfriend girlfriend, but it's not a relationship, Like it's not a relationship of convenience, but like if something has to be done, work always comes first, okay, And that's never really been a problem. Like he's a pretty late back guy. Greg, He's like an artist, but these last two months have been pretty weird. Why or how he's not very sporty Okay. Uh, in the last like year, I don't think I've seen him go to the gym, Like he hasn't gone on a high. He doesn't exercise, Okay, I can leave that. Okay, he's like one of those guys that like he doesn't have to work out, Okay, Like he's good looking. I'm just trying to describe him so that like this comes across the right way. But because in the last two months, he has started playing pickleball for some reason, because.
It's supposed to be a popular it.
Yeah, well I hate it. He said, like a friend introduced him to it, and like he started going to plea He's now playing like weekly, And that's not why I think he's cheating. But it's kind of like red flag number one, you know what I mean, because he never had an interest. Okay, So now he's going like a lot more like now like a couple times a week, and he started cancel plans with me so he could go like saying he needs to practice or like his buddy needs them like to do a double match whatever, you know, But like it's pretty annoying, but if it makes them happy, like you know, I don't really care. I just want him to be happy. But the second red flag is that there were a couple of times where we were hanging out and he got like text from some woman named Jenna. I don't know who this is, so I asked, and he like quickly throws it away, you know, and he's like, she's just a professional that works at the tennis club. And he told me that, like Jenna is just helping him with his game or whatever. I don't know why they have to text, but like, and she told me just that, you know, someone who works there. Like I don't know, but I know that he goes to the club and like like plays pickleball all the time, and she's gone and watched like practices.
That sounds like a valid concern.
Honestly, Yeah, it's like watches that that's boring.
Right, all these things together.
You know what I mean?
And like he's a catch.
I get it, and like I don't know. I just I trust him kind of, but like I don't know. This is why I.
Emailed, Well, we'll see if we can figure it out for you.
You know.
I guess that's understandable too.
If he's canceling plans and he hasn't you know, canceled plans and first stuff like that before.
Well and also just because of his reaction when you asked who Jenna was and then the fact that Jenna works there. I don't like that, Like I think, like that's something that would definitely set off an alarm for me too.
So I understand why you emailed.
Us thank you. I don't like it either.
I know, I'm so sorry it sucks, but you know what, hopefully this is just a misunderstanding and he just really loves pickleball.
I mean, so, okay, here's the thing. I think you could like be calling from the club say that he's won, like stay that Greg is the winner of a free getaway weekend like at I don't know, some like tennis pickleball resort whatever, I don't they have to have that right, and like the promotion for their opening is like she can bring up one there, I want to see who keep.
Bring Okay, great, yeah, we can do that.
We'll play a song, come back and then call him and pretend to be from the pickleball tennis club that he plays that you have to give us that information here in a second, and then when we come back, we'll call him and see if he believes that, and see if he chooses you as a plus.
One or somebody else.
Okay, okay, all right, well play as song, comeback get here to catch a Cheater next, if you're just joining us for to Catch a Cheater. Bella is on the phone and she thinks that her boyfriend Greg of one year might be cheating. So in a second, we're gonna call him and pretend to be from a pickleball resort, which does exist. It does because he's gotten really into pickleball and he just joined a pickle ball club and will say that because he's a new member, he won a prize to go to an all inclusive pickleball resort in Miami. He can take a guest with him, and we'll see if he chooses Bellow or somebody else. But before we do that, Bello, why don't you refresh our memory on why you think Greg might be cheating?
Oh, he has never been active, like, not an active dude, and all of a sudden, he's obsessed with pickleball. He's now going multiple times a week, and he got a text from some chick named Jenna who apparently works at the club, and it just seems pretty sketchy, like all of a sudden, not only is he into pickleball, but now he's like getting random text that he doesn't want to talk about.
Yeah, that's the weird part. All right, Well, are you ready for us to call him?
Yeah? Yeah, I'm just scared, But yes I am. I am. No, I'm ready, I'm ready.
Okay, here we go.
Hello, Hi, this is Gorbyn calling from I was looking for our new member Greg.
Yes, hey Greg, how are you doing today?
I'm good? How are you good?
So that you just signed up? And hope you're loving it.
It's been pretty cool so far. I really enjoyed the chorus.
I feel like that my game's gotten a lot better just being a member of the club.
Guess what it's about to get a lot better because congratulations, Greg, I'm actually calling to tell you that you're the big winner.
What am I winning?
We are doing a contest where one of our lucky new members is going to win an all inclusive trip to Miami at a pickleball resort. It's an ocean side pickleball resort. It's it's really a cool experience. You get training, you get it's four days, you got all kinds of training and coaching and things like that, and it's nothing but pickleball for four days by the beach in Miami.
Yes you did.
Congratulations, like for really, yes, for real, congratulations. It's just our way of saying, you know, thank you for thank you for joining, and thank you for being a member, and thank you for using all of our services that we offer, because I know you've been doing less and stuff too.
Yes, this is so cool, thank you.
No problem, And it is a plus one.
So you get to take somebody with you, and we'd like to extend the offer of inviting that person by sending them some flowers and in a car to invite them.
Oh okay, okay, I've been talking to this chick, Jenna, and so I actually met her at the club.
Oh and I wait, yeah, yeah our Jenna. Yes, yes, yes, okay, yes, he's been training me. Oh okay, yeah, I want to take her.
Like you know, we've been only kind of seeing each other four start time, and I haven't really had her.
See Jenna every day and I haven't heard that. So that's exciting news.
Oh so that's possible. We'll love to take her.
Yeah, that is not possible at all, actually, because this is actually the Jubile Show. It's a radio show, and your girlfriend Bella is actually on the phone.
What, yeah, Hi, you know what? But the what did I say? What did I say? He's not forty? And I swear to God, I knew I Oh, I'm trying to the curse. I knew right when you started to be boring you have something. There was an angle no.
No no, no no no no.
I believe that you weren't doing something. But I knew ankle ball.
I knew this is what buckle ball thing.
I was supposed to go because I knew you wouldn't want to go. You wouldn't want to go, So I'm gonna take her. I'm gonna take Jim. I knew you want to go.
Did you not just call her beautiful? And so you've been seeing her? Yeah, well I've.
Been seeing her at the at the at the court, I've been seeing her the course.
She's so beautiful.
Thing that you said, there's there's literally no way you're not cheating right now, Like, there's literally no way.
I gave her a compliment. Because I gave her a compliment.
This is ultimate guy, lady, right now, Why would you why would you saying that I would want you to take someone else to a resort tleball. You're say in the same room, you idiot.
I do like you wouldn't want to go. I was trying to be considerate of you and your field, and then you would not.
Want to go, said seeing her though you literally said that.
You know what. You're right, right, you guys, you're right, You're right. But here's the thing. The trip at stake, and and I'm your girlfriend, she's not.
I'm you are my girlfriend. She is my coach. You are my girlfriend like I like. You don't first don't want to be with. There's nobody you.
Don't take your pickleball coach to would get away weekend, you idiot.
To a pickball This is force thing you don't want to do it you I don't want to do it.
You can't leave saying that I don't want to do so we asked that moment.
Dude, you can't keep saying I don't want to do something. Come up with a different excuse.
Okay, well, what what what is it you want me to do? How can I prove to you that I'm not seeing on you? What can I do to show you that I'm.
Well Jenna. Yeah, that's the Show me all the conversations you've ever had with Jenna, show me your phone.
Look, you are mad right now, and I understand that.
Tell me I'm bad. Tell me I'm bad. Tell me I'm mad.
Look, I'm just just saying that you should.
You should be able to trust that what I'm saying is real ladyships I'm built on.
You're right, I should be able to, but obviously I can.
Do you hear this, person?
How are you doubling down on this? Greg?
You just said you were seeing Jenna. Do you want to be with Jenna or do you want to be with your girlfriend?
I'm gonna seeing her at the club. I want to be with Bella. I want to be with.
Bell with bellow, Then, why wouldn't you taking me on a trip if you want If you don't want to be with someone, you don't take them on a romantic ataway. Whether pickleball is involved or not.
That's the part. Always paying a teacher to the pickle ball.
Oh my god, wait, hold on, am I going I don't know what?
You're not going crazy, Bella? We're hearing all of this stuff too, Greg. Just own up to it, man, you got caught.
No, it's a setup.
It's a setup, and I will feel comfortable with having this conversation with people who don't even know more.
You don't know, we don't know.
That's sad.
Oh no, oh no, I'm not doing this.
Okay, no, we will not.
He hung up Bella, He's gone.
I don't care.
It's very obvious what's going on.
Ye talk about the gas lighting like that was like insane.
To me, super triggering. I'm really sorry.
Whatever, good riddance, bye bye bye bye. I mean, I guess thank you guys for like figuring everything out for me. You saved me from like him, so I really appreciate it.
Yeah, take care, all right, it still sucks again.
I'm sorry, thank you.
The Jewble shows to catch a cheater