➡︎ The Jubal Show’s War of The Roses / To Catch A Cheater
If you can't call a radio show to see if your significant other is cheating on you, who can you call!? In this segment, Jubal and the team do a sneaky prank on a significant other in an effort to trip them up. The person who set them up is ALWAYS listening on the other line. Drama, babe. Drama.
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It's time to Catch a Cheater.
Only on the Jubile Show.
Alyssa is on the phone today for to Catch a Cheater. She's been with her boyfriend for five years. His name is Hector, but now she thinks that something might be going on, so we'll see if we can help her out. Alyssa, Sorry you're going through it, but what's up. Why do you think Hector might be cheating on you?
Well, last night his phone rang in the middle of the night a couple of times.
He's also just been kind of working.
Later than usual, and I didn't want to wake him up, you know, because of the falling thing.
I didn't want to wake him up by checking it.
But I was hoping that, you know, when he saw these two missed calls late the night, he might mention it the next day and kind of be like, oh, that was, you know, whatever it was. And I kind of feel like maybe I'm overthinking things now. But just in the last month or so, when I've tried to like initiate getting intimate.
He's he just says he's really tired and that he's really stressed.
Out from work, and you know, and then the one time when we did kind of start to like start things.
He he couldn't.
Okay, so that wouldn't work, right. Was he drinking or anything?
Okay, No, he just said it's just stress.
Okay, Well that's possible.
Yeah, I guess it's possible.
I'm but then I, you know, I start to get in my head that maybe he's minched contracted to me anymore.
I could go off on a whole spiraling tangent about it, you know.
And and then the other day I borrowed his car to run an errand, and I opened up the trunk and there was a woman's white top tucked in in the corner of his trunk. And for me, yeah, for me, that was like, okay.
So you found you found it woman's top in the back of his car, in the trunk of his car.
Does he hang out with any other women other than you? Like, does he have friends, sister, cousins, anything like that.
Nobody who lives close by, Nobody who you know?
Did you confront him about it?
Has his phone ever rang in the middle of the night before, like for work related purposes?
No, it wouldn't make sense. I mean, like almost midnight there.
Are pretty is it not? Like a doctor.
Well, I'm trying to think that, you.
Know, and you would hear like multiple times versus that's true, that's true. Is there anybody you suspect it could be?
I don't know, he's shy, you know, so, I I this was the last thing that I would think he'd be capable of. But these are just a couple of two coincidental things that are just making me feel really weird.
Yeah, I mean, so he doesn't get calls on his phone late at night usually, No, not usually. And he probably doesn't have other women's clothes in his car.
Usually No, definitely, definitely not usually so.
And then one last question kind of in that department. Have you guys had problems with stress and intimacy before?
I mean we've you know, we've gone through about the stress and you know, with family, with work, but it's never gotten to that point where it's just a complete shutdown. You know, We've both been able to compartmentalize if anything.
Get helped, we'll see if we can figure it out. Then you already told us about grocery store. He's a rewards of Rats. So we'll play a song come back and then pretend to be from the grocery store and say that he's this month's big winner of free flowers from our floral department, and we'll see if he sends those cu or to somebody else. Okay, okay, all right, Well plays song come back get here to catch Cheeter. Next. Right in the middle of to Catch a Cheater, if you're just joining us, Alyssa is on the phone and she thinks that her boyfriend of five years named Hector might be messing around. So in a minute, we're gonna call him and pretend to be from the grocery store that he's a rewards card remember at and say that every month we choose one lucky rewards member who gets free flowers delivered from a floral department, and we'll see if he sends those to his girlfriend Melissa or to somebody else, and then we'll know if he's cheating or not. Alyssa, Before we do that, why don't you catch us up on your situation?
Yeah, well, Hector has been working very lately lately, much later than usual, and then about a week ago his phone ring in the middle of the night a couple times and he was asleep.
Didn't want to.
Make a thing of it. And want to wake him up by checking it. But then I was borrowing his car and there was a woman's shirt in his car in his trunk, and so yeah, basically all of these things. Oh and also just kind of some intimacy issues that he's kind of not wanting to be intimate lately, saying he's too stressed out. And so my mind is running the gamut of what all of this could mean, if he cheating, if he just not attracted to me anymore?
Right, what the hell is going on?
Okay, are you ready for us to call him?
Yeah? I'm ready.
Okay, here we go. Hey, this is horrible calling from I was looking for our Rewards card member named Hector.
Oh yeah, hi Hector.
Please don't hang up. This is not a marketing phone call. I'm actually calling to say thank you very much for shopping with us. You're this month's big winner. Congratulations cool. Oh maybe you haven't seen the signs, but every single month we choose one Lucky Rewards card member that gets free flowers delivered from our floor apartment. You've actually won thirty six longstim red roses, a box of candy or chocolate, and a card to be delivered to anybody that you want within the fifty United States of America's.
Thank you.
It's just our little way of saying thank you for shopping with us.
Thank you.
I can take the information down over the phone in just a matter of minut and if you know you want to send them to right now, I can do that. Now.
I know who could really use some flowers right now?
Okay, great? First thing I will need would be the first and last name of the person you'd like to send the flowers to.
Yeah, send them to a Gracie.
Gracie, yes, before I get the address of where you want them delivered. Is there anything you'd like to put on a card to Gracie?
Sure, Wayne put down who knew you'd be the perfect fit. Thank you so much for going the extra mile. Hopefully I didn't stretch it out too much and throw on like winkie face or something to be fun.
I can definitely not do that for you.
Okay, you kidding me, Hector.
This is actually the Jubile Show. It's a radio show. Yeah, and we do a segment called to Sketch a Cheater where we see if you're cheating by who your significant other sends flowers to, and that's your girlfriend Alyssa on the phone, probably wondering what all that meant.
Hopefully I didn't stretch it out too much. No, I'm not.
I'm not cheating. What are you talking about?
What am I talking about?
You just sent a massive display of roses to some named Gracie with some flirty, weird sexual note.
What do you mean?
And then you're like surprised that I'm freaking out. Yeah, I'm freaking out. I feel like my heart's.
Gonna explode a perfect fit.
Yeah, I mean I completely understand. Wait, notice this makes sense. Just to hear me out. I think I think you're the most beautiful woman on the planet. Okay, it's that's that's not the case here.
You're gonna need.
I would I would be happy to you. I would be happy to Gracie is a coworker of mine.
Why are you sending your flowers? And that's a good question, though, that's a great question, good questions.
No, I I get this, this, this, this makes sense. Just hear me out on this, okay, yeah.
Make it makes sense that you're you're sending roses to a coworker that I've never heard of before, and you're getting weird phone calls in the middle of the night, and suddenly you're staying out later and you.
Won't sleep with me.
And then I find a woman's shirt in your trunk. But no, but this all just makes sense. It all is just a part of your work because.
Oh you saw the shirt.
Oh gosh, this is funny to you. What why wouldn't I tell me?
Yes, if this is also just innocent misunderstanding, why wouldn't you tell me? Because how do you think you would feel if the situation were reversed?
And then you find some men's pair of pants in my car?
No, I get the situation. You hear me out for a second. I can make this all makes sense.
Please make it all make sense.
The other day, we have this big meeting with our clients that are in Japan. They're the ones who've been calling me. Japan is seventeen hours ahead of us, and they always get the schedules mixed up between us, so it never quite lines up at a great time.
Okay, So those calls are from your clients in Japan exactly.
Yes, they are a new project. We just started with them.
They've been calling and our schedules are quite frankly egregious.
It's gonna be the new like code word for getting calls in the middle of the night from I'm sorry, this is an interesting coincidence.
Okay, so I'm in the meeting.
I spill coffee all over my shirt. Gracie has an extra shirt in her car and we're about the same size, so she very kindly let me borrow her shirt. But after I borrowed it, I took it home so that I could take it to the dry cleaner. And we are about the same size, but like, idam a little bigger. That's what I meant by stretching it out.
Perfect stretching it out, Well, I'm in a winkie face.
That doesn't sound very innocent. If you've been throwing a winki f at the end of it, I.
Don't seem kind of funny.
You didn't.
I don't know why you didn't tell me, Like, just give me a heads up so I don't misconstrue.
These late night phone calls.
Like that's okay, Yeah, I know you work with people over sieves, so I'm expensive people in Japan.
Are calling you, But then like maybe silence, you're calling after work hours, You're like I don't know to give me a heads up, like the courtesy of Hector.
Why do you think you didn't share that pretty funny antidote about wearing your coworkers shirt that day, like when you got home to Alyssa, Like I feel like that is something that you would share with your partner.
Like You're never gonna believe this, honestly, because I was a little embarrassed. I'm supposed to have the shirt back to Gracie like I was the next day. It's been a week. I'm sorry. I'll admit I probably should have let you in on the fact that people be calling me late at night.
Are you ever going to get that poor girl her shirt back?
Do you believe him? Jupil sounds legit to me? I mean, listen, do you believe him?
I mean, he's dumb enough for this all to be true.
It's a pretty elaborate story just to make up.
Sure, this is such a stupid Hector thing.
We've been together for five years and this is very hector of him. But please don't make me panic like this ever again. Just like let me in. That's fair on the bit, Okay, I think that is.
More than fair.
Of course, I am. I'm so sorry for putting in this position. You know there's there's no way I cheat on you. I have no problem actually showing you my phone log for these calls, and I can even I can. You can talk to Gracie if you want to back me up. I'm so sorry that you were ever in a position where you thought this could be the case.
Thank you, and maybe you can get me some flowers too. Of course, the Jewel shows to catch a cheater.