In this hour of Follow The Money, hosts Mitch Moss and Pauly Howard are still joined by Richard Munchkin to talk about Richard's betting stories. Also on the show, the hosts are joined by VSiN Host Mike Somich, to talk about Super Bowl player props.
I always follow the Follow the Money. That's what I always say. You always follow.
Yeah, yeah.
This is Follow the Money with Mitch Moss and Polly Howard on Vson.
Welcome in.
It is follow the Money here on Vson, the sports betting Network. Busy Hour coming up in thirty minutes. Mike Samich on the program Vson hosts a lot of bets that he likes for the Super Bowl, prop bets, our best bets in pocket plays. Here we continue with a professional gambler, Richard Munchkin. He's been doing this for a long time. Author of the book Gambling Wizards, co host of Gambling with an Edge. He's at our WM twenty one on X And if you missed the previous half an hour, I would urge you a little bit later on today or this weekend to go back, get the Vson Watch app on your phone and check out the last half an hour that we've talked about with Richard Munchkin in his career gambling overall incredible story.
Scotland Yard coming up in about fifteen minutes.
So you said, basically quote, there's there's no way I would sit down in a high stakes poker game because cheating is out of control in poker.
End of quote.
Explain that it's pretty apparent.
I mean, cheating is rampant in high stakes poker, I mean rampant. And the technology now has gotten so good. So, for example, one of the things that's being used is they have cards that are marked along the edge like a bar code, but it's invisible to the naked eye, and a camera either built into a cell phone or the camera can actually be fifteen feet away from the table.
After the dealer cuts the cards, the camera reads that barcode and it tells which hand is going to have.
The winner.
Doesn't tell you what it is or what anybody else is going to have, but it'll say C three winning hand. Now, one of the at least one of the people in the game has you know, either a vibrator or an earpiece, and they now know C three is a winner. Now, maybe there are two people in the game, so if either of them is at C three, they know they're gonna have the winning hand. Regardless of what the cards look like on the flop or whatever.
How do they get that specific deck of cards on the table.
Usually they end up paying somebody off. Somebody on the inside is in on it. They're getting a cut.
You know.
Another thing that they have is they have shuffling machines, legitimate shuffling machines that have been altered and they changed the chip in the machine and there's now a camera in there that can read the order of the cards after the cards have been shuffled. So you know, I mean, yeah, I mean there's just like I said, it's rampant. There have been numerous cases now that have showed up in the news. You know, down in Dallas there were accusations of the Hustler live game. Yeah, you know, there there have been a lot of these things going on. And I you know, I happen to have met a lot of people over the course of my career, and I know some of the people that are on the dark side I would call it and uh, you know, sometimes they call and tell me these stories that are just you know, unbelievable. And that's why I said I would never I would never sit in.
Look at your Twitter feed and stuff stories you retweeted as well. You know ear pieces the device is so small you need a magnet to pull it out the phone case on the felt and players putting device behind the shoe in blackjack and Texas hold them? What else am I missing?
No, yeah, So this is happening in casinos where and it's you know, it's funny because this is technology is so old it's new again that there was a guy. The reason that there is a law in Nevada against using a device in a casino is because a guy named Keith Taft invented this camera in a belt buckle and when the dealer would deal blackjack, it could see the dealer's whole card and it got broadcast out to a van in the parking lot and then back to him with an earpiece in.
The casino, right, And they got caught.
And the reason they got caught was because there was a This happened at the Marina Casino, which is where the MGM sits today, and there was a bomb scare, and so security was patrolling the parking lots worried about a bomb scare, and they see this truck and they hear noises inside and they open the back of the truck and they see video monitors with a dealer on the screen deal in blackjack, and these two guys in there and anyway, so they got arrested and there was no law against this at the time, and that's what ended up causing the laws to be changed. But anyway, that technical now, the cameras are so tiny. Yeah that there was just a case in France where a guy had a cell phone on the table that had a camera that I guess would see out of the side of the cell phone and see the dealer's whole card when they were dealing it. And he was the one with the earpiece that was so small you need a magnet to get it out on the end of a little probe, you know.
It was like a James Bond movie or Mission Impossible.
Yeah, yeah, it's yeah, it's great.
Check them out r WM twenty one on X with some of the stuff. He retweeted Richard Munchkin. So what you got? You came out of retirement? How did that happen? And how do you get into sports betting? Now, let's go down that road.
So, yeah, I had retired once again and my long longtime partner I've been playing with for over forty years. In fact, he was the guy I was in the Scotland yard story that I was in England with.
On the plane.
Money Gase.
Yeah, and he calls me up and he was like, hey, you know, we got to get into this sports betting, like, you know, there's a lot of money to be made and we should.
Just be doing this. And I was like, all right, okay, you know, maybe it'll be fun.
You know, you learned a lot when you're doing something new, and it's something I had avoided for a long time because I thought maybe you had to know something about sports to make money betting it, which turned.
Out not to be the case.
But so I said okay, And so about fourteen months ago we started betting sports. And you know, and a lot of the things that came from blackcheck play really carry over in terms of a the network, you know, having a network of people that is tremendously important. But also when you're on a blackjack team, different people do different functions, right, so you got to have a math guy, and just like that, in sports, you got to have the math guy who is the one who builds the model to get an edge, right. But also, just like blackjack or any kind of gambling, getting an edge is one thing, but learning how to get the money out of sports books is a whole different thing. And probably more than half the battle. So you know, it turns out I don't need to know anything about sports because that's not my you know job as part of the team, right, My job is to figure out how to get the money out of sports books and not have the accounts get fried.
Okay, So and you started fourteen months ago, then yeah, okay, so that can be like a risky proposition that we're talking about then, because you got a massage it obviously from the get go.
How has that been for you?
Well, the main first of all, there's a big learning curve, right because we didn't know anything when we started, So.
It's been pretty good. One of the big.
Problems is in blackjack, you know exactly what your edge is, right, there's a right play and a wrong play and you and you know what it costs or what it gains you. It's sports, you don't know, and so you work with what we call originators, guys who build models and come up with what they think are edges.
But you can lose for a long time with.
A small edge, and how do you know if you're actually if you actually have an edge? Sure, so you know, so it's been a learning process in terms of after a certain amount of time, you have to get rid of the things that are not doing well, even though maybe they maybe they had an edge, but you know what, you know, you wait too long process to you know.
Let me ask you this.
So, have you guys been doing this specifically in Las Vegas or have.
You been well, we have a we have a network. Okay, so yeah, but you're responsibility in Las Vegas. But you know, my main partner lives in Colorado, and then you know we have other partners that live in other states.
The bonuses were incredible there. Did you take care take care of all the bonuses?
Yeah, okay, well we had a lot of experience with bonuses back in like two thousand and four, two thousand and five, before the UIGEA. You know, back then was it was the boom, I mean it was back then the online casinos was yeah.
I mean, how would you compare then living in Las Vegas betting here, trying to with Vegas sports books compared to their experiences in Colorado and other states.
Nevada is the worst state in the United States for betting sports, which is a shame because they had a monopoly for all those years and they just screwed it up.
It is unconscionable that.
You cannot open and fund a sportsbook app on your phone in Nevada, and you cannot play on a computer. You have to use a phone and you have to act actually go to a casino in person to open and fund an account. And it's just ridiculous. I mean, yeah, it's just terrible.
The desktop betting BENMGM finally has it here in town.
I thought they couldn't.
No, they finally did it. I saw it this week. I was on it this week.
Really yeah, and so but but once that that has to come at some point because I no longer can like spend all day long on my phone.
I just the older I get. I have glasses now I can't do it.
It sucks, yeah yeah yeah.
And the other the other thing that is just unconscionable and should be illegal is, you know, there's one particular app that anybody in Nevada knows. You put in a bet and it says, you know, going for review, and you get the spinning wheel right, and then they either come back and say bet denied and they change the price even though they didn't give you any of it illegal or yeah, it should be illegal exactly.
I mean, yeah, some of the things they do were.
Scott lucky because this book gets.
This is the best book in Nevada by far. And I'm not just saying that because you're here.
I mean it is Scotland Yard and a great Allan Woods story to close coming up next, big No big game is complete without a classic game of squares, but this year make it even better with Circa Squares bets from Circa Sports. We all know the pain of pulling those bad numbers. Not anymore. You get to choose your square and the numbers you want. Each square has its own odds. You're always in control of your bet. Download the Circa Sports Nevada app today and place your Circa Squares bet. Turn your big game to a big win with Circa Sports.
So as promised, What are the best stories you're ever going to hear about Richard's time, Scotland Yard coming up and the Russian mob involved as well.
This is ons Yeah.
One more segment here with a professional gambler, Richard Munchkin. Very gracious with his time today, full hour and studio. We're going to try to cram in as much as possible here so go ahead. You've told the story on the show before. It's absolutely incredible. The floor is yours. Can you tell the Scotland yard story?
So my longtime partner actually the first trip I ever made with him, his name is Darryl, and we went to the UK to play because they had particularly good shuffles there, and they had this rule in the UK at that time that you had to sign up for a casino to become a member, and then you had to wait forty eight hours before you could play. So we signed up for all the casinos in London and then we went up to this town of Leicester that's like one hundred miles north of London, and we go there, we sign up and now they have two casinos. We sign up in one, and our policy was if they don't ask for a passport, we would give them a fake name. But if they ask for passport, obviously they get it right. So we sign up for the first one, we give them a fake name, We go to the second one. They want the passport. We play in the second casino and everybody there's it's a small place and everybody's betting like two pounds like and we're betting the limit, which is like two hands of five hundred, and we get ahead twenty or thirty thousand pounds, and they're starting to not like it so much, and they change.
The way they shuffle the card.
So we think, you know what, let's call it here and we'll come back tomorrow and see, you know how it goes. So we go to the cashier's cage and the cashier says, I'm really sorry, but we don't have enough money to pay you. And we're like, and she's like, I could give you a check, and we're like, we don't like that idea, right, what if they decide to stop payment on it or something. She says, well, how about come back tomorrow and we'll have the cash. We'll go to the bank, we'll have the cash. We're like, okay, we'll do that. We'll just take the chins. So we go back, and then the next morning we go back and I go to the table to check the shuffle and Daryl goes the cage to cash out the chips, and I go to the table shuffles still no good, So okay, we're not going to play. I go to the cage, Daryl's not there. I say to the cashier, where's my friend? What friend the big American guy with the thirty pounds and chips. She's like, oh, I think he went upstairs with his friend. I'm like, I'm the friend. He doesn't have any other friends, and she said, I think he went upstairs. And I look at this like dark, there's a bar up there, but it's closed, and so I go up and I hear voices.
I come around the corner. Here are these two guys with Darryl. They're sitting on a.
Couch and I go, what's going on? And the guy with Daryl goes, are you a professional gambler too? And I go what are you talking about? And he goes, are you a professional gambler too? And I said no, and he says Scotland Yard and they hold up their badges and I was like, have we done something wrong? And they kept saying no, no. I just want to know you are who you say you are. I'm like, well that's easy. Here's my passport, says who I am. And they're like, okay, and you have a rental car, do you have the contract? You know, your driver's license and your airline tickets and you know now they want everything, and now they want to go back to our hotel room and look at our hotel room. And we don't know, you know, we're in our twenties and we don't know what the rules are or anything. So we're like, okay, you know, And so we get up to go downstairs to the car, and I look down and I see hanging out of Garyl's pants is a blue wire because he is wearing a hidden computer strapped to his calf and there are wires that go down both legs into his shoes that operate this computer. Now, this is legal, there are no laws against this in nineteen eighty three. But if they find it, we're going to jail until they sort out the fact that there are no laws about this.
So now we go down to the car.
We get to the hotel and I'm sweating because there's a briefcase in the hotel room and in that briefcase is a soldering iron and wires and extra batteries, and there is a yellow legal pad with a list of every casino we've been to in Germany, Belgium, Norway, the.
UK, and it's got the names that we used.
And you know, when we use.
The fake name it.
And we get into the room and is sitting right on the end of the bed. And now they start searching the room and they're being thorough. They're looking between the towels in the closets and stuff. And by now they're really kind of feeling like this is like, you know there, it's aroused, like why are they doing the casine knows bidding? And we keep asking them like is this how you treat anybody who wins money?
And is it just because we're Americans?
And anyway, now they're starting to crack jokes and they like pull up Darryl's guitar case and then they're like, what's in here?
A machine gun? And they've looked everywhere except this briefcase.
And the guy walks up to the briefcase and he goes, well, I guess that's it then, and he pulls open the briefcase and he's looking right at us and he closes it again, and he never looked down, He never looked down at what was in the briefcase. And the other guy was standing behind him so couldn't see it. And Darryl and I are just like trying to, you know, hold it together and breathe, you know, and they said, okay, and we'll take you back to the casino. And we're like, what about our chips? And they're like, well, you got to take that up with them. We're just, you know, we don't have anything to.
Do with that.
So they take us.
Back to the casino because zero cash shps right away, gave us our money. We got in the car, we drove straight to Dover and took the next ferry out of the country and we could no longer, you know, go to any casino in the UK after that until you know, eventually we both had name changes so we could get it backport.
Yeah, can you sneak in the Poland story?
I got a heart rate by the way, Rachel, Oh yeah, yeah.
That's incredible. Can you do Poland?
Okay, let me plug you first. By the way, author of Gambling Wizards, co host of Gambling with an Edge, r WM twenty one on X Richard Munchkin, our guest Poland take it away, Will Audible. We'll do Allan Wood, soccer and Russian mob next time.
So I find out there's this tremendous game in Poland, and so I called Daryl I'm like, hey, we're going to Poland, right because, oh, casinos had.
Just opened up.
It was like nineteen ninety the Eastern the Berlin Wall had come down and they opened these casinos and they didn't know what they were doing, right, So we we figure, oh, we should take our Japanese big player from Korea, right, like, because Japanese guys could always win more money than white guys. And so we fly off to Poland and we, you know, we start playing this game and we just crush it, right, and like in two days, a guy wins seventy thousand, and at the end of that, the boss comes up and he goes, you know, I'm sorry, you can't play anymore. And so the Japanese guy he picks up his chips and he goes to the cage and the dealer says, well, yeah, the guy guy's got a lot of money, but I mean, what's he going to do with it?
What do you mean, what's he going to do with it?
He's like, well, it's Polish's lotties, like you can't confert them to dollars and you can't take them out of the country.
We're like, huh.
What And so now we have all these lotties and we're trying to figure outut, how do we get this money out of here. We're thinking like, well, we could buy a couple of Mercedes Bends and drive them over the border, resell them, or you know, buy lots of refundable airline tickets or something, you know, but we we don't come up with a plan. So we we get a safe deposit box and we put the money there, and we're like, Okay, we'll come back next year and we'll figure it out during that.
Time, which, of course, nothing happened during that time.
So you know, we go back, and we go back the next year and I try this ploy, which is when you enter if you bring in money, you can take that much money out right.
So I fill out the form and say I'm.
Bringing in seventy thousand dollars. And the guy sees the form. He's like, you're bringing in seventy thousand dollars and I said yeah.
He goes, let me see it.
And so I had a check right made out to me for seventy thousand dollars. He's like, oh, it's a check, and he stamps the form. You know, check, it's not cash. So I'm like, Okay, that's not going to work. I can't do it that way. So we come back and you know, and we get the money, and now we decide, all right, the only thing we can do is just smug it out. I'm like, well, look, I got this form that's going to be a red flag, so.
You have to carry it to Daryl.
And we decided like we should fly out of crack Out instead of Warsaw because it's a smaller airport and the security will probably be less. So we decide to do that. We go down to crack Out and I mean I was sick, Like we were sick. We were so nervous, and we had to drive like right by Aschwitz to get to the airport. I mean, it was just really terrible. And we get to the airport and you know, we finally we go through customs. We get through and they didn't check us right, and everything is fine and we get on the plane and the first thing Daryl does when we you know, when we fly, is he pulls on a sleep mask and puts in his earbuds and you know, tries to go to sleep. And the plane takes off and he's there try to sleep and the stewardess comes down the island, starts tapping on on the show shoulder and says sir, sir, and he's like yeah, and she points down at the floor and there are one hundred dollars bills cascading out of his pant legs. He had had them strapped to his calves and the rubber bands had broke or something, and the money is all over.
The floor and it's starting to slide, and you know, we dive on the floor and it's like scooping up the money, you know, and and they're like you have to wear your seat belt.
We're like yeah, yeah, yeah, but we we get all the money, and we got every bill.
We got every bill, So I mean, yeah, that was a fantastic hour. Richard cannot thank you enough.
There you go, Richard Munchkin follow him on X co host Gambling with the Edge as well, Mike Samachump.
Next, this is Follow the Money.
Time to go uh prop shopping, get some bets for the Super Bowl.
VSENT host Mike Sommich joins the program.
Now his show is called Ready Set Bet Saturday and Sunday nights right here on VSON. He is on the Progressive guest line, Mike, good afternoon. Thanks for the time. As always, we certainly appreciate it. You were dynamite a week ago with your breakdown of Xavier Worthy and why you need to bet his rushing yards over and it came in with flying colors against the bills. The floor is yours, my friend. You got to be doing it again, right.
It's always nice when you have a prop that's your favorite prop of the weekend and it cash is in the first quarter and you've got room to spare as well, because you're always worried about those negative runs. And yeah, I'm going right back to the well here with Xavier Worthy in the Super Bowl. You got to shop it around. I know there was a four and a half of Betty at bet MGM for a while. There's a lot of places right now at five and a half or six and a half to be quite clear, I like it over six and a half still, but five has been a key number for xavi'er Worthy four times this year and eighteen possible games is actually landed on five yards rushing. But to me, there's still a lot to go with this, even if you are looking at that five and a half or six and a half number. He has gotten a carry in fifteen of eighteen games that he has played in. He's gotten two or more carries in four of the last five games. He's gone over the ten yard mark and four of the last five games. And Andy Reid has given a wide receiver or a tight end a rush in twenty straight playoff games. I expect Xavier Worthy makes that at twenty one here, and I wouldn't be shocked.
If he gets multiple carries.
We saw him get two in that Bills game, although one was kind of a screen swing pass that went backward. They did try and run him at the five yard line as well later in the game, but that one ended up not happening due to a challenge by Buffalo, so we did see it. Possibly if him getting up to three rushes there in that game against the Bills. I think they want to get Worthy involved, and I think this is a tough matchup for Worthy on the outside because of the cornerback duo or really trio that the Eagles have. I think that means they get him involved in the run game. So we'll take Worthy over I would say five and a half, six and a half but shop around see if you can still get that four and a half that was available. Like I said at BETMGM most recently, all right.
Up Vison dot com. Another one put checko longest rush under.
I love this one. Pachecko is clearly not the back if you just look at the last two playoff games, just five carries in each of those games. He's not all the way back from injury. You know, it is a knee injury middle of the year, missed multiple weeks, lose eight nine weeks there. He's only played nine games this year. In those nine games, he's eclipsed the ten yard mark just three of those nine games. And now that the carries are falling down to me, the under longest rush is a great way to go because we have not seen the explosiveness from him that we saw when he was healthy earlier in the season, as well as what we saw last year. You can get that under nine and a half yards for the longest run for Pachecko. I think he gets five carries. And if he gets five carries against this Eagles run defense, which is pretty good, I think it's far fetch for him to be able to grip off a ten yard run, so like the under Pacheco longest rush at nine and a half quite a bit.
How does that tie into what you want to do with Kareem Hunt?
Then, well, it's funny because it doesn't feel like the books have fully figured this out yet. If you look at the rush attempts right now, Kareem Hunt sitting at ten and a half or eleven and a half, depending on where you are looking, and you've got Pachecko sitting there at six and a half, And to me, it's just not.
Sixty three thirty three right now.
I mean they look at last game specifically, seventeen rushes for Hunt, just five per Pochecko. I'm not sure in the next two weeks we're going to see that delta. And when you look at these two running backs, you compare what they do well, well, Hunt has better vision, Hunt is a better blocker, and Hunt is a more consistent running back from a catching perspective. Out of the backfield, Pa Checko's real strength is he runs hard and he has explosiveness. But if you take away that explosiveness, Hunt is clearly the better back. I think Hunt is the belcow here in the Super Bowl. Let's go over ten and a half if you can get it, or eleven and a half carries.
No, Mahome's going to be very popular with like the rushing yards, probably a rushing touchdown as well, maybe even the first Chiefs touchdown. Overall, you're not going to approach it that way at this point anyway. What do you want to do with Patrick Mahomes?
Yeah, I haven't attacked any of the rushing props. If I do, it would be attempts versus yards. He loves taking like these three four yard knees, and that counts against your running yards, but not your running attempts. It's actually good for attempts. So if I was going to play any Mahomes rushing, I would be taking over the carries number for Mahomes. But I really like his over completion's number. You can find it at twenty three and a half at some books, or twenty four and a half at plus money. To me, when you look at this Eagles defense, what do they do well? They rush the passer with four, they drop seven back in coverage. When you see those situations, you're going to see a lot of shorter passes, a lot of ball control offense. Some of the Chiefs are very used to after they really were the reason this defense was invented or at least popularized in today's NFL, after they were so explosive the first time that they won a championship. Because of that, Mahomes has a lot of it has a lot of experience against this specific defense. And what you see is a lot of these shorter passes, four yard, five yard passes, some slants. You're going to see more swings out to running backs. All of those mean completions. You're going to see higher completion percentage passes versus the downfield shots which obviously have less success less of a success rate. I think mahomes completions is a great place to look to the over here. I think it's a lot of short passes. I think it's just the move the sticks style offense for Kansas City. And if that's the case, then I love the idea of him going over twenty three and a half completions. And if you look at what Washington did, they pretty much did that exact same thing. Right where Earthz ends up with eleven receptions, you see their running backs get six receptions in that game. I expect the same thing from Kansas City here, I think Noah Gray gets involved. I think you're gonna see Kelsey from a reception perspective, maybe not the yard side, but I do think the receptions are a good way to look, which means that the completions here for Mahomes are a good way to look. So I'll take Mahomes over the twenty three and a half completions.
Is this widely available Hollywood Brown over first quarter receiving yards?
I found it on two different places. You can get over four and a half receiving yards in the first quarter on Hollywood Brown. One of the things I think is really interesting is, you know, he's only played the last four games really for the Kansas City Chiefs. If when you dive into those four games, Andy Reid has tried to get him involved every single time.
In the first quarter.
Three of the four first drives for Kansas City he has at least one target, and in the first quarter he's gotten at least one target in all four games. That means that Reed is trying to game plan Hollywood Brown into the game. I mentioned those quick slants, the swings out to wide receivers and running backs. I think Hollywood Brown is a highly likely recipient of one of those quick slants here in the first quarter for the Chiefs. I was looking for actually first drive props to see if I could get completion on the first drive at plus money for him. I was able to find this over four and a half receiving yards here DraftKings is the easiest place to find it right now. It's buried in a couple other books. But over four and a half receiving yards in the first quarter for Hollywood Brown, I think Reid goes right back to the well and tries to find a way to be able to incorporate him early into this ballgame.
Follow the money here on vsin d Sports Betty Network our guest Mike Sommich.
Follow him on X at some obam eighteen.
Also he hosts Ready Set Bet Saturday and Sunday nights right here on vsin Okay, So that's the bets that you have so far for the Chiefs. Let's go Eagles. Here a couple of player props. Now this number has moved and a lot of people like Dallas Goddard right, but it does make sense. Chiefs, they've been awful all year defending tight ends.
Yeah, number one in the NFL with targets allowed, receptions allowed, and yards allowed per game. We saw Goddard have a big part of that big game in that Washington Commander's game as well, he had a huge role Bowl through the air, and they actually gave him some carries as well. With the way this Chiefs defense plays stylistically, it kind of funnels everything to the middle that's not somewhere. Jalen Hurts loves to throw the football, but when he does is often to Dallas Goddard. This actually opened at forty five and a half yards. Matt and I talked about it Sunday night. Was awesome to be able to two weeks out from the Super Bowl have all the props populated multiple books. So shout out to those those shops that were willing to take the chance and put numbers out. And this Goddard won was one that immediately got steamed. So I was able to get it at forty seven and a half. I've seen it at fifty and a half in some places. I've seen it up to fifty two and a half at others. I project him for right around that fifty eight yard mark, So I still think there is some value to the over, but it's starting to get a little bit pricey. I do think Goddard has a shot at having a pretty big game here. So I got over forty seven and a half reception yards, I would still played if you can shop around and find let's say call it that fifty and a half reception yards here, because it does project out for god Or to have a very big game against this Chiefs defense.
I'm with you. And then it's also asked to be feed Barkley all day.
I think so when you look at what Kansas City has struggled with, especially the last two games in these playoffs, you look at Mixon and that weak offensive line for Houston, they were able to move the football on the ground. I don't know what Buffalo was doing with not giving it to James cook Moore. He was highly successful when they actually just called straight running plays for him. I don't think Philadelphia's going to watch the tape of the previous two playoff games and get away from what really is their bread and butter. I think they want to pound Barkley, especially early in this spot, because you want the Chiefs to start dedicating men to the box. If you go back and you see that Eagles game against the Commanders, and what made Hurt so successful is that we often saw eight or nine guys in the box for Washington. That made it a lot easier for him to go to his first or his second read on the outside. That's why we saw aj Brown have a good game. But if you want to do that against Kansas City, you got pull those safeties in. The only way to do that is show you can successfully run the football against him. I think because of that, the Eagles really have to come out and try and establish that run. If they do, then we're sitting at just twenty two and a half attempts here at plus one hundred on DraftKings right now. For Barkley's over, I think he gets twenty five twenty six carries, especially if this game stays close, which I do expect it to. So I'll take Barkley over his carries in the game as well. All right, might quickly here, but a minute left? Anything yet sider total for you. I've got a decent future on the Chiefs. So it's all about like how much do I want to hedge out or do I want to just roll with it? If I was going to bet the game right now, I would be betting the Chiefs. I like them minus the point and a half as much as I think the better roster is on Philadelphia's side, outside of the secondary and the quarterback. Pretty much position for position, you're taking the Eagles lineup. But to me it comes down to the coaching here, Andy Reid, Steve Spagnolo. I trust those guys way more, especially when you pair Reid with Mahomes than I do on the other sideline. So for me, it's the Chiefs minus the one and a half. I think they They end up repeating here.
Yep, repeating. All right, there you go. Mike Sammage. His show is called Ready Set Bet. It's an awesome show with Matt Brown Saturday and Sunday nights right here on Vson.
Thanks Mike, good luck this weekend.
You got it, guys.
Here you go get our Vson Super Bowl betting guide, packed with info and everything you need to make informed the wagers, Everyone's pick, MVP pick as well props, betting strategies and tips. Vson dot com. Slash subscribe and become a subscriber today as well as nine to ninety nine and get your copy in pocket. Plays up next. Nigel Seely on the program as well.
He is taking a nice dog this weekend in soccer.
His girlfriend a burial up blowout.
In the loche you can bet your children's on board Childrens child and funny stags.
It was so good whenever I bet, I could change the odds for every bookmaker in the country.
Let's go to the Marquee game Tomorrow night on ABC, the Lakers continue their road trip at the Garden. We'll go with the Knicks team total over one eighteen and a half. No ad. You saw they were an absolute siev without them against Philly. They're twenty second in defense. I'm sure the Knicks will hunt Reeves and others. One twenty two against Denver as they continue their home stand. By the way, Joker said top five team could win the title. One forty three against Memphis, one forty three against sack one nineteen against Atlanta, one twenty five against Philly, one nineteen against Detroit, one forty against Milwaukee. They're on a hell of a run and I don't think they're going to get much resistance from the Lakers in the Marquee game Saturday night. Continue to rock and roll and I lean Gonzaga in the Marquee College game Saturday night, Saint Mary's Lane one at home against the Zags.
All right, here we go, Grady last night's but I felt really good about this one. I bet the Austin Reeves propped several different ways. This was eight plus rebounds and ten plus assists at seventeen to one. Last night, he had five boards, three assists with about two and a half minutes to play in the first quarter, got a technical foul, then.
He sat for the next six minutes.
My one fear was the Lakers would blow him out, then he would sit in the fourth quarter. That came to fruition, but he can't predict a technical foul thing. He sat for the next six minutes, and by the time he got back into the game, I mean it was just over with pretty much now.
He did play.
Up until halftime. He had eleven, six and four. At halftime, I still thought we were alive to really go dancing. Last night, he played the third quarter, didn't do much, and then you know, at that point it's a hundre point game and every starter was right in the plane. Washington is so bad. I can't believe they're one of the worst teams I've ever seen play in the NBA.
It's deliberate. The roster's not bad.
Watch they watch them play for a second. You're gonna want to poke your eyeballs out.
It's so bad.
They won their first road game and haven't won a game since. They've lost twenty in a row on the road. And they started the season they won two in a row against Atlanta. Right, they actually beat the Bulls and ran them out, but then the long losing streak as you mentioned, and just get you're getting you down thirty five at home to a team without their second best player that has issues defensively.
What did I have the other day on the show? They did not win a game in November, I believe Huh. They won on New Year's Day and they haven't won since. Yeah, so, I mean you can bet on when their next win is going to be.
They have some bad teams coming up.
I was looking at it.
It's no thanks, I know, you know.
So that was a loser team total over Philadelphia twenty three and a half. I leave minus won twenty two with that. I like, I think this offense is they're gonna score in this game.
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Yeah, I was trying to while he was not telling the stories.
I don't know what I would have been like as a twenty year old or twenty five year old in those situations. And if you missed any of Richard Munchkin, you got to go back and watch it or listen to it at some point this weekend. He was on for a full hour beginning at two thirty Pacific. Get the vs and watch app. I can't get enough of it. We could have had him on for free three all three hours today.
Alan Wood's story about soccer blew my mind. Next time. And he's told the Russian mob story before, but that's another one where you just go when your pants dive in and swim. That one that's you know, oh well, we can't get the money out?
What talk about the Scotland yard story?
Where how does that have?
The guy they're in his room, they open up the briefcase. The other guys behind him and they don't even look and he closes it. Okay, we're all good here. What are the odds on that happening?
Right? He also told this years ago, But the one with the Korea game also was the uh.
That Korea story was so good.
There was the one, Yeah, I'll meet you, Oh we owe you money. Okay, meet this guy in a back alley, he'll hand you the money. What they're gonna they're gonna kill me? What are you talking about? And and he meets someone Nook answer mccash earlier, we got our guy Nigel Sealy on the case with Soccer Always read his write ups Vson dot com. Nigel starts off with a toll on the Premier League.
Hello everyone, it's Nigel CD here. As you can see, I'm not at home. I'm in the south of France in Montpellier at the tennis He's the eighteen and saw two fifty.
Event and that's where i am this week.
So I'm going to give you a quick video keeping my best bets on the Premier League this weekend. I start with the early game. I think it's seven thirty Eastern time. I hear the rain coming down there seven thirty eastern time on Saturday and it's the matching Roe We not in the forest and Brighton not a forest, got beat five mil last week by Bournmouth. They've been the surprise package in the Premier League this season and at home they've been on fire. They've scored in twelve of their thirteen home matches. Chris Woods, their striker, is in great form. He's got a brilliant record at goals. He's plus one eighty to score at any time. He's plus fourteen to score the first goal in this match they're up against a Brighton side who went by on a favorites let you down. Last week they were favorites they got beat at home by But when they're underdogs they.
Do really, really well and on the road. So far in the last.
Six matches they are unbeaten and they've scored fourteen goals.
So where I'm going this match is goals.
If you look at Brier's matches, they're scoring thirteen road matches, not the Forests are scored in twelve of their thirteen home matches. So my first bet is over two and a half goals at minus one fifteen in the match involving Brighton, Forrest and Brighton.
I really do like goals in that match.
My next bet is involving the team that's up with the Premier League table Liverpool. They've traveled to the inform side in the EBL and that is Warmouth on the south coast of England.
Burnmouth are unbeaten in twelve matches.
They won last week fivell against the Boris. The week before they beat Newcastle four to one ALF at Newcastle, and already this season they've beat in Manchester City and Arsenal at home. This is a real tough test for Liverpool. In the last few weeks. Liverpool have showed signs that they're a bit vulnerable at the back. They give up a lot of chances and I think Foremoth have've got a great chance here. I'm not going to bet them at plus three seven on the money line, but I think Liverpool could get beat at that big price.
It's a big week for Liverpool. They've got Everton as well in the Merseyside derby, but.
The beller like here is Bournemouth and the tie on the double chance, which is plus one sixteen. I think that's a really really nice price. Finally, and I think this is probably my shortest pick of the week actually not a Wolves up against aston Villa. Wolves are plus two forty five here. They've got a brilliant record against aston Villa in recent years. This is a local derby and now it's the perfect time to play aston Villa. Aston Villa in midweek to put their place in the last eight of the Champions League. With a winner against Celtic, the Scottish side for two they're into the last they're into the top eight, which means they're.
Foo to the knockout stages.
But every time after they played the Champions League match, They've struggled. They've paid seventh after the Champions League matches seven matches this season, they've lost four and drawn three. They haven't won one match in the after the week after they've played in the Champions League, and I think Wolves here can get the job done. Wolves are plus two forty five. It's a massive game for Wolves at the bottom of the table and I think it's the perfect time for aout Aston Rilla. So Wolves are the bet to me on the money line. So my picks this weekend. I'm going to go for over two and a half goals in Nottingham Forest against Brian. Boris scored so many goals at home. Brian scored so many goals on the roads. I think Bournemouth will continue their good run. I think they'll give it afore a real game. Plus one sixteen you can get on Bournemouth and the draw. I'm taking on Liverpool and finally good bet this one. I really like Wolves to beat Aston Milla. That record of ast the Miller after the Champions League is atrocious.
Seven matches in the Champions League, they haven't.
Won a match straight after and they just paid the biggest match of the season against Celtic. They're going to be absolutely exhausted. So walls on the money line at plus two forty five.
You can hear the rain.
It's absolutely seeming Dad it here in the south of France. I'll be back by my computer next week. I'll give you some more bets. But good luck with the bets and take it.
There you go.
Nigel Seely always with the rate umps at Beason Duck. Okay, what do you think Wolves plus two forty five?
Meat Man loves it too, Okay, the rivalry angle, yep. Well, and you got the big one Sunday with not as big as we thought, but City against Arsenal and meat Man likes over two and a half in that one.
This is a dumb question. I don't bet soccer enough, so I have to ask it. If you like him plus would you bet draw?
Bet sure with the Wolves.
That's what meat Man said too. Yeah, but yeah we want yeah.
Tomorrow's college basketball action A couple of things to look for. I think if you can get Florida plus four and a half at Tennessee, also Missouri, I think some shops were thrown out their misstate might be like six and a half at home to Missouri. Man, that's a lot of points. I look at Missouri and you said that you like Gonzega Agains Saint Mary.
Yeah, well you Marquette too much or no? I like six and a half against Yukon.
Yeah, that's a big number.
But also I think I I think we're gonna that's gonna.
That's an over I believe. And then gun to your head you want to take John Calipari going back to.
Rupp that's I don't like the spot for content hockey. I think it's more about Arkansas there. You just win as a ten point dog on the road. Now you come home and a team you're supposed to blow out.
Are they going to cheer or will they boom?
Seventy thirty cheer?
I went back and looked they absolutely booed. Patino.
Oh yeah, kid who bothered a big time?
Yeah he said it.
Yeah, yeah, all right, stay tuned prime That was a great show. Huhins Oh, Munchkin's the best Prime Time? Next next four hours here on vis and good luck this weekend.