Cashing Out | Hour 4 | February 2, 2025

Published Feb 2, 2025, 7:17 AM

In this hour of Cashing Out, Greg Peterson recaps a thrilling day of college hoops and he dives into all the fun prop bets going into Super Bowl LIX. And, VP of Operations at Circa, The D and Golden Gate Casino, Mike Palm joins the show to share his thoughts on the big game and he pulls back the curtain on the state of sports betting. 

This is cashing out on vs in the Sports Banning Network.

It's our number four of cashing out right here on VSON, the Sports Banking Network. And what better way to start out the hour than by bringing on one of the legends of the network, Mike Palm. He does such a great job here at Vson. He does a great job as the operations manager over at Circa, the d Golden Gate and so much more. And Mike, it's always pleasure, my friend. Thank you so much.

Greg, it's great catching up with you again.

It's great to have you aboard. And Mike.

First things first, we have to address what just happened about an hour or so ago, the fact that Luka Tancic gets traded on over to the La Lakers for Anthony Davis. And just what's your first reaction to this, because I know that you guys over here at Circa of taking your futures off the board, which wisely so this is something that nobody saw coming. But I just don't know either team necessarily gets better, And I just wonder how the fabric of both of these teams are going to be looking after this seismic of a train.

I think you'll see when we reopen it and around other books that the Lakers are going to shorten their odds in terms of how far they're going to advance this year will be the public will be the public reaction. My first thought Greg when when my first thought was I don't think it's real, okay, But then my first thought once we've confirmed that the trade was happening, they said, there has to be some major concerns in Dallas about Luca's health and and he's got to be considered damaged goods by the Mats to make this trade.

That's the only thing that makes sense to me.


Absolutely, I think that it's going to be really interesting to see how that Mavericks team is going to be looking moving forward, because everyone's talking about the Lakers, how is Lebron James, how is how is Luca Johnson just going to be able to play alongside of him? But at the same time, with the Dallas Mavericks, it does feel like this is a move that could actually work on paper for them because now now you've got Kyrie Irving, who was obviously your main trigger man running the point, but now you've got a little bit more of a traditional low post presence with Derek Lively currently being out, and I think that for the Dallas Mavericks, honestly, even though you're not gonna have Luca Dongris anymore, and that does diminish your team, it's.

Still a conventional basketball team. I think could go out there and win some games.

I think the problem for the MAVs is with the injuries that might be too late.

I mean, when are they going to get Lively back the in the march?

Maybe I think the clock is going to run out on them for this season moving forward.

I agree with your points, yep.

I think that that is going to be so interesting to take a look at it right now. With a lot of the books that have been posting up the odds in terms of the movement. Right now, we're seeing the MAVs go from twenty one and they were at thirty one in some books. Now they're going down to forty to one, and Lakers are hovering right around about twenty to twenty five to one after they were at fifty to one. So, no doubt about it, that is going to be very intriguing, to say the least. But I said, with regards to what we're also seeing just in terms of any landscape as well. I do want to bring the up with you because we saw for the first time in over a decade, Nevada Sportsbooks actually took a loss in terms of NFL betting.

This is not overall sports.

Betting and everything like that, but just with regards of football betting, we did see Nevada Sports Books lose about two million dollars in the month of December. I want to get your thoughts on just what this can be attributed to, because with regards to the NFL this season, I thought that it was a strange season with just how many favorites were able to cash in the regular season.

Yeah, if you looked at Survivor this year, Greg, it tells the tale of the season from over the counter perspective as well. I mean, we had almost ninety eight percent of the entries eliminated in the first five weeks, and everybody said, forget Christmas, that won't make it to Thanksgiving, And as you saw, we still had eight people go twenty and oh, and that's because the worm really turned there in early October. September was our best single month that our sports book has ever had since we opened in twenty nineteen because of all the ups and then you get this period where not only were the favorites winning the game straight up, but they were also covering at a record clip. And that contributes to sportsbook losses because you know, even for us, as much as we think that we're a sharp book and we're going to you know, the sharp betters are going to take dogs more than favorites.

There are so many money line.

Parlays in the NFL Greag every week, and so you need really at least one, but preferably two favorites of six or more points to lose to have any kind of a significant win. It's really stunning. So it doesn't overcome the sharp betters who are on the dogs when there are so many bets that link the favorites together.

And then additionally, with your point as well, do the teasers added up to that a little bit as well? Because I know that a lot of people like to see who those critical numbers as well, and with not having those broken up, those teams being able to win. I would have to think that teasers factored in a along with those money line parlays as well.

Well, you're absolutely right, Greg, And now obviously the teasers are a certain subset of that because not all all games are.

In that in that long teaser range right.

Where you're trying to go through the seven and the three. So when you get when you get, when you get favorites so they're ten or more points, you're going to see more money line money line parlays or even teams that are you know, five and a half point favorites will be put into them as well. You saw that obviously on Championship weekend. I mean that the whole teaser was with Eagles to builds.

No doubt about it.

That was like America's favorite teaser out there in the Championship round as well. That was obviously one that a lot of people dove in on. As Mike Palm, he does great work over at CIRCA, over at the Golden Gate and right here on Visa. He's joining me right here on cashing out on Visa d Sports Banking Network. And from the reminder that Circa they've also got their Super Bowl squares. And I'll want you talk about this a little bit further, Mike, because I know that you guys have done this last few seasons because typically when you play your Super Bowl squares. If you're at home or something like that, you just get assigned a number. In a lot of cases it's typically done by random, but you guys let the people pick their squares, and it's at obviously a little bit of different odds. You're not going to get quite the same odds for like a seven to five as you're going to get for zero to zero. But take the people through this sort of the origin for it and how it all works.

Well, I'll say of the origin was, you know, we're having all these different Super Bowl parties every year, and we were running our own boards, no for no for profit. We're not taking anything out of that, we're paying one hundred percent back. But it was very labor intensive on one of the busiest days of the year. And Derek said, we have to find a way to convert these squares into profits. And that's what what Matt Metcalf and Chris Bennett really did. And we actually got a patent issued on.

On these squares.

And so it's actually the sixth year we'll be offering them, but this is only the well, this will be the first year in five states. We had it the four states last year, and you explained very well. It's four different prop bets and it's the one hundred combinations of the last ditchits of each team's score, that exact result at the end of the first quarter, halftime, third quarter, and the final score, and there's an associated price with each. We really try not to move the prices too much. Great because we have print off these sheets every day and we want people to look at the sheet and say, relatively they can go up and bet that number that's on the sheet. People attack it different ways. Some people want to have some lottery tickets and bet those those squares that are one thousand to one, two thousand to one and sprinkle it around, and other people, you know, we'll have people come in and bet two thousand on a seven three first quarter and stuff like that. So it's fun and it gives us some sweats as well. But it gives the players their choice and they have control over it.

That's awesome.

It's a little bit of a case of something for everyone there, and just with regards to the Super Bowl offerings as well, because for those that have not been out here to Lovely Las Vegas for the Super Bowl, it is a big time party. It's that obviously March Madness is obviously such a great week to be out here for the Super Bowl as well. But what sort of offerings are you guys going to be having this year and are there any offerings are a little bit different this year as opposed the previous years.

Well in terms of if people are going to be in Las Vegas, Greg, we have the three parties that are that are open to the public, the sports Book, which right now last I checked, we do still have two booths swept in the sportsbook, and some recliners that are available. You can go to Circlelasvegas dot com and look and see the associated pricing. Stadium Swim has a lot of general admission available and I'm gonna say it's not a bad deal because you have it's one hundred and twenty five dollars, you know, on a lot of dates it's forty dollars, sixty dollars, even sometimes one hundred on NFL Sundays in October in late September, but that includes a buffet. They do a whole pyrotechnic show out there, and then of course you also have your day beds and your cavanas and then at the downtown Las Vegas Event Center. We'll have ten thousand people plus again and if the weather's good, looks like it will be.

That's that's a tremendous atmosphere as well.

We did add one after party this year, which is going to be on Legacy Club the rooftop Lous where we're going to throw our after party.

Oh that's going to be absolutely awesome.


Speaking of the super Bowl, I want to backtrack a little bit because I remember you said this on the network a week or two ago back when we had the Kanca Chiefs and the Buffalo Bills squaring off in the AFC title game. You were saying that that was going to be the most back game other than the Super Bowl this year. Did that live up to expectations for you guys? And did that live up to everything that you were hoping for? Action wise?

It did?

It did, and it was it will be the most bet game. The super Bowl will eclipse it. But it was our highest bet game of the year to point, and we and we got the result we needed. As strange as it seems, we need Kansas City to win by two or more. I don't know if it's the fatigue that everybody's talking about. But people have been in betting against the Chiefs all throughout the playoffs, and it will be interesting if we see that. We almost took a million dollar bet last Sunday night, right after the ANFTY Championship game ended, and one of our regular customers called in and so they wanted to bet a million one point one million on the spread to win a million. He didn't say the side, so we confirmed it and then when we call we called him back. You know, he said we'll wait because it went to it another place, so obviously he wanted the Eagle, so we didn't get that action, but that would tell you that the first million dollar bet was going to.

Be against the Chiefs.

Yeah, it's been absolutely stunning as well. And we've got about a minute left. Palm Mike Tom, How do you take a look at this Super Bowl as well? Because I just keep looking at it and I personally can't bet against Kirkpatrick Malmes with everything that I've seen in the last few seasons.

I can't either.

Even though if you if you just objectively looked at both teams, wouldn't you, and and the production this year, you would take that the Eagles it would probably be a two point favorite. I think I put my toe in the water with a couple of props. I put Barkley over passing yards thirteen and a half because I think HER's is gonna have to throw the ball more here. I think the numbers too high on his rushing yards because these tackles from Kansas City, these safeties from Kansas City tackled very well. And then I found an interesting prop rig well, a team convert a fourth down in their own side.

Of the field. The yes was three to one.

I said, that's a good shot because they don't punk from their own forty anymore.

I absolutely love it. Mike, always great catching up with you, my friend.

Thank you so much thee doing all the work you do, Greg your offer.

Thank you, Mike.

Always great to get them a boarding coming next, let's talk some college basketball, and let's talk about the trade that we just saw in the NBA right here on cashing out on Visa the Sports Banking Network.

Welcome back to catching out here on vs in the Sports Betting Network.

Here on cashing out, I'm decent the Sports Banking Network. First things first, before we go any further, are big things of Mike Palm, who does such great work here at the network, he does great work here at where I sit in this building at Circa and so much more. Always great to be able to get him aboard. America always needs more Mike Palm, and glad that we were able to get him on tonight. So a big thanks to him, and additionally a big thanks buying the scenes because it has been a chaotic last hour or so, because I mean, we just saw the trade between Luka Doncic and Anthony Davis, with Anthony Davis heading on over to the Mavericks, Luke Doncic going on over to the Lakers has happened very very suddenly. And everyone behind the scenes, my producer Johnny, You've got our audio engineer, Chris Jarenes. He does a great job as our technical director Corey Ryan, all these guys just being able to get everything on the ready, getting everything all squared away. Great job to these guys, the folks behind the scenes here at VSEN truly the best of the business. So big thanks all of them for everything that they've been able to do. And let's take a look at what we all did get with regards to the trade details, says, you had Luka Doncic along with Maxi Kiebler, along with Markis Morris head on over to the La Lakers, and then for the Dallas Mavericks, it's Anthony Davis, Max Chrissy a twenty twenty nine first round pick, and the Jazz weaseled their way into this trade as well, because they get Jalen hood Schaffino a twenty twenty five second round pick and a twenty twenty five second or a twenty twenty five second round pickup the Clippers and the Mavericks. Not sure where the Clippers second round pick happened. I guess there must have been another trade along the way or something like that. But good clean family fund for the Utah Jazz. But yeah, that's just clearly a seismic move. Again, just very befuddling, and it's something that brings me back to what we were talking about with John von Tobel about thirty or so minutes ago, the fact that Lebron might be on the move. Well, I know that he was mentioning that Brian Windhors was saying that apparently Lebron is looking forward to playing with Luka Dancrich out there on the floor. I just don't know how it necessarily works. Two really good players, but it almost feels like a combination where it's like you've got two good things on their own, you're bringing them together and it's absolutely awful. Like I like going to the car wash and I like getting my car wash. I like chocolate and consuming chocolate. Putting chocolate in a car wash doesn't necessarily work very well. That's what it feels like here. So I not all good things necessarily work out when you try to combine them, So I'm not sure what's going to be happening here. I was gonna mention like bacon and chocolate, but bacon and chocolate can actually work out quite well. So there's that aspect of things. But we have seen quite a bit of movement with regards to the futures on this front as well as right now.

We have seen the Lakers, who.

Were at fifty to one prior to the trade, they're going down to twenty to one, and a lot of books in the MAVs they were initially moved from twenty t one to thirty to one. Now we're seeing that hike up to about forty to one. In a lot of spots as I'll be monitoring this all throughout the night just in case we do see a little bit of line movement, because we have been seeing just it's crazy when you get a trade like this, you just don't see things like this very often. So we will keep you guys abreast of everything that's happening on that situation. And hey, if they want to give us another hair brain trade here in the early am hours, I am all for it because it certainly gives you something to yap about something else that did happen as well. That big Gonzaga versus Saint Mary's game. You may recall hour number one. I was advising Saint Mary's on the money line and the under sixty two to fifty eight a slobber knockers. Saint Mary's gets a job done. They went out right on the money line. And for Gonzaga, not necessarily the world's greatest the resume right now. They are obviously aren't in like peril making missing the NCAA tournament or anything like that, but lessons savory to say the least for Gonzaga, and a good win for Saint Marys, who've been playing some very good basketball recently.

And how about if we do.

Take a look at what we're getting on the college basketball front for this Sunday. I've already got my Vson article up over at vson dot com, so you've got a few write ups.

I think I rode up seven games for this Sunday, and.

Hopefully you can be a little bit better than what we did on Saturday. As I had Kansas personally, I also had the fate of Chicago State when Long Island was laying three and a half. They were up nine points before thirty remaining end. They did not close it out. So we are hoping for some better luck as the breaks have not been going by way. If you're someone that's been been in college basketball and you've been on the wrong ends of some brakes, don't worry. You have plenty of company. These melt owns have been insane this year in college basketball. How about if we ride with a home underdog here, Memphis is going to be on the road against Rice. This is eight forty one to eight forty two on the garden.


They are a ten and a half to an eleven point underdog. Dohna's game as any, we're doing one forty five to a one forty six and any team with a mascot of an owl always gets my oh delay Kiff and when he was coaching over at Florida Intlantic, and he said, go Owls of go Ubbels. But that said, I am going to be rooting for the Els because I set them as a six a half point underdog. I won't take the points in this spot. This is a Rice team that's actually been pretty rock solid in terms of their defense. They bring in Rob Lanier, who was the coach last year over at SMU, and I thought that he did a fine job over at SMBU.

Won twenty plus games.

They decided to go with in the enfield and said, which I can't necessarily blame SMU because they moved on over to the ACC. They had one hundred million billion dollars to spend they came up with. I think it was oil money or something like that. But I just know that they came up with a whole bunch of money in general, and they're looking to go hog wild here. But that said, with regards to the spot, I do think the race is going to be able to hold in there. I was more than willing to take the points in this spot, I'd like what trade board Noah's been able to bring them As their main point guard, He's been able to give the team like twelve points, five boards for assists. Nice little bit of a statue's suffering. Here's a big issue that you've got for this Memphis team. They allow a lot of second and third chance opportunities. This Memphis team is allowing uponents to grab thirty two point one percent of their misshots as offensive rebound. In terms of defensive rebound percentage, that is three hundred and sixteenth in all of college basketball. Meanwhile, this Rice team, they're able to take away the fourte of this Memphis team. Memphis has been just shooting it really well from three. Pinjy shoot at a clip of about thirty nine and a half percent from three. That's a top five mark in all of college basketball. And additionally, in a roadside shoots courting environment, they actually do shoot about forty percent from three. This Rice team fifty second in the country in terms of one on a three point shooting percentage. Lying teams issued just a hair above thirty percent from the outside. So I think that this is a good matchup for Rice. Now, Rice is going to need to take care of the turnovers themselves. They I've been turning the ball over about twelve times for contest. Here's a thing with Memphis though, Memphis in terms of percentage of their possessions that end in a turnover outside the top two eighty with that regard as well. So while you do have PJ. Haggerty give you twenty plus points vomited from three pint inch at north of forty percent clip, you've had Tyree's Hunter do a rock solid job giving the seam double figures. He's been a good number two score, shoots forty plus percent from three point in chat. Kobe Rodgers has been a nice mixer and shaker out there in the back court as well. This is a race team I think is going to be able to do a good job of matching up there with this Rice bunch. You've been able to get quite a bit download of Kingdom Boom Boom. Powell has been able to give you about six or seven rebounds per game. So I do think they're Rice. With all their attributes, they find a way to be able to hold in this game. Even with Memphis, even though you do have Moosa ces Day Danga. You see, guys have been able to combine for twelve rebounds per game. They're still just letting up too many second and third chances, and I think that the turnovers going to be costly. I did sell my line at a six a half, so I'm going to be one to take those points. And with regards to total, it's a very intriguing one. I sell my total at a one forty four and a half. Memphis has been playing a little bit better with regards to their defense, and this is a race team that outside the top tourner in terms of total possessions brands, so here between a one to forty five forty six. I'm going to be in on that under to go along with the points. As we are right here on cashing out on Visa D Sports Banking Network talks to college basketball and beut if I give you guys another game I wrote up. This is one that is going to be happening a little bit later on during the day as you've got seat in Haull on the road against the Paul, and the Paul does find themselves as four to four and a half point favorit and your total. This is one thirty five and a half to a one thirty six one layed here with de paul I set them as an eight plus point favorite. This is a seen All team that they're not good. They are outside the top three hundred in terms of points scored on a per possession basis, and they're actually an okay shooting team as well, like they shoot thirty four percent from three par range. You look at the actual shooting numbers and you think, oh, this team isn't that bad. But they really haven't been able to find their bearings on offense because they turn the ball over thirteen times for contest while being outside the top three hundred in terms of total possessions per game. That is not a good combination. Now Seen All not alliging a lot of second and third chances on glass, but that's because teams are just knocking down their first attempt test. Seten All is two hundred and seventy eighth in the country in terms of opponents two point shooting percentage, outside the top two fifty in terms of opponents three point shooting percentage. And this is the Depaull team that is so drastically different when they're at home rather than away from home. It's been a lot of good cooking for them at home as at home. Right now, they rank inside that top one twenty in terms of points a lot on a purpose esh basis, I'm not gonna call it amazing, about one hundred and eighteenth in a roads I shoot score environment, this goes to three one hundred and fifty eighth. So thank goodness gracious for them that they are playing this game at home. Meanwhile, this is ay seeing all team that has been able to get a lot going with Isaiah Coleman give you twelve points five boards, shoots it relatively well from three point range. Additionally, you've been able to get a little bit of production out of Dylan adi Wusu, who's been able to give you about three assist per contest. But for DePaul, they've got the better point guard in this spot Endcunnor and right who's been able to give out about six halfhasis per contest. You some of these guys, look at Jacob Meyer CJ. Guhn who've been able to give the team double figures and from three point range. David Skogman at six point ten is shooting north of thirty five percent from three it is a Topaul team that they themselves to turn the ball over a little bit more than what you'd like, and DePaul isn't generating too many turnovers. So that said, I do think that this is the spot where we do have some value here with DePaul because they are playing this game at home. I'm was waning to lay up to about an eight with them, So you're at a four to four and a half going to be one to lay that number, and I'm going to be in with regards subtle. I set mine more around about a one thirty six. I was seeing a lot of one thirty five and a half over one thirty five and a half by Max by point on the over, but still willing to take a shot on the over as well. And we'll get you some more college basketball picks on the flip side as well.

But for anyone that.

Missed it, we did indeed see Luca Dontrich get traded to the Dallas Mavericks or Luca Dontrich get traded from the Dallas Mavericks on over to the La Lakers. That was not some sort of illusion that did actually happen. In Lakers, they go from fifty to one to win the title. Now down to twenty to one, and alas Mavericks have moved from twenty to one down to forty to one. So size of moves happening in the NBA. We'll keep you guys suppressed as to anything that's happening with regards as NBA trade deadline, but initially have to make you guys some money for Sunday. We've got a great slate of college basketball. We'll dive in on a few more games next right here on cash and on decent Esports Bank Network.

Welcome back to Catching Out here on VS in the Sports Minting Network.

We're back here on Cashing Out on vicent these Sports Banking Network. You've got a lot of hoops to talk about here in the final thirty minutes, and we're about just for context here. About an hour and fifteen minutes ago or so, I found out that we saw the trade between the Lakers and the Dallas Mavericks, with Luka Doncic heading on over to the LA Lakers, and.

I still can't believe it's real.

Like I still think that in a few hours from now, it could be Sham's being like, yeah, you know what this is all made up. This is like a April Fools prank, because typically April Fools is April first. This could be February Fools because it's still technically February first, as the trade was happening out here on the West coast on these coast technically happened on the second. But in my goodness, I still think that this could be a bit that the NBA's running on us.

Obviously they're not.

But that said, if you take a look at the trade, it is Luka danc Maxie Kiebler. I'm Marky Morris heading on over to the Lakers. We've got Anthony Davis, Max Chrissie in at twenty twenty nine first round draft pick, heading out over to the Mavericks, saying, hey, the Jazz get Jaalen Uchaffino in a few second round picks for their trouble. H. I don't know what the Utah Jazz did here, but congratulations to the Utah Jazz for being able to continue his stockpile. But again, I just I don't know how this is going to work for the La Lakers. We have seen their title odds move from fifty to one to twenty to one, and I don't see it, like especially out there in the Western Conference. Like right now, they're on par with the Memphis Grizzlies, who are twenty two to one, and the Memphis Grizzlies have been playing with each other for a very long time. They've got a fully healthy job Morant now and everything like that. I like what I'm seeing with that young core, and I just don't know if these guys are going to be able to coexist. So there's only one ball out there. I've got my concerns with the LA Lakers. Obviously, the Dallas Mavericks are to manish. But at the very least, it's a traditional, shall we say, sort of like starting five that you're gonna have with the Dallas Mavericks because now you've got Anthony Davis down low, you've got Kyrie Irving who's able to become the main trigger man.

You surround them with them scoring, and.

You know what, I do think that that's actually something that could work modestly.


I don't think that they're going to be amazing or anything like that. I think that in the Western Conference date fade into the best a little bit. But I think that they could be something like a playing team something like that. So we shall see what's going to be happening on that front and certainly will get you guys, anything else that happens in the NBA, because at this point you could be seeing like Yanna set to Kompo going on over to like the Possi Celtics at this point, because I mean, it's just absolutely crazy what we're seeing with regards to these trades, so it makes.

It very fun.

I will say that I much rather have a lively trade deadline rather than a dead one, and that certainly causes some buzz. How about if we get some buzz for your bankroll though, that's what we're here to do right here on Visa the Sports Banking Network. And how about if we take a look a few games that we've got on this college basketball Sunday, as I've already ran through a few of them. This is one that I did not write up, but I've got a little bit of a side in total for you guys. Eight thirty five to eight thirty six West Virginia. They're on the road. They're on to Cincinnati, and with Cincinnati they are a four and a half to a five point favorite. Always loved saying that total this game between one twenty seven after a one to twenty eight. In With regards to the Bearcats, I did set them as a four and a half point favorite. You're a five plus. I'm gonna be won't take the points with West Virginia if I had to go stock down a little bit more on West Virginia as of what we've all seen over the last few weeks with them, because it does feel like this team is starting to get a little bit tired with regards all the injuries, I've caught up to them because he had Tucker Devrees was able to give the team good production for about the first eight games of the season, but he's been out for ten plus games. That means that Javon Small is having a cop out big for this team. And boy has he I mean for Javon and Small right around about nineteen to twenty points per contest, five boards, five assists. He has been rock solid for the seam. But outside of Amarnie Hansbury has been able to give about nine and a half points five plus rebounds per game. You really don't have a lot outside of him. Now, what I will say about this was Virginia team. And here's why they've been so successful as far as the season. They rebound by committee. Even with Tucker to rees out. Each of your top five scores give you at least four rebounds per game, some up and down. Everyone is giving good effort on the seam. And this is the West Virginia team that they do play at a very slow in control pace. And really both of these teams are playing at a very slow in control place. For West Virginia right now, they are about tour and seventy ninth in the country turns the total possessions per game. The Cincinnati team, they have been slowing things down to about three and fifteenth in the country, and they are going to be able to have mean most i would say dominant big man in this game. And as he's beenango he was the former Whack Player of the Year on the defensive side of things two seasons ago, he's been able to do a nice job giving the team a block and a half plus per contest. Now with Cincinnati, they have been able to get a little bit going with Gigsel James out there in the back court of long Dan Skillings. Both of these guys give you double figures. But here's a concern that you have to have with Cincinnati free throw shooting. They are outside the top three thirty with their free throw shooting percent, shooting less than sixty five and a half percent at the free throw line. And just a little bit of a pet peeve of mine when you find these teams that are like a four and a half five point favorite laying these numbers and they're bad at the free throw line, you have to really like it, because, man, they have not been so tremendous at the free throw line. And to go even further on that, you've got Dyan Mitchell they bringing in from Texas and he's been rock salid for them ten point six rebounds per game. He shoots thirty eight percent at the free throw line. That's just ghastly right there. So it says a circumstance where with West Virginia, I'm willing to take set on the points. Did somebody told one to twenty six a half? This is an a team by the way they have played in their twenty games as far this season, three over since seventeen under, So I'm banking on it being number eighteen. I'm in on the under and I'm gonna be in on the points with West Virginia. Something else that we're in on is also the big Game here at vs and you're able to say fifty nine dollars off of Vison Pro and subscription by just typing in this promo code of cash over at Visa dot com slash subscribe. Now, you do want to act very immediately because this is the final week for this offer, as we've got daily best bets to help you be able to cash more tickets, exclusive betting splits from DraftKings, along with circa twenty four seven video access on the vson Watch app, plus all of our betting guys and expert picks for the Super Bowl. You get mine in there and I'll share that with you guys on the flip side when we do our best for Sunday and our best moving forward. But this special offer, it is going to be disappearing after the Big Game. Sign up now Visa dot Com slash subscribe, utilize that promo code cash you say fifty nine dollars with that promo code over at vsion dot com slash subscribe. But if we take a look at a little bit more college basketball that we are going to be getting on this Sunday, and this is one that I think is going to be a fun one. We've got to wrap up the night Nebraska on the road against Oregon. Oregon finds themselves as a six a half point favorite and your total onn scheme and between one five and a half to a one forty six m with Oregon, they're a very intriguing team and that they really don't do anything great, but they really don't do anything bad. Like with this Oregon team, if you were looking at a chart of like a bunch of SaaS green being good, red being bad, and somewhere in the middle of being white, it'd be a whole bunch of white. With the Sabraska team, they've been really struggling with regards to their defense away from home. Outside the top one thirty five, there's points a lot on a purposeage basis. They were a team that was generating a bunch of turnoversorts beginning part of the season, but we've seen a little bit of a departure from that. You do have Connor a Siasion who's been able tooot forty percent for three but I tell you he transferred him from the Great State of Wisconsin. I'm a man that spent the first twenty two years of my life out there in Wisconsin. You either get really good Connor Siasion or you get really bad Connor is Siasion. He's either going to give you twenty or he's going to give you two points. So and so you get a ten to eleven point per game average with them. And that said, you've had Brice Williams be a really nice consint for the seam seventy points. She's in the mid thirties from three parrange. But with Oregon, I do think that the size of Nate biddle Trew seven foot is able to pop it from three parrange. It's given the team two blocks, seventy rebounds per game. I think that he's going to be the most salminant force in the team in this game, I should say. And then you've got Burkey, but Teesel on the flip side for Nebraska comes in from UCLA spy will get the team about six half rebounds.


Don't think that he quite matches up as much down loan. With this Oregon team, they've done a nice job with Jackson, Chel said being able to lead the way at the point guard Spot doesn't necessarily do anything overly flashy, but it's what he doesn't do. He gives out nearly three assists, knowing about one point one to one point two turnof spree shoots in the mid thirties from three parrange. Is able to find guys like Keyshan Bartholome, Brandon Angel have shot it well from three par range. So do you think that with this one you do have some value here?

With Oregon? I set them as a nine point favorite.

Keep in mind Nebraskas is having to travel on out from the Great Midwest on over to the West Coast, and I do think that this is going to be a relatively big typo game. Neither of these teams necessarily playing at warp speed, neither of these teams necessarily playing super duper slowly. So did somebody total more around about a one forty five right now? Seeing a lot of one forty five and a half one forty six in on the under animal, and to lay that number with Oregon? And I did right that one up for you guys on the Visa dot com website. So if you guys all cover there, and but if we get you guys cover with this one as well as We've got then Mount Saint Mary's on the road against Saint Peter's and the Battle of Saints. You've got Saint Peters's currently a three to three and a half point favorite. Total nscheme is one twenty seven to one twenty seven a half and with Saint Peter's it's been not necessarily the most savory basketball to watch, but I'm gonna be willing to lay it. I set them as a four and a half point favorite. By that, I mean Saint Peter's outside the top three hundred in the country it terms the total possessions frame. They have the highest felll rate in all of college basketball. But they also do a good job, will be able to generate second and third chances, and they go up against a Mount Saint mary team that's had a very difficult time taking care of the ball. As a matter of fact, both of these teams outside the top two seventy five in terms of turnovers on a per possession basis. You do have a Mount Saint Mary team that has been dealing with an injury as well to Turrell Art, he's on their top rebounders. He's been able to get the team double figures. So that means that Joey Cordelia Alondola at Baio we have been able to combine for thirteen rebounds. Frame they're gonna need to come up big in this game. You've got a Mount Saint Mary's team that has been a little bit of your missed with the guards the back courts. Xavier Lipscomb has been their main point guard. He's been able to give them about foign emphasis per game, but he's used to being a little bit more of a three point shooter by trade. And for the Saint Peters team, you've had a Monte Ziegler along as Marcus Raindel Bulls shooting the high thirties from three points. It is a Saint Peter team that does a rock solid job on the glass. I do think that that rebounding going to be able to win out. And you've got a Mount Saint Mary's team that just to slop you with the ball with Saint Peter's, but not quite as great defensively. So I do take a look at the spot and do you think they're in for a slog? These two teams playing very slowly, So I'm in on the under sid of my total one twenty four and a half and with regards to Saint Peter's would be wanting to lay for four with them, so in on the minus three and a half and coming up to wrap up the show, I give you guys the bets I've got for Sunday, and I'm taking a look at the Super Bowl with reguards to my side in total as well. That's up next right and Cashing Out on visit Esports Righting Network.

Welcome back to Catching Out here on VS in the Sports Betting Networkbeck.

Here for the final second of the night, right here on Cashing Out on VS in d Sports Banking Network. If you're listening live to Cashing Out, well you're going to be getting a replay of this fine program. Meanwhile, if you're listening to a replay, we are going to be giving you guys all that you need here in the am as we've got ourselves a lot that is going to be going down on this Sunday. You've got ready set bet that's going to be happening with Matt Brown along with Mike Summich a little bit later on here in the evening, you've got live bets Sunday as well. We've got you guys set for what is going to be a tremendous slate in general. And we've got the weekend Morning Line as well, because we used to have the Tailgate show here in the early in the am, but we've got the Weekend Morning Line starting up at ten o'clock a time. So we've got a lot of fun that is going to be going down. And boy do we have a lot of fun that's going down in the NBA. Because always with this final segment of the show we talk about the bets that we're placing and everything like that. How about if we hit upon something that I'm not doing. I am not betting twenty to one on the LA Lakers to be able to win the title, despite the fact that they pick up Luka Doncic. We saw this happen late in the night on Saturday. Luka Doncic is now a member of the LA Lakers. You get straight there from the Dallas Mavericks, and the Mavericks they're getting in a return in the Anthony Davis. We've got a few Antilly pieces along the way. With Lakers. They also pick up Maxi Kuebler and Markis Morrison. Max Chrisy also hads on over to the Mavericks and shout out to the to the Utah Jazz, we get Jalen Hood Shaffino and a few second round picks for their trouble bud.


Right now, the Lakers are at twenty five to one to be able to win the title. Mavericks have won from twenty one down to forty one. I just I can't get there with the La Lakers. Like again, I've been mentioning this all night long, and I've been trying to write my brain around it. How in the heck do you have Lebron James along with Luka Doncic on the same team and have it work in any sort of semblance Like what John Montbel said on this network a little bit over an hour ago is what makes the most sense to me. Perhaps Lebron James does get moved to Golden State Warriors, because I know that Lebron said that he's all fired up to be playing with Luka Doncic. Just like you've got one basketball and you've got two black holes out there on the court where the ball comes to them and it's not coming back out. So I don't know, Like both of these guys need the ball in their hands and are to be able to operate. You've got two operators and you don't have anyone that's able to really monitor it. So I don't know, Like really, I am very bearished on this sliot Lakers team right now.

We want to see what it's going to be happening with.

Regards to these next few days because obviously you still have a lot of trade deadline pieces out there as well. In Boy oh Boy, the NBA loves to deliver on the trade deadline, so they're in sad aspect of it. And we always love to deliver our best bets to you guys, and they're all brought to you.

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It is the official bank of VSIN and if you're serious about sports betting, you need the G Bank visa signature card because most credit card companies they treat sportsbook and gaming transactions as cash advances, and it's even the case when you put your own money down on the card and G Bank they treat these like gaming transactions. So typically you'd be paying those three to five percent interest fees on cash advances. You're save those right there and right now for a limited time, you'll receive a two hundred and fifty dollars bonus after you spend one thousand dollars in the first ninety days. You're able to apply now with Visa dot Com slash G bank that is Vsion dot Com slash the letter G and then the word bank. This is subject to credit approval and termsic conditions they do apply. Well, I gave you guys my Super Bowl side in total, and you're able to get this as well. In the Vson Super Bowl Betting Guide, I picked a final score of twenty seven to twenty four with the Chiefs being able to get the job done. My Super Bowl MVP is Patrick Mames. You can say that I'm not being creative he or anything like that. I'm in this trying to try to be able to make you guys a few dollars. It's not about taking like the fifty to one shot or something like that. Like I'm just not one of those guys that really sees a lot of value with a lot of players across the board, just because I do think that this is going to be a quarterback award and I just don't want to be getting beat by Patrick Mahomes just continue to do Patrick Mahomes sings.

It just feels like every single.

Time he's in a big time spot, he finds a way to be able to get the job done. He's a guy that I'm not doubting until moving forward. Like, if I'm proven wrong, I'm proven wrong. If I go down betting on Patrick Malmes and Patrick Mahmes loses, I can feel good about that. If I bet against Patrick Mahmes and Patrick Malmes comes through, I don't feel good about that.

So yeah, that's.

Sort of where I'm standing right there. Certainly, we'll be covering the super Bowl all throughout the next week here on the network, so we'll have you guys cover there. Personally, I haven't placed a lot of super Bowl props, firstly because I'm much more of an underbetter with regards to whole lot of these super Bowl props. So I'm right now waiting for those numbers that maybe out of a receiving prop of like forty five yards, I want to try to be able to go under on more like forty eight to forty nine yeards because the summers are going to be getting seamed up. So I haven't done a lot with regards to prop front, but I tell you right now, I've done quite a bit with regards to being able to.

Bet that side.

And I am in on the over as well, because I feel like this is going to be a twenty seven to twenty four game. So as long as we can keep this below a fifty one, I'm in on the over there as well. And we're in on a lot of college basketball for the Sunday as well, And we finally have a game that tips later than four o'clock PM Eastern time. Like the last few weeks with regards to the NFL playoffs, you had the latest game in college basketball tipping at four o'clock PM Eastern time. That was a little bit of a bummer, to say the least. But how about if we rally for the Valley in the Missouri Valley Conference. You've got Bradley on the road against Northern Iowa game that everyone's going to be a huddle around the TV for Northern Iowa one and a half to two point favorite Civilans game is one thirty nine. And I do love me some Missouri Valley Conference action, and I will take the points with Bradley. I did set them as just a one a half point underdogs, so being able to the two plus, I'm gonna be well take the points. But I did this right up for the Vista dot com website. I am in on this total under You've got an Northern Iowa team that has gotten back to the roots that, thank goodness gracious that they have because Northern Iowa. You may not recall this, but a decade ago, they were an awesome program that was getting to the NCAA tournament time and time again. They did so because they played rock solid good defense and they played super duper slow. They would always be outside the top three ho in terms of total possessions frame. And then when they had bowe Born the last few years, they sped themselves up. Now bowen Born is over Colrada State and really not down a ton for them, and now they've decided to slow down again, which I think is a correct philosophy. They're about three and fortieth in the country in terms of total possessions per game, and they go up because the Bradley team that is really good at both shooting the three and guarding the three. Bradley is in the top five nationally in terms of the three point shooting percente on offense and on defense. Our top three five team in terms of opponent's three point shooting percentage, and this is a Northern Iowa team, then I do live and die a little bit by the three balls. Both of these teams, they really don't reel in offensive. If they miss that first shot, they're not gonna get a second chance, as both of these teams outside the top two sixty five with regards to percentage of the risk shots that results in an offensive rebound. But I do think they're Bradley going to do a rock solid job defensively, like what I'm seeing on Zeke Montgomery long Duke Dean. These two guys have been able combined for about twenty twenty nine points where contests. It's a team that does a good job of being able to rebound by the committee. And do have a few turtal issues with this Bradley team as well, So that does put me on the under in the spot. So I told more on a one thirty five and a half at the two plus, I'm going to be one to take those points as well. This is one that I think is going to be a fun one because you to my home state of Wisconsin. The UW Milwaukee Panthers. They're going to be playing US at Fort Wayne and the mess it Ons. Do you find themselves as a three and a half point underdog. Totals game is now hiked up to about one fifty eight and a half to a one to fifty nine. I understand why the totals went up, but I'm going to be in on the under in the spot and the big reason why is that I'm backing UW Milwaukee is a minus three and a half point favorite. With this UDOW Milwaukee team, I think that they're going to be able to control the glass. UW Milwaukee numbers three in the country with regards to their rebound rate. Fort Wayne they are outside the top three thirty. Now, what Fort Wayne does is they win the turnover battle. They're a top thirty team. It turns a few of his turnovers is committed on a per posession basis, and they're a top thirty five team in terms of turnovers force on a cooper possession basis. That said, with u to Bwaukee, I think that Jamaica Sowell is a big antidote to that. He's been able to give the team eleven and half boards. He does stand right the neighbor about six point nine six foot ten and pops it from three at about a thirty five percent clip as well. This has been a team in U to B Milwaukee that they themselves do rank in the top winner in terms of turnovers force on a purposess basis. So they do a nice shot and be able to turn you over as well. So I do like this total under. I did some of my total more around a one fifty six, so now they we're up to a one fifty eight and a half one to fifty nine. Do like that under with U W Waukee made them a four point favorite. STUF gonna be one to lay up to three and a half there. This is one that hit a little bit earlier. This is in the vs and right up, I did take the over in terms of self Flora versus Laura and Link Floria and Lank. I will give you a friendly reminder out at three hundred sixty four Division one teams turns out upon a three point shooting percentage at home three one hundred and sixty fourth. They are allowing teams to shoot more than forty seven percent from three point range at home. The South Florida team has been pretty not great with regards or defense as well to ann thirty fourth in the country. It turns points a lot on a purposesge basis, So that is a circumstance where I'm going to be in on that total over and when self Flora, I was willing to take eight with them. And then this is a fun one. You've got Colordo on the road against CCU right now. The total is between one thirty six to a one thirty six a half and TCU is a six a half to a seven point favorite. Both of these teams are well inside the top one fifty in terms of points. In terms of points scored on a purposesge basis, this sky Rio team especially has had a really tough time taking care of the ball fifteen turnovers per game. Neither of these teams necessity pushing tempo. You've got a GCU team has been a little bit up down all round with the guards and rebounding as ernest Ude feels like he's just dealing with a little bit of an injury. It's a few games a little bit earlier in the season. He's come back, but he hasn't say looked fully like himself, but I said, you've also got a Colorado unit that I have not been able to find any assemblance of three point shooting whatsoever. Their offense is always very much more diminished when they're away from home rather than them when they are at home. So this is a circumstance. We're seeing the total out of one thirty six, one thirty six a half. I'm going to be in on the under end. I did t se you as a six a half point favorite. Right now, we're seeing a few sevens spop up seven my minimum by point on Colorado to go along with that total under as well, And if you miss it from earlier in the hour, we're giving our own delay and Kiffin Goulbells the Rice levels. We're taking ten and a half to eleven points with them against Memphis as well. So we've got ourselves a lot of fun. And again, if you're listening live to Vson, you're going to be getting a replay of Cash Down.

If you're listening to that replay, the

VSON Weekend Morning Line is going to be coming your way right here on vs D Sports Paying Network

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