Voices of Hope: A Moment With...Voices of Hope: A Moment With...

Behind the Smile - Semi Cho

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Semi's upbringing was complex and challenging, weaving elements of both a regular childhood and the awareness of not fitting into societal norms. Having albinism meant that Semi looked markedly different, often leading to instances where others stared, made comments, or passed judgments.

Societal perceptions were not often like the support she received at home, leaving Semi to grapple with mental health challenges and confidence issues. Depression crept in due to various physical setbacks, including health conditions like thyroid autoimmune disease. While her family provided practical support, emotions and mental health were rarely discussed within her Korean culture.

In confronting her mental health, Semi discovered the therapeutic value of creative endeavors. Returning to writing and venturing into stand-up comedy became outlets that nourished her emotional well-being. Expressing herself creatively became a pivotal strategy in managing her mental health, along with riding horses.

Semi encourages individuals facing similar struggles to embrace their uniqueness, acknowledging that everyone's journey is different.

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Voices of Hope: A Moment With...

It's not weak to speak. Voices of Hope co-founder Genevieve Mora spends a moment with Kiwis who have 
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