CEOi’s John Dwyer on accelerated approvals, CMS, and Alzheimer’s Disease

Published Sep 8, 2022, 2:25 PM

What do you do when you’ve been an entrepreneur, and have successfully built and sold two healthcare start-ups to 3M and Aetna? If you’re John Dwyer, you advise The Global CEO Initiative on Alzheimer’s Disease to help find a cure. And given John’s track record of success, this sounds like a fantastic idea. The Global CEO Initiative on Alzheimer’s Disease (or CEOi), is an organization of private-sector executives who have joined together to provide business leadership in the fight against Alzheimer’s. John Dwyer is playing a key role within this organization.

In this podcast, John Dwyer discusses research presented by Vital Transformation at the BIO conference which shows the potential results of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS’) decision to limit access to a new therapy for Alzheimer’s disease and any future therapy with the same mechanism of action. For the first time, CMS denied coverage for an FDA approved on-label treatment, as they called into question the evidence base of an accelerated approval pathway.

We discuss the implications of two government agencies, CMS and FDA, not agreeing on the evidence requirements for coverage under Medicare, as well as the unintended consequences this will have on the future development of new therapies. We also highlight the impact of this regulatory impasse on patients in desperate need of effective new treatments.