Joe engages in a captivating conversation with Gordon Sumner, a veteran with a rich military lineage and a fascinating personal history. Gordon shares his journey from college to joining the Army during the Vietnam War, highlighting his transition from an infantryman to an Army aviator. He delves into his family's military background, tracing his ancestry back to a Revolutionary War general and discussing his connection to Native American heritage. The episode also explores Gordon's experiences during significant military operations, including his command during the invasion of Grenada, and reflects on the evolving perception of veterans in society. With humour and heartfelt anecdotes, Gordon's story exemplifies resilience, pride, and the enduring bonds formed in military service.
Military Lineage: Gordon Sumner has a rich family history of military service, tracing back to the Revolutionary War, with direct ancestors participating in every major conflict involving the United States since then.
Native American Heritage: Gordon discovered his Native American roots through genealogical research, which revealed a connection to the Santee tribe of South Carolina, leading to his induction and receiving a tribal name during a naming ceremony.
Military Career Path: Initially joining the Army as a reservist to complete his college education, Gordon transitioned to active duty and eventually became an Army aviator, flying helicopters and serving in various capacities, including command roles.
Vietnam War Experience: Gordon shared insights into the negative treatment of Vietnam veterans upon their return home, highlighting the societal challenges they faced and the efforts made by later generations to ensure that current veterans receive better recognition and support.
Grenada Operation: As a commander during the U.S. invasion of Grenada in 1983, Gordon led his unit successfully, emphasizing the importance of mission accomplishment and the safety of his soldiers, which he considers a significant achievement in his military career.
"I do come from a long military lineage... every major conflict that our government has been involved with since the revolution, I've got a direct descendant who served during that conflict in uniform."
"There was a big drive back in the 1800s, especially, to get rid of the American Indian... the government was really bad about treaties."
"I was about to get drafted. So the army was kind of making that choice for me."
Joe O'Connor is a resilient business entrepreneur and Financial Adviser dedicated to supporting business owners and veterans in their transition to civilian life. Despite facing life-threatening challenges at a young age, Joe defied the odds and embarked on a remarkable journey. From excelling as a Combat Engineer and Physical Training Instructor in the Royal Engineers to starting his own business as a Financial Adviser, Joe has displayed unwavering determination.
After rejoining the Army as a reservist in the Bomb Disposal Unit, Joe reached the rank of Sergeant before transferring to the SAS, where he endured a severe injury and was medically discharged. Undeterred, he resumed his role as an IFA and founded a charity that aids injured veterans and their families.
Joe's charity is currently finalizing plans for a training center and 23 Lodges, aiming to provide vital support for veterans transitioning to civilian life while addressing stress, anxiety, and PTSD. Today, Joe's mission is to unite business owners and veterans, helping them unleash their full potential for success.