Verdict with Ted Cruz: Trailer

Published Jan 19, 2020, 10:45 PM

Join Senator Ted Cruz and co-host Michael Knowles as they break down the most important news stories of the day and reveal what they mean for you. On "Verdict with Ted Cruz,” you will go behind the scenes of the political debates that define our country.

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We're sitting here right now. It is two forty two in the morning. You've come here straight from the hill. Senator Ted Cruz was a nightly podcast called Verdict. Can you just take us through this process a little bit? Those rules are designed so you don't have senators screaming at each other. The house has a lot of that, and I still remember when they pulled up porn on the screen. Justice O'Connor just went, oh my, you're saying Ukraine and not Russia. That logical construct X and not why they're engaging in lawyerly sleight of hand. The US government was funding the Chinese research at the Wuhuan Institute of Arology. The Senate acquitted President Trump about four thirty in the afternoon. That's right, they're not done. This is released the hound. What in the hell are you frigging nuts? You guys are not frigging overlord, get off your power trip. It still doesn't matter if there was a quid pro quo. Okay, you showed off your Latin into the episodes. There's been a real cynicism in this whole issue of the protests. Just a week ago we were told if you go outside to do anything, you're killing grandma, you're endangering people because of the coronavirus. And then this week we're told everybody should go out to protest. The world's number one podcast and number one in news. We passed Joe Rogan. We rose to number one. We are beating the New York Times. I'm sorry, could you say that again? The number one podcast in the entire country. What is a podcast?