Dem Civil War-Biden Harris Camps Blame each other, plus Iran Again Tries to Assassinate Trump

Published Nov 11, 2024, 9:00 AM
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It is Verdict with Sentater Ted Cruz Ben Ferguson with you on this Veterans Day. To all of our veterans out there, thank you for your service to this country. And we're talking about a civil war today. It has nothing to do with actual you know, Veterans Day. Where's a civil war happening within the Democratic Party right now as well.

Senator Well, let me first of all say to all of our veterans, thank you for your service. Thank you for standing up and fighting for our country. Thank you for risking your lives. Every one of the liberties we have, our rights to free speech and religious liberty, and the Second Amendment, everything else, our right to vote, all of that comes from our veterans who risked everything for us. And so thank you for your service, your sacrifice. And you know, I will say, we recognize Veterans Day on November eleventh, and that date was it recognizes when warld War one came to an end and World War One came to an end at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in nineteen eighteen.

And it used to be.

Called Armistice Day. It's now called Veterans Day. It's an opportunity for every one of us to thank our veterans. And so let me say to our listeners, if you are a veteran, thank you. If you're not a veteran, make sure today that you think a veteran, that you just stop and say, you know, genuinely, in heartfelt thank you for everything you've done. All right, let's talk about what is happening right now. I got to say the fallout from election day continues. The Democrats have turned on each other like scorpions in a bottle. Everyone is pointing fingers, pointing barbed tails. They are striking at each other. It's everyone's fault. That chaos is dramatic. And while Democrats are lighting each other on fire, we also have news of a serious plot, yet another plot to assassinate Donald J.


In this instance, it was the nation of Iran who hired hitmen with the charge of killing Trump. That indictment has just been made public. We're going to give you all the details about that as well.

Yeah, it is truly incredible to watch this civil war breakout within the Democratic Party. I want to tell you, by my friends real quick over at chalk If you're a guy and you are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. Maybe you've gotten a little bit older and you just feel like you've lost at edge. You want to be active, but you just don't feel like you have the energy. You are not alone. The problem is actually very clear. Men's testosterrum levels are off a cliff historically at an all time low. And if you are sick and tired of just being tired, then you don't have to just sit on the couch. You can choose strength and vitality over weakness and complacency. And you can do that by checking out my friends at chalk cho Q. They are helping real American men just like you, maximize your masculinity by boosting your testosterum levels up to twenty percent over ninety days. Now this isn't for the woe liberals out there. I want to be clear about this. It's manufactured right here in the US of A. And Chalk's natural herbal supplements are clinically proven to have game changing effects on your energy, on your focus, and on your mood. So maximize your testos from today and do it at chalkchoq dot com. I have been taking Chalk now for over a year, I have lost more than seventy pounds. That got me off the couch and back to going to work out. It's amazing. Go to choq dot com and if you use a code Ben, you're gonna get a massive discount on any subscription for life. That's cchoq dot com code Ben for lifetime savings on any subscription, limit time offer, and subscriptions are canceable at any time. So center it's amazing that usually after you lose an election, you take a look at the data, and you look at the data and you say, Okay, what did we do wrong? How do we not connect with the voters? What can we learn from this? Great political minds take notes and so they can look back at prior elections and remember what they screwed up and maybe use that and implement in future elections. None of that seems to be happening in the Democratic Party. It's all it's your fault. No, it's your fault. No, it's your fault. They're all turning on each other right now. Yeah, Ben, you're being too analytical. When you lose an election. You're pissed when you lose an election. Most people are pretty emotional, they're angry, they lash out, and typically what happens within a campaign as all the campaign staffers blame each other, they all start leaking stories attacking each other, saying it was that dumb soob's fault, that's why we lost.

You know, what you describe sounds like a very rational process that very few campaigns actually do analyzing what went wrong. In this instance, you've got an interesting dynamic because you just you don't just have kmmalist team, you have Biden's team as well. And so for example, Axios on Friday reported quote Harris Biden camps blame each other for loss. And here's how it opens, finger pointing. Advisors to Harris and President Biden agree on one thing, President Elect Trump's victory is the other one's fault. So they're both that they have the best person to blame it on with, which is each other. So one Democrat who's anonymous but quoted in the story, points the finger at Mike Donaldan and Steve Verschetti, who were Biden's top political aids.

And here's the anonymous.

Quote, quote, Mike and Steve will have a lot to answer for having him run for reelection at eighty years old. Another person, this is someone on Harris's team. Here's their anonymous quote, quote, the one hundred and seven day Harris campaign was nearly flawless. I got to stop and like, holy crap, really, like somebody would raws a salary. Actually uttered that sentence. The one seven day Harris campaign was nearly flawless, But the quote continues. The Biden campaign that preceded it was the opposite. No, you could say a lot of things about Kamalist campaign, but nearly flawless that you definitely could not say. Here's another one from Harris's campaign, quote, we did what we could. I think the odds against us were insurmountable. Another Harris say. David Pluff is also to Obama. Aid posted on x that the campaign had quote dug out.

Of a deep hole.

In other words, that it was Biden's fault that he dug that hole. Afterwards, Pluff deleted his account. Now Biden pushes back to the folks that are attacking Donald and Raschetti, Biden's top aids and Biden's team says quote, there are a wide range of advisors Biden consulted about the campaign who agreed on the merits of running like the party did after the best midterm wins for a new president over sixty years. No one has the president do anything. It's going back and forth. All right, here's a Biden staffer. Here's another anonymous quote. How did you spend one billion dollars and not win? What the F and F is not abbreviated in the actual quote. Here's someone from Harris's campaign. Here's an anonymous quote.


People are depressed and frustrated about the overconfident leadership of the campaign. A Biden spokesperson publicly Andrew Bates. Here's what he said, quote. Anyone criticizing the vice president's campaign is at odds with President Biden. Here's someone else who says, quote, the Harris team benched Biden and then they lost. So now the people who represent Biden are saying, maybe you shouldn't have been, and others are pointing to Here's a former Biden administration official quote. The party was lied to about our candidate, and the leadership who lied were the same ones who never bothered to actually listen to voters and understand what was appealing to them about Trump or why the Biden economy wasn't working for them.

Even if it looked good on paper.

You look at all those quotes, and it's just like you said, it's your fault. No, your fault, no, your fault, no, your fault. I mean even Nancy Pelosi was talking about this and said Biden's late exit and the lack of an open primary is what costs in the White House. But there's a problem with that because Nancy Pelosi in September said this to the American people about the primary.

You had reportedly said you wanted a sort of an open primary.

When if Joe Biden stepped down, did you change your mind.

Because you saw all the excitement around Kamala Harris.

No, I didn't change my mind.

We had an open primary and she won it.

Nobody else got in the race because she was politically a student.

I mean, you gotta laugh at that, right. You're complaining about it now. But then you said we had one and no one else got in the race, Like, which one is it?

Well, and Pelosi went on a greater length to the New York Times. Here's what she just said. She said, quote, had President Biden gotten out sooner, there may have been other candidates in the race. Quote the anticipation was that if the President were to step aside, that there would have been an open primary. And as I say, Kamala may have I think she would have done well in that and been stronger going forward. But we don't know that that didn't happen. We live with what happened. And because the President endorsed Kamala Harris immediately, that really made it almost impossible to have a primary at that time. If it had been much earlier, it would have been different. And so that, I mean, that's a fairly dramatic. Suddenly Pelosi is acknowledging what any person with sentience acknowledged, which is they did not have a democratic process. No votes were cast, Kamala became the nominee with nobody voting for her for president, and well then she ended up being a general election nominee with not enough people voting for her for president, and the entire Democrat Party circle the wagons around her, and now they're they're they're just throwing rocks and blaming everyone for what happened.

When when you see the lack of I think just the best way I can describe it is self awareness. I wonder what it's going to look like in Washington come January. I mean, they've got to be just losing their minds now right.

Well, and every day it's going to drive them crazier. Remember, they've convinced themselves that Donald Trump is hitler. Trump is going to be ubiquitous. He is going to be everywhere. I expect the first one hundred days to be fast, to be energetic. I'll tell you, I'm talking regularly the Trump transition team. They're moving forward with cabinet appointments. They want to move fast. They want to move fast with executive orders. They want to move fast fast with regulation, they want to move fast with legislation. They very much feel and I think this is right, that they have a mandate and let's go, go, go right now. That's that, that's where the Trump team is coming from, and that's going to drive Democrats out of their mind. I mean, they're still in a state of denial. They're still like, no, no, no, this can't be happening. This can't be happening. I don't believe this is happening. And as I said that, they're still emotionally blaming each other. Take a listen to this clip. This is from John Favreau on pod Save America, one of the big big Obama bros. And and and and look look what he's saying now.

Joe Biden's decision to run for president again was a catastrophic mistake.

It just was.

And he and his inner circle, they refuse to believe the polls. They refuse to believe he was unpopular. They refuse to acknowledge until very late that anyone could be upset about inflation. And they just kept telling us that his presidency was historic and it was the greatest economy ever. We just heard him again say that it's the greatest economy ever. Clearly seventy eighty percent of voters don't believe that. They don't believe that about their own personal financial situation, but they just keep telling us that. And then after the debate, the Biden people told us that the polls were fine and Biden was still the strongest candidate. They were privately telling reporters at the time that Kamala Harris couldn't win. So they were shiving Kamala Harris two reporters while they told everyone else, not a time for an open process, and his vice president can't win, So he's the strongest candidate then we find out when the Biden campaign becomes the Harris campaign that the Biden campaign's own internal polling at the time when they were telling us he was the strongest candidate, showed that Donald Trump was going to win four hundred electoral votes. That's what their own internal polling said.

There were polls showing eighty percent of voters thought Joe Biden was too old to get a second term before the debate, and then we all watched the debate, and then in the last few weeks Biden was campaigning and he said we need to lock Trump up. He created a controversy over whether Trump supporters were garbage. She said, you know the weird thing about slapping Trump on the ASCIC. His moments on the campaign trail worked flawless. Either you can't, you cannot. I want to stay for the record, I also think all the TV money I should.

Be should be rethought to more importantly.

The idea that Joe Biden was when you do better in this race than couple Harris is on its face upside.

This is the number one liberal podcast America called Pod Save America. And I'm still trying to figure out exactly what their point is which was they were always screwed, whether it was Joe Biden or Harris or anyone else.

Is that what they're know that Their point is they were right. Remember it's Obama that pushed Biden out. It's Obama, and it's Pelosi and it's Shumer. And so the Biden bros. Are defending Obama and that means it cannot have been a mistake to put Commonly in because they did that. So that means the mistake was Biden in the first place. In other words, they should have shived Biden a year. The mistake was waiting as long as they did to ship Biden's That's that's what they're saying, and it's open civil war. It's also striking, you know, you said the number one liberal podcast in America, which does make you kind of laugh. I wonder if both their listeners enjoy it. But but but contrasts that with this very amusing discussion on MSNBC where where leftists are are melting down that they don't have a Joe Rogan, that they don't have a Jordan Peterson.


And in their view, the right wing is is this this horrible wasteland and they want one, so give a listen to this discussion.

Particularly the media ecosystem they've it's not a good one, it's a negative one. It's a it's a radicalization funnel. But what they have done in their online media ecosystem is build a radicalization engine, literally the way militant groups do around the world, that takes people from relatively low level annoyances with the world. Wire eggs so expensive, Why is my kid learning this new thing in American history in school that I didn't learn, and then moves them through YouTube videos, through podcasts, moves them from that annoyance all the way, slowly, slowly, slowly to a full blown fascist politics. It's an elaborate, multi billion dollar infrastructure, and there is nothing like it on the pro democracy side. We don't have an when a man is just lost and lonely and not yet radicalized, we don't have the equivalent of Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson to move that man in a feminist direction. By the way, we should educate men that it's actually really great to live with a strong woman who makes money.

It's actually easier. Life is easier. I mean, it reminds me of limball days.

Do you remember when they hated Limball, but then they were angry they didn't have a Limball, so they tried to make their own Limball and it never worked for them.

Now they're saying, we've lost control.

We are the mainstream media, and now we've lost the country and a lot of them have completely tuned us out. So now we want what the Republicans have, which was to counter us, which is podcasts and the internet, and we got to figure out how to control that now because they're not watching us anymore.

That's where I heard, Well, I got to say that that whole discussion, it really encapsulates what's wrong with the left and what's wrong with the media all at once. Number One, they discuss the world of the right podcasts and various various outlets as as essentially like mad Max and Thunderdome, this dystopian, insane radicalization engine the way militant groups do like and apparently it's so horrible that they're like, we really need something like that, so they have envy to the Mad Max chaos. And then just like the descriptions that that that MSNBC uses relatively low level annoyances with the world. Why are eggs so expensive? This is your standard liberal elite saying, you know who possibly cares about their grocery bill?

Well, how about people who.

Go buy groceries every week and are struggling to pay for the bill, that are not sure they have enough to pay for groceries and pay for rent and pay for gas. But to the leftist commentator, that's that's that's beneath worrying. And then and then I love this one. Why is my kid learning this new thing in American history in school that I didn't learn this new thing by which they mean, Why is my kid being told America is a racist heel hole? George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, We're evil. Everything about America is evil. The Constitution is evil.

Why are people annoyed at that? I don't understand.

You look at this and and I love that they call it an elaborate, multi billion dollar infrastructure. There's nothing like it on the quote pro democracy side. Well, an elaborate multi billion dollar infrastructure, what would you call CNN? What would you call ABC, NBC, NBC, NBCMSNBCCBS, What would you call The Washington Post, The New York Times, the Houston Chronicle of the Dallas Morning News. Every newspaper in America. What would you call PBS? Well, what would you call every movie studio in Hollywood? What would you call the entire world of big tech? Other than next that Twitter bought, that Elon Musk bought, Like, they have all of the avenues of communication, and they're furious that anyone who disagrees is allowed to speak.

And they're sitting there saying, we need to.

Take that over as well, because you know what, when they start talking, they really don't like our terrible policies.

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You may not, but this is my analysis of it.

We find out not before election day, but after election day of a very significant and real threat to Donald Trump that was a bounty put on him and people that were hired to kill Donald Trump, all orchestrated from Iran and all of a sudden, not before election day, no leaks, but after election day, the deep State's like, oh crap, we got to work with Donald Trump again. We need better look like we do our job well.


We're going to have a big indictment come out and say, see, look, we look out for Donald Trump too, and we're going to do an indictment against an Iranian guy and some other people that were trying to kill him. I'm like, you're telling me that this was not like Newsworthy before election day and it's just coincidence it came out after election day.

I'm sorry, I'm calling.

BS well, let's focus on the substance first and then we'll address the timing of it. What the Department of Justice has said publicly is that it thwarted an Iranian plot to kill Donald Trump in the weeks leading up to the election, and it filed a criminal complaint in federal court in New York City that said an unnamed official in Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had asked far Had Shakri of Iran in September to quote focus on surveilling and ultimately assassinating former President of the United States Donald J.


Now here's what Merrick Garland said in the press statement. Quote, there are a few actors in the world that poses gravest threat to the national security of the United States as does Iran.


The Justice Department has charged an asset of the Iranian regime who was tasked by the regime to direct a network of criminal associates to further Iran's assassination plot against its targets, including President elect Donald Trump.


We have also charged and arrested two individuals who we allege were recruited as a part of that network to silence and kill on us soil an American journalist who has been a prominent critic of the regime. We will not stand for the Iranian regime's attempts to endanger the American people in America's national security. Now, the Justice Department says that Shakiri, who is at large, he has not been captured. He's believed to be living in Iran. Quote immigrated to the United States as a child and was deported in Or about two thousand and eight after serving fourteen years in prison for a robbery conviction. Shakiri has informed law enforcement that he was tasked on October seventh, twenty twenty four, with providing a plan to kill President elect Donald J.


The oj continued quote. According to Shakiri, during his meeting with IRGUS official Honor about October seventh, twenty twenty four, IRG official directed Shiri to provide a plan within its seven days to kill Trump. If Shakiri was unable to put forth a plan that within that timeframe, IRG official continue the IRGC would pause its plan to kill Trump until after the US presidential elections because the IRGC official assessed that Trump would lose the election and afterwards it would be easier to assassinate Trump. Now there's more, but let's stop at that. So they hired a guy month before the election to kill Trump, to come up with a plan to kill Trump. And they also concluded, well, if you don't succeed in that, we'll just wait until after the election because we know Kamala is going to win. And once Kamala wins, then we can go kill Trump and it will be much easier. Well, you know that plan didn't work. Shakiri also said he was tasked with surveilling two Jewish American citizens residing in New York City and offered five hundred thousand dollars by an IRGC official for the murder of either victim. Federal prosecutors have also charged and arrested Carlisle Rivera forty nine of Brooklyn, New York, and Jonathan Loadholt thirty six, of Staten Island, New York, in connection to their alleged involvement in a plot to murder a US citizen of Iranian origin in New York. That person, according to law enforcement sources, is Masi a Linijad. And here's what doj says quote it Shakiri's instruction, load Holt and Rivera have spent months surveiling a US citizen of Iranian origin residing in the United States, and that would be a Linijad. Alinijad is an outspoken critic of the Iranian regime and has been the target of multiple prior plots for kidnapping and or murder directed by the government of Iran in exchange for Shakiri's promise one hundred thousand dollars. Rivera and Loadholt repeatedly sought to locate Victim one for murder. Prosecutors said that during their efforts to locate and kill a Lidijad quote, Shakiri, load Hold, and Rivera shared messages about their progress and photographs relating to the scene. For example, in or about February twenty twenty four, Rivera and load Hold message about an upcoming payment from Shakiri, and then traveled to Fairfield University where Victim one was scheduled to appear, and took photographs on campus. In one voice note, Shakiri noted Rivera that Victim one spent most of her time in particular locations of her home and told Rivera that quote, you just got to have patience. You got to wait and have patience to catch her either going in the house or coming out, or following her out somewhere and taking care of it. Don't think about going in in is a suicide move. And all three suspects are now facing charges of murder for hire, conspiracy to commit murder for hire, and money laundering conspiracy, and together those carry maximum penalties of ten to twenty years in prison.

You hear this plot and you sit there and you go, how on earth has the Biden Hearris administration allowed Iran to get to this point where they can just easily go out into the United States of America, knock on people's doors in America, get away with this, and not hold them accountable for any of this while they're also attacking Israel. And the question is number one, let's start with the real political aspect of this. What is a Trump administration response seem to be with this. I'm not saying because they were targeting Trump. I'm saying the president of the United States of America, regardless of who that person is, should never allow Ran to feel this comfortable on American soil to do this, much less plan to take out our president or a former president of the United States of America.

Well, election day was a fantastic day for America. It was fantastic day for everyone who wants to see jobs, who wants to see border security, who wants to see national security enhanced. But it was a terrible, terrible day for the Ayatola and the Iranian blas. For four years, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris with this, of every Democrat in Congress, they have funneled over one hundred billion dollars to Iran. It's not just that Biden Harris allowed Iran to do this, they paid for it. One hundred billion dollars is a lot of money. I'm here to tell you that is going to end. In January of next year. The Trump administration is going to cut off the money. That's going to be the beginning. And I expect serious consequences for Iran repeatedly trying to murder President Trump. I don't know what those consequences will be, but I guarantee you the Iyatolas are the Iatola and the Mullahs are deeply, deeply worried and scared and the brazenness of this. And look understand, the Justice Department knew about this. They deliberately did not make it public until after election day. I think they had a judgment. Well, gosh, if people know that Iran is like actively trying to murder Trump, if they know the details of this, that's going to end up benefiting Trump. So let's just keep it quiet and well Trump won.

So then it was cover your ables. Is that a fair way of describing this.

You know, yes and no.

I mean, look, they had to file the complaint at some point, so they're prosecuting these folks. So it was inevitable that it would be filed, because you can't prosecute them without filing the indictment and bringing charges. The timing, the fact that they did not say anything public. Look, DOJ has long standing rules that you're not supposed to do anything to interfere in an election. I would say that that foiling an assassination attempt by a foreign government is not DOJ doing something to interfere with an election. It is instead DOJ doing its job. And I think the public has a right to know that. But and so I think their decision to bury it and listen under Joe Biden, this Biden Department of Justice, if there's one thing they know how to do, it is leak. Merrick Garland and his team they leak like crazy when the story. When the story suits them politically, they give it to all their buddies in the press. This thing stayed absolutely silent until after election day. They also kept silent, uh the the murder attempt of the US citizen by Iran, because it also shows the incredible weakness of this administration, just how much they've had boldened Iran that they feel that they could carry out attempted murder plots on US soil. It is a real demonstration of the basic principle that that weakness invites hostility. In this case, Iran was only emboldened by Joe Biden Kamala Harris's weakness.

Yeah, and Fox News when they reported on this, it was very interesting to see how they report it. And I want to play this people, and I want you to think about why you didn't know this before election day.

Listen, the Justice Department unsealing criminal charges in a thwarted Iranian plot to kill President elect Donald Trump in the lead up to this week's election. Welcome everybody. I'm dealing cabudo. There's still a lot we don't know about this, but David's on piecing together what we do, David.

Neil, we know it's just another threat coming from Iran directed at President elect Donald Trump. The man that authorities are looking for is a fifty one year old who is allegedly working with the Iranian regime on a plan to kill Trump. His name is Farhad Shakiri. Authorities believe he's in Iran right now as I speak to you. According to a criminal complaint on Seal today, Shakiri demanded large sums of money for working on this plot to kill Trump over the past few months. At stated in a complaint, Shakiri indicated to an Iran Iranian government official that this would cost a huge amount of money. In response, the Iranian official said, we have already spent a lot of money, so the money's not an issue. In a statement from FBI Director Christopher Ray, he says the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a designated foreign terrorist organization, has been conspiring with criminals and hitmen to target and gun down Americans on US soil, and that simply won't be tolerated. Thanks to the heart work of the FBI, their deadly schemes were disrupted.

By the way they said. And this is the part I want to ask you. They said it was won't be tolerated. I'm not sure I believe that based on what we know now. It seems like we've been tolerating Iran basically doing whatever the hell they want to do for quite some time in the world.

Well, that's right, and look It's important to understand a lot of the press when they talk about Donald Trump's foreign policy, they mischaracterize it. There are a lot of folks that characterized Trump as an isolationist. That's not remotely the case. I mean, part of the reason Iran is so angry is because remember Trump took out he killed General Solomony. General Solomony was responsible for orchestrating the murder of over six hundred American servicemen and women. He was one of the leading terrorists in the world, and Iran's the leading state sponsor of terrorism, and Donald Trump took him out. Donald Trump also enforced the oil sanctions, pulled out of the Iran deal, brought the Iranian economy to its knees, cut off their money, had the regime ready to topple. That is strength what Trump rightly did. And by the way, on all of those steps, I was urging Trump to proceed to vigorously defend us against Iran. What Trump also did, though, is he did not get us in foreign wars. It is amazing how the weakness and appeasement of the left gets it exactly backwards.

They're eager to get us.

In mesh and foreign wars all over the world, but they're not willing to be strong against people who actually are trying to kill us. And in this instance, there are going to be very, very real consequences for Iran. The first will be economic. Their money is going to disappear, but there's going to be consequences that are a lot more real world than just dollars and cents.

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Yet this did happen.

Yeah, this story, it's a story of an incredible abuse of power and just a brazen partisanship that sadly hypofies. What has happened throughout the Biden Harris administration. I want to give credit to the Daily Wire. The Daily Wire broke this story. It also illustrates how so called mainstream media, the corporate media, does not actually report on real news. It took the Daily Wire to make this public. It's also the Daily Wire that broke the stories in Loudon County couple of years ago about the teenage girl who was sexually assault in the bathroom by the boy wearing a skirt, because again, the corporate media wouldn't report on it well. In this instance, the Daily Wire reported that that instructions were given to FEMA workers that said, and they actually have screenshots of the instructions that say, quote implement best practices. No one goes anywhere alone, avoid homes advertising, trump practice de escalation and preventative measures. Communicate with and follow the rules. Bring a towel with yourself in the field. Frequent breaks, and drink water. Avoid how salt, diets and coffee. Coconut water is a fast way to replenish your electrolytes quickly. So this is written instruction for emergency emergency workers who are dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane, a natural disaster, and they are told in writing avoid homes advertising Trump. Now, now, look, this only happens when you absolutely normalize the weaponization of government against the enemies of your regime. This is this particular individual was caught, and this person's been fired. Now, of course she's been fired, she should have been fired. But the broader question was what kind of culture was there that made you think you should explicitly say hey, and and I mean these are this.

Is providing put it in right, comfortable enough to put it in writing.

Yep, ye wonder what else is in writing that that that.

Is exactly right?

And you know, one of the employees who was one of the whistleblowers said, quote, I know their short staff. I thought we could go help and make a difference. When we got there, we were told to discriminate against people. It's almost unbelievable to think that somebody in the federal government would think that's okay. The employee said that it felt wrong to discriminate against Trump supporters when they were at their most vulnerable.


I volunteered to help disaster victims, not discriminate against them. It didn't matter if people were black, white, Hispanic for Trump, for Harris, everyone deserves the same amount of help that would be actually the government doing its job. But sadly, too many in the Biden Harris administration, too many on the left that they have convinced themselves Trump is hitler. Anyone who supports him as garbage, and therefore you can do anything possible to go after them. It's a really sad example of just how weaponized this administration's gotten.

I hope this inspires others if there are other stories out there, other emails and things in writing like this that will be brought forward. I am glad by the way that the woman's been fired, but the question that I have to ask after that is, well, were there any law is broken?

And I hope they look at that as well well.

And Ben and Ben, let me let me say, if you go into the story, there are photos from the systems that federal relief workers used to track the homes they visited, and it showed that they followed the written guidance. Several addresses were marked as quote not able to access property, with listed explanations such as quote trump sign no entry, per leadership, quote per leadership, no stop Trump flag quote Trump sign end quote Trump sign. No contact per leadership. This was this was yes, yes, it was carried out by supervision. That the name of the individual is someone. Marnie Washington is the one who issued this order. Marnie Washington has been fired. But this was an organization where this order was par for the course. Call me cenecal, but I'm just going to say it.


I bet you some liberal organization is more than happy to hire her right away and say job well done, you got a job here. Don't worry, you won't be unemployed long. And I hope that the media will watch that story as well. Don't forget We do this show Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Hit that subscriber auto download button on those in between days. Grab my podcast, the Ben Ferguson Podcast, and I'll keep you update on the breaking news as well and the Senate and I will see you back here on Wednesday morning.