Venus & VestaVenus & Vesta

Coronation Scorpio Eclipse

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The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse on Friday 5th May is the platform for King Charles III coronation, so Venus & Vesta asks, who would organise their big event, the destiny they have waited all their lives for, on a Scorpio eclipse?  And furthermore, are they - meaning the royal household - aware of this poignant and rather intense astrology.


  • Friday 5th May, Eclipse’s North Node is 4 degrees which is the same degree of the eclipse that King Charles III, a famous Scorpio, was born under.  This is no coincidence of course, and demonstrates this is a powerful event for our planet, not just King Charles personally.
  • Scorpio eclipses will bring forth shadow forces and as King Charles is aligned with this eclipse, he must surely be a conduit for these to be revealed.  Is he here to help transform humanity by these revelations, or is he part of a globalist plan for ultimate power and control?
  • The Sun is also exactly conjunct asteroid Salomé who was NOT an exotic dancer but a priestess, opening mystical doorways with her ‘dance of the seven veils’, an initiatory process that enabled John The Baptist’s soul and all its spiritual wisdom to ascend into heaven, cutting a pathway for Jesus.
  • The ruler of this eclipse is Pluto, and he has just moved into Aquarius, and at the 0 degree point of the sign of humanity, can instigate huge change by the revelation of the Scorpio shadow.  Are we ready for this?

‘The Sun is in Taurus for the eclipse, and will conjunct the crazy planet Uranus, which no doubt will bring disruptive energies, throwing in the curve ball to bring about huge change.’
‘I think the Royals (unlike world governments) do use astrology. On the 5th May we have the Scorpio lunar eclipse and on the 6th May we have the Coronation of King Charles III which happens in the morning, less than 12 hours after the eclipse. It’s not a coincidence.’
‘Who would do anything under a Scorpio lunar eclipse unless you are a Scorpio, unless you really get that and you have something you want to reveal, you want deep and utter transformation, or you want to use black magic, who would do that on purpose?’
‘Scorpio is digging into the corruption and toxicity and where the power lies. It wants a deep and utter transformation. It also wants to look at sexuality and our programming around sexuality so that we can change and update our programming.’


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Ann-Louise Holland is a shamanic homoeopath, herbalist and astrologer.  She teaches astrology along with Steiner based anthroposophy, both of which are concerned with cultural events that bring about humanity's evolution and awareness to the soul's journey. 

Venus & Vesta is a podcast about astrology for astrologers, monthly updates on the movements of the planets and asteroids, weekly detailed discussions, aligning the stars with what is happening in the world. Interviews with astrologers and mystics who have book launches, interesting theories, special events such as eclipses, and celeb horoscopes.

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