When offenders cause people harm, the criminal legal system is quick to cause more harm. The incarceration system is unforgiving and cruel, but as we learn this week, there’s a more humane approach to getting justice that also puts survivors first. V invites restorative justice experts Cymone Fuller and Danielle Sered on to talk about their work in this field. We’ll hear about how the length of a person’s incarceration has no direct benefit to the healing of the person they hurt and why restorative justice programs work to resolve conflict and reduce harm. Plus, how you can make a difference on a small level by implementing these practices in your own communities.
Keep up with Cymone and Danielle’s restorative justice work on Twitter at @impactjustice and @common_justice.
Keep up with V on TikTok at @underthedesknews and on Twitter at @VitusSpehar. And stay up to date with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @LemonadaMedia.
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