LaVar Arrington & Plaxico Burress look ahead to tomorrow’s huge game from every possible angle, what a win means for Patrick Mahomes, Andy Reid, and Nick Sirianni, which assistant coach will play a bigger role in helping their team win, and more!
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This is up on Game. Let me putch out, count Ut, let me putch out. You want NFL experience, and this is the show for you.
Third Law Draw with LeVar aary Tet as a defensive guy, TJ Houshman Zana.
I'm just bringing the viewers into how grown men in the locker room, Like I don't playing with some dude that you disrespect them anyway, it didn't matter who it was they was putting hands on you.
And Blaxico Burres, they.
Are the same person, the same exact quarterback.
It's a show with three of the best to ever do it on and off the field, and now live from the tai iraq dot com studios of Box Sports Radio. Here's pro bowlers LaVar aary Tet, TJ. Hushman Zanna and Super Bowl champion Plaxicoche Burs.
All right, here we go. Happy Saturday to everybody out there. It is up on Gang. We are broadcasting live from the tyrack dot com studios. Tyrack dot com will help you get there and unmatched selection, fast free shipping, free road has a protection and over ten thousand recommended installers. Tyrac dot com the way tire buying shit be we got a lot to get to obviously. Hey, lot of things, a lot of things happening in the NBA. We'll talk to trades that that took place. Get get Plex's opinion on that, see how he feels about it. But we all know this is Super Bowl Eve and that is going to be the topic of conversation for the duration of this show. So if you like football, good, you'll enjoy this show. If you don't, well, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you'll do something else, maybe you won't. I don't know, but hey, that's what we're gonna do. Plexico Burds TJ is at the Super Bowl and he's he's out in the streets probably, you know, hanging out with with Chad and all of them doing what they do on Bourbon Street and all that. And if Legends community shot stuff shots out to them, the NFL Legends community. It's gonna be me and you on the ride today. Brother. How you feeling. How's the weather? What's the good word?
Oh man? You know everything is beautiful, man. You know, uh, preparing for another snowstorm. So I guess we're buckling up for that. And you know how it goes, Man, this is another another beautiful Saturday. Everybody's healthy on the eve of the biggest event and game of the year pre Super Bowl, and oh man, what a beautiful time it is. Man, what a beautiful time.
I know perfect may not like what I'm about to say, but I'm gonna throw this out at you and I'm going to ask you before we get going into it. I had I had Detroit making it and playing Kansas City and in the Super Bowl this year. I did have that. I will say in my mind, I could be wrong, but in my mind, I feel like we have the best two teams playing for the championship game. And that's generally. You know, what you want to see is you want to see the best two teams match up and see who comes out on top. I mean, do I have this wrong? I mean, you got one team on one side that is playing for three peats, So that already explains itself. That speaks for itself. That's greatness, personafied. But on the other side, on paper, this is a better team in the Philadelphia Eagles, personnel wise, rankings wise, this is a better team than the Kansas City Chiefs. I mean, to go against what you're saying I do remember what you saying that the Detroit Liwnes end up in the Super Bowl. But I also believe, just like you just said, that these are the two best teams playing tomorrow. But I also believe that as far as the NFC is concerned, the Eagles were the best team. But I thought it was very I thought it was paramount that they got home fill advantage and that was going to be the only reason why they we will make it to the Super Bowl, because I don't believe that they would have went on the road and beat a Detroit Lions team in an NFC championship game to get to the Super Bowl.
I also believe that any NFC team this year that had the home Fiell advantage and the championship game would get to the Super Bowl from the NFC, not the AFC. So with that being said, the two best teams are playing. But come tomorrow, you know, we got to roll the balls out and see who is the best team in the world, Craig tomorrow, and you know, I just can't. I believe this is going to be one of the best Super Bowls in recent memory that we have been able to witness over the past decade. You know, everybody talks about Patrick Mahomes and there always seems to be questions surrounding Jalen Hurts, And I feel like this if people and it has come up, it's been brought up. Jalen Hurts out played Patrick Mahomes in the last Super Bowl meeting that they had, but nonetheless they still came out the chiefs, that is and Patrick Mahomes, they still ended up coming out on top. Are we not talking enough about Jalen Hurts and what?
You know? I was watching some clips on him and I was listening to the things that he was saying. I was like, dang, Doug, Like, dude is a leader, Like he's a bona fide leader, he says. You know, you could tell he came from that Nick Saban school school of thought, the way Nick Saban kind of communicates his messages and stuff. And you played for Nick Saban, so you might even be able to speak to it better than I would. But it just seemed as though Jalen Hurts has brought this work like mentality, of very very mature mentality, but also a form of communication with his teammates that continues to challenge them to be better at what it is that they do. And I know there's a lot of you know, like headlines that are like kind of glamorous headlines that surround this game and all of the fanfare and everything connected to what we're seeing with this Kansas City's Chiefs team, And there are some storylines that are playing out that are high level for the Eagles as well. But one I believe that maybe a little bit understated is how we're viewing Jalen Hurts going into this game.
They are talking about Jalen Hurts, but they're talking about everything that he has not done. Okay, I mean, when did not win? When did winning football games? Not good enough? That's all he's been able to do. Because just because he's not he doesn't have the numbers of a Josh Allen, he doesn't have Joe Burrow type numbers. He doesn't have Lamar Jackson type numbers. But the man is in the Super Bowl two out of the last three years. How's that not enough? They want Jalen Hurst to go out there and be the traditional quarterback of this team because everybody kind of feels that he's not the reason why they're in the super Bowl. He's a quarterback of this team. He's a quarterback of this franchise. This is his second time in three years, and everybody just continues to say, well, he's not an elite quarterback. How does he not k Can you not say that he's an elite quarterback when all he does is continue to win football games. It may not be the way that you like it. He may score ten touchdowns rushing and they're all touch pushed. That's okay. The points go on to scoreboard.
It doesn't matter how.
He scores touchdowns or how he wins football games. The man manages the football game the way that he does, and he fits the scheme of what Siljana and this offense want to run with the skill position, with the skill position players that he has.
Stop talking about what he has not done.
Because there are a lot of good quarterbacks in this league who already are saying that this guy's the first ballot Hall of Famer. He's yet to go to a super Bowl. This guy is the MVP, but has you have to go to the super Bowl. But look at what jayalen Hurst is doing. They just continue to say that, you know, he's not the reason why they're in the Super Bowl, but all he does is win football game.
He protects the ball. I mean he has five interceptions on the season to Patrick Mahomes eleven. His passer rating is one hundred and three to Patrick Mahomes ninety three. I thought it was interesting that in terms of rushing yards he eclipses Patrick Mahomes with having six hundred and thirty yards versus Patrick Mahomes's three hundred and seven yards and destroys them with fourteen rushing tds to Patrick Mahomes's two tds. What it says to me is, when I look at Patrick Mahomes, Patrick Mahomes will escape, He will extend drives with his ability to run. Jalen Hurts will hurt you if he's able to escape, and we'll get into the open field and can actually score from a lot of different places on the field. Clearly, clearly looking at what they bring to the table, Patrick Mahomes thrown for almost four thousand yards, but still not having an offensive production scoring wise that they have had, you know, explosive plays that they have had in years past. But you know from your perspective plex when you hear the number two, nine hundred and three passing yards and you hear three thousand, nine hundred twenty eight passing yards, how do you determine or how do you kind of judge a quarterback and now a pass first heavy league when those are when that's the stat line, should we sit there and look at Jalen Hurts and say that's clearly just not enough. I mean, looking at Patrick Mahomes, his numbers are on the cusp of okay, it's enough, But is it enough when you look at some of the other numbers that are out there from some of these other echelon top echelant quarterbacks that are out there.
I mean, the numbers are good enough for Jalen Hurts in this offense. I mean, I'm not saying that he's You're gonna put him in an empty style offense with four five wide receivers, go down to Miami and he's going to throw for five thousand yards. He's not that kind of quarterback. They bought him to Philadelphia and put a system in place for him for him to go out and maximize his strengths every Sunday as a quarterback, and that's what they have done. They have a running game, they have the best offensive football, best offenser line of football. And everybody knows about the two wide receivers who can be a number one option on any team in the NFL, but they just happened to be on the same team in the Philadelphia Eagles. So I don't judge a quarterback based off of numbers. I mean, it takes me back to the system that I played in when I was in Pittsburgh. I mean, we had Jern Betest in the backfield. You knew that he was going to get the ball twenty seven thirty times a game. We were going to throw the ball eighteen to twenty. So what we had to do we had to be very efficient at the wide receiver position. Hines is going to get his six to seven balls, I'm gonna catch my four or five or six. And that was the style of play that we had, and we had some very We had some great football teams in Pittsburgh during that time. Everybody's system is not going to allow, you know, the quarterback to go out and throw for forty five five thousand yards every season because everybody saying, you know, uh, the game has changed, it's a passing league. Well, if it's a passing league, well they need to go out and you know, maybe start playing the run game. Because this guy over here, number twenty six for the Philadelphia Eagles, nobody can stop him. So you're gonna have to figure out the way defensively to slow down this running game because they are going to be a balance attack going into this game tomorrow, and I believe they may not come out on top, but I believe it's gonna be a good game for the Philadelphia Eagles offensively. And nobody's expecting the Ford Jaden Hurts to go into this game and throw for three hundred and three fifty. It's not what the Philadelphia Eagles do. They're gonna spread the ball around, they're gonna run it, and they're gonna throw it. So I don't judge him of being not being elite quarterback just just because.
He's not having those four thousand yard seasons. Well, you know what's interesting about that. We're gonna talk coaches. We're gonna talk three Pete, two different coaches, two different you know, styles in two different places, yet at the same place at the same time playing in the Super Bowl. We're gonna talk Andy Reid, We're gonna talk Nick Sirianni we're gonna take a quick break. This is up on game. This is Fox Sports Radio. That's Plexco Burs. I'm LeVar Arrington. TJ is in New Orleans. He's boots on the ground doing what he needs to do there at the Super Bowl. So it's just gonna be us two carrying you for the next hour and fifty well forty six minutes. All right, we'll call it, so we'll be right back. Yeah, make sure you stay tuned. Hey, guys, listen. I know we took a break, but I had to come back on here and give y'all livey and talk about how important having a great offense means having a great defense. I love being able to defend myself and I love to be able to defend the people that I love and care about. If you feel the same way, and you've come into this new year wanting to prioritize your safety, well, the best way of doing that, in mind opinion, is checking out a burner less lethal launcher. I mean, think about it. What if you could just effectively defend yourself, de escalate a situation without irreversible consequences a deadly force. I know, I feel good about that and I'm sure you will too, because listen, do you really want to pull a trigger and deal with the financial, mental, emotional, legal repercussions of using deadly force? I don't think so. So this is a great compliment to owning a firearm. They're legal in all fifty states. There's no permits or background checks needed. Listen, the Burner launcher has powerful deterrence like tear gas and kinetic rounds with a sixty foot range. That's right, a burner can save lives both sides, right, So think about it. Go to Burner, visit burner dot com, type in slash LeVar and you'll get a ten percent off discount. That's how much I believe in this product. That is Berna dot com slash LeVar. Make sure you go check it out and tell him I sent you. Go get you a Burner launcher today.
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All right, welcome back in. This is up on game hope. You guys all know that, and we are broadcasting live of course from the ti rack dot com. Studios. All right, We're going to continue this conversation of Super Bowl, Super Bowl matchup. It is Super Bowl even there is a lot to get to in. One of the things that I discussed and teased before we went to break were coaches. You know, coaching staffs. You got Andy Reid versus Nick Sirianni. You got old wise in the game. Vet has had a ton of success and Andy Reid versus a young, fiery at times maybe a little bit over scrutinized for the type of fire that he has and his approach to coaching. Nonetheless, both of these coaches have found their way here to another Super Bowl matchup against one another. You know, it's interesting plex coming into the season, Nick Sirianni was on the hot seat. Now he was on a hot seat, and a lot of people wonder did he lose the locker room? What was the respect factor? Could he get it done? Was this team fool's goal? There were a lot of things that were being used to describe and talk about Nick Sirianni. And then on the other side of it, you have a Andy Reid who it's like he just continues to evolve, He continues to figure out how to best utilize the team that he has. They find a way to to get it done in the draft. They quietly do it through free agency. A name that hasn't been thrown out there quite a bit has been, you know, the addition of DeAndre Hopkins to the team. There's just a lot of things that Andy Reid has done. You know, Brett Veach, who is the GM of the team, is one that he raised and taught the game and brought him in, which I think having a GM that is from your tutelage is one hundred percent the right way to go and trying to build a winning product. But then there's also they drafted Patrick Mahomes and we all know what that represents. Just talk to me from your your from your vantage point plex because you know you're very well versed on both of these coaches, Like what is this Let me let me put it to you this way. What does this game mean? Obviously a three pet for Andy Reid, I think we know what's at stake for him and you can touch on that, But what does this mean for Nick Sirianni, Like can he lose this game and not fall under fire from the Philadelphia fan base in the Philadelphia media. Has he done enough to solidify that he's the right guy for this Eagles team.
It's crazy because just like you started a conversation off saying that Nick Sirianni was on the hot seat coming into the season a year removed from losing the Super Bowl to the Kansas City Chiefs. Think about how crazy that sounds. They didn't win the Super Bowl against the Kansasity against Kansas City two years ago. He comes into the season on the hot seat. Obviously, Jalen Hurts wasn't healthy, he wasn't at as best when they needed him to be. And he comes into the season on the hot seat. And you add Tae Kwon Baba to this team and you look up eight months later, eight months.
Later, and you're on the super Bowl.
So I just don't understand how you know a player, how everybody can say that he's on the hot seat when he's in his second super Bowl in three seasons.
And I believe for Nick Sirianni. You know he can he lose his game.
It would never be enough for the Philadelphia fan base until they won another World championship.
It'll never be enough. But to sit here and.
Say that, uh, you know he's he's not able to, uh, you know, continue to be the head coach of this franchise because he hasn't won a Super Bowl. I mean, look at what he has done in his first three years of being the head coach of this team.
I think he has done enough.
But you know how this league is, you know how ownership groups are nowadays, especially this fan base. They want to win a world championship, rightfully, so they do have their football team. And on the flip side of it, you take Andy Reid from where he from where he came. He came from the Philadelphia Eagles, went to Ford NFC championship games in a row and failed to get to the Super Bowl except I believe it was O three with Donald McNabb and they they playing the Super Bowl down in Jacksonville. But I look at the style of both of these coaches, they're just totally different, two totally different offenses, two totally different mindsets. When it comes down to play calling. Nick Cirrian and his team, man, make no mistake about it. They want to ride Sakwan Balki and this to her bread, you know, to a world championship. And then their offense is is what their offense is when the running game gets going and Jalen Hurts can go out and you know, do his thing and distributed football to AJ Brown and d Smith. And if you look on the other sideline of it. I know Andy Reid personally, I played against him in some great, you know battles throughout the years with me playing in New York and going down to Philly and them coming to New Jersey, you know, vice versa, and man, he is one of the best play callers that I've ever you know, played against, been around. And I think that's going to be the advantage for them, you know, going into this game over the Philadelphia Eagles, because he just has those one or two wrinkles when they have to have it play, they gotta have it. He has something in his back pocket that the Philadelphia Eagles have yet to see on film, and everybody's going to say that, well, Patrick Mahomes got it done again. I just believe his experience as a play caller. A lot of the things that he runs with Patrick Mahomes out of the backfield are basically extended running games, with him getting the ball out quickly, getting into the flats, getting into Isaiah Pacheco and space. You know, a lot of his concepts are levels on on, over the top, trying to confuse the defense, of trying to confuse the defense. And he plays in his West Coast style offense where you know, all the hot reds and all of those things are built then just based off of the offense. So I just think when it comes down to it, Andy Reid man as far as being a play caller, he's going to, you know, stir something up, man, and it's going to be those one or two plays for the Philadelphia Eagles defensively that they are going to be able to stop.
How critical is that piece of it? Obviously going into the game, you look at what Andy Reid has been able to do. I mean, it's a phenomenal resume that he boasts. I mean, he's one of thirteen coaches in the history of the game to win multiple rings. He could turn into he could transition into super elite company with Bill Belichick and Chuck Nole Belichick having six, Chuck Nole having four, as the only coaches in the history of the league to have more than three rings. He has done such an amazing job. You know, it's interesting his last season in Philadelphia as the Eagles coach. He won four games. He won four games in that last season there and ultimately was let go and then picked up by you know, landed in a Kansas city. But I look at this game and it's like, how much does legacy play in the motivation of this game? Now? I know Andy Reid will most likely say he doesn't worry about that. He just worries about winning the games. I'm curious as to how the players feel about that and do they react to, you know, the pressure of knowing that you could be a three peat team. Some of these guys have been on three or the two that have taken place, some are new. It's just when you see this type of a game, because we may mention of it last week, plex you were in a game where history was being chased by by the New England Patriots. So you were on the other side of it, so to speak, in terms of this was a historical moment for the league and you were going to have an undefeated Super Bowl season with the New England Patriot and you guys ended up spoiling that. What is like, was there extra did you feel like there was energy, extra motivation? Going into that game knowing that Bill Belichick was on the cusp of doing what only one coach and Don Schuler was able to do with the Miami Dolphins. Like in the final game.
Man, it was just so many, you know, underlying factors going into that game out just outside of the game super Bowl itself, obviously, you know, we didn't want to be on the other side of history and the last game of the year losing to the nineteen and oh New England Patriots and knowing that we were going to be sewn on TV for history for the rest of our life. It ain't going down like that. But if you look at Kansas City and you get talking about legacy, man, make no mistake about it. Man, the players want to do it for themselves. They want to do it for Patrick Mahomes, for a quarterback that's has never done it, a team that's never done it, and a coach that's never done it. And it takes me back to Andy reid Man of being this genius of a coach. People forget that Alex Smith was the number one draft pick drafted, I believe to the San Francisco forty nine ers and then signed with Kansas City to go down and play with Andy Reid, and they have this guy number fifteen backing up Alex Smith. Nobody basically knew who Patrick Mahomes was at that time. And then you turn on TV one day and you see that Andy Reid has traded away Alex Smith and Patrick Mahoons is going to be the quarterback, and everybody saying to himself, Andy Reid, you have to be crazy. Everybody thought Andy Reid had lost his mind because nobody has seen this young man really play on a national level. Me obviously went to Texas Tech and did great things, but we didn't know who he was. So he had saw this young man practice, go through many camp, training camp, and all of those things, and basically made the decision, you know what, this guy right here is going to be a special quarterback moving forward. And here we are today. They are on the brink of history, going out and trying to complete a three peek in a Super Bowl, which I remember Tom Brady coming on and saying, there's a reason why it hasn't been done. You know, your rockster, just change every year, the goals changed for the football team. Coaches leave, coaches come in, and that's why it hasn't been done because it's so hard to do.
I remember Tom Brady.
Saying that, and this Patrick Mahons man, he's built different. He has this chip on his shoulder of like he said, you know, he wants to be you know, spoke spoken about amongst the greatest uh in this game and in all of sports man, and right now he's teaed them along that line of being if he goes out and wins this game tomorrow, do you consider him to be the best quarterback of all time? We know that he doesn't have the seventh Super Bowls like Tom Brady, but for him to go but he Brady ain't got a three p.
He say.
He's a young man. That's just like you said, a lot of football left in him. And I don't I don't believe it's going to be his last one. I believe there's a one or two more that he may be able to get to. So when you get to talking about legacy and Patrick Mahomes, I mean, I really think that they are going to go out. It may not be a blowout a football game. I don't believe that it will be, but I think everything that's his stake, the legacy and the history of it. They're very knowledgeable of. And I remember a man having this conversation with Randy Moss, you know, last April, and we never even spoke about the Super Bowl playing against each other. And you know what he said to me, He said, we want a fishing trip down in Florida. And he says, man, he said, I never even spoke about this game. He was, he said, he said, man, damn the he said, damn the super Bowl. He said, y'all ruined our undefeated season. Yeah, and that's when I knew that the super Bowl was the event. But they wanted to go out and to be the undefeated football team for somebody that's never done in an eighteen game season. Era, Ye had a new era. Damn the super Bowl, right, y'all ruin our undefeated season. That's how bad they wanted.
Well. Then on the other side of it, you have Nick Sirianni, who's in his fourth season of being the head of the Eagles, and he has had tremendous success pleas he's made the playoff every year. They went nine and eight in his first season in twenty one, but then they won fourteen games in his second year. They made it to the super Bowl. It's interesting because Sirianni came in a season, you know, right after Hurts. Obviously we were looking at it Jalen Hurts that if people's memory is there, it was a little it was a little iffy, It was a little sketchy, you know, was he going to be the guy? Was he going to be a bus Was it a lost cause using Jalen Hurt. Yes, Jalen Hurts in Philadelphia was being looked at as like can he do it? Maybe he can't do it. In fact, when we saw how Peterson handled the scenario with Hurts, which ultimately ended up being the reason why I would assume Peterson lost his job in Philadelphia. I just think that people were left with so many questions in their mind coming out of that season as to who Jalen Hurts could be. Income Sirianni and he finds a way to maximize what Jalen Hurts has been. Like Listen, they've gone through an offensive coordinator, they they made changes there, but nonetheless he has found a way to have success with this Philadelphia Eagles team. They have played at such a high level. And I think it's interesting looking at this matchup. You have so much, so much experience with Andy Reid and his coaching staff and looking at how much time they have to prepare. The one biggest issue here plex that I would say, and we can touch on it a little bit. I know we have a few other topics to get to, but we can push those to the second hour because I want to get an update and I want to continue to talk about this. But something to think about ken Nick Seriani and his personnel and how they've done so well. The GM included on what they've been able to do with their their personnel in Philly. Can that overcome the coaching and the experience of what Kansas City has on their side. I'm gonna get your opinion on that. On the other side of his breakers, you need to know this. We got Isaac Lohankron here for some news sports news updates. What you got out of and Plax is warming up.
You hear that deep breath?
I heard it. I heard Oh he is heard it.
He is pumping himself out.
I can tell guys of the NBA.
The Los Angeles Lakers this morning officially ruled out Lebron James for today's game against the Indiana Pacers. Because of left ankle soreness tip off at four pm Eastern time, one pm Pacific. ESPN reported moments ago that Ben Simmons has agreed to a contract by IT with the Brooklyn Nets and is now a free age. Former NFL head coach Dip jiron has passed away at the age of seventy four. Jiran was the head coach of the Chicago Bears and Buffalo Bills. He won the NFL's Coach of the Year award with the Bears back in two thousand and one. In college basketball, fourth ranked Tennessee leading at Oklahoma forty one to twenty one with three eighteen left to play in the first half. Tennessee opened the game fourteen out of sixteen from the field and five out of five from three point range. Eighth ranked Iowa State leading TCU twenty two to fifteen at the seven minute mark of the first half. Oregon up twenty four to twenty one. At ninth rank to Michigan State at the eight minute mark of the first half. Fourteenth rank Kentucky head of South Carolina twenty four to eighteen with three and a half remaining in the opening period.
Guys, back to you appreciate it. I lo listen. Be sure to check out the Fox Sports Radio YouTube channel. That's right, we are on YouTube, especially this weekend. There's a ton of great videos from this week. We had a good time on Radio BRO at the Super Bowl, so we were live. It was cool Super Week in New Orleans. All of the videos are there, some great big name interviews. You can find all of our content on our YouTube page. Just search Fox Sports Radio on YouTube and you'll see a whole bunch of video highlights from our shows. And be sure to subscribe so you always have instant access to our Fox Sports Radio videos on YouTube. As I mentioned, we're gonna take a quick break, We're gonna come back, and I want to hear Plexico's thoughts on Yeah, the coaching experience can Nick and personnel like you know, superior personnel overcome the coaching of the can't see chiefs. This is up on games, Plexico burst, I'm LeVar Arrington. We will be right back. YEP. Showtime and a victory cigar goes well, goes to me, you know what, because I really like these cigars from Cigars International. You could pick a team and you'll be able to have your cigar ready for you Super Bowl Day. You know, well, maybe it's a little too late for you to order a Super Bowl cigar now, but you know what, that's all right. If you don't already have one, we can start doing it for the next year. We can start celebrating as friends together because we don't know who's going to win the Super Bowl after the one that plays out tomorrow, and you'll have your cigar from Cigars International. That's right. When it comes to celebrating the big wins. Hey, go to Cigars International dot com. It's my favorite place to get my cigars. I enjoy smoking them. Me and Plex we hang out, we smoke cigars. It's a good deal. And I tell you what, those cigars from Cigars International, they deliver every single time, so much so that we did a deal with them, and we're giving you a twenty percent off on your entire order. When you visit Cigars International dot com and you put slack and as your promo code, that's right. You do slash LeVar and then enter LaVar and as your promo code. If you're like me, you're going to love the convenience and the selection of shopping online at Cigars International, from everyday smokes to rare fines and premium cigars. Whatever your taste, Cigars International has you covered and at the best prices. The name brands, Acid, Padrones, Rocky Patel, you know what it is. They got it all and they'll ship it to you to your front door as fresh as the first day that they were rolled. Hey, I love cigars. You love cigars. You'll love Cigars International if that's the case. So you need to go to Cigars International today. Put in slash LeVar. When you go Cigars International dot com, yep slash LeVar and then enter lvar at the promo code. All right, you're going to get that twenty percent off your entire order. That's twenty percent. It's a limited time offer. Some exclusions may apply, but order today for the best selection of cigars at Cigars International dot com slash LeVar. Do it today, all right? All right, welcome back into up on Game. We're lying from the Tyraq dot com studio. I'm LeVar Arrington Plexico was here Stretch Armstrong TJSON in New Orleans, so we'll we'll talk to him next week. See what it was like being in there and seeing what was going on. All right, we got our two coming up. We're going top well Hall of Fame class it had no Eli Manning. That's been a big topic of conversation. I'm curious to get your, uh your take on that, Plexico. We'll also talk about uh Josh Allen being named MVP and some would say over fill in the blank because a lot of people are seemingly, you know, outraged at uh Lamar Jackson being over overlooked. But I think it's Sae Kwon Barkley that was overlooked and my trickle down effect did happen the way that I predicted it. Anyway, we're gonna get to that. That's going to be an hour two. But before we take a break out of this hour one, the coaching matchup. You know, does can ken the personnel of Nick Sirianni's team, and listen, he's got He's got Vic Fangio as as his defensive coordinator. That's wisdom, you know, He's he's got experience, he's been around for a really really long time doing this. I mean he's he's very well respected and has been in this league. And then you got the hot Kellen Moore, who I think we all know at this point is probably gonna end up being the head coach of the New Orleans Saints. So you got that that situation, in that scenario that's possibly planned out. But then you have Matt Naggy and you have Steve Spagnolo, And I mean, I think we all know about Steve and and some people may know about Matt Naggy, but there's Andy Reid, and we do know who Andy Reid is and he calls it when it's time to call. Is there any chance that the the Nick Sirianni lad Eagles personnel wise can out do the coaching privae of this Chiefs team.
I mean, just you know, just like they say, I mean, anything can happen on any given Sunday. But you know when you just run down the list of the coaching staff for the Kansas.
City Chiefs versus the you.
Know Philadelphia Eagles, Uh, just like you said, Vic Fangio, very experienced, highly respected in this business, has been a defensive coordinative going up against who I say is the best best play caller and all of football, and Andy Reid. And if I'm going into this game, there's one matchup that I believe that is a is a huge advantage for one of the Kansas City Chiefs, Kellen Moore playing this chess match with Steve Spack know you, and his resume is highly decorated.
We all know about it.
But I just think for the Philadelphia Eagles going into this game tomorrow, like it's imperative that they run the football. It really is that it allows the Philadelphia Eagles and Jalen Hurts to be who they are when Sakon is running the ball and the running game is effective. Because if that element of this offense is taken away, then it basically makes the Philadelphia Eagles one dimensional. And if that happens, it goes to see Spack know you, because I believe that he is going to have some things schematically on defense in this secondary and I believe that they're gonna rush Jalen Hurts, but they're not gonna allow him to run around and scramble and get out of the pocket and make plays with his feet or his legs, and they are going to force him to read defenses. And I believe that is going to be the advantage in this game tomorrow defensive for the Kansas City Chiefs is that Steve spac know you understands everything that the Philadelphis do that they do well, and he's going to have to find a way to take away one element of this football game. He's going to have to be able to slow down these wide receivers against this secondary, which basically nobody has been able to do. Everybody said when Jenerous sneed left to go to I believe it was Tennessee last year that they were going to be successible successful on defense with not having a man in man corner. But now they've been able to play well and keep teams under twenty twenty five points. And everybody knows who Patrick Mahomes is on offense. But I think when you look at this matchic tomorrow, Steve's MAC, know you're dialing up some of these coverage and some of these blitzers and some of these pressures. Jalen Hurts, I believe in certain certain situations he's going to struggle, you know, picking up that blitz or where it's coming from, because sometimes you know, he comes off of the number two wide receiver on the slot, not the man closer to the line of swimmers, and he's going to have to be able to pick up some of the these blitzes and be able to diagnose these coverages that he's going to throw at him. So I'm saying, if other Philadelphia Eagles try to get the running game going, so your offense can be as effective as it has been all year, because if not, you find yourself in these third and tens, in these third and twelve, the advantage go to the staves back. Know you, I don't disagree with you, and I think that that's what the biggest dilemma is for me, because I don't think that they're going to be able to stop Sakuon Barkley with that offensive line if they just stay committed to the run.
You stretch them out one way. You have that read option with Jalen. Think it creates too many, too many big plays for Kansas City if they stay true to it, because Jalen Hurts makes it eleven on eleven football for this team. I'm curious though, because Spags always has seemed to find a way to figure it out. There's a whole lot to it. These storylines will continue on until the game is over, and probably after the game is over, we'll talk about them as well. We got our two of the show coming up. Yeah, we're gonna talk Eli Manning, We're going to talk more Super Bowl. A lot of things to get to stay tuned is up on game Fox Sports Radio