LaVar Arrington, TJ Houshmandzadeh, and Plaxico Burress give their thoughts on last night’s fight between Mike Tyson and Jake Paul on Netflix, a couple of big name WR’s returning and how they might boost their teams playoff hopes, Tua Tagovailoa’s resistance to playing safer, and more!
#fsrweekends #2pros
This is a fun game.
Let me putch on, Dick count Taket, let me putch out on.
You want thatfl experience, and this is the show for you.
Third Law Draw with LeVar Ary Tech as a defensive guy. TJ.
Houshman Zana.
I'm just bringing the viewers into how grown men in the locker room, Like I don't play with some dude that you disrespect them. Anyway, it didn't matter who it was they was putting hands on.
You and Blaxico Burress.
They are the same person, the same exact quarterback.
It's a show with three and the best to ever do it on and off the field. And now live from the tai iraq dot com studios of Fox Sports Radio, here's Pro bowlers LaVar Airy Tech, TJ. Hushman, Zanna, and Super Bowl champion Blaxico Burres.
All right, all right, Happy Saturday to everybody out there. I hope you're enjoying your days so far. It's off to a great start. Some really really great college football matchups coming on today. I hope you guys are enjoying that. But while you're listening to us, that's t J. Hushman's out, It's Plexico burs myself, LeVar Arrington. We are live broadcasting from the tyrack dot COSM studios. Tyrack dot Com will help you get there an unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road hazard protection, and over ten thousand recommended installers. Tire rack dot com the way tire buying should be. We got a lot to get to. We will talk n f L. We'll talk some NFC East. Yeah, well we'll do that. We'll talk some some Seahawks business, some news out of there. But first before we talk about last night's Netflix phenomenon with Jake Paul and Mike Tyson. I just you know, ask the guys, how y'all feeling, man, how's everything going?
How y'all doing?
Man? Man, LeVar, you not wake up?
Open the shades, yep, got it great out here right now, man, clear Sky's got the palm tree.
It's a little chili.
It's a little chili.
Yeah, it's about sixty two, so it's at it a little cultural, but I take it.
Take I'm sure it's not as chilly as your chili Plexico.
Oh man, it's not too bad. Man.
I think we're in the lower you know, we're in the lower fifties. And went out of the southeast sixteen And that's still bad.
That cold.
That that lower fifties on the East coast is a little different.
You know what it is.
You've been here for a little while. You know what I mean, we've been here for a little while. We might forget that, but I've been on that East coast. That lower fifties, like high forties.
Is not It's it's brisk, right.
It gets your ashy, you know what I mean, real quick, it'll get you real ashy. You can't use lotion in that weather. You got to use basoline. You gotta use you know, body grease, stuff like that.
You know, make sure you hit all the points loves, the elbows and the kneecaps with the bash.
Petroleum jelly be doing it, but it doesn't. Uh, let's talk about doing it last night. I mean, listen, it was built up to be a big spectacle, Jake, Paul, Mike Tyson. Uh I watched it. I told everybody, like, people are like, are you going to watch it?
I got Netflix. Why would I not watch it? It's not pay per view. I don't.
I don't have like this major decision that I needed to make. I mean it was on Netflix, and if you had Netflix, you got you got the live event.
You know that.
I'm pretty certain that they're testing their streaming capabilities. They had a couple of glitches there and there, UH to see if they can do some bigger things with their platform.
As a as a business UH small business owner, someone who was an entrepreneur. I loved it from the business side of it, what they did in terms of marketing and promoting the event itself. I'm gonna ask you guys your takeaways from it. But I mean, let's be realistic here. If you thought you were going to see fireworks from a fifty eight year old man who was about to make a ton of flipping money off of going into the ring with one of the most masterful influencers and agitators with what he does, I think that you you know, that's more about you, and that's something you gotta deal with. I ain't gonna tell you how you need to look at your personal life, but I'm just saying, if you thought that a fifty eight year old Mike Tyson that you know has been through wars, he's been through wars is coming out there.
When you saw the knee breaks.
You should have known, you know, when you saw the legs, you should have known, like like them lag muscles ain't what they was when he was iron Mike. I just what were people expecting? And did you guys get what you wanted out of it? I mean, there were some really good fights. Them ladies was banging Mark Martin and what was her name, Sirih Siriana or Sirian.
Amanda Sano Soronto Kady Taylor. They that fight right there here stumped them. Judges should never judge again.
Amanda Serrano won that fight hands down. Like I don't understand number one. I'm gonna get into the Tyson Paul thing, but that that was the co main event.
Great great fight.
I thought watching it, intentional head bunch by Katie Taylor. She kept leading with her head even still, I thought she lost the fight ten rounds, probably six to four with a point taken away would make it seven to three.
It was. I don't understand what judges watch.
I want to be the person who took the less punishment, So which person would I rather be?
After each round? That's how I judge a fight.
If I oh, okay, this person won a round, but I thought it was a great fight. I thought a madis AROUNDO won that fight, but she got robbed. I watching and going into the Jake Paul Mike Tyson fight. Mike Tyson is fifty eight, and it's so funny. Man my uncle, right, my uncle was sixty three, and he swear he's so tough.
I guess that's why I get it from. I don't know. I swear right.
And so he's like TJ Mike Tyson gonna knock him out. I said, no, he is not. This man is fifty eight. He fighting a dude thirty years younger than her. You ain't whooping nobody thirty years younger than you.
And he swore, not that way, not that way, you ain't whooping him.
Now, I might see a sixty year old fifty year old whooping somebody in a street fight or something like that, because there's a lot of you know, ingenuity, there's some.
Not somebody that's thirty like you. I can give it. Can you take it? That punch is there? Can you take it?
Like? Can you? Can?
Your body process what your mind is telling you as quickly as you want it to be. And so just from that perspective, the fight went how I thought it would go. I knew Jake Paul, Jake paulmer he takes this boxing thing serious. He does I know people that have worked with He takes this boxing thing serious. And so for him not to go crazy and embarrass Mike Tyson. The legiment when Mike Tyson lost to Buster Douglas and Evander Holyfield and Lennox Lewis, a lot of us was like, we felt like we lost. Yeah, that's how we looked at Mike Tyson. And so for him to not embarrass him, for him to make Mike Tyson millions of dollars. It was a good production. It was almost as if we watched a well played movie over sixteen minutes. But yeah, it was a good event. I will say that it was a good event. And I didn't expect Jake Paul to not him out because I felt like that would have been disrespectful.
I mean, it's a lot of mixed feelings and a lot of mixed emotions about the event.
You know, Mike taking the ring and really not throwing any punches, and you're saying that Jake Paul is taking it easy on Mike Tyson because he doesn't want to embarrass him, and it was If that's the case, then they shouldn't be boxing. I mean you should when you're getting the ring you're supposed to be, you know, get getting getting down to it. I mean, not just you know, trying to save face of a boxing legends because you don't want to embarrass him. So, just like you said, Tjfter, I think it was a great event. I mean, if you really expected to turn that Netflix fight last night and you wanted to see Mike Tyson and knocking out Trevor Berberg is not going to be that kind of fight. I think we got exactly what we thought we were going to get. I thought, Mike, would you know, may we throw a couple more body shots trying to hurt him or whatever the case may be. But a lot of people say it's not good for boxing with Jake Paul and all the things that he's doing, but he continues to, you know, to go out and get these fights make some cash. So I don't think I could really take him seriously and say that he's the heavyweight champion in the world, because I couldn't see him beating a a Tyson Fury or or a I forget my guy on top of my head. But yeah, yeah, Jontay Wilder, I don't he retired, But.
Yeah, I don't see him.
I don't see him walking in the ring and beating the Deontay Wido or Trevor Burke I mean, or a Tyson Fury.
So I think he's a more of what he's doing now.
But lets not just jump out the window and say this guy is the heavyweight champion.
In the world.
I don't think we're really taking him neces sariously when we start talking about.
You know, it's crazy.
I'll say this, this was I had some time to kind of really think about it and talk about it before the fight took place, and I said that this was a production. This was not This was nothing different than what you see when you watch professional wrestling. The movement is real, the things, the pain that's inflicted, you know, it's real. Those injuries that those wrestlers get, it's real. But it's scripted out as to who's gonna win. It's already determined how it's going to go. It's a production. Now Here's where I'll say it hit me in an interesting way is that they were throwing Canelo Alvarez out there. They weren't throwing out their heavyweights. They were throwing out big names. And I started thinking to myself, if Canelo Alvarez chose to fight Jake Paul, it might be the biggest fight. Listen to what I'm saying in the history of boxing.
It wouldn't do better than McGregor.
It would do better than McGregor and Mayweather. Nah, last night was close. Last night was close, Tys. You know why I say that.
If you look at so Jake Paul the fight before last night, his previous fight, I believe it was contracted at one hundred and ninety pounds. He weighed to twenty seven yesterday. Canelo Alvarez fights at one hundred and sixty eight pounds.
I get what you're saying, what weight class you fight, You're not.
I don't know what weight class you're fighting at, But you make that fight happen. Because here's what Jake Paul has done, Jake Paul.
You mentioned Floyd Mayweather.
Jake Paul has successfully made the entire boxing community sports community. He's made so many people hate him. They genuinely despise Jake Paul. And that's the same exact It's the same exact approach Floyd Mayweather took when he took on the money Mayweather Moniker, and that's what he was rolling with. He got people to hate him and it wanted people to see him lose and lose bad. Jake Paul is not going to fight a true heavyweight boxer. That's not gonna happen. But he does have the confidence and the grit and the skill level at this point to go up against a smaller, big name boxer. Benevetez is a dude that would would be like more of a matchup size wise. That's a smaller guy, but size wise, but his name isn't big enough. His name's not big enough to the masses. If Conelo Alvarez took a fight with Jake Paul, everybody would get what they thought they were gonna get with Mike Tyson beating him up, and if they didn't, they at least paid their money, went to the fight.
Tuned in to see if Jake Paul.
Could actually throw down against a dude like Canelo Alvarez.
That fight would be way bigger.
Yes, I bet you it would blow. It would listen, finished Jake Paul. Nobody would say that what's the weight class? Nobody is sanctioning a fight where somebody's forty pounds heavi yer.
Nobody They're going to find the way if it were to be an opportunity to make that fight happen, even if it were an exhibition and did not count against Canelo and his record, If you made that fight happen, it's the biggest fight in the history of that.
If it's an exhibition, it's a production.
If it's an exhibition, I don't think anybody's gonna really care because of there's really nothing on the line. Now, can Jack Paul get that to the line? Possibly, if Jake Paul can get back down. I don't think it's something.
That Jake Paul would do because what it does is it waters down on his brand if he takes a fight with Canelo Alvarez, a guy that's forty fifty pounds lighter than him and punishes him and whips him.
But what if it doesn't happen. But what if that doesn't.
Happen, I don't know.
I don't think LaVar, LaVar, LeVar, You ain't LaVar when you were when you were thirty two. Is anybody coming into your football world and doing something to you.
Yeah, when you were thirty two.
That's somebody who like just got into the Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna be too crafty for that's call.
That's I don't think Jake Paul is willing to take that chance on everything that he's doing right now, just because it's like you said, it's all scripted.
It's a production.
But that would be a real fight.
Go to that for real fighting.
He's a real fight one real time.
Nobody's going to nobody's going to take him seriously moving forward, for all these fights and these gimmicks and these productions that he's going to try to, you know.
Hold move.
The amount of money I don't think.
Man, the amount of money that them two would generate and the people involved in it would generate if they made that fight happen.
He don't have to fight.
They taking like a real fight.
Yet No, no, he has not.
I mean he's taking one real fight and he lost, and he lost. And that game when he fought Tyson's fiery little brother, who was an actual boxer. I mean, you don't play boxing. That's one thing. You don't play box. And we can get can player go to the NBA. Can this NBA player go to the NFL. Man, They trying to take your head off, Like, I'm sure we've all sparred at some point, you actually get in the ring with a real I sparred one time with Sugar Shane Moseley when I was playing, and it was two rounds. Sugar Shane Moseley fought at one hundred and forty seven pounds, probably walked around at one sixty five. I was about two ten, and I'm like, man, I'm about to smash this little dude. I was like, Oh, he was taking it easy.
M that's cause you soft.
Hey, this is up on game. That's TJ.
Hutchman Zada, that's Plexico Burs. I'm LaVar Arrington. We're gonna take a quick break on the other side of it. We're gonna talk about TJ. Cincinnati Bengals. They getting the Key edition back Texans as well. This is up on games. Fox Sports Radio will be right back.
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All right, all right, welcome back in it's up on game. It's Plexico Burrs is TJ. Hutchman, Zada, I'm Arrington. Yeah, we just talked Mike Tyson and Jake Paul. But let's switch over to the NFL. You can play football, but I'll tell you what, there's some dudes out there that ain't playing around and well, the Texans they're going to have a big game this week with the Cowboys. The Bengals they're going to have a big game against the Chargers this week. They both get helpful additions back going into the games, Nico Collins for the Texans, T Higgins for the Bengals. Fellas, looking at this these two games in particular, how do you guys see the impact Jamar Chase has been going off, Joe Burrow has been going off. So to be able to add a weapon like T. Higgins, I'm sure you know if you're getting him back, you gotta be excited because of what that presents for this offense. And they seem to be trending in the right direction. The Texans, on the other hand, they seem to be struggling like a team that maybe has to figure it out and figure it out fast for this season. Gets away from them, but they do get a big time weapon back in Nico Collins. How you guys viewing this.
I mean, you know, for both teams obviously much needed.
For the Bengals, every game at this point is the utmost important because right now you trying to get into the playoffs is a wildcard. You can't afford to lose these games when you're playing teams that you're gonna be battling for the wild card conference record. All these different things come into play. But for Tea has been for him, I'm sure a disappointing season since contract year he's franchised. Nobody wants to miss half of the games thus far of the season when you're going into a contract here that that's probably like the worst thing as a player. You're like, come on, Bru, Like it's it's disappointing, but it's it's not too much you can do. For the Texas man Nico Collins, I don't know what is going on with the Texas, meaning they don't call the same game that they call when Nico Collins is playing, because when Nico Collins goes down, they're still loaded at receiver.
They still had at that time Stefanon, Tank Metchi.
They didn't really take those shots, and so that kind of confused me because if y'all recall, like John MITCHI can really play man. When he was at Bama, he could really play and we saw that last week. I think for the Texas that that front, that offensive line need to get it together. We real football dudes here. You ain't winning no games if you don't have no offensive defensive line. I don't care what me and Plexico do on the outside. If you don't have those guys up. The middle of the football was built from the inside out, and so to me, the offensive line must be way better. But this will help. I think it will just just the quarterbacks. Knowing I got those guys with me, just the mental part of it makes a huge difference.
You know what.
I'm not really really overly concerned as as much as with the Houston Texans that I am with the Cincinnati Bengals. I mean, everybody knows what you know, Jamal Chase and Joe Burrow and that offer has been able to do over the past you know, month, month and a half. But if you look in at the Cincinnati Bengals right now, they sitting at four and six, you're basically looking at a wild card because I don't see Pittsburgh dropping off anytime soon. Baltimore is still going to be right there. So they cannot, mean, I mean, cannot end up on the wrong side of this thing tomorrow and end up at four and seven where there is going to be no way that they are going to make the playoffs, especially in the AFC. I mean, this division is laved by Pittsburgh right now, and they lost to Baltimore week ago, a couple of weeks ago. So for Joe Burrow and his team, I picked the Cincinnati Bengals to win the AFC North, and whatever has went wrong has went wrong. I mean, obviously T Higgins going down for the last you know, a month and a half, that didn't help. But if I'm looking at from an offensive standpoint, what they've been able to do without him. If I'm a defense or defensive coordinator, I'm saying to myself, I said, what the hell am I.
Going to do?
What am I going to call to slow down of Jamar Chase and a healthy T Higgins?
I think this is this is the time right now.
Where they need to run off, you know, five or six games in a row and see what happens, and the rest of the AFC is see if they can get into a playoff position, because right now Pittsburgh has this thing locked up. And I'm looking at the Houston Texans, I'm not worried about them because I think they're still going to win the Division four.
And when Nico.
Collins went out, Mark stroud was the third rank quarterback in the league and Nico Collins led the league and passing and receiving, you'ms was five sixty seven. So right now, moving forward, if you're Demico Ryns, you'll see the Strouding's offense. You're basically putting out the same offense on the football field starting tomorrow that you had last year. And you have an upgrade at the running back position with Joe Mixon. So now you get a healthy Joe Mixon, you get a healthy Nico Collins back. Everybody knows that stuff on went down. You have Meeting, you have Tankdale. So looking forward for the Texans, I'm not worried about them as much as I have with the Bengals because the Texans pretty much control their own destiny because they're going to be the best team in the AFC South.
The number one seed and make the playoffs.
Hey, you know what's crazy, man, Coaching matters so much in the National Football League.
It really does. You look at the.
Chargers had a defensive coach in Brandon Staley, finishing in the twenties defensive ranking bottom twenties. Jim Harbaugh and his outstanding football mind comes to town. Man, them dudes ain't giving up twenty one points in the game. Bro think the number one defense in the league. How you go from twenty nine to number one with the same players twenty nine to one. Coaching matters so much, man, Like you can get to an organization in the team and be taught nothing, then go to another team and say, whoa, I've been in the league six seven years.
This I guess this is real coaching.
So you got to get Harball and his knowledge of football and the coaches that he has brought with him. The Chargers are a really good football team because they went from one of the worst defenses to the best defense in the league. And so can the Bengals figure out way how to dent that defense. It's gonna be a really good game.
I'm gonna say this, guys, I'm gonna say this, With all those things being said, you're talking about a Texans team that is benefiting from a weak division.
Right, They're a top They're a top the.
Division, even though they just don't look as good as they did last year. But with that's still being said, they're at the top and they're going against a super, super wounded and vulnerable Cowboys team, which is interesting because what does that even mean for the Cowboys.
That's that's one thing.
Then you look at this Chargers team and where they're at right now and how they're trending in the right direction.
My first question is getting t Higgins back? Is it?
I mean, would you guys look at it as it almost is like seemingly too little, too late, or too late to get them back. I mean, are they too far back? Because listen, if you yeah, it is right what you say, I just I just don't.
I just don't think that since the Cincinnati Bengals, they basically need to go undefeated from here on for the rest of the season if they want to even be considered to get into the place as a wild card, because I don't believe they overcome Baltimore. I don't believe they overcome Pittsburgh, especially the way that they're playing. So you're looking at them being the third best team in the division. So TJ they basically have to go undefeated if they want to be even considered for a playoffs to get to get in.
So right now, when you look at it, right now, the Bengals are basically competing with the Jets, who against themselves and the Denver Broncos. And so they played the Broncos later this season. So in essence, the only way they're getting in for sure, for sure, for sure is wild card. They can play good enough football where they can they just battling with the Broncos. Really that I think the Jets are done, and so there's a path, there's there's a way. They defense they got to play complimentary football. If the defense is gonna ball out, the offense got to pick them up and vice versas. The problem is they're not doing that. You you can't, y'all.
Defense has let y'all down big time this year.
I mean they don't.
The secondary isn't making enough plays outside of Trey Hendrickson. When you when you look at the Bengals defense, Trey Hendrickson is the only guy on that team that you could say for sure would start on other teams.
And so that you have.
A you have a game, you have a game Delo Broncos. You end up in Pittsburgh and the last game of the season, still gotta play Pittsburgh. Just depending on how that goes, they might not even dress or play the starters based off of where they're at in the division. So you might get one now you still play the Cleveland Browns at home, you get Dallas Tennessee. I mean there's a possibility, but you know, we know how it goes. I mean, the games still have to be played, and it's definitely gonna be a wild card, uh, you know for the Bengals if they want to get into the playoffs because of right now four and six, just like you said, the traveling to the Chargers.
Tomorrow, Yeah they are now they out here. They got here yesterday. Okay, so they're playing in l A. Okay, not here. I don't think that's gonna be out here.
And they got here yesterday when they enjoyed this weather.
You go down four and seven, it's gonna be tough.
Now they can't afford to lose. I mean the Chargers will also be a wildcard team, so you are playing teams where you can't afford to lose, and uh, it's a great matchup.
Joe Burrow drafted number one, Herbert also drafting the top ten of the same draft too, the better young quarterbacks in the league.
Man, should be a good one.
All right, let's get an update.
I mean, listen that you know, Nico Collins, I think is a positive for the Texans because well, not going to be a better team, oh boys, And they need to be They need to be better going head and into the end of the season, into the postseason. And yeah, I think that the Bengals, I think they're going to be much better with Ti Higgins. Let's get Monsey up. How you doing Monty? Can we get an update?
Hi, guys, Happy to be hanging out with you on this Saturday.
What a treat. What a treat it is. We've got five games going on right now.
This one's going to shock you that Northwestern just scored and they're beating Ohio State right now, six zero early.
In the second quarter.
What's even crazier is that Northwestern has really controlled the ball most of this game.
Ohio State had.
The ball on the first quarter for less than five minutes, so Northwestern right now with a rushing touchdown literally just happened.
It's early in the second quarter.
Texas is currently up on Arkansas seven zero. Quinn yours with a twenty yard touchdown pass to Matthew Golden, so seven zero. Late in the first quarter, Colorado started things off a little shaky because sha Dor Sanders a pick on his very first play of the game.
Utah only got a field goal out of it.
Shador Sanders has shaken it off because he already threw a forty yard touchdown pass to Will Sheppard and they just scored again. Correct, So now they're beating u Top thirteen to three with about six minutes to go in the first quarter. Pittsburgh has just tied the game against Clemson. Yes, that also just happened. Clemson started things off with the fumble, pitt wasn't able to take advantage of it.
In fact, Nate yar Bell, who is in for Eli Holstein in that first drive for Pittsburgh, was one of two for minus two yards.
Clearly, he's shaken it off now because Clemson and Pittsburgh are tied at seven five minutes to go in the first and Tulane with the rushing touchdown, it looks like they're up on Navy seven zero late in the first quarter. Big dan college football, even bigger day for Kurt Signetti.
What a nice payday.
Indiana has agree twenty eight year contract extension with its first year head coach. It's an average of eight million annually with an additional one million retention bonus each year. This will tie him to the team through twenty third to The Hoosiers are ten and zero to start this season.
Not too shabby. Eight years basically for seventy two million if you're wondering.
And they have a bye this week, so next week they do face Ohio State, who again right now is losing to Northwestern.
Yes, and a little NFL news for you. The Patriots are making moves.
They released wide receiver Taekwon Thornton after three seasons.
He was their seventh wide receiver. They released him. They're activating start.
Defensive lineman Christian Barmore from the non football illness list, so.
He should be able to play this Sunday, according to the NFL Network.
And you guys were talking about the fight last night, and I didn't watch any of the fights, but you guys were talking about the ladies, so I decided to look up a little bit. Amanda Serrano she tweeted something. She tweeted an image of the numbers from the fight last night, and she quote put I landed one hundred and seven more punches, she got a point deducted, and I lost ninety five ninety four lmfaol.
Yeah, so yeah, yeah, man, Washington, Hey, she was smash and Katie Taylor.
I couldn't believe it. I could not believe it.
Yeah, all right, guys to.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm sitting to Washington this this Colorado game, and I know I'm here on the East coast. Are they playing a ten am college football game out there?
You know it?
Yes, because they're two hours behind the correct Really they played ten am college football games?
Now, hey, Prime, Prime would prefer that.
And you know he's been complaining because they've been playing They've never played a ten am college They've been playing a ton of late games, plex and so you know they've been playing super late. But am TJ, Hey, well, I guess he's preferred ten am over eight pm.
Man, I'm trying to I'm trying to figure out I mean, I played noon college football games. I'm trying to figure out the schedule. So if you got to beat if the game starts at what's that like a five forty five wake up or something.
Probably six, that's extra sixteen minute. That's all to.
Say, Hey, you got an a you know who's not the hell of a job at Colorado.
Man, because I'm watching the game.
Also, flex and Warren Sap brother, this D line, it's not they don't even look like they look last year. Warren Sap not only was he a great player, he seems to be a great teacher, and that D line ain't playing.
You just had this conversation about coaching, and you know incomes Warren Sap. He was the most dominant defensive tackle and he was not football when I was playing.
There's no hand to the hands down. He was the best deep to tackle.
And just in the last segment you was talking about hardball from that defense from going twenty and ranked in the twenties to being number one, and you're talking about coaching you with a one Sap on a football team. He comes in. He has the same exact playoffs. But he's teaching a different technique. You know, he's teaching guys to use the hands, you know, read their keys or whatever the case may be. And that knowledge that he brings from from the NFL level to kids who are eighteen, nineteen, twenty years old and able to take that and put it on a football field. And now you have the product defensively of what Colorado.
Has he all about it, Damon Lewis bro He's an animal. They got some real and real mammals up in there teaching them babies, man, And you clearly can see the attitude, the disposition.
The way they move, the way they acted. They I mean, they turned Colorado into the South.
They turned it into a Florida school, old school, Florida State old school Miami. That's what you're saying. I mean, when I'm watching these boys play, that's what you're seeing. Is that the type of mentality, that type of type of reaction. But you know that, and they in the game against what is considered and perceivably the best team that they're going to see up to to date and Utah and they handling them.
Hey, that Colorado is winning the Big Twelve. Like I told y'all.
The PAT twelve, you said, the Patch twelve.
They're winning the Big twelve like I told y'all. Okay, so a PAC twelfth team from the would win the Big twelve like I told y'all, and the PAC twelfth team would win the Big Ten like I told y'all.
Do y'all remember that at side? I don't. I don't recall any Oh my god, I do.
You're not somebody else. I need somebody to afford this. No no, no, no, no no no. We don't need nobody to do nothing. I don't need somebody. I need somebody to pour this. I told y'all, we're going to do everybody.
Want to talk.
Is that what we're gonna do? Because I'm a rock with you, That's what we're gonna do. If I don't remember.
Team tjsation, I told y'all, I think when when did you say this?
In September?
As soon as we y'all were doing all that year or yeappy, and I said, the PAC twelfth team is gonna win the Big twelve and the Big Ten, And y'all told me I was crazy.
Man, forget about it, man.
All right, let's get at it. Now let's go take it. Let's take a break. Let's take a break. We're gonna talk to a tongue of Belowa. Uh is he I mean, is he handling things.
The right way? I can't wait to hear what the guys think about it.
TJ did say a pac twelve team would win the Big Ten. I thought it was blasphemous and preposterous, among other things for him to say it. Oregon is looking good, but they are still in the woods. They are not out of the woods just yet. So we'll see how that all plays out. But to a tongue of below. On the other side of the break, you're listening to Up on Game, that is TJ. Hitchman's out of that is Plexico Burds. I'm LeVar Arrington, this Fox Sports Radio. We'll be right back, all right, Welcome back in' So Up on Game relyve from the tyrack dot com studios. You know what, shortly after the show, our podcast will be going up. If you missed any of today's show at any point in time, or you just want to listen to it again, check out the podcast. Just search Up on Game wherever it is you get your podcasts and be sure to follow, rate and review the podcast again. Just search up on game wherever it is you get your podcasts, and you'll see today's show. Post it right after we get off the air, Fellas, let's talk about this to a tongue of a lowest situation. Here's what he had to say following in listen. I know it's a little while ago now because we do the show a week later and there's been a lot of conversations surrounding it. But I'm just curious as to hearing his thought process on what he was thinking when he tried to make the tackle after the interception in that game. What did that leave you guys feeling. But here's what Tua had to say, just so our listeners can be fresh on what it is that he was thinking before y'all comment on it.
It didn't feel as bad as what what it probably looked like may have looked like when we watched it.
Our our coach had said.
You know that he sort of need you in the head. You know, essentially you're you're out there playing football. I didn't necessarily feel feel that, and you know, I wasn't just going to jump jump out of the way for him. To just run down the sideline and potentially score. So you know, you got to make decisions, and you know I should never threw the pick in the first place. That's I would to do anything differently.
I'll make the tackle. That's what I gotta do. It's what it is hard to score in this league.
There, you guys, go, I mean it didn't look as bad as it didn't look as bad.
As it felt. But let's be clear here.
It's bad because he doesn't think that it's bad.
It's bad because it doesn't.
We had this conversation a week or two willgo concerning two getting back into the football game.
What is football? It's a reaction game and you don't.
Have as off off the field.
It's not possible. How is it?
How does that person talk to the punters, talk to theac It's a reaction game.
Go, I threw a pick, which he never like you just said, I never should throw it in the first place.
But what is this going to let him do?
Just let the man run down the sideline and score a touchdown because I got a concussion. That's not how do you do that as a player. You can't just turn that off. There's a play that needs to be made. Maybe they need to teach the quarterbacks how to tackle.
Maybe that's a maybe that's an option.
But you can't just.
Let that man just go down to what's your what's your instagram? Hand them? King of the mammals, King of the mammals? Right, what do mammals do?
They hunt? And that's instinct. Right, Yeah, that's instinct. That's that's what it was.
I'm telling instinct. He's telling you to instinct your ass right onto the sideline.
He's been playing football a long time.
When playing If he does.
That, you may be right, but that was instinct, right or wrong? That was instinct and he probably thought about it when he was on the ground, like why did I just do that? Instinct? Because that is a natural reaction?
Is not a good enough.
Who you go getting folded up and going into a fetal position that.
He goes and what other response are you looking for? Uh?
Go, hey, you played on one of the best ones to do it.
Give up a touchdown?
Give yes, yes, yes, Eli Manning will walk his ass right on over, right on over to the sideline with that wild ass face that he'd be made.
No quarterback, I know that's not going to try to try to especially the pick.
Hour two is coming at y'all.
Man, Hey, listen, I don't know what these dudes are talking about, but we're going to keep talking about whatever it is.