Preppers Episode 1: Ready Or Not
In the popular imagination, preppers are busy hoarding tinned food in their bunkers while they wait for the end of the world. But is this what most prepping looks like? And is climate change as bad as all that? The bin fire of the last few years has ramped the eco-anxiety up to an 11. But as we g…
Preppers Episode 2: The End of the World As We Know It
The Earth is cracking under the weight of our expectations, with growth held up as the economic north star. Meanwhile, wildlife populations are collapsing, the ocean is acidifying, and carbon emissions are still increasing. Despite everything we know about what’s wrong and what to do about it, we c…
Preppers Episode 3: What's It Worth?
As we struggle to reduce carbon emissions, environmental markets are creating a world where money really does grow on trees. But does putting a price on nature, and forcing the economy to value the things it’s always taken for granted, really work? And can it help us prepare for climate change? Th…
Preppers Episode 4: Meltdown
We. Love. Heat. Bring on the summer! Right? But as each month sees another heat record broken, should we start thinking about heat differently? What’s happening on a local and global level to prepare us for extreme weather events – and for a much sweatier future? This episode features: Sarah Per…
Preppers Episode 5: A Change of Heart
When it comes to climate change, answers can be difficult to nail down. Will the world reach net zero in time? What does a climate change future even look like? Will the changes come in my lifetime – or is it my kids or grandkids who will suffer? With every uncertainty, you can feel your head sink …
Trailer: Preppers
Get ready to confront the uncomfortable truths about climate change with investigative humorist and climate action enthusiast Dan Ilic inPreppers, a podcast by the UNSW Centre for Ideas that dives deep into the realities we often avoid.