UNSW Centre for IdeasUNSW Centre for Ideas

Facts, Fictions and Critical Thinking

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UNSW Centre for Ideas | All Episodes

An initiative of UNSW Sydney, the Centre for Ideas is a thought-provoking program of events and digital content from the globe's leading thinkers, aut 
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Facts matter. The scientific process matters. The ability to think critically is essential to navigate our world, to make good decisions and to solve some of the world’s most intractable problems. Nobel Prize laureate Saul Perlmutter believes everyone can learn the skills scientists use to think critically so that they don’t fool themselves. Saul is joined by Tim Minchin, a writer, composer and fierce defender of facts and UNSW's Verity Firth to discuss the importance of collaboration, humility and critical thinking in decision-making.

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  1. UNSW Centre for Ideas | All Episodes

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UNSW Centre for Ideas

An initiative of UNSW Sydney, the Centre for Ideas is a thought-provoking program of events and digi 
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