Every second, tech companies, advertisers, and organisations are all competing for our attention. The algorithms that shape our digital world are designed to capture and keep that attention. We are spending more time than ever online – shopping, gaming, watching shows, reading news and chatting to friends, and while it feels pretty innocent, by partaking in these seemingly ordinary online activities we’re placing a whole lot of trust into the digital services we use and handing over a lot of our precious data and time. Our attention is the most valuable currency in the digital world – are we making informed and empowered choices about who and what we give that attention to? As netizens, what can we do to push for a safe, kind, resilient, and 'human' digital future?
In 10 minutes, or the length of time it takes to buy a pair of pants online, Dr Yenni Tim will explain how we can use our influence to shape our digital future.
For more information, visit unsw.to/YenniTim.