Understanding Socialism: Part Four. Praxis.

Published Jul 31, 2023, 10:36 PM

It’s Part Four this week, and things are really heating up. We’re bridging the gap between the “critique” years and the “praxis” years with a deep dive into the late 1800s. Mikhail Bakunin and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon make grand entrances into our narrative and bring some intrigue along with them. Part Four covers the pivotal year of 1870, the splinter between the anarchist and Democratic socialist wings of the party, and speaks to the variables present on the European continent at this critical juncture. The episode culminates with the Paris Commune of 1871 and lays the groundwork for Part Five where we’ll cover the rise of the Bolsheviks and the American labor movement. Are we having fun yet? (Don’t answer that.)


Intro: 00:01:21

Chapter Eight: Socialist Fault Lines. 00:06:31

Coffee Break: 00:22:33

Chapter Nine: 1870. The year everything changed. 00:23:28

Bring It Home, Max: 00:36:33

Post Show Musings: 00:38:15

Outro: 00:51:39

Book Love

Joseph A. Schumpeter: Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy

John M. Thompson: Revolutionary Russia, 1917

Bernard Harcourt: Critique and Praxis

Ray Ginger: The Bending Cross: A Biography of Eugene Victor Debs

Karl Marx: The Communist Manifesto

Karl Marx: Das Kapital 

Michael Harrington: Socialism: Past and Future

Victor Serge + Natalia Ivanovna Sedova: Life and Death of Leon Trotsky

Anne Sebba: Ethel Rosenberg: An American Tragedy


The Collector: What do Hegel and Marx Have in Common?

Socialist Alternative: Robert Owen and Utopian Socialism

Marxists.org: Encyclopedia of Marxism: Events

Washington State University: Introduction to 19th-Century Socialism

Howard Zinn: Commemorating Emma Goldman: 'Living My Life'

Stanford: Hegel's Dialectics

The History of Economic Thought: Cesare Beccaria 

Stanford: Jeremy Bentham

Foundation for Economic Education: Robert Owen: The Woolly-Minded Cotton Spinner

Stanford: Karl Marx 

Central European Economic and Social History: Economic Development In Europe In The 19th Century

Marxists.org: Encyclopedia of Marxism

The New Yorker: Karl Marx, Yesterday and Today

Marxists.org: Glossary of Organisations

Northwestern Whitepaper: The Second Industrial Revolution

The Collector: Revolutions of 1848

Chemins de Mémoire: Franco-Prussian War of 1870

Journal of Modern History: 1870 in European History and Historiography

JSTOR: Paul Avrich: The Legacy of Bakunin

Marxists.org: Bakunin

The Anarchist Library: The Federative Principle

The Anarchist Library: Property Is Theft


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Unf*cking the Republic® is produced by 99 and engineered by Manny Faces Media (mannyfacesmedia.com). Original music is by Tom McGovern (tommcgovern.com). The show is written and hosted by Max and distributed by 99.

Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, "Unf*cking the Republic®."

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Unf*cking The Republic® (UNFTR) is a series of audio essays on the grand American experiment lovingl 
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