Unf*cking The Republic® (UNFTR)Unf*cking The Republic® (UNFTR)

The FCC (Part Two). On the death of competition.

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In our first installment of the two-part FCC series we discussed the origins of the Federal Communications Commission, the reason it came into existence and the tension between its charge and the First Amendment. Our story resumes with a nod to the Chicago School, the one-two punch of the Reagan and Clinton administrations to deliver a death blow to media competition in the United States and the recent history of net neutrality. Let’s fucking go. 


Intro: 00:01:56

Chapter One: The Coase Theorem. 00:03:08

Chapter Two: Reagan and Clinton. 00:10:28

Chapter Three: Title II and Net Neutrality. 00:25:25

Chapter Four: Bring it home, Max. 00:37:22

Post Show Musings: 00:42:14

Book Love: 00:53:17

Outro: 00:54:02


FCC Website

Steven G. Medema: “Failure to Appear”: The Use of the Coase Theorem in Judicial Opinion

European Council On Foreign Relations: Network effects: Europe’s digital sovereignty in the Mediterranean

Brookings: Was the 1996 Telecommunications Act successful in promoting competition?

USTelecom: Research

FCC: National Broadband Map

Community Networks: Community Network Map

Berkman Klein Center: Community-Owned Fiber Networks: Value Leaders in America

Vice: A Community-Run ISP Is the Highest Rated Broadband Company in America

Tristin Esfandiari: The FCC Threatens Free Speech

Open Secrets: Ajit Pai Employment History

FCC: FCC Releases Restoring Internet Freedom Order

FCC: Biography of Former Chairman Ajit Pai

Public Knowledge: We Already Knew Broadband Should Be A Public Utility. The Pandemic Made It Obvious.

Congress.gov: S.4676 - Net Neutrality and Broadband Justice Act of 2022

Electronic Frontier Foundation: New Proposal Brings Us a Step Closer to Net Neutrality

Ed Markey: Communications Act Bill

Electronic Frontier Foundation: Today’s Net Neutrality Order is a Win, with a Few Blemishes

Electronic Frontier Foundation: Today—and Every Day—We Fight to Defend the Open Internet

Searchlight Capital: Investments

Free Speech Center at Middle Tennessee State University: 2 Live Crew

Book Love

Steven J. Simmons: The Fairness Doctrine and the Media

Brian J. Karem: Free the Press: The Death of American Journalism and How to Revive It

Ken Auletta: Backstory: Inside the Business of News

Bernard Harcourt: The Illusion of Free Markets: Punishment and the Myth of Natural Order


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Unf*cking the Republic is produced by 99 and engineered by Manny Faces Media (mannyfacesmedia.com). Original music is by Tom McGovern (tommcgovern.com). The show is hosted by The Gipper and distributed by Slick Willy.

Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, "Unf*cking the Republic."

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Unf*cking The Republic® (UNFTR)

Unf*cking The Republic® (UNFTR) is a series of audio essays on the grand American experiment lovingl 
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