Today we have a first: a two part Show Notes! In Part One, Max and 99 catch up, and delve into some headlines. Part Two to come tomorrow.
Intro: 00:00:20
Manny’s Corner: 00:05:00
Headlines: 00:22:50
Outro: 00:52:28
The Intercept: Judges Keep Ruling That Anti-Trans Health Care Bans Make Shitty Law. The GOP Isn't Giving Up.
Emissions Substack: The Food Problem Is Bigger Than Lettuce
Current Affairs: How To Explain Socialism Clearly In a Way That Actually Persuades People
News Beat: Interview With U.S. Presidential Candidate Dr. Cornel West
ACLU: Mapping Attacks on LGBTQ Rights in U.S. State Legislatures
If you like the pod version of #UNFTR, make sure to check out the video version on YouTube where Max shows his beautiful face!
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Unf*cking the Republic® is produced by 99 and engineered by Manny Faces Media ( Original music is by Tom McGovern ( The show is written and hosted by Max and distributed by 99.
Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, "Unf*cking the Republic®."