Pirates of the Caribbean: Debt, Diplomacy and Destruction.

Published Nov 26, 2021, 9:45 PM

It’s chilly here in New York so we’ve got the Caribbean on the brain. Actually, we’re just building on our money and power episodes and tying in lessons from our shows on Milton Friedman, Cuba and climate change. Because we can’t just sit on a beach sipping a frozen drink with an umbrella. But that’s why you love us. The United States didn’t invent colonialism in the Caribbean, we just perfected it. From wild tales of vigilante slave owning gold diggers and gunboat diplomacy to economic gangsterism and coerced trade agreements, the Caribbean has been the proving ground for neoliberalism. 


00:00:11 Intro

00:03:49 Segment 1

00:13:06 Segment 2

00:19:18 Segment 3

00:23:18 Segment 4

00:37:03 Show Notes

00:39:57 Book Love

00:40:59 Emails + Shoutouts

00:57:45 Outro


Keep Kanatsiohareke Warm this Winter


New Yorker: The Long Legacy of Occupation in Haiti

Origins: ​​A Pact with the Devil? The United States and the Fate of Modern Haiti

The Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico

US News Beat: The Truth About Puerto Rico

Library of Congress: Teller and Platt Amendments - The World of 1898: The Spanish-American War (Hispanic Division)

Inter-American Development Bank: Climate Change in the Caribbean Small Island States

Book Love

Alan McPherson: A Short History of U.S. Interventions in Latin America and the Caribbean

Raphael Dalleo: American Imperialism’s Undead: The Occupation of Haiti and the Rise of Caribbean Anticolonialism

Samantha S. S. Chaitram: American Foreign Policy in the English-speaking Caribbean


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Unf*cking the Republic is produced by 99 and engineered by Manny Faces Media (mannyfacesmedia.com). Original music is by Tom McGovern (tommcgovern.com). The show is written and hosted by William Walker and distributed by outrage.

Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, ‘Unf*cking the Republic.’

Unf*cking The Republic® (UNFTR)

Unf*cking The Republic® (UNFTR) is a series of audio essays on the grand American experiment lovingl 
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