A (Mostly) Vegan World: Plantf*ckers Can Save Us All.

Published Jan 8, 2022, 5:01 AM

As many of you know, we’ve had this on the pod-docket for months. It’s finally time to unf*ck our food system and talk about veganism. We decided not to pursue this topic from a moral or ethical perspective, but that doesn’t mean this isn’t a story about justice. 40% of the world’s working population is in some way employed in the food and agriculture sector. A third of all food is wasted. 50% of the earth’s land has been cleared for livestock and farming. Overfishing and chemical runoff is destroying marine life. In our pursuit to feed the world, we’re killing the planet and ourselves in the process. Today’s episode examines the cycle of madness that is the industrial agriculture and food supply chain. So while there are no tips on how to “go vegan,” the conclusion (spoiler) is that we all better figure out how.


Intro: 00:00:39

Prologue: 00:03:08

Segment 1: 00:05:22

Segment 2: 00:13:26

Segment 3: 00:18:29

Segment 4: 00:31:48

Segment 5: 00:37:06

Segment 6: 00:45:30

Show Notes: 00:52:24

Resources: 00:52:45

Book Love: 00:53:17

Pod Love: 00:53:49

Emails + Shoutouts: 01:03:20

Outro: 01:13:30


On the Principle of Population by Thomas Malthus

UN: Food Systems Summit

UN: Food Systems Statement of Action

EPA: Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data

Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences: Plant-Based Diet Research

Rodale Institute: Farming Systems Trial

FAIRR: Protein Producer Index

The EAT: Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, Health

Book Love

Nicoletta Batini: The Economics of Sustainable Food: Smart Policies for Health and the Planet

Mark Bittman: Animal, Vegetable, Junk: A History of Food, from Sustainable to Suicidal

Pod Love

Eat the Rich: Episodes 104 and 105 on the United Fruit Company

Outrage & Optimism: Setting the Table for a Food Revolution

Our Hen House

Total Liberation Podcast

The ChickPeeps 

Brown Vegan Podcast

Doc Love

Forks Over Knives

Game Changers

Vegan Influencers












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Unf*cking the Republic is produced by 99 and engineered by Manny Faces Media (mannyfacesmedia.com). Original music is by Tom McGovern (tommcgovern.com). The show is written and hosted by tofurkey and distributed by honey bees.

Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, ‘Unf*cking the Republic.’

Unf*cking The Republic® (UNFTR)

Unf*cking The Republic® (UNFTR) is a series of audio essays on the grand American experiment lovingl 
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