02-12-25 The 3 Beasts of Rev. 13--Satanic Counterfeit of the Trinity, Resurrection & Born-Again Experience
02-05-25 10 Bible Reasons Why a Born-Again Christian would miss the Pre-Trib Rapture (Pt II) w/ A.C.
01-29-25 The Importance & Challenges of Short-term Missions w/ Steve Sink
01-22-25 Rules for Different Kinds of Prayer (Pt II): Intercession, Binding & Loosing in Agreement
01-15-25 Rules for Different Kinds of Prayer--The Business of Getting Results (Pt I)
01-08-25 Life Lessons from the Animal Kingdom: Eskimos & Wolves, Dolphins & Humpbacks, Cats & Dogs
1-1-25 Three Rich & Powerful World Leaders we'll see in Heaven-- Nebuchadnezzar, Napoleon & Donald Trump
12-18-24: Joseph/Imhotep (Pt II): Oscar-Winning Performance as Joseph Tests & Forgives his 10 Half-Brothers
12-11-24 Joseph (a.k.a. Imhotep): From Pit, Plantation & Prison to the Palace & Prime Minister of a Superpower
12-4-24 "20 Questions' w/ Mike Fodor & Guest Brandon Grivas (only got to #8)