High quality products demand a perfect environment to thrive. Chief Marketing Officer of Grove Bags, Lance Lambert says that perfection can be obtained with a little bit of science, a keen eye for details, and a lot of handshakes. This week Lance and I are discussing how Grove Bags is showcasing the passion of the cannabis community with the perfect storage system that outperforms stereotypical jars and baggies on every level. Lance shares how his grassroots marketing efforts are focused on navigating the Wild West of the booming cannabis industry through education, establishing trust with growers, and breaking stereotypes along the way.
Some highlights of what we cover:
Lance C. Lambert spent years cultivating brands and telling stories in the digital media and marketing space prior to shifting his expertise to the legal cannabis industry in 2013. He has had a strong focus on marketing and business development ever since, taking several brands global. In 2022, he was named Chief Marketing Officer at Grove Bags, where he was tasked with growing the company’s footprint at home and abroad. As a cancer survivor having grown up in Northern California, he embraces and actively advocates the benefits of cannabis.
Connect with Lance:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lanceclambert/
Grove Bags LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/grove-bags/
Grove Bags IG page: https://www.instagram.com/grovebag
Grove Bags YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA6-oCo8HcL_0xQqver4-FA
If you’re a brand who needs tangible ways to put purpose into practice throughout your marketing, this is what the host specializes in. Contact Jacqueline Lieberman at her marketing consultancy www.brandcrudo.com or jacqueline@brandcrudo.com.