Awkward encounter????
Tamra runs into Sweet James (RHOC’s Noella’s ex husband) at Jingle Ball and she’s dishing it ALL!!
In other news, one housewife has decided to unfollow the Twots. UH OH!
Two teas in a pod with Teddy Meloncants and camera judge. Hello, Hello, what's going on? Tam Well? Still covering from Jingle Doll. You know, I can't believe I didn't tell me how it was. It was good. I felt like it was a little bit more mellow this year than it was last year for some reason, like less not as raging. Yeah, yeah, I mean it was fun. It was a lot of fun. I took a few of my friends. But who I did run into, which was the highlight of my evening, Sweet James. I. And then I posted it, and then I was trending for posting. So tell me how that went down. Because remember, wasn't he mad at you a while ago? No, he's never ad at me. So I met him three years ago, and then I asked him to be on the podcast and he nicely declined because like all good attorneys, they don't like to put things out there, right. And um, So I was at the bar and one of my girlfriends who had met him with me, how there goes, that's sweet James. I don't, No, it's not. Do people call him sweet James? Yeah, she might have said that it's James. Um and so I'm like, no, it's not that I looked. I'm like, oh my god, it is. So he was talking with two girls that actually our employees of his, and I walked it to him and he's like, oh my god, hi, and so we started talking a little bit and then we took a picture and then that was it. But he's such a nice guy, such a nice guy. Was he with any what was the dating site that he was on originally? Did he have any tricks with them from there? Do you remember what it was called? Not like millions arrangements arangements? Yes, I don't know that he has he might have a girlfriend. I didn't ask him. But does he live in Puerto Rico or we didn't get that far. I know that he has a house there, so he's a big sponsor of my heart. I understand this, But these are the type of questions. If I wasn't recovering, he doesn't want to be on the show, doesn't matter. We need to know where he lives, if he's currently in a relationship, what happened with Noela living in that place? Did he really send those ugly flowers? Like? These are the questions I need to know, Okay, Teddy Walters. Okay, I was just respecting the fact that he did not want to be on. Oh. Speaking of Teddy Walters, I've been so deep down the rabbit hole about this Good Morning America things which I want to ask you about. So, in your opinion, if two people are solely hurting their spouses, do you think it means that they should be put on hold from the television show that they're on, Like, essentially, what happens they came back on, they let them be on whatever day it was Friday, and then they're not on today and the network has released that essentially they're on pause. That I don't think that what you do in your personal life should affect your I mean, was it something I'm legal, I don't know. That's a slippery slip right there. So they were dating in the workforce. They were dating in the workforce, but they were married married I mean, obviously that's it. That's bad. This is what I was thinking. If it's a reality show or you're an actor, you're any sort of other thing and this comes out, it is what it is, it becomes drama. But in this situation, when you are a news broadcaster and your news is overshadowing the news news right, and then they might also they might also have the Starbucks policy. What is that? You can't bone your you can't date anybody, you can't date your co workers. Is that a Starbucks policy? That is a Starbucks allegedly or you know this? No, I know that far fact, because my son had worked for Starbucks for four years and they are still together. They lived together. Oh yeah, and now they both work at Starbucks, but at different locations, so they're a way at college right now. So I love when we get to know each other on the pod. We are constantly texting back and forth like, hey, I never knew this about like, because people think we've known each other forever, rather these things in our lives that we have no idea about. I mean truly, ninety percent of our conversations about housewives. Yeah, so whenever we branch out to like your son breaking the Starbucks rules, yes, yes, it's new to us. Oh god, so did that been. I've been having like anxiety lately. I'm not really a person that gets anxiety. I got it when I was on the show four, and then the two years I was off I had no anxiety. And now suddenly. So I just started popping seabea CBD because it just I need to take the edge off. I'm like having intrusive thoughts like about death. Death is where your anxiety is going. It's just weird. It just pops up in weird places. Like Eddie goes to write his more cycle yesterday and in my head, I start planning, like, oh my god, what if I get the call that he crashed and I got to like plan his funeral. Like I get weird intrusive thoughts. Yeah, my anxiety is like that too, but mine is isn't necessarily always death. It's like very small trivial things that really make no significance in my life, like that will just like it would be just something that would have so silly. Example, Um, like my brother was holding Dove two weeks ago and he tripped over this one rock and like he wasn't holding Dove anymore. It had already switched back to Edwin. But I keep going back to thinking what if, what if? What if? Yeah, I go back, like back in time to something that's not even an issue, or it could even be a conversation, Like let's say something you could potentially be annoyed at me about I could honestly obsess over somebody's tone on text message. It's it's a real doozy. No, I've just been noticing like a not I wouldn't call it depression, but just like a funk. And then all these interests of thoughts keep popping in my head and I'm like, Okay, no, this is not happening, this is not going to go forward. So I just started taking some some CBD two combat. But I think that's common after you finished filming the show. There's like, you're so to think about burying my husband. No, No, but I think anxiety because you're so on the go, there's so many things that you're doing. You're just running on autopilot. That the second thing slowed down. And yeah, and I definitely have some anxiety about some things that went down, and I'm trying not to think about it because I don't really have any control over it. But I think they're catching up with me. Yes, sir, I know, well they're catching up with me and I'm not even involved. You have a lot of downtime, and you were you put out, not put out this time? Um, I so this was kind of uh probably my mistake. But the last time that I went under, and I was like in a really busy hospital and I just I didn't love it. So I asked the doctor, I said, this time, can I just be under local, which means like they'll give you like a an at a van or something like that, and then they numb you up with shots and then they remove it. And he saw my anxiety the last time when I was going under anesthesia, and he's like, you know what if that's what you want to do, that's fine. Um, but like this surgery very rarely, you know, like I will cry. I have crying and me but like when full tears come out of your eyes of pain during the surgery or after. This was during the when he was giving me the shots to numb me. It just I think there was because there's such wide excisions um and deep too and deep that I honestly was like sobbing and I and there was like his nurse was like holding my hand and I like looked at him and I'm like, why am I crying? And he was like, because there's so much more going into this than just what that pain is that you're feeling from the shots or whatever, and but it was. It actually was like kind of therapeutic because I honestly like sobbed during It was a four hour procedure. I like sobbed during the week. Four hours. Yes. So then once I got finished, I said to him, I'm like, that was like a marathon, you know. And I was listening to like a Colleen Hoover book on tape, which he was probably like, what in the heck is this girl listening to because all those books are like love stories sexual, like all I dare you moaning? And it's like so over the top, and I'm like listening to it as he's like, you know, I can feel him like stitching me up. But um. Afterwards he said to me, he goes, Teddy, you deserve some kind of a metal And I said, what do you mean? He goes, I've never done this many large wide excision removals. Why why do I say excision weirdly? But removing on somebody who is awake? Yeah, I couldn't. I had one removed and it was a stage one and I was out, completely out, and they went wide and deep and it hurts, like it says in my butts. It was hard to sit down and move around, so I could imagine, like on your shoulder, how may they removed? So they removed five more, but there's like two on my arm right here, and then two different settings here. And for the first time ever, Edwin's had to change a bandage. And because normally Slate will do it, because Slate is a future either doctor or nurse in the making, she's obsessed. Like she's like you like if I She's like, can I get it? I wanted to be in the medical field. She was not readily available, and I was like bleeding through my thing, and so I had to ask Edwin and he's like, and he's trying to be as loving as he can does he is he crazy like handshaking, but either way, I'm okay. Finally, I I really for me. Took the entire weekend and I was mellow and like the fact that I canceled on my heart, I canceled on the dinner all the things. Is not me because you know, I like to stay busy, but it was it actually was very necessary. Yeah, well I had son it I heard, like I said, Taylor Armstrong was there, so she sat in the same row. Um, I was obviously sitting next to your daughter, and then there was she had a girlfriend with her, and then two are they Danny's nanny and her friend. Yeah, and they had fun. I told you at one time I would have put my hands over her ears because there was somebody was singing. I couldn't even tell you who he is because that's how old I am. And there was a lot of pussy words, and you know, the girls are sleep singing along and I'm like, no. My son actually recently asked me because of something on the radio. He goes, Mom, what's a p word? And I was like, that's me and Tiamara, you know what, that's Shaw, that's uh me and Tamu. We all just like, I guess like knows because we all just started like crying, laughing, and we're like, you know, oh, there's different meanings for it, tat pussy cat, Katie Katie Cotter. But I don't like, I don't give my I don't I don't want to give it a different name like people that call their like vagina, like their hoho ha or and I don't. I try not to refer to it at all. Ever. I know we've gone through this, but there's no reason for me to talk about it. Apparently we talked about it a lot on the last podcast, and a lot of the things we talked about on the last podcast are a little bit fuzzy. And the messages that I've been getting, I'm like, don't send me. It's just like a wild night out. I don't want to hear a recap. I don't want to hear what happened. I don't know, you know. And our good friend Kaden loves to send me videos, and he sent me videos on the red carpet and it's bad enough. My nipple cover was showing that. I'm like, I don't want to see is I had on? So I had orders the first time Revolved has ever done this to me. You know, you order, you get to the next day or the following day like that. It took a week to get to me. And it came after this boostier I ordered. It was a silver boostier to wear under that black suit with my silver shoes. I've come to realize that your kids are just always out. Well, this is the thing. The boostier, because I don't have a lot of boobs kept sliding down and then it was pushing them together and sliding and I was pulling them up and then it look like I had a long cleavage. And then there's like a lot going on. So I look at the pictures. I'm like, I just I need a stylus. That's what I need. It looks good when I stand into the mirror, but then I move around and starts. We apparently we all need stylus because everybody that was calm so that picture of me, you and Brandy one, the picture where I look great in you didn't want me to post because my eyes were closed, which I was a little I mean your eyes, I was my favorite one. I know how to put eyeballs on you. So I ended up posting that dumb one where I'm like posing with my hand up because your eyes were actually open in that. And then everyone made fun of our outfits. They said, this looks like a shoe ad from night. How do you make kind of a blazer and jeans? Like that's all? Then I did start looking we could have done better in the shoe department. I'm just saying all of us. I mean, Brandy's shoes were plastic, mine were from like fifteen years ago. Yours were an awkward length for your body height. I mean all of it the best. Yeah, actually, because I am sure I have to be very careful with with booties if they're that length. It was said, well, I know, and then I have those same boots with their knee highs and I almost wore them. Then I thought, oh, it's too much leather, which is a little bit Jeane showing and either never I never get it right, So we never get it right. But we I have been seeing a lot of your confessional looks, which you have been getting right in my opinion. Well, thank you very much. We'll see how that continues on. Okay, so we are back, and the first one is radio host dubs Teresa as the rudest person ever after interview. Boston radio personality Billy Costa slam Teresa as an idiot, nothing and a monster after she allegedly attacked him in a live interview last Monday. She was easily, hands down the rudest person I've ever interviewed, the radio host said on Billy and Lisa in the Morning show after the interview, and it the interview took a turn once cost to ask the Bravo star about writing her book, Turning the tables following her eleventh month stint in prison in two thousand fifteen. Teresa, we know you spent some time in prison, but you came out of prison and wrote a book, a bestseller about your time in prison, and it did focus a lot on the food and prison coast to asked her. Teresa then told the radio host she really didn't want to talk about that. I don't know if you know this, but I'm a four time New York Time best selling author, the reality star snapped back before Coasta assured her that he didn't know that. Coasta then tried to move on from the confrontation and asked about the event she was promoting, but Teresa wasn't ready to let it go and said, you have to have a good time. It's all about being positive, right and not negative. You should learn some of that. Then Coasta replied that he'd work on that. Okay, this was not a good interview. It wasn't I did actually hear the interview. But did you feel like she was the rudest person ever? Well, I can't say this. Remember when we did our radio breakdown when Twatts was coming out. Yes, um, and I'm not saying this in the rudest of ways. But oftentimes when you get different radio hosts from different shows, they don't know what the housewives is, who we are, what we're talking. They're just just eating I like the thing. Um. Thankfully you and I have enough wherewithal to know that nine of the United States has no idea who we are, nor do they care, and we were able to laugh it off at four am when we did our press store. I think what ended up happening was she started she was probably on her fifth or sixth radio thing, realizing nobody had really done their research, they didn't know who she was, and she just started losing her ship. But I mean, do you remember that, remember when Yes, he'd be like, this is Jeremiah from one oh seven points, and Teddy, you're John Mellencamp's daughter. That's what we got. Tam Ra Mellencamp are here? What's this housewife? Should we used to be on? No, they didn't know we used to. At this point, we were both fired and they're like, so you guys are on a show about flatting housewives, And yeah, actually were? But what from I heard on the interview, maybe I didn't hear it. Um, I didn't find Teresa to be rude. I did like hear her say, like, we don't need to talk about that. And obviously there was some things that she gave them or her publicists gave the host do not talk about this, and you know, you can hardly blame her. Like, we also got to things we weren't allowed to talk about when we talked to her, which was Joe and Melissa and like two other things when she came on the pod, we were not allowed to talk about it. We did not talk about it. However, what this guy was saying was I followed the list of things I wasn't allowed to talk about. So I don't know why you're so upset about this, he kind of does. Yeah. Do you think more happened off the mike? No, you remember that you we did this. This is no no what Teresa and this host. Do you think no more went down that we didn't hear about. Well, most of them are live, so I doubt it. I think it's just they started being passive aggressive with one another and then it started becoming aggressive. But you know how it is. It's like four in the morning. Then they let you in, they put you in with a new person. You have five minutes of chat and you go onto the next one. Um. Yeah, it's it's crazy because some of them you will totally connect with and they know who you are, and all these and other ones they're just reading off a list and it's very matter. But here's the thing. If you're out doing press, you gotta put your best foot forward and know that what anything, especially if you're in the world of reality television, you're gonna have to take ownership for whatever it is. And the fact that you can even put in there this is on the do not discuss list. I've never been able to do that. I don't really have a do not discuss list. Well, you know what we keep discussing or keeping. I mean, this is the the interview they keeps popping up on Instagram all over and that's what what happens Live with Heather Gay and Mauricio. I didn't actually see it, but the amnner the amount of times that it's been on Instagram. My Instagram feed is like nonstops. So you know, obviously Mauricio defends is White Wait, Defend your Wife game and other clips ups. Says Lisa Vanner. Pump is the rudest Bravo, leb. Now, actually, I thought that Maritio did a really good job. So he did apologize for laughing about Jackson Erica's situation, and I do believe him. I don't think he is an evil person by any means. He seems like Madam a couple of times, very sweet, just didn't see it happen and thought it was something that wasn't Questions for Heather if gen Shock could do anything to offend her, and saying when she speaks with confidence, she is lying. Heather didn't do herself any favors in this Watcher Happens life. Why say if I speak with any confidence on my line and this is she's actually getting to and granted for those of you who follow along, she is the one that I followed us last week, Heather, Heather Gay. Heather Gay has officially left the building. Heather Gay is especially unfollowed the chat, which is a shame because you're only as good as your last week's episode, which we always say back around. But the thing is, it's like we're not really we're judging you on what we see as viewers. We're not judge you as as you know, like your character and I would have to say. When we met Heather gay At, we liked her on She was very sweet, she was fun, she was it was very concerned on who we liked more than her. She was like, why do you guys have Lisa Barlow on night one and not me? Well, because we have a relationship with Lisa Barlow, and because Lisa Barlow is our favorite. She is our favorite for sure, but I don't know, but we are who we are. Loyalty to gen Shaw is mind boggling to me. Um her loyalty to Gin Shop. Plus, we gotta get further into this episode once we start talking about kind of the dynamics. But in an exciting turn later on this week, you guys, we're having Angie that needs a snowflake on two teas in a pod, so make sure you guys submit your questions for her. Super excited about that, I mean the fact that, I mean, I'm pretty lucky that months ago before we even knew which Auntie was, which she texted me because our daughters ride together and we have this personal relationship. So then I sent a group text with Tam and pretty much said it's time for you to come on. It's time. And then she was worried about not being able to Oh, she goes, Oh, I don't I'm not gonna have time to be glamed. I was like, oh, honey, here on the road, What did I do? I sent her pictures of us on the pod looking our best. We never the the amount of time we're only glamed if we're in I heart studio, and which I wouldn't mind doing once a month. I would here's you got. I started actually looking into this because you guys all gave me so much crap about um my sound quality and the fact that how good it sounded. Apparently my sound sounded really good at Tarrania, and it's because we weren't covered with windows. So now I'm like, I really feel like I need somewhere to do the pot without the windows, or I heart we need to put in some sort of barriers around here. You know, they do have those sound barrier things. I mean I bought I bought them, but they're weird. And then what am I gonna like put up the mesh every time? It seems like a lot. Maybe we need like maybe change rooms. I mean, you only have seventy five rooms in that house, all seventy five of them are covered in glass. I mean, not to put you in the closet. Well maybe um, But continuing on to watch what happens, Andy called Candice. Now this is last night's watching him Live with with Yeah with Candice, and I'm not sure who the other guy was, um, but the fact that she was funny as hell that he called Candice actually right after the game, can you defend him? And then Candice calls Robin and Giselle hypocrites? Um. The biggest takeaway that I had from any of this is one, I have that same speaker that Robin pulled out and I got up for a paid post. What was it cose Cove or something like that? What wasn't hold on? Let me check. I think I have it too, did I'm absolutely deceased. It's Cove for the win, It's Cove. So I have like five of those. And yes, and you can separate them. Yes, I actually have one in my backyard in my courtyard because Soffia had some friends ever for Halloween time and to put them out. They're actually very I mean, this is not a sponsored post, but they're actually really good speakers. They're really good speakers. But I was dying when I saw her set it down and when they were talking about it, and watch what happens Lave, So clearly she had the same sponsored post that we did. I was like, oh, you got a cove. They paid well nice three lives, um, but I died um. And then the thing, I mean, we're going to talk about this later, but the fact that she brought a speaker, well, now she had this plan she no, I know she this is premeditated. I know. I wish I had. This is the stuff you can go to jail for if you killed somebody. No. I mean, granted, Robin was some of our favorites were big time disasters. As as Robin would say, there was a few butt holes in the in this this episode. I mean Robin was one of the butt holes. This was a butt hole. I mean even though Candice today, because you know our our little love nicknames we have for each other. So from now on, I am eyebrowsed to Tamar and she's boobs to me. Okay, so every time we ask each other, your eyebrows are mellowed today they are not. They're the same big eyebrows they always are. Just um, but I actually really good eyebrows. You know what, when you say actually in front of something, it's not a compliment. Um, well you kind of. I would have a unit brow. If I don't take care of business, I will have like one all the way across, which is weird because I've really thin hair. We have to continue going. Okay, we're back to Mia Thornton heads back at Real Housewives of Potomac castmates for comments about her big feet, and they're this article I'm talking about how you threw wine on someone's face, Like, Well, the thing is is that every single one of these well every blogger anybody that I've seen, is saying why in the world can't Candice and actually just come together because both their confessionals are so on point this season. Um, they both bring up MIA's feet. I also need to know if her feet are really a size thirteen, Right, If that's what you want to talk about, Mia, you should actually tell us what size your feet actually are. But yeah, Mitch at today dot Com, who I almost met this weekend, he wrote this article, I believe, So I'm gonna have to set send a message you and ask him if, um, how big are her feet? And did you get that information? Because that would be the first thing Teddy would ask. Yeah, I want to know what I actually, I'm gonna slide into me as DM, so I think that she's going to respond and I'm gonna find out her shoes. I've actually I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna text Mitch actually met him at Bravo con. What is a size thirteen and men's size shoe? It's huge? No, it's gotta be three sizes bigger, right, No, So like if you're a size so, I'm a size seven and women, so that's like a four and men. Right. Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah, their team's freaking big. And how tall is she? I don't find out right now. I'm asking b right now. Okay, next question. Mia Thornton reveals she's really leaving the show after Crypto moving on message. I don't believe this. Mia Thornton recently hinted at her exit from the Real Housewives of Potomach, But is she really leaving? She revealed the truth on the Pay Attention Police podcast with Hollywood Life. Okay, I just heard eleven and a half. Eleven and a half, I mean that's not that big. How well How tall is she? She looks very very tall. I don't have to hold on. Let's ask Brandy how big her feet are because Brandy's tall. Brandy's very tall. Um, you know who else is tall? Who megan ing? Oh? Ask her? What? Text her? What size are your feet? Oh my gosh, so I size. She's another one that I hung out way and it was so nice to see her. She looks beautiful. I know. She called me to and I was like, sorry, I'm I'm watching murder documentaries from my bed. She also was at jingle Ball and she took a picture with me and my friends and she's foot taller than us. Um either way? Oh no. The next one is Wendy's mom threatens and trash is Mia uneducated Creator Face. Wendy's mother has entered the chat in defense of her daughter after she has physically attacked. After she was physically attacked by Mia in Miami, Wendy's mother took to social media to trash and threatened me and Thornton. After the shocking episode aired in November twenty I would kill my mom if she did this, Suzanne wrote, well, well, well, ugly inside and apt Creator face with creator capitalized um bombass What does that mean? But Mr bombastic and a fantastic and bombastic bombastic, ignorant, ignorant, nonsensical, baseless want to be CEO troublemaker. Wendy's mother comment on Instagram, You've bitten off more than you can show. You just mess with the wrong Nigerian mama bear baby. Oh yes, me and you insult my baby dr Wendy r h O P. By the way, it's not insult, it's assault. Oh sorry sorry, Oh yes, me and you assault my baby doctor. My baby doctor Wendy hashtag r h op baby doctor. I mean she she a baby doctor. This being said, I have to constantly, like after I did my mom's um happy Birthday post, she started fighting with strangers on the internet and I had to send a group text between my mom and my sister and me, and I was like, Mom, if I see you commenting on one more Instagram, like, you're not even saying anything to any of the people that are writing nice stuff. You're fighting with strangers. Lee's stop. Yeah, but that's somebody. But honestly, I used to do that back in the beginning, like I would only respond to the haters because those are the ones that used so upset like you just feel at peace with the ones that send you love, and then the mean ones you feel like you want to change their mind about you or you want to correct them. And then after you know, I did that for a few years, and while screw that, I don't give a ship. The next one, which is a little bit question, Cynthia Bailey retracts claim that x might Kill cheated on her. He responds article here Cynthia Bailey disclosed and new court documents obtained by Page checks that her ex husband might Kill allegedly cheated on her and that's the real reason for their divorce. Despite previously shutting down any infidelity claims, documents filed on Thursday in Fulton County, Georgia claimed that petitioner Bailey is entitled to a divorce from the respondent due to inappropriate adulters relationships. However, Hill tells Page six exclusively that the treating claims made in the new court filing were an error and his ex wife legal team is releasing statements retracting this. In the meantime. Mike Kill ads I have love and respect for Cynthia. I always have and I always will hours later, Cynthia clarified to us the pending divorce is based on mutual based upon a reconcilable differences. She adds, I've never accused Mike of any appropriate adulters actions. We are and always will be friends and wish each other well. Okay, okay, I'm calling bullshit on that. They wouldn't an attorney would not put that in. My guess is they didn't think this was gonna go violence. I think they were trying to keep this in court. I don't think they realized that all this paperwork is public, and which I feel is totally totally bullshit, especially with with public people like they don't nobody's business, So why why does it have to be a public record. It just bums me out because Cynthia is really such a good person and the entire time we were in the Big Brother House, she was so kind about him and and and gracious and how graty is and how loving he is, and you know, he puts this forward facing, like self help guru type situation out there. Um, I don't know, It's just people make mistakes. She's she's so sweet too, and she's remained friends with Peter Thomas as well. So I feel like she's just one of those it's like, you know what, we're not going to talk about it, which I totally respect that. Yeah, She's like, I don't want to fight with you publicly about this situation. But I think in order for her to leave, it had to have been something relatively big, right, And I'm sure you do not want to talk about Eric and James up with two point two million dollar tax lane real host as a Beverly Hill Star, Erica james financial problems have taken a turn for the worst, with the State of California hitting her with a tax lane rater online oh Very has learned. The lean, first obtained by attorney Ronald Richards, was filed by the State of California Franchise Tax Board. The document was filed October seventeenth with a Los Angeles County Recorders office. The lean list both Erica and her strange husband Tom as the taxpayers who owe the money. James said she was in the midst of trying to figure out the basis of the tax bill with the assistance of my business manager, who is also an accountant. I do not have the ability to pay the FTB tax bill. I also do not know if the f TB is claiming any sort of lean on my asset, which include the diamond airrings. The reality star admitted, I did some research on this. I really don't know. My heartbreaks on us because everything she's going through and everything she's been hit with and the aftermath of Tom and his so far, everything that Ronald Richards has come forward alleging has not actually come through. So at this point, if he's not given either a snow flake or a diamond or a moheed, so you're saying that he is a a what's it called, not a TV horror but a same horror, I think that. I mean, you don't go out of your way. I mean even who I'm doing this podcast on Tuesday because he asked. I think he's done you before, but he's he's been supportive of the twats, even though he was kind of terrible to me before. No Filter was Zach okay, yeah, So he asked me to go on next week, UM, and I was like, you know what, yeah, I'm fine. Um, but he has been writing all of these different documents about how nothing has really been substantial that Ronald Richards has come forward with again, let me ask you this question, and if you know, is he an actual attorney on this case? Anybody can file a lawsuit, but my question is is he working on either side or there's multiple Here's the thing. There's in my to my knowledge, I do not know. There is multiple people following, like doing lawsuits. So I don't know, but I don't think he's like the main big legs a part of it. I mean, I visited on social media, That's what I'm saying. If you're putting on social media, like, let's just say like I went through my divorce and my attorneys would not talk to the press, they would not do anything on social media, did not want me to post anything. And then there was a TV a TV Oh my god, I can't remember who it is at this time. I don't think there it's a TV attorn ernie. They went out there and talked about my divorce and had everything wrong. And then people, of course, because this person is an attorney, think like, oh my god, like they know what they're talking about. No. So that that's why I'm always hesitant, Like if it's a you know, TV attorney or somebody that just wants pressed, then I don't really believe what they said. Okay, so this next one is the Real Housewives of Miami taglines bring the Fire. Okay, so The Real Highwives of Miami is returning for season five, and Peacock just released their brand new taglines Alexia in Miami, the sun brings the heat, but I bring the fire. Larsa Pippen hit all you want, because if I were you, I'd hate me too. I can't you like it? Kind of only because sometimes I watched I used to watch myself on the show to go, oh my god, I hate myself too. Gertie. The only thing that moves faster than my mouth is my ambition. That's like something I would have said, yeah, but you know what, she is ambitious and she yes, so I totally get it. Kind of aligns with her personality. When the chicks glyde the coope, it's time for this mama bird to spread her wings. I don't want to hear about the chickens anymore. I don't hear you spreading anything. Lisa. You can try to take my castle, but you will never steal on my crown. I like that. I feel like we need to go to Miami and do a pod with Lisa. Can we please please? I need something to look forward to, and I think Miami is it. I would love to go to Miami. Okay, So Dr Nicole Martin. I'm a pro with the rules of engagement and I have the ring to prove it. Oh, because she got her big new diamond. Um. Real Housewives in Miami will premiere on December eight on Peacock with four episodes dropped. I don't know if I like that four episodes dropping that day. Season five consists of sixteen episodes in total. Well, let me just say one thing. Um, you can tell the difference between Peacock and Bravo lately Bravo who's not releasing taglines until they are three or four episodes in. Yeah, I don't mind. I like hearing the taglines, but I don't want four things dropped at once. I often wonder if that's it's better that way as talent, because you get them all four out, people can get mad at you for all four of them, mad at you forgive you right instead of each week having like I hate you, I hate you, I love you, I hate you, I hate you like you know, like, just get it all out there, Go ahead, sling your ship at me right now on social media, and let's get over with it. I mean, if it were me, would just be consistent hate, regardless of his one episode or four. Okay, now I did. I did the thing you said. I can't do anymore. I can't laugh at my own jokes. You can laugh at your own jokes. I love that about you. You should hate it, I do. You know. I don't hate. I don't hate anything. But I can't help with my laugh when I'm awkward. Okay, okay, you went to this one because I don't understand this Whitney. Whitney brings out the receipts against Angie h not not Angie eyeballs, not anti eyeballs bought. I know it was little eyeballs hanging from the big eyeball. No, the big eyeball on her sweat. Yes, but then below it was a bunch of little eyeballs hanging well. I found those sweats. Yeah, I know I'm gonna buy. I'm buying it for you for Christmas. I can't um so anyhoo. I guess Angie Harrington is pretty much saying that she didn't want to go on this trip, and it's calling Whitney wild Rose a liar. And so we're going to start from the beginning texts um Angie Harrington was asked why weren't you invited to Sandy Ado, and Andie responds Shaw exposed, and Whitney saying, I asked everyone to invite at me as a lie. I didn't care that much t VH. What's TBH to be honest? Oh, I hate to be honest. I also want to exposed, but no, because she says show exposed is the reason why. Um, I spent a lovely weekend at the Masters. I'm sure you did, um. And then Whitney wild Rose wrote please. So then Whitney rold Rose is obviously she's she's trigged. She's triggered by this like she's like, f off, I don't want to carry the receipts. Yeah. So it's the text messages between her and Angie PS, please don't mention you possibly not going on this trip ha ha. And then and and then Whitney writes to Lindsay, I'm guessing Lindsay is production, no cast and production Okay, I don't talk to anyone. I have gone radio silent with the cast. Angie that's good even you, But I just keep feeling like I need to reach out. Hey, thanks, Um, I might be able to split glam. Okay, this is let me just stop you. This is the part that that stood out the most to me because you didn't see any glam on their trip. No, we did because we didn't see glam, but we heard glam because Jen kept asking Heather if she could use that open space for her glam room. Right right. You missed a detail, Tam. I can't help that in my eyes, prize, but they didn't show it. This is the first time they didn't show actually getting glamda. And then are you okay if I tell Heather you said no, yes, okay, But how are you going to position it? Just that you said it doesn't make sense? No mentioned storyline. I want peace with her and it's going to make her mad. Whatever you need to do, just let me know. I don't want to make it bad for you. I think you and how they will reach peace in San Diego, especially if I'm there, especially if I'm there. Keywords, Um, just tell her the truth. Just tell her the truth. Tell Heather that I think. Uh. Then she writes, sorry, I was trying with one hand. I think she make typing. I just meant I don't want Heather to be worked up over that. But I'm not sure I'm comfortable with bringing you. I think you should try to reach out to Jen. Okay, dookey got it? How'd it go, Angie? I think I'm out. Heather won't question Mark, neither will Jen. Oh so you tried Jin too? I think production production did, and she won't budge without a public apology, a standard she has never been held to. Hey, just thinking about you, hoping everything is going well, even though I doubt it is. Hey, Okay, So I want to talk about something, and I want you to hear this. It's about friends of because so I think we This covers with Potomac, This covers with um salt, Like it's the fact of these women trying to push friend of out. I don't really understand that. Like, if you no matter how much somebody's bugging you, you want them there, You want them there. Think about it. It's an easy target. Kyle wore Camille's bridesmaid stressed to her wedding as a friend of and they weren't even friends, right, Um, that's the difference between a team player and somebody that's just doesn't get the whole concept of the show. We're trying to push people out. Don't put anybody out. Somebody in. Like it really annoyed me this episode when Candice called Jacqueline um MIA's whatever mouthpiece or something like that, Like all of it just there needs to be more than just you guys, or else they wouldn't hire on new people, so just let them in. Like, granted, I think Angie Harrington is annoying myself, but I'm happy to have her there because I'm sick of the same conversations where all of them are kissing gin Shaw's ass. All Right, you guys, we Housewife headlines and our personal recaps apparently took up our entire hour, which we know is juicy. So we are closing out this episode and we will be bringing you an additional episode with Salt Lake City and Potomac recaps, and then an additional episode with the Good Angie after that. So, I mean, it's it bad that we're calling her the good Angie. No, it's the truth. I mean, we can't help it. We're what, we're truth truth tellers. What's what's the other word that people use truth, Maven, You're like, I don't know about words. I do like that you put that Christmas tree up there, Tam. That's what I did here too, you know, but I wish you didn't leave a bottle of water right next to it though. Um, you realize that we have reached our one year anniversary. I know in our when year anniversary was actually the night of jingle Ball, so we had double reasons to celebrate. But yet you were not feeling well. So we're gonna have to postpone our celebration. Is our celebration going to be in Mexico? I heard that, I heard rumbling. Well, you know what, Mexico, Miami, if you want to host us, we will do a live podcast straight from your city, straight from your city, your hotel, or wherever restaurant. Peter Thomas, Peter would Peter, why don't we host it at Peter Thomas's place? I am curious if the meatballs are new? My mind somewhere else, right, Okay, So we will talk to you guys soon and we will recap Salt Lake and Potomac and then we'll have the good Angian bye guys. Him