Vicki said, "I don't know Teddi Mellencamp but I don't like Teddi Mellencamp"
Teddi responds.
Plus, Justin Sylvester is filling in for Tamra… he used to be Kyle Richards’ assistant and boy does he have all the tea from when RHOBH first started….Between Teddi, Justin and all the truth serum, this pod is out of control!!
Two Teas in a Pod with Teddy Meloncamps and Tamra Judge. Welcome to this week's two teas in the pod was myself, Teddy Mellencamp and camera. Judge is on a plane, so we have our very own Justin Sylvester, who is one of my favorite humans ever. Hi. Hello, and as I am talking to you, there's breaking news coming out of Oh I just sent you something. What in the chatter on the text? I sent it to you on the text Hold the phone, Hold a minute. Oh no, Taylor Armstrong, Oh my gosh, you're so on the pulse. Okay. Taylor Armstrong shocked by Brandy Glamville's comments about Russell's death. Taylor Armstrong was taken aback by Brandy Glamville's comments about her late husband Glandville forty nine on the Peacock reality series, which premiered Friday, that when she made her debut on the second season of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, it was the worst time of her life because the show followed the fallout of the Armstrong's merit. No, um, I couldn't believe that she was actually saying that it was affecting her that it was the hardest year of her life. After everything that I went through and my daughter went through. I was really just taken aback. I never saw that coming. She didn't have a relationship with Russell, and so I'm still shocked. Actually, as you can tell, are you shocked? I mean, so now that we know that the first episode of Girls Trip has dropped and TAM's not on so we can openly talk about it. Um, I was a little bit confused, and I get along with Brandy, Fine, what the hell is going on? Why did that affect her? Just so you know, I'm gonna put this out there, that is not the most shocking thing I've ever heard her say, are the most off balanced thing that she has ever said. I I know what she was trying to say, and I cannot believe I'm going to defend these words. I think what she meant to say, and I'm gonna give her a pass on it was that when she came into the show, it should have been fun, it should have been light. But when she came in, this was going on. Um, And I think Ms Glenville has been, you know, openly expressing how much pot and alcohol she's been consuming. These days, so maybe she was a little high whenever she said that. Yeah, I didn't mean it in that sense, but I could. I mean, come on, be pick your words, picky words. But also she keeps going on and on about there's multiple conversations about it. It's like, once you have the one conversation, you step in it, you kind of got to move away. Um. But I do love Brandy and the fact that yesterday when she was sitting the fan for me, which I guess we have to get into um um. Yeah. So I get a phone call because Tamara and Brandy are doing pressed together yesterday. So I get a phone call and a Tamra and Brandy and they're like, what the hell did you do? And Brandy is like, I think it's funny. I'm glad you did it. But to give you a little backstory with what happened with Vicky Gumbelsson is for the last I don't know two months, she's been coming for me and every way possible to Tamara, she called my boss at I Heeart and said that I should be replaced with her. She told Tamara that absolutely a hundred percent, Like why would she pick somebody like me to do it? With when she's her best friend, blah blah blah, and then what set me over the edge? To be clear, it's not that she doesn't like me, because clearly I don't really want to be friends do Vicky myself? But when they were on Entertainment Tonight with Bryce Sander, where Vicky had the opportunity to support her best friend and a podcast that's successful in making her money since no longer being on Housewives, she chooses to say, I don't want to talk about it because I don't like Tenny. And that's like I Kyle and I talked about it. I'm like color, you would never in a million years put put camera down right now, because you know I'm in business with her. Yeah, yeah, you know. I think it's one of those things where Vicky and Tamarra have been two peas in a pot for so long and they have, you know, started the show, you know, did the show together, got fired together, you know, went through this whole thing of the breakups together. It's almost like when you have two friends who go through a divorce at the same time and they say, we're gonna be together forever and we're gonna be each other's rocks. And then one friend gets remarried and starts getting sexist and dick, and the other friend is piss and and it could have been by the way, it could have been two teas in a pod with Tanya Lepinski, you know what I mean. It could have been two teas in a pod with Terry. No matter what the other she never shows up, by the way. We used to try to bold her, okay, But no matter what other tea would have showed up, I feel like Vicky would have had a problem with it, no matter what. I don't think it has to do with you personally. I think it has to do with You're the new woman in Tama's life, right, and that's fine, But at this point I was like, listen, especially after seeing girls trip and what a disaster she behaves like, and the way she treats everybody, then I'm, you know, witnessing this going down after she's already She came on the podcast originally and was saying it to my face, and I was laughing. I was taking the joke, but at this point I was like, you know what I'm done. So then I post, of course I can't stay on one social media. I have to do both, but hold on, hold on, I want to point out that you are consistent that you're not gonna leave the fight at Twitter. You're gonna make sure people who are on Instagram who aren't on Twitter, like myself or in the loop. Well. Also, I have to have a different fight on each one. I can't keep it considered like. It's not like I reposted my Twitter thing as a stagnant. No, like it's two totally separate fights. Because you know, I hate to be a know it all, but in these two instances, I'm right. So I first say, be sure to tune into season two of Her Housewife's Girls Trip tomorrow and Peacock starting my friend and co host Tamera. I can only hope the key guns Wilson got paid in gas cards because her love tank doesn't seems like it's stuck on empty. Hope this post doesn't have her calling my our heart radio boss. Then she respond ones how great she's doing at Koto Insurance and some other depth dot com or whatever, great, awesome. I don't care about that. The point is you're doing an interview on entertainment tonight, and while your friend is trying to pitch her job she's being paid for right now, you're shading her. Yeah, and sat her. But then it got a little worse because then I was you know, once you get a little pumped up, once people start responding, then you go over the and then you have a glass of wine and then you talk to Kyle on the phone. And why I'm not on Twitter. That's why I'm not on Twitter. And you should never consult a housewife who's in season, because a housewife in season is always ready to take it to the next level. But she told me not to do it. She's like, it's not worth it, blah blah blah. But then she went and she was filming something right now. So then she went and filmed and then she came back and she was like, listen, I came back and I'm so thankful for all these juicy crumbs that I got to see up on my return. I told you not to teach, and and she's furious at me because she think, you know, here's the thing. Two wrongs don't make it right. I get it, I know, but I'm not a perfect person. And if you're an asshole, you can only push me to a certain level. And then I'm gonna blow. So that's what happened. I blew. I'll move on from it, but I figured we should all address it here. Um before. Of course, it's not over. But here's the difference. She's such a disaster on Girls Trip that I don't know that she necessarily has a leg to stand on in regards to being so righteous about her opinions and not taking any accountability for the fact that not only did she come on my podcast talk crap about me, not only did she call my boss and asked to be like if they would replace me, but then she went on entertainment tonight and still talk a bad about me with let her friend promote her job. All of that aside, Um, I don't know what there's something she has on me. There's not like I'm an open book. No, it's not about that. It's not about that. It's about the fact. And I keep on putting this in terms of people who were married. I don't care if I moved on and I have two other kids of my second husband, your new wife is still not gonna look at me. And I'm not gonna say something like I just think that that's where you guys are and and you know correct me if I'm wrong. I think contractually housewives have to hold a grudge for at least six to nine months. I think that's what is in the contract. I don't even need a contract. I can hold a grudge for life, like I will hold on Like once you've crossed the line with me, it's like you're done that being said if you have a conversation and you work through it. But she's unable to have a conversation because she's unable to realize that she did wrong. Do I know myself? I went a little I feel like my Instagram one was funny. Do I think I went a little below the belt on Twitter? Yeah? But everyone hates me there anyway, So I was like, might as well rev them up? Got me trending again on a Beverly Hills night. So, and I'm not I feel bad for you because I've been in this situation before where you know your housewife friend and your other housewife friend are beefing, and you don't know which way to go, like you don't know, you know if you say something, if you don't say something. So I feel like Tamra is going to be in the tightest spot. Well, she texted me this morning. She was I've never been happier that you are doing the podcast today with Justin instead of me, so you can recap this ship with him and I talk about it. Oh my god, that is hilarious. So that's where we are, which means we have to take a little break and then we'll come back talk a little rough Housewives in Beverly Hills. Okay, we're back. First and foremost, I need to know what your thoughts are on this season, and then we'll break down that this up Everly Hills in general. Yeah, this season, it's one of my best favorite seasons ever. I know it's um you know, I normally don't like to know what's going on in the season, and I always tell Kyle, like, I want to watch it like a normal person. But this year, unfortunately, there were so many things going on in so many rumors that were spreading and unfolding, and and snippets that were being leaked, and this was being said about this cast member and that cast member and that cast member. That my job, I would have to brief us on what we could and couldn't say, so to figure out, like to see all the twists and the turns throughout filming. I couldn't wait to watch this season. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. I mean this we haven't even I mean the fact that there's probably what twenty three episodes say, Oh, we do a lot for Beverly Hills. But for anybody that doesn't know, Justin used to be Kyle's assistant one jillion years ago. Now, of course he's like all over the place on Good Morning America, et Daily Pop. He's all the things. He's fabulous. We love him, um, but he used to The term was coined the Lady Center because he knows all the juice on. Everybody worked for Kyle back in the days when like we would get screeners where they would get screeners on DVDs. I'm the White Lady Atlas, like I'm the Almanac of rich white babies, Like I can go back in history and turn a page, bitch and tell you what happened in two thousand and ten. You know what I mean? I will say, though, I will stay. It's so nice now because you didn't know Kyle in the beginning where everything merged like the show in life were one thing and it was twelve months except no it was eleven months because December she was She's Christmas out if it ain't has shipped to do with Santa Claus. She don't want to hear about that, you know what I mean, Like that's just how she is. But from January to November, honey, it was the show. It was life, it was crazy, it was her. You know, her sister was on the show. All her friends were on the show. So everybody was kind of sort of everybody was hyper sensitive at that time. You couldn't say anything about anyone, even if they stabbed someone in front of you, you know what I mean. It was wild and like she takes on. She feels bad and she takes it on. I feel like Lady Richards now is like what's up? Like this is my life, this is my show, and I'm gonna do my job and I'm leaving. No I feel that I feel the same way I feel. And you know it pains me to say because of our past issues, but I'm not continuing to hold the ground. But Garcel and Kyle are moving ship right along nicely. Yes, like we need them or else there would be no show. Like they're creating. What's going to happen? Next because they're talking about it as opposed to some other people who are being more silent. For sure, but I also think, you know, like you know, Renna's going through a hard time right now, right now. Yeah, yeah, Renna's going through a hard time. I mean, and so is to read. I mean, but I do think that watching this episode, I was like, Okay, So it starts off with Sutton and Erica looking like two best friends getting along. Erica says they're taking steps in the right direction. I laugh because they call it the bumble, like as if there's about before. But I personally just think they probably were both tipsy a that point, and that's where they ended up sitting, and so they had to have a conversation. They were gonna be sitting there silent or you don't need to fight with somebody so much. You just look at each other and you're like, bitch, aren't you exhausted? Like can we just like can move on? And I think a lot of times and when I saw it, that moment is Sudden has always been accusatory to Erica, because she truly believed that Erica had went to the office, took the money, put it in her bag, and left with it. That's how she She was looking at it like Erica was in a movie, like she and her husband were sitting up there like you know, like transferring the funds going into the bank with the gold bars, like she thought it was like Castino Part two. And also she's reading what the audience wants her to her to say and do, and she's saying, oh, this is working. I'm saying something that nobody else is fully saying. I'm getting good attention for it. I'm gonna all this and keep rolling with it, all the good things. But if you notice in that episode, sudden Erica starts speaking because Sutton brings up the lawsuit, but instead of accusing her or something, she asked her for the first time, she asked her like do you feel responsible for this? She didn't say don't you feel remorseful or you know you should feel that or not because of the victims. The question mark was there, and you can see the flip and Erica where she's like, thank you for asking me, like I don't care if you bring up the lawsuit, just don't be accusatory when you don't know all the facts. And I think that you know ultimately there's all this stuff right now in the press about Erica not paying the taxes or Erica not wanting to give the diamond earrings up. And what I think is really hard for everybody to understand is you're reading these headlines, but this is an ongoing investigation and a trial that they're fighting a bunch of things, and I don't What I'm curious about is how does it keep getting leaked? Is it public record? That's the thing? Sometimes this public record. Sometimes it's the other the court of public opinion, where other sides want to get, you know, you want to get other want to get people onto the opposition. Look, I don't know what Erica is, what they're trying to find, or what they're trying to get, But let me let you know something. If I was divorcing somebody and he had all the money and I was I didn't have a pos to piss in at this point and I just wanted to get out. Guess what the first thing I'm selling is the jewelry. Yeah, because you can't get that. I can't walk out of a sea class with twenty carry driving rings on, right, It's just not happening. But but to play devil's advocate. And I'll get heat for this. But if if you think in your head that maybe I'll never have these things again. And I put so many years into this marriage and to this person that didn't treat me well, that I essentially wasn't a kept woman that I had to, you know, follow certain rules to be in this marriage. It's like you, it's mine, That's what I think she's I think most people yes, but I don't. I don't know. I feel like she is a smart cookie. I think she also knew that her husband not only was a lawyer, but was the law um. And you have to get your ducks in order to leave someone like Tom Grordy. You're not just leaving with all your ship and saying wo who like no, if you take if you take a hundred yee's out of a bank account to pay a lawyer because a divorce attorney in Los Angeles arm in a leg I mean he's not disappearing. I can't imagine how much she's playing. And also when they showed the glam thing and they said, you know she I'm just saying she has scaled down on the glam situation. Lah is also her assistant that's doing her makeup, that's the person that's always worked her. She's no longer having like the chicken does the Kardashian flying in like that is her best. Like she has downsized, oh for sure. And I also think, like, you know what, look if you were in a court case or anything anywhere or anything and you're just a normal person, You're gonna put your best foot forward when you walk about the house, when you go to a wedding, when you go to a friend's birthday party, You're gonna put your best foot forward. She is an actress. Sorry, she's a TV personality, and part of I love that slip. Yeah, she's an actress. She's a TV personality, And I think a lot of times you forget how much you can't just show up on reality TV and sweats every day. There's an expectation, Right you were on the Real House twives of Beverly Hills. It's like being on Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Nobody is showing up in a ponytail. I'm sorry, I mean I begged my first season. I was like, please, for the love, let me show up for a confessional and a baseball cap. No makeup and be who I am and they were like, absolutely not. We didn't hire you for that. We're not interested in seeing that. And I was like, please, I just want to show the I'll be glammed on all the others, but I just want to show the side of me that is the most natural, and they were like no, you're no. Um. So there is also that pressure. But then we get to their words, not mine. Medicated slash drunk Erica being shown during the boat Day and Sutton calls her mud pie and Sutton's voice mud pie. So did you love Erica like this? Or were you? Did you feel bad like were were? What were your thoughts on this? I was here for it? Okay, you can't. I look, my girlfriend recently went through a very terrible divorce and I sent out an email to our close four friends and I said, we were going to Mexico, no phones, no nothing, and we're just gonna let her let We're gonna let her take our tampon up. That's was the exact That was the exact email. We're gonna let her take her tampon up. We're not gonna judge, we're not gonna post, We're not gonna blackmail. We are just going to let her do her thing, and for four days, her mind's not gonna be on anything but being here and being present. And I think sometimes we like forget that. People. I just need to let loose and I'm not condoning taking an antider present with a glass wine. But she ain't the first bit to do it, and she's showing over me the last. And you know what, thank you for showing that, because a lot of people don't even know the repercussions of when that does happen. And I mean, when I was watching it, all I was thinking was where was this Erica when I was on the show? Like there there was regardless of that. Yes, of course there's a sadness, there's all of this. You can tell she is self medicating, but I would probably be as well. There is a lighter side to her where when I went in season one, there that did not exist, that was not And when people are like, I can't believe you cried in that momentary, I'm like, you have no idea what that moment felt like. And by the way, she's damned that she does and dance and if she doesn't, oh, you're too cold and then when you go, Ma'm too warm, like it's like you can't win, you can't win. But I I mean, and I appreciated the way that Kyle and Renna both were with her, like trying to kind of have her back, drink your coat. I don't know how she made it to dinner that night, and like, looks good. I would have been not well, I need to know. I need to know. But another thing that I and I hate because everyone gets so upset with me because they think I'm up for her. And it's not that I'm not blindly taking up for somebody. But I've said this from the jump because I lived through my friend's parents going through something similar where her mom got the rug pulled from under her and people blamed her and thought she was in on it and all these things. And I always say, like, if Edwin came home today with a you know, subpoena because he was getting sued for on some bank fraud ship, would you know, I have no idea, Like, just like the other day he just told me he bought the new Tesla blah blah. I have no idea. Our finances are completely separate, know what the hell he's doing, nor do I want to know, nor do I We have those conversations like I don't want him knowing what I spend my money on, like this is it is, what it is. The only difference is is that she was having to utilize his money. So that's where that's where there's a little bit of a difference. That means that I know so many wives that have absolutely like they don't have logins to their bank accounts because their husbands manage at all. I just happened to manage my own money. But that's not common. That's not common, especially not here in Beverly Hills, and especially not with somebody that you have been married to or been with since you were twenty years old, you know what I mean, Like if it was older and who's you know, significantly older and honestly condescending and it wasn't like he was this warm and fuzzy guy liked he was like a very dad moment, and you know, I had daddy issues when I first moved to l A. All my boyfriends were fifty plus, as you know, I know one of them, you know one of them, you know, and it's like you look, you overlook those red flags because you're looking up to them and you're looking for guy sense and this person saying do this, this and this, and you are living better, exponentially better than what you started out at. So you're not questioning thing, you know. And and also I think that the point of Housewives is you're showing them good, the bad, and the ugly. You're gonna show the highs and the lows from everybody. And that's why we watched the show. If everybody's gonna stay the same, I think of Erica would have been exactly the same this season and nothing would have shifted, and it was back to you know, four seasons ago. I don't I don't think I would have understood it. You're going you're going through something show us and now we're seeing it. And that's my problem with reality TV are I should say TV in general is that we don't let like we like a mess, but when it gets too messy and people start talking speaking out about it, we like to run away from it. Like no, I want to see a bit lose a sponsorship because she says from racist ship, or I want to see somebody go to court for X, Y and Z, like okay, So speaking of what are your thoughts on the fact with Crystal alluding to the dark comments about Sutton and then never actually saying what it is, and then you obviously Sutton see Sutton like losing her ship and pulling out the fourteen f like you know, because obviously, in my opinion, I've already said this, but they patched this up on the off season and now it's coming out and they just lost control. But what are your thoughts whether she should be fired or not? No, not whether she should, but like, do you more ship that we don't know doing? No? No, no, no no. I just think everybody's sensitivity levels are so different, and I think, unfortunately for Crystal, her sensitivity level is that a ten where most of these women have been calloused and are a little bit more brute and a little bit more upfront and a little bit more secure in their feelings. I think where Crystal is when Crystal heard it, I think that she truly took offense to that. You know, I think certain people take offense things and I don't understand it. Like sometimes, you know, a friend of mine will call and be like, did you hear her say that? I'm like yeah, but what, like, what are you getting so riled up about it's not that big of a deal, but that triggered something to you. So I can't take that away from you, you know what I mean. It's an opinion. I can't take that away from you. It's a feeling. I'm sorry that you're going through that, but please do not transfer it here, you know what I mean. Unfortunately for Sutton and for Crystal, they're on a reality show. So if you say something was dark and deep, you gotta go back in history. Like you know, Russell committed suicide. You have Needy saying X, Y and Z about about this person. You've had Phaedra say things about Candy that was really dark. They have been some really dark things that have been said on reality TV that to be seemed a little light blue compared to the deep grade that was going on earlier on in other seasons. So but she implied on Watch What Happens Live that she's here's the thing. She could have gone and watch What Happens Live and said, you know what it just in that moment, this is how it affected me. It is what it is. But she doubled down and again said, there's there's really dark like that's what I don't get. Then say it if you're so bothered, she just didn't get it, Like she didn't. I feel like it's also the curse of the second season for her. I mean, I get it the second season. I'm telling you right now, if you're ever if you're out there and you're thinking about going on a reality show and it's already an established cast, just no one thing. They're gonna let you slip and slide and skate around like Nancy Karragan your first season, it's everybody gets the like it's like it's like the thirty day free trial period where like you get the five percent back and you got to spend the six thousand dollars, but then you get the free air fair and you get to like have lunch of the ladies and it's fun and you can stay back and tell your story and then people think people think you're hashtag relatable. And then once you hit season two, bitch, you're in managerial position. You have to bring it. You're it's fair game, and it's it's a tough thing because season one to season two for you is a completely different balking. But in that same token, I don't even think Diana is making it season one, she got the cursed season one. No, no, but Diana. Let me tell you what Diana is has the curse of the accent. When anyone has an Eastern European accent, everyone already thinks they're super tough and they they can hold their own. And Diana can't hold her own. I think she is a taking time mom and I can't wait for her to explode. I'm excited. Oh you want to. Oh I loved her the first episode. I liked her when I met her, and then she just kind of kept saying things that was like just the grade on me a little bit, like well, this isn't even considered a yacht and those those types of comments are a little bit to me. Like I love that, of course you do, but like this is but this is why I love it. This is why I love it because people come into this show and they think that they are above the fray, like, oh, I can't leave you guys have to fight right now, like this is like whatever, because they want to be the person who is above it all because they probably played that role and they realized, you know, like it's like, oh, I just want to be I just want to be on fabulous things and not by it. I just want to be famous like she. Obviously she has a ship ton of money. She's not doing the show because she needs money. She's doing the show because she wants to be famous, which is fine, which is fine, which is completely fine. I just think that a lot Caroline stands Bury. That facade can only last so long, which is why you give people breaking down an episode three, like Caroline Standsbury just did last night. We got to get to that and a little bit, but we also have to talk a little bit about Diana's d m S. Yeah, okay, so we don't need to go into the level that it is. But I do not understand ever going into somebody's O. They're like making a comment on somebody else's page to fight. I fight on my own page all the time, but I'm not gonna go onto someone else's page and do fighting words that's called forty seven and can't can't use technology. Have you ever seen Kathy Hilton e m somebody in the comments? Kathy Hilton will be like, hey, honey, called me. Try to call you in the comments because she doesn't know, she doesn't know how to d M. They don't know how to d M. There's an age. There's like an age thing with social media where like you think you're doing one thing, but you're also you're doing the complete opposite. I think Diana didn't realize what she was doing, and people called me immediately like, oh my god, did you see this housewife thing in My first response was, Oh, she didn't mean him like that. This is a this is a language, this is a language name. She doesn't even get it because you're not saying that. If it was a d M would have been like maybe maybe, But she's saying it like she in public. She thinks that she has like she just won that clap back. Not realizing what she's saying is my assumption. But it's hard because then you're watching the show and you hear her saying that Sutton is clumsy with her words. So then you're like, well, I can't really say that, and then we clumsy with your I learned the hard way you cannot say you know, absolute yeah, But let me tell you something. The amount of times I cursed Syria for out my words and in teletexts on iPhones, like the amount of times that I go to write a caption. I think it's fire. And then I come back six hours later to check to see how many people liked it, and I see that this ininteletext has changed a word to another word. I am pissed, okay, pissed, and I don't even have nails. I'm not even clacking relearned like I. My phone doesn't recognize my fingers now if I have a broken now. Yeah, I think it was a slip. I think it was the slip. I think that she didn't mean it like that. I think she thought dark web, black creator like I thought. I think she thought that's in that web of space. I grew up in South Louisian. I know raisons when I rais Yeah, I and I and I do think she's done a lot for charities. She's done a lot like I. I think ultimately she has a good heart and that is not something she would have wanted to say or do. But I also think I think that people sometimes go on shows like this because after you've had the cars, after you have the plane, after you have the kids, after you've had a young husband, after you've had other Burdans, after you had other cardiers, like the Only Thing Left to Collect is a TV show Speaking of did you know? I just learned this? Did you know that? Room twenty three? So the book that they're all talking about, did you realize that was based on the fact that she had a hotel room at the Peninsula Hotel that she like rented out for years at a time because her kids were in Malibu and she wanted to still go have her party time. And that's why it was called Room. It was the Chateau right now, I think it was the Peninsula, Um, Yeah, and it was about what would happen in rom twenty three. By the way, I knew about Dana Jenkins before Housewives. Yes, she was a kid rock everybody. Yeah, she was a kid rock. She always like had the coolest stylists, Like she always was, you know Elton John's, you know, psychic. She always was the nearer water woman. So she's been around town. I she's very interesting to me. I secretly like that, you know, it's like she's starting to get more comfortable on camera and that we're gonna start seeing the more facet toar her. But then I think what's gonna happen is it's going to backfire because I think because she's always been the fun girl around town, the party girl, the rich girl, to take your friends on vacations girl, that all of a sudden she's going to get this heat and she's gonna get hate, and then she's going to clam up because she doesn't want you know what I mean, Like she didn't want that kind of response. Yeah, not season. She's gonna go through this whole stage. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, she's gonna go through the whole season. But I don't think that any I think Sutton got an easy hit when she decided to talk about Erica Erica, because I think that was a very polarizing moment um. But now I think Diana's picking fights with people who people are on anyway, so it's going to be more of a fair fight. I think it's going to be, you know, more of a fair fight. I think people went at after Renna last season or two seasons ago because Denise. Everyone saw Denise as the victim, so everybody, like you know, came to her and wanted to fight with her. I think Diana actually has a fair shot in this one. Well, what did you think about Diana saying that she wouldn't let Sutton sit next to her on the plane, write home, I can't confirm that when I went on Sutton's plane, but also when I say Sutton's planning the plane, she charmed. We had to be authentic about this. She did not on me where I needed to sit. I sat wherever I wanted, So she is being honest about that. However, what are your thoughts? When I get on the plane, The first thing I do is I look around and I see who else is on the plane. Yeah, I fly with a friend of mine. I know she likes her back and then she likes to sit front, and I know she always likes her youngest son, and I know she always likes her boyfriend right next to her. Depending on who else is on the plane, I let her dictate where everyone goes. I always let the that the person who paid for the jet tell me where to sit up seat. I'll take it whatever, agree. My dad's the same way. He sits in one freaking spot, And let's be honest, he smokes cigarettes the whole time, so you don't want to be on the spot. But he wants like he lays us all out. We know exactly where we're supposed to go. So that wasn't so shocking to me. It's like a dinner party to me, How am I going to come to your house and tell you where I want to sit? Like, you go ahead and you put my name wherever you want to put it, and I'll be fine back. Yes, but that's what we all do. We go to dinner party and we're like, can you believe she sat me at the goddamn table next to her? Like it's how we all roll, okay, And then final thing on Beverly Hills and we'll take a break and come back talk a little bit. Oh, we have fad thoughts too. But Garcel telling everybody that she invited Denise to her birthday, and then Renna is saying that Renna is not actually going to be there. If I just gotta be if Denise actually shows up to this party, I will cut my own arm off in shock. There is there's no ways she's showing up. I feel like we would have heard about it by now if she had showed up. Um, but Denise barely showed up to filming when she was supposed to be when she was there, Okay, so I don't know Denise's showing up without a check even if they were going to pay her a friend of right, it's like you make more for flat tummy t post. She she barely showed up when she had a tract to say she was showing up. Well, her name was going to come up a lot on Girls Trip. I can definitely say that I know, but I mean, come on the knees yea. Even I know better than that, I know. Speaking of Denise not showing up, this just popped up. She uh signed herself up for only fans as well to subscribe um okay fan thoughts. A big problem that a lot of people have is why does Diana always lick her bottom lip like her lips. I don't know why I always have chap lips, and when I was on camera, I always thought that, like maybe my lipstick was like smudge or ship like that. I don't know if that's why I've I've been looking today and I have not licked my lips any But now I want you now that I'm talking about it. But it's really upsetting people, apparently because everyone has a take reality TV people, everyone has a take, but whatever gets nervous. She's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you know it's all her shoulders. Like everybody has a tick that when they get in a very stressful situation they do it. That's probably her tick. Yeah. Um. Then do you think Erica was actually drunk or playing it up for the cameras? I think. I mean you can tell when she's talking to production when she's laying on the couch right and she's like it's illegal, you know, like, oh no, she was lit, and you know what, more power to I just saw your message of time. Um, a lot of people are having issues with Diana. The next thing is Diana shady um, and then the next one was respectfully, I'm glad they didn't focus anymore Andret's trauma. Um. Then Garstel needs to stf you. She has something to say about everyone and everything. I actually just a great of it. We need it. I was sick of her playing like she didn't know what she was doing the season, the last season that I was on with her, when she was like, why why can't we all just get like she cried at that dinner because she's like, I just want everyone to get along, and I'm like, there's no craft services here. Yeah, she understood it. She understands that time understands. I was happy with that. Um. Then the last one is Kyle truly is becoming the m v P once more this season. Her confessionals are hilarious. Here's news splash, guys, Kyle is hilarious. It's not just her confessionals. She's funny. I often think that the show doesn't get the show doesn't get to see truly how funny she is because you only get forty two minutes and you have to split that up between six people and like your commercial breaks and all this ship and a lot of times I think she I think she's probably afraid that people will get her sentence of humorous sometimes because you have to watch every goddamn word you say around these with me, oh yeah, because people are gonna blow. And you can also can't be self deprecating because if you're self deprecating, they don't get that you're self deprecating, and then they're like, how do you say that about yourself? And you're like, for the love, like, let me just make fun of myself for a second and laugh with me. Likes y'all talked about the watch what Happens Live boob split, Um, Kyle almost there's a pic. So I went and visited her right after she had done, and I have a picture of me with my whole neck braun from my necklift and her with the boob sitting and she's like, I may as well just post this ship now. I The one thing I hate about her, and I can say this because I've told her, is that when it comes to keeping a secret about anyone else, she is a vault. But when it comes to a secret about herself, it is the most terrifying thing to see because she will. Really, she should have sent out a press release after she got those boobs done. It would have saved her a lot of time because everybody, everybody, well then it was the back like that. I kept laughing when she posted the thing about her back being hurt, which her back was hurt, but then everyone's like, pray for Kyle, and I'm sitting I'm like, hey, come busy praying for you today. I could barely get my work. I'm like me, if I know you're over there watching uh the Morning show? Her life? She like I she never ever stops to watch TV. Like, having a conversation with her about scripted stuff is so tough because she never watches, except if she gets COVID or she sick out, her backs out, she will watch twenty two hours of TV and she will be ready to talk about it. And I'm like, no, no, no, I'm so sorry. I watched season one of the Morning Show six years sorry. She's like, guys, have you seen the Morning Show? It's so good. I'm like, yes, eleven years ago when it came out. Cannot Alright, We'll take a little break, We'll come back to Dubai. Okay, we're back. I have to be really honest here about Dubai. I find myself watching it and multitasking, which is not a good sign. M not a good sign. It's just shocked. Beautifully, it's so beautiful. They all are so incredibly beautiful. They're dressed to the nines. The backgrounds are amazing. But I just don't feel that connection between the women and it's it's making me not care. But you're missing the beauty of it. You're missing the beauty of that. The beauty of that is when a news franchise starts. Happened with Salt Lake City. It happened, you know, in New York. When a new franchise starts, every person thinks they have to play a character because watching all the other shows. And they've been watching all the other shows, they know what pops, they know what happens. Caroline Stansbury is going to be the Lisa vander Pump. This person is gonna be the Kenya. She's gonna twirl, she's gonna be fabulous, like this other person is gonna be this. This other person is going to be that. What you have to watch the show for when it's the first season is you have to watch to see when the fence comes down, to see when the makeup runs, and when you finally get to see that person's real face, because it always happens. You cannot uphold a lie for two law, right, would you start to see things come a little unhinged when it comes to Caroline and surgery surgery and let me let me go ahead and say, not a lie. I'm not gonna say a lie. I'm gonna correct myself. I'm gonna say a perception of what your reality is. Starts two really come out, That's what I'm gonna say. Yeah, and so you you They start out where Caroline says Sergio won't stay with her if they don't have a baby um, and then him not being able to comprehend the fact that you can have a surrogate and the baby still be your kids. Sergi young, I can't. I'm gonna use everyword Sergio is young. Yeah, So okay, So then that happens um, which then we find out and watch what happens live that they do have one embryo on Ice that's already you know, ready to go, and she's saying she is going to carry the baby. So what did you see the episode? You see the previews for the episode next week when she said that she didn't want to have a baby. She didn't. She said, I don't want to even get married. I didn't even want this wedding. Well you start to see like she's getting like I don't even think she was mad at Lisa this episode, but when they were all at the dinner table and Sergio was making an effort to talk to Ian and to Lisa, like she just lost her, like her ego couldn't take it. Of course, And I think a lot of times when you're dat a younger man, part of the game is that you controlled them there in your life, there in your home, there in your situation. And we have met women on the shows that expect people to follow them and defend them blindly, and when you don't, they have a very visceral reaction, you know what I mean. She said, you can go, she said to Lisa, who Lisa wasn't even talking to him. You can go suck as dick then, But then she pretended like she didn't say it. But hold a minute, and that's a problem for me. The problem is why did no one stay on that. Why did they not keep talking about that was the point, he said. Even when she was recapping it to the other women, she didn't say anything about the dick sucking. And to me, that was the biggest part of the fight, because I read let's go sergil Oh, I would have made a meal. It would have been a two part special on that dick sucking. If I was a married woman and someone said, youth might as well just she said, it implied that you could have her suck your dick now, meaning that she was that she was. He was paying too much attention today and I would have blew up. But this is but this is why I love the show, because from the first episode to the fourth episode, you start to see the cracks, and Caroline is not playing the least the man or pump role anymore. She's getting her hands there, like she is starting to be her she can't. But then you know, the editors are so shade they see her. They show her going and taking shots at the bar like they're not missing any crumps there. Um. But you know who also made a turn for me, And I wasn't really sure it was going to happen because she was being so just over the top for me personally, I am oh this episode. I loved her. I loved seeing her with her husband. I saw a completely different side to her. I was interested in the conversation about the dowry. I was, I fully, and then she was. She made an effort with Caroline, like she all of a sudden didn't seem like the person with the world's biggest ego. Yes, but you know again, she came in thinking she had to be like Kenya more. She had to make a splash, and I'm goddamn happy that she did. I'm so happy she did because you know, would have had nothing, And it's probably really part of her personality. She's probably the over the top person sometimes, but she gave it to you episode one, two and three, and now she's starting to be her real self. I will say that you're starting to get more into story about who she is, and it's fascinating because you grew up completely different than what she has, like most people, which is why it was so interested in Dubai, because I don't I know no one from Dubai or I know no one who lives at Lifestyle, and there's so many rumors and different misconceptions about this place that you're watching it unfold, So I'm getting the historical ground. I'm watching the ground play happened. We don't have to watch the ground play. You know, foundation building in New York. We know what New York is about, we know what Beverly Hills is about. But the first three episodes, we're building the foundation for it to crumble. And it started, and you know, then I saw a little bit of I was really loving Lisa's husband the fashion show week, and then the way he was on the phone and kind of dismissive to her. It's like, listen, you know you have this twenty minutes you're filming with your wife. Put your phone down and suck it up. You know, we're filming what we're doing this, but he did with the reality that man is it's number one, and I don't want to I'm not going to justify this or I'm not going to make a complete, you know, generalization of husbands in the Middle East. But we all know the conception of husbands in the Middle East, right. If you live somewhere for a long time, you start to pick up their customs, you start to pick up the way they speak to people, and that's probably where you got it from. I'm sorry you live somewhere you live. If you're black and you live in a New Bible for a long time, you turned into like you turned into someone who's friend there, right, Yeah, I mean, I guess that makes sense. He catches himself by the end. He caught himself real quick. He caught himself like he's like, I like, I think the way she looked at him, like she's like, you done just stepped in this so bad and not only made you look bad, you made me look bad. Like this is not how it's going. So they switched it around. Um, and so I'm pretty much I love seeing the relationship with Brooks and her Son. I that you know. All that's good. The only person I haven't jumped on any kind of board with with any big feelings is Nina. Again, give me some time. The thing I do like about Nina is she seems to be she seems to have a fabulous life. And sometimes you just need the person who lives in the building you need, you need the house, you need, you need to take a walk when the drama starts, because she's still trying to play that X, Y and zero. I also think that and this could be, you know, I could be wrong on this. I think Nina's husband is really important that you a. I think Nina's husband is probably was the one who called this person to get this person to sign off on the filming um in the in the Emirates, you know, for for purposes, know, And I think Nina's husband is the one that's connected the dots behind the scenes too. She's the big dog, so she can I think that her husband is a big dog and she can't. She has to. She has to kindolsee a rise this because she can't be seen, like you know, Michelle Obama said, when they go high, when they go low, we can go high. Not because she wanted to, but because she had to write, because if she wasn't connected to that man, she would have let people know a long time ago, but she couldn't do it. And I think that's what at least that's what nan this issue is. If you like, watch really closely the way they talk and the way they like, you know, speak to one another, it just seems like he's a guy who I bet you the show starting with her. I bet you she was the first person on this shop. That would make sense. I want to have some of the Divide girls on and kind of get a feel for them and kind of know how because they all have pretty big social media followings already. Yeah, no, they're all. They all have been working the world of social media. So I feel like there's there's there's more to come. Um, Caroline stands Bury is definitely even on Watch What Happens Live last night, she was. I mean, she's she's steadfast about like, I'm not interested in being around girls I don't like and I didn't like those girls, so I'm not going to do that. Like she's not holding that. Yeah, but say that, like I I want her to go there. I liked her own ladies in London because she was that I didn't watch I didn't want I love their ladies in London because she was that posh bitch like she was like she's and then I want to say snootie because I think snootie has a negative connotation. I think Caroline stands Bury like Boogie is boogie as but not even bougie, because like, if you have money, you can be bougie. Caroline Standsbury is like that when people say the uppercress of something, like she is just upper crusty, like she's just like you know, like she knows the prints and like she's been to Cape Middleton's house, like she's that bitch. And I'm not mad at her for it. I actually like to watch her, and you know, I think a lot of times she just gets a bad rap for that but yourself. But yeah, I'm fine with it. And I was fine. I was fine with everything except for the fact I already texted to read I'm like the fact that you didn't choose to pee on me exclusively. Did you see this last night? Yes, yes, I don't. I don't want to tie. I don't want to freaking tie with somebody. I want to be chosen to be Repete on right. I'm I'm so happy that she is like finding her space and like keeping it moving, and like people aren't given her hard time about it anymore. And you know all those things are certain to happen for her. Wild Yeah it's bananas, okay, So fan thoughts for um Dubai. A lot of people are Oh, a lot of people are coming on the license plate. I didn't know that that was another tidbit that I learned. That you pay more money to get a lower numbered license plate. Yes, and you only get to keep it. You only get to keep it for so long, like you have to give it back when you get the car back. Please tell me you don't have a vanity plate on your car. I'm really worried that you may. I don't have the time to get a vanity paid. I'm also running for myself. I don't want people to know by the way, I don't have the fancy as car. You're not gonna see me happing out of a three ladys in the bag. I'll get the ladies center plate when I get a gag and when everybody knows that the lady um okay, next one Sandbury coming off cold. We need to have somebody cold on every show. Some people cannot get into it. I'm feeling, but I'm hoping that will come around. And then she says the next person is I want to see real housewives with not so rich woman who live a more real life and not gland life. I don't like. But also I don't think all of these women are super wealthy. I don't think so either. But that's the best part of the show is somebody talking about how there's something millionaires and then two seasons later you get reports like you guys have to sit in it. Like when Salt Lake City first came out and people were like, we don't watch. I'm like, y'all are missing out on some of the best moments in in in TV, Like I remember starting Beverly Hills. Like when I first started Beverly Hills, Kyle was like just starting to film and everybody had their best foot forward. Everybody was on their best goddamn behave. And my episode six Steed it was was crumbling. People were like fracturing at the last week. Women always cracked at week sixteen, like you had one more week left, seventeen weeks of filming and you crack at week sixteen, like little Gate happened the last day of filming, like you could just like it just happens, like you have to watch it. You have to watch it and unfold. What I hate now in the series is that you can't watch a series without knowing what happens first because people leak ship. I know there's too much going on, like right now, Salt Lake City, they're tweeting everything right now, and like stop tweeting stuff, like we just watched the reunion. We know you're filming, but like I don't want to see all of that right now. I remember, I mean I was told I was that before. I wasn't even allowed to post pictures like they if we were on a trip, we couldn't post pictures until the episode air. No, it was like a big It was like a really big deal. And you know, I think it's like, you know, like most families, the older kids can't get away with anything, and then the middle kids can get away with everything, and the youngest kids can't get either. It's like you know what I mean, Like so I think it's like a free for all right now, But I just want to go back to the days where I didn't know what was gonna happen. Yeah, by the way, in Beverly Hills, you think you know what's going to happen, but you don't know. You don't. It's Beverly Hills, I think, I mean, we haven't even I think the Crystal and Sudden stuff is done. I don't know that that's going to continue on anymore. But I feel like so many more things are about to unfold that we're in for a real treat, all right, and we'll just I'm gonna take your advice and I'm gonna sit still with Dubai and just let it happen. Sit there still, sit still in Dubai. Let it marry me. Because the problem is with these other shows, like I went in Binge watched Salt Lake City, so I was able to watch two seasons at want you know what I mean. So, yeah, but you need to, like you need to get the excitement back, and now that the show is actually ramping up. Yeah, and the previews for next week just looks so good. And by the way, who didn't like a wedding, Like I'm in for a wedding. But it just especially when you're fine leading into a wedding. It's either go, oh my god, we have to do a couple of headlines. We already went through them. We already talked about the Erica Jane refusing to get up the one for for a million dollar earrings. So we're good on that. Um. Diana Jenkins apologizes for slamming Black Content creator. We we actually come. Look, we're so good at this justin I mean, really heard all these things. Real Housewife star uh Richard's broker husband, you may ask you to sell Aspen home. Okay, I can tell you this. I am so obsessed with their Aspen home that they're selling. I don't want to buy it. And Kyle was like even trying to. She's like to keep it, keep it. She's like, I want both because she loves that house so much. And I was like, well, listen, if we could just hurry up and sell my Hollywood Hills house, I would buy that, like we had every time we've ever been there. Is that not the best time you can walk right into town. It's I'm us with that house, but it's the greatest for sure. It's so funny every time she does it's like she'll buy a house, but I was telling her other house, um because her husband's rich, and she'll be like, I think I want to keep it. I'm like, I know, you're a hoarder and you hold onto everything. I should probably have a lipstick from because it's when she says she's done shopping. I'm like, yeah, yeah, give me a break. She tried to hold onto this thing because it is actually the cutest damn house and it's the perfect location. So we had so many fun times there. But I'm like, girl, let it go, like you it'll be fine. You'll love your new house. You're gonna love it. It's like when she moved into this house, like she talked about the old house forever. I was like, I need you to stop because that other house is a far drive for me and it's I can't do it. Okay. The next one is Real Housewives of New York Bethany Frankel and Jill's there and have a surprise reunion on flight after previous Finally, I didn't I don't know all the history there, but people with the history is good. You know what it needed to happen. Yeah, I thought it was gonna happen when Bobby passed away. But those two, you know, not Lisa. Lisa and Kyle have the same relationship as Bethany and Jail. It's the exact same thing. And they just needed to I mean, but I feel like, yeah, I mean, being on a plane, you're stuck to have to figure it out. Like the last time that when Kyle and I were together and sent over the champagne to Lisa, and I think she sent it back. Whatever it was. We were at the Beverly Hills Hotels. It was different, you know, like she could just escape the situation. But she, you know what, she is proud Mary. I love a proud woman. She's proud. She's not going to ever budge, like when she's mad at you and she thinks you did her wrong. She's gonna stay here. And but I'm guilty by association, and I get that I'm not even trying. She was not, She wasn't rude to me the last few times I saw, but she brought up the incident. She's a goodbye Kyle. Really, I'm like, brother that I'm four years ago, Like no, are you kidding? She's like this with the iPad still, just like yeah, and everyone gets upset with me. This is the funniest part ever when she comes to my show because she's in the family, and like, you know, she comes on the show and I'm like, yeah, I don't. I'm like, I don't care. UM, totally let her tell to come. I actually enjoyed her and I like her, like I have nothing against her. UM. And what I do is because I want to make everybody feel comfortable. I normally let somebody else do the interview, and I walked off said and I let her come in just so she feels comfortable. And then she doesn't have to watch her words or if she wants to say something about Kyle, she can. I don't care, like I'm not here. I'm gonna give you the freedom. And people are like, oh, you're so petty, you won't even like I'm actually doing the right thing because I wanted to be as open as possible, and if she wanted to be there, she would have said what just yeah um. And then the final one is Vicky Gunbulson isn't only having issues with me, She's also having some situations with Drenda Medley. There's text exchange, there's I mean, I mean and Drenda DM to me too. Yesterday she was the first person to send me the et thing. She was like, look, let me tell you something. She may have met her match. They both have. They both may have met their matches. This is like when Scorn moved past finally fight at the top of Blanking, or like when like you know, Batman and Superman finally like fight off when you know another in that movie. Like it is the ultimate Housewives just going at it, know what I mean, because like on New York, you can't really fight with the rim. She didn't give up, okay, and Vicki is going to stand up and get her point out and you're gonna hear it, and half a cabo will hear it too. So the fact that this crocket down this alligator, they're finally meeting up in the middle of the now River, I can't. I can't. It's gonna be juicy and it's only gonna get worse from here, I think. But sadly we're out of time. But justin thank you for joining me. You are a true house professional, and um, I'll keep harassing you. And I really was hoping we would be interviewing Charade together, but I think she's coming on next week now. But you know, my heart, I'm gonna call your boss at my heart and try to get Tamra's job like Vicky did. Oh this is the thing. When Vicky said I never did that, I was like, one, you one million percent did and then you even admitted it to Tamara and my boss called. My boss was like, Vicky just called. She's like, so there's no part of it that is a lie. And not only that, she also admitted it to And look, I'm telling you right now, do not take it personal. It could have been any other tea in that pot with Tamra, and I think she would have did it. I used to get I used to get that way, like you know, like there's like certain like the class come out like like you know what I mean, like like I like it, I don't mind it, I don't care. I'm the only games in Harem anyway. And I don't give him. I don't give a ship who gets close to Kyle. Y'all go right ahead, But I like in our girl groups, sometimes the class come out like our last lunchn't a little bit that day, good by bye,