Taylor Armstrong joins the TWOTS to recap one of the most iconic moments in RHOBH history… The Dinner Party from Hell!
Tune in as Taylor takes us back to what it was like to be at that dinner, what it was like being on the show in season one and more!
To Teas in a pod with Teddy Mellencamp and cam rich Edge.
Hi, guys, welcome to another episode of Plots Flashback, and today we have a very special guest, Taylor Armstrong, who will be recapping the dinner party from hell Well episode nine and episode ten. Episode ten is called Payback's a Bitch Just ask your husband, so we will be recapping both episodes. I felt like, we felt like we couldn't do this without you.
No, I mean, you've lived it. We need to hear the behind the scenes stuff that happened, what went down for sure.
I wish you would have been there with me, Tamara, I mean.
The whole dinner. I mean, we'll get to it so disgusting, Like I don't even think that would even air this day.
And Age, I mean, I think you're right now.
It actually is the unbelo the level of like you could see like vitriol and like Agger.
Discott, I could tell you when you're gonna die, and how it's.
Like, oh my god, well it maybe you want to second guess the fact that I watched that show medium. I didn't know that they were producers on that show or that it was actually based on her I've never even seen it, you know.
Actually, I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I think it got medium got canceled not long after that.
I'm not saying it was related.
And I wonder if she predicted that, did she predict how many seasons it would.
Be on.
Where's Our Cigarettes?
Boy, have electric cigarettes come a long way, haven't they? Oh my god, that looked like a prop cigarette to me. No, but I think those like years ago, that's what they used to look like. They're like the first electric cigarettes. I don't think it was a prop. I think it was, like I might be wrong, it was legit.
I think she was sucking that down like it was her job. But either way, this synopsis for this week's episode is Camille tries to patch things up with a glamorous dinner party, but the claws come out when a guest brings up a sore subject. We start out where you meet up for lunch with Camille and she says she's inviting all the women all over for dinner, and she's also inviting her friend Alison Dubois, a real life medium. Camille's inviting Alison as a guest not to do her readings, but she usually gets reading readings from anyone around her. Okay, do we really think Camille was friends with Alison? No, that she would show up and not do readings.
One hundred percent.
Now, she knows her personality, she says before she ever gets there, like when she has a few drinks, she can't predict.
Her, right, I think Camille knew exactly what she was doing. She knew that Alison would go in and there, have a few cocktails and be an asshole.
Yeah, Alison dubras discurse my internet.
Oh my god, that's exactly what happened. She heard you talking about her. She's like, I'm not today, bitch.
No, that's right, I'm not psychic.
But my magic a ball is telling me this was a setup.
I thinks one hundred percent of saidup.
Camille knows what kind of person she is and knew going into it that once she gave her a few drinks and then she served drinks this big.
Oh my god, you're right, I'm drinking. Just because I've never really seen Camille drink.
She doesn't really drink, or she didn't used to. She probably did that night, though, because it got a little creepy. Camille seemed very I rewatched it last night. I didn't think she seemed to be reacting as much as I would be reacting if somebody at my dinner party was acting away.
Alison was acting toward one.
Of my guests, Well, it's because she's acting. You nailed it. She's actually acting. You can tell by the way she's like. It's essentially she's doing the same damn moves that she did on.
Whatever TRL she's been doing for thirty years.
But she was just doing it with words like she was like so proud of herself for like tearing someone down.
I was like, I am proud of you for handling it so well. Is that where your iconic scene like enough comes from or is that a different scene. I think that was the first enough and the first enough.
Then there was another enough later.
But I kept saying to a the person I was staying across the table to was Adrian, because I felt like Adrian is so neutral and she I thought. I kept saying, you need to tell them to stop this, thinking Adrian would step in because she's Switzerland, you know.
Well, I'll tell you one thing. I always forget watching these when Adrian's in a scene like unless she's yelling at Paul. Unless she's yelling at Paul if it's a group scene, she is just she just blends into the wall, like she doesn't really say anything she's I think she was like too nice and too like peacekeeper type of person for the show.
Taylor, do you she was too nice or too calculated Adrian, Yeah, like she knew like she was producing herself.
I think that Adrian was always so concerned about her family's image and their business image in a positive way. She's trying to be respectful to her family and so not letting herself go too far in any direction so she could remain a successful businesswoman and not put any shame on her family.
I like me, well, my family. Who she was never respectful to is her husband. You can tell she cannot stand the guy.
The bicker sends.
We used to call Paul the seventh Housewife because anytime the cameras were up and he was around, somehow he'd just be in the scene, like in the background.
Anyway he could figure out to get on camera. She is so annoyed.
Do you think that's why she is so annoyed because she can tell that he's a little bit thirsty and like wanting to be in the mix, and so she's like, oh, brother, or was it as bad in real life?
They were like that all the time, cameras up, cameras down. I knew Adrian and Paul. I'm Adrian, her twins and Kennedy, my daughter, were and mommy and me together when they were babies. So I'd seen Paul and Adrian banter back and forth for a years, so that was all real.
Well, what about how Paul is wearing a bandage on his nose because his son accidentally need him in the face. Adrian thinks Paul's being dramatic Paul this entire thing, like, isn't his nose actually broken?
Yes, he's actually yes, he has like splints or something he said, a stintz or something like that up his nose because it's broke. And She's like, oh god, she I mean she wanted to look at him go stopping a little bit.
But so Parker, of course I love them together. I thought they were hysterical.
Oh my, it's like another day, another episode where Adrian can't stand Paul. They could have their own show about it.
But it's like he loves it. He can't get enough of it.
It's not he.
Eggs her on.
Do you think do you think that their fighting was harmless and that's just how their relationship was. I mean, we'll end up divorce, but.
Do you yes, they would just bicker each other about everything, like it even at dinner, like about the salt and pepper. I mean anything they could just bicker about all the time, and it was harmless.
It was just how they functioned with one another.
Right, But do you think it's hard to like create intimacy when you're always bickering? Because I know when I'm like on one and I'm irritated at everything, like I can't when it's hard for me to handle hearing Edwin swallow or chew or.
Floss or a walk or breathe or breathe or interrupting during the pod, like it's hard for them for me to want to like.
Do all the other things. But when we're like connected and laughing and having fun and enjoying each other and actually filling each other's cup a little, then I'm more inclined to be like, yes, this is going to do this.
Then you're a little more inclined to let him fill your cup. Is that what you're trying to say.
Yes, obviously there was an issue because they're all together anymore.
Yeah, I don't think.
I'm not envisioning Yeah, of course I don't know, but I'm not envisioning them being heavily intimate. I mean, just based on their interaction with one another, I can't really see that being the case.
But certainly not anymore.
No, definitely not. Is she remarried, I don't think so.
I don't think so.
Right, she had a longtime boyfriend. Was he was? I thought he was great, but I don't know if they ever got married.
Nothing but pleasant. Whenever i've she's.
Very pleasant, very same.
But I do.
Agree that at the dinner party from hell, she was just like pennough match nothing.
Well, another tennis match that you were involved in. Was you and him? What? I'm still confused, like because I haven't even really seen why you guys drive each other crazy, but clearly you.
Do, yes, And I really don't know either. But she did just drive me crazy, and apparently I did her too. But I think it's because she just didn't have anybody to fight with, and so when the tension would get really high, she just wanted to be involved. So she just come at me and I'd be like, why are you talking to me? I don't even have to say, I don't know you. We have nothing to do.
You have any kind of relationship with her?
Now, No, I don't.
She just used to make me kind of nervous because she was just so you know how you can predict, like, Okay, kissed tammera off, you know what you're gonna get with him.
You just didn't even know what you were going to get because she was a.
Little cool, Like you didn't know if she was gonna laugh or lose her shit or get her feelings hurt. Now you guys, get back. You're back At Alison du Boise. Kyle says it was a little awkward when she first arrives, but she's hoping it it all goes well. Adrian thinks that Alison is kind of weird, but it makes sense because she talks to dead people. Do you think the women have preconceived notions against Alison or this is just Alison.
I think we first arrived, we thought it was going to be interesting because we're meeting a medium, and oh, this is going to be cool. But it was so quick when she just completely went south, that all of our excitement changed to confusion and fear and wondering if she was a little off a rocker.
Just a little bit. She kept repeating, it's girls' night, and they're not supposed to be good, but they're supposed to be bad in a controlled setting, she was weird.
I'm sorry. But also, anytime anybody says I just wanted to be a fun night, it most definitely will never be a fun night.
Yeah, it's like housewife saying I don't want any drama.
It's like when you think you just nailed an outfit and then you see a picture of yourself, like you're like, god, I look good tonight, and then you see a picture and you're like, that is It's just like when you think you're going to have the best time ever, it's always the worst. It's like when you least expect a good night, you're gonna have one.
Yeah, that's right.
Like all the facial expressions that were happening as you got more and more out of control, and all of our like side eyeing each other and you know, get kind of giggling because it was so awkward.
It was so I'm still awkward. Just talking about it. But then what about when Camille's like, I know, Faye the morally corrupt fay Resnik. That was disgusting because I saw her naked and Playboy after the oj trial. And then they're like, but Camille, didn't you do Playboy?
But also it was such bs because oh so Camille figured it out. I mean, what is she a detective? She figured it out in like five minutes who fey Resnick was. She clearly knew she was going into the.
Well, of course, because Camille's over there with the Playboy book, just looking through it every month.
Well, the reason that she calls her morally corrupt is because allegedly she got paid for her Playboy spread.
Don't you all it is everybody everybody gets paid, No, But after using her friend's death for fame, that's that's oh my god, that's what she.
Was implying because her best friend allegedly was Nicole Simpson. Alison to wat if you're listening to this podcast, which you may be, because I'm assuming somebody will forward it to you because we're talking about you and your get all read up. But what are the chances that Tamra and I switch husbands.
We can try it and it proba con.
Well and Edwin emotionally fulfill the other one of us.
I think me and Edwin are too much alike in you and Eddie are too much alike.
And also Eddie and Edwin are also.
Like I don't like a broway broway heartless.
Oh now you're going to start another rumor?
Yeah, well yeah, well they started it themselves yesterday.
Yeah it was not me and.
Eddie, will Eddie and Edie.
But do you think that Alison Dubois was picking up on some of the energy from Camille because remind me, did Kelsey allegedly have an affair with the nanny because she they kept talking about nanny?
Yeah, and I didn't know anything about the nannything. The only affair I knew about was the one that happened in New York when we all went to New York, which was very awkward.
That one went.
That one was public, right, Yes, yeah, that was crazy. I kind of remember hearing about it, but I don't remember the details.
So we haven't seen that play out yet. But that's why Camille hasn't gone to New York to live correct.
Yes, yes, Taylor, did you know when the dinner was happening, it would go down in history as one of the most iconic dinner parties ever.
No, I did not, but I now, in looking back and rewatching it, I would. I can totally see why it was. And I mean, Alison made for a great episode.
I do have to say, how long has it been since you've seen that episode?
Since it was first made?
I mean that, Oh my god.
Yeah, twelve teen years ago? Yeah, my god, I know it crazy, right, Yeah, But I loved some of the facial you know, Kylea is like the queen of great facial expressions and I can never hold my facial expressions back.
But I just loved watching everyone's reaction.
And I was actually pretty proud of Faith that she didn't come across the table, because you know, Fate doesn't like to be pushed around.
So oh.
But also it was so clear that Camille knew that this was going to go down because her she wasn't reacting at all, like you said, Teddy, She's all.
Whatever that move is.
She was being pernicious not her word, but I think that's her word she always uses. Yeah, but I don't know, I felt like clearly she googled Fay, pulled up whatever the world Wide Web had to say about her, and stuck onto it, and which is why she was probably so excited when Kyle said she was bringing a friend, because she was like, great, I can now fight with somebody else.
Did you think that when Kyle said she was going to bring a friend, do you think Camille knew it was going to be Fae? I didn't know if Kyle told her in advance.
Well, even if Kyle didn't tell her in advance, I'm sure she told production because you know, whenever you bring a friend to film, you always have to say who it is, Like, they don't just let anybody come film, like a dinner. It's one thing. If it's a party, everybody signs the waivers. But if you're bringing one person to a film dinner, production notes, and I'm sure Camille was like, who's going right?
Or one of Camille's assistant Now, do you think that Allison was picking up on Camille's personal stuff and confusing it with Kyle or do you think that Camille actually told her Allison what to say.
Oh, that's a good question. I'm gonna have to say.
I think that Camille must have told her what to say because it was ridiculous what she was saying, and then it ended up being the case about the Kelsey Camille situation, so that makes sense. But also Allison said she was a medium, she didn't say she was a psychic.
So that's the difference.
So mediums talk to dead people, right, correct, Maybe she's a medium psychic. They can be they can be both, right.
Yeah, but that's not how she You know, her show wasn't called medium psychic.
It's called media.
Oh okay, pick one.
They can be both, but that's not what it was.
Just such a person and the stuff that she said after everybody left, which is so disgusting.
And I think it can make sense.
It was definitely so far over the top. But then I also thought that after all the girls left, when she was saying all those horrible things, that Camille was kind of smirking about it, as opposed to being like Alison enough already, okay, like at the end of the day, some of these people really are my friends.
Well, I think that Camille gave her cards away when she said in her interview she's like, well, you know, Alison, if she has too many drinks, she really will I can't remember what the word was, but becomes an hout and then she's.
Like, drink this, drink this here.
Guys, let me pour a funnel down your mouth.
Well, can I also point out why I always thought Camille was full of bs? I never saw these episodes until now. However, you have to think back to when I was on Beverly Hills and Camille asked Kyle to be a bridesmaid.
That's bizarre.
Like if I would have known that then, like this is even more bananas.
Absolutely, I didn't even know that about the bridesmaid thing.
Yeah, with a cap sleeve, it was a no bueno.
I remember that that.
Maybe that was her revenge on Kyle is making her wear a cap sleeve.
Yep, she had it for years planned I'm gonna get her back. But Camille says after New York, Kyle called her delusional bitch. Allison says it was fucked up to call Camille delusional, and Kyle yells at her to stay out of it. Allison says that she can tell how Kyle will die and what will happen to her family, but then Camille goes, I hate saying that Kyle is jealous but let me say it three times, like she said it at least like five times, and then she's like, I hate saying it, but Kyle is jealous. Kyle's jealous. I'm like, if you have to keep repeating how jealous somebody is of you, most likely they're probably not just jealous.
Yeah, well, I bet she wasn't jealous whenever their marriage broke up.
And how were any of you guys actually close with Camille?
No, you could.
Tell, Yeah, you could tell because in most of the scenes so far, but we've seen she's filming with Randoms. Yeah, and why isn't she in the group most of the time. She's always filming with a d D girl and somebody else. And it's just weird.
There was like so much speculation that she was having an affair with him, and I never I don't think that was ever the case. Like he was her cedric, but he was straight. Yeah, I think that she she wanted to have.
A married right, That's just weird.
He tried to put him in place so she could have a little another storyline sidekick.
Do you have a relationship with Camille?
I don't know. I don't ever.
I mean, she she was like I don't know her.
Yeah, that's my comment. I don't know her.
I mean we used to like DM every once in a while. If I saw her it would be pleasant. We never had any issues between the two of us. She just really wasn't that close with the group.
Well, she deserved to produce her credit from this episode because it went down in history. But then that takes us to the Roaring twenties party at your house. The air date here is December twenty third, two, thy ten. Was this hard to watch? Was this episode hard for you to watch?
Obviously seeing Russell a few times is always awkward for me or maybe hard to watch, And it does feel like a different lifetime because it was so long ago and my life has evolved so much since then. But it's always a little awkward, Like you can even see how awkward our interaction was back then.
But can you clear something up for me? Because at the first episode or around when you guys talked about how you met this, he said like he was trying to kind of not you.
Were the one pursuing him.
Is that how it actually went down, and how did it go down? And what initially drew you to him?
Well, we met while we were both waiting for a table at the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills, or I guess it's considered lay, but you know which one I'm talking about.
Yeah, and he was with a group of people.
I was waiting on a friend, and then he got my number.
We went out a couple of times.
I don't know that I was pursuing him, but I definitely was into him, and he could be very charming. So he and he was very night and shining armor in the beginning, or so I thought. But that's also a tactic for people who want to control you, because it's like, here, let me.
Take you away.
You know, I want you to work, I want you to have a baby, you know, and so then before you know it, your entire life revolves around this person.
And then it's like they have you under their thumb. Yeah.
How long did that take for that process to happen?
It was really quick. Yeah, he was really charming when he wanted to be.
Yeah, I'm sorry. Well, you at the you host the Roaring Twenties party where Camille and Kyle come face to face for the first time since their showdown, which some of the costumes I have to like laugh at Kyle for a second with her ponytail just in the wig tucked in her shirt shirt.
I know.
She I just thought when I saw that outfit, she's probably looking back going, oh what was I thinking?
I was like, oh my god, because you know, her hair is like her signature. Yeah, I'm just like, where's your hair? But it was hysterical. And then Lisa dressing up like a man, and I know.
Yeah, it was cute.
Then we I love that we got to see a little baby Porsche and baby Mauricio too. He looked like he looked like he was twenty.
Didn't it though? I totally agree.
And every time I see Porsche, because Kennedy and Porsche were around each other all the time. And Kennedy was four and Porscha was two, so they had lots of sleepovers over the years, and we lived really close to one another. So every time I see those little images of her, it just brings back so many memories and Porscha hanging out.
But Maracio did look like a baby.
A baby. But then like at this point, you know, Kyle's telling Mauricio about the Camille dinner party, and Kyle tells her what the medium says or the media the medium psychic. But Lisa as having a fundraiser and Kyle is worried that Camille will be there and bring Alison. I'm actually shocked that Allison was only in one episode. I did think we were going to see her again.
Did she ever film again? Not that I know of, No, after that saying, I mean, I'm surprised they didn't give her a diamond.
Oh my god, can you imagine if she was in every episode?
Oh my gosh, just go losing it on everybody.
We did an one show on television.
No, that's just mean spirited. I don't know people want to see that.
It was just too much.
And I feel like we always have had like over the years, I mean all as friends too, just in real life, you know, kind of code about our kids, you know, like that's sort of off limits unless we're supporting each other's kids, like congratulations.
A win or whatever.
And she was just so below the belt that that wouldn't have lasted long because I think, well, everyone just would have refused to film with her, right, But what.
About how In the middle of Lisa's fundraiser, Kyle gets a text from Camille saying that we will no longer be working with your husband, Thank you very much.
So dramatic. Like I also like.
Is Camille really calling the real estate shots at this point with it?
And do they and do they have a house for sale at the moment or it is just any potential houses that we might sell you're not allowed to touch. Like I thought the.
Same same way.
I was like, I didn't know anything on the market with Maurice, so it's not like they pulled a house from him or anything. But I thought he looked a little panic stricken when they were at Opa Stio and she was telling him all of that.
You know, it was just the two of us ratio.
That's a big client to have, right, a huge client.
And I did tell by the look on his face he thought, oh my gosh, is this show going to ultimately affect the rest.
Of her my career?
Yeah, maybe it wasn't that particular house, but oh my god, because he was like, you could tell he's like, Kyle, why why are you in this argument? Like shoot, all of a sudden, all the positives of this show have now just dissipated, and could this show take out all of our business?
But look at him now, if that happened today, he'd be like, who cares whatever?
And I'm pretty sure Kelsey is his client. I feel like when I filmed that he was selling a house for Kelsey or something or Camille, I don't even remember which one. But then Camille tells Adrian that it's not okay for Kyle to come enter her home and verbally assault her.
She Kyle is like a child that you have to slap on the hand, and the way Kyle verbally lashes out is immature. Do you think Kyle is twisting what happened? No, I mean Camille Camielle. Do you think Camille is twisting with Oh?
Yes, Camille is a victim. She has that victim mentality that no matter what she does, if the other person acts in any way, it's their fault. Yeah.
And the other thing I thought was interesting was Camille's facial expression when Adrian said after that that she wanted to put each of them in time out. She looked at her like, well, I shouldn't have been in time Well what.
Do you I'm doing a great job here, but I can time out.
I'll only yeah, I.
Know, honestly, if you look up delusional in the dictionary, You're going to see Camille's face.
Well, then we get to your party, which looks excellent, by the way, and Kyle and Camille don't get one another right away, and you kind of laugh because you can see like the editing, Like not the editing, you can see the filming, like the camera's going in on tight and it's like Kyle like and then Camille's like over on the side. But meanwhile Camille's like, I'm not intimidated by Kyle, but she's kind of all bark, no bite. It was when they get over and it's like ough, but she didn't kind of she wasn't.
She was kind of like sneaking away just a little bit.
Yeah, and then it's like that little wum wah, We're all great. All is good.
They alapper danced together.
Oh yeah, the hug that made me really so fake.
It's so awkward.
It was so fake Kyle. Kyle's like, I gotta fix this real quick. I can't have my husband lose a bit client like that exactly.
I'm sure that that was part.
Now would you be upset if your husband walked over to Camille and like was like hi and being friendly after what just happened, and I didn't like when uh Masa said to Kyle, well, what'd you do? It's not like you to do this, as if she did something wrong, and Kyle's was like, oh, it wasn't me. I promise.
I agree.
Yeah, And I would not be thrilled if if my husband walked up to some that had just treated me that way in their home and either of you two would take that for one second, it.
Would totally piss me off.
Well, I also think sometimes husbands don't know how to react in this situation, Like anytime things were bad for me on the show, like I don't want to be eating salad, or like there was always he always looked like the most awkward human alive, like not wanting to get involved. But like so I think there is like I don't know there at some point they're going to say things that come off not one hundred percent when I think sometimes they don't necessarily mean it.
Yeah, I agree, it's awkward for them.
I mean I feel like even filming, you know, Orange County this last year, sometimes John would just be like scooting out of the frame. He know what to do, He's like a part of any of this but I did think that Maricia was in such a pickle because what's he going to do? He wants to save this client, so he wants wanted to remain neutral.
I think so.
Plus men don't get into the drama usually. But I'd be like, don't you dare say hard to her? I didn't Camille.
Say repeatedly that she was she's a guys girl, not a girl's girl. Yes, yes, like when they were in Vegas, she was like, I'm just so you know, I'm a guy's girl, and that she's like hanging with them by they do you have.
Friends like that?
Not as an adult. I did when I was in high school.
Yeah, you know, I've known people like that, and I just don't. I just don't connect with them. If you can't, you say like, oh I connect with guys better, it's like yeah to you problem.
Yeah, Well, what is your biggest takeaway from watching those two episodes? Any other juicy nuggets you can give us?
I just maybe kind of miss all those girls, you know, I don't see them very often. So and I thought Lisa vander Pump was really funny with Cedric, and I sort of hated that all of that blew up. It was fun to watch them together, and especially when we first started filming, they were just a little comedy team.
At what point did it blow up?
I'm gonna say season two.
Did he live there until season two when it blows up and there's a fight on camera?
Now, Teddy, you know, I am an old woman. I can't remember the star. I remember exactly why it blew up.
I just knew when it did. It blew up badly. So we're gonna have to stay tuned and watch. I'm gonna have to rewatch it.
Also, Yeah, do you think that she had him on the show and move in just for the show, just to be interesting, to have this little sidekick.
There was a lot of speculation about that that that was the case.
It seems like it.
And going into the show, who were you actually who did you actually know?
When I entered the show?
Yeah, and I left when you entered.
And I entered obviously Adrian, I had met Lisa because well, and this reminds me of this part that I thought was so funny. Two times they have the limo pick up Adrian on one side of the street and Lisa on the other the right across from other fun it was really funny to rewatch that because I was like, so ridiculous.
Yeah. So I had met Lisa a few times through Adrian.
I met Camille through Oh, by the way, Linda Thompson, did you see her?
She was on the episode?
Is that Brody Jenner's mom?
Yes? Yes, okay, And that I had met Camille through her, And because she had a house in Malibu. I think that's another reason that we didn't see Camille as much socially as we saw each other the other ones, because she lived way out in Malibu, and you guys know what, that SAME's close for people that don't live in that area in the last ange, but like Malibu to Beverly Hills is like Marsrut during a rush hour got horrible. I mean, Camille did have her Rolls Royce Center driver, so it was more convenient for her.
Of course, she's going to mention the driver and the jet and the and the debt and the houses and.
The she's exhausting.
Yeah, And then I met Kyle and I had never met cam Who does that leave?
Is that all? I don't know? Here? Let me check the poster.
Oh my gosh, you still have it. It's right here.
I put it up just for episode today.
Oh my gosh, I.
Know, see I can. I can do my own graphics to teeth, to my own graphs.
Don't mind.
Then my own camera work was great.
Shut up.
I'm like I saw an eyeball.
I think they were wearing eggplant. It's unasclear because the camera was moving, but I'm eighty five percent sure that's what it was.
I could tell. It's in a black frame. That's about it.
Will you come back and recap more episodes with us?
Because love seeing you guys.
All right, perfect, Thank you so much. Make sure you guys subscribe to Tease Flashback, and you guys stay tuned on all other Twats commentary. We appreciate you and our friends. Thanks guys,