RHONY is coming to a close, but Ubah is just getting started. Ubah has a message for Teddi and she’s not happy…
Then on RHOBH, how do Teddi and Tamra feel about the ongoing drama between Dorit and Kyle?
Two teas in a pod with Teddy Mellencamp and Cambridge Edge.
All right, hi guys, welcome to you know, the episode of the plot.
Yes, ma'am, you are still away, not back in your house. I am at Big Bear right now, freezing up, tits off. It's about thirty degrees here.
I am.
My mental health is not the world's best today, if I'm being honest, Like, it's one of those days where like nesting is really freaking hard.
Sorry, I know it's hard. So how long you've been away for a while? So how this is?
So? No, I had the kids all through the weekend and then they left.
I mean, I don't even know what day it is at this point, but they left.
I don't even know Wednesday.
Wednesday, Yeah, they only left yesterday morning. Yes, their school back.
But there's something about like when things are going on in the world, like like in La with the fires and not being able to be there as well.
It's just being out of your normal routine. Yeah, I think, and like really hard.
You know, Cruise gets really nervous about stuff and like, so it's just it's hitting me pretty hard.
And the way that you know, our schedule works, it's I don't officially get them back until Friday this week because then the next two weekends I have, Like it's you know, it's not a standard like one week on, one week off. It's like it depends on our schedules. So but it's just like weighing heavy on me today. Like I woke up today and like talked to them on the phone before they went to school, and I.
Don't know, just for you, are you in La? Are you still in Palm Desert?
I'm still Lakita because if I go back, like then what am I going to do?
Like, I don't it's not like I up in your car. Yeah, like Kyle's and Lakita, So.
Oh, Kyle's air with you.
No, we're not staying in the same place.
But like I for some reason, I thought she was in New York. I don't know why.
So it's just I don't know. I'm just in a mood today.
So well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news. I have a message for you from a housewife who Uba.
Oh no, what So.
Before we start recapping New York, I thought it'd be only fair to relay a message from Uba that she sent to me that she is not happy with you about the latest podcast, and I told her I'd relay the message on her behalf.
Well, I have to tell Uba I'm not happy with her about either.
Okay, yeah, I know, I get it. She spoke about the cancer based on her own personal experience. You remember last episode she said, you can't control things, you can't control cancer, whatever. So evidently she both her parents. UBA's parents had passed away from cancer and Aaron knew that. So it was more of a bonding situation than like, you know, we can't control things. We can't control cancer. So she just she just denies that she was being shady in any way, that Aaron compared her to the others first, and then you were confusing authenticity with fakeness.
She wrote all this in a DM about me. Yeah, well you have some time on her hands, Uba.
So no, So it's not that I disliked Uba.
I just thought I think she's she's one of those people that are very very sensitive you see on the show, like anytime anybody says anything, she has a very big reaction. So I'm not shocked that she was, you know, a that with I'm sure she was upset with me, but she but.
You know, here's the thing. Once Uba did realize it, it.
Hurt Aaron's feelings, she probably could have handled the apology differently.
Yeah, I wish, I wish we could have heard, and maybe she did and we didn't. You know, they cut it out that you know, both my parents have passed from cancer. I know what you're going through. We know it's something that's not controllable. I didn't mean it in that way. But I feel like we are seeing Uba say a lot of things this season that comes off as harsh.
It comes off as tone deaf. I don't know that I would say harsh. I would say the entire ocean scene also not. There's just certain things that like you can just say. You know, we all say dumb shit. I say dumb shit all the time and put my foot in my mouth. But if somebody tells me you hurt my feelings when you've said that, then you know whatever.
But we'll get into the well she's saying.
She's saying right here that you hurt her feelings.
She said I hurt her feelings.
Yeah, that that's not what happened that her both her parents. Anyways, let's move on.
Okay, Well, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings.
There, ye go, that's what I was waiting for without telling you to say it.
I'm sorry, I hurt your feelings, Zuba.
We are sorry you guys. When we recap these shows, it's nothing personal. We're recapping us viewers. This is for all the housewives out there. We're friends with a lot of these housewives, so sometimes it does make it hard. We're going to be recapping Beverly Hills soon, and it was a very difficult episode for Kyle. I know this is going to be very difficult for Teddy to recap because they are best friends. So it's it's difficult because we don't want to piss off anybody, but we also want to be honest of what we're watching. Correct.
Yeah, but I think you know we'll get into We'll get into as we go. But New York starts off with it's like last night dot dot dot. Uba screams, this bitch is lying. The son of a fucking bitch. Then Brenn says, you all fucking think that I fuck dudes for money. Everyone responds they don't think that. Then Aaron tells U that her husband should apologize to Jessel for calling her bipolar, and then Uba is naked and tells Aaron to stop talking to.
Someone like she's trash.
Uber responds, go fuck yourself, and then Brent tells Uba she's not Naomi, and Uber responds that Naomi and Giselle wish. Would you like to take this because I don't want to hurt UBA's feelings?
No, I thought. I think that Uber's very, very sharp with her tongue and has no problem dropping f bombs coming from somebody that is similar. I have no problem dropping some f bomds and telling people to go fuck themselves. Do I think that Uba this episode? Well, no, I don't, and.
I'm just saying this.
Would love tom if you started comparing yourself to a.
Well no, I mean, but is a model.
But like if you were like, uh yeah, I mean like Angelina, I'm.
The hottest housewife an orange can ye.
Like Angelina, Jolie Jennifer Edison and never because you're a reality television show.
Here's the thing. I think that I don't have an ego. It's just not something I'm usually feel like I'm not good enough. I'm not the person that feels like I'm better then. It's just it's it's a it's a problem in itself. Yeah, it's not. It's not a good look. It's just not a good look to be comparing yourself. She's got so much confidence. I wish I had half that confidence.
I a love of person with confidence. I wish.
I wish I had that loves But I do think there's a difference between true confidence and just coming back hard at somebody just to fight. And I don't think that was a true confidence moment. If you really think that, that was a moment where she was like, wow, you know what.
No, no, no, no, no no. I was just talking about the Niamimi Campbell thing, like to be able to say something like that, you really you really think a lot of yourself.
But I think that it's actually the opposite. When you say those things about yourself. Sometimes it's like.
You're you're going big because you're deep rooted.
You know, you could have just left it. She could have been like, fuck you, I modeled for blah blah blah and blah, not Talbots and not talboted by Talbots.
But she didn't. She went after other supermodels that are very successful.
Yeah, not her best move, But now it's gonna be a little tricky, just like it gets tricky when we have to.
I have to recap Kyle, because apparently UBA's in your dms.
I'm surprised she's not in your dams. I want to expect her to go straight to you. She seems like that type person's go right to the source.
No, I don't think she will because I'm pretty close.
With Chanelle, so I I chat with Shanel.
Yeah, but I think she doesn't want to.
She knows just to kind of let it be, let you, let you be the messenger there, or as they said in New York, the pigeon.
The pigeon, Well, there wasn't even a damn pigeon that was dead on that beach. It was just a bird.
They arrive at Raquel's favorite beach from her childhood. Uba tells everyone the water is disgusting, not to go in the water, and that there's a dead pigeon on the beach. Aaron says UBA's had strong reactions on this trip. Was Uba being just respectful to Puerto Rico in your opinion?
I think so? I think. I mean, I think what would have been upset if someone spoke about her home country that way, I think that she would be like, you know, like like rock Hal said, like Puerto Rico has gone through so much, like have a little bit of respect.
But she's.
She's put her foot in her mouth quite a bit this.
She's not looking to have fun these days. But I can tell you what made me also feel uncomfortable, and it was not the dead birds. It was bread rolling around in the sand in front of the board lifeguard. That definitely gave me some weird feelings.
I know, this guy's like, what is she doing? Like seriously, I was like, what I really believe the problem with this show is is that everybody's trying too hard. It's like nothing's really natural. The only person I would say sy is you know, I want her to be more like herself last year, but I feel like she's not jumping on that train of let's let's try the most.
But essentially the beach, the beach fun didn't really seem like anyone really was excited about it.
It was a rough It was a rough. It was a rough one.
I've been on rough beaches. I'm not saying the beach was even, but yeah.
You mean like none of them were like, oh, let's go, you know, except for Aaron. Aaron went and tried the little thing, which I've done before, and I'm like, eron, and that ain't that hard.
I've done that before. Come on?
She got up finally. Yeah, I've never done that before. I don't know that I want to.
It's really fun.
Aaron looks great in her bikini.
Yeah, I mean they all look great in their bikini. But then the women.
They you know, then they leave the beach because it's pouring down rain dressels and some sort of I'm confused what type of outfit.
And some kind of gown, some kind of gown with.
Probably like heels.
Uber push to talk about the conference she had a sign friend, and then Aaron says she doesn't want to be involved because she can't win, but that she defended Jessel and tried to shut.
It down despite flashbacks feeling otherwise. I think Aaron may have been slightly under the influence by this time of the day.
Yeah, but it's even She's even confronted later on, and she she sticks with her word. I didn't say anything, know what you're talking about.
She just didn't say as bad as things like she's she was repeating things that actually happened.
Like she said that she was still talking about it, she was still engaged with conversation, and by no means was she trying to shut it down.
No, they're all plossoping and talking shit beyond.
But honestly, was anything that I can't remember exactly what was said in that conversation.
Essentially, like that Jessel and Povet don't seem like there's like a real that's.
Right, there's no chemistry there. And I think that those words came out of Aaron's mouth. I don't see any sexual chemistry or something like that.
Yeah, and then.
Just the same thing that we've been hearing that she does everything for show. Yeah, Essentially, to me, it's like she's not authentic to who she is.
Well, I don't think the show's authentic. How about how what are your feelings about Brinn bringing hair pieces for everyone to wear to emulate Jenna's pubes. Jenna comes out because everyone the synchronized swimming caps, the women slowly reveal their pube wigs, and Aaron's like, oh, it's itch. No, she wasn't noticing, so they're like, oh it's Itchane. I didn't find it funny.
Well, of course she didn't notice, because that's common for Jenna apparently. But I think the whole cast trying to gaslight us into thinking they're fun because of this.
Like, but I just was watching it, and I just went, is this really what we're watching? Pubic hairs and pigeons?
Yeah, it is, and synchronized swimming and then having to ice to your head afterwards.
I didn't mind the secretized swimming because Jenna was really into it and evidently took classes as a kid at the local. Who knows what.
See synchronized swimming was on girls trip or housewives.
Yeah, I feel like we have on a girl's trip.
So it wasn't new.
It wasn't new to me.
I'm giving New York a hard time today. But then yeah, I'm proud of.
You're in it.
You're in it, You're in the mood.
Then Raquel tells Uba she didn't appreciate her calling the water disgusting.
Uba says that it was disgusting and it smelled.
Uba says if it was her own country, she would say the same, and then side tells Uba she understands Raquel's perspective, and Uba says she was just being herself.
But then do we think that Raquel let Uba off to easily.
I mean, I don't think anybody truly at this point wants to fight with Uba because she's she just goes off and we see it multiple times the rest of this episode. I mean, how are you going to fight with her? The beaches are nice? No, they're not. They stink, They're not. Like I got to pick your battles with Uba.
I think, Yeah, well, we did find out uh.
On Instagram that Luba's fiance our boy boyfriend fiance Lizzie I think boyfriend, Uh, that he's a billionaire allegedly that's the beat.
Oh good for her, Well back to that that situation. I don't think Raquel likes conflict at all. No, I mean I think she you know, she's great on the show, but I think it might be the wrong show for her. She doesn't want to fight with anyone.
I think her feelings were legitimately hurt. Like I think a lot of the time these Housewives trips, don't you know, it'll just be like camra is picking to go to blah blah blah. Yeah, the place that you have no real ties to. But like this is where Raquel's mother lives and where she was from.
This is the only authentic thing on the show. So farn Yeah, so between that nar and with her dad. But how about when Uba she's just not making any friends this episode that she's been to Puerto Rico more times than Raquel.
Yeah, she's been there more times than. If anybody loves Puerto Rico, it's her. I'm like, just say sorry, I tried to kill the fund from the beach. I shouldn't have said that. I don't like beaches regardless.
I don't think that I would have said that honestly, Like, you know, Puerto Rico's letting you film there, you have to have some respect to, Like, even if you go to a restaurant and camera and you the food is disgusting, you don't say you don't say it just because it's disrespectful to the people that are allowing you to film in their establishment.
Yeah. Then, I mean this is a hard episode because especially now that I know I've been on the hurting feelings, like it's like it keeps going again. Then bren suggests they start sexting their partners, and then Aaron calls Abe and then Brenn takes the phone and tells Abe to take his dick out.
I thought it was just going to be Aaron making the call to Abe.
I don't That's what I thought too, And I think maybe that's probably what Aaron thought to But you know, Bren, she's just got to get in the middle of it and say the most outrageous things possible. So I think saying, you know, take your dick out.
And then Uba tells yell's ebe you're on speakerphone.
Uba screams to have respect because some of them are praying for a husband.
This is where I do agree with Uba. I just thought, you know, she showed his dick and now she's trying to sext on camera. It's like you, your relationship with your husband should be to me, a little bit more sacred if you're dating somebody like, okay, whatever, but if you're married and you have children all that stuff. But I also have to remember that Aaron jong Sell in her thirties, right.
But we also have to remember did Abe admit in the confessional that they're swingers or was he just making a joke.
That's my That was my question to you, because that's the way I felt It's like, wait, he knows way too much about swingers.
I mean I asked Eddie, he'd probably go, what's the swinger?
No, well, I forget. I did some podcast on swinging, so like I know about oh, Secret.
Lives of Mormon Wives. Yeah, quite a bit on that, so I could probably answer a lot of swingers questions. And I've never swung.
But I'm also a little bit confused how we went from last season Aaron being mad at Brent flirting.
With Abe and telling him to divorce.
This season Aaron actively joining on Brend's hyper sexualized antics with him.
Now we're out, pull your dick out. I mean, why you've already seen it.
I mean I think Aaron was not that this is an excuse, but I think Aaron was a little two sheets.
To the wind. Yeah. And also Aaron common on the Instagram account o MFG reality TV's Instagram account. Spoiler alert. I text a beforehand and he knew is this entire season? And then somebody wrote is this entire season not real?
Yeah? I mean.
It's that's a.
They need to do better. Then I understand it was like a joke and whatever.
I just I don't think I don't know this show, but.
I'm telling you right now, if somebody over in Beverly Hills did the same thing to everybody, be fucking laughing. It's just something with his show.
Yeah, but I also think if your husband is an upset by it, why is your friend of that it?
Like Abe did not seem worried.
You have to understand. UBA's a girl that's keeping her relationship very private. She's not. I don't I wouldn't imagine her ever saying anything. I might be wrong, but we haven't yet hear her saying anything about Oliver's name is penis or whatever. But she will talk about money.
But she also is happy to talk about everybody else's sex life and that Brend's allegedly fucked people for work or what you know.
Like that's a very sensitive subject with Brent. Isn't that something that Jeff lewis kind of spearheaded? Like she put that out there that yeah.
Yeah, But then Jenna teaches the woman how to synchronize swim.
Aaron tells Uba she didn't like what she said, and Uba said she doesn't give a fuck, calls Aaron a sensitive fucking bitch, then splashes water at Aaron.
Then Aaron tells.
Uba she made her feel like she was doing something wrong to her husband, and Uba tells Anne she should think of her as a good friend, the way that Rebecca could have a genuine moment with Jenna continuously calling her by the wrong name.
Do you think that Uba overreacted at this moment. Yes, I like.
Uba, but I think she's overreacting in every moment so far.
Yeah, she's been kidding, she's been I don't know, maybe something maybe I think somebody said this on the show. Maybe something's going on with her because she is uber sensitive, She's very She's Uba sensitive, Uba hot Uba hat Uba sensitive, and it's just coming off a little bit mean.
But also what could my interpretation of what's happening is she is now with somebody who has now allegedly billions of dollars, and anytime something she thinks is going to look bad on the show, she wants to try to stop it.
But in doing so and trying to.
Control other people people's behaviors, it's making her come off not so great. Yeah, but then at that point, if you don't want to show a certain side of yourself where you want to you know, do everything by the book.
Then don't be on the show.
True, And that's what I was thinking too.
Then Brenn tells Uba not to get involved in marriages.
Uba tells coming from the single girl.
Then Uba tells Brenda take a nap. Bryn responds, should I suck a dick while I take a nap?
But I knew what she was doing there. She knew what she was doing there. Should I suck a dick when I take a nap?
She like, of course she did. She spoke in the bear.
Uba says she sores high, and Brent says Uba flies commercial while she flies private.
I don't like these kind of things.
But why do you think and Brnn have so much hatred each other? They go so low.
I think they both really love attention. I think they both are very beautiful.
I think.
They know exactly what buttons to push to really hurt the other person.
Yeah, I just don't understand why.
Well, then Brent tells Uba she's Talbot's model, and then Brent tells Uba she's not Naomi, and then Uba says Naomi and Giselle wish. Then Uba leaves, telling brand to go herself again. I'm thinking Naomi and Giselle are like, why.
Are we involved in this? Yeah? Right?
You imagine they're going to get that tag on Instagram and they're gonna be like, who are these people?
I really I think Naomi watches the show, so I really hope they put like Naomi and Uba on together on Watch what Happens lot? Right?
Can we get Naomi on the show? On the podcast place you're not listening, but but please, hey, we'd love to have you on.
Then bren tells Aaron she ran away and didn't help her. They had a practice sand up for each other. Then Jessel tells Si that Aaron claimed to be defending her against what she and Brent had said. Side confronts Aaron, and Aaron said she never said that, and then Aaron thanks Jessel for lying and says she'll never defend her again. Then Aaron tells Uba to stop calling Brenna horror and Uba says her favorite line go out fuck yourself?
Yeah? Yeah, who who exhausted you the most this episode? Would it be Brent or Uba?
Uba? Yeah, it's when Brent the majority of this season. But also, this is what happens when you have two, well three, I would say that people doing the work this season are Aaron, Uba and Bren.
I know, and I'll say it again, I'm missing my sigh. I'm missing my opinionated sigh.
Yeah, but none of the other women like what Rebecca's not. I mean, we loved Rebecca on the pod, but we're not seeing that. Jenna is okay, so she told us she has straight pubs, but.
Other than that, we don't see her personal life.
Raquel, you know, almost seemed like she was going to have a moment with Uba and then took it down a notch one she actually walked in there. It just everything is falling a little bit flat to me. But this that being said, this episode is better than some of the past ones, So kudos.
Yeah, it was one of their best episodes, I think as we bitch about it, So I will give us good jobba all flaps Yeah yep ye. So well, we're going to get into take a break, and then we'll get into your favorite topic, Beverly Hills.
So Dui and Kyle's fight at the viper room continues. Erica tells Dui she has to stop yelling. Then Duri says Kyle's vane popping out of her head. Chyle has started that Kyle is guilty.
Okay, I disagree with that because popping veins do not equal lying. Popping veins mean you're mad, Yes, yes, I don't.
I think that just means I would venture to say both of them had popping veins.
I would I have a popping van over here and it's just popping all the time.
Like I think maybe Kyle's head was popping a little right here, and I think Juri's neck was.
Yeah, so Jarite is not playing nice in the sandbox, that's for sure. She really isn't. And I mean I know that the Instagram and everything is very very pro Dorite, But to be honest with you, at this moment, I don't see Kyle coming after Durite.
I think she's just kind of trying to take a She's letting her do what she needs to do. Clearly, Durite's coming in.
Hot Erica's trying to calm her down.
But then no, I wasn't trying to.
Calm her down Garcel, because then Garcel asks how she is doing, and Dared asked if Garcel means that genuinely.
And Durite says to read the room and walk walks away. Do you think Garcel genuinely cared how durit was in that moment.
I think she was trying to change the subject, is what she was doing, but it didn't land well. Because Garcel doesn't like Darite. She was likely trying to push the story and change the subject, and I think that Dury was just not having it. It's like, no, you don't like me, you haven't liked me in years? Why are you now asking me how I am doing?
Also has cared about any so I'm not sure, but I have.
A question because Garcel said, how did you find out about the texting? And didn't Kyle tell Garcel that PK reaches out to her?
Yeah? She said Texas.
Yeah, So who do you think told Duri we saw this? I thought I thought so too, But she asked her insane, who told you about the texting? And I think she was.
Somebody had to have told her.
Yeah, I thought at the moment, I thought maybe it was Garcel, But no, I don't think it was Garcel. I mean, you know how it is in the house that shows one person tells another person's another person.
But either way, who knows Kyle could have told Duri we don't know.
Yeah, well, it seems like Erica is very team Durry. She's always running to her side, and I know that her role this season is kind of you know, she's in a different place in her life. She's happy, she's she's went through the ship that they went through, but worse, and she's trying to keep everybody together. But she made a comment. She just said, Durita is not putting up with Kyle's shit. I think that, And I was saying, like I earlier, I haven't really seen Kyle give de Rea shit on camera.
I mean I think in the past she definitely has.
I think that, so it's happened overtime and now Durita is like, I'm not dealing with you anymore.
I think Dry.
Knew who she could push to create the biggest stir and like Durie's smart, Like she's she's smart, she knows. I think she could easily tell what this season was going to be, and I don't think the other woman realized it. M M. I think duri went in a well oiled machine. I'm going to get back the way I was. I'm going to make sure that they don't want to give me the boot next year, and I'm going to come for.
Pretty much anyone.
Yeah, it seems like that for sure, because this is a totally different rat than we've ever seen.
And then Kyle tells Bose that she doesn't know the history between herself and Durit, and then bo says that she would have thought PK was texting Kyle things other than means someone says hopefully not news.
Well, Kyle saying Durite does not tell her anything, and those damn editors pulled out that como combo from twenty twenty three to prove otherwise, I did.
Somebody's relationship a year prior is very different. Her and PK weren't separated at that point in time. So, guys, I'm going to say this right now. I don't need any kind of messages afterwards.
I get it.
Am I biased when it comes to Kyle? Yes, she is one of my best friends. I love her dearly. I'm not on the television show, so I can only discuss what I am watching on the show, and I'm doing the best that I can to recap what I'm watching. But I am not going to come for her, even when there's episodes that aren't the best look like on this pod, like.
I'm going to recap it. I'm happy for Tambor to share whatever she wants to share, but like I.
Think I know her heart, Like I mean, hell, she's letting me freaking stay at her house on the nights that I am not in my own home, Like I'm not in a place where.
I'm gonna be like I'm going to kick her why she's down and really tell her.
But I don't think that. I don't think that that's our m O at all. On any Housewives, we are just recapping as viewers what we say. So hopefully Kyle, as your friend, can see that and be like Teddy has a job. Teddy is recapping the shows. Garcelle Sutton don't like to read. But they won't stick up for Kyle to save their life. No, it would be it would be a different show if in confessionals or in scenes, you know, some people would be like, you know, sticking up for Kyle or bringing out the obvious and and people aren't doing it. And so I get it. I get it. But I'm sure Kyle knows that you know, you are a good friend to her, and even the little bit you will say about her. It's not that deep. It's about a reality It's about a reality TV show that is for entertainment purposes only.
Yeah, and it's you know, this entire thing between I don't personally believe.
That cares that PK massive Kyle.
Well, she seems to care, so you think she's more doing it for the TV show.
I well, I don't know.
I mean she has always been somebody that's been like, oh yeah, PK's like one of the girls, not girls.
Like like PK.
This is what I think the disconnect is is Kyle's not texting.
You know, Kyle and dorit are not in a good place, So it's not an even playing field. Like if I'm fighting with you and you're texting my husband while we're going through a separation, you bet your fucking ass, I'm gonna have problem with it. Right if it was that they were all friends or it was a group text or whatever, it was like group text them one thing, but you know, we find out that they're The text that Kyle sent to p K wasn't a good look for Kyle. I mean, Kyle stepped in her own shit by reading that text outline. And if she was smart. She wouldn't have done that to the other girls that night at the biper room. She would have pulled her phone out and said, here, look at it. Here are my text message to him. Look at it. Yeah, I mean cut it down.
I think kind of in that moment, probably she should have just not shown the text. I don't think the text did any favors.
No, text didn't do it any favors.
I was hoping it was going to be like a pimple popping video, like the shit used to send me.
Yeah, but let me tell you this, I give Kyle credit for showing that text message because it didn't make her look good. Do you know what I mean? Like, if if it was one that was just like, oh, here's all the memes and she deleted that one, she could have easily deleted that off of her phone and said go ahead, look through it. She showed it. Did it make her look good? No, it didn't. And especially because she wasn't talking to her to Durete at the time, going on a group text with Derete and piqu Even know, your relationship with Duri wasn't good. My relationship with Shannon, we weren't speaking when I found out that she was you know, Alexi's was dating John. I sent her a text immediately I said, this has to be painful. I am so sorry. So regardless if she was mad at Durid or not, I think a group text to both of them when they announced their divorce or separation group text you made the two of them. Yeah, just say I'm so sorry that you guys are going through this. Oh, I feel your pain.
Did you send me a group text when like, no, I'm not.
I'm not community, I'm not communicating with Edwin, right.
I I'm fine with going with Yeah, she probably shouldn't have sent that text or showed that message or whatever it may be.
I don't think there was mal intent. I think they were all family friends and then her relationship with Duri got.
But you say family friends, but Kyle down plays her friendship.
With But that's what I think. The point is.
I think PK is best friends with Mauriciol so there and whether the other women like it or not, Nurisio and Kyle still have a good, healthy friendship and Durit doesn't. So I I mean, I don't know if she does or not. But what she's saying is she doesn't, but I'm not. Do I think that that was a good look?
Absolutely not.
But do I think the other women acting as if Kyle was trying to I don't know, get in, but I wonder they I don't even know what they're implying. They're just saying you should have said just.
So you should have sent the text.
Okay, So her her text too, pik is I know you have a lot of friends. I'm also one and here if you need me. I have never repeated anything that you have shared with me, and never would.
Ben Garcela says. Kyle has been defending that it just that it's just memes and you know, blah blah blah.
I mean, they shared other things and memes. It's one.
It's I think we're going to see more messages. But do I guess next step this up?
Okay? So I think do I think that text was scandalous?
But it wasn't good. It wasn't good.
Then we at Sutton's house for tennis.
Kyle tells Sudden that the last time her veins popped out of her head was when she was in a fight. Was Camille in twenty ten. You're such a fucking liar, Camille fight sudden things. Kyle has a problem, people stand up to her.
I think there might be some truth to some of the cast members saying that if you don't, if you disagree with Kyle, she is sensitive. I'm gonna throw the word sensitive. They didn't and she can ice you out. But I don't think by watching, I think that could be an accurate description of how Kyle deals with things. Her saying her leading the conversation was I called mo and he said, PK's having a really hard time. It's probably not the way to go. And it just this whole thing like it's not it's not good. I don't know how to explain it.
Then, uh, we watched garcels saying she hurt her arm so she can't play tennis, So then she just wants to have a drink. Then Garcel says if it was her, she would be upset, and Garselves says her situation was similar, not like with infidelity, but being angry.
At one another, basically sudden bringing up that Maurcio cheated rumors was pretty balls of her to do it. But Kyle has insinuated, and they did flashback showing it that you know, hasn't really said it, but there's been a lot of rumors and Kyle kind of, you know, said, you know, he's done things to me that has maybe made me not trust him. But it was said like mo cheating. She was kind of calm, said who cheated? She was like somebody was talking to her in a different language. Who I mean? You could tell she did not want to talk about this and moved on very quickly. Was a little bit sus to me. It's like, you know, get mad, say something to hum what And there's this thing about you know, reality TV. Once you give it life, it's got life. If you don't give it life, it's not going to go anywhere. So I think Kyle did what. You know, any seasoned reality start is going to go, huh, what what are you talking about?
But I do wish Sudden would just own things, like we all know she said the infidelity. It didn't just slip out of her mouth. No, it it wasn't even natural the way she said it, like she had written it on her hand.
And then's like, I.
Think that these girls have had a lot of pent up anger towards Kyle. I think Kyle has been displayed on the show as the chosen child. She's first seat next to Andy, no matter if she's in the thick of it or not, and I think that they are secretly enjoying this has happened to me on the show, secretly enjoying her being taken down well.
Then Erica asked Durit what she needs from Kyle in order to move forward.
Durite says, Kyle doesn't say what she texts a PK, so it feels secreted. Then we see Bo's getting surgery for her fibroids. She's forty seven, but once we're able to have the chance to carry a child. Her boyfriend has never had kids and wants to start a family with him. Then Both tells Kyle that Dury is bothered that Kyle isn't showing her the text. Kyle says, there was a rumor online that Duke had a thing for Mo because of the photo of Drek kissing his shoulder. Kyle says, don't get me started about sending memes, and then Kyle says, out of principal, Dreek can f right off because she isn't showing the text.
When Kyle brought out that picture, I thought, no, no, how do you compare those two bring out of the picture of filming after a break in. I don't think that it helped your case. And Bo said the thing that I was thinking, this is a tip for a tat and a hit dog and a holler.
I don't really know what a hit dog that's going to holler. Me.
Well, if you hit a dog, it's gonna holler. One thing that I can I know now is that Bo's is always a confabulous even going to surgery. She had on this nice dress and everything, but did come home in more casual clothes.
But then, don't you worry. She was glammed up to move storyline and that stay. She wasn't wasting no time.
Then she made sure to put those flowers or have somebody I think her assistant Sam was Nico put the flowers right next to each other from Duri style. Yeah. Then Kyle Settman Garcel decide they're going to surprise the Erica.
This was not wouldn't have been my favorite surprise.
Four single girls sitting at Chuck E Cheese said a lot to me. Beverly Hill, sure has changed. Where is Lisa Rena when you need her?
Then Erica, I thinks she'll never be married again. She doesn't want to leave a contract.
I wouldn't do that either, if something were to ever happen to my marriage, which won't, kno, go on, would happily married? I don't. I mean, you know, in your fifties or whatever. Why why, especially after Erica went through. I think that she's got PTSD, like she's never going to get married. I wouldn't. Yeah, but they are definitely given Erica the pizza party that she deserves. For sure. I knew as soon as I saw them going into a strip mall, I knew. I go, it's Chuck E Cheese. Yeah, it's Jackie Chees.
I didn't even know Chuck E Cheeses were still around.
Well, most of them around us closed down, But I was shocked, Well, I was shocked that they actually got to clear it to film there. Oh how such a big friend. Big franchises usually don't let us film. Yeah, Garcel, thanks, Kyle and Moe. Don't know what they want. Garcel tells Kyle to do what she wants. If she wants to be a lesbian, be a lesbian, Garcel saying, be whoever you want, be a lesbian. If you want to be then it's like radio silence.
But the fact that she gives us if you want to be a lesbian, be a lesbian monologue in the middle of Chuck E Cheese could have been pulled from like a nineties like after school special.
Like it was just.
I mean, I'm telling you they are. They're putting in things like you want to be a lesbian? Be a lesbian? What about the cheating? They want all this stuff to come out. They wanted to come out. They know that they've been sitting on this information and there's been so many rumors about Kyle and Morgan and Mo and cheating that they're like, yes, I finally get to, you know, bring this stuff up. And they're bringing it up, and you know what, all all is fair. Honestly, look what Erica went through for so many years with everything and how they treated her when her ex husband.
I mean, but I also think then, like show us a little bit about yourself.
Yeah, but I think that the problem is right now and the audience thinks this as well. According to social media, that Kyle's on a reality show and they she seems to be very secretive lately, and people, you know, they don't like that. They don't like it.
Well, then Kyle reads her text with PK to Garcela, Erica, and Sutton. She texted, PK, you have a lot of friends already we already read the text. But then Garcelle tells those that Kyle read the text last night and it was basically saying she won't say anything PK told her.
And never had.
I don't.
I'm scared to even speak.
But I don't think she was meaning in regards to their divorce in that moment, like I'm just here as your friend. But BO says there's clearly something going on and that Kyle fbed is what BOS implied.
Yeah, she definitely think that, you know, Kyle was lying about this. I think that Kyle stuffed in her own shit. Like I said earlier regarding that text, I don't think it was going to lie on that way. I think she thought that it was just like, hey, I'm your friend, and it like I said, do I think that her text was scandalous, No, but probably wasn't the smartest thing to have sent him that she knew that possibly could be read out loud on this show, like not talking to the wife and then going like I won't repeat anything you say to me. Sounds a little bit like, you know, she got something up her slave. She was just trying to be nice, but it's it's definitely a hard I'm sure she was trying to be nice. It's a hard episode or season four, Kyle, we all have them. I had it last year. It's not fun, it's hard. It's you know, it takes a toll on your mental health for sure. You know these shows can be swayed in any way anyway. So you know, I asked Instagram what they thought. They were very you know, I would say ninety percent was pro dory. They didn't think she was being Kyle's being honest. They thought people are saying like they're definitely making Kyle the vict the villain this year. She's a little bit delusional. And then of course they said, make sure Teddy's not biased.
Guys, doing the best that I can, doing the best that I can at this moment.
But yeah, yeah, I think it would have become it would have been better if Kyle would have text Dorrit even though they weren't getting along when the announcement of the separation came out, like I'm so sorry, you're going through that. I know how it feels. Wishing you the best.
I know, what do we know if she did or didn't?
No, I mean I we I think we would have heard it. I think Kyle would have said something. Yeah, I think we did hear it.
I don't know if we did. Bravo shows that edit again, we can't remember.
But then my question is, did dur reach out to Kyle when the separation? You know, it goes both ways.
I think that's you know, show friends, real friends. Yeah, but who knows?
Oh god, Okay, you can breathe now, Teddy. Just know, Kyle, I'm telling you, we love you. We think you're great. Like, it's just we're recapping what we're seeing on the show. Yeah, I thing serious.
All right, guys, Well we'll be back tomorrow to recap real hospitals.
It's all like, oh, okay, is it season finale?
Right? No? Is it?
Why do I feel like it's there season for? Yes?
It is?
I know, no, rude. I like City is the one show that I just feel like should just have, like fifty It could be on a loop, on a loop, just keep playing it. Yeah, it's it would all right, guys. Bye, bye,