The Twots are tipsy and you're the beneficiary!! The Twots are filled with truth serum as they recap Miami, OC and NJ.
We’d love to tell you all the highlights but the entire hour is Twots filled tea spilling!!Two Teas in a Pod with Teddy Mellon Camp and Tamra Jedge. Hi, guys, welcome to Two Teas in a Pod. Tamara, you know your host Teddy melon Camp. Yeah, I think y'all know, Yeah, I think. Anyway, now, Tama and I are together today, yes, because we went on a hike for Gobiotics, which is a company we both love. But I'm not going to give you a whole ad right now. That being said, Camera met my best friend Kyle today, Like I actually got to really hang out. I met Kyle a few times but on Instagram, but we actually hung out. And she's so cool, so down to earth, so beautiful, so fun, so nice, so much fun. Do you understand the feeling in my heart where I saw that you guys effortlessly connected because there's always this weird thing with like O G the house. She's normal. But then I knew. I'm like, once they actually meet, they are talking about me. She wasn't talking about you. But it's the same way, Dicky is not not the same way, very different, but more you would, yeah, but I mean more more, just like whenever you're bestie is with another person, a lot of times that you always just like don't know how She'm like, she's great, she's gonna love her, blah blah blah. And so today when I orchestrated them both to come together, and I just I didn't kind of sly, I asked them separately, and then this morning I texted them on a group text and just said, guys, you need to be here by night. Yeah. I like how you did that, but so so fun and just so like down to earth, like no ego, no look at me, nothing, just we talked about everything. Yeah. Well, by the way, that was teddy, like she's not going to know she's that's tedfi kind of like what Garcella called you in her book. You guys, it's so good that we saw an excerpt we shouldn't have. But well, I'm gonna have Garcella on the pod. I say that, but we can't give away any more of these details until it. Okay, okay, she might run. Yeah, so we're just gonna wait. So I've been, we've been, I've been, we've been. We've been doing some research. And she spelled your name, of which I think it's probably on purpose. It was a purpose thing. Well, I mean, do you think it's an accent, like you think, out of all the editors and all of the people you know, like Teddy Mellencamp, that's John Mellencamp's daughter, right, Like you probably google it and then you learn how to spell it right, Like it would be like putting Tamar with an extra A and I and nobody like Teddy with a Why is is a guy? Yeah? Whatever? Or a bear? Or I mean it could be either. But so we had a great time. We went on a little hike can We went for the even though we could munch of the observatory, but then we tried to take multiple pictures. We didn't realize in the first five pictures that we were next to a trash can. Oh, welcome to our world. And we went to launch. We had a cocktail and now we're having a second and having a second one. Um and camera has been a little bit slack on something because she's because I made her drive here at five in the morning on my psych She's only watched two of the things. Okay, so listen, I was out till like ten o'clock last night, and I love that you said out, like you need to tell everybody hair done. Okay, Well, she's already over the bob. I'm already over the bob. I got hair extensions back. I went to my girl. Sheall, she put them in for me, and then I got home. Are they tapes? Yeah? See I have tapes, y'all. No, wait, I can't do tapes. I don't have enough hair individuals. I would pick those out, just like when they move and they do things. No, I can feel them there. Well, I love a gun anyway, So I got him and I got home and he goes, oh, you got your stripper hair again, And I said yes, because we're going to Vegas, baby, and I just need a little bit of hair. But for the record, Tama's going to Vegas to see Magic Mike, her cousin Mike, and it's a surprised for my cousins. I really hope she's not listening. I'm so glad your family is so supportive. It's her sixty so yeah, it's her sixtieth birthday, and that's what she wants to do. Go her. Oh she doesn't know, okay, so yeah, it's a whole thing. So so she has that. But then the thing we also need to mention is Kyle's having a barbecue tomorrow and I want to go. And she invited Tama even made and you realize that that was like an inner circle and fail. Me and two hard friends and family invited me to her house for barbecue and I can't go, and I'm very bummed about it. Wow, it's up four o'clock tomorrow on Friday. Enjoy your time in Vegas. I'm not a Vegas person. I'm not even stay in Vegas. I got an Airbnb and Henderson. I'm not a Vegas person. I'm telling you, can you not? Can you just stay at a hotel? Nope? Not. Well it's a family affair, so that we have tons of family coming in, so my cousin lives. Well actually I was thinking about fine one this way. Oh my gosh, All right, now we have to get to Jersey. Okay, what probably my favorite show right now? Is Jersey favorite show right now? It is my favorite show. This was not my favorite episode. It wasn't my favorite episode, but I feel like sometimes you have to have a little bit of a sleepy episode every once in a while, and this is kind of their sleepy episode. But I do love the fact that the guys get together. Joe Gorga is um amazing. I feel like he keeps the story going. He doesn't get like too like thirsty. Where he gets like too I don't see. I don't think he gets too thirsty. But I do think these guys are gunning for a spinoff. Well, I think that they might get a spin off. I don't. I just think that they're naturally good. I think they're good. I think that. I mean, do you think they're trying. I think it's an effort. I don't think men in general are just gonna go to that. Like it's one thing if they're talking ship to each other, just about dude ship, but talking should to each other about their wives. Well, I would definitely say that Margaret is rubbing off on her husband, as they will get to that. That's far down on our list about when they meet and they have lunch or dinner and then we'll talk about it. But he would rather. As I was watching and I was seeing Evan be like so practical and straightforward and like REVVD up and had his hand, I was like, oh my god, Evan is me as a housewife, and I hate myself for it, Like honestly, he's so like logical and like this is the way we're gonna do it, and Nope, this is right and this is wrong. I'm like, oh my god, that was me drunk Evan and we needed drunk drunk Teddy. We need to be a little as good. But oh my god. So the video is going to haunt us till the last episode of this season. I guarantee. This is my issue with the video. This is my issue with Marge, which we're having Marge on the pod, so I'll just save a lot of my issues about Marge until she's here. I'm gonna talk about issues just all the things. Um, but this was my problem with Marge's confrontation about the video. I wish she would have completely explained the video, her delivery of the video, because she was can I say pussy footing, Yes, she was pussy footing around it, so she didn't actually give everybody all the details. So he was able to create his own narrative about what the video was did not match up. According there was like a Bravo meme guy that did a side by side, so I mean most of them seen the video. He's asking for forgiveness, he's asking for her hand in marriage, and then he turns around and on camera basically says that she's thirsty and she's this, and she's that, and well, that didn't really match what he was saying. Well, he's had quite a few serious relationships in the last couple of years. So beginning of the show, Joe tells Teresa that she should have his back, and Teresa says she doesn't want to fight with her family and will not get involved. But she did inside with him, right and she yeah, I mean even like real connected to one another, we're together. I obviously have your hand, my hands wild. Okay, So this is the thing, like if even if somebody was going after you or Edwyn, I would be I would support you. I'd be like, screw you. They're a great couple. He's a good guy. Da da da da. This is her own brother, like her own brother. She's not standing for him, right, but in that same token as Joe standing up for Louis. But why should he. They're not family. That's the guy that she's choosing to be with. If you're going to say that you have to consistently choose your family. Teresa has now chosen this guy. Okay, I get that, but did you see me being Evan right, there was very So what are we exactly talking about right now? Because I feel like I am talking about the fact that there was ship being slung about um Joe and Melissa being crooks and all that stuff that was being said, and her his sister did not stick up for him. And that's the part where I'm like, no, that's your brother, Like, you should definitely stick up for your brother. But I think it's pretty clear. I mean, I didn't even watch the earlier seasons that there is tension between a huge disconnect. Yeah, there's a huge disc ex so I think regardless the same way that Joe talks poorly consistently, even though about I think it's it's tipped for Ted. I know, but you can't run off and go I don't want to fight with my family. But if you don't want to fight with your family, then you you should be sticking up with your family. No, you just don't want to be a part of it at all. I listen, I understand where what you're saying. But I think that there's a point where Teresa is like, you know what, you're not having my back either. I'm not doing this. It's not worth it to me. Okay, So so the whole fight about, the whole cry walk off of I don't want to fight with my family, Yeah you do you? Yeah, you don't want to fight with your family. You don't want you don't want stick up from you don't want to stick up for them either. And you know what, I have had the moment in the housewife world where like, you don't necessarily fully agree with the person that you're sticking up for, but you that's the person you're close with. You're like, what do I do? The role was reversed. I feel like if Joe and Teresa, like they would stick up for for Joe and Melissa, that would definitely stick up for Teresa, right, But they're not right now, that's the role is reverse. I don't think so. I think that I don't feel like they're they're turning on Teresa in any form. I feel like Joe is like, Okay, there's all these allegations about this guy you're dating. If you're happy, well then fine, then here here here's what I would be more okay with it. If Joe and Melissa and Teresa filmed something together, well maybe that's happening. Well, let's hope it does, because then I'll come over to your side, Tim, But until that happens and it's a group discussion, it feels like I could division there is I mean, there also is a big issue with Chiki Barber's wife's I make up during her entire That's the whole issue with Tiki Barber's wife period, because nobody knows her and how I say, we learned it. Okay, we learned it, but we forget it because she's hardly in it and she hardly has a voice. But when she had a voice, actually something I wanted to listen to. I once she stood up, I realized now later it just took them a little bit of time, which I can understand because all of these people are so intertwined that Tik Tiki himself was even setting up like he even went at that guy's dinner, like he was throwing his own. Yet he was a mess. He was setting up scenes, he was he was doing the dirty wor and I was happy about it. Um okay. So the other scene that's pretty pivotal is Ja tells Teresa that she's moving too fast with Louis and she thinks she's in La La land slash the honeymo. Okay, so how do you feel about that and what do you think? I mean, I obviously can't judge how you start in a relationship because when I met my husband, I was recently divorced and he had a baby. So like, neither of us. How long did you date before you moved in or or got married or whatever? Your next step was two years and we moved in together. No, a year we moved in together, and two years we were married. So that was fast. It was fast, um. But I also he my husband, was like, I want to have you know, I want to have a family with you. And I was very and this might not be everybody's thought process, but I was like, I am not having kids without being married. And that's not an ultimatum for you, but that's just who I am. So I'm having a casually date. You are to live with you or do whatever, but I'm absolutely not having kids because I already you know. And I don't feel like his plan was to have kids without being married either. He was just scared of marriage, right, So I mean, it is what it is, so I can't necessarily judge the time frame. What I don't like is that Louis, I didn't tell the truth about that video. He could have just said I had some That was the one that wanted to talk about it, Like he's like, I'll talk about it, don't care, and then she says like, no, no, you don't need to. You don't need to, like you know, you don't know. She really wouldn't let him speak. And that's also flag. And I felt like he spoke and he stuck his foot in his mouth because he contradicted everything he said on that video. Yeah, that was not great. I feel like we're gonna we're gonna see a lot, like we're gonna hear about this season long. We are, but we should probably get to Jen, Joe and Melissa are moving into a new house. There's bees whatever I can take it, really um. Jen is nervous to tell her mom about Bill's affair when she's back from Turkey. She thinks that her mom will not think that it's Bill's fault and will be mad that Margaret brought it up because her mom's old school and things that guys cheat and you just deal with it. And that was the relationship that she wrote. And here's what I will say. The conversation between Jen and her daughter felt like a real conversation. To me. It was heartbreaking and I cannot imagine having that conversation with your child on television. But it did not feel stage to make for me, Like, yeah, I might be good reality TV, but there's I have lines when it comes to kids, and I just feel like, protect your kids from reality TV and to have to have that conversation with your child on national TV, it is it doesn't sit well with me. I doesn't sit well. But I think you have a choice. You're gonna be on reality television and show your family or you're not. And if you choose to not show your family, things like I don't watch Housewives to see kids. I don't watch Housewives just to get marital advice or mother and advice or anything like that. And I don't watch Housewives to see children being put in bad positions. That's just me personally. I try to escape from it. I'm not saying that was excellent TV, but I did feel like it was an authentic moment. I didn't feel like it was I felt real emotion from both of them, and when I saw the hug, it was a real hug. It was not a TV just heartbreaking because it's that is a hard place for a child to be when they find out that one of their parents cheated. Their parents are on you know, a rocky foundation, Like it's hard, it's hard, and I mean, and then Jim talks about feeling betrayed the second time by Bill because he didn't stand up for her at the shore. She questions if she's still hurt what by what happened ten years ago and feels not one million percent? I think yeah. And the thing is he's so checked out, Like I don't know if it's like he's checked out on his wife or is checked out because listen, I'm a classic surgeon. I have to have a certain reputation. This is not making me look good. I don't necessarily think he's checked out from her. I think he made mistake, or he may have made multiple mistakes, but I think he's like, f this show at this point, it to making my life. He makes more money being a post of search and than they do being on the show. So he's just kind of like and any it's a hard line to like, Okay, does he not like his wife or is he not liking the cameras? I don't think it's that. I think it's once the guys started to turn on him, that's when it all shifted. For mean, he at least if he had the guys, I think he'd be like, all right, we're good. But also I'm a little bit irritated at the high and mighty of these guys. Of them have cheated on their significant others, So like, let's take a little freaking breather. I mean, granted, I don't approve of cheating. It's not something I want in my life. I think it's heart heartbreaking. But a lot of them at that table have openly admitted to being cheated in cheaters, So why are we? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know how to feel about bill Um. He doesn't want to get into in the drama. I understand that he's being talked about. He's in a weird position and it's playing very weird. Yeah, the whole thing is not great, but that's the entire I mean, Oh, Dolores's mom while they're doing this workout class, which, for those of you guys who have a problem with my voice, the boxing and the boxing instructor's voice made mind seem mild and you think I'm Montown. It was like job, job, right, right, right, Yeah, And that's like no social talk here. I'm like, you're filming a reality show. These workouts are just fluffy. It's just your background, Like just you're gonna have to take this a little less seriously. Yes, okay. So but during that workout, they find out that Dolores's mom has to get tripled bypass surgery, and Dolores doesn't go to the hospital to avoid David. She feels like David is ignoring her, but stays in contact with her family. So we're gonna have to stay New Jersey. It was a little bit of a snooze. It was a little bit of a repeat offender. But we're still happy that. I still think it's my number one show. I mean, and then we then we get to Orange County. Um, let's take a little break and then we'll come back and we'll talk about county. Yeah, alright, so we're back talking little Orange County. Favorite show ever. I have to tell you, and I'm not trying to be a douche. I mean, maybe I am. I mean I think I'm just naturally a little douchey, But you're not a douche. I mean that could be good. Ultimately is not healthy, but I mean it's not if it's just summer. They even sell does anymore like they found out they're not good. I think only the I think only if it's like with water. Anyways, moving on, UM, I really am trying with Heather. No what we're not even getting to Heather because we have a whole another. We're really generally trying Jen and Wren Rent. Jenn is considering getting a v R B O and her and Ran not living together for a month and having date night. Okay, so we can. I back it up a little bit. So during this time, they put their house on the market. And I know that because I'm a real estate agent. So they put their house on the market for a very short time. I think they thought like things were gonna go south, going to try to sell the house, and then they took it off the market. But I heard, I mean I think I read a headline that's once the show stopped filming, that they did separate. I heard that too. I don't know if it's true. It's a room. It could be a room her, but um I will find out because my girlfriend lives next door to her. Um, I guess we should talk a little bit about the couple's counselor that tells Jen I take a rule, take a page out of my rule book, my playbook. I should say, um, when your marriage is that bad, get in the back of a limo and say I want a divorce because they are doomed. I'm sorry they are dimmed. But then this is the pot I didn't understand. She kept saying, like, I feel like I'm showing kindness or I'm showing and I'm like, no, you're not. You never You're constantly riving that guy's ask. You're bitching at him all that. You're bitching at him all the time. Let me just tell you, I really feel like it's a toss up. Does Wren Ryan whatever his name is not one of film or is he really not loving his wife? Um? Okay, so where we are? Okay, we're done with Wren and Jay. So so how they're they go to? They go to New York. Um, the girls were extremely intoxicated and they were having fun, and I was I loved it. I love their relationship, I love their friendship. I actually was, and I know I was actually in New York when they were filming in New York. I had just we driven in, drove in. I don't driven driven in from Massachusetts, which was a long drive. Thanks for having that part in. I really needed, very very very exhausted. Got to my hotel room after filming eighteen hours a day for eight days, and they tried to get me to go out with them, and I said, I'm sorry, I'm tired. Go out with them on camera? Yeah? No, yes, yes, out what they wanted me to film. How about tomorrow after I sat up a photo shoot tomorrow. No, I can't do what I can't do. I can't do it. So Heather threw in that she had her own private jet, so if I wanted to take the jet, the G five g H G gez something I don't know. And I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, no, i haven't before we even get but they looked at they were having a great time. I was, I don't care about that. I'm still stuck on the T shirt that Gina wore on the plane. That's how there's a line. That's Heather's line from Shop h Q. Yeah, do you remember that rolling racks that Heather brought in? No, you don't understand. I have a real issue with shirts that have sings on it. So not not not our merch, not fired house, like, not something short, but if it says something long, like what did it say like pop a cork in it? Or what it was like, did I hear a cork pop? Yeah? Okay, so that's in gold abs. I really and I'm not I know, I know, I'm not a fashionista, but if it's one of your first times on a private jet, don't wear that. Well. Gina was very much trying to support Heather because not only did Heather come to her house with a rolling rack with her line of clothes on there, saying that Gina needed to change the way she dressed because she is now professional because she has a skincare line. But I'm sorry, is that sure professional? No? And I like Gina, but I'm like Gina, I'm sorry. Sometimes there's a little bit of sabotage. You cannot wear that shirt on the plane. And then I was now that you've said that this is part of Heather's line, which I've promised you that I'm gonna be very nice about Heather being nice about Heather. I am gonna be nice. I'm gonna be nice about Heather, but I am going to say this for Heather to say, when Gina walked up, you look so chic when it is her own shirt that says breathe well. Speaking of Heather, we got to see that she was a beauty queen, she was Miss Syracuse in something. The part, okay, that's not the part I got from it. The part that I got from it because obviously from being somebody who has had multiple you know, highs and lows with with my weight and taking care of myself. But the part where Heather found I'm gonna be nice, but I'm just I'm like, I'm giving the narratives that she said. I'm just repeating. She said, I found my clarity after gaining thirty pounds to sign up for the beauty pageant. Nothing says I want to sign up for beauty paget pain thirty pounds heavy, Like I don't. I don't know. She's saying, like, that's how she lost the weight, That's how she did. That was her motivation. I want to make you to lose weight. You go girl, And Heather signed up for a beauty pageant, and I feel like there was some shady editing going on in that scene, because I feel like there was a whole one hour scene of her live podcast and all they could do is because they just wanted to like put a fork in it. Yeah, they were like, they want to put a fork in it. And they're like, oh, I was a beauty queen and you know they should go the audience out and she's like, the audience is like fourteen and there in college. But okay, but something that I can't actually speak on because my I mean, we both don't get East Coast speed of this show, so we we have to borrow our friends exfinities and his thing cut out during the dinner with I think. Okay, So I literally I was watching was getting my hair done when I got the super hair and I went home and I watched the last fifteen minutes of Oh See, and um it was did you see it or no? I only heard it? Okay. So basically, she goes dinner with her mom and I have to applaud Gina because Gina actually speaks up for the first time about Heather the entire season, and she's basically says, after seeing Heather's mom, it totally makes sense now but what really makes sense her mother, I mean, and Carol and I are Instagram friends and we chat sometimes, and I love Carol. That is Heather's mom, and they did her no justice, like she literally, but the fan comments are that Heather shouldn't have essentially like Heather did something a little bit. She's annoyed and you can tell on her face and the rolling of the eyes and the like, and and being around my mom, like I get it, Like sometimes I'm like, right, but then don't film with your mom, I know. I felt like that was one of the most realist moments of Heather's this season is with her mom. And people on Instagram are saying, I need more of Heather and her mom because you could see why Heather she is. But also, the camera doesn't lie. The camera can see through nonsense, and you can see there's a lot of tension between Heather and her mom, right, and people want to they want to get to the bottom of it. So and especially because Gina's parents were there as well. Right, and Gina's parents, I've met them. They are lovely and they all have a very good relationship. My mom and dad are so sweet and so nice and just so normal and down to earth and kind, and they love their daughters so much, and I've met them a few times and all I have nothing but great things to say. I personally think Gina is good TV. She probably would be better TV if she could remove herself from Heather's so then I could see her personality again. But every confessional she is honestly so far up there, even the seat belts on the plane, like like, I mean, and I got you had to love um. When Gina was like, obviously, is the first time she's ever flown private, and She's like, didn't they flo That's bullshit, they flew private to Mexico, So don't try don't try to kill a kid or Tamera. She that's always says, don't get a kidder. Okay, So yeah, so that yeah, that yeah. And then the final part of the show is them talking about who had more fun? You want to know who didn't have any fun watching it? Okay? Can I? Okay? Yes, I didn't think it was their best episode. I haven't seen the ratings yet. I'm curious to see it, but I didn't really appreciate Heather. I love you, and we will talk about this tomorrow, I'm sure but she made it seem like, oh my god, Shannon did that before where she wouldn't have more fun. And I think it was with mm hmm Tamarin Vicky and it was like you knew it was us. Here's the thing. I understand that you and Heather are friends. I understand that there is in my heart of hearts, I feel like you're probably going back to O C and Heather is Heather and you will be friends. You will You're not gonna have a new name. It won't be tracing Mega until you're not. But the problem that I have is I don't like that you are standing so strong to supporting Heather, and I don't feel like from what I have seen, she has done that back for you. A lot of people have said that, and that's what I would stay strong to to to who I what I believe in, and I I do feel like Heather. He's got a good heart and she sweets. She's the first one to wish me happy birthday, first one to wish me a happy anniversary. Your birthday September two, you bet experience I will expect five am. But I'm like, really, how there? She's like, Yeah, she hadn't did this before. I think it was with let me think, why do you think she does that? I don't know. Okay, fam thoughts um first, Emily is a pot st. Why don't people see that? Thank God for Emily this season. She needs to be a pod sterca unless she listened to Danny Pellegrino. He was on What Happens Live and he calls he calls Emily Hip and Gina Casita ide laughing at Danny. I'm done laughing at Danny because Danny always pretended to be my friend, and well he pretended to hate me, and then he was so rude about me, and then he wrote a route he like tried to make fun of me on of this posts and then who wasn't um from Bad Moms? Oh Meila Kunas wrote, I love Teddy, I don't I don't get why she got all the hate, and I was like, I commented back, I'm like me, let's seize me. Yeah see, but either way, I always had fun with Danny Pellegrino, and like it got to the point where like he gave me a book for my son because he knows he like superheroes, and then I'm seeing him he turned on you and then he turned like I was because I have the opposite. So Danny was bashing me the entire time I was on the show. He was saying horrible things about me. In fact, when Bravo Con came around, I literally sent a message to Kim McDade, I'm like, you're really having that that Danny Pellegrino guy coming on? Oh he did? He host, he hosted, he hosted a session, and I'm like, he's so mean, like he says horrible things about me. I've never even met him. And then after I was gone, he's like he's like, oh my god, like she needs to come back. And he's been nothing bit nice to me. He sent me his book and yeah, congratulations on your new book. That he called Gina. They were talking about something about Emily thinking that Noella talks too much about her divorce, and he said, at least she talks. She's the only one that talks, and he called Emily the hip. Uh next band thought did not think Heather needed to parent shame her mom at dinner wasn't the right time. Heather is just like her mom is a lot like her mom. I didn't get to see this. I only got to here. So so literally, Carol was at dinner and she got the waitress and she's like, the fork is on the wrong side of the plate. Oh so she's fancy fans too. Yeah, oh I didn't know. Okay, So Heather's always been so hea. There is a lot like her mom. But it was probably one of the most real scenes we've seen because like you can see how there's look on her face towards her mom um. To be honest, we've covered every other thing and the fan thoughts except for this. This season is turning out worse than Real Housewives Orange Counties last season. They need Tamra back a sap, so of course we have to cover the we I mean, okay, so this is not I have a total loss on this and you're really gonna have to carry this episode because it's one segment. It's one segment, but it's about the real houseboves in Miami. The reunion, I didn't see it, and I didn't see it because my it didn't get recorded. Okay, So the biggest, my biggest takeaway from this reunion was there was a big portion one I didn't know this was the final I didn't know they only got to reach, I know, which was a little bit of a heartbreak. Um. Biggest thing was Lisa talking about her relationship with Lenny I saw previous for that. Um it was her you know, admitting that he said he didn't love her. Um, there was she got a little caught up with the emotional or what is it called an emotional affair and then she said she didn't want to call it emotional. The emotional right, but she's saying it was never intimate, all of these things. But all of this being said, they really rode her for at least a full segment about this, and you can tell us she's I mean, this has been going on for eight years. Like there has been years and years of problems ever since her IVF issues, which I can understand. When I was struggling with getting pregnant, my marriage was at its worst place because I didn't feel like myself and I was hope looking to Edwin to try to make me happy, and nobody can make you happy when you're in that kind of struggle. I get it. However, after they have all this conversation about like he just looks like he's checked out, and she's like agreeing with everybody during filming. Then they cut, but they still start keep filming and you can tell her she starts to get paranoid. She's like, does he really look like he doesn't love me? Does he really look like he's down? Like and you just see it and it's so freaking heartbreaking and I don't know the relationship. I I hope what she said not during the break was that he watched this back and realized that he's always on his phone, rolling his eyes at her, not come on, not being present. Did he say that she say that. I don't know. I really don't know, but I felt empathy for the entire situation and they I mean, it was at the point where at the end of that segment all of the girls were like, we need to give her like it was enough, and at that point was was it as rough as but Lisa took on Salt Lake City? It was different because Lisa is getting it about friendships. I think when it's your father of your children, and it's a little more intense to me, like whatever. So did the guys get to go on? The guys were never on. But then um they cut to break and Lars is like on her phone like doing whatever This is only part I kind of really I likedlarsa is because Lisa's freaking out. She's like, well, does he you know, see an asshole? And she's like, well, he is an asshole. He's always been an asshole. Like wait, who said that, Larssa? Like it was something asshole? Maybe it was an asshole, but like a dick or like she just like was on her phone like because I don't I don't see their relationship lasting. And it's sad because I feel like Lisa is really invested in it and he's just looking at her like, yeah, I mean eight years ago he told her he did not love her during the time of her going through IVF. Do not love somebody that's going through it? I mean Eddie and I like she was saying everything that. Yeah, she's saying that when she couldn't get pregnant, she started partying and checking out from the marriage. And then that's when it all started. Either way. You can tell I can't get pregnant from at a party. Yeah, okay, it's not great. Um. And then they talk a lot about Alexia's ex husband, um and yeah, herman and if she was ever upset and she she truthfully to me, does not seem upset. She seems fine with the fact that he bought a house for his lover because he at the end of the day, he ultimately lived his life the way he wanted he was. I never knew he worked in politics, but I guess it was. Yeah, so he got to live that life. I don't know. I feel like Alexei can do no wrong in my eyes. I just feel like she's gone through so much. She's so relatable, she's so beautiful, she's so kind, so sweet for everything she's gone through. Um, just to report, Marisol was on her bedazzled coup God kill me. She was that cop needs to die. It was on a lot jiggling and she had like so many times granted I have to be all the time, I have to be right now, but I am going to hold it and I mean no no, um no, no no. Uh. They talked about Alexeia and Todd and then they say, like fan comments how people believe that Todd is an asshole because of the way that he treated I like, say something, I don't think. I don't think he's an asshole. And when he said the comment, they're not my kids, I don't think he's I don't think he was saying it in a way like I don't care about them. He's saying there's only so much I can do, and so I mean, that's the true. There's kids and he came in when they were adults, like they're not my kids. But the most cringe part of the entire episode was Larsa says she spoke to Kanye and he says, I don't ever remember meeting Adriana, which of course he didn't. This is that Why do I Why do I predict a Larsa and Kanye hook up? But anyhow, I think that. Then Adriana honestly pulls out her phone. She has like a Tiffany's blue purse that looks like a Tiffany's box, and she's like, you're saying Kanye said he never met me. And she's like, I'm saying, I think you're a liar, And she pulls out a picture and honestly, this is the picture. I hope they can show it. It's them standing near a bathroom. Get your hand, and this is the picture, all right, And she's like, I told you ran into they were but she's never saying she got to know him. She's saying that she met him and then walked into the bathroom. I was pink. But then their whole point, which everyone into is no famous people go pet by theirselves, by the way, Yes they do. I pete and I was kidding. Hold I pete by myself all the time. I am so famous, I am at least dealist, and I famous people tell by themselves. I mean I haven't. I mean, That's what she was trying to say. But then Adriana's point was this was in two thousand twelve. He wasn't at like, I don't. I don't know what you're kind of either way, who cares? I'm sure she saw it. Who gives a ship had a but but either way, Larsa then admitted that she has been talking to Kanye and Kim a little bit like there, and then Andy goes, but you're telling me that you're not upset about any of this because of and she just pretty much denied the whole thing. And what he's saying is you just seem to deflect questions. And then Nicole are girl Nicole, but the best she goes, so can you admit that there's an n d A? Is that why you can't talk about them ever. And this is Larsa's face. I could see it very slow moving. Yeah, I mean it was, it was good. I'm sad it's over. Um. There's a moment where Adriana and Larsa make up. There's Adriana runs over to hug Larsa. Larsa is like as one of these HUDs, not wanting to um. Other than that, Julia talks about something for a little bit, but I kind of zoned out because she thinks Julia will be back. She's in the first seat, obviously. She Hanon's in the first stay she can to ship this year, so it doesn't really matter anymore. I feel like that does not even matter anymore. I don't I don't know. Oh Andy brings up Julius hangover Julius still claiming it's like, oh, something else happens. Remember there was one point during the season where Larsa says she hooked up with her celebrity crash and then won't tell who it is, our girl, Gertie. Gertie's like researches it, and she says, Michael B. Jordan's Yeah, that's what people suspect, so that's what they suspect she never confirmed. Well, I said give us the t or don't like and show up and there is your butt rail. Yeah, all right, we're gonna take a little break. We'll come back for house by headlines. Hi, this is Bethany Frankel, and you will not want to miss my new episode of Just Be with actor Justin Long. He puts it all out there. He tells me about a near death experience where he was abducted. He talked about bouncing back after being in a film that got a zero percent on Rotten Tomatoes, and gives his take on why celebrities date other celebrities. Listen to Just Be on the IHR radio app, Apple podcast or wherever to get your podcasts. We are back, Um, one of these Housewives headlines we've already talked about. Candy Burrow says, well, Housewives is way better without Cynthia Bale and Porsche Williams no disk to them. Well, well that is a desk. We'll talk to you about this next week. Gina did that to me and I'm like, really, Um, the next one is Candice Dillard seemingly hints at Real Housewives of Potomac. Is Candice to Honestly, I need you to go back and watch all of the follow seasons in Potomac because Potomac is the best and I need you wait. So when did they come out? March eight? No, that's when the interview came out, because we're past that bit. I where did they coming out? So what you how do they tell me? I don't know, but we're going to get at some point. You need to go back and watch first episode Orange Head to grow. He addresses rumors that she tried to have the co stars removed from the show. So in her first stretch of the return of Orange County, which spanned from two dozen twelve sixteen, how the dubro would often be criticized. Why do we have to hear all that? Can we just you don't even have to hear it? She's saying, she didn't say anything for one thing. Why when they do articles, why do they have to say how old we are? Like no one ever mentioned three years old? Like it's like, like doesn't matter. Emily Simpson shares a new update on her moving plants. This is another bullshit story, Emily, and rebuild that her plan to move back to Utah. She's so basically at some point. So basically, she did an Instagram story said that one day she wants to move back to Utah, but right now she's not. Also, I'm gonna give you guys a hot tip. I've never said yes to this. Tam has one. What when a housewife writes big news and then a heartbreak link and bio, it is a paid news article. It's clickbait and there's nothing there happening. So if you see it on any blogger or any any of that bs and they say click the link, you're getting paid to do it, and there's not one good know who's a big Vicky Gonvilson does it more than anyone else. It's I'm deceased. I've been guilty of the years, like I've done it before, but thankfully we've talked about it, and I told Tam that's listen. You can pimp out all the librators you want, but hey, hey, my vibrator company paid me. Well you know what, I tried it out. I give I give it out. Um Uh. Doctor Jin Armstrong called husband, we're in Holiday's behavior embarrassing as she reveals they separated after filming Season sixteen. Full cheat sheet article here I'm starting holiday are still married. But this doesn't mean all is well. Okay, we'll learn at the reunion. We have to now pick the oh Andy Cohen says that this season of Real Housewives that Beverly Hills is the best season yet. That's the last news article. I know you love to hear that. Listen, I'm thrilled. Well, hey, it is what it is, right, So thursty to what Thursday. It was a tough one, but it goes out to our girl jen Shaw, who was literally selling merch. Basically says Shaw. Amazing, um not guilty, free Jen Shaw, her and a mask getting arrested. I mean it's a little great, So congratulations to you. Could you imagine if Erica Jane did the ship, she would have bought right. But we can't help it, Jan Shah. We love you and I want some of your merch. Send us something. We'll wear it on the pot. We'll marry it, will marry wear it, and if you get arrested, we will also break you out. We don't know that we can break you out, but we will wear it in front of your core courthouse and do a live pod. Yes, but out of time we have That was fun. We have all the things we have to do. I'm atchy, i'm hot. It's a thousand degrees in here. I love you guys, but we gotta go. Bye by