
London Calling (RHOC Recap)

Published Oct 11, 2024, 4:46 AM

Teddi and Erika Jayne feel like Alexis may not be coming back next season…

Did she really think sending an olive branch would get her invited to the London trip?

Plus, what’s the real conversation Shannon and Jeff Lewis had before the podcast??

Two Teas and a Pod with Teddy Mellencamp and camera judge.

Hi, guys, welcome to another episode of Two Cheese and a Pod with myself.

And Hey, I'm Erica Jane filling in.

Filling and I've missed too. We weren't together last week.

We were not together, and I'm so happy you won and congratulations and I'm just super proud.

Oh, thank you. It's I'm really excited. I'm really proud of my horse and Slate won a Class two.

That's awesome. Yeah, just to feel good winners, winners, But you guys work hard.

We work our tail off. But it definitely was one of those weekends we're like like, once we were dead, yeah, it felt good. But then once we were done, it's when you come back and you're like multiple days of jet lag and you're just you know, it's almost felt like a housewife trip. Oh wow, you know when you were because it's so much like drama at the horse shows too.

Pressure. It's pressure, and I'm sure there's a lot of people you have it. I can't imagine what it's like to have an animal, like a big animal with you. You know that you have to perform with basically like, that's a lot.

And just so many different personality types and they can read how you're feeling and it's but.

Is it nice to be writing?

Yeah? I mean yeah, I mean I love it.

I love it, and it look great doing it.

Oh, thank you. I love it. It feels good. How was your week last week?

I'm fine. My anxiety's a little nuts, but yeah, I'm okay. You're okay, Yeah, I'm okay. It's fine. It'll all work out.

Yeah, it always does.

It always does.

So to start off, we've got the reunion charts.

I looked at I was looking at that.

Okay, So we've got Andy in the middle. Then the two first seats, not a surprise to me, are Shannon and Tamera. Right the next to Shannon is Gina, and then next to Tamra is Emily. And then we go back to the other side. Next to Gina is Jen and then next to Emily is Heather.

I want to see that conversation.

Oh yeah, I know.


And then Katie is final seat, and then Alexis comes in as a friend of for her moment, I'm sure she comes in and just you know, apologizes for all of her very self aware is my guess.

Yeah about a self aware is the arrangement and the response to it.

Yeah, it's which.

I want to talk to you about. I didn't get but.

Yeah, we're gonna but the end of I mean, we were recapping two episodes because we weren't together last week. But before we get there, there was a Watch What Happens Live where Ryan says he is suing Tamra and served her with a lawsuit as Tamra issues apology after accusing him of stealing from MLB player so allegedly had stolen from the Dodgers player. We know this, and she said, you know what, Ryan, we sell more in a month than what you stole from the Dodgers player. Tamra alleged on Watch What Happens Live as she attempted to defend her finances and her businesses. Tamra took to her Instagram stories on Friday night to retract her statements about Ryan. In a video which she and she posted with Eddie, she had to say, did you guys watch Watch What Happens Live? It was so good. I will say I was a little bit good.

I had to have a guy, I had to have a sip. Yeah, because it's just.

No good is in the eye of the beholder.


Yeah, I was a little bit tired. I did misspeak a little bit on a couple of things. I didn't mean to say that Ryan stole the money. I met Veena made more money than what was stolen from the Dodger player, but I didn't mean Ryan. So I apologize for that, because, like Andy Cohen said, you're innocent until proven guilty. But this made me think, what is the number that Ryan's friend or partner or whatever.

It was north of five hundred thousand dollars? If I am a little north of five hundred thousand, Because in one of these episodes that we're recapping right now, Ryan explains to either Emily or someone at Katie's house he had a friend who's a professional gambler and has a booky business, and it was something he got in a little bit of scrape with the law, and it was somewhere north of five hundred thousand dollars. I hate to say this, but I think the interpreter, if I'm right and you can correct me, the interpreter, shohy Atani's interpreter stole millions of dollars. Yeah, that's what I was Now how it ended up into the hands of Ryan allegedly because don't be seeing me, yeah, or just get in line, you choose whatever. I don't know how much money was allegedly given to Ryan's partner for friend or but there was a deposit apparently into one of Ryan's accounts that it cannot be accounted for or something different. Ryan, you can correct me if I'm wrong, But that's where this is. That's what the thing is. And I am so tired of legal problems on thease. I'm tired of my own fucking legal problems. I just gonna say that for straight out. I'm over the law, and I'm over every housewife lawsuit, and I'm over people not being able to talk about their legal problems because they can't and they shouldn't and they don't. And this is how Shannon gets sucked up later on, It's how everybody gets fucked up. You saw Lagron Dame herself. You know what I'm saying, Like, I'm so fucking tired of housewives and they're fucking legal problems. And I'm sure everybody from Teresa to me to everybody who's ever had one on here is fucking over it.

It's and also, well, nobody wants to hear about something they don't actually get to hear about.

It's true, and we can't talk about it. And then you do, and you don't, you fuck it up and then you end up in places and everything is so picked up. Part you do yourself no favors.

Yeah, I mean well. Then, then Ryan took to the comment section, which is always the best place to respond of an Instagram post, to confirm he had just served Tamora with the lawsuit papers earlier in the day, and then Ryan shared more details on his lawsuit against Tamara, revealing that he even hired the same attorney as Jim Bolina.

Okay, but that's not the same guy that does all the DUIs, is it. No, we had that from the earlier episode.

I think it might be a different Shannon and.

Gina was it had the same duy lawyer. Now yeah, now Jim and Ryan have the same civil lawyer filing these suits.

Okay, guys, guys, here's the thing. At the end of the day, are you doing it for money? Are you doing it for attention?

Because well, it costs money to sue people. That's what I was thinking, you know, and it doesn't necessarily mean you're going to win. And how much money are going to get out of these women?

Yeah? How much do you really think you're going to get? You just essentially want more press surrounding it, in my opinion. Then the next thing is we see Jen has dinner with Katie and Gretchen after news broke that Ryan assuming Tamra to give you backstory, Gretchen and Tamra had a major there. They definitely do not speak. There's no communication, okay, Jen writes Saturday dinner with friends, and then Gretchen responds, Oh my god, my cheeks hurt from laughing with you girls, love you too, Thanks for inviting us to dinner.

Who's us?

I'm assuming it's her Enslade.

They're still together?

Oh yeah, I did not know. Oh yeah, they're still together.

Once in an airport, he came up to me and introduced himself. He was nice years ago.

The one time I met him, he was nice, But I had to also watch season one, two three of Orange County and then you no longer think he's nice. Okay, Yeah, so you kind of go through that, yep. I you do always wonder when somebody that's not It's one thing if somebody was a housewife and they're not anymore, and they've maintained friendships within the group, but when they ran like us, like us, But when somebody from that was never friends comes in.

It looks a certain way.

It looks a certain way. You're trying to prove a message a certain way, then.

Anything could be read into that.

Yeah, like, are you trying to maybe if I were to guess my gush and maybe maybe maybe I'm incorrect. Is I don't imagine we're going to see Alexis next season?

I don't know. I mean, what for because you've played all these cards right now? So is there something else to give? I don't think that. Well, we'll see. I mean, what do I know?

But I wonder if Gretchen's trying to itch her way back in.

Uh, who knows? You know, that's it's a it's a it's a thing.

It's a thing. Well, then Tamra says there's an Instagram account that exposed Ryan An Allegedly Ryan's business partner is using Ryan's address is home address. I've got to say this.

No one I know better not be using mine.

Yeah, don't use my address for anything. Don't use my address, don't use my Postmates, don't use my Uber account.

I do maybe borrow someone's Netflix.

Oh, I share my sister's Netflix. I'm years into it.

Yeah, that's well. I think that my friends and I we you get the Disney Plus and I can't you get that one?

And then you know, But then when you're in a pinch and you're like in a hotel and you need Netflix to work, and all of a sudden, I'm like, stop calling my sister and she's like, why are you stalking me? Because I need help because I forgot the passwords.

Do you know what I'm watching on Netflix now is Mister McMahon. It's the documentary about Vince Mcmahonslie you want to talk about shady just the whole business. And I am a massive wrestling fan, have been since I was three. I'm from Atlantis, so it's like Ted Turner head, you know, like wrestling and this little station called CNN that fifteen minute loops seriously wasn't even a big deal anyway. This doc is really interesting just to see how the business of wrestling and how ferocious Vince McMahon is.

Is it on Netflix? Okay, that's gonna.

I mean, if you're into it, you have to. It has to be your thing.

But it's definitely mine, It definitely will be mine. Then Ryan says Tamra is talking about his friend Matt, who has been going through something since September, and then Emily says she also heard the rumors about the FBI, and Emily says Ryan's career is going to Vegas. My favorite is when Emily goes into like lawyers.

I love her. I was going to say, Emily, I love you as a lawyer, and I love it further on down as we talk about the Innocence Project. Yeah, and no, it's I like it when she puts her lawyer hat on because all the bullshit stops with her.

Yeah, she's like that.

She asks these questions in a very non confrontational way, which is really good on her behalf. And she she asks questions that are just like, so tell me.

It looks like, you know, and it's the questions we all want to know.

The answers to she's serving or not just right, Yeah, she's handling it.

Then Heather, Shannon, and Katie goes shopping. Emily goes to Gina's house, Katie and Emily explain what a shit show the couple's dinner was.

Oh wait, you forgot about the hug at the end.

Hold on, remind me of the hug.

They hugged at the end, Eddie and am Ryan they hugged at the end of the dinner.

Oh yeah they did.

But see, bros forgive and forget a lot faster than bitches do.

But do you think he actually was forgiving and forgetting her?

I think he was just, you know what, I think it was a lot and I think it was just easier to do that, and you know, it is what it is.

I don't know, I mean moment like that, like, Okay, by the end, Eddie was like, it's freezing at this dinner. If I have to hug this guy to get out of here, I'm already wearing a blanket.

Camera's outside, Cara's outside. I know I'm going to get it from her when I get in here, so this car could.

Get me the f out of here. Yeah, then they go shopping. Heather says there's a lot of history between them and maybe they shouldn't be friends. Tamer told Shannon she couldn't attend her birthday party after Katie's and then Gina is nervous about seeing Heather after taking Emily aside. Heather doesn't understand what she did to make Emily feel insecure at this point, just say I fucked up a little. Yeah, I didn't take your feelings into consideration or.

It completely went past me. I'm so very sorry. I really I didn't mean anything about it. I think the easiest way to squash this with for Heather to just listen to Emily and just say, you know what, I really didn't. Emily just needs to feel hurt. That's what you're saying. However you do it.

Yeah, Then Emily does work for the Innocent Center, what helps wrongfully convicted people get out of prison. She meets with Anthony to get a new suit. Anthony is re entering society after spending eighteen years behind bars.

A story at fifteen years old. So that story was heartbreaking.

I know when I realized he was a teenager when that happened.

And his brother thought that he was going to get out his stepbrother or half brother. Yeah, and he was the one that did the crime and just thought that, Okay, well I'll let my brother Anthony, and because he'll get out, and then when Anthony said, I just thought my mom was going to make it.

Okay, it was heartbreaking. It was.

And good for Emily, Good for you, Yeah, good for you.

I wish they'd show a little bit more of this, like.

The well, this is the kind of important shit. Yeah, like to see as opposed to fighting over a tea party.

Yeah. Then Katie and her family go out for dinner. Katie wishes she had been introduced to her Korean culture when she was younger. For Katie's fortieth birthday, they're going to Korea to meet her birth mother.

This is very heavy.

Yeah, it's a lot.

I mean, that's a lot, Katie. I wish you all the best. That's a lot.

Katie has a very cute family and her children our door, like you see all that.

It's a really nice family. Her daughter's adorable son. Yeah, oh yeah, he's cute.

But I think there is a lot of Katie that we don't really know. Still at this point, I'm going to say something.

It may sound wrong. There's a lot of Katie Katie doesn't know.

Yeah, that makes sense, you know, there is. Yeah. Then we get Shannon hosting her sixtieth birthday at the tea house.

Which is cute, A place that cute.

Yeah, I mean I love when people say cute. Do you like when people say you're cute?

Yeah, cute, You're so cute, that's cute. You know that the ultimate shade is that that's cute for you.

Yeah, that's so cute for you. That's so good for you.

I thought it was pretty.

Yeah. Then we get into Emily getting emotional about how the drift different dress sizes affected her. The oversized jacket I was triggering for her. I think at this point Heather's probably just shut down from the converse, like, do you see did you see a shift there?

I saw hither wanting to go in and solve it, solve the problem so that she could get down to the business of the birthday party. That's what I took away from it, and I I think, look, Heather gets a bad rap for not feeling or whatever, and I kind of get the same thing. It's not that she doesn't feel. I think that she just shows her emotions differently. This year, all Emily really wanted was just to be heard, and sometimes you know, she doesn't come off the way that others would want her to.

But also I'm not saying that you are this way.

I am this way.

Sometimes I am both. I've noticed that sometimes and we all do this. It's human nature. Is when we've made a mistake and you're on television making that mistake, we want to keep it moving right along.

I think everybody does, all of us do, no matter what what mistake you make. It's like, can we solve this so weekend, Yeah, let's get some potato.

Yeah. Then Tamra apologize to Gin and Jen says they can talk about this later.

Good idea.

Good. I mean, I feel like we're gonna be talking about it a lot.

Oh, London is just about to pop up.


I feel like ape, the trip and the cold, rainy London is just the best place to really solve our problems.

Yeah. Well, Shannon, you know, welcomes the women by gifting them a tiny London phone booth, telling them they're going to the trip to London. And then but the tea party's interrupted by a flower delivery.

Yeah, and I knew what this was. This has been done before.

This has been done before. Its nothing, it's nothing interesting. And also I thought that is a really expensive olive branch just to be a dick, like if you wanted to just be funny, but I have it looked like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree olive branch. You didn't need to go with.

A huge But maybe that was her way of you really.

Think that was her expressing on all of branch.

Oh no, I don't, I think because I think it, do you want to know my honesty? I think it was for TV.

Yeah, you thought it was going to be like a moment.

For in what place does Alexis think that a number one Shannon wants a okay of flowers from her on her birthday and number two that she would be invited on Shannon's trip. In no universe can that possibly be.

It would be impossible to think that that was happening.

I mean, you would have to suspend a lot of well about all reality to think that any of this Shannon wants. She doesn't want you there, and she doesn't want your flowers, and she doesn't want you to say happy birthday, and she also so you can't cry when it doesn't go your.

Life, You can't.

I was really kind of shocked at that. I know we're jumping ahead, but I really was, like, you're a.

Girl like you just are upset that you're not going to be on camera more.

It feels that way. It just feels like you're upset that you're not on the trip and you can't do whatever it is that you want to do. But I also, but you've done a lot, Alexis. I mean truly, the you know, you were most you know, she really gave a lot.

Yeah, I mean she she gave a lot. But, as Shannon says, it's nine weeks too late and she has no interest in being friends with her. Shannon says her coach told her to do this, which I'm assuming she means.

John, assuming she did. Yeah, she said that, Yeah, and we've heard that multiple times.

Then Tamer tells Shannon that she butt dialed her the day the article came out.

Yeah, and they left a little bit more in.

I know you, oh got got a little bit more. I was like, oh delicious, look at that. And then Shannon tells the lady she created a text to Alexis. It says, Hello, Alexis, it's Shannon Badore. I'm hosting a trip to Europe with my friends and I just wanted to make it clear you're not invited. Okay, do you think you need to let people know when they're not invited.

No, I don't, but in this particular crafted circumstance, I guess it's good to do.

So. Yeah.

I again, I don't know. Common sense would tell me Alexis, you're not coming on this trip?

Yeah, and then but I don't know.

The text just kind of drives the point home.

Yeah. But also I love when they all write to each other in full names.

Yeah, what is that?

Yeah? Like, I'm pretty sure she would have known that it was you, Shannon and her.

Yeah. I wonder what she has Shannon stored in as her phone.

Because she always says Shannon, but door, Well there's the door, Shannon, door. Yeah, that was her one line, she got it, one line. Do you think Shannon should have softened the text before sending no, I feel like translation, Alexis knew this was the big trip event, Alexis knew she was probably fucked out of the trip, and Alexis thought sending a literal olive branch would be her coach seat to London.

Did you just say coach?


I don't think she was gonna get were flying yet Blue? I didn't know Jet Blue.

I didn't know they had laid down pads.

I didn't either.


I was kind of like, oh, Jeff Blue does that.

Well, then I started thinking I should trap. I'm gonna go on Trap Blue next time.

You know what, me too, Jeff Blue. If you hear us like, let us know, let us for us to go. We'd like to go somewhere. We didn't know you had such fabulous planes.

We had no idea that you could lay down and get some.

Pin now that I do know.

We also didn't know you could make speakers on the you could act as yeah.

I did not also do. I was shocked that Heather got on the mic and was telling everybody it was Shannon's birthday and that she was single. Yes, I would like to get on the mic Jet Blue and talk about my friend Teddy.

Listen, if we can get a trip somewhere Jet Blue. Erica will get on and sing I will, she will, I will do?

I will? Yeah, where are we going?

We're open to go anywhere that's expensive.


I was.

Like, I don't need this, don't say the word anywhere, and then we end up in like.

I'm like, I don't need to be zipping off to Vegas on Jet Blow I need No, I want something for it. I want something.

I want the London treatment, Yeah, I.

Mean I want next level. But then Jen and Katie go over to Alexis's house. My favorite part about this is that John Janson is upstairs.

I noticed that in the end. We found out at the end he was upstairs, probably listening.

In for sure, listening in. Alexis reads the text from Shannon and says, she's fucking done. Alexis says, if Shannon hadn't borrowed the money and paide on back, they wouldn't be in this situation.

But see the word we, Yeah, why does she have.

To ride so hard? Well for every guy?

The thing John's in that with Shannon, you're you, Alexis. I know you love him, and you guys are engaged. You're choosing to put yourself in there. I remember when Tom I was Tom's third wife and his second wife. They were divorced. Tom and I got married, and their property fight meaning the money, yeah, went on throughout like the first couple of years of our marriage. I chose I could not get involved. Does that make sense? Like I can't get involved in that? That was his problem before me, and I know that you guys know each other, Shannon and Alexis and as a friend group, but you do yourself no favors by inserting yourself into something that John and Shannon had going on. I don't know, that's just my opinion through it.

So every story. Yeah, and also I mean.

You probably would got have gone on the trip had you been just death inch nicer. Yeah, just a touch, just to swear to God, you would have been on the trip if you'd just been an inch nicer.

Yeah, if you didn't have to throw it in her face every truth.

Every time, everything, every time, It's okay once or twice.

But because then I got real excited because John joined Alexis and her confessional. Yeah, I saw that he never wanted to be He didn't ever want the spotlight though Erica. He wanted to stay out of it.

Things changed hit well.

John says that he didn't want to take legal action, but he was days away from crossing the statute of limitations on being able to do anything legally. John says, Shannon one hundred percent knew these were loans, and they have proof.

Let's see the proof already then, But I think that jumping ahead, he has a promissory note.

But have we seen the promisory note?

Well, we as an audience have not. But has anyone else laid eyes on it?

I do not know. But then Alexis says she won't be around this group anymore, that she's done, and throws Katie and Jen out of her house. Well, clearly you're around the.

Because so so you didn't hold up to your word. You will be around and I guarantee you if they ask you back next year, you'll go. And so please tell me, let's just cut this shit.

Yeah, let's cut the bs. But like Alexis is a little bit like a hamster when she's like spinning on the wheel, going kind of out of cast. Yeah, and I get that the word victim has thrown a lot in this group, but at this point, I'm like, Alexis, you're acting like the victim.

Yeah, you can't act hurt. I just when she throws them out of the house, which was kind of like, Okay, it was kind of cute, But you can't really think that you're going to go on this trip right and then go upstairs and cry and say fuck them. They don't have the power to bring you on this trip. You had the power to take yourself on this trip. Had you just been a little bit nicer.

Had you just maybe not gotten so involved and had to shove it down her throat. If it's an authentic relationship that you're having with John, just let it be that.

Let it be that, let him fight. You can come in, but it can't be your whole purpose.

And if John is doing so well financially, just give her the freaking money. Sorry, we'll take a little break and we'll come back and talk about episode fourteen. We are back to talk about episode fourteen. This first scene I think is important because.

It reminded me that I need to get my memory.

I know I'm due for mine too. Should we go together and then not ask each other how it went?

Yes, and then we'll both get very upset because we're both very emotional.

I just.

Well, they all I have dense breash tissue.

I don't know if I have done. I've gotten a mammogram, but they didn't say that.

So and they probably then you probably don't.

But Alexis, She says that Shannon lets him know that Alexis responded to the uninvited text with a text that says that Shannon could scrounge up the funds to pay for her future husband his seventy five thousand.

Yeah, let's just call it what it is. It's everyone's trip. One person gets to be the lead. That's it, you know.

Yeah. Then we go on and we continue on the mammograms. We realize that everybody's good except for Heather. They don't check on Heather.

Yeah, which I mean, I get it. Everybody's concerned about you know, she's cheering. We hear her go yay because oh Jen had a lump, but it turned out to be just like scar tissue or something. So I mean I could see that, like, you know, yeah, then loving this whole situation, you go, oh.

Thanks, thanks, Oh get it. Then the women pack for London, Sophie Shannon's daughters.

Another packing scene.

I love those me too, you know what those are also things that feel so natural. Well, I just I.

Just I just do it and it is what it is.

But I have to be honest, I don't actually need to see people packing to know they're going on a trip. I just believe that, like when you go on a trip, you packed, when you show up with luggage.

Yeah, because I kind of there's some things that I'm like, but people know that we're just doing it. Yeah, the packing thing is is cute, but at the same time can feel forced on some.

Yeah then especially when somebody is packing alone and then they have to like I forget what I was just watching, Like I.

Had to pack alone and then I had to unpack the pack.


It was interesting because I was like, okay, packing and then I was like, that's not it. No unpacked and.

Yeah, then you're like it has to actually match what I am, right, I'm not. Marge did a whole packing scene where she talked to her dog like I was.

Like, I used to do that to because it was just us at the house. I'd be like, hey, Tiaga, what do you think of this? By the way, I love Emily's dog and I keep saying that, and I love it that we get to see everybody's dog. Gina has two.

Yeah, they're cuteaball and something.

Or something else Meet Ball.

Jen says Tama will never change her behavior, and Ryan calls Tamra tacky. I'm like Ryan paints flatter boy Han calling somebody else.

Tacking between them is just funny to me. I know it's not right, I'm just laughing, but like, why tack. You know, it's like two girls, like two teenage girls.

Yeah, it's hilarious. Tamra is worried their friendship will be affected by what happened, but she didn't lie about anything. Well, i'm gonna say it's affected.

Yeah to say, I'm sure you've noticed it's affected.

I'm sure if you haven't noticed, you're gonna notice once you get on the trip, it's affected. It's affecting, it's affecting. Uh. Then the ladies arrive in London. Shannon introduces herself at the.

Hotel Jet Blue, give us a trip.

Jet Blue. We're still here.

We're still here Jet Blue.

The Duchess of Corona del Mar and the girls are her ladies and waiting.

And the people at the hotel it did not fall. Did you see their faces?

They were like, oh.

We already had some duchess from America and it didn't work out. Yeah, so we're not really into y'all. Okay, they're not into us.

They're like, oh no, Well, then Shannon gives everyone Birberry scarves. Those are cute.

I like that. That was a nice welcome gift. Then we had to hear about how did you get the money?

Yeah, between the money with the glam, like, how do you have the money for Jenda glam? How do you have this? Also? Then Gina's like, I've just been stalking my glam on how they do it. So I'm gonna glam myself. It's just it's not for glaming ourselves. Isn't for everyone.

I can like we did in France, but I you know, I don't want to.

I can, I don't. I don't like to.

I don't like to.

Then they talk about Tamer and Heather discussed the clip of Shannon on Jeff Lewis, basically admitting she did alone and also telling Jeff she had never thought about whether John had heard the crash or not. We have to remember Jeff and Shannon are friends, right, very close friends. So okay, so if you and I were going to do something to discuss something that's not great about the other one, and we were going to do it on a live radio show, we probably would discuss it a little prior.

So you're what you're saying is you don't think that he discussed it with her? Do you think he kind of threw her under the bus? Or she was just no.

She did discuss it with her. I think they went in with a game plan and she was trying to show that she's you know, it is what it is like. I just don't think, especially knowing how much Jeff and I. You know, I'll see you next week. Jeff, where are you going to see him on a radio show?

Why are you doing this?

You know, Erica, there's not much I don't say yes to these days.

You mean there's not much you don't say no to?

Oh yeah, there's not much. Yeah whatever, you know what I mean. I'll be there. I'll be there. You guys send a car, I'll be there. Do I get a free oatmeal down the stairs below a serious XM I'm in.

Son of a Bitch.

I you got me with a latte?

Yeah? Wow?

Yeah? You know it doesn't take much.

You guys don't like each other.

Me and Jeff. Yeah, I like Jeff. He just shit talks my business every time he gets a chance. But the last time I was on this is the crazy part. He shit talked my business while I was on. But then I got like seventy four sign ups from it.

Maybe we'll get more so, so gome back on We're all in Okay, So I was like, you know what they say, Hey, I hate Jeff Lewis, therefore I'm signing up for you must be.

I was like, get it, okay. But then Heather tells Tamra what Shannon told her in Sonoma, how John didn't call her after the accident, and Tarama says, Shannon is using emotional manipulation on Heather to play the victim.

So let's get this timeline straight. Yeah, because maybe I didn't catch it all. Shannon runs into the house, bust her face open, and then she calls John, but he doesn't come out, like what am I missing here?

Okay? So she was at John's house.

Okay, at John's.

House, so was his I believe, And if I'm incorrect on any of this information, I'm going off like what I heard months ago on social media, Shannon is there. There's an argument between Shannon and John and potentially John's daughter.

She's an adult daughter, She's an adult daughter.

Some kind of argument. Shannon gets in the car, peels off, gets in the accident, and then that's kind of all we know. We see the video of that.

Right, and so when it comes to this picture or calling him, Tell me what is this I'm missing here.

I think what she's trying to say is she sent that picture to John.

Right, and we we thought we saw it in the photo room, not in the fucking texts.

But also we did see that John took her to the hospital. Yeah, so I don't know if that was the next day, but like we saw a couple days later John, Shannon's walking into her house with a sling on her arm and John is walking with her. I also think when two people are intoxicated and having an argument, maybe it's not the best time to be spending more time together, especially after hitting a house, hitting a house or busting your face open. Like you, that obviously happened because you two were together and having an argument. I don't think that how and in a happy time?

No, I don't think they were having a good time.

Yeah, but I don't think. Do you think that Jeff Lewis clips are even that damning?

Yeah? I do you do? Because what I really thought, unlike you, I thought, oh, her stream of she feels comfortable with Jeff. I knew they were friends. In her stream of consciousness came out, Oh that's what I thought, Well, you're probably right on that.

I didn't even think about it.

But or maybe that's the story that she's decided. I don't know. I don't know that's the truth. I just don't know enough about it, know what I do know, I'm conflicted. I know that I don't I know that I'm conflicted about what's happening here.

Well, I'm conflicted by everybody's terrible accents.

I don't want to see anymore.

It's cute once it's cute, but also like when the producer has to step in and they show the producer being like, all right, that's enough for that. Yeah, it means no more British accent.

Yeah, but let's call Durrey if we want the British. It's okay, and she's right over here. I can get her right over here.

We'll get on it, Dre, Can you give us an accent real quick?

I love so cute.

Well, then they decided to go on this boat, which I didn't really understand. They were freezing to death.

Hold on the Thames right spelled thhas the Thames, the Thames whatever. That thing is dirty and I think everybody in London will agree it is. Why the fuck are we getting on a speed boat.

In the cold weather and raincoats.

Raincoats wet looks like it's raining in the Thames.

No. Also, I don't know. I don't necessarily like because maybe I'm unlike you, who I don't know a ton about the world, like you know, well, you don't, Erica, You're like an encyclopedia. Like we could say anything and you'll be like, oh, in nineteen seventy two or eighteen forty six, this happened, Like I have no idea. So when they when a tour.

Guide makes jokes, they don't get them.

Well, I'm neither what I and you know what?

You don't have the Eiffel Tower in London?

That one, but the other one?

Which was the other one? Catch it? Which one I don't?

I couldn't learn it, but I remember thinking, is that right?

Which one is it?

They made another joke something about a bridge or something or else.

Tamar knew it was in Have a sue And I want to know, why is the real London bridge in Have a Suite? Is that real? And how did it end up there? And why? Now I gotta know.

Yeah, see That's what I'm saying. Would you have would you have felt upset if it was your birthday trip and you had to sit on the cold boat by yourself.

Oh yeah, I've done worse. Yeah, yeah, yeah I would. I wouldn't want to say. The fun part about being on one of those boats is you have a partner and you're laughing and your yeah, and your hair isn't blowing off, which my hair has blown off, So I'm not like shading her hair. It's just you know, her tracks are slipping, yeah.

Her tracks, And and that also shows when you don't have glam and you're doing your own hair, the tracks are going to show sometimes.

No, I've seen some glam on my show where tracks show yeah.


And I will keep that to myself because I once was like, I I.

Know, you know, I remember. Then Katie tries to open up and say that she's going to meet her birth mother. She gets emotional explaining her birth mother was fifteen when.

Market in a factory.

I know, I feel.

Like, I feel like this is I hope these women appreciate how heavy this is for Katie. That's the only word I can come up with, because that's a lot. You know, you're to meet your mother on your fortieth birthday.

And she has the concern that, like maybe her mother's not going to meet her.

It's a valid concern. You don't know, nothing is for sure.

Yeah, I mean she says, like, why I hope the plan is I hope we.

Well that's probably the best you can say. I mean, I feel for Katie in this moment, and I hope. I certainly was like, wow, that's a lot, you know that. I hope. I want Katie. I want it to go beautifully for you. I really do, because you can tell there's that need there and I want I want that for her. I want her to have a beautiful, happy ending on that. I really do.

Then we get back into the mammogram results and Heather gets emotional explaining to the women. The women apologize at this point when Tam was the first one to ask, I was like, get it, Tam, and did Heather tell you that? Ladies?

Literally? So, how is it? Mammorgam? People want to talk about that?

Listen. I come. I was like, that was brilliant.

But Tam was good hard for the money.

She handled it nicely. She was like here you go ahead, Yeah, I'm gonna throw you this softball.

You take it from here, right, you take it from here.

Swing at it with Ryan's alleged bookie, Let's go.

Teddy. That was actually kind of cute.

But then Emily asked Shannon how her lawsuit's going that this is the part I can't remember. Which of the women goes, she doesn't want to talk about that, and then another one of the women women go, oh, no, she loves to talk about it, right, Shannon, should we.

Talk said that shady bitch. That's brilliant thought, Yes, she wants to talk about that.

She loves to talk about it. And then Shon's like, don't want to talk about Okay, let's talk about it. Tamera questions why should go on Jeff Lewis to talk about it for an hour? Shannon says she has the right to defend herself and that John sent her a promisory note. Everybody is surprised by that.

This is what I'm talking about. When did he send you this promisory note? So you're see, you're going on Jeff Lewis saying one thing, but then right here you're saying he's sent a promisory note. This is why.

But I have a question because I've never been sent a promisory I.

Thought you're I've never been out what.

I don't think you live in America? Sorry not to brag, but I haven't you Okay, girl, you know what.

I'm a drama up later a legal zoom dot com getting on my nerves. I want compensation bugging me right?

But on a promissory note? Is there like? Is that where you even have like a notary?


Is that a real depends? I think and Emily would be a borrow to tell you this. Promisory notes are basically I promise you to pay this back now how long? I don't know what do they have?


I think they stick up in core? I know somebody who because text don't write, yes they do. Don't you be testing anything like that?

A text can be used in court.

Any email, any text messages, huh, you'll be. You shouldn't be using the phone writing shit down if that's what you're worried about.

No, I'm not worried. I'm now I'm worried about every text.

All of you, the entire world should be worried because you're all digitizing everything. Yeah, and even something as simple as like I hate you or something you know that you could read one way or another. It's like, oh, no, you said this, Well yeah I can okay, Yeah, No, text are Yeah, I didn't realize that. Yeah, your phone calls are private.

Phone calls are private, but texts or not.

Text and emails are not interesting.

I knew emails weren't, but I thought text were.

But no, the same thing.

Heather brings up what happened in Sonoma and Shannon gets emotional, saying she will never know if John heard her in the accident or not. Heather says she feels used by Shannon. Shannon says, this is a reality show that has trickled into her life. Let's talk about this a little bit.

Who you talking to? Yeah, like, yes, what would you like to say?

No, I would like to say that. And then all the women are like, well, this is my real life. Well this is my Like I was surprised they used that line.

I was too, Well, this is a reality show that is trickled into my real life.

Like if we're all supposed to but.

Some don't and you know that, Yeah, I know what you're about to say, and some people don't.

Yeah, some people don't.

And here's the thing. In my case, it was unavoidable, like there was no way if I even wanted to not talk about these things, they were going to be talked about because they were everywhere. Yeah, and they the reality component being on a reality show definitely hurts both ways.

Do you think if it never went public in the press and those types of things, like if it was a different time or different whatever, that you would have ever talked about it.

I mean you would have to talk about it because it would have been a bad legal story. Yeah, but yes, you would talk about it if I wasn't a public person. I mean, I guess it would come up at dinner or wherever else. But when you're a public person and then these things happen and your own reality show, it's like gasoline and matches. Yeah. So yes, I mean, if you're an actor and you have legal problems, Okay, you're an actor that has legal problems, you don't. No one's going to ask you. I mean I'm sure they do. Ye, You're not going to be forced to talk about it like we are on these shows.


And then because then you're avoiding your real life, right, which is just what I'm I say forced. When I say forced, I mean you're avoiding the real things that are happening.

In your life, which nobody really wants to see people which part nobody wants to see you fully of not you, But no, I'm saying avoiding. No, people want to hear at least how you're feeling, like, even if you can't discuss something, people want to feel like understand the emotion. Yeah, and they want to connect.

I think. But the one thing I will say is the continuous interrogation of these women and myself included in legal fights when you know you can't be talking about it, but you guys still ask questions anyway, not just like hey, how's it going, but like so I heard this, and so I heard that, Because when you're in legal battles, you're damned if you do, when you're damned if you don't. You're always tell you to shut your mouth.

But I think also when you're on a reality show, sometimes you ask questions knowing you're not going to get the answer and that people can't give it. But at least then you're giving the show. Well yes, and you're a sound bites. You're putting it out there.

You're putting it out there, but you're also planting seeds of doubt and fill in the blanks in the audience because the facts aren't there yet, so then everybody can weigh in and make your story seem one way or the other. And well, not that fair matters in life, right, but it's not fair.

Well, then Tamar tells Shannon she's not the victim here, and Shannon walks out and Gina follows Shannon. But before that, Tamara like, you know, Shannon and Tamara are at it a little bit, and tam starts laughing because she says, it looks like she's behind bars. I may have split up a little bit when she was clever there, but I have, and I've told this to Tamor's face. I don't like the word victim.

I don't like the word victim.

I don't like it.

I don't like it anyway any no matter.

I'm like, let's let's find a new.

Word, any other one stop playing the whatever. Yeah, Like, I don't know what the new word would be.

I don't know. But for whatever reason, whenever anybody says victim, it's hard. I'm like, ugh, even when somebody is being a victim, Yeah.

I don't know, it's like one of It's like the word narcissist. Narcissist bothers me because if you listen to everybody's a narcissist, No they aren't. Yeah, not everybody's a narcissist, and not everybody.

It was like on Beverly Hills when everybody learned the word gaslighting.

Deflect. I don't like that word either. Stop deflecting.

Yeah, like, oh you're gaslight deflecting your like all.

Of it on all of these like therapy words triggered. Uh, it's not safe here. I could go down the list. I just touss everybody out.

Yeah, it works better. Then, Shannon says Tarmra is in cahoots with Alexis.

I love the word cahoots.

By the way, oh, cahoots is on our keep list. Shannon found the text from Okay, this is a smoking gun. But before we get to the smoking gun. Yes, when Tarmra says, Shannon's probably heading to the bar, and.

Then she headed to the bar and got a diet cocon of Belvidere's soda, I a little part of me died inside. I was like, it wasn't a little part of me. I was like, it was you know again, here we are back at the root of the problem. And I know you want to have a drink because I do too, and I'd be funny I'd had it with these women.

Yeah, but of all the times, wait another thirty minutes and doing your home hall room.

Yeah, just like, just don't get these cameras what they want.

No like and you didn't like before at least she'd be like a little bit of velvetere, and so this time she's like fuck it. She may as well have been like, give me a double.

I mean that I would have done myself, which I have. I was like, yeah, this place, you know, Like, so if.

You're gonna say you're gonna leave, then leave.

Leave all the way.

Yeah, don't going home.

I'm like to America or to your room. I wanted to the bar right like it's the bar. I know, why are we in the bar? Are you going to America on Jet Blue? Give us a trip?

Are you going?

Where are you going?

And you're only going down one flight of stairs to order your velvetere with the camera crew there.

Just don't do that.

Just wait it out like the rest of us, and go the mini bar at your mini bar and have a snickers and a beverage and cry away your sorrows in peace.

In private, what you do is you turn on the shower so they can't see you. You go in your bathroom, have a mini bar, drink and then just say, you know, I'm really tired. You just fall asleep and that's it.

That's it, and so many ways.

Call us next time.

Right in, Laser will then plug your phone in.


Oh my god, I've die. Yeah, God bless you, Laser Laser.

The amount of times you've plugged my phone in. I am thankful.

I love him.

I'd be like, and he's like, you need to go to bed. Okay, I go to bed.

Teddy gets mouthy.

I get very mouthy. Oh but you don't.

Oh I get worse. I'm way worse than you. No, I just yeah, you're you're just mouthy. I'm rude and mouthy, which is a wonderful combination.

You know, what were the gifts that keep on giving um? But then Shannon says, Tamra is in cahoots with Alexis. Shannon found the text from Alexis in two thousand. I mean, this is brilliant. The way she found it.

It's incredible because she went to cuss out Alexis and tell her she can't come on the trip, and then the gift of text is right there.

But also there, do you have the same phone numbers from twenty eighteen?

I can neither confirm nor deny.

I don't think that you do well.

Thanks for telling everybody shit.

But I feel like, especially if you're in.

Your text migrate.

They do sometimes. Yet, Yeah, I don't.

Think about getting a new number. Let's say you change your number, your text will still be there.

Because I was. Also, it gave me a little bit of anxiety that she doesn't delete any of her texts. And how does she still have storage?

Maybe she has the extra big.

One, because there is no way in hell I have text messages from twenty eighteen. No, unless I took a screenshot and saved them.

No, I mean it's six almost seven years. Yes, I count on my fingers. I am doing math on TikTok and I follow this algebra tude teacher on top. Oh my god, No, no, I do it nighttime. And guess what I'm doing?

Pretty good? Great? Did you give yourself well?

I passed these last couple of problems?

Did you actually have to input an answer? You're just watching it.

I was watching it, but no, I wasn't guessing I was right with her. I was like, oh, yeah, and then you need to multiply that, and yeah, I was right there with her. I've always wanted to go back to math because I feel like as an adult, I would understand it better. It's like, the weakest part.

Of my math is so bad for me.

But I have visions. One time I asked Tom, like, when I was in my thirties or forties, could I get a math tutor because I really wanted to go back and overcome my math problems from when I was in.

School, because he wanted to be and wanted to be perfect wrapped in a riddle.

And then math. Yeah, instead of lawsuits, math involved in that a lot, and it's not in my favorite Fuck y'all, where was this eighty seven whatever million, Tom, you put into the firm that was of your own personal money.

I don't know we had that, but I wish I had some.

Well, aren't I supposed to have some of it?

Where to go go? My life? But then, Shannon, everything you and Tamor have said in the media since the divorce are lies.

So let's story.

Okay, So Alexis Bellino used to be on the show a bajillion years ago, before Shannon was ever on the show. Shannon and Alexis both on the television show.

But not at the same time.

Then years past, Shannon and Tarma, you know, become part of the Trace Amigos, their besties. By Trace Amigas, I mean before there was ever the live show, any of those.

Types of r They were just whooping it up in Mexico.

Yeah, they were whooping it up, but they went to go whoop it up with h.

Mcde I don't like to say her name, Oh, okay, because then it becomes a whole nother situation. They went out with her, They went out with her, she was doing a live show, and Shannon and Tarma, I don't know if I need to say allegedly, but said some things about Alexis's husband, okay, and they sued.

And well that's the issue. At the beginning of this season, Alexis said that she had absolutely nothing to do with that lawsuit because she was already separated from Jim. I know that this is why it gets tricky, because then we see this text.

Message we have engaged an attorney and we'll be suing you and Tarma for slander.

Oh, Alexis, you will be hearing from our attorney tomorrow. So whether or not, here's the problem, we may end up. I'm assuming we'll probably end up seeing these documents in some capacity and maybe if they filed, yeah, they Yes, the girls had to pay out a fucking shit time. Really, so I guess they allegedly talked about his business, which led to listen, we're not talking shit about Jimbalino because I don't have that kind of money to be paying off shit. I don't even have I don't even know what a promisory notice, so I don't have that.

Kind of time promise to do something.

But this text message, regardless if Alexis is a part of any of these lawsuits, the audience doesn't care. I don't care. I'm assuming you don't care because this text message is there, and the fact that Shannon had it from twenty eighteen is she should be thanking her lucky start.

Pretty pretty legendary.

How did we feel about this episode? Where do we think we go from here? Oh?

I think it's going to be a full on blowout and I can't wait. I love these full on blowout, and I think that multiple side side fights are going to happen and everybody's going to get in and I'm so excited about it.

Yeah, I think. I think there's going to be some fights that were not necessarily expecting yep. And then I think there's going to be some reck infiliations.

Though, only do it if you mean it. I know, I don't reconcile just because.

How many times have you said I'm sorry on Beverly Hills.

Well, I've never said I'm sorry when I didn't mean it.

I was like I didn't fix So No.

I have said I'm sorry. And when I do say i'm sorry, I mean it. Otherwise I won't say it.

How do you feel about like half apologies? I'd rather wait, Like, what about I'm sorry? If you felt no.

That's a backhand, that's not an apology, backhanded you know? No, No, Well i'm sorry. If you felt that.

Way, that was not my intention, go fuck yourself.

Yeah, it was your intention, or you wouldn't have done it.

Yeah, and if you really did it by accident, you would say that is I I fucked up. I'm so sorry.

Yeah, I've never seen I've never said I'm sorry and didn't mean it. I've never squash something just because someone told me to or you should do this. I was like, no, I don't feel that way.

I'm sorry you.

No, I don't care what it looks like.


Well, I enjoyed this. I enjoyed these last two episodes. I've enjoyed like recapping this show with you. I've had fun. I want to see what comes next. I'm excited about the next episode. God bless these shows.

God bless these shows. Well, thanks you guys for tuning in, and we'll be back next week.

Thanks guys,

Two Ts In A Pod with Teddi Mellencamp and Tamra Judge

Teddi Mellencamp and Tamra Judge team up to Tell All.  Listen each week as they watch and rehash as 
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