The RHOSLC reunion seating chart is out and the Twots have some thoughts… should Angie really be in the first seat next to Andy?
Find out why Meredith’s Bat Mitzvah oddly reminds Tamra of her baptism.
Plus, was Heather Gay right about Bronwyn?
To Teas and a Pod which Teddy Mellencamp and Camra Judge.
Hi, guys, welcome to another episode of to Cheese and a Pod with myself, Teddy Mellencamp and at Tamra Judge.
Here we are both sick. We spend one day together and look what happens.
We are really thriving right now.
A day man.
I went to so start off, I went out to La on Tuesday and went to Crystal's dinner party.
Ironically, you weren't there, No, mm hmm.
I was.
It was really fun. Did that and then spent the night and then we did the pod together yesterday at iHeart Studio, and I don't know you maybe you were too close to my face or something.
I think that we're feeling I think we were very feeling sick prior, but like really has hit me today, like you know when you're kind of.
Just like but okay.
So after we did our podcast and all that stuff, I drove home, a nice two hour drive home, and then I was starting to feel like shit and feel like shit, and I'm like, oh my god, I have to take the kids to California Adventure. So I literally like it was a nightmare, like, Sophia isn't here the freeways. So I drove her and then met Spencer and his girlfriend there and I'm like, if I could have just sat on the bench the entire time, I would have. It was nice, fun, it was not crowded at all. It was the cost party. The kids had a great time. But I'm like, and he's like, want you to drop her off and come home. I'm like, yeah, and go pick her up at.
One in the morning. No, not happening.
Literally got home at two in the morning like a zombie. And I'm like, Eddie wakes me up at six, We're going to the gym, and I go not today, not today, satan o No, but we got jingle Ball tomorrow and we have some interviews to do. I did run into Kelly last night and I saw Amy Sugarman and she came up and hugged me, and then I'm like, wait, is that Kelly? And she was very sweet, so she's very excited about the interview.
Well, okay, so this episode we are going to be recapping Real House sives of New York season fifteen, episode ten, and then Salt Lake City episode eleven and twelve. I can't believe we're already on episode eleven and twelve. Like, I feel like Salt Lake is flying by.
I know. But speaking of real houses in New York, did I see they're filming their reunion today? Oh did you see that? I saw a seating chart slid Lake City.
No real house in New York is next week they're filming their reunion.
So it was a salt Lake City And what's the seating chart.
Angie is not only center snowflake, she's also next to Andy.
Yeah, she's Andy's arm candy.
And then I was really I was a little bit shocked that Whitney was not shocked, but Whitney was at the end.
Usually being on that long you're not normally towards the end. I mean, Bronwyn was farther up the food chain.
I mean, so it went Angie and Lisa on one side, then Mary and Heather, then Bronwhen and Meredith, then Whitney and Brittain.
Whitney, but I noticed that, yeah, Whitney and Brittany. There was no Maylee at the reunion, which I don't know if she's not coming out at all, But you know, she really I really like her. She's so she seems sweet, beautiful, but we hardly.
See her, hardly see her.
At the beginning we did, so I'm thinking that probably not going to see her at the reunion.
I don't think so.
I mean, unless she gets involved in something that we haven't seen yet. Rumors are that she was edited out because of her social media posts.
Why would she post?
I don't know. I only know that part. All right, let's get into New York. It starts off with size on crutches because she got glass lodged in her foot and it hit her bone.
Oh god, that had to be painful. Now I was confused. Did they not get the glass out? Did she have to have surgery for that?
I think they had gave a surgery, But because I mean, I'm not a doctor, but what I'm assuming.
Is, oh, say it doesn't. So I now it seems like I am.
If I was, I would have already given myself a Z pack so I'd be feeling better. But my guess is the glass is too close to the artery, so they can't take that.
Well, you can't just leave it in, can you.
The more you step on it, the deeper it's going to go. I'm really confused, but what it was also confusing with sy smelling the shit on the bottom of her shoe.
Well, I thought sy Fura was clever.
Yeah that is, but Iver, I'm still a little bit confused.
How how she kicked.
The product outside of the elevator, That's what I don't get.
So she was dropping things or something the elevator was closing. Is that what it was? So she kicked it, but I don't know what was it a bag that she hit with product in it? But like, what is k That's something like Ninja's shit? Yeah, I mean that's like Spider relations why. Si is very talented, very talented.
But so that's that's a kind of size update. But she's being a trooper about it.
She yes, I really like Ci. I I kind of wish we got a little taste of old Si, I.
Know, but we keep seeing like how good her relationship is and like cute, they're so funny.
I know that she's holding Oh they are, they're super cute. I know that SI's holding back and I hate that for her. I know that she's gone on this healing journey. But you and I'm not saying that that's a bad thing at all.
Because I'm doing my own right now. But I just want to see a little bit of the side that we saw last season. I know, I think a little bit more opinionate.
It doesn't have to be you know, screaming and yelling, but just a little bit more involved because she's got such a cute.
Bubbly personality.
Yeah, and she can slice a bitch like no weather well listen like that, like her old product sliced her foot right.
Up, Yes, slice that foot.
Then what's your thought on this? Jenna is doing a personal closet sale and.
She was doing a Is it called a stoop cell? Or she was gonna do a stoop cell?
Does that mean like you're out on your stoop is a stoop like your porch, your driving?
I mean, I guess it's because sidewalk in New York.
Well, I guess because you don't have a garage, so it can't be a garage, so it's.
Like basically your sidewalk stoop cell. There was quite a line for that stoop cell. There's something I didn't know if.
You noticed what, oh, you wouldn't know because the fact that you aren't on the show. Last year.
Andy Cohen gave us all these jackets think it was last year, the year before. All these jackets that say, like, real, there's a Orange county and your name on it and everything.
It's like as selling it a big varsity jacket. Yeah, she was selling it at the event. Do you think she sold.
It for more or less than the j crew sunglasses.
I would hope for more. That's like something like obviously there's no you know, warm and fuzzies towards the jacket, but I would still. I will still keep mine forever. It's like, well, it's a memento. Although people were sending me messages saying I'm not sentimental because selling my Versace jumpsuit that I was hired back in to announce I was back, And they're like, aren't you sentiment I'm like, no, I'm not. No, not when it comes to making money. No, So, how much do you think that she actually sold? How much money? She wouldn't say how much she made. I don't know, but I'm like, Jenna, you're not going to show us.
Casts like at least you could do is give us a rough estimate of how much you made at this stoop sale.
But I I thought it was so funny that she's selling these luxury clothes while rocking an old shirt that had a hole on the.
Shoulder, but also the one outfit that I guess she wore to the met gala that was like all tangled up. I was like, this is amazing, Like couldn't even be bothered to Unde says.
She's all, I can't do it. It's free, just take it. She's like, forget it.
Then, Raquela and Aaron meet for lunch. Raquela explains that Brenn told her the day before the picnic that she was in on the prank. Aaron says it wasn't a deep conversation and bren is embellishing.
Aaron says, Uba continues to accuse.
Her of gas lighting, and Aaron doesn't understand how Uba and Si are now on Brn's side. But this is what I'm confused about. Aaron and Brn are good, so what does it matter? Which the part I think that Uba doesn't understand is she says that her and Aaron are good friends and they talk all the time. So I'm really confused, and I don't even really know what they're fighting over. I keep forgetting it's so minor. Well, it's I think because she said the gas lighting thing at the picnic, okay, whatever, and it is.
But I know I am too. But Aarin feels like she's being targeted.
Well, I think Aarin has a lot of shit going on in her life in general.
She does.
And I think when when you know your parents are sick, you're having you know, at the beginning, we saw like she was having some issues with Abe, and now we know that she's pregnant, Like, there's just yeah, she's going She's got a lot of stuff going on. And I think that we can when you have a lot of stuff going on, you can be pretty sensitive.
Yeah, and she's very not very good with common sense right now. Because when.
Raquel said that she's going to be Grace, She's gonna dress up for Grace, like the party she thought it was Grace Kelly. I like Kelly, I mean the interturing Grace Jones and Grace Kelly.
I mean I'm dead.
I also, well, I mean then we get to the balloon, I mean the ballroom theme engagement party. Raquel invited her mom and she said she couldn't make it. Jenna is wearing a fake but Jessel tells Jenna she's attracted to her in this look and they have the world's most awkward peck. Then Aaron tells Jenna that Uba is gunning for her, but she won't engage. Then Jenna tells Uba that Aaron thinks she's coming after her. Uba says it's ridiculous because she and Aaron talk all the time. Do we feel like UBA's coming after Aaron?
I feel like UBA's coming after Aarin more than Aaron's coming after Uba. But like I said, I'm so confused. I don't understand what this huge fight is. And if our prediction's right, don't we predict these are the two that are not speaking?
It won't be in the same room. No, Brenn, bren and Uba.
Oh I was thinking this whole time as Aaron and No, I think it's Brenn and Uba. I thought, oh, okay, so I thought it wasn't.
Did you know what baalworm culture was? No, I've never heard of that. I mean, I'm shocked. I've never heard of it. In voguing and all that.
I had to ask Matt if I should watch Paris's burning, and then he rage texted me back, basically shaming us in the cast of Real Housewives in New York for not taking the eighty seven minutes to watch it.
So I guess basically we need to watch it. Okay, not gonna happen. I love that Jenna was walking in like a sexy girl, like licking her finger, you know, sexy with her fake ass, with her face.
Well, she's like fake ass and fake boobs. And then ub would take your bra off.
And she did.
She took her off right in front of everybody. Everyone's trying to cover her up. I'm gonna say this, love him.
He ab not a hot chick, abe, You're not a hot chick. I mean it's kind of a slash between Martha Stewart and Missus doubtfire and Martha Stewart. Are you kidding? Martha Stewart's hot.
It was the hair that got me for the Martha Stewart. No, the hair like he looked like. He even said he wanted to be a sexier girl. And this is the outfit that Aaron got for him that was not that outfit.
I can't decide which outfit do you like more, Abes or Jessels.
I think that Jessel's is very predictable. Yeah, very on the nose. Yeah, well it was.
Jossel really doesn't ever want to be called basic, but.
That was kind of basic. You know, what's starting to become very very big? What is that red heart? Yes, or a jacket or whatever it is?
Yeah, it's Ron when claimed that only her and Rihanna have not only do her and Rihanna have it, but Raquel has it and and Amazon sells it as well.
And Target and target. But Brenn is then we then we get to Brenn. Hold on, before we get to Brnn, where was Rebecca min cough?
Was she there? No?
I don't think she was there.
I know Sy wasn't there because of her foot, But where was Rebecca min cough?
I don't think she was there? You're right, I know.
Then Brenn is working with a ghost writer, Hannah on her new book. Hannah wants to include a runaway bride part, and when Brenn called Passages Malibu asking to come for rehab from when.
She said that, I know, you're so cute.
I know.
And then Hannah uh appreciates Bren's willingness to talk about her assault. Brenn gets emotional, explaining that her assault robbed her of her life.
It was really sad to me when she's talking about that, And I think that we got more insight to where Brent is in her life. And I've always known that. It was quite clear that.
Brand uses humor to shield is any you know, that's a dive into it as a buffer, And I can totally relate to that too, because I don't like talking about emotions. It's like I'd rather like put nails underneath my fingernails then talk about personal stuff or emotions.
So it's humor always works for me.
Well, I think it works till a certain extent, and you know.
Well, you think it's working for you.
We think it's working for us. But then you see here Brin gets emotional. She says she felt like a liar when people ask her why she's single. Brenn says she doesn't have the luxury of waiting to heal, and that's why she wants to have a child with Gideon.
Bren is very brave for sharing this.
But we also heard on watch What ha Happens Live. I don't know if it was last night or whenever I watched it, but that Bryn is not in the process of having a baby with Gideon.
She's not no, is she in a process of having a baby, you know.
Bryn said, like it's there, there's a pause on that, like that's not happening, which we kind of that's a.
That's something going on that she just doesn't have the time to take right now. Yeah, it's not that old though, she can no.
Yeah, she's light years younger than us, light years decades. Then Raquel and Uba visit CI, so I think it would be a good idea for Raquel to visit her mom in Puerto Rico. Uba says Brynn told her that Aaron said Uba was coming for her. I mean this even just the repeated story. Raquel tells Uba she shouldn't have used the word gas light and I'm like, she actually didn't use the word gas she said gasolt caaslate and then Uba gets emotional, saying she didn't do anything to hurt Aaron. Si says, Aaron believes in her own lies.
I did. What do you think the lies are?
I I'm not exactly sure, and I didn't really know that Si felt that way about Aaron. I know, I was shocked, but I was pretty impressed on how organic and authentic the way of adding their cast trip.
Was very and it's like, and we're going to Puerto Rico. How about UBA's opening line when she walks into size house down the stairs.
It's nice here, It's really worth the drive. I don't think she realizes how her words come across.
No, I don't know.
She seems well, but no, no.
I don't think she gets it. Then Brendan Aaron. This is where I'm also confused, because I thought that Brendan Aaron are having issues, but Brendan and Aaron are volunteering with city meals together. Aaron says Uba texted her, calling her pathetic and a gas lighter, and then Brent says there are two active volcanoes, Uba and Ci. Brnn says it's not normal to be afraid to speak to someone. Aaron says, it's very hypocritical of Uba to call her these things.
You might be right now that I'm seeing the little crack between bren and Uba.
But I mean, nothing says more housewives than talking shit while packing up boxes for charity.
I know, no good energy here. I'm putting that fruit loop or fruit roll up in the box.
Yeah. Well, also something that Brenn said that it was a little confusing. She's like, you're the only one that reached out to me after my post asking if you could come. I think it's one thing to like send an invite to people and be like, hey, I'm working with this charity. I'd love you to be there and support it, but like to post something on Instagram and then just correct people. Yeah, Like I don't even pay attention to Like I only look at stories like I wouldn't even have noticed a stagnant post.
Yeah. I don't notice stagnant very often.
But that's the end of New York. We're gonna see what's happening.
We only have a few more episodes. I believe only a few more episodes.
Yeah, yeah, you're gonna be heartbroken.
Now we're into Salt Lake City. It starts with Meredith and Mary meet at the art gallery. Mary arrives forty minutes late. Meredith expresses concerned about Mary after their exchange at Mary's house. Mareth says she doesn't feel welcome at Mary's home, which is why she walked out, and then Meredith calls Mary out for being late and Mary storms out. Meredith is that Mary has used her for three years.
Do you think Meredith plays the victim a little too much?
Well, I don't know why Meredith would pick an art gallery one of the quietest places to hash something out. Yeah, right, Like, I don't get it the exact reason, Like was the library all booked up?
Yeah? Friends don't yell in front of others. Yeah, it was like what house wife show do you think you're on?
Yeah? And then Mary's Confessionals, she says she's carrying a big cross dealing with Robert Junior and that Meredith has no idea what she's going through.
And I think that's true.
I mean, when was the last time I've heard Meredith ask anybody how they're doing anything about themselves?
Well, I think she's been very involved in getting bar mitsped. Well.
How also, how has Mary used Meredith so she.
Got the part?
I don't I don't understand that. I was gonna ask you the same thing, Like, I don't, I.
Don't get it.
My guess is it's because she wanted to be full time on the show. They both came on season one, But like, I don't get it. If they were both on season one, then what does Meredith have to do with any of it?
And then at the aquarium, Lisa wants to repair her relationship with Angie. Lisa says Angie and Whitney being friends doesn't affect her and Angie's dynamic. Lisa explained she needed Angie to affirm she had her back when Whitney was spreading rumors about Lisa, and we could do it.
We could do a drinking game on how many times. Lisa says, like, and she talks like and like and like, and.
I know a lot of people to do that.
I think I don't know if I stopped doing it, but I remember I used to say like, ow so much when I first started the pod.
Have I stopped? Do you notice that?
Yeah, No, I know a ton of people that did do that, like like I know this guy that does it like every other word, like you want to smack.
Him in the back of the head like like like like like or the love for the love.
Then Angie admits she shut down in conflict due to childhood trauma, which is why she didn't speak up.
They hug and make up.
They I mean, I think they missed a couple of prime opportunities to make shark metaphors in this scene, but it is what it is.
It is what it is.
Then they're at the Troop Salt Lake City camp event. After the after the Potato Sack races, Mary calls Meredith out for walking out of her house. Meredith says she left because she felt unwelcome. Mary says Meredith doesn't want to address it. They should leave it at that.
Mary saying if Meredith stopped renning in Park City and moved to Salt Lake City would not be late.
Yeah, she did say that. She did say that.
Then Brittany brings up Angie bringing the wine to her house during the Mormon event. I feel like Angie needs to bring Brittany like one of those office sized water coolers because like this wine story has gotten me dehydrated. I know.
But Brittany's so confused and she drinks and then when she gets a bottle of alcohol, then she's like she sinks, and Angie's like the total you know, anti Christ, and it's like shut up, like stop, she's two faced.
Mary is like, I don't give any ass, but I know what I really like is Mary telling Brittany to shut up while she's preaching about manners.
Good manners. Shut up, your two face bitch.
Then Lisa asked Whitney what she says about Heather, which leads Bran to say she's surprised Heather and Whitney are doing an event together because Whitney has said she doesn't think Heather has her back.
Well, Bronwyn trying to throw Whitney under the bus did not work. He's Heather just wasn't falling for it. She's just like, no, not today, bronwayn You're not doing it to me today.
Well, here's the thing, Like I was loving Bronwyn, but she's starting to.
Get a little messy, messy, like a little too nicey messy.
It's it's a little bit tried too hard, like she's chewing too much. I mean, I do think if it's organic.
Her delivery is amazing, and she she is messy and she can't slice a bit, and I do.
Love that about her.
But I feel like at this point, like you don't have to do it at every corner, like and not go to this person. Yeah yeah, yeah, it's just making her yeah, not look good.
Then, Angie says Bronwin asked, can anyone truly be friends with Lisa? Bronwin claims Whitney and Angie said Lisa them over and she denies this, but Whitney admits that they told Bron when that Lisa can come for people, Mary jumps in, calling Lisa the FAKEUS person and accuses her of lying about everything, and then Meredith and Bron when leaves the event.
Mary keep talking you ding bat. I mean, she had all kinds of good one liners.
She was pissed. She was all kind of pissed out.
What did you think about Angie's comments about Meredith's hearing aid? Did you think it was like offensive?
Well, I think it's more, you know, trying to show, you know that somebody else is an asshole and not herself.
They're all assholes. They're all assholes. That's why we watched the wives an asshole.
Then, uh, there's a rumor that at camp day, Lisa called Mary's son a junkie allegedly, and Mary called Lisa's son a R word, and it was edited out.
That's the rumor. I'm like, I missed this, this is on the show. No, no, because it was edited out. Okay, yeah, reported yeah, yeah, I get it now. Well, I'm sure that if it was said that it was edited out because there's no way in how the producers are going to want to keep in you know her calling son junkie like no and the other word as well. Yet no.
But then, especially when we get to the final scene where Mary talks to Robert Junior in his room. Robert says he took half a Xannex because he didn't sleep well. Then he took add orall to balance it. His speech is slurred. Mary asks if he's unhappy. Robert says he's getting high is like adding seasoning to chicken. He reveals that he started using Xana at sixteen and has been combining it with other substances. Mary says she won't judge him, but makes it clear she won't support his drug use. And then Robert admits he wanted to die and says Mary is the only reason he didn't take his own life.
This was so heart I'm so sad.
I'm glad she was on Watch What Happens Live I think tonight or last night and said that he is out of rehab and that his wife is still in rehab when Robert Jr.
Is doing so much better. But what that is a mom's nightmare right there.
It's so heartbreaking, and I feel like we've watched a lot of housewives, and I'm pretty sure that like this scene rocked me to my core more than probably any scene I'd ever watched. I know there's like a lot of discourse online about Mary and if she should have shared this, but for me I've seen I think it's probably helping so many people.
It is because Mary admitted she missed the mark and I thought she was really brave about that. We're talking oxy cocaine, Molly's anx aterall these are all mixed to oh my god.
And I think we all saw the signs yes, So to not discuss it, I.
Mean, I think so many people are gonna and who.
Knows what Mary was dealing with off camera conversations with him, Like you know, maybe she's had this conversation, but it he just wasn't ready to.
But also, if that is true that Lisa called Mary's son a junkie the week, you know, the couple of days of other people knew, so then they were I would assume then that's another reason why I doubt she thought they were going to take that out, and so she probably thought, well, it's already, you know, there's already it's being thrown around and talked about. So we may as well face this issue head on and have like a learning opportunity for everybody.
But it's really sad, But I'm glad that he's doing well. I wonder, I wonder if he films anymore on the show. I don't see him.
Well, we don't see him on episode twelve because we get started and only Real Housewives of Salt Lake City can take a grown woman's bob mitzvah and turn it into an hour of iconic.
Well, I disagree with that. We did it on Orange County. First, they're just copying I got bap to your back.
And then all of a sudden, Vicky was getting nailed to the crossing a liar, imagine that.
But it wasn't the episode. But it wasn't the entire episode, right, I mean, the baptism wasn't in the second halfways, just Vicky yelling and screaming and being nailed to the cross like Jesus, Yeah, maybe it was. Yeah, Oh my gosh.
Well, Meredith meets with Ruth her rabbi to prepare for her Bob mitzvah. Whitney does not trust Bronwin's intentions. Because Bronwin spun her words to make it seem like she said awful things about Heather. Then Angie says things have been tense between Meredith and she's surprised, uh she was invited. And then Bronwin says she's not in a good place with Whitney or Angie because they called her a liar when she was telling the truth.
Bromwin might be telling the truth, but she's making it sound a lot more salacious and worse than it actually was.
Like she's just in Bellishane. They all gossip, they all talk shit.
I don't get where Bronwin's coming from, where she's going with this. I don't think we'll ever see Todd again. I mean, I mean, if she's she's obviously back next year. Todd will not participate. Guarantee it.
Well, Todd did not want to participate with her at this event.
But anyway, they.
Well, she does say things that are like the you know, last week's episode, she's at a dinner table and she calls somebody to see you next Tuesday, and he's just like, don't say that.
Yeah seriously, So maybe maybe he's got to keep her in mind.
Well, if she called herself see you next Tuesday. It was her, Yeah, but either way, I mean.
She called somebody else.
Then we see a flashback from one week earlier, Mary debating going to Merediths bob Mitzvah because she is focused on being there for her family, and Mary says she's in a state of shock after finding out about Robert's mental health struggles.
Yeah, I'd like how Angie didn't push the conversation with Mary and try to figure out exactly what was going on, like, hey, I'm here for you.
If you need to tell me, you know, I'll listen. Yeah, I mean.
But then we're back to the bob Mitzvah and Brittany is upset with Angie for calling her a slut and thinks Angie is projecting Bronwin says Angie likes to single people out and start issues for attention. Then Meredith shows up in a horse drawn sleigh. Merediths surprised Angie came because they've had a lot of issues recently. And then Mary shows up mid ceremony, like looking through the.
Oh my god, that was so funny.
Oh my god, like behind where she's doing.
That's going viral right now.
Everywhere and then Meredith gets emotional talking about her Jewish heritage. She wanted to have about Mitzvachery affirm her beliefs due to recent.
Events in the world.
Mary goes from last week giving us one of the raws moments in reality TV, to this week.
One of the funniest.
She's truly well, well rounded.
She's gold.
But how can Britney get upset about Andy saying that when she set herself at the camp that she was dating ten guys? Like it make it make sense, like somebody else you say it's okay, but somebody else repeats what you said, it's not okay.
Yeah. I think she was more offended about the hair.
Well, what did she call it? What kind of hair? Is it? Body count? Oh? Body count? Body hair?
Yeah, I mean, and Angie did say she was banging three guys at Mary's lunch.
Well three is a lot different than ten. True, But she never Angie never used the word slut. Brittany said that word first. So I don't know.
I don't like how this is all getting pinned back to Angie. I mean, as it goes on, like Angie being physically removed from the party.
Come on, I love Andrew She's like, hmm, you don't need to physically lift me.
I'm one hundred pounds. I can walk out.
Yeah, God's I gotta get that in there. But we're at the Bob Mitzvah after party and Angie and Lisa agree that there was a void in their lives when they weren't speaking to one another. Mary tales Meredith she's proud of her and upset that Meredith walked out of the house, and Meredith apologizes and they agree to move forward. I mean the fact that in every franchise, these women will fight for their lives and then tell each other how much they love each other each other. It's just it's amazing. Then Angie pulls braun went aside to chat.
Bad idea, bad idea. This is where it all started, It all went downhill.
Bronwin asked Angie if she's going to apologize. Angie begins a fake apology and Bronwin tells her.
To shut the f up.
Angie says Bronwin put her in a bad position and tried to make things worse between Angie, Heather, Lisa, and Whitney than it needed to be. Agreed, Angie says, Bronwin inserted herself into Britney's relationship, and then Bronwin says Angie accused Brittany of having sex with multiple men at once. Then Todd shows up to break up the fight, and then Todd and Bronwin bicker about Bronwin could have handled the fight, and he's like, even offers? Doesn't he offer to like get Angie a drink? He's like, would you like another glass of wine?
And I know, and then she GotoP.
Yeah, that really pissed her off. But do you think that Todd is controlling or he's just trying to help Bronwyn maintain an image that he wants her to maintain on TV?
Well, I hate to say it, but was Heather Gay right like I'm getting whiplash from Braun when these last two episodes?
I know, I know Gay might be right about Bronwyn. I mean, Todd, this man is over it. I don't think that we'll see him on Housewives next year. I don't think he realized which show that his wife signed up for. I think Todd made a good point. If there wasn't an apology, why did she continue to stand there like yeah, go away? But hard to see Bronwin isn't so innocent.
Well, I'm curious what braun Win's like in her day to day life. Is she like doing too much for the show or is this how she always has been?
I need to know. Let me know, people, Yes, let us know, Brown, let us know.
Then Whitney pulls Heather to talk about what Bronwin said at camp day, and then Lisa joins the conversation. Whitney says, braun when it is taking her words and spinning them. Lisa says Whitney is lying.
Lisa does have a bad habit.
Of interrupting people. Yeah, she does, so I can see, you know why. Whitney gets annoyed.
Yeah, and then bron When Whitney, Heather, Angie, Britney, and Lisa chat, Brittany says Angie called her a slut and saying she was having sex with three men at the same time. Angie says Britney's appearance makes her look like she has a high body count and that she has slutty hair. And then Brittany gets emotional and Meredith and Lisa comfort her.
Then an with the bumpet. Oh my gosh, I had a bumpet.
She looked at Meylee and she's like, you got a mild bumpet too, something like that. I'm like, oh my god, Angie, did you see Angie's Instagram post? You guys, have you even seen it?
She had a whole slide of all these pictures and called it hair porn. Hair porn?
Yes, But then Angie attempts to apologize to Brittany and Meredith tells Angie to leave and tell security to escort her out. Why did Meredith need to like get to a ten in this moment? It didn't make sense at all. I think she just had said, oh, here's the moment. Angie's been elevated, let's get out.
Leave. She pulled a heather to bro you can't leave now. But did you hear her go? This time?
There actually is security here.
So I'm gonna ask because she's made people leave before. Yeah, well she asked.
She wanted the remember she wanted last year the waiter to take Angie out, and he's like, I'm not a security guard.
I know now.
When Angie was saying that Britney's hair looks high body count, where you're like, oh shit, should I straighten my hair more?
Because she's got like those big old curls.
I'm like, I know, and I normally have my little bumpet in there too, so I.
Was like okay. But then, uh, this episode was good. There's many twists and turns. At the first spot Mitzvah was like twenty something minutes long, and I'm like, oh my god, it's gonna be the entire episode. Wow. And then the fighting started. I'm like, Okay, here we go. We just turned the corner.
Those especial Martini's are kicking, ticking in, they are hitting.
But I what about when Angie goes to get escorted out or leaves or whatever and they give her Brittany's jacket.
She throws it on the ground. This isn't mine, it's Britney's. It's Britney bitch. It's Britney's bitch.
Yeah, And but Brittany's just she's doing a lot of crying.
She's thrown out a party. I don't think so I haven't either. I mean that must have been like.
I mean, I'd never have gotten thrown out of a party.
I know, I don't think I have. But you know, who knows my memory is not that all the tape? Someone is she all the tape. Yeah, but that's got to be a little humiliating, especially when you're filming and you go home and you're like, oh, fuck yeah, friends on the show anymore?
What am I gonna do but put my tansy in my legs? Andie still does have friends on the show, but Meredith. Meredith was so offended by the fact that Mary told her if she didn't stop yelling that she should leave the house.
But yet she's.
Thrilled in the middle of her bob mitzvah to get involved in the fight, yell at Angie and tell her.
She needs to be escorted out. Do you feel like Seth's gonna get a little shit this episode for what I can't put He's like, why don't you just use my shot? And he puts it over him.
Then he puts it over his head and he starts doing all this gibberishhooh.
And I'm like, dude, you're just mocking things now. People are not like that.
No, he's trying to be funny all the time, and he's not that funny to me. Then, uh, we get to Lisa kind of talking to Angie and saying, don't say things you're gonna regret, and then Lisa.
Gives the rundown in a confessional.
Meredith hates Angie Bronwin hates I know Meredith like Darna hates Angie. Bronwin hates Angie, Angie hates Brittany, and Lisa hates Whitney. But now it's the perfect time for a trip to Port of Ija.
Yeah, port of Iarta. But also I have gone on international did they get what trip did they go on last year? They went to?
Remember they were going to be seeing Monica's grandparents or something like that and her family. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Bermuda.
That was yeah. But also I'm confused.
I'm like Palm Springs and Mexico and San Diego one time.
But also, what did Meredith think was going to happen at a bout Mizpah? Why did she need to have all these security guards? She was predicting the fights?
Yeah, I think she was.
She was thinking, wanted to throw somebody out, she wanted to make a statements.
No real reason to have security g cards, No, absolutely not.
But I did love this episode, so yeah, it was good. Their all their episodes are good.
Yeah, Well keep tuning in, guys, because we are I mean, we are working our butts off this week, trying to bring you all the episodes and catch up from Thanksgiving.
And Tam I'll see you tomorrow. Hopefully we'll do it. Yeah bye, take some well bye bye