Matty J and Ash are having a really difficult time managing the school transition. From forgetting lunchbox week to not following instructions to falling asleep at info sessions, the kids' education hangs in the balance of Two Doting Dads.
Adding to the drama, Matt has found himself attacked by a ferocious dog on a run while Ash attracts the claws of another pup.
How will these dads get through the week of parenting?
Plus, we tackle your questions!
Is lying about your kids' age okay for cheaper prices?
What are your thoughts on a “push present”?
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Dude, all of board, you do look like the kind of guy who'd be into trains.
Nah, I prefer a train over a bast just because it's more smooth.
Have you ever gone plane spotting?
We used to walk to the end of the runway at the Gold Coast Airport because it was quite close the fence. And he's going to sound pathetic. We used to take people there when they come and visit. That was like the attraction. What kind of people? Just people that would stay with us. We were like, you should see this, come down and shoot big flying birds. I take people.
There's a big burden, the scar and it flies over you.
Welcome back to.
Two Dating Dads. I am Maddie j Pennimash and this is a podcast all about parenting. It is the good, it is the bad, and the real later ball and if you've can't wanting any type of advice, stop right now.
Thank you very much. Sung in a while, we have not sung. We need to do more singing. We do right right right? Write that down. I need to pull you up on something. Yeah.
Wait, you beat me home to my house where we are currently recording, and I was shocked at what I saw on the street. So a car parked just in the middle of the road.
That's not mine. Have you seen your car?
Is it right than another street? Is it we're going to I'm gotta take a photo. I'm going to post it on the Facebook's.
Not that bad, are you kidding?
I'm it's the person next to me. Have you seen how far across they are?
People weren't sure they thought you were Like in the car, a guy was like stopped, he didn't know which way to go. Your car is like just parked across a whole lane just there in the street called the ambulance. And it's not even it's not even backed up.
I get things out of it.
It's literally just in the middle of it.
I really hope.
Someone just fucking cleans it up. That's the plan. But honestly, I thought that I thought it was playing on. I didn't see. The person next to me is quite far over, So it's their fault. I nearly couldn't get out of the door.
You're better than that.
I'm not well.
I'm really you live very fresh, very fresh. I mean the pendulum swings. You know that with me?
What eerr are we in now? Balance error?
We spoke about it last week, and I am continuing with balance where I'm not drinking as much during the week okay, and I'm exercising much more to keep myself distracted. I'm like, you know how they give mice cocaine, Yes, and then imagine weaning one of those mice off cocaine.
But cocaine's the beer for the records, for the records. Yeah, just keep him distracted, keep him on a wheel.
How are you.
Feeling, I'm all right, okay, I'm not sleep very well. Go on, I don't know.
I get like you laughed at me last time when I said this restless legs syndrome.
Yes, it's really really ramped up.
You know what will make you feel better? I have some very exciting years.
Before you go into that news before, I just want to wish Macy a very happy birthday. I forgot sometimes we forget about Matcie.
She's so quiet. She's like, hey, I'm down.
Here, I've forgotten something and she's just like outside the car still, So happy birthday to MACI can we just confirm because people are wanting to know the answer to one question and one question only, have you thrown a birthday party for the one and only Macy.
No, we had like a gathering.
That's a party.
It wasn't a party. That's a party.
No, it was a gathering because April and Macy are a week apart in birthdays, different years.
And did you have a birthday cake? Damn it, Yes, that's a birthday party.
It didn't cost me anything. That's that's a wind.
Yeah, we had like a little gathering, but not like Antler, not like the hurrah that was Oscars.
You've become a fledged fucking dad birthday parties and all stop fighting it. You're one of us now.
It's not happening anymore one of us. It's over the.
Old actual dependulum swinging. It's swinging now in favor of you being an amazing dad.
Don't try and fight it. Just embrace it, all right, I'll embrace it. Let me know next year when we have a you know.
What, Christmas is canceled.
Also, I must have I must have missed my invitation to the gathering because I must have not checked my phone because I didn't see anything coming through.
I didn't even know it was happening two the day before. And there's no I know what you are like, I didn't want to add.
Some extra What am I like?
If you know what I'm like, well go.
On, I think throwing something at you last minute, an hour away, throw away bro, I'll catch anything, okay, all right, next time I'll be like, hey, bro, this afternoon, if you can make it over to mon Vale all the way from North Bonde, packy kids up into the car, and Ellie because she's definitely invited, Elly so you don't see earlier there nodding.
Then we'll do it. That was a terrible do it. That was a terrible joke. Sorry, I was trying to make you feel I did lose Eli for a couple of hours. I was wondering she was.
Look, it was more of impromptu afternoon. And then someone brang a cake, and then the whole pub stopped and sang for Mazie. And then there were presents. They're gift bags. But you weren't about it. Nah, I'm kidding, fucking work me up like that. Also, someone's wedding anniversary. I'm not sure if you know that.
Well I do now, but I didn't. I didn't in the lead up too.
I just don't. I've missed it somehow.
It's only two years I know, And it's just a busy period right now. Ash, In hindsight, getting married in November was the worst month to get married because it's just so freaking busy, Like it's just it's awful.
It's awful. I got a lot of my plate, Ash.
I think you know someone who's more of a veteran and I'm like, coming up to eight years next year.
And what advice have you got for me?
Just don't forget it. Bro.
In my defense, I forgot. Laura forgot. We were at a birthday party and someone who was at the birthday party was also at our wedding and they actually said, oh my gosh, it's your wedding anniversary coming up. And we were like, oh.
We forgot to this year. We were in BALI must be nice.
It was the day after and April I were kid free for a little while.
What's your date of the wedding? The sixth of October. That's a tricky date. That's a hard day to remember.
And is it the sixth of October? Oh?
Fuck yes it is.
Sorry, And it was the seventh of October and a friend that we were with came up to us and we were sitting in the lobby of the hotel, right, and he goes, hey, I.
Forgot to wish you. I have the anniversary yesterday. Oh and we're like shod we all of us have sex now.
Well, it was that weird moment where Laura and I we both were in the situation going we have forgotten, Like are you called doing nothing? I'm called doing nothing? But then we have to keep saying, like you're not secretly planning something, right, I'm not kind.
Of disappointed when no one to see it really planned anything.
I had the present under the house.
And when did you let him out?
That was Yeah, it was a quiet anniversary. We'll celebrate it next two years. It's not even worthy of a celebration.
I just want to laugh at that.
That is such like an old person sentence to say, what, we'll celebrate it next year. There's like something my grandmother would say if we forgot her birthday.
She'd be like, celebrate it next year when I'm dead.
Oh shit, we need to make more of an.
Effort everyone does. I think, just look, you're busy, you do what you can. Thank you, thank you for understanding. You get to no. Well, I'll have a quick word to her. I recall after this ended up. I had we had, didn't you. Let's let's move on.
I have.
Okay, this exciting news.
This will make you feel a lot better because I have something to show you, something that I've been working on. We've spoken about the fact that we need merch right. The podcast needs it. Every podcast needs to have this. It's like the full stop at the end of the sentence. We've not had it for a while.
Now you've done this behind my back.
The wag is over.
It was like when I sponsored that football team behind your back, I've.
Done the same thing.
Who just wants to well, oh, you didn't know you've got No, I'm just looking at I just I'm looking at hats that say you must be not Matthew.
What you didn't I did? Ah? How do I let you down?
It must be nice?
How do I let you down? Must have these looking good?
Oh, don't get me wrong, they look great. However, I don't know if you've seen the Facebook post of how much and Andy did the same thing.
No, there's was no, no, no, there's was lost touch with the common man.
I know they've got must be nice hats. How similar are the hats identical? To the point they could sue it. How many did you order these five hundred?
What is it really similar?
It's identical? Okay, but okay, let's look it up. Look it up, look it up. Look, let's get our producer to bring that up for us.
Although big point of difference. We have a full stop at the end of ours.
Right, play on, I play on, I say, I think we're good. I don't know if we are. I really like it.
It's like the same fune everything.
Well, hang on, there's a difference.
Well, there's this curve curve, there's this curved and ours is a full stop.
What we should have done is should have done the Star Wars Wars version, and it could be the Yoda one.
Nice must be.
Nice must be, nice must be. But look, fuck, you've how many five hundred? We're gonna have to shut the podcast down because that's the whole merch budget. Now, what are we gonna do with them? Well, we might be able to sell them. Do you know what I'm going to do.
I'm going to wear mine for the rest of the podcast.
As we can't do that or we get in trouble, please wear away.
I mean, it's not like Hamish Nandy, that big of a podcast. Surely they don't have a strong legal team behind they.
Come after us. It's all good things for us, I think.
Yeah, we actually we need to have some type of like, we need some conflict.
Yeah, we want a battle. Yeah.
And if you're going to fight someone, go after the big dog Hamish Nandy come for us.
All right, So we're bringing out a new one then that says nice, must be.
Nice? Comma nice be.
I do want to put my hand up and say my bad.
Who else is going to put their hands up?
No, you know what, it's not your fault. That's our producer's fault that she didn't double check that. Jessica.
Shame shame, that's shame on you. That's a written warning.
Shame on you.
We'll make it work, maybe if we changed it to must be nice. Matt Okay, right, well it feels quite nice on the top of my head.
Well, back to the drawing board we go.
Okay, Well it's a nice try.
I like the thought behind it, but you've opened up to a potential lawsuit, which you know what. Bring it on, Matthew. Yes, we spoke last week. You had Marley's orientation. I believe you had another one today week next week, and you had an information session not that long ago. Well we've had our information session finally your first one. No, no, So we did. We did it differently. We did like a school tour. Then we did oscar like a handover with a buddy or whatever. Nice, And then we did one the other day that was a handover, but we stayed in the library. The kids were in class, and they gave the informations by the kids were in class, which.
Is a great way to do it. Two birds with the one stone.
I like it.
Continue, I like it.
No one told me how boring this thing was going to be. Fuck, it was boring.
This is your child's education, this is their future.
I started to act out like I was at school again.
April sat in front of me, and I was with a mate because all our kids going together, and I was just like poking and poking a rounder the arm or she would like murmur to one of the girls. Next t I was like, you're listening, like just little things like that. I wanted to play the penis game, but no one else wanted to play with me.
You're fucking terrible.
Also, the PA didn't work.
That would have just lost your straight off.
Straight away, I said, can you hear what are we talking about? Then they went on for fifteen twenty minutes. I shouldn't sleds in school too much because I've my kids about to go there for six years.
But they there was like a big.
Change in like New South Wales teaching curriculum about job share and whatever, which I think job share.
Is great for the record. What is job share? So like a teacher because.
Of the lack of teachers there are out there, right, there's job share now, so a mum can be a teacher for two days a week and there's another teacher who also teaches that class for the other three days of the week paid. It's like a part time teacher. Oh okay, so like your kids have two teachers? Of course, was it a recruitment drive? No, no, no, they wanted they have to pass on the information because it's legislation that in schools Now it's it's essentially across the board.
They're allowed to offer it to potential teachers. Love that before, like the school that.
He's going to already implemented that because they're allowed to do it individually.
But now it's like across the board.
You're elite, you're illegally allowed to I could have that wrong.
Once again.
If you are a parent with a child entering into the school system, do not use this way.
And I look and honestly I cannot concentrate.
Yeah, at all it is. It's obviously I care where my child goes. But at the same time, the school, it's in our catchment. That's why we picked it. We know it's a goodish school. Like it's KINDI as well, Like I don't.
I don't know how critical is it?
Yeah, Like, if it's bad, I'll figure that out when I drop them off and I start funning out that is bad.
I don't know.
Yeah, And I think, like, I'm not good with information. Don't give me any information, give me visuals.
How come you just didn't? If it was a puppet show, I would be like, but yeah.
It was hard work two hours.
That's come on on a plastic seat. How's your back fucked?
And look love the school. I went there as a kid, so not the school's great. I already know it's great. I looked over at April and I said, this is really a one parent job totally. You don't need me here for this. But then they were like, we're going to give you all of this information in a pack. Just give me the fucking pack and give you went two hours back. Look, it was necessary information.
I get it. Okay, I get it. They've got to do it, and.
But it was so boring. I look over and a dad another dad has nodded off and I'm talking swaying.
He was like, I don't know if we can post a video because I can't. I saw the video and it was like someone was hit with a tranquilize.
I can't because he's going to go to school with my kids, going to find out he could be dangerous.
But he was sitting on the edge of a desk like.
Yeah, he was fully upright.
It wasn't like in the back corner did no one tap him on the shoulder and say, hey, dude, you gotta I was jealous.
I was like, how do you do that? Good effort fall?
Honestly, And then afterwards, fucking that guy was full of energy. It was running up and down and then I it finished up and all the parents congregated out in the front of the library, and you know me, I don't really like a lot of people, you know, like, I get a bit overwhelmed very much. So I got really overwhelmed, and I was like, I just said to April, I'm like, hey, I'm just going to go and sit over there. I think I tried to call you to try just focus on one person. Thanks for answering, by the way, sorry, And I was like, Okay, well, I need to just distract myself because I was feeling a little bit overwhelmed with all like the interaction. And then I'm sitting there and all of a sudden, the bell goes and within ten seconds, I'm surrounded by fucking kids. Like so I was like, and then I came back, and no one else knew except for April, that I needed to just get away from the situation. And my mates that were there were just like, I just look over and you're fucking sick with a bunch of kids.
So anyway, do.
You think you'll be the type of parent who donates their time to the cafeteria?
Absolutely not.
They Actually there's a guy who works in the cafeteria who's got kids that go to the school there.
He's a cool dude. I liked him.
He was not probably because he was talking about food, because they do make it sound very enticing. They were like, the kids love it when they come to got their lunch and they seem the more dad in the cafeteria. And I was like really, I was like, hanging a second, you're just trying to fucking bait me for that.
Yeah, Oscar to see me. He was like.
That, Yeah, we had an orientation this morning for high school. She's just skipping it all together. Will do You've got a There are people who, at the age of one and two are already enrolled at high school.
Is that why when you came in after me?
You waited until I wasn't looking at what you were wearing, and then you ran up the stairs and I looked up and you were in a nice collared shirt tucked in.
Yeah, I was looking respectable. They were screening us already.
Fuck, are you serious? That is unbelievable.
You have to enroll them before grade three to begin with the chance to be considered for a particular school for Yeah, I won't say the name of the school, but you have to there. There were people there in the orientation. One of the head of departments was like, just out of interest, you've got some kids here.
How old are yours?
How old are yours? There was a mom there who was due and four weeks who was already at the orientation for high school life.
Get a get a life. That's all I've got to say to that, Like if if your place your child's future, it's his future, not mine, like suck it up.
And then I went to a I went, okay, they explained a lot, so I just I'll just keep a mouth shut now.
But there was a there was a part they did a talk and then they afterwards they split people up into different groups, and they then give you a tour of the school and they said, listen closely. Right now, we're going to explain to you how your groups get split up. And as a joke, they were like, and these two instructions, listen carefully because if you get it wrong, this is how we know who are the good parents and the bad parents.
And I was like, oh fuck, that was me. I'd be fucked.
I stood outside and I was like, who's the good group?
Where's my group? Oh my god, I just can't get over there.
Everyone everyone had their like they're like student leader who then took them on their tour. I was there by myself, how's left behind? Wondering the whole and then like just followed a group. I was like, okay, there's got no chance anyway. I think, okay, I can't get my head around there.
But why, like, why do you want the girls to go to this particular school? Is it like a it's a private school.
It's a private school, and they value not only education, but but co curricular education as well. Ash we want to give them an experience that covers all areas of life in addition to drama, music, sport as well as education.
Given risties and the bushes and then education, is it?
I didn't that wasn't on the pamphlet.
That's definitely what's happening in some Catholic school is the handies handies Saturday mornings. Yeah, look, I just think, man, it's both girls.
I just want fip a coin. Who gets it? No, I reckon, we know who's going to get it. I think that's okay.
But just for the record, yes, everyone listening out there, I think for the record, that's ridiculous.
I agree, Okay, I'm glad that. But look, also, okay, I know whose idea it was.
I know exactly whose idea was to go whose she shall remain nameless, Laura Ellie.
No, to be honest, it was my sister who listens to this podcast. So I do want to say thanks to my sister. No, you don't, I do know, ire winking at me. I want the kids. Ideally they all go to the same school with the cousins. The cousins, that's great, perfect, But do you know what's happened? All this preparation for school next year has given me one of the words, weeks of my life.
Explain. So on Monday morning, I've got.
A text that sent shivers down my spine. It read, don't forget everybody. This week is lunchbox week.
Oh my god.
Okay, So what they do to try and little baby steps.
Week in week out. I know what they do.
If any parent's out there, explain what that is. So there's certain little things, activities, milestones that they like the kids to do who are transitioning to KINDI this is at daycare. One of them is like you for the week you wear your school uniform to week you know, you practice what's going to happen next year. Lunchbox week and my daycare, for the record, is one where the food is provided. We never have to pack a lunch, which is just beautiful. That task, the fact that I don't have to do that each morning, it makes me so happy. It's painful, bro, It's fucking awful. So get this text lunchbox Week. And I also I'm conscious of the fact that you don't want your kid to be the only one. Oh shit, hang on a second, damn it. I forgot to upload these photos for money for a show and tell sorry, that's another thought. This is very classic. Remind this record. So this is like, I need to upload these photos because Marley keeps.
There's parents out there now listening to this check and they did the exact same thing.
I always forget. So my hey, lunchbox week, what do we got? And of course, like Monday, Monday afternoon is when I do my shopping.
There's some old gold rowings.
So open the pantry. I have a pack of Doritos that we were weirdly given by Halloween. People gave out chips perfect ground that in the lunch box it goes. I have an old apple that's almost soft to touch because it's at the bottom back corner of the fridge. I'm like cool. I put that in there as well.
Still fresh.
And then Marley goes, I really want something. Everyone gets something.
I believe it.
If the apple is squishy, it means it's ripe. Anyway, moving up, it bounced yeah. And then Marley was like, I need a treat. People get a treat. And I thought, do they get a treat? And she goes, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know those chop chip cookies, my chopship cookies.
Yeah, yes, I take an ownership of that box.
I've eaten majority of them.
They're very good. Marley says, can you please give me one of those? Everybody gets a treat? And I said, I think I remember getting a treat like you get like a little some so pretty easy lunchbox she had changed. She had an off Apple, a packet of Doritos, and one chop chip cookie wrapped up in glad wrap.
That's a good effort.
Came picked her up.
She'd eate none of it.
Teacher had to pull me aside and be like, just the cookies had nuts in it. And then the Toritos were not good. They were like, oh, we try not to give them too many sweets as well. So I got reprimanded when I picked her up and you were like, it's okay, tomorrow, I'll send it. I'll send the room with McDonald's.
Yeah. Look, we did talk about this last week and last year. I'm pretty sure the exact same thing happened. Did you have the same We didn't do it last you witnessed it.
Maybe she maybe because she was in that group.
And I do recall you complaining about still having to pay full child fees.
That's right, yeah, were still they're getting a week off food. It's also extra shit because Lola is missing out Lola's group which is still upstairs but separate another room. None of those kids are having lunchbox week Every morning I pack Miley's lunchbox and Lola's going.
But what about me?
I want a lunch box.
It's hell yeah, look nightmare hell out there, Ash, I know it. And I've been making Oscar well, April does majority of I made Oscar's lunch last night for today.
What do you have?
He has a vegemint sandwich every day, loves it. That's that's a start and also handy hint. I'm going to give you a tip.
Laid on me.
Get one of those little Bento box with their name on it. You can go sandwich fruit, keep it all separate so the fruit doesn't make the sandwich soggy?
Am I a good parent? This is all Aple's doing?
What is this weird universe that I'm working on it?
If it was April's doing, it'll be in a fish tackle box anyway, next to the lures. Yeah, next none o the hooks, the old rusty one.
This morning I did because we did some grocery shopping. I gave her some blueberries. I gave her.
It took you to Wednesday to get it right.
And then I gave her some cheese and some crackers.
Will she eat any of it? Probably not?
Has it cost me like fifteen dollars? Yes, that's ridiculous. April does it majority of the time. Sometimes if I'm just like on the go, I'm like done.
But how are you?
So very good?
But yeah, it's a paint.
Macy's going to that school next year, so I'll be making two lunches.
Was it you who told me the I g A sells lunchboxes? No friend of mine. They have I g their local I G A. I think I think they're up a Noosa their local. Ida's a long way to go to your lunch.
They are just you got a boogie on that side. Sorry, I've just seen it. It's not like I let you talk to it. He made me laugh and just went.
Clean it.
Can I just yeah.
The young boy who was taking orientation this morning, he did it. It was a little strange. And then midway through, as when miss meandering around the school, I look at him and he's picking his nose and he ate it nice.
It's hungry.
Obviously his parents didn't packing lunch lunchboxes from I g a yes, but I'll get April to send you a website that has the what we have great and the middle comes out so you can watch it separately or no one likes to show off, I'm going to show it right off.
You have a video that you've been teasing.
I have a video that I've been teasing you. Our producer couldn't watch it, so disclaimer for you right now.
I don't know if you recall Macy did what we thought was a massive shit.
I showed you and it was like as thick as my arm. I remember, Yeah, someone's beaten it. Someone has beaten Is this off the internet or is this a friend? This is so you know my friend Mike love Mike, Mike, handsome Mike.
His kid is very handsome Tom.
What's this kid called Lenny?
Lenny? What's her name?
Oscar's best friend? Yeah, Oscar's best friend Lenny. Anyway, so this is look just mind you. This is in Bali, okay, which also a solid shit in Bali. That also just quickly, I did a ship in Bali. Clean snap that in Bali.
Why have you withheld that from me for so long?
I forgot until just now A clean snap.
That's thank you, very good effort, well done, well done. Can I watch the video?
Yeah? It looks yeah.
I love how it starts off and there's like eight pairs of feet.
We're all, yeah, yeah, there two families.
There's actually three families.
In there selling tickets front row seats.
What you're so proud of?
It looks like, oh my god, it looks like a grid iron football. It's hugely we can show people that, do you know?
You can? Do you know?
It was funny because I feel that I film that, But before I filmed it, I'm in the other villa and Mike, thirty four year old Mike, comes a running and he's like bro.
Don't ever look at this anyway. We've all just come in and there's Lenny just.
Like so happy, so proud of himself, And I was like, fuck, that is unbelievable.
Is that like a twenty four hour period from the How long has that been building up.
For a couple of days?
Yeah, good on him forgetting it out. That must he be so he was like a different kid.
It was like, yeah, he came out. He was just like, I'm like, who's this? Skey, little boy?
You didn't disappoint Thank you for that video.
I knew you needed to see that. Just a quick update on something last week. I carried on like a child whilst oscar carried on like a child during a massive tantrum which we tried to want one up each other, and I threw a NERF gun into the back paddock that was, I would say, chest high of.
Weeds and grass and other plant like formations.
Thank you for such a descriptive picture of your backyard.
But on Friday I had someone coming to clear it out.
The nerf gun or the garden.
The garden.
You're a gardener.
It was hang on, no, no.
No, you have a gardener now all and and you fucking messaged me and said, what's the name of your cleaner?
No cleaner, opted for the gardener instead.
Oh, you've got like a suite of servants working to your manner.
They all live under the house, cached up anyway. You know how I've launched this nerve gud. Guess what's turned back up again?
The nerve guard.
It's I was like, you've done an amazing job. And I looked at down and sitting down there on a rock nice and perched is the nerf gun.
That's a good gardener.
Yeah, keep him. Yeah. He also found a hose useful and a dead body moving on really really quickly, really quickly.
I was attacked by a wild animal.
Where at were you in my backyard?
I went for a run the other day, Ash, You know I like to run.
I do you like to go for a run around Rose?
A trot a trot as they yet lovely round there by the water just gorgeous, the sea breeze up your nostrils. Nice, must be very very good, very plant that seed will water it in a couple of weeks.
We'll grow like my backyard.
So then a mid run three kilometers in there's a little section there's Rose Bay Village where there's a couple of shops, gets a little bit busy. But when I was running, maybe five thirty in the afternoon, dodge a few people. I run past the group, like biz, because you're so fast. Yeah, I run like you cook.
And I run past this guy who has two dogs, and one of them leaps up right. It's all happened in the blink of an eye. It's quite hard for me to talk about because it was very traumatic. Again, that's type of dog it was. It was an English bulldog, little fat thing. Do you mean a little fat thing, A little ferocious thing, A bulldog?
English bulldog? Yeah, yeah, a big fat, thick thing. It leaps up, flies through the air.
Okay. Yeah. The owner has it on a lead.
Lead snaps snatches like okay, I didn't snap to make that part up. The dog is flying, comes right for me and bites me on the top of my leg, missing my dick by a matter of millimeters.
No, you've got a wound.
I've got a wound.
I don't. Happened a few days ago. I don't know if it's healed.
I haven't. I haven't inspected it lately. So it may not be a photo of have a photo, but I'll show you the actual wound.
Just cover your eyes. You've got a puncture that's from a dog.
That's from a dog. Did they put the dog down? So this all happened really quickly, and I was in shock. I was there going you know when you're in shock and you go.
Shocked hands, you're at shock. Faith.
I looked at I looked at the owner went I didn't I didn't speak, and he goes, have you been attacked? And I said, yes, I I had saliva, like all over my pants.
It's pronounced semen. I've always got to go disgusting anyway.
Yeah, And he said, he said, did he bite you? And I said, look at look at the pack is the wound you look at the pagans riddled with saliva? And then I kind of thought it's not that bad. And you know when you have a moment where you.
Think you're a fully grown man with it, you know what I mean.
I always have that moment, not the story, when you get when you get attacked by something, You're like, I'm not a child, I'm a fully grown man.
Let's move on with it.
As in like just suck it up and walk on.
Yeah, okay, no, no, no, no.
I was like, I was like, do I really ark up and be like what the fuck?
I don't know what. I don't know what accent that was, but I was like, do I get really angry because it's a pretty serious thing attacked.
I think it depends on what the owners like. Well, he was very apologizing, I'm so to get angry.
And also I was on a good pace. I can't let you down, so I was I'm just gonna let this one slide. But I did think I need to go the line of like I walk my daughters.
Through here, I gotta been my daughter dramatic.
I could be without a dick right now.
Then I'd have a crack. Then I'd have a crack.
I kept I kept running.
And I think if it was like if the owner was like sorry, bro, you'd be like sorry, bra, like yeah, how about your fucking control?
Your don't sort your dog out? And the dog also was was. I think he just got startled, startled by how fast do you go? How far the stride of a young agile man. I was wearing a bright yellow shirt as well.
Maybe they do like running in Fluoro except for at night.
Big flu a guy, Big for a guy. I came home. I told Ellie the story, and Ellie was like.
Let's get it.
It's a wild beast.
Looten Rose.
Take the children there, come back. So just a word of warning to anyone out out there who may be walking around Rose Bay.
There's a wild dog on the liff.
You come across an English bulldog, shoot it, tread ca.
Hit it with your car. More than one just on that.
I got attacked by cock spaniel two days ago running as well, just saying it didn't bite me, but it came after me in what way.
Well, let's put it this way.
I was doing six and a half minute kilometers that kilometer five and a half minutes.
You adjase me.
The actually adrenaline is very he me. It was really old cocker spaniel too. Owner was inside, I know, yeah, got away.
What do the owners say?
I was gone, I didn't stop. It just came after me, little brad cocker spaniel.
The streets of Sydney.
Very dangerous dogs.
To all runners out there, be careful after herself.
Cocker spaniels, they'll get you. Beware ash the competition.
Okay, my neck is cracked like you're getting old.
I'm so old.
The competition, Yes, the hundredth and second giveaway episode in Hendon Island. We have a winner. Yep, we have announced winner on social media. But for those who are not aware, the winner is.
Her name's Hannah and I don't know if you remember the video, but her kids got messed up with a bit of blue paint.
I almost thought, I almost thought, this is such an insane amount of paint, blue paint that has been spread throughout the house. I thought it might have been a fake video. I thought, I did wonder. I was like, has Hannah. Has Hannah just like gotten a tub of dual luxe paint and just tipped it over everyone to win this prize?
If so still worthy?
If you're going to destroy your own apartment like that, you deserve an absolutely. But a few people said, we want to hear from Hannah, we want the backstory.
Yes, I agree, and we do have it.
I have a number. Let's give it a quick call. Hannah.
Congratulations, Thank you so much.
Who was so excited.
When you discovered that scene? A crime scene? If you will have blue paint? Did you ever think that it would win? You a trip to a tropical island.
No, no, look, it almost makes it.
Worth it almost is the blue paint still in the carpet.
We got professional carpet cleaners in. Well, they actually said they could have it.
I was not expecting that.
So what you've said on the videos is just the start of it.
That went through that poor patrol car went through all and went through all the bedroom.
Who was in charge of the kids when this happened.
Well, both me and my husband.
Oh, you have to say that.
Was it a case where things were silent for a little bit and yet no?
No, so this was this happened. They must have been up at the cracker down. We were still asleep. The big brother got the paint out of the car.
Yeah, so the big brother got the paint out, and we, honestly, we were asleep and we woke up like a key that core patrol car going up and down the hallway, and that's when we walked into the disaster.
God just got worse and worse and worse. Although I have to give it is it Tom, is it thee I have to give.
Him credit for the eyebrows.
Oh look, I.
Think that's why I couldn't even get cross with him at the time.
That's so funny.
Did you get any type of punishment for that?
No, well just save it up, wait till he's eighteen, and then punish him.
I think when you're in that situation, you realize there's nothing that can fix it.
So and it would look it was a crillic paint as well, Like it wasn't even like, oh, just admit defeat.
Basically, well, you've earned You've earned this holiday, that's for sure.
Well, we'll be honest.
When we got through all the submissions, we saw yours and instantly we were like, holy shit, this.
One is going to be near and possible to beat.
Yeah, we're still finding, like we're still finding.
I love that never changed. I've never changed, never changed.
No, he has been like that forever. And you look, keeps.
Us, keep us business.
You're very lucky. So well done. Once again, enjoy the holiday. Don't bring paint. I don't know the Sundays is carpet it or I think it's floorboards.
We'll make sure that it's plastic wrapped. Well, she was lovely deserving of a holiday. Interesting that she replaced it with more carpet. Did she not learn from a mistake.
That's on New Hannah. If it happens again, don't come back to us for a second holiday.
I would suggest with children like that, vinyl replaceable.
Now for a serious message, Matthew.
Usually this is the part of the episode where we have a segment one hacks or what's the other one?
We do live.
But not today, not today, We're just going to do some questions. That's a serious announcement. I know, I got really seriousness.
That was great, good time, good time. If you ever have to deliver bad news, you're the guy to do it. No, yeah, no, it was nice to get a taste of your serious voice for a few second. We have questions. Can I ask you this question? Ash is lying about your kid's age to get cheaper tickets?
Appropriate as absolutely play on green Light for me? I did this, Remember I did this with Oscar because at sorry manley Man, specifically, when you take your kid under four, they're free. So I just had to convince Oscar that he was four until we got in.
Do you not worry that you're setting up your child for a life of dishonesty.
Like he's going to become a hard and criminal because of it? Yeah?
You know the foundations are they said at a young age.
If he can go from lying about his age to being a hardened criminal that think of the steps along the way, if he can get through those, that's something that you should be celebrated.
Okay, A couple of quick questions. Easter show? Can you lie?
Okay? What about restaurant for lie? Okay? Okay?
What about all?
Okay, here's one for you, not to put you on the spot, but I would appreciate your honesty right now. Okay, I think it's two and a half when you have to start bowing there he is aeroplane, Yeah, aeroplane you can't.
You can do it domestically, yeah, but internationally you can't because you need a passport.
Right, So what about flying domestic? Have you ever purchased a ticket and lied about the age of your child to get them a free seat, because you know that when they're like two and one month, they're still going to sit on your lap anyway, right? Yeah, and they don't. I don't ask for the idea because you just check in at the key ask. No one knows if they are.
He just kick up a stink.
Have you lied?
I'm told I'm told, I'm told told, I don't want to dip a certain lady in our household.
I don't want to throw her any under the bar. No, we haven't.
Also, hotels is a good one as well.
Oh what about you? Surely sure? Never?
Not me?
Not once? Too much to lose? Eh?
Oh well, can't wait for us going to be a hardened criminal?
That's any fun? Okay, I've got on for you, Matt.
And look, this one was a running joke in my house for a while.
It was a joke for me, but maybe not for her. What are your thoughts on a push present?
Now? First of all, let me answer that. Let's explain what a push present is. It's when you gift your wife, partner, whatever, a present after they've pushed out a child.
I personally think the child is the present. I agree, you agree with that's ridiculous.
I didn't get Laura a push present partly because she earns more money than me that if she wants a present, she's probably better off buying it herself.
Totally agreed. But I look, it's pretty it's pretty awful.
What women have to go through.
Yeah, with the whole, but it's not like it's a non consensual birth.
No, I know, but when you look at when you weigh up the two scenarios, the roles and responsibilities of pregnancy and childbirth, man versus woman.
But when did it?
It's very the the imbalance is unbelievable.
But when did it become about materialistic items? Think about that. That was a really big sentence out of my mouth. And I'm sorry, But when did it become about the material things?
Okay, why can't you just be like.
You know what, You've done an amazing job pushing out our child. Yeah, I'm going to do my very best now to be the most supportive, be the most present.
Isn't that?
Isn't that father?
Isn't that just isn't the bare minimum?
Yeah? No, But why does it have to be about materials?
Okay, what's the diamond going to do for you? It's not going to cook you fucking dinner, is it. I just think it's ridiculous. I think I would much rather buy April something because not because of that, just out of the kindness of my heart, not because of I know, I make myfi.
Look, if that's what you're into, fine.
Look for Laura and I were not big present people. Obviously, when you look back at the anniversary, we've got tie takeaway in front of the TV. You know we're not extravagant gift bearers. So parents, I thank you. Fuck what was I thinking? I was thinking that the Three Wise Men like bearing gifts. Yes, I mean you look at look at Mary's the name Mary. So then she gave birth to Jesus and what does she get? She got three push presents?
Yeah, but from from other people, from other families. From you get a gift, it's you, technically you, I think. Okay, I think if we start social media these days, if we put the expectation on couples to provide push present, there's some people out there that can't provide a push fucking diamond like Pooky.
It doesn't have to be a diamond, ash doesn't have to be that's what.
That's what.
That's what If you go back to the origin of it, of this whole ridiculous thing, it's actually diamonds.
But I'm certain it's actually diamonds.
But I do agree with you. I think there is no greater present that can be given to your partner who has just given birth to your child. Then being entirely present, giving their time, their energy, to helping around the house, to being an attentive partner, cooking, cleaning, doing everything they can to lighten the load for their partner. That is the best gift of.
All, well said, my wife's a jeweler. She's got all in your own present. Let's leave it at your words, the bare minimum. Yeah, if you've liked this episode, please leave a review. Hey, can I just say I'm trying to finish a sentence.
I know, but sorry, I apologize, but I do have to say because at the moment, I don't know what's happened. Okay, but we've been blessed with a couple more listeners.
Oh, we have welcome.
Like, we watch it very closely.
Let's just rephrase that Matthew watches it very closely. I don't know how to access it. Also, you haven't given me authority to edit any documents in this business, which I like.
But lately we've had a couple new people listening to the podcast, and please stay.
Stay and share. If we each share to ten other people, we'll.
Be in a much better place and where we're at right now.
Yes, so to those would be nice to.
Those new listeners, is that anyone work.
It will be nice, It would be nice.
It would be nice.
That'll get them. We're coming find out that. Please leave a review.
Subscribe, yees, subscribe if you're a new listener, leave a review five stars if you like no pressure, no pressures.
Follow us on social media. We have TikTok, we have Instagram. We have a Facebook group, which at the moment is a lovely place where to save space. People have a great time there.
Okay, really I'm joining.
It's hard.
I'm joining off the back of that.
Thank you. We have about two point four thousand members.
I love it. Two point four We've got two point four.
But yeah, join us. It's you won't regret it. It'd be great.
We don't think you'll regretted. No, you won't and you don't think.
So let's get out of here.
Let's go, Bye bye.
Two Doting Dads podcast acknowledges the traditional custodians of country throughout Australia and the connections to land, sea and community.
We pay our respects to their elders past and present and extend that respect to all.
Aboriginal and Torrestraight Islander people's today. This episode was recorded on gadagal Land.