Hi Guys, welcome back to TV Reload. Thank you for clicking or downloading on today’s episode with Noonan. This weeks only eliminated Australian Survivor player. After a week go unpredictable twists.
This fourth week we saw another original brawn player 'booted' and we are going to get some hot takes on Noonan eliminated and what she thinks of this weeks game play from the surviving survivors..
There is so much to talk about with so many inside revelations. So sit back and relax as we unpack the wonderful world of Australian Survivor. Which is back this week on Sunday night.
It's in the news today, but it was actually on TV Reload the podcast last week that night. Hey guys, welcome back to TV Reload. I want to thank you for clicking and downloading on today's episode with Noonan the only eliminated Australian Survivor player. After a week of unpredictable twists, this fourth week of the show, we saw another original Braun player getting booted, and we are going to get some hot takes on why Noonon was eliminated and what she thinks of this week's gameplay. From her surviving Survivors, Noona will talk about her relationship with Ursula and what she really thinks of their friendship. Now noon will share her thoughts on the challenges and if they are proving to be too dangerous. I will find out about Noonan's family and what her brothers thought of her time on the show. You will get everything from Noonan's take on the drama between Laura and Zara, what she thinks of the post show Survivor community, and what she thinks of My Rivals theme for next year. There's actually so much to talk about with so many inside revelations, so guys sit back and relax. As we unpacked the wonderful world of a Strand Survivor, which is back this week on Sunday Night on Network ten. Hi, Nowdon, how are you good?
How are you?
I'm very excited to be talking to you because I really loved you on this show. Thanks my gosh. It's such a high stressed environment and it can be nothing like what you expected. How does it all land for you? Now you've auditioned, you've gotten on, You've been able to wait months to watch it, and they've seen it. How does it feel?
I have never loved Survivor more than I do right now.
It's like the first love that you'd never let go of.
I am such a fan and I'm so proud of myself. That's all I'm overwhelmed with right now. So I love it. It didn't change any Survivor magic for me. And yeah, I think I love it more than I do now than I did when I before I went out.
How have you been watching it? Have you had your brothers there? Because I know that you were talking about the fact that you know this is your time to shine. Did your rink bring them in instead of show them how good you are?
Yeah? For the first out. We watched it at the footy club and what was their reaction?
They were in tears. They were so proud. Even when I went home they cried.
You know, when you arrived there and you sort of assessed the situation, did you have any idea how long you thought you would stick around for like you've met all the other people. Did you go, I'm here for a long time? Or did you think you were pushing up a hill? Like? What was it? What was it like? In real time?
I thought I'd make it quite deep.
I was confident that there was more threats around me. I didn't I didn't think I stood out too much, and I knew my social skills were quite strong, so I thought I could adapt quite quickly. So when tribes what came, I was ready, was ready to adapt and talk to new people, And unfortunately I just fell short of like the next phase in the game. But it was a wicked tribal, so I was like, heck, yeah, two idols, I'll take that.
That's ridiculous. I was thinking about how this show takes its toll on people. This season, more than any other season that I can remember. We've seen people leaving the comp petition because of how grueling it is. What was it for you? Because I mean in your final episode you looked a bit beaten and worn down. What had happened for you in that In regards to all of that, Oh, it's.
Hard to explain.
It was like I had an idea and know it was like I was screaming and no one could hear me. I was like, there's this clear plan we could all go with and it benefits everyone. And they listened, but they didn't help. And then to be injured, it was like twenty years of love for this show came crashing down on my foot and I could feel the dream slipping away. And it wasn't enough for me to audition for ten years and make it on. That wasn't enough. If I was making it on, I was winning. It was hitting me hard and I just I just said, embrace it, cry and let's go.
So I try it.
Do you think the challenges are too hard? Because I think I've said this a couple of times this year. I love a really hectic challenge. The more stressful, the more likely you may die, the better. Like that's just me, but like we've seen a lot of people getting injured. Do you think that they need to tone them down, or what's your feeling about those considering that we have seen people being sent home.
Yeah, that's hard. I'm a competitor and I've played sport my whole life. So for me, if you can test yourself physically, that's really important to show the public that someone like me who's I'm not a size six, I'm not full of muscle, but I can go hard in these challenges. And it's like anything in life. You could cross the street and still get hurt. So I think Survivor does a really good job at pushing our limits while also trying to keep us safe and accidents, accidents do happen. Maybe the one on ones are a.
Little bit tricky.
I think if we did more twos on twos it could balance the favor. Or even with the pillow in the water, that kind of takes the element of hitting the ground hard out of it, getting hit.
In the face out of it, all that stuff.
But if you ask anyone that's been injured, would they still go as hard as they can in that challenge, I think they'd probably say yeah, And I would be the same.
Yeah, every single one of them I've spoken to so many people that have been injured, and like, I had a friend of mine that did survivor and it took him, like I think he said six to nine weeks to recover physically, and he wasn't hurt in a challenge. He just got quite unwell through the sleeping arrangements and all that kind of stuff. And I was like, oh, so you had a bad time, and he was like, no, I loved it.
Yeah, I'm the same.
I got hurt and I was like, I don't know what you guys are watching. I had the best time of my life.
Well, Ben left off camera, so we haven't really heard too much about why he left. Do you know much about how Ben left? I mean, are you allowed to share that with us?
I can only talk about what I saw like out in the game, and Ben was a challenge beast, so seeing him go was quite sad.
And I hope with.
His sickness and his illness he makes a full recovery and I can only wish the best for him. But in terms of a player, he was a challenge beast and that's what really stood out to me.
So I was so, yeah, that's probably how he stood out.
Do you think that people get an automatic pass back onto the show, Like if you've had to leave early, like we've seen with Zen and Ben, are anyone's name that this three and three letters, do they get an automatic pass to come back? Because I feel like they're more unresolved than anyone else because their torches aren't snuffed properly.
Yeah, and I think in their heart that's what they want, and as a fan, I would love to see that. I love that season they did back in the States where there was three people that were medivact and they got their second opportunity. I think everyone that had a good time on the show would say call me whenever you.
Need I'll play again.
But players like Zen, yeah, I think he's a character and he should get a second chance.
But I'm also just a nice person and I feel like everyone should put me back on.
My theory is rivals versus second chances for next season, So like you have a rivalry and you were injured, so this is almost a bit of a second chance. Like we need to unpack the ursular situation because I chatted to her last week and it was very interesting. Let me tell you, I was very interested in what she unpacked about you how do you see I'm on your side of the story because I kind of have had hers. Now, what was your beef with Ursula personally?
I didn't have any beef with who Ursula was as a person.
We were very similar.
We both were really good at observing, and there was a few times we would observe and then look at each other and realize that we were doing the same thing. So I never had I don't have any sisters, so I felt like I fell into that sister role, that younger sister with her. But I never took anything she did personally. I was never offended by anything she did. She was playing a game, and to me it was two strong women that were competing against each other. And yes, I rolled my eyes, and that's maturing that I need to do.
I need to make this more subtle. I can roll my eyes in my head, just don't do it. Don't do it out loud.
And that's that's me as it's silly to think just because we're adults, we don't have room to grow. I will always keep maturing and keep growing. And it hurt that that upset her. But I think what happened with me is I went into the game going. I won't be offended. I'm not going to take things personally, fight till the end. If you want to go for me, I'm going to come for you. And I think I expected everyone to feel that way as well, and they didn't. And that's okay, Like that's okay that no one. We're not all playing the same game. So I have a lot of respect for Ursula, And in the moment, I was like, we're going at it like this is going to be good, two women going at it.
And it was betrayed.
I think a little bit more personal than maybe what I felt, but that I can't invalidate how she felt. That's how she felt, you know. She felt that it was personal, and that makes me sad.
I think she was struggling with what she could trust with you, and what I want to offer you now is something she said in the podcast. She said that she still doesn't trust you. That she had you over for dinner, he had to catch up and it was great, and she loves you, she actually said, I love her, she said, but do I trust her? I don't know. So I wonder whether or not she feels like you talk out the side of your mouth. Do you know what I mean when I say that.
Yeah, probably, I have a lot of love for Ursla, and she's being one of these people that we were voted out around the same time, so we became quite close when this big adventure had finished.
And I don't know whether the.
Episode brought up some sad feelings for both of us, and to hear she doesn't trust me again, it's sad, but I'm not offended because I know that in my world my friends do trust me, and that's something I might have to work on on with her. But the reason why I don't push it a lot is sometimes I over validate someone else's feelings at the expense of my own, and I didn't want I didn't want her journey, the ending of her journey to be about this rivalry because she did a lot more than just argue with me, and it was the same for me. I didn't want my journey to be just me fighting with Ursla because I did a lot more than just bigger with Ursler.
So I love that she's inclusive.
She always invites me, and I think that it's a really good quality about Ursula.
But I think we have the same qualities is that we can't fake it.
If we're annoyed with each other, we let each other know, and it's just a relationship that we'll just have to keep have to keep building on.
But for me, there's a lot of love, there's no hate.
She did what she had to do and so did I and for me, it was a game, and I hope that it doesn't keep spilling into real life.
I wonder whether or not you are a bit of a people pleaser in a way, in the sense that you want to make people happy, so you give them what you think that you want without necessarily always telling people how you're feeling. Is there that that is kind of what happens because you can let people down that way? Do you know what I mean? Like, if you're not being really honest because you're trying to please everyone, people will think that you're being two faced. Where a danger there? Do you know what I mean? Like? There's a day trying to be a people pleaser.
And that's something I'm I am very aware of and it's something I'm still trying to manage.
But I want to make it clear that.
It does come from a good place, It comes from a sincere place, and I, yeah, I think sometimes people just don't get along and it's and it's we got along really well outside the game, so I know there's that friendship there, and I think sometimes I just have to say how I truly feel, and then I think she has more respect for that instead of me being like, no, there's no problem. There's a problem in her eyes, and I need to address that. So, yeah, it's a tricky. It's a tricky situation, but I have a lot of love for her, and I think it's very much a sister relationship. We're just going to find because we like to hear them, we like to hear the sound of our own voices. We both want the last word. That's what it is.
I think one of the reasons why I resonated with you as well is that I'm from a family of you know, a lot of children, and to be heard, you had to be a little bit loud. And I saw things in your personality that reminded me of me. And you know what, when you're in a big family and there's you know, two pieces of toast, there's three people to fight over it, the person who wins is sort of the loud and bigger personality. And I wondered if I'm just seeing too much of myself and making this about me, or whether or not that is something that you feel in your personality. Do you feel in some situations you have to be loud to be heard.
Yeah, I think that's how all Newton's feel. In this family, We just yeah, it's hard to get a point across, and then it comes across as a grassive.
This is my idea. Go with my plan. I've got the better plan.
So that definitely translated in the game, and it's just something I have to work on. I just have to be I just have to be gentle. I'm not out there with my brothers. We're all on an equal playing field, so I need to I need to play it that way. Not just because you speak louder doesn't mean your point is correct.
Do you know what I wonder whether or not like we bring you back in like a rival situation. I want to know from you. Do you think we would get more of the same between the two of you, or do you think that we would get a part two? Do you think there'd be some evolution in it?
I have no idea. I have no idea.
I think again, this is I struggle a little bit with this idea of a rivalry with her because and I'm not trying to underplay it, but for me, it wasn't.
This huge thing.
Okay, wasn't this huge thing it and it was for her, and I can respect that, but I was also thinking about other things. So, for example, with the rich idea, the possibility to get either Ursla or or I out was there.
They had the.
Numbers to do it, they had the crack between her and I that they could really exploit it. But I thought, hold on, here's an opportunity to work together. We can all vote rich and keep our cards a little close to our chest. And she couldn't do that for whatever reason. And that's okay, But that was my way of saying we can work together. And then when she voted for me, I was like, okay, we can't. So whether we come back and play again, I don't know if I could put too much weight or validity on this rivalry, because I think a rivalry has to stem from somewhere, and for me, there's no hate, there's no We're not in a competition anymore. So I'm struggling to say that that would be a thing for me.
I think that hate and love to eat very similar things. And you know what I mean, Like some of my biggest conflict in my life has come from a place of being too close to love. You know, I've done reality shows before where there's been conflict, and in retrospect, I kind of feel like maybe there was a lot of love there, do you know what I mean? Maybe there was a lot of mirroring going on with those with that person, and so I wondered that could be the same sort of thing for you.
Yeah, we were so similar and I remember leaning my head on a shoulder one day and I thought, oh, the same person, and she's like, I know, so we could laugh about it, and I hope we keep I hope we keep laughing about it because we've both got a sixth sense of humor, and I think I think we've got more in common then we do that divides us.
Before you go, I need to quickly ask you two quick things. We saw some double epic double crossing in the end of this week's episodes with Zara and Laura, and I just think that that was so juicy because like, I don't know where that's going to go. Who whose side are you on. Are you team Zara or team Laura.
Oh, I think I'm team Laura. Don't come with me, Zara.
I think I'm team Laura because I think she can recognize where she made the mistake. She's you know, she shouldn't have told Look, we see this all the time. Stop telling people about your advantage of disguis. So I think I'm team Laura because I think she handled it. I think she handled it quite well. Yes, she was upset, And this is what I get frustrated at is when specifically women get upset, it then becomes this huge negative thing that's going to ruin their game.
And it might, but just because something has happened to her that has made her upset, she's allowed to be upset.
Whether she shows Zara that is her gameplay, but she's allowed to feel her feelings. So I think she's handling quite well. And I also think she's quick to adapt. She's like, Okay, Zara, don't hold me here. I've got to move on. And the best way to move on is to throw her under the bus. And I'm a big believer in driving this bus and running over people.
So I'm team Law in no other world except Survivor, Can you just want to run someone over with a truck? Right before you go? I have to ask you my last question. What is something from behind the scenes, something that we as viewer didn't get a chance to see. I thought of asking you something quite specific. You know, when it comes to having a beef with someone in a show and then going home and having time to sort of think about it, how are you allowed to approach that like? Is in do you can you speak to producers say I want to reach out to that person? Or is that a no no? Like? How do you try and build some bridges after the show comes to an end?
I think Survivor Australia we're very lucky that it is this one big, close community. More people have gone to Space than they've played this version of Survivor, so we're very lucky that there is a lot of past reach out and check up on you, you see how you're going, and special season. But we knew also every time someone gets voted out, it's we're going to be ends at the end of the day. So even when Nash went out, he went out with a smile, Ursula went out with a smile. I went out with a smile, and I knew when this was all over, i'd be at Nash's for a barbecue and we'd all talk about how why did.
We do this crazy thing? So in terms of being able to reach.
Out, it's been very easy, and I think we're all pretty good at putting the ball in each other's court and just being patient with each other. But the survivor community is an insane family that I never thought i'd have the privilege of being a part of.
I am obsessed with you. Cann't wait to reinvest in your story. I have to run really quick because I'm going into another podcast, but I wish that I could talk to you for three days. I will talk to you