Eliza & Liberty - THE BLOCK - Reality TV Personalities

Published Oct 27, 2023, 8:27 PM

On today’s podcast I have House 5, Victoria’s contestants: ‘Eliza & Liberty’ arguably the most popular contestants from ‘The Block’ for 2023.

This series of ’The Block’ we have seen more drama than any other series so far…. and after 19 seasons that is a pretty big statement to make. Viewers have been up in arms, Karen’s on keyboards are out of control and even radio hosts have been called out contestants... but the ratings are up and it is currently the most watched show on Australian free-to-air television. 

Some may say 'Eliza' and 'Liberty’s' contribution to the series has been just what the series needed to balance out the drama and others may say they are apart of the problem.

Both have potential careers in the media to consider and today we are going to get to the bottom of their thoughts feelings on every bit of there time on 'The Block' 2023!

  • I will talk about their issues with 'House Three' and how they feel about the way in which 'Kristy' and 'Brett' have been trolled online.
  • We will find out everything you need to know about their relationship with 'Hamish and Andy.' From if they helped get them on the show to if 'Andy' is going to buy their house! 
  • You will get the girls predictions on the final auction and we will find out who 'Eliza' and 'Liberty' are planning a life long friendship with.

Plus we will get plenty of exclusives from behind the scenes of ‘The Block.’ Which  has its Backyard reveal this Sunday on ‘Channel Nine’ and you can Catch up on ‘Nine Now.’

It's in the news today, but it was actually on TV Reload the podcast past Deep their line Welcome back guys to TV Reload. As you may know, my name is Benjamin Norris and this is your podcast to get all the inside goss on the popular TV shows that you may be watching from around the world. Undeniably, our TV sets are still a major part of our home entertainment, and yet very little is known about how our favorite shows get made. So each episode, I've been finding guests that want to dive just that little bit deeper into the shows they're currently making, so that you can hear all their exclusive stories and gain access to some of the biggest names in Australian television. I want to thank you for downloading or subscribing to this podcast however you've found me. I really do love hearing your feedback, so make sure you leave a review or a comment on your chosen podcast platform. On today's podcast, I have House five Victoria's contestants Eliza and Liberty, arguably the most popular contestants from The Block twenty twenty three. This series of the Block, we have seen more drama than any other theories so far, and after nineteen seasons. That's a pretty big statement to make. Viewers have been up in arms, Karen's on keyboards are out of control, and even radio hosts have been calling out contestants. But the ratings are up and it is currently the most watched show on television. Some may say Eliza and Liberty's contribution to the series has been just what the series needed to balance out some of the drama, and others may say that they are a part of the problem. But both have potential media careers to consider, and today we're going to get to the bottom of their thoughts and feelings on every bit of their time on The Block twenty twenty three. I will talk about their issues with House three and how they feel about the way in which Christy and Brett have been trolled online. We will find out everything you need to know about their relationship with Hamish and Andy, from if they help them to get on the show to if Andy is actually going to buy their house. You will get the girls' predictions on the final auction, and we will also find out who Eliza and Liberty are planning a lifelong frenchhi with. Plus, we will get plenty of exclusives from behind the scenes of The Block twenty twenty three, which has its final few episodes coming to an end. Oh my god, that auction is stressing me out. If you've fallen just a little bit behind, you can catch up on nine now, and I believe you should do so because it has been so juicy. Anyway, let's bring Eliza and Liberty into the podcast, and guys, I really hope you enjoy this fascinating look at the Block for twenty twenty three, as you will get a backstage pass like we've never had before. I am so excited to talk to the two of you.

Are we recording now?

Well I should have said hello, but look anyway, how are you both? For you both?

Well, yes, we're really good. We're good.

We can't believe things are about to finish.

Oh okay, is that really stressful, because I mean, you know, when you're mid season of a show like this, you think, oh my god, my whole life's been consumed and this is never going to end.

You know what, we're finding we're going on the same ride as we did in the show. Because with about three weeks to go to the end of filming, we were like, oh my god, how are you going to cope with this, and we were so upset and we're like, what's life going to be? And then like the week that it was ending, we're like, we cannot do a moment longer. Like if we if they told us we had to do another week, we would probably be like, we can't do it, atcha. So we're kind of feeling a little bit like that now. And it's a combination of like working full time and doing you know, all of the block staff. You know, you're all consumed by you know, things that are coming up auction order and auction and the drama that's still going on behind the scenes and just all of that stuff. So I think we're kind of ready for it to be done, but excited about what's ahead for us too.

Well. You know, this series is so popular, and it's because it is the only reality show where the outcome really and truly by the producers and everyone. No one knows how it's going to end. People could end up with no money, people could end up with eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars. It's a very stressful situation for you, for you all to be in.

Yeah, but the only good thing for us is we came into this with no expectations. Our only hope was that it would give our life a bit of a jolt because we both lived together.

We're sisters, but.

We're not really friends, Like we respect each other, but we're both yeah single, we're yeh, set in our ways, not you know, taking any risks or challenging ourselves, and so we just did this for a live shakeup and that's what we've got.

So obviously money would be a bonus.

We've come away with great friendships, but we feel like we've got everything out of the show that we needed too.

Does that mean you guys have been on the apps? Have you been dating? Has this show up to the dating level? Like what's going on? Oh?

Quite the opposite, which is like so frustrating. Literally every day we get asked like did you find boyfriends? And we're like no, A few reasons on the show, we just the moment we stepped on the block, we were like, we have no time. All the trades and stuff told us we would ask everyone as they came in what their marital status was, and everyone told us they were either married or coupled up all whatever, And we don't know whether that was true. Whether that was a lie, and then yeah, we've been so busy since. But we also don't have control of our socials at the moment really, so yeah, no one's we're not getting any DMS or an thing.

I ain't nobody dropping in the family that's coming.

You know. I'll tell you a really funny story. And I'm not going to use this person's name because she'll kill me, but someone who is in the media that I know at my fortieth birthday said to me after quite a few drinks, a fan is writing to me on Instagram, and you know, I've always been with my partner since doing any kind of media. She was like, but if you were single, would you go on a date with a fan? And I was like oh, and I was like, yeah, just do it anyway, she married him.

No, that is brilliant. Well that's amazing. So there's hope for us yet marry a fan? Oh mycos mate. Oh yeah, it depends how set a fan fanny they are. Hey, but we don't got no fans because we were gutta rats.

You know, Eliza Shor, it was really funny the first time I saw you on the at the set of the Block. I don't know if you remember this. I felt like it was going to be a storyline on the show. I walked up to you and I said, I've got one of the mirrors. I walked up to you and said, could do you have one of these?


So I was like, I've collected all of these from the other houses and they're quite amazing. And then you were like what is that? Took it off me and ran away because you were like, we were told we were not allowed to make those brochures.

The main the domain challenge mid season, and there were all these rules about what we could and couldn't do, and every other house made a booklet of their house, and apparently we were all told we couldn't print paraphernalia like that.

But our whole team's a bit stickler for the rules.

So I saw that pile that you had at four other houses, and I was like, excuse me.

For a minute, and I ran off and I was like, what.

House. No, I didn't. I wasn't really like that, but but yeah, you had all the other houses, but we just didn't do it.

But that's okay, Joe.

That's the reason why with the block for viewers, they watch and they sort of think about what's fair and what's not fair, and they get annoyed about one person calling out something else. But it's because Julian's really good. He's the executive producer for people at home that are playing along, but he's really good at allowing there to be things left open to interpretation, which means that it's contestants. You have to constantly think is it okay to call people out about what one person was told over another? Am I going on the right path here?


And I think as well for us, because we didn't know anything, we just asked a hell of a lot of questions and that's how we found out a lot of our information, and like we're able to tap in a lot of into a lot of resources. So yeah, I just think it was valuable in that sense for us being so clueless, because we were able to gain so much information and know who to go to if we needed something. But you know, Asher whatever, being a builder, he sort of was able to do his own thing and know a lot of things and didn't need to ask a lot of things, which I think in some instances could have been to his detriment because he could have maybe.

Been accessing more resources.

I don't know.

All I know is if we didn't know something, we would just ask.

It's kind of the reason why I enjoyed you two being cassed when you were, because it was that you had no real experience. And I think that represents a large part of the audience that want to watch the block. You know, there'd be so many people that would want to go on the show that don't have that building experience. So I think people could relate to you quite highly for that reason, do you think, Yeah, totally.

And the feedback that we're getting from people that we're chatting to, you know, in the public and on socials and things, is that we are so relatable because we literally had zero experience. But we came in and we just worked so hard and that was what our kind of method was coming in and our strategy, if you will, was just working so hard and never giving up. And I think that, you know will we won three rooms. So I think that's, you know, shown that you can be successful without having that experience. And yet I think there's various parts of it. It's both detrimental and advantageous because, like Eliza said, we asked so many questions. We were just sponges. We took on board feedback and we didn't have any sort of expectations or yeah, anything coming into it, particularly from it, and sponsors and things said that as well, that they loved that we just came in with an open mind and we just couldn't make decisions based on their guidance and feedback and things. But obviously having no experience meant we couldn't really do anything, you know, any of the labor and stuff, because you know, like Ash could, let's say, tools down at five pm. Ash could then you know, do stuff himself as a builder, whereas our builders believe for the day and we'd be like, oh, we don't know what we're doing, so we couldn't really do anything wenoculate and paint through them like those things. But yeah, but like Ash could actually, yeah, I know it was something buildery to do.

Just picturing you trying to pick up a chainsaw or given something really dangerous.

Clueless not allowed. So I think, and I think as well the sister Banter and that relationship is very relatable as well, And we truly were just who we are and the best bit of feedback that we can get from people, which we've got a lot of is Oh my gosh, you guys are the same on screen as you are off screen, and that's just who we were, which is really important to us. We didn't play characters or be anyone that we weren't. So yeah, that's that's the best bit of feedback that we could possibly get.

Well, I thought it was going to be a bit of a backlash for you. I thought the block fans we're going to be like, no, they don't have any building experience. And I remember Jules even saying to me, Oh, I'm sure there's going to be lots of people that are going to have a problem with them not having building experience. But he was like, oh, I think audiences will appreciate them, because he mentioned that you both were so grateful for the experience, and he said that gratitude comes through the camera, you know quite a lot.

Well, I mean, we've rented our whole lives. We ain't got no money for renovations ourselves. So it was a two part thing in like a live shakeup for us, but then also being able to have a crack at something that we never would in our ordinary lives with our access to this kind of money. It really was a once in a lifetime potentially opportunity for us because we don't have the money to do something like this in real life. So yeah, it just felt like we were kids in a candy shop a little bit and just got to experience something that was a bit of a dream in all senses. And I think we were grateful because we truly needed that life shake up. And there's quite a love lie moment for me at the end of the show where I, yeah, talk about what it kind of meant for me, and where you know, I was almost like, where does my life? Sounds so overdramatic, but I was because I was so set in my ways and routine driven and I was struggling to get out of that. For me, I was like, where's my life going to go if I don't do something like this drastic to like shake me up? And so I think we were so grateful that we had this opportunity because it truly did change our lives in the most positive way, and that I was, yeah, afraid, like where would I go? Would I just keep being this that I don't really love? Yeah, nine cats if I didn't do this. So that's why I think we were so grateful the whole time. And to be fair, like everyone working on this show, crew, production, other contestants, like everyone is there to help us make money in it and change our lives. So we again were so grateful for that because we just knew that everyone was working towards, yeah, the opportunity for us to make a lot of money, And so how can you not be grateful when that's what everyone's there for for.

You pretty amazing to get that experience. How did the idea come up for the two of you, because like there was some rumors about the fact that, you know, you both worked as producers or Eliza, like I knew that you'd worked with Hamish Nandy as a PA. You know, there was some of these rumors going around that maybe it was suggested to you through a different means, or were you both just sitting in your apartment and thought, let's just workshop an audition video.

Yeah, So we actually applied last year for gismon Thank God, and we didn't get on. So we applied that it was just something that popped up on one of the socials, or we were following Lucky the casting director or something. Anyway, didn't get through, and there was a remind because we'd already been subscribed to that point, there was an email reminder saying, oh, it's that time of year again. And so we looked at each other and we were kind of in the same place we were the year before, and we thought, do we do it again?

And it was actually even better timing because we were even more boring.

And set in our white ways.

So yeah, we applied that year and we took a different tax. The first year we did a boring like video where we're.

Like, Hello, I'm Eliza, I'm Liberty, boring, boring.

The second time, we pranked our parents and were saying that we got on the block, which is their worst nightmare for us to be on reality TV, And we filmed their real reactions to that, and it was brilliant because they were like, oh, you're going to embarrass yourselves and no idea what you're doing.

Convidence great, thanks Buch.

And we just kept on getting through. But in terms of the connection to our jobs, I actually.

Didn't tell Hami Shnandy until the final round of casting because we just didn't expect to get through.

And in the final round of.

Casting, I was like, oh, my gosh, if this happens, like I better let them know. And then also the same with Channel nine. We didn't really give a whole lot of information. I just said I was a personal assistant, so neither parties knew, and I'm like, oh, I have to let people know because there could be a conflict.

Of interest there, and it actually was.

They almost weren't going to let us on because even though there was no help, it was actually the opposite. It was actually yeah detrimental where they were like, oh, it could look like something was happening here, and so we just have to have to think about how we manage this. And I am me and said, you know, if I leave my job, is that helpful? And it was the right time after ten years anyway, And so that's what we ended up doing. And we made a concerted effort to try and not have that connection there so people didn't jump to conclusions.

But yeah, that failed.

I remember being at that press day though, and I walked in, I saw you, and I'd known who you were and your connection to the boys, and I picked it straight away. And then I joined a conversation with a couple of journalists and they were all talking about it, and I walked away from that conversation feeling like that people were referring to you like a nepo baby. I was like, you know what I mean, Like it was such a I guess it's a human reaction to have if you're so synonymous with working with such an iconic part of Channel nine royalty, that there would be that kind of speculation totally.

And I'm not employed. I wasn't employed by Channel nine. I'd never even been into a Channel nine building. I worked from home and I just you know, did emails and book flights and stuff like that.

So there was no connection and it almost worked in the opposite.

How did you tell the boys and what was their reaction? I think that's what people would really want to know.

Well, yeah, at this point, HAMI should move to Sydney, and so I was mostly looking after Andy. It really was just an open conversation of like, oh, I should let you know that we're through here.

You know timelines, it all happen.

So quickly if it goes through, how do you feel about it? Just I just wanted to respect everyone, and the boys are so incredible. That's why I was with them for ten years. And if they weren't comfortable, that was something I would consider as well. But they were so supportive of me chasing any dream I wanted to and making any decisions I needed to. And they've checked in even to this point and they're incredible. And there's there's speculation that, you know, they were upset with what they were seeing and you know.

Speaking to executives that just did not happen.

Well, that Andy's going to buy the house. Andy Andy came through the house one day as they're like, wow, you guys have done an incredible job. Thank you, Hamie bye. So it literally is just friendships now, supportive friendships. They're happy, they love nine, they're you know, it's all pure.

Wouldn't it be great if they did buy the house, like forget the rumors, Like, you know, come on, cough up, boys.

Do you know Andy's got a new house that he's working.

On coming back from Sydney. I can tell you that much right now.

Jame's not coming back from Sydney. So unfortunately that was not a route I could explore.

I just also thought the thing with watching it back on the cameras is how much time you must have spent with them because I've known both of those boys for probably nearly fifteen twenty years and not like we're not very close, but we know each other. And I Eliza, I could see your humor, the similarities in the humor, like I feel like it must have rubbed off, Like it's not a bad thing. It's but you guys are coming across as like a female. Hey, mission Andy, after.

Ten years, the wits is gonna sort of rub off. Yeah, I think as well. I was actually hired. I was a radio producer before I fell into that role as air assistant, and it was more of a character fit than and I experience fit because I hadn't been a personal assistant. I'd been a producer and it was just handy for me to know the landscape.

That was more valuable to them.

And I think their whole team they're surrounded with character fits and that works for them and so they just enabled me to bring that out, do you know what I mean. It wasn't like I had to be super professional. It was more like how we all got along. I think I was able to learn from them and thrive.

But away from that and back into the fact that you didn't have as much experience maybe building with everyone else. And I felt for you early days when you did the second week room and I watched it like a viewer and thought that room was great. I didn't think there was anything wrong with it, so I was like, this is amazing. And then they savaged you. But then I was listening this morning, I got up really early and I was listening to the podcast with you with Shelley, and Shelley was like, Oh, that room was just really basic and you did come a long way? Is that true? Did you really listen to the judges and come a long way or did you just keep trying to do your best bit of both.

We look back at that room now and at the time we were so proud of so embarrassing. Is that weak? Liza was like, You've done so well, you could have a career in styling, like blah blah blah. We could not have been proud of. We were so happy. And then to get that feedback from Mardy Fox to say we were prefer to seeing empty room and nothing. That hit me like an absolute ton of bricks, like not my com I mean, we didn't have confidence anyway. I think people could see that we were very self deprecating, and we were always kind of down on ourselves because we just didn't have the confidence. And so to hear that when we kind of were sort of confident going into the week, that yeah, just absolutely knocked out confidence tenfold, particularly mine because I was the one doing the styling shopping. But it's funny looking back on it now because we look back at that episode and the pictures of the room and stuff, and we're like, oh, how heinous is like the wallpaper and it was so cluttered and the colors and everything.

So TV over a sink.

I know, I knew that was bad. And I remember in the you know when there's the other episodes before the reveals where you get to see all the building. Yeah, not that we've seen all of building this year, see a lot of drama, but anyway, we saw that bit and I could see one of you saying, yeah, the TV needs to go up here, and I was like, what like a spider in the corner of the room, Like, I.

Know, so bizarre, And it's yeah, like so looking back on that now, you're like, oh, it was god awful. But yeah, we just we truly took on board so much feedback every single week. Even though we were, you know, agitated after the feedback listening to it and things, we took it on board and we just tried to grow every week. And so it was a combination of that we just wanted to improve, Like, well, you came into this being like, we just don't want to come last every week, and so we were so happy if we just didn't come last every single week, and we took on board all the feedback. We just wanted to grow and improve, and we also just did our best because it just doesn't come naturally to us, Like I'm not a super creative person, Like you're kind of creative, but you're more you know, the project manager, you know, telling everyone kind of what to do. So both of us just didn't really have that creative nature to shop and style and things. So we truly just did our best and worked really hard, didn't give up, and sought as much advice feedback as we possibly could from those around us.

Well, you ended up becoming like the bathroom Queens and you won those two bathroom challenges, which I think is hilarious and I'm so going to get done for being sexist here. But if anyone knows anything about bathrooms. It's my female friends, two girls together, two sisters. They know bathrooms. That's all I could say, Well.

Exactly because I feel like, again, probably sexist, but we're in there the most right Like me anyway, I'm in there for hours.

But you were not looking at me right now.

But we just thought about everything, like even though we got done for like heights and mirrors and things, but you're really thinking what would I want? And you know, even chucking the foot niches in the master on suite, which we fought for hard, and every male trady was like, what on earth are these abominations? So but as well, I think that was when we were really coming into our own and gaining confidence.

So and we love those spaces, so.

I know I've been in them. They're amazing. I did have a problem with the Parsley wall. That's what I called the Parsley Wall. But what I thought was hilarious was when you won that challenge and you got to go to the Langham with Scottie Camp, were those Parsley walls actually there? Because it kind of felt like you know, from a comedy movie, like all of a sudden he was like, hey, girls, look over there and there was like they look like they'd just been freshly hung. It was there, and it was there.

We saw Shelley the other day and she had been in Italy for the past six weeks and she said, my goodness, I have seen that many mossholes in the restaurants, in the hotels, in everywhere around Italy. And she was like, oh, my kid said to me, I've got to take photos and send it to you guys. And she's like, I couldn't justify because she hated it. My trend said, as I'm telling you, because they're everywhere around the world, I.

Could have believed that. Shelley kept staying to how gross it was as well, like on your podcast. On the Official Block podcast, Shelley brought it up again and was like, I think you said, if you can afford to buy a three million dollar house, you can afford to pull the passi wall out or the moss wall. And she still was like, oh oh, Like she.

Can't even talk about it, like someone had.

Spat on the floor in front of her.

You know what, We're fine with that because it's a talking point. Like I knew that not everyone was going to love it. Most people probably wouldn't. But to be honest, now everyone's like the house with the moss wam. We're like great, so it's a talking point and everyone wants to come and see it, so like great for us.

I just couldn't believe there's any any of it left because everyone on the Domain Challenge that went into that room wanted to know if it was real. Yes, everyone was picking a piece off. I was like, I was like, that was going to look like it's got alopecia at some point.

No, yeah, it's still standing strong. It's just next to us now it's still.

Okay, great, it's still there. Yeah. Yeah, I'm glad that you've stuck with it. You both are very funny. And I was sort of talking about that before and I could not stop laughing at My favorite moment of the two of you was painting that fence. They do add in like sound effects and things like that, but but yeah, I thought it was just really funny. Was it hard to always have that sense of humor considering things were so stressful?

Yeah, if you don't laugh, you cry for us. If we didn't keep it lighthearted, we would have got in our heads so much and overthought everything and the plot, because that's what you saw with Backyard Week, where we took things so hard and overthought everything. We were losing our minds at the point at that point, and that just wasn't pretty. So we really tried to just tackle everything with positivity and in our natures. So for example, I would just if I wanted to take a break, I would just do it. And it would always annoy Liberty so much, but I was like, I just have to fully do what I would normally do in real life. What you didn't see is quite how hard we worked, and there's a lot of emphasis on me just like given up for like procrastinating, which is totally true. But we did way more all nighters than everyone else, and you know what, that was probably mostly because we were slow and the least experienced. And then from there, you know, it plays into the asking questions, Like there were weeks when we had three all nighters a week, and so there are a couple of times where we had to say, hey, we've got to pick something up, but we can't drive because we'll crash, and production would drive us. And that's where you but other contestants just wouldn't ask or just wouldn't have the level of all nighters that we did. And so there was this look that there was misconception that we were getting something and someone else didn't. But if everyone would get the same if they were not sleeping three nights a week. But yeah, in terms of that stuff, like I feel like, I know, Lib, you've got frustrated with me. Yes, for sure, you manned up quicker and harder, but.

I still work really hard.

Yeah you did. I mean I certainly worked harder, but yeah, like I think at the beginning, people were on socials and stuff were like, all these girls need to take it a bit more seriously, like give the opportunity to someone who you know really wants to do this and to renovate and stuff. And for us, we took it so seriously. We worked so hard. That was our like I said, our strategy coming into this is just working our butts off. And we were told constantly that we were the hardest workers on the block by like Keith and things like that, so people could see that we were working hard. But you just have to bring lightness to it because it is so hard, Dane, And like, truly, if you didn't laugh, you would go so insane and like Alis said, we would get in our heads so much, so we just had to bring a bit of that comedic relief. And to be honest, watching it back, I'm like, thank god we did, because there was so much drama and bitchiness and all that sort of stuff that I think people have told us that, like, thank god you guys are on it to bring a bit of that like comedy and positivity and lightness and stuff. Yeah.

I think that Fence episode there's something really dramatic. I can't remember what it is. I feel like there's something really dramatically.

Comes yeah yeah about Leader.

Yeah, so I felt like, you know, that Fence thing was like that level of tension that builds as an audience and then when something silly happens, you get a release. And I feel like that's kind of what we were getting, you know. But as the experience with being like you know, producing and producing a podcast or producing radio, both of you have got that. Did you try and self edit at all? Like did you know what to deliver with your humor at times? Like or maybe was was it hard to get that sort of produce a voice out of your head?

You know?

The most crazy funny fun times were when there were no cameras and we were like, oh, this is so much gold they're missing, because you know, at four am we were loopy and just trying to keep each other alive, and Jan and Steph would come over and we'd like, you know, od on raspberry lollies and you know, it was just.

They were the coolest moments.

But for us, we actually thought it might be an advantage sort of knowing how that world works.

But reality TV deearferent Cattle of Fish.

And I worked for a production company and we make create TV commercials. It could not be more different to reality TV. So like there was no apart from I think again where the grateful part comes into it. We've worked behind the scenes, getting coffees, you know, doing running around, doing dry cleaning, all that sort of stuff. So I think that's gave us a good indication of how hard people were working for us, whereas perhaps some other contestants didn't have, you know, that level of awareness and you know gratefulness if is that a word gratefulness to yeah, I guess appreciate what people around you were doing and the logistics involved with everything. That is something we did understand like a challenge or we would be afterwards to the team, You guys, that was a mammoth effort, like incredible everything. We were just like to the group, amazing. Yeah, but you guys, we know how hard that would have been. So we were just so thankful and that every what everyone did for us, the crew, But we were just ourselves. We did not put anything on like that is well and again I said this before, but the fact that people come up to us and say you're exactly like you are in real life, and our friends and family know that we were just completely ourselves. That is our sense of humor, that is our bound that is our relation. But that's getting us in trouble now, Ben, because we're not prepared to switch off. For us, this wasn't a TV show like I mean, of course it was, but I left my job of ten years.

You jeopardize your job. But we were real then and we're real now.

There was no off button for us when it stopped filming, and so we're just for us. It's just a journey of life as a whole, and we're just reacting to everything like we would from start to finish.

And yeah, it's probably overthinking everything.

But we did that during the show, so we're going to do that now and react as we would in real life.

Is it hard then to hear that You've got two other houses that have said that you both were very different off camera.

Yeah. Look, the hardest thing for us were questioning our integrity and our character is the most insulting thing for us, because ye we could not have been more ourselves, and we were kind and we were respectful, and that was our you know, what we wanted to be going into it, because that is who we are in real life. We had no idea what we were doing, so we didn't have time to be anyone else. We never had producers or anything saying to us that we needed to be anything different or needed to play a character or you know, exaggerate anything more. So we were completely ourselves. We you know, there's all these allegations of us like being cheats. Again, we were like goodie two shoes. We were the opposite where we would like go over and above that people would be like, oh god, like you don't need to be that like aim about things. So for that to be questioned for us is the biggest insult because we could not be less of those people. And that's what we're like in real and we didn't want it to become tip for tat, but when there's words like they were the biggest cheaters on the block, you're like, I'm just not going to let that lie because integrity to us is the most important thing ever. And what what I've struggle with is, you know, and I've heard Brett say, like, this is a job now and we all need to be respectful. You didn't earn my respect then, so unfortunately.

You're not going to get it now.

Like you can't come on a show and drop grenades and then the camera stop and we're supposed to ignore those grenades that have gone up off and the debris that you've left behind and the people that you've hurt. So in terms off, we're going to talk about real. It's really interesting because we actually did see lovely glimpses of Christie and Brett and in those moments, you're having a great time and we can acknowledge we actually could really laugh at what Brett did around the front yard backyard think trying to win the car, and we're like, that's golden. They're the moments that like power to you run a muck and do those things. And when we robbed Stephan Giann's house, it was all light hearted fun, but it just went too far. It got too nasty, and the mind games and laughing at someone for thinking that they're your friend when you've tried to befriend them, it's just it just we just found that quite sick. And afterwards we were saying, you know, but we're confused because you know, you would show these glimpses of case. We'd get messages from Christy saying, hey, guys, we don't like seeing you down, and that was off camera, and so afterwards I said to them, I was like, we saw those glimpses. Why do you allow people to see those glimpses of you that we were so connecting and vulnerable? And they're like no, because that is not what we wanted to bring to the show. We wanted to be the villains. And I'm like, hang on a second, but you're saying you're the realest people on the block, but that's part of you, So how are you real if you left that whole part of you out? So it's confusing and as well, you know, we came on, we played it like Survival. We'd never watched the block, and then Brett's saying in an episode, oh, we the last two seasons we found really boring, so we wanted to come on to jazz it up.

And I'm like, hang on, you've never watched it? What is it? I find them so confusing. I just don't get it.

I think it's confusing for the viewers as well, because whilst there is this presence of House three and House two being kind of the villains of the series in lots of ways, we then get glimpses of you all hanging out and being very supportive of each other. Is there a possibility that there's a bit of a sibling relationship that develops amongst a cast like this, where you, yourselves, being sisters, would know that sometimes you can hate that person, but if anyone else said anything bad about them, you defend them, you know. Is there a level of intensity that has been created that may have made for a bit of sibling rivalry behind the scenes.

I I mean, I would love to say yes and have that as the reason behind it, But to be honest, what we're struggling with now is watching it back and I know it's this whole, like they're like, don't live in the edit, but unfortunately we're still seeing that off camera as it was on camera. So that's where we're struggling. Like if straight after they'd been like, we played these characters and that's not who we are, and you know, we're these different people and like blah bah blah, like no worries, and you'd go, okay, that's okay, But unfortunately it hasn't been like that for us in our experience, from our opinions, and I think again, what a lot of people didn't see was the behind the scenes stuff and the aftermath of how they treated people. So we're the one sitting there consoling people who are potentially mistreated, mistreated and seeing how that is affecting them. And that's real life people being mistreated and yeah, the impact that's having on them and us picking up the pieces and helping people or us ourselves feeling like that. So that is real life to us. That's not people's feelings and mental health and stuff is real life for us. Eliza's a mental health advocate. You know, we've both had mental health you know, ups and downs in the past, so it's really important to us and it's not a joke. So I sort of go, if you're regardless of if you're that person in real life or you're coming on a TV show to play that character and are willing to hurt people through that process, to me, that's just as bad as each other. So it doesn't matter if you're playing a character or not. If you're willing to do that to hurt people and affect people's mental health, Yeah, that to me is kind of just as bad. And because we're seeing this same thing now as it was on camera, like, that's just where it doesn't sit well with us.

But then if you look at Lea and Christy, there's lots of times where you guys both have really strong friendships with them, it's fair to say that they've probably been the most savaged online. Has your impression and has your whole experience with working with those two women been tainted by reading about what's happened online? I mean, maybe you've watched what's happened on the show and you had no idea what kind of behavior was going on, So that kind of explains that there wasn't as much animosity while filming as to what the reaction is now where there is that negativity about the two of them, you know.

Yeah, do you know what Leah and Ash we had such a great relationship coming on and I Ash I connected with really strongly, like his sense of humor is so funny. And we don't have a problem with them, to be honest, like we feel like they got sucked into a bit of a mean girl vortex and then when they realize, hey, we've got kids or not that was I do still stand by the fact that they believed that, like morally and ethically it wasn't great how it was impacting people, but also hey, maybe they were worried about how they'd be seen amongst mums and you know, their business community. I don't know, but I always just felt real around Lea and Ashen, whilst Leah sometimes you know, could come across rude and maybe patronizing to some trades and things like that. I actually respect that she just said it how it She was direct, and I think as a whole, and maybe I'm naive, I think every other cast member, bar Christian Brett, we saw realness for sure.

When the cameras turned.

Off, maybe people were a little bit more vulnerable because that was you know, certain things they didn't want to share with the whole world, and maybe there's game playing here and there, but we just felt, we feel coming off bar Christian Brett, that all of our experiences with everyone were totally real.

With jumping in there, I was going to say, regardless as to whether or not it's it was totally real.


What about what's happening now? I mean, yes, are the comments fair about these people, regardless as to what they did or whether they thought they were being on Survivor or whatever it is the world that we're living in now, is that these people being savaged online? Do you feel a sense of responsibility to make sure that these people are Okay? I don't know. I'm not there, and I don't know all of you, but I read the comments, and I'm reading the comments on this particular season, and it's outrageous, Like it's outrageous. I just want to know.

I'm so passionate about it, and I think we've lost I just think we've lost patients for villains, and I think mental health in this day and age, when there's so much hideousness in the world, people are really trying to prioritize it and suicide rates are through the roof, and as they've mentioned, I do mental health talks in school, so I'm particularly sensitive about it. But do you know what death threats and awful comments are just never justified? And with Christian Brett, I just want to explain, like when we say that they upset people, I genuine don't believe that they want to upset people, but I think maybe just the type of people they are, they don't realize that their execution is unacceptable, and they also don't care. So when they're saying something and they're snapping when people usually wouldn't snap, or when they're snapping at people who are just there to help them, they just don't realize. They just live in a different world where they don't understand that people are there to help them, they're not out to get you. And I don't know whether that's what they've experienced earlier in their lives. I don't know, and I've really tried to understand it, and I'm not getting anywhere with it.

But I've got to get you to see that like a lot of people.

Connect with them, and as I said, we saw those glimpses, but what we've experienced off camera, regardless of what people are saying and regardless of the disappointment we feel watching back what they did, particularly to Steph like they just tried to make a fool of her. They took it too far, They took it further than the because we can appreciate the fun villain stuff they did, truly I can laugh at it. It went too far. And what we're experiencing off camera is awful, the mind games that are still going on, and they just the bitching and you know, trying to befriend certain people to then you know, and I'm talking about contestants trying to be befriend contestants and then passing on that information that they've confided in them to then play mind games with another and just it makes us feel sick. And so for us, we can only provide judgment on what we experience, what we're still seeing and hearing. So it's not that they deliberately want to be bad people, and they truly do connect with certain people, and people don't. Some people don't. I don't think you've seen that side of them, and that's fine, and people will have positive comments, but when you experience it and when you look at these people in your face when you know, they snapped at me the other day and I was like, I'm so uncomfortable.

I just wasn't raised like this.

I just don't disrespect people like that and it's not okay. And I now stand up for myself and it rattles them for sure, because people don't stand up to them.

What about these letters, Because I mean, they were on the podcast and this hit the press. People were talking about it that you had sent letters out to Crewe on the last day of filming to apologize for some of your behavior. I did hear because I ran into you at an event that you said that those letters were not apology letters, they were thank you letters? Was there a bit of truth in both of that? Was a possible chance that they misread that situation because in these letters you might have said to some of the crew, sorry that sometimes we could be you know, I don't know, silly or tired. Is there a way of misreading that or is that just out and outlie.

There's no way of misreading it. It was a thank you letter, for sure.

We were embarrassed about our final backyard week. How we responded. We look like terrible sports. We didn't go to the dinner with Scottie. We didn't understand that it was an official dinner. They said, if you want to come to the last a drink and.

Where We really wish we were there.

So we were actually saying to people like where, And we even still say it now, like we're embarrassed about that behavior where we sort of look like brats and so overall we do. We're just giant mpats and the thought of looking like brats or like not crew not like enjoying filming those parts of us when they're used to us being lighthearted, and you know, at one point they were like, oh, guys, like it's awful seeing you like this.

Like so there's that element for sure.

So if there was ever any apologies, it's like, oh, we're embarrassed if there was ever brat behavior. But I think what is most insulting for us is that the commentary that came out about it was that we wrote apology letters to Crewe hand written.

They weren't handwritten.

And we'll tell you what the facts are on this. We were discussing like a couple of weeks out, We're like, this has been the most incredible life changing experience for us, what can we do for the crew and everything to say thank you? And Eliza was like, let's write letters. So literally at midnight one night, when you know, in the last week, when were absolutely cooked, Eliza wrote a letter, went to office works, got them printed out, we got envelopes, we packed them, and we handed them around to Crewe the next few days and the letter said, this has been the most incredible life changing experience for us and it's because of all of you. Thank you so much, blah blah. And the crew were like overawed by how you know, what a kind gesture that was and said this has never been done before. And so for the commentary to come out that these were apology leaders that we gave the crew and we're the real villains and we're apologizing for our BS behavior and that now those letters aligning the Bingo bins like that is so insulting for us because that was something that we did out of pure kindness to the crew, and we got nothing but positive feedback, and people were like, the crew were really yational about the fact that we've done that, because they were like, wow, we never in the history of nineteen seasons have people written us letters to say thank you for how we've contributed to their life changing experience. And that's where we saw it was. And that's where we struggle now with Christie and Brett. And you know, people are saying you just living in the edit and responding to that. We're responding to them coming out saying things like that, that's mean, that's so mean, and just because you don't understand how, in a huge inverted commas, how we played the game, which was be ourselves, be kind and respectful, just because you don't understand how that worked for us and you don't relate to that, like leave us, please, please, please leave us alone so we don't have to keep responding to your grand like you're.

The biggest cheaters.

That's where we're like, we don't have respect for you because you're lying the lies and we have to then respond and it's tiffit to and it's disgusting.

We shouldn't have to.

Have a dig at us for you know, being goody two shoes because that's what they think and that's fair, but don't make up lies, especially for something as special as that.

It's so awful.

But I just think, what about this though, because I'm obsessed with the Block, I really am. I listened to everything. If there's been a radio interview, I've downloaded it, I've listened to the podcast. I'm fucking wearing the T shirt. Why go on radio though, and even entertain saying anything bad about them? Why? I feel like there's tip for tat. Like I feel like you've now come to a place where when you are on these shows, you're not talking about the Block, You're talking about them, and that's not really your brand.

Here's the thing when we're I.

Mean, it's juicy and people are living for it, and maybe that's a great way for you to guys to talk about you know what everyone's talking about. I just worry whether or not that's your brand. No go tit for tat.

Yeah, But like here's the thing. If we were just going out there and just like saying stuff about them with no you know that they're coming out and you know, essentially defamating our characters by saying we're cheats. Sorry to find our characters saying we're cheats, saying that you know with that letter. Think so we are so passionate about the people that we are and the characters that we are and who we were on the show and the fact that we were ourselves. So when things like that come out, we need to defend ourselves, like we're not just coming out for no reason and just like throwing bubs at them, that's what they're doing to us. So for allegations to come out like that, we need to defend ourselves and say the truth of it. And as much as like, I'm very much you get more riled up than I do, but I'm very much the public knows who they are. We're reading things on socials and we're like, everyone gets it. But when our characters are brought to you know, you yet brought into question, that is when we do not stand for that, and we're going to defend ourselves because that is not fair. But I'm not proud. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not proud of getting sucked into it all and being so over like so passionate about it because as everyone says, it's just a TV show, but I can't, I can't help it lives really seeing me struggle. We've had an incredible season and we're really proud of everything, but what's really rattled me is watching everything back a and then being around these people that rattle me, challenge me, make me feel uncomfortable, and you say brand, right, we don't care about a brand. We don't have a brand when literally our brand is being ourselves. And so I've always said when someone has said to me, when you've even said be careful, Eliza, like you're focusing on the gross negatives now when you're becoming as bad as them. And I'm like, I don't care about fan followers, fame, or fortune, and I truly don't take it all away from me because if this is about if I have to toe a party line and be someone in say crap that that's not me, I'm not here for it.

I have to stand up with what I see.

Is I sound like I don't care and that I'm not. No, you are just me, But my attitude is a lot of the time I'd rather not give my energy to them. And I don't like seeing you get so consumed with it, because you know you struggle with mental health in the path. I know that you can. You're getting all consumed by things can affect your mental health, and that's what I don't want to see of you. And that's why I tried and say to you, just let it go focus on ourselves. And I know that that's difficult for you, but that's not me caring less or being less passionate about it. That's just us having dealing with things.

And you do have to diferent feelings. But you know what CHRISTI said yesterday on the radio on fefefevn Nick I think it is, was like, oh, they're hanging off our storylines, you know, to talk about this sort of stuff on radio. And I thought to myself, that must really have hurt to hear that, because that isn't what you wanted to do. And the girls that I met when I got to be lucky enough to visit the set throughout a couple of visits throughout the season just didn't sound like you. You know, it just didn't.

You know. It brings out the worst in us for sure, and even you know what we even get as annoyed as like you know, Brett was saying yesterday on radio that all the girls have said they'll need therapy if we make any money. That's not true. We said if they win, we'll need therapy. That's still not a nice thing to say, for sure, I'll own that, but I'm we're very much will meet. Particularly I'm black and white justice, you know, I want to see everything work out with the world, and I believe in karma and good things happening to good people and I never want anything bad to happen to anyone.

But the world doesn't work like that. And this more than ever.

I live a shelter life because I choose to mostly stay in my house. But this has been a life lesson for me and they have taught me something. And Brett has even said to me, like Eliza, you've just got to accept you don't understand us, and you've got to be okay with that. And I struggle so much with that. And I have to make sense of things, and I have to respond to things, and I have to explain the truth and get justice, and sometimes that's bleeding into like tit for tat and do you know where those comments come from? So that whole like we need therapy about, like again it's tongue in cheek, but also the mental health spaces we're very passionate about. So when we're chatting to parents and parents are saying this has been like our kids watch the show and it's been really difficult for us to try and explain the behavior that's going on. So we sit there and we think, God, how does someone explain to their kids this behavior and that it's okay? And so where we come from in the you know, we need therapy. If they win, it's like we just feel people watching this. If they then out in one and they've behaved the way that they have, it's sort of going, oh, so you can behave like a terror beverward and be rewarded for that.

I just want to jump in there and say to the two of you, though, that's real world, do you know what I mean? Like that is stuff that you need to teach your children, because at the end of the day, we cannot teach the next generation that just by being nice means that everything's going to be fine for you.

Yeah, that's what I'm struggling with.

In the real world. Not villains, although we characterize that when we talk about reality television. But when people who do bad things, we like to think that they'll be made accountable for, but in the real world they don't. I don't think that I'm not going to spend any time of my life with anyone that's done the wrong thing by me getting upset because they win something, you know, or they're doing well in life. I just think to myself, you know, that's your thing, and you know, maybe you'll get Calma one day or maybe you won't. But that's real life, you know what I mean.

That's something I'm having to learn. It's a life. Like I say, my life sheltered.

I've been through like a few awful things my life, but also I am sheltered in another aspect of my life in terms of like you know, supportive family and blah blah blah. And but you're right, it doesn't work like that. But this has been good for me to experience. But in the real world, I get to if I don't like Christianbra, I don't see Christianbra again. So to be constantly put in the same room as them, it's like a tritter. And so it is really hard for me. And yes it is. I need to see because we were not perfect and I'm still not perfect. And I each each before each interview, like you know, everyone says to me, Eliza, try and focus on your positive experience, and then the minute something fires me up, I jump on it and it's I'm.

Asking you the question. So like, yeah, yeah, you like just being able to talk about your truth. And I appreciate that. And I know that this you know, we've stuck on this point for a little bit, and I just think it's allowing a broader conversation. I remember my best friend said to me when we're in our twenties. She was like, you know, why did that person do that to me? I'd never do that to someone. Yes, And I said, this is one of the hardest lessons that you have had to learn. And I feel like we have to relearn it all the time. And we shouldn't change who we are and the way we are towards other people. That is just who we are. And if people do the wrong thing back to us, that is on them.

Yes, we can't. We can't. We can only control what we do. We can't control what others do and how they react. Like we can only control how we react. We can't control what others do. And that's been a.

Hard lesson for me A thousand percent. Where I'm also proud of us is in those same conversations when parents are saying how they're having to explain you know, that sort of behavior, the me and girl's behavior to their kids. In the next breath, they're then saying, but thank you girls so much for standing up to us and showing that you know, you can stand up to us, and that behavior doesn't get you that far or you know, people do stand up to that, and by because we came on just with the you know, working hard and not giving up can lead you to success, and that has because we've won three rooms, we have great relations amazing positive feedback. We've come out of it with great relationships. So what we want to, you know, tell those kids is that, yeah, you don't have to behave poorly and put on a villainous character or anything to get far. You can be yourselves like we have and you can get further and be successful and have amazing relationships and get great feedback and that behavior will be stood up too, and so it's amazing for us, Like that's the greatest feedback that we can possibly get is from parents coming up to us saying thank you so much. Number one, your parents must be so proud of you and the characters you are. But number two, thank you for allowing us to then be able to explain to our kids, you can stand up to these people or you know you can. Yeah, you've gone to show you that.

I think it's to ignore it, you know, that's the Yeah, these are some of the lessons that I guess. You know, you know, you just got to ignore it, you know what I mean. If you don't like someone's behavior, you know, I don't think you do need to call it out. You know, I think that sometimes I've had to learn this. Now I'm forty three, i'd fucking old, and I'm like, you know, when now, when I see someone behaving a certain way, the old me inside is like, no, you know, I want to tell them that they're doing the wrong thing. And now I'm like, I just don't know how far that's.

Right, and really in an ideal world, yes, And like I think, if you if I ever did it again, if I know now what, if I knew then what I know now, I think I would try and stay out of it more. And I know, like Christy's even said the other day, you know, I love it when my name is in people's mouth and they love firing us up. We're giving them exactly what they want for me. When it goes to the cheating and stuff, I have to speak. But you're right and the world doesn't work out how it sometimes probably should. But I also think it was important for you to stand up on the show to that when it got your business. I stand by that completely. Oh kitchen week, when I called out what I was seeing, and you know, there was like, oh, Elivesa's a new character. I'm so not like I like to think that I'm quite nice and go with the flow in Switzerland, but if something upsets me and I need to stand up for something bigger or my days, am I going in?

You know though, it's funny because there's some selection process that goes with you know, when you're making a reality show, you kind of turn people into certain character types. And you guys are the fan favorites, are very very popular. But there has been decisions made along the way. I mean, was it true that you guys, when you saw all the builders in House one's house, that you actually went over and asked them about their budget and what was going on there before Lea and Ash? Is that is that a true story?

Oh? This is a tough one because I don't want to I don't want to play this tip for that game, but that landscape a week Leah spoke to us Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Each day she said this is going on. Have you seen today? Are you aware of it? We love Kylon Leslie, and we really just wanted to stick in our own lane, to be honest, and so every time Leah would come to us, we would be like, Lee, if you have a problem, go to them and go now, because if you call for an audit and there's any discrepancies there.

And they owe money, oh man, that's awful.

Like catch, like get it in before there's any money paid out so that they can correct anything. We just didn't care about what was happening there. We didn't care about what yard Brett did. Well I didn't either, Like, we just did our own thing and as long as we could do what we wanted to do, that was fine. So when Lea's coming out saying oh there was bitching, everyone had a problem with it, and I was the only one that spoke up, and I nipped it in the button. And it's like, Bro, you moaned about it and you didn't go to them until like you didn't have that proper conversation until Thursday. By Thursday, we literally would like to hurt Leah and I not speak up to us about this one more time. If you don't go and speak to her, we don't want to hear about it again.

But had you already spoken to them? Didn't you already have it?

But we spoke to Kyland les were like, are you aware that there's this narrative?

Get your books in order because there may be an audit. And we stand by.

The fact that that like Kylon Leslie did everything that they were supposed to.

I mean, what can you do when your landscape are saying this adds up, here's the receipts. What are you supposed to do? Kind of thing?

So they what people didn't see as well is Kylon Leslie, My god they were.

She was crying to us multiple times.

A day like such. They had a prappy run, like you saw how we reacted after one bad week of feedback with our backyard.

They were getting that every week and they were stowing.

And undeserving because their rooms and everything were incredible, and truly we thought that all their feedback was undeserving, like they're all weeks that we won that. We were like, they should have beat us.

Yeah, I feel like do you know what my theory is? And I'm now going to sound like how very Christian Brettweil what my conspiracy theory had on. But I feel like, because Kyle and Leslie as people and I've met them, I've had them on the podcast, they're not in your face, you know, they're not the funny people, and they're not the nasty people. They're just just your average normal people, you know what I mean. I feel like they low scored them to try and rather to get more content out of them. That's my conspiracy.

And we were so naive through the show.

We never no one ever had questions with us, like question us like guys, you're not giving us what you said you would or anything, which is like you hear murmurs of like that being said to other couples, and we just so we just were like to do this is all us and it's all them and Ladi Dare and but then watching it back, we're like, oh, us coming equal with Christian Bretton. We had to go away with them that that doesn't seem overly like that's e's a squit rig But again we were like we couldn't read into it, otherwise we'd lose our minds. I think Colin Leslie.

I'm just laughing because when they made you go away on that weekend together, I mean, you know, I mean, no one should drink well, no one should have conversations with people they're not going along with with wine. And I could just read between the lines. I could see all of you. I reckon you might have been on glass. Three. You look like you're on glass.

We wanted us to keep having conversations Scotty, we just got it, and we just wouldn't because we just wanted.

We knew that Christian Brett didn't want to apologize. We knew, so we're like, don't force it.

If you don't want to apologize, don't And then you know, also, just to clear up, there was no ulterior motive. We never said to Leah like don't be friends with them again. We actually said, and she'll stand by this. We actually said he would be a shame because I genuinely believe there was a friend get there between between them. And I never had a conversation with Lea about if you want a TV career or whatever.

I literally said to her, are you aware this stuff's going on?

Like just want to bring it to your attention because you might not know you're in the circle and not seeing it.

That was the end of it.

But yeah, in terms of Kyle and Leslie Luck, I think, yeah, you know.

We're aware it was a TV show first, building.

Second, I think sometimes we did too much building and they weren't happy with us.

Klein Leslie.

I think they saw it as building too, and so I feel like the show needed them because there was so much crap going on as everyone's seen, it needed a nice, lovely, normal.

Couple, although Leslie. When Leslie decided to finally buy into the drama, the only thing I could take you to to task over really was I couldn't understand because with the whole selling of the gnome, I felt like someone should have told House too. I feel like someone needed to go and tell And so there was this scene this week it actually felt like you girls weren't yourself, Like I felt like there was people pretending to be you because you guys were kind of laughing that they didn't know. And I was like, Lip and Eliza are the type of girls that are going to go over to Leah and say this is what's going down and you wouldn't be laughing about it.

Yeah, So we and in hindsight, I agree with you, I say, and we flagged. We just do you know what naively, maybe we just didn't feel like it was our position. It involved our two best friend couples, so we felt like if we stepped over the line, that we're betraying them. But then also I said, and I said a number of times, I was like, and one of it made it to air, but it did look like we were sort of laughing. It was like, you guys need to be aware. This is going to feel very personal. But they as well were like, why can't we just sell annoyman and do it?

And they didn't.

You know, you don't want to give that information because it becomes power.

And then it's more mind games. I don't know. It was just like, let's just where things went awry.

There was Leslie telling us, and Leslie telling especially Christian Breadth.

It shouldn't have been told to any of us because that's when it felt so personal.

That's what we were like, rather not know about this, we said that and multiple times, or like we just didn't know about this, it's none of our business. We didn't want to betray our friends. But yes, in hindsight, like it was awful that Leara and Ash didn't know, and we were.

Like, like, it's all gone three sixty though, like in this final week of the show, it's like everyone's now been shown to be my God at some point. Like Steph this week. We kind of saw it in the first two weeks that she was a bit hard to read and maybe being a bit hard to reach. She's yeah, totally, you know, and then now in this last week she's a savage some of the stuff. Think, I'm like, but don't you think it has to do with stack the tensions, stack, the situations build the pressure. By the time you get to the last week, it's normal behavior for good people. Yeah, to do bad things and that's okay.

And I feel bad for Colin Leslie because I feel like in this past two weeks they've come across as it hasn't been great for them. At some point, when you get negative feedback after negative feedback, and you're always this neutral person, you're always like being okay with everything and beingitive and stuff, at some point you've got you bother.

And they were being there for us as well.

They were like so unbelievable for our mum and dad and amazing to us, and so I feel it breaks my heart a bit seeing them, you know, edited this way, because there's there. They are the most divine couple we've ever met. They've got the most beautiful family that I've never met, two more well behaved kids of their kids, yeah, ever in my life. So they're amazing. I feel bad for them that they've Yeah, this past two weeks is kind of it's crumbled down a little bit for them.

Everyone's been shown like that, Like even when you Eliza were yelling at the builder and I was like, oh, this is just so weird, Like is this gremlin's week?

I know, And I was like, I watching that back, and I was really worried about it as well, because I'm very much you know, saying be respectful to other people. And I just snapped there as well, and I could have dealt with that differently. But yeah, it's a combination of sleep deprivation and that week as well. I felt there are a few situations where I felt like I wasn't being taken seriously because I.

Was a fiend.

We had some guys come in and take insulation from us without asking for a different house, and I was like.

Excuse me, what are you doing?

They wouldn't speak to me, and I was like, you wouldn't do that to Ash, and I even said that, and so I was like, I need to command respect here.

I'm not being taken seriously. It was not good. I'll own that.

But you're right, you just come it boils. You are so sleep deprived, three months of essentially getting no sleep. You're so overwhelmed, you're so stressed, you're exhausted, You're ready to go home. You haven't seen your family, barried, you haven't seen your friends, You're not in normal life. You've put on six kilos. Like we just it's just a culmination of everything somewhat. We're all human. You're bound to like be you know, out of character. And where I started.

Laughing because I look back at it then and now and even said it and I was like, oh my god, this is good TV. I couldn't believe what was happening. I was like, this is an incredible season, and like it's just happening as far as I was aware organically, and I was just like, I mean, the selling the gnome and then the fact that you know there's I was just like, how is this happening? What is going on.

We're all capable of bad, shitty behavior, but there is some real truth in the fact that we can't be too hard on ourselves because in the real world, you know, we do get tired, we do get stoppy, and we don't always face at the best level that we want to. Yeah, that's okay, and.

It becomes this dog eat dog sort of and subconsciously you're in this little bubble and by the end you're like, you're the only people that exist, and so you just like and cameraman are there for you, and you're just like in this ulterior you're in the Truman Show a little bit too. Yeah, it's like but it feels like it's you're in an ulterior universe, like it truly does. You're not in the real You're not in the world.

It is in the real world, but it's not the real world. It very much is lib I think you're right. I mean, it is the Truman Show because there are some controlled elements and you will always question whether or not things happened because it was staged a little bit for television. There's a show in the UK where they say, you know, not everything that you watch on this show is real. We have given it a bit of finesse. And that's kind of all shows, you know what I mean, Like there's always going to be think about all the crew and the cast and the producers work on that show to make that show what it is. There's always going to be a little bit, a little bit of magic.

I mean, I was a bridesmaid on Married at First Sight for my friend, right, my friend remember and I that was different, So that was a different experience. They were like giving you drinks and they were putting words in your mouth and they're asking the same thing a hundred times until.

They get the answer that they want. That truly didn't.

For sure, there's may on things, and you know, like yeah, for sure we were sent away deliberately on that weekend with Christian Red. But as a whole, I genuinely believe it was like the honest like.

It's why it's still on television though, It's why it has twenty years, you know, like we're going to get twentieth seasons. The twentieth season is next year. That is such an achievement and I and you know what, there's been lots of people saying that the block has had its time because of this series, because of all the drama. I just feel like this is a chapter in the story. You know, we haven't had this every year. This is the nature of this show. This is just this year's story.

And we asked Lucky the casting direct his thoughts around casting, and he said he normally casts for sort of the location. Right. So last year, Gismond, it was very much about the strength in the couple and how they would banter together because they were so far away from many other couples that they needed that strength in the couple, the charisma within the couple. Whereas for us, it was like Melroe's place, I think, which you've referred to as well, And it totally was that our backyards back onto each other. And we're a little bit younger, I mean, I'm thirty seven, however, want to interact. Yeah, and that banter And so next year it'd be interesting to see. I don't know really what the former is for next year, but like there'll be a whole nother you know, casting why they're casting the people that they do, and people threatened to switch off, but they ain't. He's good and like, I don't know, numbers are up the drama is apparently the way forward.

I've asked the last few, the last few houses that have come on the pod, I've asked them this question. I didn't ask at the start because I think it would be too hard. What are your thoughts on the auction? What is your order? Can you basically give me what you think the order of the houses are in terms of money that they're going to make.

I just think Stephan Jihn have this in the bag and they are just hustlers. Power to them, we love them, They've got it. I just think they'll be first and all guns blazing. I think everyone will want their house because they'll have a higher reserve. Like us, we've got bigger land sizes and things like that, but they've been able to inject so much money into it. Then you've got I think, I don't know. Then I think reserves could be low.

I don't know. I almost think maybe House one.

Because so I would say, so we've got House four and then you're like House one.

It could be do you know what I'm going to back us? It could be someone like how's one.

That's going to have a lower reserve. Ere it could be us who we know people might go for after Stephan Jarhm's house. It's the same, like we've got a beautiful open floor plan which is receiving really good feedback in the family vibe of it. So one or us, but then but then also there's two or three three, it could be on.

The same level. I think they'll win money.

But then also I from what I understand, they've got less interest, but who knows, and they have lower reserves, so to be honest, the only thing I'm clear on is house for taking it out and taking it out hard.

I think if anyone watches Sir Sean, what they need to learn. That was very clever from Stephan gre was the Japanzee theme. Yeah, you know, something so simple but so clever that it pulled a story together for the house. You know what I mean?

They are they are twenty seven years old, and my god, are they smart and switched on and they have got their gear together and their game players for sure, but they I think they own it and they stuck in their own lane. And we love them so much, and I just that's and they I know, Christin and Brett don't think our relationship there will last, but we've got life long friends. We've made plans for next year. And it's a weird relationship because they're ten years younger than us, but we have so much respect and they've taught us stuff vice versa, and.

Yeah, we're I'd be hanging out with them if I was you thinking they were my parents, Like, yeah, you know what I mean? They do.

And every time I get fired up in an interview, they're like, Olaza, you know, try and don't get too caught up in that.

And I'm like, thanks, mom, I think that that Jean isn't Jan like one of the most loveliest.

He's everyone's favorite.

We go that where the three wives, Steph, Eliza and I his three wives. We just ador him so much, does want to be around him.

That's a show in itself. Anyway, before you go, what is something from behind the scenes, something that we as an audience won't see, kind of like a behind the scenes like secret or just maybe a funny anecdote that happened while you're making this show.

Libs cist, she's got her head, Sist.

I'm so sad this didn't make the show.

So Lib's got all these bumps, what are they?

Oh my god?

So I've just got a couple of like, little.

Do we need to ask if this if the cysts are okay with being a part of this story.

They are, They're fine. I don't know it was I thought it was going to make part of the show as a story. But I've got these little cists that are like horns on my head and then nothing, I've had them checked before anyone, you know, jumps up and says that, you know, cancerous or something. They're fine, But on the show one of them burst and it got infected because of all the dirt and crap everywhere. So it was like pussing an Each.

Day it would be a new scene, a new murder scene.

So new people would come in and have a look, and like it would be our dad's a diet and he looked at it. Dad came for a visit and he was looking at it, and truly it was this whole storyline and we're like, we cannot wait to see this player on TV. And then none of it's been But then the last little bit of that it scabbed, and Limbs took the scab off and put it on the bench, and I one day thought it was a rock, and so I was like picked, I was brushing my teeth, picked it up and I had put it in the bin or whatever, and then I was eating and stuff and then sorry if you're gagging everyone but that, and.

I was like, who's listening to this right now? Has just literally over the car?

And how did you work single before? We certainly be around now.

Yeah, I want to catch up with you in a year's time to find out whether either of you have married a fan. I think it feel like it could.

Happen, you know, beggars can't be choosers at this point.

To be honest, girls, thank you both so much for your Canada. I think we got to unpack some stuff there that might have been really hard for you to sort of get into. But I appreciated your honesty, and you know, I think it's very clear when people will be listening back to this how they feel about the two of you. And sometimes when shows are on television there's a lot left out for people to interpret, where I hope having some of these sorts of conversations and people being able to listen into long form gives some better context.

You know, yeah, and everyone deserves that, I reckon like the context that's sometimes hard. I think as a whole captured everyone's characters, but sometimes yeah, context, context was lacking a little. But yeah, wow, we drama still going on. It's going to be interesting. Options is going to be interesting.

But yeah, well this series of the block that there needs to be like a like an Andy Cohen reunion, specially.

Oh my house, I wouldn't that be in Maybe you're hosting it.

Then you are so good hosting that.

Yeah, thank you both so much. I'm great enjoy the rest of the series as well.

Thank you for being asking the hard questions and allowing yeah I really actually yeah, okay.

Well look after yourselves, and I hope you've been lots of money. Thank you by your cheeseburgerphone, by everyone.

I'll buy your whole meal.

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