Trending with Timmerie - Catholic Principles applied to today's experiences.Trending with Timmerie - Catholic Principles applied to today's experiences.

Overcoming Bleakness & the Devil

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Christ came into the world to save us from the evil one. What should we do this Advent?  Father Robert Spitzer, President of the Magis Center joins Trending with Timmerie.  (0:42) Hope came with Christ.  Overcoming bleakness and looking to our salvation.  Developing virtue. (24:27) Catholic Christmas Gift Ideas for adults.  (39:30) Why did Australia ban social media for kids under 16? (41:12) 

Resources mentioned : 

Fr. Robert Spitzer’s website 


The 4 Levels of Happiness


Finding True Happiness


Simple Beading


Beard Balm  – male personal grooming products


St. Michael Statue, or Joseph, Paul


Two hours of screen time hurts kids’ health


Australia has passed a law banning social media use for children under 16


Screen Strong Website 



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Trending with Timmerie - Catholic Principles applied to today's experiences.

Trending with Timmerie on Relevant Radio brings timeless principles of Catholicism to trending thoug 
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