Trending with Timmerie - Catholic Principles applied to today's experiences.Trending with Timmerie - Catholic Principles applied to today's experiences.

Anti Aging Hacks & Strength Training

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Sal Di Stefano, founder of Mind Pump, the top international fitness podcast, joins Trending with Timmerie. Anti aging hacks and what strength training treats.  (2:20) Sal dives into: cycling between bulks and cuts, nicotine, and Shilajit for energy. (18:12) Planned Parenthood reports a 1200% increase in vasectomy appointments post election. The impact of permanent sterilization: tubal ligation and more. (41:05)

Resources mentioned :


Maps Starter Program


Medical complications to sterilization 


Are women consenting to tubal ligation?



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Trending with Timmerie - Catholic Principles applied to today's experiences.

Trending with Timmerie on Relevant Radio brings timeless principles of Catholicism to trending thoug 
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