Kathy Griffin's Life on the PTSD List

Published Mar 26, 2024, 8:00 AM

Kathy Griffin comes on and breaks all of our hearts while simultaneously cracking us all up in an incredible interview. This episode should really be called - Ya Gotta Laugh - because Kathy has been through IT. Divorce, Trump, Addiction, Mental Health.....if you don't find anything in this episode relatable, Trash Tuesday is not the podcast for you :) 

Thank you to our sponsors:

Draftkings - New players, start playing with just FIVE BUCKS and get ONE HUNDRED BACK INSTANTLY in Casino Credits. Download the app and use code TRASHTUESDAY to book your one-way ticket to fun with DraftKings Casino! The crown is yours.

Esther’s new movie: DRUGSTORE JUNE! Still Available in Theaters and you can now Pre-Order via Streaming Platforms!  https://www.drugstorejune.com/ 

MORE Kathy Griffin!


Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kathygriffin/ 

Twitter - https://twitter.com/kathygriffin

Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/officialkathygriffin 

00:00 - Yikes

00:24 - Drugstore June Promo

00:39 - Kathy Tour Promo

01:02 - Tigerbelly Live! In Hawaii @ Hawaii Theatre April 26

01:23 - Kathy Griffin: Just a Humble Icon

03:55 - The PTSD-List

04:55 - 5150 Hold

08:21 - I Gave My Psych Counselor My Number

10:18 - Getting Into Recovery

16:37 - Using Stand-Up to Heal

20:21 - You Just Gotta Laugh

23:44 - Carnegie Hall Record Performance

25:47 - I’m Funny and I’m Good With Money

28:21 - My Husband Stole Money

32:33 - Wendy Williams Love

37:16 - Tip Your Box of Wine for Maggie

39:32 - Who’s Your Spotter

42:48 - How Do You Get Over Heartbreak

45:12 - A Vulnerable Narcissist

49:40 - Real Girlfriends

52:58 - Your Man In Your Corner

58:20 - Playing Down Your Salary

01:01:40 - A House Daddy

01:05:52 - The Madonna Squad

01:08:10 - The Reality TV Work Environment

01:14:05 - Wrapping Up


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Trash Tuesday Podcast Spotify Audio Feed: https://bit.ly/TTPodAudio
Trash Tuesday Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itstrashtuesday

Listen to our other Podcasts:

TigerBelly - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tigerbelly/id1041201977

Rick and Esther Have a Time - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rick-and-esther-have-a-time/id1694264079 

Follow Us:

Khalyla Kuhn - https://www.instagram.com/khalamityk

Esther Povitsky - https://www.instagram.com/esthermonster

Theme Song Written by: Bobby Lee http://instagram.com/bobbyleelive

Banana Break Song by: Can Nguyen  🍬  https://www.candyedits.com


Produced by: Real Good Touring

Podcast Producer(s): Stella Young 

Shot and Edited By: Ten42

Edited By: Andrew Tarr (Audio) & Guy Robinson (Video)

If you or someone you know is struggling, it’s ok to to reach out and share your feelings. Call or text 988 or visit https://988lifeline.org/




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Trash Tuesday w/ Esther & Khalyla

We are: Esther Povitsky and Khalyla Kuhn Follow Us: Official Trash Tuesday Instagram - https://www.i 
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