This week on the Toy Power Podcast, we recap our Xmas Break. What exactly did we each get up to? Plus what did we score from both our loved ones, Father Christmas and / or what we went & maybe bought for ourselves!? Then we get right back on track with recapping all the latest News that has hit our radar, since we last recorded. Of course lots of things to look forward to from Marvel Legends. TMNT reveals from both JoyToy as well as Playmate; but also a Mecha Shredder from Heatboys! Super7 announce Micronauts & Silverhawks in their ReAction sublines; as well as the next wave of Ultimates Thundercats. A sour note touching on Diamond Comic Distributions; but a Colourful insight from Loyal Subjects in the form of Jem & The Holograms!! Then rounding it out, we touch on the reveals from Mattel in the form of Thundercats X MOTU! All this & more, enjoy!