Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's NewsTownhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News

Seth Leibsohn: It’s About Competence

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As Donald Trump is about to resume his presidency, the most fundamental of questions about government arises: will the government be competent? Bad ideologies affect competence, and at the end of the day, one must ask:  “Does it work” rather than “Does it sound nice?” or, “Will it please a certain constituency?”

The Biden failures driven by bad ideologies are of course legion, from public safety to the border to the international arena to the cost of living.  But let us not ignore the states, either. 

Take California. Try this on for size:  The budget for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection is approaching four billion dollars. That’s less than is spent on the homeless problem in California—24 billion dollars over the last five years. Meanwhile, the homeless population in California, for all that money, has risen, by tens of thousands.  Just as the problem with fires has risen.

Bad ideologies drive incompetence—if the measuring stick is results rather than verbiage.  May we finally learn this lesson, please—and soon.

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