We won!
Common sense and moderacy and the repudiation of socialism won. This is a week of celebration, with a parallel to V-E Day; for on V-E Day an ideology was also defeated …. but this time the mechanism was ballots and not bullets.
Yes, what we’ve been watching—slowly and steadily and unapologetically—implanting itself here has been a revolutionary movement inspired by Marxist Socialism … complete with the marginalization of the political opposition, conspiratorial theories, fear mongering, exploitation and propagandization of children, and that old devil moon of each and every socialist enterprise: antisemitism.
The idea that America is not great and shouldn’t be great was repudiated. The idea that nature—indeed human nature itself—can be overcome was repudiated.
And: the conviction that the American experiment is exceptional was vindicated.
But: This win is just a beginning, a beginning to the restoration of common sense, perhaps a sunrise … Morning in America?