Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's NewsTownhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News

Jerry Bowyer: May God Shed His Grace on Us

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It’s hard to choose, but the part of Trump’s second inauguration that brought a tear to my eye was Carrie Underwood's rendition of “America the Beautiful.” 

There was a glitch in the audio, and her musical accompaniment cut out. After a period of awkward silence, she did something quintessentially American—she improvised. Where an older, more tired, and more fatalistic society might have just said, “Oh well, the sound isn't working,” she turned to the assembled citizens and said, “Y'all know the words,” and then belted out a beautiful rendition of the classic hymn a cappella, inviting all those present to join her. 

Alexis de Tocqueville remarked that when a problem occurs in Europe, the people turn to the central authority to fix it, whereas when a problem occurs in America, the people turn to each other to form a voluntary association to fix it. Carrie Underwood did just that. 

… asking God on behalf of America to “shed His grace on thee.” 

What a beautiful moment. 

May God, indeed, shed His grace on us.

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