As the waves of allegations on sexual harassment and sexual assault continue to roll in and as we watch various high profile figures fall, we are facing what could well be a dramatic and positive long-term shift in our culture.
I will admit this:
While I had always assumed that there were a few bad actors out there, I had always thought they were few and far between.
Perhaps I was naïve. I’m now becoming convinced—against my earlier instincts—that the bad actors may be legion.
Perhaps this period of time will be seen in hindsight as a “great purge” of sorts, where—as individuals as well as institutions—we hold perpetrators to account and collectively set up a new standard.
If I’m right—and we all have to hope that I am—the next generation of young professionals will have both a safer work environment and stronger means for recourse if faced with such assaults.
Let’s start by doing all we can to uphold that new standard in our personal and professional lives today.