
Chapter 6 | Believer

Published Aug 22, 2024, 7:03 AM

Tom Slick’s beliefs are challenged when he encounters someone who makes him question everything. Meanwhile his “proof” of the Yeti’s existence is smuggled out of India.

“Tom Slick: Mystery Hunter” Stars Owen Wilson, Sissy Spacek and Schuyler Fisk

Written and Directed by Caroline Slaughter

Story Edited by Jeb Stuart 

Produced and Assistant Directed by Emilia Brock

Original Score, Sound Design, Mixing and Mastering by Jesse Nighswonger 

Executive Produced by Owen Wilson, Sissy Spacek, Schuyler Fisk, Jeb Stuart, Caroline Slaughter, Brian Lavin, L.C. Crowley, Brandon Barr and Virginia Prescott

Special thanks to historian Catherine Nixon Cooke whose expert advice on Tom Slick Jr. and book – “Tom Slick, Mystery Hunter!” – served as inspiration for the show.

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School of Humans.

This podcast is based on the true story of explorer, inventor, visionary, and science pioneer Tom Slick. Some of the story elements, names, and characters have been altered for dramatic purposes. Consider using headphones to enhance your listening experience. We've created an immersive soundscape to tell our story.

Hey I'm driving here was a asshole, Blair?

Are you still there?

Jesus? Look, I told you to rush getting here, not tell yourself.

How did that journalist get my number?

I thought you were all in on the Yettihook after listening to those tapes you found I'm.

In on telling the un written history of my granddad, not the non existent one of the Yetti but for real, we cannot say anything about his covert mission to kidnap Lawmax.

Wait, is that a special ops thing?

Never mind, liv Look, you hired me to raise money for this expensive generation of scientific research, and we both know grants and donors aren't cutting big enough checks. This Yetti hunt could be our ticket to real capital and exposure.

There's no story if there's no YETI but do you know that?

Come on, Blair, I'm not free falling down some conspiracy theory rabbit hole with you.

Okay, okay.

All I'm saying is your grandfather might have found something. It could all be right here on the tapes.

I have shit, dude, that's not your lane. Sorry traffic.

Why are you trying to kill me?

GPS says I'm twenty three minutes away from you and I'm finishing up the last tape down it's a green light move.

You shut listening to that you're driving is a good idea.

With five hours tilts tonight's event, there's no time for another one.

Just remember you're our only speaker. Don't die God.

So this is it, the last tape.

I don't know how we made it out of Tibet, but I think it had something to do with him.

Long for.

It's March thirteenth, nineteen fifty eight. I've spent every waking moment since our escape with Lama X, and I've observed, as a man of science what can only be quantified as unadulterated mysticism. His power was menished in Tibet as the dark forces of Chinese communism mooned heavy, But out here in the wilds and the Himalayas, he's unleashed.

Lightning. This is unbelievable.

Lightning when there's nothing around.

It must be drawn to the yin yang energy coursing through Lama x as he meditates, it's unreal. With the tap of a finger, he ignites our bonfires. During the escape, he used the palm of his hand to stop a Chinese soldier's bullet from executing Dawa.

But what really.

Baffles me is the Lama's understanding of yin Xi. He said, if one masters it, they unlock a higher dimension.

We call it yung gunjh.

Yes, the lost horizon. Yes, we got a day and a half till we reach asylum in India.

Okay, yes, but I want more?

What more enlightenment?

Just a crash course.

Please, it'll help me to understand the mysterious nature of the Yetti.

I was so close, Lama.

My son, Are you a believer?

Yes, you know more than you know.

Do translate, please, mister Tum.

He's speaking English.

The riddles they always get me.

Do you hear that.

Rig cleans, rig cleans.

The Chinese they tracked us down.

Slick, grab that Larla and take color bud run an ice cap.

There is no cover at two hundred meters they'll drop out of troopers that you know looks like a good fit.

At least six the number us run an ice cap don and a two undered me just with target practice.

Do you have to argue with me?

Means I like you? Well, don't argue with you or like you?


Whoa love?


Oh shit?

What is that?

It looks like smoke but clouds their clouds?

He's calling them.

Do you see that?

He's flying away?

Keep up the Crooningxama.

They can't see us.

It's the mist.

They'll come back.

We need to find shelter, trees, a cave, something, guys. This altitude, Oh my.

God, again arguing you like it?

Not this aborto?


Do you all see that?

Twenty meters northwest? Looks like some sort of rock doo?

Watch a Lama.

I'm gonna go check it out.

I don't see anything.

It's a cave in the valley.

Look, come on, it's bringing up to hold all of us.

There's nothing there.

First thing we agree on, mister Tom Yeah dawah d Llama. He wants to speak to you me alone.

Oh okay, yes, I knew that Lama had a favorite grote meal.

After I kidnapped him.

God, I pulled on him off for his first magic trip.

Didn't do me any favors, Lama, are you asked for me?

That cave?

Its name is Kembaloon. It is an oracle, does not exist for most. But if you see it, you are worthy.


Is that another riddle?

You can see it?


So now you can find the yity.

Chapter six. This is the mostly true tale of Tom Slick mystery Hunter.

That's it, yep, last tape.

Shit, he's so close.

Okay, there's gotta be more on one of the tapes I found. Yeah, what do you want?

How many seats you want to set up?

At three hundred and sixteen? But I'm hoping for more.

I thank you that many people are coming to this thing.

I told you i'd feel seats with that yetti hook.

Well, I hope you find that hook you promised in one of these tapes. Where did you find them?


With a pile of letters.

Written by granddad or sent to him?

Sent to him?

Then these tapes aren't his? What he didn't record them?

Hey watch it? Shite Indians racing around triggers my.

Plur to go, that's bud, These are his tapes.

He was on the yette Hund with their granddad.

Right, yeah, he was the lead guide.

I'm at the Kolcutta Airport documenting the handoff of our big prize with one of six recorder thingies. Not because he asked me to. I just don't trust people, especially some guy who gets paid to pretend for a living. Jesus, you think i'd be able to spot him. Jimmy Stewart has to be the only posted in near over six feet.

Who's Kimmy Star?



Oh he's not on TikTok. You might have to grow up and google him. Oh, darning to say? Excuse me?

Oh hi, are you a peer.

Calling me Bud?

But yeah, nice to see you. I'm Jimmy. This is my wife, Gloria Pleasure.

You have the guns?


Why did it cut off?

I don't know. Maybe because Bud's new to this recording thing. Let's just here, Let's try another one.

God damn you placid recorder. You're working now, you're wanka.

Oh look, jim one of the fingers it still has skin on it. Oh that long blood inger nail.

Could take you out with one swipe, darling.

Hmm, God damn bastard Roy did it?

Of course he did.

I knew he would.

He's Tom Slick.

You hold it downe Oh.

Slick wasn't the only one on that hunt, you know.

Oh well tell us what it was like.

Yeah, what did you do when you came face to face with the beast?

That's a question for Slick to answer.

So so Slick was the only one who actually saw it.

I didn't say that, now, did I?

Now, bod, tell me where is Tom arriving in London to meet us?

Yes? I'd love to see him.

On Friday before I Yet he exhibit opens. He had to tie up some loose ends in India.

Now did he really want me to smuggle this yetty hand into the UK? Or is it just away for him to go out?

You were a safer bet than me, he said, A movie star wouldn't be searched.

I need you to turn around.

Shite the god he saw it?

Din around. He's speaking to you, Jimmy, Oh oh yeah, yeah, yeah, state your name, James Steward.

Am I in some sort of trouble.

If you don't make a sequel to Strategy Care Command you are? I have seen that movie of yours at least twelve times.

That's a shame.

It's no rear window.

Oh god, Jimmy, he doesn't want your opinion.

He wants an autograph.

Oh oh yeah, let me let me sign something for you.

Oh my god, my kids, you love this?

Please, thank you.

Where's the yetty aunt Somewhere?

No one would dare look this tape is proof.

Okay, Slick found the Yetti.

Then why isn't it out there in the media in history.

Books live No one knew about these tapes.

Granddad must have hidden them for a reason.

He didn't.

He gave them to you. Now you have to decide what we do with them. Do we tell this juicy, compelling will bring tons of publicity and money to this institute story? Or do we let it die?

Let's just listen to bud last tape.

Is that an answer?

You're insufferable?

All thanks, Just play the tape with pleasure.

It was a long track, but we made it to the London Natural History Museum and the Yetti palm. Well it had a very intimate journey.

Well it should be right here here, But hold my panties, will you?


And this brosier pretty lace.


Oh and also this.

Really soft.

Are you all right?

I've been deprived of the feminine for the past year and a half.

So oh and uh.

Watching me rummage through my intimates doing anything for you more than you know, Gloria, have some decency.

Oh here it is God, Doctor Osmond Hill, meet Bud and my modest bride, Gloria.

A pleasure after fondling your unmentionables. I do hope the creature's fingers are still intact. Brother, He's funny, Gloria, I promise you, madam, I am not.

May I see this messuremen, this yetti poor Here is for the exhibit about the Hunt opening this week.

Indeed, I am here to confirm that it is not a fake.

Hello, Hello, hello, everyone dropping a jet lag after your exhaustive journey to bring us the greatest discovery of all time.

It was just me on the hunt, and yes it was debilitating, violent, destructive. Dear, they just suffered through flying commercial.

As a human mule for that. Yetty's filthy hand.

You make it sound like we were flying in sturage.

Well we might as well have been, Darling.

We'll say I'm dramatic.

We are so.

Thrilled to have this one of a kind memento as the centerpiece of our exhibit. Mister Slick has been mailing us photos of his epic adventures.

Are epic adventure. I led the thing, But this, this, it's proof cryptozoology is not a hoax.

It's science.

This yet is bony odious hand will reanergize the hunt for cryptids.

It will.

It will breathe a.

Generation of amateur mystery hunters who, like Slick, will set out.

A prove that fantasy is a reality.

By the end of this decade, I'll have a whole wing dedicated to cryptozoology, with a stuffed Bigfoot, the hide of Sweet Missy and the vampiric fangs of the trooper carbra.


What do you think, doc, That YETI palm look real to you.

I have a more detailed study to do on the specimen, but my initial impression is that it.

Is an anthropoid Arthur who who It.

Resembles a human inform but has primary characteristics. I've never seen anything like it, so.

Just look at it. It's yetty.

My God, I'll spank my ass and call me Marrey.

Breaking news, the London Natural History Museum was preparing for a highly publicized cryptozoology exhibit hosted by American explorer Tom Slick, which according to sources, were supposed to feature his unique discovery that would upend science as we know it, but that scientific finding will never be witnessed. Last night, the exhibit in its main feature vanished. The actor Jimmy Stewart, who was supposed to speak at the event, along with other sources involved with the exhibit, gave the BBC an exclusive interview.

That was the stranger's saying. The museum custodian arrived this morning. The entire exhibit.

It was all gone.

It was gone, the photos, the documents.

Did you say, yetty Hand?

Oh, oh, you don't know.

Was that the featured discovery?

It was Slick.

He's up to something.

No, we don't know that glory oh James, you think is behind this?


The yaddy.

Well, I have no earth the idea what you're talking about?

The yetty hand?

Oh please, My museum abides by scientific standards.

If there's no proof, then it's not science. And as you can see from my barren front hall, there is not just no sign of proof, there is absolutely no evidence that any exhibit existed. And yes, before you grill me that is.

A bullet hole in the floor, and how it got there?

No comment.

I am destroyed by this development. I didn't have the suitable amount of time to thoroughly examine the yetty specimen, but from my initial tests I can confirm that it belonged to a beast. Humanity has yet to discover.

It wasn't just Tom Slick hunted the YETI okay, Jesus don't have to be a gang to get any respect around here. So you want to comment about the Yettypoh, here it goes. I cannot confirm or deny that it wasn't a fake.

We could not track down mister Slick for an interview, though his secretary did give us a direct quote, Hello you can hey, yep.

Hello Mabel you there? Can you hear me?


Hackney good good?

Okay, this is mister Slick's direct quote.

He is appalled that the museum allowed this to happen.

Is that it is that always to say, unquote, hey.

Hey boss, yes, oh well, we all got two hundred and fifty chairs, and the flower lays just showed up.

Where'd you want the caterers?

They got all this food shit?

Okay, I'll deal with that.

Thank you got it.

It sounds like this tape's over anyway.

Look just let me know if the YETI makes a cameo. Okay, okay, I gotta go.

Hi. Yes, uh, how quickly can you deliver seventy five years in stall?


Maybe it's not over alrighty, I think I got it working.

Oh my god, there's more.

Jesus you on the new ones of Bastards. So I found that old news clip somewhere on the web and thought i'd record it for you now. Also, I wanted to send you the other tapes that I had, all.

That went down in nineteen fifty eight, after the hunt. It's two thousand and ten.


I thought these tapes would help tell the tale of Tom Slick Junior. He was one of a kind, a legend. Really. His life was almost as mythic as the fantastical creatures he hunted. But you know that you're keeping one of his greatest secrets, the mystery of that YETI pow it was a relic. Everyone thought it was proof of the Yetties existence. But we both know that's not true. Your father's last tape is the real proof, isn't it. Claire? What hey? Han?

Mom, We need to Talk.

Tom Slick Mystery Hunter is a production of School of Humans and iHeart Podcasts starring Owen Wilson as Tom Slick, Sissy Spasic as Claire Slick, Skyler Fiske as Livslick. Written and directed by Caroline Slaughter, story editor Jeb Stewart. Executive produced by Owen Wilson, Sissy Spasic, Skyler Fisk, Jeb Stewart, Caroline Slaughter, Brian Lavin, l C. Crowley, Brandon Barr, and Virginia Prescott. Produced and assistant directed by Amelia Brock. Original score, sound design, mixing and mastering by Jesse Niswanger, Casting by Daisy Church and Caroline Slaughter. Sag coordination by Day and Julia Christgau. Promo and trailers by Carl Catel. Special thanks to Catherine Nixon Cook. Recording engineers are Tyler Klang and Casey Pegram.

For iHeartMedia Episode six, cast Ian Shaw as Bud, Ava Davis as Blair, Michael Mao as Jimmy Stewart, Tiffany Morgan as Gloria Stewart, Selinas Tibio as Dominique, Jenny Fleming as Mabel, Vince Canlas as Dawa and Lama X, Cameron Shake as the Indian security guard, David Devrees as the museum director, Lowry Brown as Doctor Osmond Hill, Mike Schatz as the maintenance guy, and the introductory voiceover, with additional roles voiced by David Devrees, Michael Mao, and Phil Clark. Additional audio assembly by Noah Kamer. Executive producer for iHeartMedia is Maya Howard.

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Tom Slick: Mystery Hunter

Tom Slick: Mystery Hunter chronicles the larger than life adventures of Tom Slick (Owen Wilson) and  
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