The Pros and Cons of Living in a Very Famous House

Published Dec 1, 2020, 8:00 AM

Host Wil Fulton dives deep into the small, picturesque town of Astoria, Oregon, where hundreds of thousands of "movie tourists" have turned landmarks from the Goonies into bona fide attractions, much to the chagrin of the woman who currently occupies the iconic home featured in the film; Thrillist Staff Writer Emma Stefansky interviews two Pennsylvania real estate agents tasked with selling an infamously creepy house from Silence of the Lambs; Producer Mia Faske wonders "who actually lives in San Francisco's legendary Painted Ladies?" and then finds someone who actually does.

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If you find yourself in the West Village in Manhattan, crossing through the intersection of Bedford and Grove, you'll almost definitely see people craning their necks, snapping pictures, gazing up at the seemingly ordinary apartment building on the southeast corner. Why are people taking a pictures in that house? But don't be alarmed. There are no exhibitionists, vigilantes, or jumpers up there, just a brick and mortar reminder of a bygone television arena that sounded like this. I'm standing outside of the Friends apartment and I'm not alone. I'm coming from Montara, South Jersey. It's to our father down from here. I'm a big friend of Friends from about five ten years. I think I love Friends, and I just wanted to get the view of this place. To have the feel is amazing for it. I'm pretty excited about it, you know, watching the show Oh my goodness and seeing the building here now it's just like, oh my God, just brings back all their memories and yeah, it's so cool. If you were if you were like Pat my broad Friends, the character, what do you think you'd be? I think that would be Phoebe. There's a restaurant on the ground floor of the building, right where that coffee house central perk would be. Hypothetically. Here's Maggie Hollandsworth, a business manager at that restaurant, the Little Owl. Okay, so most people that are coming to look at the Friends building, they are supremely disappointed when they find out that this is in central perk. Like, it blows my mind. It's like it was filmed at a Stone studio and on Warner Brothers. Like, it's not here, it's just the in the b roll. It's this shot. So I always tell people stand over at the light post, look up, that's the shot. So we had a couple get engaged here. Um, the guy rented out the restaurant for an hour and then he hired a professional singer to sing the Friends theme song. Of course. Yes, I'm Will Fulton and this is Thrillist Explorers. On today's episode, we're diving into homes that became famous through iconic pop culture moments, the complicated reality of living in them, and what actually drives people to base their travel plans around buildings they saw on TV. We have the story of two real estate agents who were tasked with selling one of these spookiest homes in film history. I'll give you a hint. It involves a well, some lotion, and a very terrified Jodie Foster. We have an interview with the woman who recently purchased one of the most photographed pieces of real estate in the entire world. But first, what happens when a famous house becomes a little too famous? The small town of a Story, Oregon has grappled with this problem of trying to balance the tourism boom fueled by eighties film nostalgia with the privacy of their residence. Here's our first segment, The goonies can come from. All right, so Andy, before we talk, you gotta do the truffle shuffle. I was already doing it. I just can't see. Yeah. That that that's that's that's That's been my new um core workout is just doing the truffle shuffle for half an hour every day. It's it's really quite quite impressive. That's how the guy who played Chunk got so buff? Is he buff? Now? Yeah, he's he's shrank down. Um he's he's a good looking chap He's an entertainment lawyer in Beverly Hills, When I mentioned the theme of this week's podcast to pioneering fitness guru and thrill A senior travel editor Andy Kreisa, he slacked me two things, the words A story of Oregon and a gift of chunk from the Goonies doing his fat Kid dance. It's a story of Oregon, and it's kind of like this pearl for especially like eighties and nineties kids. You've got free Willie, kindergarten cops, short circuit like these are all kind of flash in the pan cultural touchstones where this small blue collar fishing town on the coost Oregon really kind of plays a central park. So it became almost a vortex of uh, certain adolescent experiences for a lot of kids. It's one of my fair places in the world. Yeah, I lived in Portland covering zone for like almost fifteen years, and so I made my way out there quite a bit. A Story is ninety miles north of Portland, on the upper left hand corner of the state. It's the oldest city in Oregon and coincidentally where Lewis and Clark ended their journey across the United States in eighteen oh six. More importantly for our purposes, the town in its surrounding area have served as a setting for a ridiculous amount of cult classic movies. Short Circuit, h Hi Kindergarten, Cop Kindergarten is like the ocean. You don't want to turn your back on it. I don't worry. Everything is under control. Three Willy one and two in world where beauty is held captive. Mr your family point break. I'm trying to tell me the FBI is going to pay me to learn to serve twilight. To think what all that the world lose its power to wrong? So many more, but most famously the goodness of treacherous traps. Immediately my mind was made up. I would track down and speak to the person who owns the infamous house from the Goonies where Mikey and Brandon lived, where they found the treasure map hid in the attic. I googled it and it's exactly like you remember the faded white paint wrap around porch David's house right next door. It was like seeing my childhood flash before my eyes. But there was one big problem. Yeah, and it's complicated, right. So when you think of the gooney is, the two images that come to your mind are going to be the big rocks on the ocean and the Gooneys House. The major difference between those two things is that those rocks are on a public beach. You can go and do the travel shuffle in front of those to your heart's content. This is a piece of private property. The current owner and resident of the Gooneys House, let's call her Mrs Walsh, just to protect her privacy, wasn't going to take my calls. She wasn't going to indulge any questions about tourists shuffling their truffles outside her front porch. Apparently all the attention given to the house kind of reached a boiling point. She put up signs turning gooney fans away, she brought up the issue with local government. She even's harped over her windows at one point. Goonies never say Die, and apparently that can get pretty annoying. I think people like to paint. The owner is almost this like Mr Perkins level villain, who's like trying to keep kids off her porch. But when at all hours of the night you've got international tourists running up on your porch and dancing with their shirts off, that's kind of a bit much and this isn't This isn't like a movie house like most of them, like the Christmas Story House has been purchased and made into a museum. This is still very much private residence. And the fact that it's the major mcguffin of this hugely popular movie probably makes life really, really difficult. But if you don't want people to visit your house, why would you live in a famous house? The answer is complicated. Hello, will hi, this Judith it is How are you? I am so good? How are you today? I am good? A. This is Judy Nyland. She moved to a story of forty five years ago and she absolutely loves it. And it's just um. It's a charming and real working man's town. So that's the thing that has always attracted people to this area. It's not it's not sony, it's not um. It's not like bubble gum arcades and things like that. If you've seen Kindergarten cop she painted those big murals at the grade school. And she also lives right down the street from Mrs Walsh's famous house. Before the COVID this year, I would see literally fifty to a hundred people a day walked by my house and I have a very short block. It's really two blocks long. And um, when they had the Goony Anniversary. On the anniversary this would have been the thirty fifth anniversary that they had to cancel, they had ten thousand people in three days come to the street. Ten thousands, and that's that's larger than Dela. So that got That's when everything kind of got blown up because you just got crazy. It was like they were like kids in candy store and they just some people weren't nice. It was a minority, but they weren't very controllable. And that's when the people who owned the home and the neighbors up the streets for me, really started putting their foot down and getting kind of upset about it. So this isn't like a handful of fans looking to get a good Instagram story. We're talking about thousands of people coming into this neighborhood looking to relive their favorite movie. That can be problematic. And I think at first the owner of the house was into it. She knew what she bought. She was a big Boney fan. She used to bring people in for tours. And then somehow it ended up getting on Google Maps because we ran into a guy about ten years ago who was walking down the street and he's like, where's the Gooney House? And we pointed it out and he said, you know, you couldn't even find this ten years ago or five years ago. It was like block so that someone could find it. But the second it was on everybody's GPS. Then people were coming out of the woodwork. Then it's like, let's go to the beach. Oh, we gotta go see the Gooney House. And on one time I saw on r V go up the driveway and fall off the edge of the road, like onto its side, down into the radinem So you know, it's just people. They just get out of control. See I see some tourists up there right now, I'm watching and walk up. Well. Judas says the overwhelming majority of Gooney's fans, who come from all over the world, are perfectly lovely. She even sells her artworks to them from her yard. There have been incidents like the ones she just described. Things were stolen from the exterior of Mrs Walsh's house, people knocked on the door in the middle of the night and blocked her neighbor's cars in their driveways. People even peed in the flower beds. Let's see, when Mrs Walsh purchased her home, things were a little different. It was before the Internet gave everyone with a cell phone access to address, and before the town of Historia started fully embracing these legions of goons. My name is Mac burns On, the executive director of the Oregon Film Museum. In a story, Oregon home to the Goonies and hundreds and hundreds of other movies, and naturally Mac has a lot of insight as to why this region of America is such a popular filming destination. Um, the state can be anything you wanted to be. It can be the ocean, can be mountains or just a few miles away high desert. We can be another planet. Um. You know. Black Beauty was one of the movies that had a little bit shot here in Classon County. We're a South Pacific island in that part of that movie, the beaches near Gearhart. So we can be anything, and we really, as a state and locally, Um, we've gone out of our way to facilitate that because we like the industry and we we liked seeing ourselves on film. And this is especially true of the Goonies. The city is like another character in the film, and it's a real point of pride for historians. You remember when Judith was talking about the Goonies anniversary celebrations, Well, they are a surprisingly big deal. And by the way, Goonies Fans Film Museum is inside the old jail that Jake for Tilly breaks out at in the beginning of the movie. It's cool. There's a wonderful woman in England, Andy, that had been talking with other folks online and they just all of a sudden said, Hey, it wouldn't it be fun to all meet up on the day the movie was released in a historian and they contacted Andy contacted the local Chamber of Commerce visitors center, and the lady there named Regina, who's a Gooonies fans, said well, that's kind of cool. So the Chamber of Commerce and Regina quickly put some things together scavenger hunts and Eighties nights and trivia and things like that. The population of a story as ten thousand, and that first year for the twentieth anniversary, we had about six thousand, seven thousand fans in town. We opened the Oregon Film Museum in time for the Goonies twenty fifth anniversary. That was our opening weekend, and attendance that year was about twelve thousand in a town again of ten thousand, and we try and make a big deal out of five year anniversaries. SOT was just nuts um. It probably had about fifteen thousand fans in town. Since two thousand five, July seven has been Gooney's Day in Historia, drawing fans from all over the world. Josh Brolin and Sean Aston and even Richard Donner have been known to show up. Corey Feldman came and played eighties hits with his band. It's like if comic Con was dedicated to one movie and also spread throughout a Pacific northwestern fishing town, and it's good all around. Mostly Yeah. Do you know what's that? The mentality of it's just me, you know, But when you've got thousands of people coming into the neighborhood in a weekend, so oh, it's just me, it's amplified even more. Parking in the neighbor's driveway because I'm just gonna be five minutes, but it's the five minutes that she's going into labor. It needs to get in a car, get to the hospital. That's Regina Will. She works for the Historia Chamber of Commerce. She's one of the driving forces between the town's brilliant mission to embrace Gooney's fans. She's also been tasked with the extremely tough job of directing and controlling tens of thousands of rabid nerds in Ship Got Real. There were a couple just really severe incidents that took place at the house where the homeowner finally said, Okay, this needs to stop. So that's when she put the type step on the porch. She didn't want to do that. She didn't like leaving him up there. She felt like she was, you know, in a prison herself. So they weren't up for too long. But you know, it definitely got the message across because those pictures got picked up and flew all over the Internet and really helped us kind of get people to take a beat think about you know, what they were demanding of someone um to give of their personal space, in their personal time. And she bought the house in the early two thousands. It was in terrible shape. She's put so much into um making it livable. And then also you know, kind of embracing the community and trying to share that with the other fans of being a part of the fan group when we've done the house tours during our event weekends. You know, she is always so gracious and wants to give more and more and more of her times and try to get everyone through the door and give everyone as much time as they want and never asking for anything in return. So she's just always been awesome. So um, I think, you know, after the tarps went up, we were able to have a little more candy conversation with people and make sure that they understood that, you know, it's not an attraction, it's not situated in the place that it could be an attraction, so we have to be mindful of that that it is, you know, a real, working, living neighborhood that you're going to think about if it was your grandma, Um, you know, would you want random strangers knocking on her door at ten thirty at night, you know, asking if they can see the attic. A story is in so many ways the success story of a small town finding a way to embrace its quirky history and bring in tens of thousands of tourists every year, but it's also a cautionary tale. What happens when you buy into a famous house and that fame spirals out of control through forces you can never see companies. The Goonies is the type of movie that inspires rabbit fandom, the type of pop culture moment that seems to snowball over time and against all odds, become more popular as the years go by. And this whole situation tells us a lot about the phenomenon of famous houses and why we love them, for better or worse. Their power is almost always rooted in nostalgia, which honestly can be pretty intoxicated. And Mac from the film museum as as visitors to write down what the Goonies mean to them on little SIPs of paper. He keeps all those messages. And then I started reading these messages and they were profoundly moving to me. This was my brother's favorite movie. Rest in Peace, Samuel. I had to come from St. Louis. We're here celebrating being cancer free. My favorite memory of the movie is watching it the night before I go on patrol in Afghanistan, knowing I might not come back, and you start reading, and not just one or two, you read dozens and dozens of these notes. My boyfriend proposed to me on the porch of the Goonies house. I said, yes. Or we're here celebrating first anniversary, tenth anniversary, thirtieth anniversary, we're here celebrating birthdays. I mean, I literally have thousands of these notes ten years later, and they're funny, are moving, and it's obvious this movie has had a powerful impact on thousands, maybe millions of people, And I think part of it is it's a it's a piece of our childhood when things were maybe a little easier, and and that there could be a treasure out there that we could go find and solve our problems. Special thanks to thrill Us Executive travel editor Keller Powell and Gooney super fan Michael Barnard, who helped with research for this segment. If you want to plan a visit to the Oregon Coast, thrill Us has a four day itinerary that includes a storia. The link is in our description. And if you do plan on visiting his storia and seeing Mrs Walsh's house, just be cool, don't ruin it. For the rest of us. We're gonna take a quick break. But hey, in the meantime, why don't you sit back and learn about some amazing products and services. We'll be right back. In our last segment, we learned to remember that real people often live inside these famous houses. In our next segment, we're gonna find out how real estate agents approached selling notorious pop culture homes, especially when they're kind of weird. Through US Entertainment staff writer m Stefanski has the story. Um, now, we had the sort of idea to maybe begin this segment of the podcast with you guys sort of doing like a walk through of the house, like the way that you would be selling it to a potential buyer. So the land itself of the property is gorgeous. That was Eileen Allen and Shannon assad to realtors of Berkshire Hathaway Home Services, who are known as the Sisters. Sold it on social media. It's like a time capsule. It has just a ton of the original woodwork with the hardwood floors, the big tall ceilanes. This fall a property fell into their laps. One that was pretty unique. A lot of the famous movie shots were filmed right when at the front door, and then right when you walk in and that boyer there where Clarice came in, and then she's walking from the foyer through the dining room into the kitchen area um and then from the kitchen is the basement door down to like one of the really scary scenes from the movie. Eileen and Shannon had been tasked with selling a Victorian style home in Periopolis, Pennsylvania serial killer Buffalo Bill's house from the Silence of the Lambs, which surprisingly wasn't actually shot in the house they filmed it on in the sound set. But that's probably the number one question that we get. Is there a well in the basement. In the movie Fledgling, FBI agent Clarice Starling is hunting a killer whose emo is skinning people alive and using them to sew a suit. This is the house where it all went down. So Eileen is actually afraid of scary movie. I haven't watched. She's never seen the movie to see it. So if one of them hasn't even seen the movie? What made these two the ideal people for this project? It was a combination of their wildly entertaining social media presence and their willingness to lean in wholeheartedly to this house's spooky foundations. They assigned it to a different agent in our company, but she had a lot happening at the time, and she told the relocation department that she wasn't able to do it, but she said, you should call the sisters, even though their office is a little further. They kill it on social media, and I think they would do a really cool job marketing this house. So we kind of went all in on the whole silence of the Lamb's history, and we were kinda we weren't shirks, were like, some people might not even want to see it because of that, but we thought there was such a big following it would work, and it totally did. They posted creepy home walkthroughs on social media, got the story picked up by local news channels, and even designed face masks featuring the moth over the mouth image from the film's iconic poster. So one of the things we did we wanted to kind of combine the COVID situation with the movie and how we were going to do some of the marketing and press release, and so our team everyone got face masks, and then we had a coming picture. Took a picture of our team in front of the house and that was our coming soon. So yeah, so it looks like the mask or the moth from the movie. The house still looks a lot like it did when the movie was filmed thirty years ago, minus the infestation of moths. So the house it has always been a private residence. And the current owner said he lived there for five years. Almost every week he would have somebody driving by his house, stopping in his front yard next to the railroad track. Um, and they would like be taking a selfie his yard, or they would come and like knock on his front door and say like they were big movie fans and could they see in the house. And when he said he still had people coming to his house, I mean this is now twenty nine years after the movie that was That was really the one piece of information once we heard that that's unreal to have a property off the market for five years and will attract movie boss is I've never heard of that. Not only that the previous owner was a real live undercover FBI agent, just like Jodie Foster's character in the movie who got his badge the same year the movie came out. The owner actually are we love to say he's an undercover agent for the FBI. He's retiring, which is why he's selling the house. So he has the same job as Clarice in the movie. And he had we go into went into his office, his like whole like cat FBI member picture. His hat is so it looks like it's staged, but it's all his stuff. The only thing we brought in was the poster. Poster. Now, no serial murders were actually committed inside the house. There isn't even a well in the basement. All that was filmed on a sound stage, but it does have some documented paranormal activity. And I don't know if you guys have ever had to do this, but I know that like when you sell a house in which like a murder has been committed, it sort of has to be this closed. Was there ever that sort of sense of like this house has sort of been the sight of like this very creepy thing that like we should mention more. Oh well, no, but story that we haven't. You don't have to just close if there was a murder in the house. And but we we kind of asked him that we were like that, you just asked. We asked him when we first went there, and he told us a story about right what he closed on the house. His first night in the house when got his air, his blow up air mattress, he was he was going to sleep in the family room that first night. Um and how did the story when he said he had had no furniture, he had a blow up mattress and he went to sleep, and then about like two in the morning, he felt like there was somebody in the room with him. And then all of a sudden he had he was like sleeping, he had this dream of like this lady grabbing his face and it wolcome up, welcome up. And then he said his cat got all scared and ran out, and he's like it was really creepy, but I just I felt like there was somebody there, a presence in the room. Was And then about a year later he was going through stuff in the house and he found these old papers and like cut out newspaper and it had a picture of the original family from the eighteen hundreds. And as soon as he saw the picture, he was like, that's the lady that came to be in the Drenk. He just knew it was the wife of the original owner. Oh my god, this is like this is like the conjuring. This is well the history of the house is a little creepy. Eileen and Shannon didn't think for a second of shying away from it. In fact, the silence of the Lamb's connection became the main selling point. We thought we were going in relating it to the movie, and then maybe six months if it didn't sell, we could kind of do a new like kind of marketing campaign and push it out again and talk more about the being like set out in the country and the historical nous of like the house being over a hundred years old. But on going in, we were like, this is so unique, we have to leverage it. We have to like yeah, and it worked. A ton of people were interested, and not just fans who wanted to tour the house for fun. So we did not do a public open house, but I think if we did, it would have been just out of control because the amount of people that were sending us messages online. We have people messaging us saying, we're coming from out of state, we just want to see the house. We're movie fans, and this is still somebody's like private residence. He lived there, And yes, they found a buyer who has some very exciting plans for it. So he actually works in the movie industry and he lives out of state, so he saw the house through just marketing. We did drove into Pittsburgh to see it, and he is going to be turning it into kind of a business. So he's gonna live there sometime, but he's gonna actually kind of convert it to a place that movie fans can come visit, take tours. He is going to turn the basement into a stairy basement that looks like from the movie, put a well in there, and um, he's gonna be teaming up with Airbnb so that people can stay there for like the thirtieth anniversary. So he has a ton of plans. Um, he works with movie props, and he's gonna like make movie props like people from the movie, so when you come intoard the house, like it feels like you're there from the movie. Um. So kind of our whole vision of hoping to find somebody that loved the movie went above and beyond, and we're so excited to kind of follow along with what he's gonna do and work with him next year to help promote the house for movie fans to come see. We're certainly ready to book a two Nights Day, just maybe not in the basement. We've got one more story after the break. The Victorian homes of Alamo Square in San Francisco, commonly called the Painted Ladies, are some of the most famous and photographs real estate in the entire world. Think about the opening credits from Full House or like every postcard from San Francisco. Ever, producer Mia fest has always wondered where the hell actually owns these absurd of the picturesque hombs. So she called someone who does. So. I'm Leoh Culver. I live in San Francisco, California. UM a software developer. I actually run a small podcast app company called Breaker. Um. I'm originally from Minnesota, but I moved here, oh my gosh, almost fifteen years ago. Now, um, so I've been in San Francisco for quite a while. Does anybody actually call it San fran No, that's no, the locals don't call it San fran Okay cool? So um for anybody who doesn't know like um and who hasn't been to San Francisco, what are the Painted Ladies? So? The Painted Ladies is actually a more general term for Victorian houses that were painted in bright colors. So in the sixties and seventy years, it became a trend to take these Victorian homes and just give them wild colors and like three or four colors that all kind of like go together in a nice way. And these specific painted ladies that we're talking about today are on Alamo Square Park, um, and they're sort of famous because they're right across from the park and they're known as postcard Row. So there's all sorts of photos of them, and you get if you take a photo, you can also see like City Hall in the downtown of San Francisco in the background. So it's just a really you know, beautiful photo opportunity. So what um, And you kind of just answered this, But what drew you to the painted ladies? So? I was looking to buy a home for about a year and a half. I looked at different houses all over San Francisco, and I was planning to buy a move in ready home, so something totally finished, like I just live in and this is sort of my first home. Um. But I didn't really love anything that I saw, and I was talking to my real estate and I was like, I really would love to live in like a famous San Francisco home. Like when these beautiful historic victorians and when this home came for sale right in middle of Postcard Row on Alamo Square, I just I was just blown away. I was like, I have to have it. One thing I got to bring up is a is full house, just because I feel like that's what people kind of associate with the painted lader definitely and the intro and that kind of thing. And I guess my question for you is like how many people, um, how many visitors that come by? Would you say, are you know just kind of like there for the historical like visual aspect of the painted ladies versus like the full house fans. It's the kind of thing. Yeah, well so of our generation, I would say that there are a lot of full house fans. So what's interesting is the Postcard Row and Alamo Square the park are featured in sort of the intro where they're like having a little picnic in front of painted ladies, but the actual home that the family lived in, like the front facade, it's a different house. It's seventeen o nine broader extreet. So it's it's fun. There's a ton of tourists that come by every weekend. UM, but also a lot of locals use Alama Square just as their local parks. UM, that's a pretty popular park as well. When you first realized that you were going to be living in one of these houses, how concerned were you about like your privacy where you kind of nervous that people would be like clamoring on your yard d thing. I live for ten years in apartment on the Loris Park, which is the most popular park in San Francisco. Every weekend, it's like they're a huge party in the park. UM. People come out and they set out picnics, and it's just from about unto four pm Saturdays and Sundays, which is wild. So I'm very used to sort of having people be basically in my front yard UM and being inside the houses. UM. The windows are thick enough that there's not a ton of noise or anything like that. I want to talk also about the Twitter account that you started and how you're kind of documenting this renovation process. I think it's so cool that you're kind of doing this because I'm sure a lot of people are very curious about what the process is like, and it kind of almost feels collaborative, like you're inviting people to join a long so well, yeah, I guess what made you want to share the journey with people of you renovating this house? Well, as soon as I was seriously considering it buying it, and I knew it was a fixer upper, so it wasn't my intention to buy a fixer upper. Um, but you know the current state of the home, it just needs a lot of work. I started the Pink Painted Lady Instagram, Twitter, Facebook account because as a resident of San Francisco, it's something I would want to see, right, Like, I'm everyone is super curious about these houses and what they look like. Do you feel like a certain sense of pressure because like the house is so lovely to like make everything perfect, and like, you know, you just want everything to be exactly right. So the exterior of the home is going to stay exactly the same, not going to change at all. It'll probably get a fresh coat of paint. Um, it'll probably be a bright color of pink. So by law in San Francisco, you can paint your home any color you like. So um So, one of the funny things I like to joke about is that some people here their entire Victorian completely black so there are several around town that are just solid black. So what would you say the whole process, what's been like the most difficult part for you currently? It's it's sort of making sure all of our plans fall into what's legal in San Francisco. Like there's a lot of restrictions on sort of how these homes can look that keep keeps them all sort of looking nice. Yeah, it's just been wild, Like I think I'm surprised at how many people are really passionate about these houses. Yeah, totally. It's like, uh, they themselves have this own their own fandom almost they do. And I was, you know, I'm a fan to the reason I bought one as I've always just thought they were so cool and so pretty. And yeah, if once COVID times are over and I'm in San Francisco, I'm gonna hit you up. Yeah, yes, I mean an email or stop by Leo. Where can people follow along on your journey? You can follow Alo at Pink Painted Lady on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. All right, that's it for us. If you have any gripes, stories, recommendation, praise, or corrections, call our podcast hotline one eight three three Pod Baby and leave us a message, and yes we're totally serious and we would love to hear from you. Next week we have our thrill Us Guide to Los Angeles, but until then, listen to me. Thank producers Jake Rasmussen and Mia Fast, editors Dean White and Abbey Austria, overall excellent people, Jim Demiko, Meghan Kirch, Daniel Byrne, Brett Kushner, Emily Feld, and from I Heart Radio man Gesh how to Kudar? Since you made it to the very end of the episode, here's a quick fun fact. Sean Connery was the first choice to play Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs. How weird would that be? Right? Okay, bye,

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