
Ep 230: New Year, New Words, Still Jiggy!

Published Dec 31, 2024, 8:00 AM

Today, this is what's important:

Gangnam Style, New Years Plans, the cold, free stuff, brain rot, the Trump family, non-alcoholic beer, Adam's next role, basements, Phantom Planet, & more.

Welcome to This Is Important, a production of iHeartRadio, the show where we only talk about what is most obviously, very crucially important.

Today on This is Important, we are going to be getting absolutely toe up from the flow up. Baby, kids want the cool new dictionary?

Can we just make America great again?

Let's go. We'll do it is this way late on the usually come in with it.

Nay, okay, all right, what's up everybody?

No, just really old onestam starts.

That one's pretty in a while.

I love I love that one.

You ever see the one of him like he's like crouched down and then the little platform shoots up and then he jumps like fifteen feet in the air and then lands. Yeah, he's so every time I see him do that, I'm like, my knees would chatter. Dude, this guy's not in great shape.

Yeah he's he's training for it. He's training for it. He's bottom heavy, he's got low center of gravity, so do I okay, but yeah, but but then you you have middle center of gravity.

All ass, all ass, a lot of ass.

And then it's kind of all but and then it's all shambles beneath that, you know.

Yeah, yeah, that's true. That's true. Yeah, that's true.

He's probably like bow legged as fuck calves the same size as his thighs situation.

You know, everything's built for got thunder thigh.

And let's not hate yeah, because it is wild because he gets mad air and then he sticks the landing and I'm like, and you know, he does this every show and the place goes fucking wild. They love him, But does he have other songs that people know and lines in need other song? Does he just play that song thirty five times?

And his name is what zai I think based on nothing? Yeah, that that is his one worldwide song. But then he's probably got a grip that go yeah locally.

Local bangers, you know what I mean? You have to, yeah, you have to.

And we all we all know these artists from around the world who've got the one crossover banger, but then back home, they've got at least two six seven dozens to other side.

I don't even know how to spell wampum gangham style. Damn it.

That's all right, We'll wait quiet well.

Happy New Year's Eve, everybody, yep, oh yeah, this is.

New Year's Eve.

Yeah, yeah, what are.

You guys doing this? Is we're recording this obviously before New Year's Eve. Do you guys have New Year's Eve plans?

Mmmmm, I think I'll be skiing.

Ooh what else is new? Get them? Love ski? Dude? You love you?

Do you know what I like being outdoors? I like being active? I don't I don't really push it. I just like cruising it.

Yeah, I wonder if my body will ever get back to skiing shape.

Ski you get let's go, come on out.

Do your knees?


Do your knees hurt after a long.

Day of scheme? Mine, my knees don't hurt. I'm already like I'm in shape right like I'm I'm doing split squats, guys, very shaggy deling. So I don't really get sore. I don't feel sore after a day of scheme.

Okay, would your knees be the thing that gets sore from skin?

Or is it your knees?

I remember my ankles hurting when I skied.

Yeah, I mean, if you got like a boot situation, your ankles or your feet can be all kind of fucked up. But yeah, no, I just but I'm also like not going hardcore and don't get me wrong.

I wish you would. There are runs.

Where my thighs are on absolute fire.

Hell yeah, but I'm not.

But that's not something I'm not used to like, So I'm not sore the next day.

Yeah, okay, you know.

But it's just fun to be outside. It's just fun to be like out and in the cold. We live in La Bruh. Yeah, I grew up in the Midwest. I like the cold, get I chase it. It's fun to be out there.

Okay, it is.

Weird because this is a remarkably warm winter so far here in Los Angeles.

I've remarked often about it.

Okay, I'm always remarking about it. It's it's like seventy you know. I live down here at the beach. It's seventy degrees every damn day. It's sunny. It's perfect. I wear basketball shorts constantly. Yeah, you bought a bunch of I bought way.

Too many of them.

And it does make you go a little bit like a man that like Eric Griffin hosted a photo today of him.

No, like, you know, obviously it's.

A stupid fucking post because he's bad at the Internet and he's like he's like man it's cold out here thirty something degrees right, and uh, it's him like dressed in like winter clothes and he's in DC or some ship, probably doing a depressing stand up gig where like eleven people are there. Wow, okay, dude, I cannot wait for him to text me and being like, man, what do me like that?

It was funny though, Uh but I'm.

Sure more people out of his chest, but maybe not twelve people.

But wow, it.

Made me go like, damn, dude, I haven't felt the cold for one year. I came out of LA and I have not been anywhere cold since then. Was not cold hunting, No, it was it was a It was a it was a great day.

It kind of turns you into a bit of a bitch if you aren't used to the cold.

It gets really bad. Dude, Like we've met you, Okay.

I'm not sorrying, I'm not starting, not starting.

It's a new year.

Knew me please, of course it does. Of course, it makes you soft. It makes you soft. I don't. I don't like it.

Yeah, LA makes you such a bitch, dude.

By the way, not like I get any like harder after like going skiing for the week. I don't show back Boston up on people. I don't know.

Skiing's like the one sport that you definitely don't come back harder.

Yeah, yeah, but uh, just being in the cold. Like, by the way, even in the morning, I go running in the mornings. Now it's like forty and I'm out there in like my fucking tights and long sleeve shirt and shit.


So yeah, I keep going, keep going so.

Crazy you can see, like I wouldn't describe it as a bulge as much as it is like, uh, there's like a there's like a situation and intention. Yeah, it's almost like an anomaly for an abnormally.

Okay off king.

Yeah, there's like a ridge back the bridge line about that.

I know about that situation.

But putting on the tights, I'm like, you're a bitch, You're a bit.

What time are you going out there? Yeah? What is this?



Is it still dark after six? No, it's slide out.

It's okay, yeah, okay, ship, let's go.

But like Australia, this whole Australia lifestyle thing fucked me up. And now I get up or you up.

I'm gonna have a magic mind. Did they send you any of these these magic minds. I know, I'm unaware of what that is.

Oh, I think mine are with my golf cart.

I don't know.

I have a bitch.

I think I think how you got that on a golf cart? Minor together on Isaac's desk or something.

Yeah, I just get Heineken zero zeros.


I'd like to shout out Danego, Donago, Danago the golf cart company for giving me that pre golf cart that hell sick of that?

And how about I'd like to shout out, did not get one?

A big shout out to would love one? Please?


Remember when we were sent I think we were sent. We all were sent these Nope, because I did not call them out. So I don't know why they would send me anything specifically.

I don't even know what you're holding out.

It looks like you're holding up a small dictionary.

It's called magic mind I've never had one. But we also were sent that thing called feel Free that now you have to be twenty one and over to buy Blake.

Do you know what he's talking about?

None of this is ringing a bell, dude.

I'm not getting sent anything except low boasts will circle back.

That's the most most important thing. Well, feel free or whatever. They're just this is like a little ginger shot. I don't know if it's going to do anything but feel.

Free, dude, very good. It's Chloe told.

Me about it before we even came home. I was like, I think they sent us something about that for the podcast.

It's like it comes in a blue bottle.

Oh it's She was like, yeah, I guess people are getting like addicted to it. And it's like it sounds like bad news. It's the weather. Explain it. It's like a mix of adderall and ecstasy. And I'm like, isn't it kratum or something?

Yeah, kratim is one of the and kava root is the other ingredient. Yes, I did take one of those, so you got it? I did? Yes, yeah, yeah, so sorry, my kids are on the roof, does dude.

It like kind of runs in the background. It's not like a full like WHOA, what's happening? But it's for a guy that's not drinking right now and is looking for any anything. I'm looking for anything just alter my mind and that stuff. Now you have to be over twenty one to buy it. It used to be you can just buy it anywhere and right and now I just bought two cases of it because I'm addicted to it now.

And it's called what feel free, feel Free fuel Free, and it comes in a little blue bottle and you just and this is not what you just held up.

No, no, no, this is I'm hoping. I just found this on my desk, and I'm hoping that it does.

Look you up right, the cause of diary.

Because the feel free shit works. Dude, you feel great and you're not supposed to abuse it, but you know you do.

Yeah, yeah, I don't think you're supposed to like drink anything else with it, right, you just go solo straight feel free?

You mean drink any like more alcohol? You can drink like water?

Right, I would hope that.

I mean you can, dude, you can do whatever you want. Yeah, but it might enlarger liver.

This motherfucker spoken like the true liver King.

Welcome back the liver King. Oh remember that guy? What happened to liver King? I miss him?

He said he was on steroids.

He's still He's still on my feed. But Adams, you're still a huge liver King fan.

We're like, what happened does he posts every day, he posts all the time.

He's always posted every day, is he Yeah, he was hot for a while.

That's the steroids though, right, that was the whole thing.

No, he never admitted it, but there were like emails where he's like, I need more steroids, take a ton of deoids. Yeah yeah yeah, and then he's like, nah, that was that wasn't me or something that was a bit.

Yeah, but he definitely I thought.

I honestly, I think he like came out and was like, admitted it was Oh, I think he admitted it.

He had to be like, I know the things came out. I just want to make sure I'm not advocating for it, right, wasn't that he They were like take the safe angle of like you made a mistake, you don't want anyone else to make. Wasn't that the whole thing?

I can't remember exactly, but I do remember I I I think I think this is how you if you're about to say something stupid, you you're able.

This is your back door exit.


I think I remember him apologizing, okay.

Or what Blake says, they said that what they said, they did say it.

I think they they did say that.

No, because his whole thing was that he was like naturally buff. That was his whole thing. He like ate testicles and that's what made him strong.

Yeah, he just a well liver, liver hole.

Antesticals and like like brains.

But he just didn't want to be called the testicle king.

No, yeah, that's not as cool pretty cool like raw organs. I mean it doesn't sound dope, dude, like it's not. No, it looked. Just have a steak, Just have a steak.

Those o c bros Uh Chad JT. I did their podcast fucking years ago now and they were like, here have some liver.

That's gross.

And I was like, sure, oh you guys are young. I'll hang with you guys. And I was like, why are you eating this? Dude?

This is great, sam Son, where'd you find this? I love when Durs tries to be young and hang with the young guys. Dude, that's the way you get young is you eat liver. Hey, this looks pretty fetch. Oh yeah, brother. Brain rot? Oh brain rot?

Was that was the word that got into the dictionary this year or last year, I should say, twenty twenty four.

Brain rot?

Yeah, are you guys familiar with brain? Rot Please explain.

It's like it's kind of like meme culture, like kids all do is like, dude, it's such a long involved thing, like do you not know the definition skimby toilet yacht all that shit?

It's like, wait, skimby toilet got in the dictionary?

No, Like that's all part of like the brain rot universe. It's all basically like Internet meme culture, like taking over your children's mind.

What are you doing? What? How do you know this stuff?

Because because Blake is just he fun, He's just addicted to the internet, is what it is.

Like when you see when your phone gives you a weekly thing unless you're not on your phone your own laptop. I don't know what's your weekly hour on the phone because I see mine, and I'm embarrassed.

It's science weekly what on your phone?

Like it gives you your percent Like it goes you.

Were on your phone this much this week and I'm usually around like four and a half hours.

Yeah, that's exactly mine. Mine's always about four or four and a half. Yeah, I think I'm at who think about six? Yeah? Unfortunately, and I'm not happy about that. So you're you're one third more than I love the internet guy.

Yeah you do, but I know I know you and so brain rod, so brain rot.

So think of think of all the things you could be doing with that extra two hours.

Yeah, god, I could be skiing.

That's okay because it's fine because you know what brain rod is and I don't.

Yeah, there you go. Yeah, that's true.

But but what's what? But what I'm what I'm what I'm starting to wonder is does he because I'm asking them to explain it, and he came, I'm.

By the way, by the way, I'm looking at the words that are in the dictionary, and brain rod.

Is not one of them. What I thought bed rotting, bed rotting is oh yeah, bedrock.

I think they're adding No, I think they're adding it. They're adding it this year or in twenty twenty four, like it's going to be the word that it gets into the dictionary, you know, in the.

Brain rot world.

So this is this is uh no, no, no, bed rots just when you lay in bed and rot.

This is bedrotting girl dinner and dictionary dot COM's new twenty twenty four words.

Okay, wait, but this isn't whatever was just put in our chat losing your mind looking at memes. The dictionary has a word for that. These are just words that are already in the demure dictionary now, like demure, Like that's not a new word, yeah.

Demure is.

Well that was like that was a trend, the demure, I.

Know, but it's already a word that exists, unlike willennium sure or jiggy. Sorry, Jiggy was the one that made the dictionary back in the day that I remember being like, well, here we go.

I love that was huge and bling bling and we're out at one point bling bling made it and I was pretty stoked.

So the twenty twenty four words, uh, the ick okay, is a noun a sudden feeling of disgust or dislike I bet, I bet you used that right, Blake? The ick yeah, I use it constantly. The icky. You guys, give me the ick?

It to me?

What this is? What?

Go ahead?

Go ahead? That's the whole world gone right.

So so this is weird because like bed rotting, those are two words that are in the dictionary.

How could it be added to the dictionary? Girl dinner?

This is my problem.

It's science.

This is my problem, okay, girl dinner. Yeah, is that these aren't new words. These just these just seem like Miriam Webster or whoever the fuck it is.

That's stupid pitt.

They're just trying to like find relevance every year to be like by the way, we are the dictionary, by like saying, hey, youngsters, we're down with your lingo. But these aren't gonna fucking these aren't staying. These words aren't staying. So you're putting in the dictionary.

Unlike unlike will Ennium, which is here.

You don't think the ick is gonna be forever Willennium, you're still on the tip of your tongue. Yes, jiggy, Jiggy is still it still holds a ton of ways.

He's still right there. Dude, I'm getting jiggy with it. You're giving me the ick.

But what I'm saying is they're putting in words of the moment as opposed to being like people been saying this for ten years, it's got to go in the dictionary. Well here's here's one, which is what makes sense to me. Well, why don't you cry about it?

I might that makes sense. I'm with you. I'm with you, dear.

Why are we going Hey, we've been saying this for twelve months.

It's in the dictionary. Let's throw it in there next to the word about right right, right right? What? Yeah, well you have a good point. Let's put it right next to critter.

So girl dinner is used as a noun and that let me get and often attractively present a collection of snacks that involve little preparation, such as small quantities of cold cuts.

Cheese, fruit, cheesed cherry, tomatoes, et cetera. Oh, deemed efficient. Don't constitute a meal for one.

Okay, so it's a small it's a snack.


So that's That's what I'm saying, is that we've been saying snack forever.

Now it's girl dinner.

Right, and even recently people them saying looking like a snack, which is very fun.

Abolutely, which is great.

But girl dinner has been being have We've been saying this for twelve months tops, and now it's in the dictionary is type.

Yeah, that's where that type butthole didn't catch on.

I don't even want it in there.

I would like it, I do that kind of that'd be great, that'd be really cool. Here's something that we have pretty privilege, so an unearned and mostly unacknowledged social advantage that a person has by fitting into the beauty standards of their culture, which I feel like we all have that.

But that's two word. Yeah. But like if like riz Riz, gotta get in Miriam or Webster, whoever is listening.

You just pick words that have been around for ten years, you got to give and then everyone and then it's just as exciting, it's just as cool.

But then you've got to wait ten years. And they got to sell these these dictionaries every year, and gotta.

Sell these books. But guess what, Adam, they got.

To ten years There was a ten years ago. Every day tomorrow and the next day there was a ten years before from that. So every year has it ten years ago?

No, check, that's not how that works.

Well, take me outside, how about that?

That's not how that?

What do you mean that's not how it works? They could completely go.

So these are the words of the day ten years ago, but not every year.

Where's the day?

Sorry, we're words of their time.

No, but you said words.

Of the jumped down the stroke broke a get al. What you're trying to say is that they've stood the test of time. Not every year there's a new word that stands the test of time.

Yes, But my point is every year there can be words that have stood the test of time the last ten years that get put in as opposed to like riz, where they're like, my nine year old says rizz all the time. My kids are running around saying.

Well, because riz is going to be the one that sticks around.

No, no, no, they say, they say the.

Sigma sigma.

They run around being like, dude, it was so sigma sigma.

Like if if this that's in the brain rot universe, that's in the brain rock universe, welcome, You're part of it and you didn't even know.

Does would you guys be able to guess what this word is in the dictionary now? In shitification?

In shittification is that making something shitty.

I'm gonna go making making.

Something good shitty The gradual degregation of an online platform or services functionality as part of a cycle in which the platform or service first offers benefits to users to attract them, then pursues more and more profits at the expense of users. Goodbye. Huh.

Here's the problem.

There's probably already a word for.

That that people don't know, so they're inventing new words to be like, this is a new word, and it's not a new word. It's going to stand the test of time unless it's like jiggy.

Which still yes, and shittification. Dude, there's a cozy is in the dictionary? Cozy?

Well, yeah, of course you're saying it just made it, just made it, according to this, According to Time dot com.

Cozy, hang on, hang on cozy the dictionary, they might be adding, like what do they call it? An addendum?

I think they're adding an adjective?

Or is the kids on the street I was calling, Yeah, it's a it's an.

I got nothing, Yeah, for sure. But the definition of cozy, Okay, what did they add?

What's the new definition?

So it's relating to a genre of mystery stories with little suspense, explicit violence or sexual content, often also having amateur sluice and idyllic intimate settings. So kind of a shitty story. Mystery stories with little suspense.

This is what I'm talking about. Who is this for? Why does why does the dictionary think people like that? They're getting any sort of like streak cred? What is happening?

Kids want the cool new dictionary, They're like, dude, So, dude, I mean, what kind of stories are these?

They're like, oh, it's a mystery story and guess what. Little suspense, not a lot of suspense, not very suspense.

Yeah, just today. And it's on a cute little island off the east coast. Yeah, it's kind of intimate settings. Yeah it's cozy.

What would that be, Like you're just like looking for your wallet on vacation or something.

There's a possibility.

There you go, Yeah, hey, you just wrote a cozy Hey who wrote yourself a coping.

So cozy is a genre?

Oh yeah yeah interesting?

Okay, dude kill me. Yeah.

These are all pretty fucking stupid. Here's one. It's just called slow fashion, you know, fast fashion where everything's just like made chittaly and it all falls apart. It's this is just eco friendly, well made clothing.

Oh nice, What is this? What's it called slow fashion? Slow fast? See, this is my this is my this is what I'm talking.

About, quality goods.

Yeah, fast fashion has been around, people have been saying it and then someone's just like, well, you know what's slow fish?

Slow fashion?

You mean just fashion?

Yeah, you mean just well made products?

Yes, quality performance, Like here's something that I think should be in the dictionary. I don't know if it is, but it's been around for a long time. We're all saying it, not constantly, but we know what it means. That weirded out.

Okay, weirded out.

That's not in when people talk about weird because I write weirded out in like on like Microsoft word or like in final draft, and like it still doesn't know it. And I'm like, it doesn't know weirded out, like when someone's weirded out by something. Right, we all know what that means.

Yeah, that's that's cool that you're writing weirded out. That this bothers me.

Because it's a very specific thing.

You've never read dur'sy cozys. His cozys are crazy.

It's a very specific thing.

Yeah, durs his Cozy's rock.

Has it been around? Has it been around? Someone's putting in that chat weird out, weird out, but weirded.

Out, it's right there, weirded out. Okay, there you go.

Man, So it's in the dictionary, so see yo, So chill the fuck out, dude, Yeah man, yeah, God, you can.

Get off Webster's bag.

But I'm saying that's a good example of something that's stuck around?

Okay, what about act? Has that made the dictionary yet? Because that was always something my dad would say.

For sure, Yeah, has taints, has taints? Taint's been around?


That's kind of or uh, what was it called grundle? Or is that in the dictionary?

But these have been around?

But is that in the diction?

But so isn't there a new word for it that came out this year that people were saying.

In ship stuary?

What was it in shittification?

In sitivocation? That's good here, I mean, and there's also dumb dumb shit like extreme heat event.

Come on, I mean, that's not a word, that's a whole ascent.

That's called a heat wave.

Yeah, that's I mean, yeah, we all kind of know what that means. You don't need to put in the dictionary. The definition is the word. Yeah, it's what it is, like.

Like a word being it's really hot out right now, it's an event.

Can we just make America great again?

Okay? Here, I know those truth comes out. It's a new year, knew me, New year, knew me.

I think what I'm trying to get to here is.

You need another four inches?

Have the world gone crazy? Oh my god, Oh my god, I'm looking up taint. I do feel like there was a new word for taint.

I'm pissed now. Yeah it was gooch. It was gooch.

The Chad has been around too that I don't know.

If that's the like. Those should definitely be in the dictionary. Those are staples I agree with the English language.

Hey, you're not going to hear any disagreement from here.

And then, did you guys know that I'm pissed now?

Donald Trump was named Person of the Year by Time magazine and people were very said about that, but that makes sense. He was I know that that that's I know. People were wildly upset, and I was saying, well, obviously it was the.

Who's runner up? If you're angry, who do you think it?


Who should have been the Person of the year?

Lebron James Kamala?

Kamala, Kamala? You know what I mean? I'm like, who, Who's Who's done?

What? What? What is? Person of the year is just the most talked about person? Is that happened?


The person who, yeah, who is top of mind.

Garnered the most attention, Yes.

Who's contributed the most to the intiitification of our brain rot.

Okay, well then he got it, he got it, he got it, give.

It to give it to him. Baby.


He was kind of the main news news door fuming.

Yeah. Yeah, I mean guys, he's here to stay.

Yeah, we're not that guy. That guy's never gonna die.

Here's my question. Obviously he's old, right, but like, yeah, you do have the feeling where I'm like, this dude ain't dying, Like how old did you think he's gonna live?

I don't understand it. Dude, he got shot.

Dude, if you were to shoot me at eighty years old, even if it just nicks my ear, I'm dead.

I'm dead, dude, alright, just the shot, like just hearing gunfire. Yeah, oh gone, oh oh.

Liver liver explodes, Yeah.

My large liver would explode.

But people are like, I think he's gonna die soon. I just don't know if he's gonna die any day soon. He seems to eat KFC.

Like, wow, it's good for you, know what he didn't do for you?

And I'm finding out the more I don't drink, how bad drinking is for you. I haven't a large liver from all the past drinking. He never drank and he never did drugs.

Yes, brother was an alcoholic who died, right, so that'll do?

Is that right? Is that why he didn't Yeah, that's kind of why his steers clear.


Oh I thought he was just a fucking door Well he also is that?

Yeah, he had an old, older brother who died from alcohol like related complications.

Oh wow, that's why you got to start. You got to show that you do it better than your brother. Come on, that's true.

But that is uh, that is actually pretty nar because how much older? Because you have to really drink a lot to die that young.

If our producers could google that.

Yeah, how much older was Donald Trump's alcoholic older brother?

Right, I'm drunk now because.

If he was like five years older, I'm like, that's a lot of drinking to be to be doing.

And then if you guys could google, ways, Donald Trump could die. Google your personal laptops boys, Yeah, no, what's the age gap there?


I think an older brother.

I think he was older as well, but Ronald, uh Donald younger? Oh they were twins.

Okay, I know twins, Ronald, dude, that'd be so cool that really would have there ever been twin Presidents. I think that's the movie Dave Right, Well, yeah, body double, yeah, body double.

Like there just so happens to be a guy who looked exactly identical.

Yet I think that was the first movie I watched where I was like, I'm a grown up now, like it. It's not a movie for kids. It's just kind of like charming and appealing.

Yeah, do you guys remember that?

I mean I talked about it when it was happening to you guys in the Workholics writer's room. But there was a guy that looked just like me that was going to this bar in like like Pennsylvania or some shit, and then he got caught like trying to date rape people, and people were what coming after me on Twitter, like a lot.

Of people being like what the fuck? And I'm like, dude, I'm not in Pennsylvania.

Don't remember in Yeah, and he was telling people that he was me.

It was like right at the beginning of Worcoholics. He was like a wild I don't remember that. That's crazy.

Yeah, I remember you had like, well maybe I do remember this. You've had a lot of Adam, your.

Life is very interesting. Here's the most interesting man you should be person of the Year.

There's just a lot of like wild, You're like a magnet for I don't know what, man, but yeah, dragon energy. I don't know what's going on, but.

Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. That's wild. That's probably why my liver's enlarged. You know, I get I go big, I go hard. Boy, you got still gonna send it. And that's why at forty one, I'm drinking Heineken zero zero?

Right, And so did someone just buy the rights to the name Heineken zero?

Yeah? Why did they add the two zeros? Because it's weird to go zero point zero?

Maybe coke z coke zero because then you think maybe it's calorie.

Because some of these non alcoholic I think that's.

The right answer. I think I just got the right answer, zero point zero. Got so excited.

Can you see how excited you've got to get out of the house.

Got so exciting?

You just do you have no wins? Have you never won an argument at home?

Like he got so excited that he thought he got the right answer, Dude, my best book. I know. I'm just like maybe, yeah, yeah, maybe you got it. Your eyes were like.

I know, yeah, Okay, you know what like, yeah, maybe light I got the right answer. Maybe you got it. It's not say maybe. More likely is that other non alcoholic beers are not zero point zero. They're like zero point and there is a little bit of alcohol in there.

Well, this has to also have a little bit all no zero poor zero.

Oh you think it's zero point zero? Yeah the zero, yes, sneaky.

I do.

Well, they're a sponsor, so let's see. I bet it's zero.

Yeah, I bet it's zero probably zero. They are the best. They are the best. I also had a Corona one the other day and I had it without the lime garbage. But then I had it with the lime and it was okay. I think the lime mass massive enough that you're like, yeah, it's like.

A you gotta you gotta make sure it's a Corona extra.

Yeah, that's good, dude.

I'm I I used to make fun of people that would drink the Heineken zeros.

Why for being sober? You know, just really take them back, you.

Know, come on, hasn't let anything slid?

That's not cool.

I mean just because I'm like, I'm like, dude, if you're not drinking, that's fine, but why pretend answer like just have a better tasting beverage, like a soda is probably better tasting than a shitty beer or water.

And now answer your own question.

But when you are out and you're not drinking, and you're around a lot of people that are drinking, you'd want to just kind of feel like you fit in. You don't want to constantly be answering questions about you not drinking. You drink the you know, you hold the label like this. Everyone just assumes you're drinking. And and if someone notices the zero ports here, you could tell them not that big of a deal. But you're not trying to like wave that flag super high all the time. It's kind of annoying, you know. And also it kind of reminds you of drinking and the the good old days and what you miss about it and how much you love drinking and how much you wish you were drinking.

Yeah, all right, Adam, cool man, that's that's your truth. Brother.

Good for you. I feel like you can also just drink of water. You can, but I know where you're at. I know where you're at.

It's a little taste of home, baby, whatever.

Works for you, you know what I mean.

It's good. I having a large liver. I miss it the taste of beer.

Yeah, I do think it's more of that. I think it's less about you hoping people don't ask you about you not drinking and you needing it. Yeah, I just want in the tip of the tongue.

To taste give me. I am excited, dude. On this is our New Year's episode, so I'm drunk now happy.

So it's New Year's Eve, So tonight yar knew me. You know we've filmed this beforehand, but tonight I'm going to be in the Bahamas this little John, Yes, and I will be drinking for the first.

Time in months.

Yeah, and I'm so so excited to do that.

I'm so excited. Do not die, dude.

Yeah, remember not to go stuper hard back into it. That's how you get out of trouble.

I do like that you just found out your liver was enlarged. Yeah, but like that's not information you're gonna remember or use.

You know, Let's pretend that didn't happen until after New Year's No, dude, I guarantee you your livers are Blake's livers for sure. Large dude.

Yeah, there's no doubt. I've actually seen it, like poking out.

Blake is an alcoholic. I don't think my liver is in large. You have in large. If I have an in large liver, you have an in large liver.

I don't know.

I'll have to get that check. Yeah, get a check, go to the doctor. Get a full dude. They did a ultrasound on my stomach, so they're like looking to see if you're pregnant. No, at the.

Doctor's office to see if I have in large livers, And turns out I do, though, huh, sure you could do it. You know, I don't know if your doctor fucking sucks or not.

But yeah, you guys should get like a two fer.

Yeah, yeah, let's go in together. If your doctor doesn't fucking suck, who will ultra sound your stomach to see if you have in large livers?

I'm into that also, Blake, there's a chance that the doctor inspects her and tire Bondy goes, Your liver's in large. But the good news is it's not the only thing that's in large.

Okay, now this is a check and he goes, and also you're pancreas.

Your pancreas.

Oh yeah, that's not a good thing either. No, that's not the good the good you need another four inches stamn, yeah, that's I need the Uh.

You're gaping, asshole, Jesus, this doctor sucks.

I'm not going I don't want to know that doctor brosarks.


So Trump's brother was forty two when he died, and he was the older brother, and he was eight years older, right, eight years older? So Trump was what is that thirty four? So you're telling me that Trump never he said he's never drank, so he didn't drink because of his older brother.

Did you just say Trump was thirty four? Yeah?

Right, if he's eight years older, I'm.

Gonna come sorry when the brother died.

Yes, his brother died when he was forty two, this is a good math problem. Oh no, no, so he'd be what thirty yeah, thirty four? Right?

Yeah, yeah, but I think that it was like, as a sixteen year old, he already saw his brother was fucking out of control, wasted, and was like.

Oh he's he was a waste, oing noe. To sell his brother was probably cool.

Yeah, but also like don't you when you're once you're sixteen, though, don't you look at.

That and go like that sounds that seems kind of dope. That sounds kind of fun. Yeah, yeah, I don't know.

I don't know how bad it was. Let's also keep in mind he died. He did, Yeah, so I don't know how like solid and cool it was before. I don't know my min I don't know.

My uncle died, yeah, for alcoholism and uh right hero you know I thought he's fucking radical.

Yeah, yeah, he guys kind.

Of right, Adam, You're you're revealing a lot in twenty twenty five, knew you.

This is the cool speech. Your cousin's kids are gonna say, my.

Uncle Adam rocked. Yeah, this is before, you know, yeah, before the bad times. Yeah, holy shit.

Well party on bro until you can't party anymore.

I used to post, well, you know, I haven't drink in months. I've been drunk three times in nine months.

That's got to feel pretty good.

Doesn't I was gonna say, what do you mean it doesn't?

Al right? You don't feel like your body? I think on paper it's firing like faster. I think I'm skinnier than I've been in a long time. I think, And is it worth it at? I have a jawline? Now do you care? What about your brain? Are you? Are you firing faster?

No? No, that was like season one of Workaholics. Remember we all like worked out, like yeah, we were writing season one. We were writing it, get it, like getting ready. We're like, oh fuck, we're about to be filming in six weeks. So we started working out.

We're going to be on television.

Good hot, and like just rinding writing, working out. We all lost weight, we all got pretty good shape. And then I remember coming back for season two and being like that was not worth it at all. I'm just gonna eat a donut to day and who gives a fuck?

There you go.

Yeah, I never really noticed you being as morbidly obesi as I got.

I remember coming back.

Yeah, I'm not comparing myself to you. I'm talking about my experience.

Yeah you were fat, Yeah well I was, yeah, yeah I think.

But I'm just saying, like I remember thinking I should care. And then for Workaholics, right, being like it didn't do anything for us or for me to.

Be don't make it any funnier.

Well, I don't know if are you flexing would have hit as hard if we weren't chiseled at that moment.

It might have been funnier. Yeah, when we're like are you flexing?

And you mean the episode muscle, i'd like to flex.

No, when we're like are you flexing, it's like and it's like, no, are you flexing?

Like, yeah, we're pretty jacked in that scene, dude. Yeah, the pectorals were just yeah.

But I mean I can still do that now. I'm just not as shapely.

That's true. Well, you're pretty you're pretty jacked right now.

I would say.

Something's going on.

I don't know what's going on, but something's going on. I remember getting in shape for the show and then being like, oh, this ain't that show.

I'm saying, I've seen you on Godzilla. Your back's looking big, dude. I know you're just like the scientist, but.

Yeah, he's a hot ass scientist.

You're a muscular ass science.

Is that how it's described?

And I see what's happening Winters now, and so he's getting a little older, he's getting a little long in the tooth. He's like, I'm gonna be that sexy older gentleman. Now I'm coming into my own.

Somebody's got to you know what I mean. Your boobs are huge.

Yeah, I'm afraid I'm going to like never work again now that I'm in. This is the best shape I've been. I think people are going to be like, oh, we kind of liked him as a job what did what did E? W?

Called me?

They called me a butter ball of Yeah, a little butter ball of bragg unbelievable.

But look, did you've got like second like assistant pit crew? Like and maybe it's just the hat.

Yeah, yeah, you're like the the guy who stands with the rag behind the guy running the pit crew, who's like the second lead to the driver.

And then like you watched the argument happen, and then you turn around everyone else you.

You heard him? Boys, Oh yeah, let's get out there, you know, let's do this. Yeah yeah, I don't know if that's the role I'm necessarily gunning for. Is the the.

Guy who just this was Brad Pitt and like fucking I don't know who else. And you're like number three on the call sheet for some two hundred million dollars race car movie. You're not doing that?

Oh ship, I didn't know it was like that. What do you think I'm talking about?

Big movie?

This isn't just like a whatever I'm talking about.

Like like how they used to make movies with like big budgets and like awesome ensemble cast where you're like, oh, yeah, that guy's in it, like the kind of balding dude from Armageddon who was in like a bunch of.

Movies, not Ed Harris. You don't know his name, but he was in. Like so that's who you think you think I want my career to go as the guy who you don't know his name, the balding.

I think you could really knock that out of the park at Yeah, that's cool. I think I think you're worried about it. But guess what we're talking about that guy right now? Restless? So I'm gonna pull him up.

Probably what guy is it?

You go? Oh yeah, that guy? I think he was in Days of Thunder. Also, he was in every like big.

Movie, good, good movie? You have him?

Thank you? Who is this guy? His name is Armageddon Armagedton. He just sent me. Good it all right here? We got ready? What's this guy's name?

Billy Bob Thornton, Will Pat Will? Oh, dude, I just met that guy. Did you sky rock? So this is what I'm saying.

Did you go, Holy funk? I'm looking in the mirror.

Will I didn't know. This doesn't look like Adam at all. Adam, you could be like the de E, a guy from Breaking Bad, you know, steal the scene like that guy.

You know, So don't worry about it.

About it, I guess, I guess. So, Okay, this guy's in yellows. But I think.

Hollywood likes me a little chubbier. I think they like a little cushion to my push and fat fat is funny.

Well are you gonna let that? Are you gonna let the tail wag the dog? What are we doing here?

Come on?


Yeah, I made the mistake of getting absolutely shredded. Dude, I have come gutters now, okay, the first time in my life I have them.

Yeah, how do you know? I don't like you guys?

Tell me to show my ts?

Are they operational?

And we need to h I just I went into I have a bathroom. It has that good lighting you know that's kind of up top and its hinds down. And I walked in. I was shirtless the other day and I caught my reflection in the mirror, and I was like, my.

God, Jesus could catch something because cum gutters in the dictionary.

One thing, and.

I love that's awesome.

It's pretty yeah.

Yeah, shout out to your cum gutters brother.

And the only thing you have to do is not get drunk for like nine months, which sucks.


That's for months, but months is wrong.

New Year's Eve, Yes, me and little John, I'm gonna be drinking from his crunk juice cups and you're going to be getting absolutely toe up from the flow up.

Baby, that's gonna be hilarious.

What if he doesn't drink anymore? He might because he's what if he's just slanging in crunk juice or something like that.

He released like a like a yoga album, like a meditation album.

I think he's very and.

I'm happy to do that with him at the Atlantis Resort.

But it's so good to have you here to kind of just balance it out. He tell me more about the yoga album.

It was like him like basically going through like mantras and stuff. It was like a guided Wow, a guided meditation.

I mean, isn't that kind of his whole career? Well, it was doubting mantras, yeah.

But it was much more, you know, chill. It was a very chill energy yeah.

Huh, Well, that's not the energy I hope he brings tonight New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve at the Atlantis Resort and Casino.

In the way he's bringing up.

Yeah, he's bringing he's bringing up.


I'm really excited for it. I'm very excited. That's going to be a trick.

What are you going to be drinking? What's the drink of choice?

Yeah? What are you coming back?

How is there like a schedule, like are you gonna go?

See I'm gonna be there a few days before, and I want to ease myself into the drinking.

So I'm gonna have to get drunk those two days prior you have, but not not too drunk the night before, because I need to have my legs underneath me, right for the for the start, for the beginning of the production.

Right, yeah, yeah, right, I'm drunk now, and then by the end I'll be.

Like, right, what did you say?


Say that again, dude to Anderson Cooper. You know, dude, he gets so trashed. He gets so trashed.

I do like it.

I hope we're just yelling. It's like I hope, I hope we're like misunderstanding each other.

And be like, what did you say? What the hell did you say me?

Just like when I met Andy Samberg for the first time and we just yelled at each other and then his our agent had to call me the next day and was like, hey, I heard you almost fought Samberg.

I do like how it seems like that's what's going on with you. When you go out, everyone's like, hey, I'm sorry we fought that time, and you're like, I don't remember.

I was intoxicated.

If you say so, I believe, yes, I gain.

Yeah, but they're always sorry about it.

But do you Are you sticking to beer? Are you going to cross over? Gonna now champagne? You're in the champagne the whole time? What do we do?

I'm drinking mohamma, mamas, oh.

Monkeys uncle? Or are they going like a monkey's lunch box?

Ninety nine bananas? Remember that that sugar alone that ship was delish. Oh yeah, that was the good stuff.

I want to be sipping on the largest most tropical, dumb ass looking drink that they have.

Yeah, shirt off, you're gonna pop the time.

I wonder.

I wonder if at the end I'll go shirts off. That's actually a really good for Anderson Cooper about your cum gutters.

I think I'm gonna be wearing a suit, so it might be difficult to get it fully off.

Even Let's get a tear away. Can you get a tear away?


See, I've yet to buy the suit, so I think I think it's possible that I could have a tear away.

And write like the name of like a bitcoin on your chest.

Oh that's cool. You know the one that you invested in. I'll write that.

So yeah, bring it on, Bring it on, Toka Mac, bring it on.

I mean we can skyrocket again. Love it baby, give you that moulah baby.

I broke it broke even finally nice congratulations.

The whole bitcoin universe people.

Were getting real stoked on it, like a week ago.

Dude, in two thousand, I think fourteen or fifteen, Liam Hemswad told me to invest twenty five thousand dollars in bitcoin. He goes, okay, mate.

Just take twenty five grand and invest it in bitcoin. By the way, I was like, twenty five grand, are you the richest personal life? But twenty five grand if I invested, it would be worth I looked it up the other day. Six point one million dollars.

Yeah, that's insane. Whoa, whoa.

But you did something at some point, didn't you. No?

I did not, sure didn't.

Oh well there you go. And that's the way the cookie crumble.

You didn't do anything at all. I feel like we've had a conversation where you go, oh, I put, I do.

Have some bitcoin.

But it's like it's like a a nothing amount. It's not it's not going crazy. Yeah that's not millions, No, damn it. It's barely tens of thousands.

Yeah, and it's definitely not what it was then was not nothing that was yeah yeah, yeah, yeah.

How long are you supposed to it's supposed to wait on it before you cash it out?

Can you cash it out?

You can cash it out whenever. My whole thing was I invested in the actual company. So I'm like, my I'm waiting for like the coin to By the way, it was doing so well. There was a time. I was a time and it was just different, y'all, and I was like, well, here we go.

I remember when you were talking about we came over your house and you were talking about like building a basement, and oh that was a jail. Oh I thought you were legit, saying, like, building a basement.

That's something I tease, That's something we have fun at my house. I like to tease my wife about building a basement.

I want to be on you.

Oh I thought you were legit. And then you were like, I'm like, how much did that cost you? I got a million bucks? I don't know, and I'm like, dang, dude, a million dollars for a basement. That seems a little aggressive. Yeah, and then you and then I got the dirty on how much your coin was was.

Rake it in?

Yeah? Yeah, that was crazy.

And then I was like, fucking get a basement and do whatever you spend that money.

I mean, I still dream about a basement. Yeah, just I think it would have cost probably like five hundred grand here in California.

What is this basement? It's just like your your man case, just.

Because houses don't have basements here. But I'm like, dude, I could totally just build a basement under my house. Yeah yeah, and have like a whole nother floor.

Yeah. Yes, in the Midwest we all had basements, but you would Yeah, why don't we have them in California? Just because they're first quakes?

I don't fucking know.

Yeah, that's probably what earthquakes. Your house would fall on you.

But yeah, it's weird that we don't have basements. But then, and this is like stand up comedian one on one just moved to la Like you got all these houses on stilts on the side of the hills, and you got earthquakes. But like, so, what's the deal. How come you can have a house on stilts on the side of a hill, but you can't have a basement in the ground. Yeah, lake is there, Merriam Webstern, you got a new word for that.

Yeah. California, California. Yeah, I don't know.

I just don't get it.

Do you remember when that song came out James and we first moved to California, like right then world was at least I moved in two thousand and two, and that song came out in what two thousand and three, I want to say, And I remember just driving around southern California listening that song and it just it's been a whole well, it was like it stopped my heart, much like the first time I saw that tit and that gross I guess, you know, Yeah.

The moments that shape us, these are the moments.

You're asking if I know I know of that weird factoid that made me just go fuck?

Was that that should be a new segment of the of the Pod?

By the way, sure if if you can remember her in fact toid that makes me go Jason Schwartzman of Rushmore Fame, Yeah, like, is in the band that made that song?

Or wasn't the band of the Yeah, phantom playing right?

But I remember just being like, is this guy just good at everything?


Is that what we're going to deal with? Is he gonna be in charge of all music, all entertainment and more.

In the world in his hands? You know, I was really excited to meet him.

He was a guest star in The Righteous Gemstones season two, and the one scene that I had with him, he was dead, laying.

On the floor, covered in blood, and no spoilers. She was season two. That was several seasons ago top of that. So he was laying there, catch up, please watch everything I'm in Thank you friends, and he's laying there covered in blood and I was like, hey, man, big fan, and he's like, yeah, I'm covered in blood right now, and I'm like yeah, And so like I couldn't really talk to him, and then like I was cut before him. Oh do you hang around then? And then it was like do I wait around for him to get like uncovered? And I was like I don't, you're just waiting, but I am a big fan.

Yeah, They're like traffic's getting worse, just waiting outside this trailer.

Yeah, and I'm dressed as Kelvin Jemstone with my dumb ass hair and stupid.


What's up, bro? Yeah?

Yeah, there's this time I was driving around listening to California.

It's like, changed my life, dude, and it meant meant a lot to me, a lot.

And now we're here.

It was like the first time I saw titny, you're covered in blood. Are there any takebacks, any apologies? Any epic slams?

Boys? Well, hey, will you guys slam me?

Fucking yeah, you're an asshole. I thought you're going to be better this year and you suck just the same.

Oh that's right. Yeah, we should we do slams of the Year of the year. Let's see.

Yeah, do a slam of the year on me? Is pretty good. Yeah, yeah, he's pretty mean, he's pretty ruthless. Yeah, he's pretty mean, Yeah I do.

It was kind of it's a bummer you're still here. I kind of thought this was the year that you were gonna you know, based on.

The hell all my ailments. Yeah, wow, dude, this is how this is how I do roast. Yeah, this is roast.

They're not jokes, they're just kind of like comments.

Yeah, he's Tony Hinchcliff and me. Oh yeah, bro killed Tony.

Don't worry. I'll get to you. You fucking trash in the middle of the ocean.

Okay, work on that one. Uh yeah, Adam.

I figured, like I thought this would be like the year I'd finally go great. Now me and Blake can do the pod. Okay, it'll finally be the thing we've always talked about.

Oh in the basement.

That didn't happen.

Uh yeah, yeah, it started off good and then it petered out. Yeah yeah, Blake, I get the lake. Wait, I don't want with slam. You you literally brought it up. Lift me up, brother, Okay.

I think that twenty twenty five is going to be the year where you figure out what twenty twenty six is going to be. In twenty twenty six is gonna be your year okay.

God, all right, well I'll be I'll be figuring.

And stand out whoever that guy is. You guys are gonna be so happy.

All right. I love that.

Thank you, and I'll be right there. I'll be right there by your side.

Thank you. Okay, Eddie, take back Seddie apologies. No epic slams. We're done with that. The epic slams are done.

He well, I'll give a special cheers to all of t i I Nation.

Happy, happy new year, Hope's hope it's a good one. Happy twenty twenty four. Thanks for sticking with us. It was a hell of a year.

We did a lot of podcasting this year. Boys, Yeah, we really did it well. I don't know if Kyle was in one episode this year. Maybe at the very beginning.

He was bringing yeah Carot, remember the last time he was on a podcast. Done with the movie. Now, don't know why he's not here, but yeah.

I'm not sure it's a rap, it's a wrap. It would be interesting if he did a bunch of other podcasts freaking Sea.

Yeah that would maybe, But yeah he didn't, so it's not we'll see you will he return.

I was talking with him not too long ago about like.

Just just ship and he was saying He's like, I was saying, we got to get together, do something with the guys, you.

Know, the four of us.

Yeah, well work wise and uh and he was like, yeah, dude, I don't know. It's just the podcast just takes up so much of our mental bandwidth.

And I'm like, no, it doesn't, dude, No, it takes no mental bandwidth. It's one hour of our week. It's super easy. We zoom, we're not even in the same room together. Yeah, it's super easy. And he's like, yeah, I don't know. So I don't know. I don't know.

We'll say, We'll see I do. I'm like, is this a ploy for him to have us go okay, well, then we'll just work together and not do the podcast because he doesn't want to do the podcast, you know.

Okay, Yeah, maybe that's it?

Is this a little Is this a backdoor scheme?

I'm willing to work together and also just do the podcast. Yeah, that's sick. That's that's willing to do that.

That's it seems to be fun. It seems to be rewarding. And did I say fun?

And I like running into TI Nation in the streets. It's one of my favorite things.

It's the best. We love to thank you best, thank you.

Tr Nation also such a brain drain, you know, kind of a beds brain brain rot.

Yeah, this, I feel like this is important. It's going to be in the Dictionary in twenty twenty five as part of the brain rot under the brain rock bander.

It's important. We can only hope. I believe that we'll see you happy.

Hey, see you guys next year, see you next year.

I'm so drug you're not. Yeah,

This Is Important

Adam Devine, Anders Holm, Blake Anderson, and Kyle Newacheck seriously discuss some very important t 
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