Today, this is what's important:
The show sponsors, being crazy, sleeping babies, dad talk, Christmas traditions, catalogs, presents, holiday cards, & more.
Welcome to This is Important, a production of iHeartRadio, the show where we only talk about what's the most important, bottom line, critical thing happening on this planet today.
This is important. It's not a bald spot, it's a solar panel for a sex machine. You shot that shit out of them like a rocket. No, Evil's cooler, Evil's badass. Buckle up. We are we are the state of the nation. We are.
We are.
Adam Devine, the middle edged guys of the nation. Will you recap us? Will you just.
Recap the ads that we read and explained why we're saying the song.
We just read ads, dude, and it was so spot on as to who we are as people. Right before this, we had heine Can zero zero, which I personally love.
Dang is it delish?
And you feel like you're drinking without all the fun stuff that gets you drunk, hurts and you can that could hurt you, yeah, without the alcohol. And then it was right into Better Help, which we're big fans of them here on the podcast. They're a great sponsor, but it's also saying like, do these guys.
Need help a little bit science?
And then we went right into Hymns dot Com, another great sponsor of ours med medication. So they're saying our sponsors, like, these guys should be sober, these guys need some help mentally, and their dicks obviously don't work. Are they saying that about us, like as the podcast host? Are they saying that about our listeners? Like we are at the perfect age to need some help. We should, we should be sober. And their date, their dys don't work.
And they're and they're crazy.
And I don't like to throw that word around. I don't like to throw that word around. I know we don't say crazy anymore.
But are we cooky?
I think if my dick didn't work, I'd go crazy and start drinking.
I think you can, Like I'm trying to bring bum back, so I think you could say crazy again.
Yeah, oh that's right. Yeah, I'm trying to bring bum back. Some people do get pretty pretty ticked off if you call them crazy. That's a triggering word for some people. My girlfriend, if.
You're crazy, it is if someone called me crazy, I'd.
Go if you're crazy? Yeah, yeah, I want to see crazy.
I'm crazy, you want to see crazy.
I think if you tell someone like, oh, dude, you're so crazy and they go crazy. If they snap, then they are then they know that about themselves.
They're like, they know they're crazy. Well, if you're crazy, do you know you're crazy?
This is important?
This is interesting, This is important, This is interesting. Yeah, I think, uh yeah, you do a little bit. Like if you're truly crazy, no, then you don't know. But if you're just one of those people that like might something might click and then you just go fucking ape shit.
If you're not watching this on YouTube, Adam just made a face that to me would indicate you're truly crazy.
Yeah, okay, if you're.
Crazy, or if you're just kind of whole world gone, Well, it's an audio medium, and sometimes I forget that if.
You're little bonkers, like minus the crazy face, you know you're crazy if you're little bonkers, right, yeah, the.
Whole world god, oh bonkers, great candy rip bonkers.
There was a I remember someone in Blake and you might remember this, and maybe this is calling the person out, but they were crazy. They were in our improv class, or maybe they weren't even in our improv class. In college, they were in the like drama department.
This is Adam's beautiful mind moment that was not a real person.
They had giant blue eyes.
It was a girl. Oh I already pretty ye gie eyes and someone called her crazy and full meltdown yeah, full meltdown.
Yeah yeah, hm like tears.
Adam was right there to be like, do you need a Heineken zero point zero?
I didn't know at that time. I'm like, I think you need to drink some night train that would that would sweat you out.
I think we need to have a keger about it, right, Yes, I do. I remember it really affecting her and she did you see the meltdown too? Yeah? She broke down in tears and it was like, yeah, it was a very trick, like I said, a very triggering word. That might even be why I said that is because somewhere in the deep recess of my mind that moment stuck out to me. So it triggered you. Yeah, now I'm triggered. Yeah.
Do you guys have I feel like we don't as a group, I have anything that really triggers us.
I can't be called.
Into it.
I don't want to get into it. But there's just something I guess I'm so offended. I'm so offended. I think I think that's simple to the crazy thing. Yeah, somebody call my gay.
That's it's it's just that I it's not I don't like it.
And is it because are they calling you gay because of the outfit.
You're currently wearing or why? What is it the Is it your excessive use of the colored teel?
Shots fired to the shark.
It's just I turned the I turned as my seven year olds just standing here watching at the door.
He's like, Daddy's good. I always knew. Oh he actually does have to have a parenting moment, right, Yeah, yes, daddy was giving. He knows.
I'm currently watching my son sleep on a monitor because I'm the only one home right now. So I got oh cool, I got both. He sleeps as if he's dead. Does your children sleep like this?
Hold on, just absolute face down.
Just face down? Though Yeah no, that SIDS with that SIDS bro, that was the most terrifying thing. That concept to me and all of parenting like SIDS is absolutely terrifying.
Uh yeah, but that shit changes every all the time, and so I sometimes they're like, oh yeah, laymed on their face down, lamb on the back.
It's all it's science. This is like the worst thing to say on a podcast.
I know, it's all good, it's all good.
Knock wood. Uh No.
Once they're able to turn themselves around, they could sleep.
However they get comfy.
The crazy shit is when they just have like both legs and one arm out of like between the bars of the crib and you're like the slack Yeah, you're like you good, and they're like from the podcast good, from the podcast.
Dad, Yeah, got a life.
God damn, I'm like, how are you still sleeping with just legs out like that?
Well? Do you remember even when you're a kid, Like I'm starting to notice it, like when you would sit and watch TV, like you would sit in the most fucking weird ways, like with your legs like upraising house, but you're like laying on behind my head. And that's when it started. People be like, well that's gay, and I go, is it? No, it is not.
Anders always looked at the TV with his asshole directly in the air.
It was easier to suck my the yes, what's up?
Yes, the jet I like the jacket I'm wearing as well.
It's okay, oh, okay.
Okay, And it gets all chili in the office and if I turn on the heat. It's goods loud.
Okay, okay, anyway, well we appreciate that. What are you rocking? Is that? Is that Patagonia? It is nice to I actually like the jacket onders and it's cozy. Gay or not? I like fun bright colors, you know what I man? Yeah, gay or not, I like the jacket. You are our fun friend, Yeah, you're our fun friends. There's no doubt for sure. Yeah. I don't know if anyone would say that. But is your kid breathing? Though? Is your kid breathing? Yeah?
It did scare us the first few times it happened, but now it's just how he how this little man rolls, and he'll roll himself over if he is suffocated.
Do you have one of those mattresses tells you you know I'm talking about what?
No, I didn't even know. That's a thing, isn't that?
Or maybe that was in the the little Maybe it was like the bassinette situation that like it shakes them.
Oh, the nant yeah, the nan it sorry, the Cananit is my surveillance cam, my nanny camp.
But the uh yeah, what is it? The snoop, this snow this snoop and then what it shake? It shakes it earthquakes you awake if you're not breathing or something.
No, if you wake up and it hears you or it feels movement, then it shakes you back.
It shakes it, it wiggles you back to sleep.
Yeah, we had one of those.
Why don't we have that for adults?
That's what I'm saying. No, that's what I'm saying.
Well, dude, I brought this up on the podcast and you said that that would be terrifying. You said, yeah, I'm almost positive. You're like, that sounds like a nightmare. You wake up and it's like an earthquake, and you're like, I guess, so I think it'd because.
I mean, when you're sleeping next to these farts.
Okay, I don't know.
Maybe I take you back. Hey, I'm a changed man, you know.
Okay, you're ready to get shook up if you wake up in the morning, you're ready to get a little.
If it puts me back to sleep, Okay, Yeah.
Dude, I sleep like such an old man now. I sleep directly on my back. I have a heating pad directly behind me. I have two pillows underneath my knees. I'm holding on to one pillow and a pillow behind my head.
Right, and you have a cooking spoon in your teeth so you don't bite your tongue.
The fuck the fuck bro.
And a lot of times I don't even hold onto the pillow. I just go straight arms down because it feels the best because if you hold onto the pillow, then you wake up and both of.
Your arms are numb. Righte Wait wait wait? Have you do you fuck with the weighted blanket? Like? Have you seen those where it's just like it's a slight pressure on your chest, I guess, and that makes it a heavy blanket. Yeah, it just makes people snooze.
But they're changing ship all the time with in regards to the kids, they when we had Bow, it was totally and everyone's like, oh, get the way to blanket.
They love it. They love snuggling with the way to blank Oh, I don't know about infants they trapped.
And then and then it became me and then we didn't get one because I was like that seems crazy, and then it became illegal, right, so they just make ship this time and and sell it and say that it's good, and then it's a death trap for.
Your child, right, and then it's that like that there was that giraffe toy. This is so dad talk. I love it, super popular, like diraft toy, very soft rubber that kids would like jew on.
And then Francis or is it just is it Gerald, Gerald the Giraffe?
It might have been Gerald the Giraffe. But one day, if we could just one day, was a mom or a kid eventually bit through the head and then inside it was just fucking black mold, and they're like, oh, this is mad dangerous for children. A second, you say a kid or a mom bit off the head, Like mom like no, like she like cut the head off or something because she's like, what's going on with this thing? But somehow, But that's every bath toy that too. Ever, Like if you get a bath toy and.
Like you're playing with it whatever, and then like I have to a month later, you like squirt all the water out and then all this like black stuff comes out and you go, oh, that's poison that's going to attach itself to my son's stomach.
Well, Todd is saying, it's Sophie the Giraffe.
Sophie, Yes, it's Sophie. It is Sophie. It is Sophie.
But by the way, we have Sophie. I was letting boat no about fifteen minutes ago. Is that bad news?
But also it'll.
Be fine as long as Chloe doesn't bite the head off.
I think you're good.
Yeah, we're fine. I'm also like, dude, are we just as society?
Are we bitches?
Like as society bitches?
Okay, go off. Having just lived in Australia, we're bitches.
We're just bitches, dude.
Like everything.
The playgrounds there are crazy where you're like.
They let the kids do this.
It's made of nails, mate, I mean.
It kind of is. Yeah.
They have a giant playground where we went where they just had a giant like fucking like bounce house type thing just in the ground, so like.
Oh like a pit, like a like a gladiator pit.
No, it rises up out of the ground like a giant bubble and the kids all just go and jump on it and it's like forty feet long.
That sounds dope as hell, and.
They're like up there battling and little kids are getting like flown off.
I remember lost the coolest slides from my hometown. It was a slide. It was a cement slide that you had to bring your own cardboard to sure, and you pour sand on it to get extra speed. But if you lost the cardboard on the way down, you just wouldn't completely tear through the pants.
And what's funny about this is your parents told you the La River was a playground that they would take the kids to the box here.
Anything you catch you can eat, so for it.
Yeah, including the bacteria that is gonna eat your skin to eat alive.
Yeah, the inside of Sophie's draft. You better throw that thing out, man, Nah, he loves it.
I think we've gotten like too litigious everything like you don't even see. I mean, we've talked about tan bark before, right, we covered tan bark.
I think we because some of us don't call it tambar, we've I think we discovered it's a regional thing.
What are tan bark woodchips, wood chip, woodships, tan bark whatever?
How like playgrounds now are like the like soft rubberized thing that you can fall and almost like bounce back up tan bark woodschips. It used to just be like you would fall into a bunch of wood chips, get a bunch of splinters, pick them up, throw them like manjastars.
Yeah, that's all gone. Stab your friend with them. Yeah. Yeah. It was a war zone. We grew up in a war zone, and that's why we're freaking tough as nails.
Like the people would deliver the giant piles of tan bark once a year, and they wouldn't even spread it out because the kids would do it.
They knew the nature. Took a huge pile and then let let the kids go at it. King of the Mountain. You play a little King of the mountain. Yeah, here's the best. Absolutely.
I remember riding my bike on one and absolutely eating shit. Oh and looking down on my leg and a little like rock fell out of a hole and then I could see like flesh and then it started bleeding. I started crying, and my friend just starts laughing at me so hard. He's like, why are you crying? I was just like it hurts so bad.
He's like, yeah, but like grow up. Yeah, don't be a bitch. I remember wiping out on my bike really hard. Yeah, dude, Yeah, I was hit by cent truck. Dude. Did you cry? Did you cry?
Bro? Yeah, don't be a bitch. Yeah, I guess I did at some point. Did you cry when you woke up from that?
I was in a concussion for two weeks, and I don't think I cried right when I woke up because.
I was so heavily medic in a coma.
Uh yeah, but I'm assuming at some point and it wasn't so much the pain as like your whole life is going to be altered, be altered from this, and when you're forty years old, you're gonna wear a vibrating back brace.
Yes, and hold four pillows to sleep.
If you haven't cried yet, I think the tears have gone into your spine and are wreaking havoc, because then that's what's happening.
Yeah, that might be what's affecting your body. Yeah, that could be. Maybe you just need to have a fucking huge, powerful cry. H e LP better help. No, I'm not durst, dude, I do cry. I have emotions. Yeah, they're readily available, I will say, just to continue on like the dad cast we're doing right now. Have you found yourself more emotional that now that you have a child, Have you found yourself more emotional? Yes?
I find myself like looking at my parents different and like every like sort of not that I have ever been really bad to my parents, but just being you know, how you get annoyed by your parents. You're like, oh good, now, I'm like.
Your parents are the worst each of our parents.
Yeah yeah, yea yeah, ye.
My parents rock. But I was like, sure, I'm uh.
You just gotta know you get annoyed by your parents and now I'm like, what am I doing, dude? Like ye for everything that they've done for me, you know, and now I'm.
Gonna cry right now over a cry right now. But I'm more saying like, uh, like, also, I like going to like, now that it's holiday season, kids are doing their little like Christmas shows and stuff. You see your little kid up on stage and then all of a sudden, you just you can't even film it because you're just overcome with emotion a little bit. Oh no, you're a bitch, dude.
No, yeah, that's yeah, I don't know, Okay, yeah, huh shut up. I think I told you guys that when you were like, oh, you didn't cry on the last day of workaholics, I was like, I did, it, just wasn't with you guys on the roof it was when my kids showed up, and I was like, okay, this is what it's all about.
Come here. Oh yeah, but I don't know.
I have I have a photo of the three of us or the four of us, because Kyle came up on the roof, and I mean, Blake and I look like fucking little bitches.
We're like, cry, that doesn't mean we're bitches. We just look a motion.
We're full tears.
And then but there is a little misty happening with dirty.
So he said we just smoked weed. Though, right, yeah, it wasn't. It wasn't the weed. It wasn't the weird dude.
And if you look closely, there's a little camera inside my eyes.
Do you cry every time you smoke weed? Because it definitely was tears? Definitely, Okay, fucking yeah.
Let's say, and we're showing that photo now.
Yeah, I can dig that one out. I think I posted that on the Instagram somewhere.
We can grab that.
By the way, I do cry every time I spoke with Yeah, that's what I thought. I just because I just go, this is a beautiful thing.
Look at that.
Look what Earth, Mother Earth gave us. And it's just a tradition. It's been passed on from humans from generations, different societies and cultures.
That's cool, just ripping the fucking volcano bag and crying. Mmm.
Did you guys open your presence on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
Topic? This is important device. Yay, young Christian males talk to me young, Yeah, young, we did it. We did it like this.
We had a we had Christmas was at our house, so like grandparents and like there was a wild ant who came over right, so you would open presence from them and from like god parents and Godfather, and then the next morning opened gifts from like immediate family and senta top.
Yes, that's how you said it.
You're so Norwegian you have to say it that way.
On sol, did Sunta Cluse come to the host to close?
Yes? And yes the gorta board? Oh ship? Did you just say something that seemed real?
We had like a whole Norwegian prayer that we would say.
Like, oh my God, can you run it back? Can you dig it?
I don't know if I can snap us off with some of that euro The goad which means like in Jesus name, we come to the table God.
They tell you what I don't need hymns after hearing that perfect rock card over here.
Okay, speaking of hims, the Bible, the don't know.
Uh oh space a drinka, which is like eat and drink.
I don't know what the rest is eating drink.
Get fucked fu up, that's what it is. You know it absolutely damn that's sick, bro. So you would say that before every Christmas meal, every.
Like big dinner, my dad would get out this little like thing that had the words on it.
Hell yeah, I like how Norwegian you are, dude? Are It's crazy? I mean, I'm not. That's the dirty secret is I'm not.
I'm not because I feel like other people from Norway they don't really wrap it the way Anders has. Since the very second I met him, he's wearing like Norway hats.
He was like repping it.
I mean I think I had like a helly handsome ball cap with a Norwegian flag for sure, like bought on purpose. But like the name, they just tagged me with.
The name, and you just wore clothes that seemed European. I was like, I don't know, something is off about this guy. And you see, yeah, you dressed like an exchange student.
Sure, yeah, yeah, you gave off really like this dude is euro for sure.
Like he's not from here, but then he is just from Chicago. Yeah, like the most the most from here place ever.
Right, that's what I'm saying. Maybe they just dress European in Chicago. It's elevated a little bit, could be.
No, well, I mean it's more elevated than I think the rest of the Midwest. It's got a little bit more happening in Chicago.
Yeah, okay, go off.
Oh yeah, no, dude, there's nothing happening in Omaha.
Yeah, that's why I.
I dress like I'm currently about to work a tractor. Yeah, I don't know. I have no fashion sense.
Some article of clothing has to be sweat like sweatshirt, sweatpants, sweat shoes. For Camo, Yeah, yeah, I do. Got a lot of Camo Camo adjacent.
When Emma's uncle visited, he just showed up in Camo. He's from northern Wisconsin and just was like love the cameoed out and You're like, yeah, it's gonna be hard to find you, dude.
I love that it's now looped around that like Camo's cool again. I'm like, I have so much Camo ship.
I'm so happy.
Yeah, and like the real camo or sorry, I don't mean like real cam I mean like it looks like bushes.
What do they call it? Hm, it's called like real, it's a trademark. It's like real wood or there is an actual term for what you're talking about. I know, that's which I don't know kind of how I started.
I go, there's a name for it, and you're like, actually, there's it's they call it something.
They call it a real name.
Yeah, yeah, Blake, Oh sir, I don't like it.
I think it's called real tree. Is it called real tree? Real? It might be a real tree. We believe you, dude. Why are you getting some acro? Well, because you guys just jumped down my throat.
So, Blake, you're from a broken home. Let's get into it.
Oh my god, let's get what's last time you cried?
Who from broken?
Broken up? See? Now even that term seems a little old to me?
Is that is this a triggering word? Did we find it be?
It should be differently? Differently together? Okay? I don't know about broken. Okay, but they're not so they're not they're not together at all. Divorce. Yeah, differently, No, it's anyways. What's your question? How do you open presents in a broken home? Is what we're asking.
I think we found Blake's word it's broken home.
No, I'm actually super I'm very well adjusted. So what you seem crazy? Yeah, you want to see I want to see crazy. I don't like you want to say not crazy?
So what did you do? What?
What was it? You're at your mom's house the whole time? Or did you? Dude?
He just looked up to the sky like I've blocked Like I don't want to get this out.
I've blocked a lot of this out. Let's go there. This is what I go to betterhelp dot Com for Let's go there. No, I basically I kind of left out. I hit the lottery. That's why it was nothing broken about it. But it was actually very fun. I got two Christmases. Yeah.
I was always jealous. I mean I wasn't always jealous because I didn't want my parents to break up, but not in the last but very much. It's way better not to be from a broken home, right unders.
Yeah, I don't like it, so I wouldn't. I wouldn't even know any different. So yeah, you should try it. It's pretty cool.
You should try it. It's characterized, it's it's something. So but I was when my friends that were their parents were divorced. They you did get to have two Christmases, which did seem awesome and it sort of seemed worth it. They were trying to like outdo each other a little.
Bit, competing. They were competing a.
Little bit, even when they said they weren't. They were like, you, you were getting two of everything.
Because if you had a if you had.
The Nintendo sixty four at one house, you're gonna have.
To have then at the their house. Wow.
All all I remember about divorced kids was they had a book of CDs that they had to take back and forth. Oh Jesus, that was like the true sign of a kid whose parents were from a broken CD but was if you had a big CD case and he was like.
Well I had a big CD case. I wasn't from broken home. You got to take your CDs.
Well, I think your generation co opted at They're like, oh, this is pretty convenient. Got that in my generation. I had a CD tower. It was it was established.
I had that as well. That ship was fire.
I love that Durs finally admitted he's from a different generation than us.
I always have yeh, he's a much much older. I've always been gen X.
I'm gen X and you guys are millennials.
That's sick, are weennials.
That's why I'm so edgy and hardcore and I'll never sell out.
Well done, brother, Yeah, that's so.
It was that the case in your hustle, Blake.
Uh, you know what now I think about I think my father as far as when Nintendo sixty four came out, my father had the Nintendo sixty four. My mom didn't, so that kind of incentivized me to like go to his houseboard. Yeah, well just to be kind of like hyped on it, like yeah, yes, And did he play it when you weren't there? Do you know? No, not at all. My dad did not play Nintendo sixty four. I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. I know I And I didn't mean to jump down your throat, but no, he didn't. He didn't play games. He didn't like that kind of shit. Really. Yeah, he likes real life. He likes real life. Your dad lives life, yeah, yeah, making he's out making money. He hates video games. He hates Star Wars, he likes Real life sheet This is my guy. Yeah, yeah, that's why we connect. It's interesting, it's why we don't. So okay.
Anyways, two Christmas, Adam, what was it like in your solid home.
In my solid ass home, your rock solid family, Dude. It was awesome because my family, my dad's side, there is six. He comes from a family of six, so there was a lot of aunts and uncles and other cousins. And then we did it at our house. So our house was a fucking throwdown partuey baby, and some shit would go down, usually like an aunt would get drunk, there would be a scene, there'd be some sort of scuffle u there would be like a where you don't really know because you're just a kid running through the living room in the kitchen, but there was like some adult talk happening and we're just wrestling about how we need to give get someone help. There was a lot of that conversation happened drunk, but above your head, so you don't.
You just hear somebody yell Michael doucoccis and you're like, something's going on in there.
Yeah, something's happening. There was no there was absolutely no political talks. I don't think they ever they knew that there was an election ever.
Oh dude, I do remember my grandma. The one thing I do remember about politics as a kid is my grandma loved Ross Perrot. Can I finish he loved him? Yeah, she was so hyped on Ross, who's not good years.
So Friday or Saturday present sitch.
Yeah, So we would uh in our household, it would be presents with my dad's side of the family on New York Christmas Eve. It was a absolute throwdown banger. You hope you got BB guns. I had a bbgun room in my house because we just had like a a basement that one room wasn't finished. It wasn't like a nice house. It wasn't like I mean, it was a perfectly nice house, but it wasn't like a huge home or anything. But there's just this this room that my parents let me shoot biby guns in.
I remember you speaking of it.
So then we would go down there and shoot bb guns.
Yeah that's fucking cool.
And it was the fucking best, dude, And so that was awesome. And then the next morning we'd go to my mom's family's house and that was way shittier.
Just you know, uh, they're just more low key.
It was way more low key. There was like there was like two other cousins, uh, and everyone was perfectly cool and nice. But like it wasn't ruckus there was. It wasn't wild, it wasn't a party. It was just like eating and opening some presents. And then my aunt would always give me, you know, rip my aunt, she was the best. But she would give me like wooden whistles.
Every years, the four sided one. Yeah, what's that one? Oh, dude? Classics? Like what are we talking about? No, it's like a it's.
Like a long, square shaped whistle.
Square wood Yeah, like the like a train whistle, like a it would make that noise, yeah kind of.
But there's four different notes, so you could blow like one or and like rotator to get a different note.
That is right, classic classic, that's some gen X ship, bro, that's Midwest.
I got this gift every year, so I was like a little bummed every year because I'm like, I know she's going to give me a wooden a wooden whistle, and she's like, I don't remember did I get that for you? And I'm like you did, but My mom would always.
Be like, like, did she get a deal one year? And then she just had him in the basement bottom off of member Oriental Trading. That was a magazine where you'd buy like bulk items of cheaply. Sure, I'm offended. What did you say, Blake? I know you're talking about It was a.
Catalog called orient Okay, I'm I'm triggered.
You just you go down? You got me? Yeah, fair enough. It's a it's an outdated word. I feel I like to get triggered on other people's behalf good.
Yeah, and that's why I get freaked out about the gay thing. Yeah yeah, yeah for you like it just makes me.
It makes me crazy to hear that for on behalf of other people. Yeah, my trigger word hits really close to home. But yeah, but yeah, so was it from Was it from O Trading or was it.
I don't know, I don't know where she got it?
Was it from the things you never knew existed? Have we talked about that? Here? Great great catalog?
It was like the like the catalog that had all the gags and stuff like fake poop where you hide your key, or like toilet paper that doesn't break off like snapping gum.
It was the coolest item vomit. It was on par with skymall magazines from airplanes, like just the coolest. Oh, I would put it above. Yeah, things like really funny T shirts, like big Johnson T shirts were on there. I think something about like like multiple personalities were to be like I don't have multiple personalities, neither do I and like small lettering or whatever, you know, like really funny shit.
Adam Dude, that hilarious Blake sold it for me.
Yeah, the way he.
Lost his train of thought and back around to it.
It would have like little burp make like it's not a bald spot, it's a solar panel for a sex machine, you know, for a sex machine. Yeah, I've got the body of a god. The god is Buddha. Dude.
My dad would say that joke, would say that joke so often.
What the solar panel?
The solar panel of the lemon. He would say that so often, and people would laugh every time he said it. And I was like, oh, my dad's this is like when I was a little kid, right, And so I'm like, oh, my dad's My dad's a funny guy. He's a funny guy. And then I saw a T shirt out and I'm like, oh, my dad is so funny that people are wearing his jokes on T shirts.
I remember telling my mom that and she was like, no, no, that's just a joke. Your dad likes to tell him, Like, what do you mean just a joke? And just like it wasn't his. He didn't write that joke. That was just like a joke that's out there.
The world around you crumbles, It crumbled, dude.
I was like, what do you mean, what do you mean that wasn't daddy's joke?
Top it? You put that spoon Dad.
I'm like, he's a liar, yeah, And he's like, not a liar. He just told another person's joke. I was like, oh no, he.
Just steals jokes like Carlos Mencia topical.
Oh yeah, every top I forgot. She was deep into Comedy Central.
Yeah, same era. Yeah, she was so into it.
So immediate family. The next day not as wild, but you're opening the presence.
Opening presents.
So we opened presents two nights, and those are the good ones.
No, the first night was the good all of it because we would get presents from all the aunts.
And uncles and they were good at it.
And then and they were good at it. It was so it was like they would all talk to each other, like if I got I got a boom box one year, and then I got a Criss Cross tape, and then I got Marky mark in the Funky Bomb, you know, from my I would get like Aerosmith and Metalica, and you know it was it was tight.
Really and so then maybe on on Christmas Day, you're getting like things you need from your family type.
Gifts, pencils, socks.
Yeah, like a pencil box and sweatpants, wooden whistle more whistles.
Yeah, my aunt would give me.
They were like flashlights slash radios.
Every year.
It was like a new version of shit, a flashlight radio situation, like a survival thing.
Is that why you grew up to love Apple products so much? Or like this is like a flashlight radio. Huh, this is a flashlight radio.
You could like hit an alarm on it.
I think she just knew at some point my dad was just gonna lock the doors and I'd have to survive on my own.
Maybe young doom Prepper, I love it, dude, that's cool. That makes it.
Yeah, it just gets AM radio so that if, like the war, the world is cracking, you just.
Gotta be ready. You never know, you never know. Some Colorado I think they think that way out there the world is ending. Well they're just a little bit more like some shit could go down and you could be out in the.
Middle of nowhere and you gotta hide in the mountains.
Yeah, okay, As a rat rato lifestyle, I believe that. Yeah, I actually do. If you guys do want to know about my family's Christmas I do. I did, remember, no you do.
We're good still, okay, movie like again, but we did no Christmas Eve.
We actually would have a Santa Claus and a and a and a elf come to our house.
Jesus Christ, you had a gun room, you had a fucking elf and money.
There would be this knock. We would hear jingle bells outside, this knock on the door and this. It was the same guy every year, this huge dude, he's seemed like he was seven feet tall, but he'd be like ho ho ho, And he had a little like a little man friend, this little round dude who would walk in with him. It turned out it was like this guy who worked with my aunt Arlene and she's a nurse at the hospital. That's tight. Every year he would and everybody would sit on his lap and tell you, tell him what you wanted for Christmas and he would give you a present and it was it was fucking cool. Where is I gotta ask Garlene.
In prison because I'll tell you what I promised you. Well, I don't know, but I imagined he had no family and he filled that void saying, hey, guys, you got kids, I'll show up at the house. I'll bring gifts. They consider they could rock.
They didn't you cry? Like he filled the void. What a good guy. He was like a nurse. He was a great guy.
Yeah, he's a great guy. Come sit, I'll they could sit on my lap.
No, I'm not going that angle. No, well I heard you. I heard you. But Adam is in the other ear saying like he's in prison. That's how we live in your life. I'm on one side, he's on the other. You're like my mom and my dad. Interesting, that's right, that's right. No video games and they could sit on my lap. That was a great tradition.
It was really Uh that is very nice for him, as long as he wasn't drinking.
Off he wasn't don't know. No, he would like my aunt would sit on his happen and be like off. He would always know. He would always flirt with my hands. Oh that's cool.
He would make it sexual with his That's cool, all right, So he's my kind of guy, all right.
He'd be like, hey, uh, you know my sex pretty cool, he would, dude. I remember, he'd always be like I got a whole load in here. No, he really would. He laid on thick and we all got a kick out of it because we're like, oh, as soon as Arlene saits on his lap, he's going to have a He had a he had He had a lot of inappropriate joke. I take it all back, dude. It's like the he was a I'm not saying he wasn't cool. I hang with him now, but I don't want to bring my kids around him. He was pulling the kids. But to all the moms like my mom, my aunt Laurie, like when he sat on he would make like inappropriate jokes. It was really funny, all right. So yeah, he's tight. I'm on board with him now. I got a little snow in my mustard. Oh there's a durs is off and I'm now I'm back on.
I'm with this guy now.
Yeah, no, he was, Oh he was hell funny.
Did your parents did? Was there ever any like fisticuffs? There was never a fight that broke out of my family, but there was always usually some kind of drama between my aunts and uncles or or something that would happen.
Never physically.
I do remember somebody yelling that the Japanese were going to take.
Over fucking disaster my guy very young. I think it was like.
I think I yet it was like business. They were talking like business and doesn't matter, Japanese are going to take it over. And you know what, in that era, early eighties, Japan was on the move.
They were on the rise. They were crushing it.
They were on Fire PlayStation you know Sony.
Yeah, you guys have been there. I've never been there. Tony PlayStation is Sony Japanese? Yeah, I believe so.
I don't know.
I'm asking. I think, yes, I almost Jeopardy answers. Tell my grandfather, please do not, do not, please go in the Mitsubishi, I believe. Yeah, aoo, all the good stuff.
There was all kinds of crazy shit. When I was a kid, it Also, I remember I might have told this story on the podcast, probably but my probably, but my cousin ratted me out. I showed him my box of Sears catalog women.
Like Brazier cutout situation. Yeah, I'd cut out though the women in bras and keep keep them in a in a shoebox women, not an actual box of women, a shoe box. And I was like, look at this, dude.
And then he ran down stairs and was like, oh my god, everybody, look at Adam's Adams of creep.
I was eight.
This guy was eighteen years old.
I was going to say, this is a huge power move by an older cousin.
He wasn't.
He wasn't like three years older where you're like, okay. He was also a kid, and he thought it was funny. He was an adult man. He was eighteen and I was eight. Dude. I still to this day he's my least favorite country. Wow, dude, he's my least favorite. Yeah. Yeah, because because of the betrayal at that age.
Yeah, Adam's triggered.
Adam can't drive past the Sears. He has to go around the whole block.
Thank goodness, they're going out of business. That's why I put them out of business. Yeah, yeah, yeah, they're they're done for Yeah, sorry Sears.
Sorry serious.
Why did Sears ever have a catalog?
Because they sell clothes as well at a series they were Yeah, they sold clothes. Yeah, I always knew them. Man, They're like selling appliances and ship tools.
Why did Sears have a catalog because that was the thing.
I thought they sold, like refrigerators and washing machines. They sell it all.
Oh yeah, that was the thing, dude, They sold it all the hell that was.
But catalogs were the thing.
The Sears Christmas catalog, the fucking service merchandise.
Things you never knew exists, the aces. Oh yeah, mm, bring back catalogs. I miss a good catalog, dude, flipping through catalogs. You know, it was the shit.
I think I told you guys about this before. But Neman Marcus, we didn't get this catalog. But the Neman Marcus catalog was like and see the fancy catalog. And in like nineteen eighty one or eighty two, they had for sale his and hers Chinese shar pays for two thousand dollars.
No, there's no way they sold dogs.
Well in nineteen eighty two. Dude, were you even a lot you you were like one years old.
They sold dogs.
I didn't know about it until later, but it was it like made the news because they were like these weird looking dogs that had almost gone extinct.
They're only about twenty on the planet at one point.
And this this like thing that they were like these two thousand dollars wrinkly dogs kind of put them back on the map and made them like brought them back like dog trafficking.
They were selling actual live dog in a Neman Marcus catalog, Like yeah, like living breathing.
Because they offer like rare his and hers shit every year.
Well, I would hope they're living in breathing I kind of.
I'm like, I'm thinking these are like ceramic or like, but you're talking about like actual like pets. They're selling something, because where the hell were they keeping these things cages?
I mean, dude, it's not like obviously they had a breeder set up and they just put it into the catalog.
Yeah, they're not in the store and just cages.
This is the eighties, dude, I don't know that everything is obvious in the eighties.
That might have just been a warehouse No, they have all sorts of guests that are like a full season of does your husband like Yankees baseball?
Guess what?
He can go to every single game, all flights, all hotels like lined up.
Okay, I didn't know they did all that shit. That's kind of time.
I'm very unfamiliar with the with the Neman Marcus game.
What what? Nemon Market was a super duper high end crazy almost just to like it was like a pr stunt, Like it was like, how crazy can.
Our Christmas gift catalog be?
And so they just they just have these insane.
Gifts to make people go, holy shit, did you hear?
Did you hear? Right? So that doesn't exist anymore because Nemon Marcus is a store.
Yeah they're still yeah, there's they still exist, but they I think the catalog is gone. Catalogs are dead.
Yeah, catalogs are over. But how cool is that? That's that's cool.
I feel like the nicest store that we ever went to was like Dillard's that was like the high end. I didn't even know that there was nicer than that.
M hm.
In Omaha, there wasn't. There wasn't uneven marketshady.
Back back to my point about Chicago and that kind of stuff. Yeah, but what's Dillard? What is Dillard's compared.
To It's like a Norse strum. I got bought by Norse trum.
I think it's not a great name. Dillard sounds like it should be like a hardware store. Dillard's sounds like hardware or they still like sandwiches offended in the Midwest. It's Dellard's. There we go. Now I'm on board.
Dillard's is nice. Dillard sounds fancy. It just depends like what you see in the fucking window and you go, that's my association. Now is Dillard's. Look at that tuxedo? Mommy and Daddy? Are we fancy?
So Dillard? Sorry, you said Dillard's is like a is like a Macy's.
Right, It's a department store, like a higher end department store.
Okay, we did not have that Lord and Taylor. Do you guys know about Lord and Taylor? See now that sounds fancy? But you have you heard of that?
Or no?
No, I do not know what that is. I do not. You don't know about Lord and Taylor. Dang, it seems like Ladies Negliges is a department store.
Oh, okay, which is mostly women's stuff.
But like Lord and Taylor was uh, the one we had at.
Our mall, am you fancy bitch. It was just so fancy. I love that.
What about do you guys remember the Franklin Mint? Do you remember that Franklin mint? Anybody? I think you mean Franco frank No, no, Franco. I believe Franklin Mint. I believe. I think it's Frango. What the fuck are you talking about, dude?
I mean, well, you you keep saying the word, keep saying, I believe. What are you trying to say?
I don't think it's Franklin, it's Franco Franklin. I think it's Franklin Mint.
And they would sell like like cool like chessboards like okay, that look like it would be like a like golden jade. What are we both talking about?
I like that.
Isaac to help to help Blake in the chat, he goes the have a website.
So they have a website.
From Isaac, I'm looking at Franco Franco ments.
No, look at Franklin Mint, man, please, Okay, So it's the Franklin Mint, yes, and they sell okay, so this is not a department store.
The Franklin Mint. Franklin Mint. No, Franklin Mint is just coins. No, no, dude, it was a store. Yes, it was a store. Okay, so it's a store unique gifts and collectible, a store called Franklin Mint. And it was like collectibles.
Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah but mostly but Blake, but Blake, what you did was you just said the Franklin Mint.
I think he said, you know, he said Franklin Mint, the Franklin Mints, the mints.
I think I think you didn't say collectibles. You didn't say it's a store, didn't say it's a store in a mall.
Just be honest. There was no there was no think that they were mints. And then you remember it was collectibles. Just be honest with the la I said coins. Did it go? And then you were like, I went back to the on Days Mountains, my favorite mints, All Days Mints. Of course, No Franklin Franklin Mint. It was a nice store. You guys said nice stores. The nicest story you ever went into, the nicest store I ever went into was the Franklin Mint. Well, see, you got to put it in context.
You have to say the nicest store I ever went into was the store called the Franklin Oh that helps me. You didn't do that, You just said Franklin Mint Mint, Franklin Mint, I think.
I do believe.
I do believe Franklin Mint Mint, I thought.
And so what does a Franklin Mint's store look like?
Is it like one level? Is it many levels? Are there?
Escalators? Are there glass elevators?
No, it's just a it's a small store. It's like a little boutique shop. O. You know, it'd be like the same as going to Is this like a mini mall situation?
No, I only know big malls.
So we were talking giant department stores, and you just then you brought up this very tiny store that sold.
The only places I know where department stores are is attached to malls. Correct, isn't that the only place like Sears, Macy's, J C. Penny's.
Yes, I would say most of the time.
Yeah, okay, mostly we had a downtown. But well, I well, as you gravitated towards the middle, the most expensive store I knew of was Franklin Mint Mint.
And what did you see like a spensive baseball cards or anything in there? Like?
What was do you remember anything. I remember it was a Star Wars chessboard that I thought was pretty freaking sick. Like. It was like I had gold plating and I was like, oh damn, I want that shit. Hell about it looked really cool.
Was there ever like a gift or anything that you guys really wanted that you just didn't get and you were like, I feel like.
We've covered this for me, sir, I don't like it covered it. The dogs from Neiman.
Market didn't get a dog, didn't get the name of mark Marks dogs. Uh.
I think that was.
My brothers bought their own Nintendo. My parents didn't give them one because they were like, no, we're not doing that end and then they like pulled their money and bought their own.
That's hard, Okay, that's awesome, that's really sick. I had two parents competing for my love, so I got everything I wanted.
I always knew that you were spoiled. When I met you. I was like, this guy spoiled.
He must come from a broken home.
Daddy gets what Deddie went.
Yeah. Yeah, my parents were pretty good about it that they really tried to get if everything they could. When it came to Christmas and they didn't have a lot of money, so it was stretched it so it was it would always be like what you actually wanted, and then the worst version of that thing is what is what you got?
Yeah? I know exactly where you're going. Yeah, Like I.
Remember I wanted a Pioneer stereo for my room that had the detached speakers who can put them in different places, and then I got like kind of a shitty boom box. Sure, but I was like, okay, yeah it worked. It works.
That's similar.
And then and then you have to have a conversation like, well about Santa. You're like, well, why wouldn't Santa just give me the thing I wanted? And they're like, well, Santa's He's kind of like, there's levels to this.
Right, is that what they said? There's levels to this?
I remember my mom said that based on the grade of how good you were that year, and it looks like you weren't good at oh damn, which is funny, and I was never It made me feel like I was never good enough. I never got I never got the good stuff. And that's why I'm trigger.
You weren't kind of like yeah, yeah, yeah, I remember trying to poison the kids. Yeah, I rocket through batteries of children. Yeah yeah, I got the series Naked Ladies yeah.
Yeah, yeah yeah, through the rocks at the cars, yeah yeah.
I think we covered this too.
I wanted my pet monster, right you guys like breaks the chains. And they gave me the football one instead of just like the og and I was like, all.
Right, well, why don't you cry about it football one? Looking back Super Sick though Super Sick had a helmet. But I think my dad was like, come on, son, football stop, please stops. Women, come on, don't be gay. You're like, oh, I think I just uncovered something better, help better.
Uh my parents. I really wanted a he man. I had the other I had different he men, but I didn't have he man.
And I'm like, why don't I have Prince Adam?
And what do you mean when you say you had a different one, like you had the blue got the blue he man that was evil?
Oh oh what was his name? He was a robot. It's a funny name too, the robot. So that's that's what it was.
It was.
They they for whatever reason, either couldn't find I'm assuming the robot he Man was on sale Faker. His name was the regular one was sold out maybe and they were like, yeah, I'm sure it was sold out, and they they got me that one, and I was like, I was so disappointed. I was like, but I just wanted the actual one. Now I have the evil you got. My dad then had to be like.
No, Evil's cooler, Evil's badass. You want to play with you seven? This he man listens to a C D C Oh yeah, yeah, this is a rock and roll. The other he man is come on, he's no good. He hangs out with Shira Adam.
What was the different Was there a difference between Christmas before the cement truck.
And after uh yeah, dude, where they were like he's alive.
We're gonna just like give you everything you want that first Christmas back or were they like no Christmas.
Present, Really, it's so good.
It was a lot of hospital bills paid, so funny. Yeah, the aunts and uncles and people in my life would give me great gifts, but it was so funny to see, and I was it was funny to me at this point, but so I wasn't as soon as you would give They would give me like new shoes and I'm like, my feet are swollen. I can't wear shoes. I can't. They're like get it, or they're like a new basketball and I'm like, I can't dribble, i can't stand, I can't walk.
Did you put.
Does anybody put wreaths on their like wheelchair wheels?
Sure, uh yeah, I'm sure that's happened. Yeah yeah, I don't.
I don't remember ever really decorating my wheelchair.
Oh that would be fun, spoke When people decorate the wheelchair for Renaissance Fair, it's always awesome, Like they decorate them like dragons. I really like that, so right, yeah, but but it's a wheelchair, so.
I would have walls push me down this ramp and then hide and then act like my wheelchairs out of control so I could just plow into things. I would just like smash into the garbage can and have shit go everywhere and be like I'm sorry, we lost control, and have Kyle like be chasing after.
Me like oh he's out of control. That's really good the good old days. Yeah yeah, yeah yeah.
Meanwhile, everyone had just watched the whole setup and everything, and they're like, yeah, look at those fucking.
Kids, got this guy start for attention. This would before bad Grandpa. So this is pretty cutting edge up. Yeah it was before Jack.
Yeah, that's changed the game.
So this is, uh, this is the Christmas episode here boys, So this is oh good thing. We talked about Christmas. How'd you know that a lot of Christmas tar That's cool?
They said it in the chat.
That's cool. Okay, so you read that hot hot, hot hot. Do you guys want to hear a gross story? I do, absolutely please.
I mean I just this happened and I was like, well, I'll save that for the pod. So I had like an infection in my fingernail and I had to like it's started getting like swollen and like pussy and I couldn't fucking sleep.
It was crazy. Went to the doctor.
I don't know what it's called, but they gave me some antibiotics and they're like, it's just it'll go away, it'll run its course hopefully, the like puffiness like pops and then like you gotta like drain it.
Okay, right, yeah, so I'm not liking anything puss involved.
So like the other day, I like, take the bandit and I can see it's already starting to kind of like come out, and I go great, So then I like get it all out of there, empty it good to go. And then today it's mostly gone with there's like a little bubble left, and so I'm putting pressure on it and I'm like squeezing the tip and trying to like find where that hole was that it came out from yesterday.
That's what she said.
It's just not coming out and came out. I know, I fucking like really squirt it. I like shove it kind of hard and it shoots like a water gun out of the hole. I'm gonna come just into my hair like a full spread.
Something about marrying yourself. Let's go.
Yeah, you just squirt it all over your hair.
It was so gnarly, and I'm just sitting here by myself, like and I can see like one strand of.
Hair just has like a bead on it.
Oh, and I like carefully like get up and like walk inside and tell Emma what happened. She's like, you're gross. I'm like, I'm a shower and I just had to hose it down. But the human body, Yeah, you know when you're like going through life and you think you're good to go and then something just gross happens on you.
Yeah, Science Oh yeah, yeah, I'm just an animal time, just an animal.
Yeah, I mean just a few months ago. Uh, I found that stitch in my foot that's been there for thirty years.
What's happening? You know what I mean?
Yeah, it's just crazy.
Uh dude, did you guys get my my family photos? From my Christmas family photos?
Do you do? You guys? Oh? I did? Very nice? Yeah, very very nice. Oh you guys look adorable.
Very Why are you gripping your kid's ship like.
That by the chunk? Yeah? You're what do you hold bow by? His call?
Okay? Offended?
What I get? I look at the card, I go, why is he just gripping bow fully?
Well, dude, that's how you're holding in the front like that, and you're just like this that way he can face foward.
We've never done it. Not a fan. He's a baby. He like doesn't even have a dick. Dick is So that's not that's not That's not what I'm saying, and I wouldn't. That's not what I'm saying. What do you what are you trying to say?
No, holding your baby that way is it's very natural, very normal. But it was funny that or said that because I was also like, damn, I'm got from that. You're really well, he was wiggling. Well, you guys are buy yeah, and you guys are buying water and stuff. It seemed a little treacherous.
Yeah, okay, well it was fine, but he was He was just wiggling a little bit, and so I was trying to get him to settle down.
We forgot bike. It is afraid of water.
And by the way, the water was like fifteen yards behind us.
It's the rocks were jagged, weren't they. The rocks were pretty jagged kind of. I'm trying to give me the benefit of the doubt, dude, But.
If you look closely, Chloe, uh chose that photo, and I like the photo just fine, But I didn't really look.
When she was like, hey what about this Photo'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's good. Whatever you choose. Get away.
You see my baby toe, You see my little half toe playing his day.
Really, I got a little stub.
My little stub is just glistening down there in the sand.
Dude. Now I'm gonna have to look. Can I tell you something. No one's gonna see it. They're gonna be looking at that grip now we are, Now we are. I'm gonna go double check now, Okay, I remember it being very, very cute. Those all those holiday photos are very I.
Didn't realize it was I didn't realize I was gripping, gripping him so hard, And I'd like to I'd like to send an apology to my son in the future, because you know, we're gonna keep this and he's gonna grow up and be like, dude, why were you gripping so hard?
I mean, like, I don't you know, I don't know.
I'm also wondering if that's how you're holding him, how's it gonna get any bigger? If that's how you're holding him that tight?
Yeah, it needs to breathe. It does need to breathe.
Let that bitch breathe. Did you guys ever think like I remember when my dick wasn't growing at the rate I wanted it to. I'm like, huh, maybe it's because like my my underwear is too tight or something. Did you ever think that?
Are you talking about like sixth grade when you're still in tidy whities and you haven't like transitioned to silk boxers yet.
Yeah, And I'm like well maybe well yeah, sixth grade, maybe a little later, but still like it.
Was like, yeah, for Blake it was eleventh eleventh grade.
When did you start wearing boxers?
I I don't recall. I don't recall. Probably probably sixth grade. I think mine was, uh, I think I think seventh grade for me.
Yeah, yeah, I remember seeing men in the locker room like boy men, yeah, and going I think I need some boxers.
Yeah, dude, it was.
It was rough. It was a rough go when you go to high school and you see like when you have to like shower afterwards. Yeah, I feel like that stopped.
We didn't have to do that.
What did you have to shower after? Were you on like the wrestling team?
No, we did it.
It was after gym class. You could shower real quick if you got real funky.
We weren't even allowed to, oh really the shower. There were showers, but like you didn't even turn on during the day for like the basketball team after school or some shit, and I.
Don't even know if they showered. That's advanced.
Oh really yeah, yeah, you were allowed to take a quick dip if you want it. I remember being like I want to because I was a little stanky. But then you peek in and you're like, I'm not going out there. There's all these like older kids in there and doing shit, and I'm like, I'm good. And by doing shit, I mean showering. They're not fucking each other.
I know that. I know that's Blake.
Blake got a little excited.
I'm not gay gay, I'm not crazy, all right, crazy.
Just being like I remember being like, Wow, the amount of pubes they have if I take my if I take my underwear off right now, it wasn't even dick size. It wasn't even dick sizing. It was the amount of pubes that they have. Yeah, I have like three squirrely hairs. They have a full mound.
You're like, what, bro, you guys don't wax. You guys don't wax, Bro pussy, That's pretty funny.
I do wonder like in this day and age where I imagine everybody's like even like super young, you're like grooming your ship because weird.
Yeah, but so do you. You do ever have a moment where you're like, I'm going full. I mean for women, it's because I think that public nudity is we reeled it back a lot like we reeled it back, like.
Oh, there's no show. I feel like, are our generation then not the last that there was ever like a public shower happening?
Yes, yeah, oh yeah right, like which is a damn shame. I remember going to the gym with my dad and then he's like, okay, we're hitting the showers and then all of a sudden, I'm a round grown naked men taking showers and I'm like I'm and he's like, dude, what this is normal? And I was like, there's nothing normal about this, right, there's nothing normal about this.
Yeah, Well, when you're young and you're like dick height, it's it's it's fucked.
It's not it's not it's not hitting it.
Well, that's that was the scary part, Like of going to I remember going to like a sporting event and those talked about this, but those troughs. Yeah, and you're standing directly next to and directly across from just a man's throbbing hard cop.
Also, also, I've been noticing this a lot at public parks in Los Angeles. There are the shitters don't have doors. Have you been to a park where the shitters don't have doors? They can't. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. We didn't have doors on our shitters in high school. That's fucking crazy, dude, we didn't. There was in our high school. There was the ship. There was three shitters because that's what we're calling them now, not toilets. It's really cool.
It's cool that were right next to each other and there were no doors or walls.
There was just toilet toilet. Crazy.
I remember my freshman year on the swim team and we went to some school and they just had a toilet on the wall and shout out, well, I mean whatever.
This dude, Alex who was on the swim team my freshman year, had.
To take a ship and we're all changing and he's just right there and he's got like a handover his eyes, like a little kid who thinks they can't be seen.
Right. We're just like, dude, yeah, obviously, just do ship you.
I mean, I got I got a lot of props in high school for doing just that. I was freshman year, I had to take a ship and I just was like, I'm gonna go take a ship. And I took a ship there and there was all these like juniors and seniors in the locker room dude, and they were like, oh, ship, the freshman ship in here. And I'm like and then I'm just committing. I'm like, I don't give a fuck.
You're a legend ship man.
They're like yeah, they were like, oh ship, he's a wild man. And then they're like, high five in me in the whole lockerman, right, why are you high five of me?
Do you get diarrhea too?
That's cool?
You got you have to lean so it can't it can't work for you.
You just have to commit. You gotta lean in. Yeah, I'm never leaving this toilet.
You can't cover your eyes. You have to just be like, call me the ship man.
I heard about a dude who went to summer camp and the toilets would face each other, so you would ship looking at each other. That's fine. They've like made a game of it where you're like, yeah, this is what we do. We're shitting, we're wiping our ass.
Well, you know what you do. Then then you get some like pebbles or some rocks or like maybe you're raising it, and then you.
Try to you try like a premeditated thing.
Yeah, and then you you and a buddy, you're shitting across from each other, and then you try to like underhand like beer pong toss or beer dice toss the rock in between the person's legs, and however the moon you know, whoever gets the most wins wins the ship off.
That's cool, man.
My kid came out of the bathroom in public the other day and he goes, yeah, the toilet in there was weird, do not go in there. And then he goes, actually, the sink was weird too, and I go, are you sure you use the right one in the right way? Like did you pee in the sink and wash your hands.
In the toilet? Whoopsies. We had a good laugh, guys, Hot Hot, Hot Hot.
Any take backs, Dad tug any take back your parenting stories?
I take backs, apologies, epics.
I would love to take back any trigger words I use today for my guys. I know that you know there's things that we're all sensitive too. I'd love it if you guys were sensitive to the stuff that triggers me.
But just know that I what is that you're broken home?
I wish you want to use that word, because it's not broken, it's just differently together. Okay, yeah, okay, okay, stop with the broken. It's not broken, amputated, it's not it's not amputated, fractured home. No, that's not. No, it's just differently it's.
It's just weird.
It's just weird. Let's get weird. Brother, I'll take that. I come from a weird home.
Okay, so that is that is your I was just confused as to what your trigger word was.
It's differently unnormal. I'm glad it's not divorced. I'm fine. I was fine. It's broken. You should just own it.
Yeah, maybe just own it and don't be a bit about it.
So when you see other people from a broken home, you're like, hey, what's up my broken up? Broken? We can say it broken.
We could say it. They can't say it.
We could say it you guys. Yeah, that'd be a smart thing for you. That's a cool club. I think that's uh, not broken, it's not broken. Yeah, And there's a lot of people from broken homes. So I feel do you have a take back? Motherfucker? Good? Okay, I stay staring on everything I said. No broke, broke you guys, Okay, stand on business.
I would like to wish everyone you know a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Saying it again, Merry Christmas.
Also stop Adams Adam's holiday car, Merry Christmas.
Period. End of sentiments. Oh wow, I didn't even cloth that. Yeah, and I sent it to a lot of Jewish friends as well.
Purpose I'm just saying for for me it is Americ.
Ris, Well, you need to write that for me, it's a Christmas. I wish me a merry Christmas.
And also, by the way, if you're Jewish, send me a happy Honikah. I don't care, that's fine, yeah, send. Yeah, I'm not offended.
I would love that. Yeah, that's right.
What's to be offended about? Well, nothing, nothing except for most things. For Blake, I'm not offended. I'm just just please tread lightly, Okay, yeah, sensitive, it's another long, long, long episode port mad Christmas. Okay, this is my favorite Christmas song of all time.
I'm sorry about the broken.
Home stuff, Blake. It's fine. I love you, dude. I'm sorry about thank you. That's all we can afford. That was it. We probably can't even afford that