
Ep 227: The Most Honorable Podcast

Published Dec 10, 2024, 11:00 AM

Today, this is what's important:

Japan, the hunting trip, F1 race, Game Over Man, the oldest cat, movies, & more.

Welcome to This is Important a production of iHeartRadio, the show where we only talk about what's obviously most crucially integral to the fabric of our very nature.

Today we talk about.

Mushrooms are back big time.

You were created in a lab.

Yeah, and then I'm outside the stratosphere buying crank. Here we go.

Start your engines.

M m m m m m m m m ming m ming ming ming ming ming ming. What's up, gentlemen?

My got.

What's up?


I uh.

I will say I do like I as much as I don't like let's do, as much as I don't like let's go. You nailed it, as much as I don't like people saying let's go. You know what, I do like my guy. I like my guy, and I feel like that's let's go adjacent. It's real close. I feel like the same kind of guys that say my guy also say let's.

Go, Like I got a good one that's in this. I thought about this the other day, like there was a little bit of time where guys would say, what do baby? What did do?

What was that? I think that was specifically Houston. I think that was trickled down from like Paul wall saying what it do?

Yeah, we're is it a lot of that's that seems hip hop based?

Is that? Was that? Mean? What a do my Baby? I feel like it was athletes. I would see like NFL athletes always being like ha ha, what a do my baby? Yeah?

Maybe it was from the movie Pooty Tang. I feel like he also like, what what did do? I got to rewatch?

No, he was shot at a shot at t on the running. Anybody who hasn't seen Pooty Tang please go and.

Let me just say, because I like where you're going with where is it coming from? But it sounds like you guys don't know what I'm talking about. Do you not know? Have you not heard people say this?

It's possible. I feel like you just chunked out so hard that I don't know what you're talking about. You just jumped out that you're super chunky.

That's that Tokyo drift Baby, by.

The way, anders home live from Tokyo. Yes he is, Yeah, live from Tokyo. Room already in a kimono. What the hell? It feels like you're really embracing the culture over there. Oh dude, look at the site. Oh my god, and if you're on YouTube right now, Wow, a blue sky. You are seeing the skyline. But by the way, we couldn't see anything. It was just a blue sky. You wouldn't turn the camera around or something. It was upside down. Yeah, it was upside down.

Well you tried to do it.

You might as well just show us. Dude, that looks like Cincinnati. That doesn't look that tight, Oh it really does. What that's Japan? Yeah, that's Tokyo. I mean, why does Tokyo look like any city I've never been?

That looks like a Carnie hot dog over there?

Are you in a shitty hotel or you in like a crappy like little dump where they putting you? There's monarch legacy putting you.

I'm in a decent place. It's called a cyrillion. I don't know. I think it's a very like business. But I'm on. I think it's funny that you're like, it looks like Cleveland. It looks like Cleveland if Cleveland went forever forever.

Yeah, well the camera I couldn't really see in the distance that far.

But take that up with Steve Jobs.

Okay, have you bowed to anyone? Have you done any bows. Oh.

I think you guys both know how I bow to no one. Oh, I think that's been well established. I'm not a I'm not big on respect.

Yeah, I know that.

I think you need to.

Start doing a lot of like a flagrant amount of bow to start bowing a lot.

Who are you, ice Cube?

Yes, sir, when you come to my town, so you've done no bows when I when I have been in Japan, I definitely partaken a bow.

I feel like when they when they do little bow. I'm also like, I don't mind if I do. You don't get as many bows as you think. I mean you get it from like the hotel workers.

Yeah, and that's tight.

But then you get you can get wrapped because they're doing hospitality, so then you get wrapped into like a bow off they get the last bow because they're in hospitality.

So like no, no, no, no oh. They're like like vampires have to isn't that a thing where like vampires have to have the last word? No, yeah, I think that's a lower vampires have to have the last word. It's from Dracula, Dead and loving it.

I know.

I think vampires have to, like say, you have to be welcomed into the house. You don't add the last word. Oh yeah, there's that as well. There's that as well. Very good.

Oh they hate onions garlic.

It's so have you You haven't found yourself in that many bow offs yet?

No, that's just go into a bow off because I I don't know. And it's it's very fun.

We're different people, that's all.

Yeah. Yeah, that's true. That's true, and thank God for that. I know that if you were to do it, you would end up having a good time, if you just let your freak flag fly a little bit and show the respect that they deserve.

To me, it's not even about being a freak. It's a different culture. Okay, well, yeah, it's been good so far. I throw up a lot of peace, I throw a lot of peace signs, I throw a lot of ready Yeah. Yeah, because you think this means like, what would you interpret this as if it was to be racist?

Never know, stuff is different out there, Isn't that flipping people off?

Is that racist to flip people off?

No? I think it's racist because that's a racial m But what what is the term on the looking for? You're digging your own grave?


No, I'm not. No, endures is the one that doug his grave here. I dig no graves, actually I do. I do dig graves sometimes.

Sure, that's why he lives on the beach. So we could bury bodies.

Is because that's a stereotype. Oh, a stereotype.

Very good at them, Okay, I see where you're going.

Stereotype. So so like that's a little stereotype la Japanese specifically, I don't do this. Oh see, that's what I would do. I would do that.

Yeah, you're busy bowing and going.

Kauai kuai. Yeah, do do a double double peace sign?


Yeah, I think this is This is more Korean. I think they do the little hearts now. It's kind of freaking sick.

Oh that is cool, it's cool.

I don't like it. Yeah, so if you're in picture now you do that right. That's very dumb. And no one could see it because no one watches our YouTube channel because we drop it so much later than the actual podcast. I still don't understand why that happens.

That's true. People are mad, people are angry.

I like that. Run it back. I still don't understand why it happens. M speaking of respect, and we'll come back to Japan because I do love Japan, please do, dude. We just we've been going on this hunting trip last weekend, not this past weekend. I've been doing a lot of stuff, guys. I've been on a real road. I mean, my wife is very cool and is allowing me to go do stuff. That's awesome.

Brother, You've got baby cells coursing through your body. Yeah, true, Yeah, you're riding the fucking stem cell lightning.


That is absolutely true, And I feel like it's starting to work. I'm able to walk further than i've than I've walked in years. I can. I can hold my child now for extended periods of time. It's it's pretty wild.


That's rad.

Uh, dude. I'm so glad we're not feeding him a lot to keep him skinny as bad. So I can't. So I can't. Yeah, that's what I'm doing so that way I can hold him longer.

Yeah, Blake, CoStim, are you on? Don't be an asshole.

You already have your baby on a diet. Well, I have to be able to hold him, right.

Everything can't be about the baby, Blake something.

Yeah, it has to be about my physical well being. Oh yeah, I guess you gotta.

You're right.

So we go on this hunt, which I think we talked about it last week a little bit, or did we? Yeah, so we did.

Yeah, you talked about the twenty three year old man who was snoring in his sleepy You.

Want to run it back again?

Did I tell you guys that were We've gone for like twenty years. I think this was our nineteenth year, and we missed a few years because of COVID dead's cancer and all that. Uh boo, we're not invited back. Wait what we're not invited back?

What do you mean, like by the like outfit that it's important.

By the guy, it's not enough it. It's just a guy who runs it. And he's just like my dad left a jacket there, his beloved husker coat. And he's like, hey, Tom, I left my coat and I think, you know, don't worry about it.

I'll come.

I'll grab it next year, and he goes. Tom's like, yeah, yeah, I don't think it's going to be a next year, okay, And and we're not invited back, and it's because of the level of disrespect. Disrespects was talking about respect, the disrespect that we showed him and not me, not me, By the way, it was two guys in particular. I'm not going to call them out, but they smoked weed in the cabin. And by the way, they smoked in the cabin at eight am. And then the guy shows up because he was going to get the cabin ready for when people actually showed up at the normal time, which is like New Nish, and they're already smoking weed in the cabin and he obviously didn't like that. I'm still going to And then one of the guys proceeded to smoke weed in front of him all all the time. Oh so he's just anti we oh very much. Well, you know, these are country folks, you know, obviously they don't they don't get that weed. So cool dude. But yeah, and so he was felt disrespected. And I hope we can come back. But this was a twenty year, damn near twenty year tradition that we've had. I've grown up in this in this cabin, and uh.

You've thrown out the cabin.

I've grown up and thrown up, grown up, blown up. I don't think I'm the rocket to the cabin actually, but in and around we already were in trouble because we have blown up some stuff on the property and on occasion, but that was years ago. Now, that was damn near a decade ago. So I thought we were past that and we're all older men now. But yeah, apparently we're on the outs. I was devastated.

What do you think about actually went back next year and just brought that dude to a fucking QP and you said, trust me, buddy, you're gonna enjoy this, and then becomes like a stoner and then it becomes.

Way too long to know what QP was. I thought that was like some cute Japanese thing that you're like a little cup. But now I understand pound man. And I didn't see this with my own eyes, but I heard. This is what happened. Is the stoner man in our group, who I'm not able to have named stoner man naming names, he took two joints and gave it to him as we were leaving and said, hey, how about you and your wife smoked these and chill out.

He did that.

I just want to party.

Apparently I wasn't there, but that's what I heard happened.

Yeah, well, hang on, you put a little stank on that you were like, how about you and your wife smoke this and chill out, as opposed to Hey, how about you and your wife have this and chill out? Good wall.

I think I think it was probably somewhere in the middle. I think I will put a little more stank on it.

And why he was man, why was Stonerman? Was Stonerman like, Hey, dude, you fucking wrote us the whole weekend, Like.

He didn't really ride us other than telling us not to smoke in the cabin. He's like, I find it disrespectful, which to me, I'm like, okay, then we won't who cares, just step.

Outside the cabin.

It also, that's a it was beautiful, dude. It was like sixty five degrees. It's a super easy move to go. Sometimes you go and it's freezing and you're like, this sucks. If you wanted to smoke weed, you don't want to go outside to smoke. I get it, But he doesn't want you to smoke in the cabin. Don't smoke.

The level of disrespect, Yeah, that's really rude. So I think, dude, the disrespect, just the disrespect, so well, maybe you can just not invite that person back and tell him like that.

Oh so get this so then dude, and then it gets real fiery. Uh uh boy. See, the the guy was like, Okay, well, they're definitely not invited back, and I'll think about it. By the end of my dad's phone call, I'll think about the rest of your group because there are some good guys in the group, right, okay and uh and so my dad gets on the group chat and says, this person's not invited. This person's us, but night invited back because disrespect and hopefully the rest of us will be able to come back.

And uh.

Then they started teeing off on each other on other people. My dad's friend, who wasn't even at the hunt, was like, how dare you ruin twenty years of hunting for us?


And it was just grown, grown men yelling at each other via text message about now it's and it's everything was about respect, Like the disrespect that I've received. I love when grown adult, forty year old men fight. Now it's just respect based.

Yeah, sure, at that age, being disrespected is that's is the lowest. That's like the lowest of the low. You can't disrespect me, especially in front of my wife.

Well in Japan. In Japan, honor is almost all of the culture here.

Absolutely, absolutely man, And I love to hear you just really spitting knowledge about Japan.

And you've been there for fifteen hours. Fifteen hours.

Yeah, wow, I've been I've been here three three four days, three four days.

Okay, Yes, so you've been in a little time.

Yeah, so now you know.

I've covered I've covered it all.

Have you guys ever been wildly disrespect.

Yeah besides this podcast.

Yeah, I feel like on the fucking every episode, you guys completely annihilate me.

Shut up, bitch. I was talking to Durs shut up, bitch.

Yeah. Have you ever been.

Yeah, bit Blake, I meant, I meant just durs men shut up.

Because you're like, maybe not maybe not with Blake, You're like, we already know. Yeah. Yeah, of course, of course we've all been disrespected.

I think I've been disrespected, and I'm usually at you, you know, like like John Mayer a few weeks ago, when I talked about how he was saying ship uh to me and then I don't even really remember what he said, and then next time he saw me, he apologized and said he's sober now and he's sorry about what he said in the level of disrespect.

He was showing me.

Oh wow, yeah, dang, So you guys squashed the beef.

That's a pretty good story.

Yeah, apparently. I also don't really remember what beef there was. I think I was too drunk to know there was beef, and maybe that was my issue. But he was drunk too, so you know, right, yeah, but there's two different levels of drunk, I think.

Adam, I, oh, you know what, I do remember what it was? Adam. You were like, you're not my mayor. Who do you think you're the mayor?


And it was a level of difference.

Yeah, that makes sense.

I think it was something about that you're not the mayor of me, bitch. Yeah, my body's not your Wonderland is the thing you kept saying. And I say, ok, is that even his song my Body's ordering? That's his one, I mean, not his one, but that's his jam of all jams.

Well, there's also I Want to Run through the Din.

On the I Want to See.

And you were like, get your gravity off me, and he was like the level of.

He didn't name more John Mayer songs. I will give you name two more, and you're gonna get I can do this because I can continue album.

I like that album it is, I do too.

I think it's pretty good.

The one about like there's the one like fire something okay, walking a room a room on fire.

I don't know if that counts. I don't know if that one counts.

I like this new album too. It's like kind of like a no points, no points, negative points Bruce Bruce hornsby Throwback.

Do you like the fact that he travels with Grateful Dead?

Do you like that or you kind of like, Yeah, what a gig? Are you a grateful I could see you very much not being a Grateful Dead guy?



I remember good friend of mine in high school was like, I like overheard all of my friends going like, yeah, this weekend's me crazy, and I'm like, what are we doing? They're like uh, And he was like, I'm taking all these guys to see Grateful Dead at Wrigley Field and.

I was like, oh, and not you fucking things sucked for his.

Birthday, I think, And I was like oh, and he was like you don't like Grateful Dead And I was like that's really dope, And I would have not enjoyed myself.

So like yeah, he was, Oh, come on, you could have probably got into it.

And by the way, did not feel disrespected, did not feel any level different.

I bet you did a little bit. I bet you did a little bit in high school.

No, it wasn't disrespect. It was but hurt. I was like, yeah, I'm not gonna I'm I'm it was. It might have been my first fomo. I think I started from.

Oh there's his first fomo. Okay, yeah, and this was what your high school experience. So this was nineteen ninety one. If I'm good at math.

This was ninety eight. And then this was like the final tour that they did when then they then chair Cherry Garcia Jerry doing things.

He's an ice cream player.

He's that to me. I'll tell you that much.

Dude, Jerry's the fucking legend brother the older I get though. I didn't like them because I'm just like, dude, make maybe make a song that has a beginning, middle of an end, and then we can tell the difference.

Okay, some stories make a music great again, is what you're thinking.

I want to make music always. I'm always trying, and that what a good phrase. I So I didn't like them, but the older I get, the more I'm like, it does seem fun to just go there do drugs. Wow, I think I'm entering. I think I'm now that I'm a father, and now that I'm a dad, I don't want to. I don't want to get I don't want to get black out drunk. Well I do, actually, but I don't want to get as drunk anymore because that hangover sucks. But tell you what you don't get at science mushrooms. You don't get hangovers on mushrooms.

Right, the micro dosing for parents is next level?

Oh everybody's micro dosing? Yes, yeah, they become macro And is that just la?

Is that everywhere? I don't know.

That's a good question. I know it is a very LA thing. And New York I think dabbles in the micro dos scene as well.

Right, but are they doing this in Omaha? The answers, yes, are they doing this and conquered?

The answers yes, Yeah, there's a bit of that. Mushrooms are back big time. Oh, mushrooms are bad.

I did mushrooms. I did mushrooms this weekend. There it is, yeah cool, I did this. I did last weekend.

I did.

I mean such a small amount, and I brought such a small amount that I I think I told you guys, I went to a Halloween party and there was a drug bar, right, yeah, that's cool. Yeah, there was a drug bar.

That's la, that's la.

Yeah yeah, And I mean it was just it was all like microdosed mushrooms.

And how is Diddy? Is he good?

The freak golf out real weird on mushrooms? Yeah, yeah, huh. This was the last one.

I actually pulled something in a freako. Uh huh.

He was like, Okay, I know I'm under a lot of scrutiny right now, but I'm gonna one last one, last freak. We've got to have a sendo and there will be a drug bar. Yeah. All the extra baby oil that we have, we got to get rid of it, get rid of the evidence. Everywhere.

We got a baby baby oil fountain. Gonna love it too much.

Baby oil, right, Because then the worst the friction, you can't even like you're just you don't even realize when you're in or when you're out.

I think that's how he terrorizes them. They're like I just want to come, and he's like, you'll never come, And then he turns on You're too Slippy. He turns on the song where he's like, where my bitch is that? With the bust of rhymes?

What is that sixty nine? We ain't go in Nowhere?

I think that would become You're.

Not going anywhere, not going nowhere because you're slipping on the floor and you can't escape.

It's like a home alone trap because my digs in your body.

So I was at the F one race.

I went to F one.

In Vegas.

In Vegas, F one Okay, F one made a They made a huge push. Every motherfucker on my timeline was that F one SiO.

It's a.

Well, first of all, it was like the super Bowl. It was like great, it was chaos and very very fun. But the first time ever that I've been to Vegas and wasn't so drunk. I was like stone sober, besides the little bit of mushrooms I took, which kind of didn't do anything other than like besides the small amount of mushrooms side and some pain pills that I popped, but I I it was it was like microdoscene is such a thing and I and then you do it and then you're not even hot. Right, yeah, like I think, I think teach it.

I wanted.

I was like, I need more, I need more of a macro. I want to I'm more of a macro. Yeah, dial you what about Mike, Mike Frow dirty job now? If you want let's make this job a little dirtier. Yeah, well yes, I wanted it to be a little dirty yea ye, well we took a walk for that one, but I liked it.

It's early, it's swing and it's yeah.

It's six thirty am and Tokyo. Yeah, wait are you in Tokyo.

It's past seven in Tokyo, but it's already tomorrow. So well, if you guys won't have any questions about the future fire away? How is it?

Is it bright?

It's getting there? Wait more more f one?


What's the highlight? What's the low light?

Scene? Report?

Worth it? Like? Are you in now? Are you going to watch it? Or would you just go back again next year?

I mean it is really cool, but when you're there, you just see them fly by going two hundred and fifty miles an hour. However they're just like yeah, they're going very fast, yeah, and you don't know what's happening it's mostly just like you're running into other people, other actors that you kind of know or like maybe you know, might know and and uh, you know, Steve Aokie's there ready to cake somebody. I feel like he is everywhere carries cakes. Yeah, he always has a cake nearby.

Well he has a residency and yes, oh yeah yeah.

So ran into him and ran into a bunch of people and it was it was really fun. But it is crazy going to uh to Vegas and not being drunk. I was pounding Heineken zero's, which, by the way, good, I like kind of gon zero bad.

All right, that's a good na for sure.

I drank probably fifteen throughout the night. Well, and and then we went to that club, Delilah's afterwards, and just seeing how sloppy people get.

By the way, now it's like judging, you know how Kyle feels.

The race goes from ten pm to past midnight, and then you got to get your ass back to the hotel. Now it's almost one of clock. We get into Delilah's. I'm a dad. One o'clock in the morning is over is five am. I'm like toast by the day, and I'm sober and I'm drinking water and Heineken zeros, and uh, that girl as a Gonzalez was talking to me, a beautiful, beautiful woman, and I'm like, this is kind of tight. It's like super babes talking to me. She then drops her uh espresso martini all over me and then gets glass stuck in my shoes and I'm like, I think I have to leave. What am I even doing here? At this point?

I was intoxicated, Like everybody's just so drunk you have to be witching hour.

Yeah, she was very she was very nice.

So was this person. What is she from? She's uh is she a singer?

You know?

I mean she's been in no dude, I wish our producers could help me out with looking up stuff, but they're asleep at the wheel. Pizza Pizza. That's okay, it's Thanksgiving.

What's she known for?

She was in Baby Driver is she's the hot babe and Baby Driver. She's in Fast and Furious. She's in Godzilla vers Cang.

Oh, she's in the universe.

Okay, of course that yeah, she's in your okay, Hello, yeah, Brad Boiler alerts.

Right there, click on that link, so, uh, you know, and saw saw our boy Donald Faison and Zach Braff.

Oh yeah, they're okay, scrub They're living their best lives.

It was It was actually really fun, but it was bizarre being in Vegas stone sober. Yeah, that's that does not sound that fun.

It doesn't sound fun.

But I'm finding I have a great time sober, Like, I still have a really good time, right.

But to people like you as much, Oh my god, what's that like? Are you as fun?



Are people kind of like maybe? I mean honestly, maybe not, but it is the The trick was I just I'm drinking on these Heineken zeros and I asked them to pour it in a glass so no one can tell. Uh So I was like, yeah, I was like letting it fly a little bit, just being like I'm gonna be a little gregacious, you know, get a little handsy and just go just go for it.

The beer.

It's the beer.

I wrapped up Ted sarandos Mere Big Ted and we and he and I was we were like swaying back and forth. I'm like, this is fun. I'm not even drunk. This is what you do.

I feel like every time I was like I ran in the Jude Law, and we wrapped it. We wrapped up, just wrap up other men bodies.

When I meet a guy that I uh, that I don't know very well, but we're both very drunk or in this case, I wasn't drunk at all, And I don't know if Ted was drunk or not.

He was faking it too, he was not.

Ted Sands is the head of Netflix, the guy that started it.

Yeah, he was not drunk for sure.

Yeah yeah, for sure. Very put together but super nice guy. He's such a good guy as far as corporate overlords go.

He's he's he's my favorite, He's the one. Yeah.

Respect Yeah.

So so it was fun.

Nor Barkley was performing, or at least the Sea Low Green se Low Oh yeah cool, Oh damn hell yeah. Selo in the build.

I have a question, does anybody actually like, do you like sit in your seats and watch the race or is it a very like fluid thing where you're going station to station. I think they called them like paddocks, and they're basically like sweet.

So Cia Sports had a suite and then it was like American Express suite and the Wind Hotel suite and this suite and you just kind of walk and there were security there and you had to have the right pass. But then you just there's just these little ladies that were running the desk and you just sort of ignore them when they ask and you just walk in and then they go but stop, and then you just don't and then they're like, okay, whatever, I'm amer.

And you say, move woman, this is Trump's country.

Move yeah, move.


I just stumbled in and like I'm too drunk to understand you.

And it worked.

It was very fun, but very strange being being stoned so in Vegas. Yeah, I don't know, I've always been pretty much.


I feel like everybody's black out on there in Vegas.

Come on, dude, I tell you what I missed out on. And I mean we all we all bifted here is why didn't we go? I mean, Duras has been with his chicks since nineteen ninety two, but why didn't we go? Blake? Me and you blake when we were single men to Vegas?

Yes, the Stags.

Yeah, because it's because it's crazy there. It's wild, let's go, it's absolute case.

Uh well, I think a lot of it was that extreme, like no money at all, very very broke, like going to Vegas.

Yeah, but then, but then there was a small period of time when me and you were single men and workaholics that come out and we did have a little bit of money. The thing is is me and you are so bad at talking to girls. But I think in Vegas there's that it doesn't it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, right.

Yeah, well, I but I also do think like famous, Yeah, but it's like clubs.

I don't like clubs. Clubs. Clubs don't really like do it for me? Well, now there's now like Delilah's isn't even a club, it's like a it's like a lounge.

So there's not like super loud music.

Yeah, I'm into that. There is, but it's literally just Sea low Green fucking singing crazy on stage, you know.

So you can ask him to go quiet if you want.

You're like, chill just a little bit.

Okay, he's up, he's away, he's up seven in the morning, he's away.

Yeah No, because like it's those clubs have like dress codes, they say you gotta have certain shoes on. It's just like that kind of stuff. Doesn't know, it doesn't agree with memore.

I was wearing vans and they didn't. Yeah, it's loosened up.

If it if it was today's world and we were a few years back then, yeah, I'd probably pull up there with you.

That would have been really fun.

But also it's it's it's still also Vegas.

It's Vegas, baby, you know, I'm not the most Vegas guy.

I can have a blast. I can have a blast.

Yeah, I think, dude.

The whole time, I was thinking how much fun it would be if it was the three of us there and these Heineken zeros were Heineken five point fours or whatever the regular amount.

Of heine in one thousand.


Well, and hopefully we will get the opportunity and have a TII live show.

Yeah, that's all we got to do it.

It's on the map, we're targeting it. It would be very fun, be a very fun time.

I didn't realize how much people loved f one. Like they're they're they're like these group of girls were like staying outside the hotel waiting for one of the drivers, screaming his name, and all the drivers are like twenty years old, like hot French.

Guys, you know whatever.

Yeah, they're all they're all your sexy foreigners yeah.

Yeah, hot, hot, hot. There's a ton of money behind the sport, so that has a little bit of a lure.

The marketing has been banana dude.

Whoever's in charge of the marketing should be paid a billion dollars because suddenly Americans care about this sport and we've never cared about.

It, and suddenly there was a Netflix show.


The Netflix show was the like, people understand it, they get it. They watch the people, they follow the stories, and now they're hooked. So I think the Netflix show is very good.

Well that's how I am with golf too. I never cared about golf, and I watched the Full Swing the Netflix show, and suddenly I'm like, yeah, okay, I know some of the guys. That's the Netflix version of the F one show where they just followed the tour here.

Yeah, of golf, of golf.

Yeah yeah, do you have a favorite golfer? I know one of our buddies.

Oh, big dick Rick.

Have you talked to Kyle at all about golf?

I haven't yet known, but uh, I don't talk to him.

He's dead to me.

But until he is reborn. Rebirth, it's science. Yes, No, Big dick Rick Ricky Fowler. Oh yeah, Rickey Tyler, the golfer's all kind of big dicks.

What's going on, Arnold Palmer, Ricky Fowler, that's right going on.

Here, John Daily, you know he's swinging a leg. I was told that that's his nickname, Ricky Fowler, Big dick Rick. So when me and McBride, he's not just an asshole, went to see him in Charleston or in wherever the fuck in South Carolina.

Good name.

There was a big tournament there we went, and someone told me to scream big Dick Rick. So it's just me screaming big dick Rick and everyone they're like, do it on the backswing, do it right before he swing right? No, And and by the way, and Ricky Foller smiled, gave me the thumbs up look over pointed. He's like, yeah, well, yeah, it's a cool nickname.

Hey, how'd that thumb look? What that thumb look like? Pretty big?

You had a long ass thumb. Thick, dude, Yeah, thick thumb thick Oh thick.


I mean it's a cool nickname. It'd be different if you were calling him like small dong, yeah dong Rick. That's not as fun.

That'd be different. Yeah.

That's the issue with me showing my dick in Game over Man is I can never say like I have no one would be like a big dick at them. They're like, yeah, decent size, hog divine. You know the lore the lore is gone.

But with big dick rick, I feel like if anyone says hog, you gotta be happy about that.

Yeah, yeah, the hog is a big animal. Or would you say hog hog divine? What would you say hoggle hoggle hog lit like a baby hog hog LiTi divine? Sure? Yeah, yeah, little pig belly.

Will they call it a pig in a blanket wheeler, Yeah, there you go, a little pig in the blanket.

Well, that would be if I was uncircumcised, then that'd be my well, you know, because it pokes out a little. Yeah, it does, that is true. Wait are we talking about pigs and the blanket?

I got to watch the movie again and then I'll write you a long email about what I would call it.

You know, I'll send you photos.

I'll send you for We need to really make sure that we have the date right of when Game Overman came out, because we need to make sure we hit like the ten year anniversary right on the head because I don't want to miss that.

Yeah, I'm so bad. You know, we have to, you know, like actors will remind you be like, oh, crazy, five years since this movie came out, and then it kind of drums up some love for the movie and you're like, Okay, I've never done that. I always forget every time for every movie I've ever done, I kind of forget I've done some of them.

Wait, what do you forget?

Like the anniversary of it though a lot of actors will post like, oh.

I didn't even know, like they have anniversaries.

Everything has an anniversary.

I tell you what I think that. I think that's I think that's losers with nothing to promote, just like rehashing their No. Well, you might be right, like, I can't believe it's been twenty years since I had my peek remember that, go rent it and cast me in more movies.

So it's been six years. Six years in March, So we missed the five year anniversary of Game Over. Guys, there's no anniversaries for these things.

This is like DVD releases.

Game Overman came out on my dad's birthday. You didn't remember that March twenty third. That's crazy, I remember, I hold that.

I don't know. I wish Isaac would chime in, but he's asleep at the wheel over here. Mm hmm, he's fucking he's at water Polo brother.

Unbelievable. Our careers are in this guy's hands.


Well, I do want to throw a big party for the tenuear of Game Over Man great, and maybe we could get Netflix to like release like the director's cut, like yeah, bonus features deleted scenes and stuff.

I mean, just the like director's cut. Add in the other storyline, make it fifteen minutes longer, m M re release.

Talk to Ted Adam go bro down with Ted and yeah.

Go just put him in a choke hold and go. Actually, I want to have a meeting right now.

By that point in the night, I didn't have enough in the tank to really go to town. I should, you know, But the old drunk me would I would have been shirtless at this point. I would have tried to get on stage with ce Low. You know what I mean, I would have. I would have been a classic good time and also a liability and also asked to leave. Yeah, so been there, but but you know, I at this point in the night, I got this beautiful woman dumped to drink on me, and I said, enough enough, Yeah, I gotta go. I gotta go, and I'm gonna call it right there. No. Literally, it was like she's like, I'm so sorry. I'm like, oh, it's all good, well, goodbye, guys are going to bed.

And you're just fucking Homer Simpsons.

She's she was like, this is my fault. I'm like, no, no, no. Meanwhile, I'm like, dude, every step I took it was like crunch punch, crunch punch. Because I have a full I got back to my room, I had the full stem. The full stem was stuck in my shoe. What do you mean, like in the side of it. No, underneath, in the waffle part, like the whole like uh bottom, the bottom part was stuck.

Oh yeah yeah.

So I'm watching and it's like.

It's like I have a lip and you did not notice. I guess it's all carpet. Yeah, And so I.

Didn't really notice. And then I get back in the room and I'm like it's just like a little crunchy. I'm like, there has to be some little pieces of glass still stuck with my shoe. It was in the entire bottom part of the glass just came out like a corkscrew. Damn. Well, yeah that's a good that's a good time to call it. Like, yeah, that's all I needed.

Hey, Vegas, baby, that's it.

And then I was like, I mentioned that I was sober in front of Zach brath And and Faison and Kegan Michael Key and They're like, oh yeah, and they they were like yeah, bitch, as if they were like, yeah, you should be sober. They were like yeah, They're like uh huh yeah, So how long has it been?


Good for you?

Good for you?

Yeah, good for you man.

Yeah. Donald was like, you won't remember this, but you kept telling me that I wasn't your mayor, and uhs like same, Yeah, that's so crazy. I guess that's the thing he does.

Sorry, same he did. Yeah, and he came up behind me and like grabbed me by the nipples. It was fucking weird.

Good for you, Good for you, Good for you, man, Wow, good for you. Stay on it, brother.

How's Kig and Michael King?

Oh yeah, he's doing great.

I love that dude.

You know, he's he does an age. He's ageless.

This guy best energy of all time, of anyone ever. Maybe ah so fun Yeah.

He's always uh he's always very very nice and a generous laugher.

Yes, uh huh m makes you feel very funny.

I like that.

Yes he does.

Yeah. I'm like, ah, I'm not that funny. I'm not that funny.

I'm not that funny.

Thank you, thank you. I'm not that funny though, but thank you.

You're far too kind. I'm not that funny. He's a nice guy. I mean, how old is he? He? Like every time I see him, I'm like, he's fifty three years old. So he's Isaac's age and looks like a fucking rotten great oh like a like a melted candle. It's like moldy fruit. And this guy, this guy is just aging backwards. He's looking fantastic.

Did I send you, guys a picture of the oldest cat in the world. It looks like Isaac. No, I don't like you guys. Tell me to show my test.

You didn't see that cat. It's insane. It's like it's where was this at? I would love to say, will you put it in the chat?

It's a thirty six year old cat and it's fucking maybe maybe thirty seven. And its mouth is it's it's a cool looking cat that's like mouth is really du it has like three teth and its eyes are just saggy and it's and it just looks like it's all just some like you know that AI narrator voice where it's like this cat is thirty seven years old. It has that narration.

It's very funny. It's like it's under indestructible and very ugly, and it's like this is Isaac indeed. Okay, and I have a question for Anna, our producer. Can we show this video in the video portion for the YouTube because we never do that. I never our video segments.

They suck. There's well, what ends up happening, Adam? What ends up happening Adam is that then they have to do work and then they're like.

Yeah, yeah, it's like stuff. So yeah, that sucks. That sucks for them.

That would be cool. It'd be cool to play it right now and watch it along.

We have to be the easiest podcast to produce, right, we have to be the easiest podcast to produce. We have to be yes, oh, we have to you know, it's so good.

Yo's pete sure.

I was like, I need you to send me a perfect robe to Tokyo. But besides that, it was like.

It's gorgeous. It's gorgeous, you look great. It was good to be back in Omaha the other week. Though. I will say that, oh say that, yeah, how was she or he? She was great? Dude, I will say, when you aren't drinking, people are git sad for you. Oh god, my god, they're legit sat And in Omaha and Vegas, both places were like are you sure. Like I'm like, I'll take a non alcoholic I don't like it, and they're like are you sure? And I'm like, yeah, yeah, I'm sure. And they're like, you know, okay, it is Friday. Like we're in Omaha on Friday night. They're like, it's Friday night. And I'm like, no, I know, I know a day it is. I don't want to drink. They're like, it's Friday. Yeah, well my doctor told me not to, okay, but it is Friday, okay. And then and in Vegas they're like, hey, hey, why don't you live a little Like a bartender told me that, And I'm like, what if I was struggling with alcoholism? Don't go to Vegas. What if that if he was the guy that just he's like, well, you know you are in Vegas, and then I go, oh, okay.

Yeah, yeah, you know what happens here stays here.

Okay, Well I guess I guess I can have one. And that's how I fall off the wagon. He just gives you a shot and like, I won't tell anybody. Yeah, and then I'm outside the stratosphere buying crank that that escalated ex yep, way to put that together, Blake, It's okay.

We know. Yeah, but Adam, you're you're looking great? Are you feeling great?

Yeah? I think we might have talked about this a little bit. I'm starting to feel a little bit better, which I mean not I'm not back. I'm not back, but I'm feeling better yep.

Right. But but so here's my question, is that like with this new lace on life, thin taught Dick probably looks bigger than ever. Huh right, and Lisa scot that for a little bit. No, but like, so, so, how hard you go back into the thing that made you potentially made you not feel great and pack on just a little extra How hard do you go back into it? Or do we ease back in or do we go new Lisa on life New Me.

Well, we'll see how good I'm feeling if I'm back back. If I'm back back, and then I then mentally, I know that once a year I can go oh to Medine, Colombia, and then I just needed three months a year I can't drink, and then the rest of the time I can be a full on alcoholic.

So let me just get this straight. Let me just step this one out. Oh my god, you're gonna go hard. And then every year go back to Colombia to get your backshots and take three and take three months off and then rinse and repeats. That's not see.

What what I would do is I would do it a little differently. I would take January for March because those are usually kind of lame. Lame ducks.

Tell that to Blazer. Blazer couldn't get through four days. He's like, well, my buddy came to town.

Uh, well, March is Saint Patrick's Day, so you know we have to have a few. Well, dude, that's my mom. She goes, You're not drinking for three I'm like, no, I'm not drinking for three months because of this, you know, because of the stem cells, and she and then it's my birthday and she goes, I'm sure you could have a couple. And I'm like, I can't. I can't have a couple. It's my birthday. And then I'm like, I'm going to Vegas and she's like, in Vegas, I'm sure you.

Can disowned you.

You can have a couple. I'm like, no, I can't. I can't have a couple. What are you talking about.

She's just a cop.

Didn't your dad say the same thing?

Yeah, yeah, they're right, you can have a couple.

No. Wasn't this the like conversation you have with your dad. We're like, yeah, well what do doctors know? You can smoke some weed? Yeah?

My doctor's like you're a bitch. And I'm like, okay, I do love.

Like this is your origin story.

Yeah, I get it.

A mom was like drink and a dad is like you have to smoke?

Oh no, it's beautiful.

This is what makes you you.

Brother. Yeah, you got a party, brother.

Absolutely, you were created in a lab.

She goes, well, you'll be proud of me. And I'm like, what's that? And she goes, my friends wanted to go drinking at the Mexican restaurant and I didn't even want to go. I'm like, okay, yeah, good for you. And then she goes, I went, but I want to go, but I went, but I went and I go, okay, and she goes and I only had two and I'm like, I'm drunk now. I am proud of her two pictures of margarite.

Yeah, And I'm like, okay, I am proud.

This is the way.

That's good.

I'm proud that she's proud.

So you So the moral of the story is you didn't want to go and you didn't want to drink, but you went and you did drink.

And I'm like, okay, that's a legend, mate.

Yeah, yeah, what's school. She's like, I kind of just want you to say, you're still proud of me. You'd be proud, right, you'd be proud.

I am proud of her.

I love her.

I'm proud. I'm proud. Yeah, that's so cool, you'd be proud. I love her.

I mean, I I came.

I came from them. There's a reason. There's a reason I'm such an animal.

You know, Yeah, dude, Yeah, cut from the claw.

They created a monster makes sense. Yeah, well you're great and if you're feeling better, then that's all that matters. And I can't wait till the day that you can get super hammered again.

Real, let's do it.

Yeah, I mean I am. I'm feeling a lot better. Thanks for asking, guys.

It's uh, I'm.

Feeling pretty pumped. I'm I actually have a few bud lights on me right now. And as you can see, do you see these cool San Francisco bud light cans? I guess they did these for almost every NFL team. What a great promotion.

Yeah, they gotcha. I feel they do that every year.

But yeah, why don't they do this with a bunch more shit, like when a movie drops, Like if I could get like a Dune bud light, that'd be fucking cool as ship, dude, because no one.

Gives a ship about Dune?

Are you out of your mind? Did you just?

No one who cares to fine Star Wars fucking Dune? Fucking Dune, dude, Dune, those du movies? Yeah, what are you talking about those? You're out of your mind? You guys don't like the movie Doom, absolutely, I don't.

I didn't even see the second one because the first one was so bad.

What I did not see the second one? The first one, I fucking hate it. You guys didn't see the first one either. Saw the first one. We've covered this, Yeah, we've covered it. We talked about this. Well, the second one is even better. The second one is even better.

Giving it another shot, Yeah, you know what I said, doing better.

Okay, don't give that point. I'm not giving that. Don't give his bad word. I'm not giving that one point. I said that I'm willing to give it a shot. And maybe I was just in a bad because sometimes you'll watch a movie and you're in a mood or you're just you're looking at your phone. You know, you're not in the mood to like sit for a three and a half hour long shower cast movie where like Austin Butler's doing weird accents or whatever the fuck.

Is happenings, and he likes awesome Butler talk, He loves a.

B So you maybe you're not in the mood for that. And then I was like, well, maybe I should go back watch the first one, give it a real shot, because I did hear that the second one was better. It's awesome, right, it's off the freaking chain.

And guess what, you hear all sorts of stuff these days, and I'm not buying it.

Everybody has an opinion, But dude, it's off the chain. It's a superior movie.

Making these are views of the fucking Wizard of Oz movie are If people are lying to me about this movie wicked, I'm gonna go absolutely insane.

They are well there because they're they're saying that it's the greatest movie in the best movie of all time.

They're saying it's amazing. And if it's not.

Have you seen the musical ever? Are you familiar with the word? No, No, I am not. I have not either. I've heard it's fantastical.

I know. I remember the commercials for it with Kristin Channa was saying Pooler. I remember they played that shit constantly.


By the way, that's not for me, man, It's just not for me, right. Tell you what I am excited for is Gladiator.

That's interesting.

That's the one. That's the one.

Okay, it's supposed to be horrible. No, it's supposed to be pretty good.

I thought Gladiator too.

Everyone I've talked to said it's bad. People said they walked out of it.

No, No, walking out of a movie is inexcusable. You can't walk out of movies. Nothing's that bad. No, nothing's that bad.


I someone a movie director told me they walked out of it.

Oh wow, can you tell us and we'll bleep it or cut it. We'll cut this.

Just tell us, I'll tell you. I'll tell you after the pod. I'll just tell us right now, we'll cut it. I'll tell you after the post.

Tell us, just tell us, we'll cut it. Steven Spielberg, You didn't talk to Steven Spielberg. No, he didn't talk to Spielberg. Well, there's no way.

Literally, Denzel Washington is, isn't it. I'm gonna Washtay just to see him.

Everyone says Denzel's good and the rest is bad.

Of course, of course.

Well I'm going to stick around for his entire performance because I have respect. I would never disrespect Denzel Washington circles back. Did you see that, uh, the Denzel Washington's kid new movie with Samuel Jackson Something Phone, something on their phone. It came out on Netflix and it was like number five on Netflix.

That's crazy.

What do you mean?

In what way you expected to be higher. Yeah, two big stars. You'd think it'd come out and it'd be number one. It's like number five.

That sucks. I don't think he's a big star. I don't he's not.

I don't know that he sounds it looks exactly like Denzel, So why you know?

I know, but I but like, but also you said the movies is called the Phone or something like that.

I don't fuck, it's some ship.

I don't think he's I don't think he's garnering the audience that maybe people think.

Is I'm saying the piano lesson, well, it sounds the point. No one wants to sit through a piano lesson. A piano lesson.

What's his name? Isaiah? Is it Isaiah Washington?


Is that somebody else?

I don't know.

I'm pretty sure that is also like a play or something. I maybe I may be making that up, John David.

John David, Who's Isaiah Washington?

A totally different guy?

I'm just making suit up.

Yeah, well, did you hear that Denzel Washington announced that he will be retiring after he does like six more movies.


Yeah, pretty broken up about it. Yeah, dude, Hey, I'm gonna I'm gonna retire after thirty more movies, Yeah, might as well.

Well, I forget what he was, but he's like, they're writing me apart in this Marvel movie and then uh then I'm gonna do like King Lear and then I'm gonna call it a career.

Good. Hell yeah, he's He's arguably our best. He's amazing.

Yeah, he's in He's insane.

I love Denzel.

What's your favorite Denzel Washington movie?

Guy, I feel like you have a soundboard that you could drop right now we're talking.

I love Denzel. Do we think that even though he is a great actor, that he and I'm I feel like all of us are also uh you know, we also fall into this category really great actors also really really great actors are the exact same. He's the exact same in every movie, no matter who he is, He's Denzel Washington.

I was intoxicated, thank you. Huh. I disagree.


I think that he has his bag that he goes into when he's like the equal lizer and when he's training day like that tough guy.

Mm hmmm.

But then, like you just you played the flight a little clip there from flight Flight, he's totally different. What about dude.

He got game. Well, he's just He's just Denzel.

But like Sad, He's always gonna be Denzel. He's always gonna be Donzel.

He's never done prosthetics. We want him to be in some serious prosthetics. Oh shit, like Colin Ferrell on The Penguin.

Okay, so, hey, Blake, why are you lying to us? You you come on the podcast, you just lie. Not lying, dude, I didn't lie. Todd just put in the chat. Denzel Washington clarifies he is not retiring from acting anytime soon.

Okay, this is a clarification. Obviously, I heard the first part of the conversation where everybody mistaken.

Mister Harrington's phone.

I don't know what the fuck Isaac's targe. It's just Isaac just woke up from a fucking dream.

I'm listen than god. I'm so sorry. The oldest cat in the world just fucking chimed in mister Harring his phone.

He's as I didn't say I was good at Denzil says, I didn't say I was going to go into retirement, you bitch. I said that it has to be a level of interest to me. I'm more interested in getting behind the camera. It's not what he said. Okay, that's not what he said.

This is the way.

Wait, but you guys don't see anything until you see the substance.

Isaac, it's called the Piano Lesson. We've already covered this, you dumb fuck. Isaac's like mister Harrington's phone. I got in minutes later.

I got it. I was intoxicated.

Is that the fun movie from Netflix? No, dude, it's the Piano Lesson. We just talked about it.

But like to the piano lesson point, like even that Brad Pitt, George Clooney, whatever the fuck it's called, like dogs or cats or hawks or what's it called. It's on Apple and it came out and nobody saw it. Owls, Wolves, it's called wolves.

Oh yeah, but that's because it's on Apple, and nobody really watches anything on Apple.

Well true, except for Monarch It.

So for the show current, we wish him the best. You're doing, God's.

Wish there's a bigger audience.

Yes, I mean because they have some cool ship that I just people just don't watch it on Apple for whatever reason.

Sure they've got good stuff.

Blake with his beanie right now looks like like he just has those like little Korean girl bangs, you know, the straight a crossed. Yeah, that's a fucking sick look right now.

Who's the stand up comedian? Oh yeah, you look like her?

Oh yeah, what is her name?

What's her name? We said it on an ad dang it? I can never remember.

Well, you look like her, Thank you, Atsuko.

Okay, well, here's the video. Can we play the video of the world's oldest cat?


Who did you say?

Look like?




Okay, yeah, because here it is. I haven't looked at it yet. I'm excited. Here we go, and we're going to play this on the on the podcast.

That's cool.

I am playing it now to hear it is.

Okay, this is great, this is this is good.

He does look remarkably, remarkably like Isaac.

He's are we back?

He's worn Yeah, I just came back. He's he said, he's worn up by life and he wants to be done living. And that's how I feel about Isaac sometimes when I getting radical. Yeah, nice man, come on.

Just with all the It's like when you see somebody old and they have wisdom, but then you see someone old and you're like that person has no wisdom. That's that's Isaac, and that's that cat.

Yeah, and here's Isaac chiming in minutes after we get the answered with the answer again delay or something. Yeah, something's happening over there. His brain is on delay at Suko? Is it at Suko? That's that's who Blake looks like currently.

Ex super thank you sounds Japanese.

Did you guys look at that clip of someone sent me the clip of Red Bar Radio, which I didn't even know what that was exactly.

But oh yeah, I felt immediately old. I started as soon as I started watching that, I was like, it's this. I get it. This is a new genre of comedy. I was like, fuck, I'm old. Well, it's not even he doesn't.

Like necessarily skew old. I think it's skews. I'm not saying it's skews old or sorry, excuse young. I don't think it's scus young. The guy is like our age, if not older.

I'm not saying he's not old. I'm saying that to be a shock jock who comments on things on the internet that to me skews at least under thirty five.

R right, sure, sure, it's new new wave for sure.

Yes, I didn't know it was like a thing you could do.

But the only people that I know that that watch it are old people, so I don't know if it is. Yeah, it's just it's just very internet Internet people, people that in their life. I'm surprised Blake doesn't watch it, but lived their life on the Internet.

I've tapped in. You know, I'm a YouTube guy. I fall into YouTube holes all the time.

I told you, Yeah, well, it was kind of interesting. He just like takes down I think he's like a little takedown artist for comedians. And uh, he had a little clip of us. He called me a fat, gay retard or something like he was something.

He did not say gay, No, he did went full shock jock.

Oh, he said, I don't like it. He said the F word, which I'll never say. No, And also I would like to take back me saying retarded. A couple of weeks ago, you know, I thought about it, and I was, uh, I do think that is rude. And I met some down center people in Vegas. They were partying, they were having a great time.

And I was like, those weren't people that was you sober being around drunk people.

No, no, no, they were they were down syndrome. Yeah people, and uh yeah, I'd like to take it that back. I feel I feel bad about that, and he take back some Jesus any whatever, slam dunks, What do you want to slam on someone? Blake?

I By the way, I can't wait for the comments to be like, looks like Adam wentz Off. The industry got after room.

Yeah, I know, well, like there's some big industry that's I do love it that's coming after me.

I know.

I like people think special Olympics.

People think like, uh, there's like an actual industry that cares about any of us. No, we're just all trying to like get work. Like there's no one cares, at least at our level.

They do not care.

No, We're We're in the clear.

Fucking disaster, my guy, We're in the clear.

We're not getting the co which is why I'm here. I'm here to announce some transitioning just for work. We just need to get more.

Work, you know, honestly, honestly it would work.

I would support you work if that's really what you felt in your heart, and then yeah, i'd support you.

Well that is that is what's going to happen? You know that. That's what happened in the first time Trump won Dune three is immediately Hollywood's like, We're gonna be so fucking liberal. We're gonna be so liberal. And then they skewed that that direction, and then the rest of America was like, can we just can we just be a regular amount of liberal and republican? Why do we need to be so far one direction from the other? And then everyone hated hated Hollywood. I love you guys, well, I still like it.

I like Dune.

You guys don't.

I think Hollywood's doing really great. They're knocking it out of the park.

What I think I want to see the the Bob Dylan movie. What is Timothy Shallo May famous for? Like? What was his jump off?

What's the that that gay movie with Army Hammer Call Me by my Bye, Call me by my Name? What's it going at? Like you don't know it by your name? I don't know. I don't know that. I was close. That was funny to pretend that you don't know the gay movie Timothy Schallamey and Army Hammer. I've never seen it. I know that there's like a scene where he fock's a peach or something. But I've walked in on you watching the gayest movie of all time alone in your bedroom with the lights.

You know we've covered this. I was a theater student. I Angels in America, very pivotal theater experience.

All I know is I walked in on you and it was it was a gay man saying let me infect you or yes. And it's a very powerful scene, Adam. And it's a very power I'm saying as I walked in on you watch on the Dark alone in his.

Dark, I'm a it was my major, Adam. I was a theater major. I had to watch that. I wasn't gonna tell you guys to come in there and watch it with me. I was doing it by myself. All I'm saying is you watched that movie.

So there's literally no way you didn't know the Timothy Chella May Army Hammer gay movie.

No that I don't believe that was adapted from the stage. I watch anything that was adapted from the because.

I that's what I'm getting. I liked him in Dune Wes Anderson movie. But I saw Wonka. Did you guys watch wonkah? My kids were like, this is awful, Dad, can we turn it off and watch something else? And I was like, whoa, I get this. This is their first Like this is a bad movie.

I don't remember hating it. You saw it the new one?


I see most movies, just not Dune.

Just not do you don't see the good one. I didn't see Wonka Unfortunately. It was rough, but Gene Wilder set set such a high bar with the original Charlie and Chocolate Factory that it just nothing ever captures that magic.

I'm sorry. Have you seen the Johnny Depp ones? Those are awesome?

I haven't.

I have not. Johnny Depp is doing some real work in that.

I didn't really like those. Yeah, he's like, yeah, do his next level? Well, he's Johnny Depp. I don't like when Johnny Depp goes too weird. I'm not, and you're just trying to out weird yourself in this one.

I liked it because it's like, oh, this is a huge, like family friendly popcorn movie and he's doing like the most insane weird shit that You're like, they let him do this in this movie.

Yeah, he comes off a little creepy, but he knows Yeah, he came off a little creepy. I was like, he's gonna touch these kids. That's the whole thing is that You're like, he's gonna chop him up and put him in some skittles.

I gotta keep watching. Was there a rewrite? Did that change it from the og? Yeah?

Well, Jane, while there's my my wontka okay, me too, I might keep it there.

No, not me. I'm a shallow guy. But I'm like, I'm running out of shallow may I'm like i want more.

I don't know, I know, And everyone's like he's our best he's our best actor, and.

I'm like, no, in what as long as Denzel is kind of what I'm saying. I mean, he's pretty good in done. He's pretty good in done.

No, he's not.

I liked him in doing.

Okay, yes he is.

He's good in doing.

He doesn't have anything to do.

Yeah, he's no Austin Butler who still sounds like Elvis for some reason.

And you know what, I think this Bob Dylan movie might be pretty good.

Take backs apologies.

I want to apologize to Timothy show Man. I'm not coming at you. I just see, like all these movies, and I'm like, maybe I'm missing something. Maybe I'm missing something. I don't know. I'm getting old. My heroes are dying.

I want to take back the misinformation I spread about Denzel Washington retiring. Evidently it was a miscommunication. I look forward to seeing him direct a little more. I think he's I think he's an excellent artist.

So anything and what is if you if you're listening, slide into Blake's dms. What is the biggest Denzel swing outside of being Denzel that we're missing, Like a movie where he did something totally different?

Was he in lawnmower Man?

No? No, yeah, that was.

Well, he did some Shakespeare. He did Shakespeare. He did right.

But was he like Twas the Night before Christmas all for the house? Yeah, he was Denzel Shakespeare.

That's literally a Christmas Carol.

That's Shakespeare, brother, dude, and as a theater major, I'm offended.

Okay by Oh Blake, did you see what this is important? I think this is important. Instagram account just posted you and your high school plays and it's like you with your ass in the air looking back.

What yeah you like?

Oh yeah, the bitch dressed is like a baby sitting on top of a giant like, yeah, those were the one Axe man, and that was a very funny show. People thought I was hilarious in that. Okay, I'm just saying they're very funny. They're very funny photos.

I was, I did, I did plays, I did One Axe for sure.

Saw the Gay movie. I have not seen it without a hammer in it is him and Army Hammer.


Yeah, yeah, without a doubt. You've seen it. That's incredible, hammer Time, hammer Time. He's such a legend.

He's back.

He's back, apparently, is he yeah? Eating back? He did and actually eat people. I don't think. I think he just said he wanted to eat people.

He kind of did.

And there's footage of him saying he likes workaholics, which is really cool to me.

That is tight.

Yeah, I mean the guy seems tight. Freak Yeah, yeah, I'll be I'll be at the Seafood Tower at the freak cough meet me by the cold Trimp. Yeah, at the freak Off. That's Robby extra Adam.

Hold on because I got some hot, hot, hot, hot, Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Tell your families, I say hello, yes, loves, Tell your family and happy Thanksgiving guys from Happy Thanksgiving, and know that we're recording this just before Thanksgiving two weeks later.

But two weeks late. I can't wait to talk Thanksgiving next time we get back together.

Oh man, And that was another episode of.

Hit Us for Something, Blake.

I know, I'm just I just thought of what I should play.

Well, then play it right now. Well, I don't wait, We'll wait.

Yeah, oh, here we go. We'll wait. It's gonna be bad, it's gonna be good. What is this? What is this? You already know? Maybe he's not your mayor.

I don't know this.

This his fathers take carry your daughters or whatever? Right here else you give ahead? Yeah, dude, I don't know what this is. What it's the John Mayerson where he says, fathers take care of your daughters, which is some g shiv. Sure to be good.

He does have a beautiful voice, he does.

Yeah, yep. And I'm glad he doesn't talk like that because that would be maybe too much. Hey, I love where the holidays.

Hey, Oh god, sorry about what I said when I was really fucked up about it. I was drunk. I'm super nah, I know I said some fun.

Up ship your dad Adam, be good to yourself. Goodbye,

This Is Important

Adam Devine, Anders Holm, Blake Anderson, and Kyle Newacheck seriously discuss some very important t 
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